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Test : General Product Support Assessment

Passez en revue vos réponses, les commentaires en retour et les notes ci-dessous.
This 60-question assessment test is the final component of the General Product Support guided learning path. This assessment
will allow you to test your knowledge of the information provided in the learning plan. Receiving a passing score of 80% or
higher makes you eligible to become an Oracle Support Accredited User. Please note that you are only able to access the
assessment once within a 24 hr period.
Customer User Administration and Support Identifiers
(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
1. A Support Identifier (SI) is a numeric value that identifies the products your company has Question à revoir
purchased. It is required to access My Oracle Support. (1) Points


2. As a customer or partner, what is the best way to locate a Support Identifier (SI)? Question à revoir
(1) Points
Log a Service Request
Log a non-technical Service Request or ask a colleague on your team who might be using the
SI you want
Post a question in the Using My Oracle Support Community
You can look up your Support Identifiers in your Support Contract
Both 2 and 4


3. A Support Identifier Group (SIG) enables your CUA to group hardware assets, software licenses, Question à revoir
and users in a single SI. (1) Points

4. It is an Oracle recommended best practice to have multiple CUAs for each Support Identifier Question à revoir
(although you are allowed to select only one per SI). (1) Points

5. The Customer User Administrator (CUA) can manage access levels for other CUAs for the SAME Question à revoir
Support Identifier (SI). (1) Points

6. Oracle Support manages roles and responsibilities for all users associated to a Support Identifier in Question à revoir
My Oracle Support. (1) Points


Knowledge Search and Browse

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
7. During SR Creation flow, My Oracle Support will offer you suggested solutions as you define your Question à revoir
problem. You have the option to turn off these suggested solution results (My Account, (1) Points
Knowledge Preferences), although it is a recommended best practice to leave the suggestions
turned on.


8. When you type a search string into the global search bar (on any tab), your search results are Question à revoir
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usually provided on the Knowledge tab unless you search for a specific Service Request number. (1) Points


9. After performing a search, your results are displayed. What options are available to further refine Question à revoir
your search results? (1) Points
You can filter the results by clicking the down arrow next to the knowledge source type.
Turn off Search Term Suggestion in knowledge preferences
You can select one or more knowledge collection types, add more words, and select a
product, version or platform
Once the search has run, you would need to create a new one with more filters.

10. Amy and Joe are searching for performance information in My Oracle Support. When they Question à revoir
compared results, Amy saw that Joe was getting a longer list of search results. If Amy wants to (1) Points
increase the number of search suggestions for future searches, she can go to the Settings tab,
Knowledge Preferences and can UPDATE her current setting (Number of Search Suggestions)
from 5 to 10. She also would want to make sure this preference is set to ON.


11. Tom is always looking to improve his productivity. He often searches in My Oracle Support and Question à revoir
spends time each week reviewing his search results. A colleague recommended that he set up and (1) Points
use PowerViews to help filter and focus his information needs. What can Tom accomplish by
creating a PowerView?
He can replace the global search functionality by creating a PowerView
He can create a PowerView for a specific product, and turn it on when needed to
automatically filter Knowledge and other regions. He can also create multiple PowerViews to
display information that he needs for different products.
He can automate information updates to his email as each PowerView has the option to
trigger an email when specified content is updated.
None of the above


12. Mary is aware of PowerView filters. Is there another recommended way to quickly search for Question à revoir
content in My Oracle Support based on product? (1) Points
Check the Certifications tab
Use the global search bar
Post a thread in My Oracle Support Community
Use the (Search & Browse) feature on the Knowledge tab to select your product and enter
your search term.

Product Certifications
(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
13. What does the Certifications tab in My Oracle Support provide to the user? Question à revoir
(1) Points
A quick way to log Service Requests related to Certification questions.
This tab is only available to you in My Oracle Support if you purchase a special support
contract. The average user does not have access.
Access to product certification information
None of the above


14. What is the definition of a certification? Question à revoir

(1) Points
A combination of Oracle and third-party products, operating systems, or hardware that Oracle
believes should work together
A combination of Oracle and third-party products, operating systems, or hardware that Oracle
has tested and should work together.
A testing matrix that Oracle provides via the Certifications tab that allows you to compare
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combinations of Oracle and third-party products

None of the above


15. The Support Information provided by the Certifications search does NOT include Ongoing Support Question à revoir
information related to availability of patches for your product. (1) Points


16. You type a search for Oracle E-Business Suite, Release 12.2.4, and leave Platform as ANY. Your Question à revoir
Certification search results will show a list of Oracle-E-Business Suite 12.2.4 certifications with (1) Points
components like Operating Systems, Application Servers, and Databases. You will be able to drill
into the details using the links under Number of Releases and Versions.


17. You need to search for certification data to prepare for your team meeting. However, you are NOT Question à revoir
sure of the exact product name to use in the Certifications tab. What is the recommended (1) Points
approach to find what you need?
Open a new technical Service Request with Oracle Support
You may be able to find your product by typing a portion of the name. Try a few possible
names for your product, including abbreviations. As you type, you can select your desired
product from the options displayed. Many Oracle products are findable with aliases
Create a new discussion and ask the Certifications community
Check your SI to find out exactly how to input the product name
None of the above

18. The Certifications tab in My Oracle Support is able to directly answer most of your certification Question à revoir
questions. The exception is older information that may not be included. (1) Points


Patches and Updates

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
19. How do you download a patch from the Patch Details page? Please select all answers that apply. Question à revoir
(1) Points
(Choisir toutes les réponses correctes)
A user cannot directly download a patch from this site
From the patch search results, highlight a row, then select Download from the option bar
Search the knowledge base for an article on patching for your product and click the download
Open a Service Request to ask Oracle Support to download the patch from this site
From the patch search results, click on a patch number to view the patch detail, then click
20. To download a specific patch, you must have Patch Download Access in your account that Question à revoir
matches the Download Access on the patch AND your customer user administrator (CUA) must set (1) Points
Access Patches to DOWNLOAD (not View Only) for your account.


21. The product name used by the patch system in My Oracle Support is the same as the product Question à revoir
name used for service requests or the Knowledge base. To find the product name, start entering (1) Points
the product name that you are looking for in the Product box and the product selector will narrow
down the choices to help you find the right product

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22. You are relatively new to patching your Oracle Product. Where can you get additional clarification Question à revoir
on My Oracle Support functionality related to patching? (1) Points
Log a technical Service Request to ask for advice on patching
From the Patches & Updates tab, select the help link (upper right) to view patching-related
information like Patch Searches and Patch Details
Log a non-technical service request to get a brief demo from Oracle Support on patching
Use the General Patch Questions region on the Patches & Updates tab and locate the general
patch questions link and type in your question

23. What is a Patch Advisor? Question à revoir

(1) Points
A type of Lifecycle Advisor in My Oracle Support that co-locates patching information in areas
such as Upgrade Advisors and Patching & Maintenance Advisors
The Patch Advisor is the Readme file included with all Patches that provide specific install
A specific patch search in My Oracle Support that only focuses on patch information
A tool that you can download that will analyze the patches on your system to confirm you are
on the latest patch set
None of the above


24. You have a question about a patch you are downloading. What is the option that Oracle Question à revoir
recommends? (1) Points
Submit a Service Request with your question as the summary
Call Oracle Support and ask a Support Engineer
Locate the patch via search on the Patches & Updates page; select the patch number to view
the patch details, and select start a discussion or reply to a discussion based on what is
Log into My Oracle Support Community, locate your product and post your question


My Oracle Support Community

(Répondez à toutes les questions de cette section.)
25. If you have general questions about My Oracle Support and have not found answers in the help Question à revoir
menu or in the knowledge base, a best practice is to post your question to Using My Oracle (1) Points
Support Community.


26. You heard about a new community and want to check it out. When you open My Oracle Support Question à revoir
Community, you only see a few options listed in the SPACES YOU FOLLOW pane (left navigation). (1) Points
What do you need to do to locate a new community?
Ask your Customer User Administrator (CUA) to change your Community access settings
under My Account
From the navigation banner, click the Space List down arrow, locate a space of interest (for
example: Middleware MOSC) and then click on it to view the associated sub-spaces
View the new communities created this week in the Spotlight Area.
Log a non-technical Service Request
None of the above


27. You want to post a question to a My Oracle Support Community. How do you locate the correct Question à revoir
community for your product and type of question? (1) Points
Post your question in the Using My Oracle Support community to make sure as many users as
possible can view it.
Using the Navigation Banner, select your product, then drill down into a specific sub-space
related to your question. Ask your question to the sub-space and it will be reviewed by users

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with the right product knowledge to help

Log a technical Support Request for assistance
Ask your Customer User Administrator to grant you access to the community in question and
it will appear the next time you log in

28. Sally has a great idea to improve a product. From the home page of Community, she clicks Question à revoir
Create, Idea. When she attempts to locate the correct Place (In a Place), her product area is not (1) Points
listed. What does this mean?
This feature is not available and should not be displayed.
The space or sub-space you want to use has NOT enabled this feature. Only spaces and sub-
spaces that support IDEA CREATE are available for selection
Open a non-technical Service Request, as this is a bug.
Post this question in the Using My Oracle Support Community


29. Which of the following attributes describe the value of My Oracle Support Community? Question à revoir
(1) Points
Available to users 7x24x365. You can always engage in the global community at a convenient
time in your work day
Each community is staffed with a special set of Oracle support engineers who engage
exclusively with online questions
Leverage the shared experience of your peers and subject-matter experts to quickly expand
your knowledge and awareness
Using communities allows you to bypass the standard Service Request creation process in My
Oracle Support and fast-track your issues
Both 1 and 3


30. The same Oracle Support Engineers that resolve technical Service Requests also participate in My Question à revoir
Oracle Support Community to share their knowledge and expertise as part of this trusted (1) Points


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