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HOW TO TEACH LISTENING Comprehension? What to Classroom Songs: 16

Keep An Ear Out For Creative Ways
3 HOW TO: How to
Guide Your ESL
Students towards Better 16 HOW TO: How to Open 29-30 MUSIC & SONGS: We
Listening... Step by Step Their Ears and Get Them are Never Getting Back
Listening to Each Other Together: Popular Music
in No Time to Teach English
4-5 MUST READ: Do You
Hear What I Hear? 8
Activities to Improve 17 REAL LIFE: 5 Real Life 31 MOVIES & VIDEO: The
Listening Skills Activities for Listening Best Shows/Movies for
Practice a Children’s ESL Video
6-7 HOW TO: How to Teach
Listening Skills: Best 18 REAL LIFE: 10 Great
Practices Sources for Real 32-33 MOVIES & VIDEO:
Listening Practice: Part English Video Lessons:
One Winning Strategies for
8 MUST READ: Loud and the ESL Class
Clear: Three Listening
Activities Adaptable for 19 REAL LIFE: 10 Great 34 MOVIES & VIDEO:
Any Level Sources for Real How To Use TV In Your
Listening Practice: Part Classroom: 6 Creative
Two ESL Approaches
The Right Stuff: Three
Brilliant Beginner 20 REAL LIFE: Authentic 35-36 MOVIES & VIDEO:
Listening Activities Listening: What ESL What You Can Do With
Materials Lack and How a TV Series: 8 Creative
to Get It Ideas You Can Use
10 MUST READ: Building
Listening Skills for
Employment 21-22 MUSIC & SONGS: 10 37-38 MOVIES & VIDEO:
ESL Activities That Will Beyond Naptime:
Bring Music to Your Ears Incorporate Movies in
11 MUST READ: Do You the Classroom and Keep
Recognize These 9 ESL them Riveted
Listening Mistakes? 23 MUSIC & SONGS: Take
a Musical Trip Around the
World With These ESL 39 TOP 10: Top 10
12 MUST READ: The 3 Most Activities Christmas Songs for ESL
Successful Approaches Classes
for All-Around Better
Listening Skills 24-25 MUSIC & SONGS:
Song Time: “Excuses” 40 RESOURCES: Listen Up:
and Methods to Using Online Resources
13 MUST READ: Top Incorporate Music in the to Amplify Listening
7 Ways to Get the ESL Classroom Skills
Most out of Listening
Exercises 26 HOW TO: How to Teach 41 BONUS: Voicethread,
Using Songs Voki, Listen & Watch:
English Homework for
14 MUST READ: Hear Ye! Listening and Speaking
Hear Ye! Sure-fire Ways 27 MUSIC & SONGS: What You Can Use
to Boost Your Students’ You Can Do With a Song:
Listening Skills 5 Creative ESL Listening
Activities 42-43 BONUS: yes Yes YES!
How to Teach Sentence
15 MUST READ: 3 Secrets Stress
to Successful Listening 28 MUSIC & SONGS:
Guide Your ESL Students towards
Better Listening…Step by Step
Of all of the skills ESL students need to The best type of audio or video com- • The goal is to gradually wean the
develop to improve their overall English ponent they should work with at first is student off the scripts altogether and
fluency, listening is probably the most the very same audio included with the have them just listen for comprehen-
frustrating. Think about it. They can take coursebook, and very likely the same one sion
as long as they need to read or write. you hear in class. They should start with
They can carefully choose what to say
when they speak, if they choose to speak
at all. But weak listening places students
a short listening exercise. They should
listen to it as many times as they want.
They can listen only. They can listen and
There are magazines or monthly
in the most frustrating situations. Fortu- read the script. But they should work with publications that are specifically target-
nately for them, there is a way to slowly this material until they start noticing some ed to ESL students and come complete
but steadily improve their listening skills, improvement in their listening skills. with reading material, exercises and
and you can guide them every step of the CDs. They often provide interesting ar-

ticles and are very similar to any Time or
Newsweek, but are specifically published
to give ESL students exposure to more
“real-life” material. Some of the most
WEAK LISTENING Again, it will depend on your student’s popular are Speak Up and Today in Eng-
level and vocabulary, but could they pos- lish. Check out your local newsstand for
When students have to work on a par- similar publications that you can recom-
sibly tackle a longer conversation? May-
ticularly weak area, it is best for them mend to your students.
be an extended listening from the book?
to focus their efforts on improving this
At this point, they should still stick to ma-
specific skill. I’m not saying they should
neglect the usual homework and do
something that is tailor-made just for
them. They should complete the planned
terial that has been created for students,
with vocabulary they are familiar with or
included in their book.
Finally, after months of hard work,
your student should be ready to tackle

coursework, just like everyone else, but real life audio and video material. They
in addition to this, they should work on REPETITION AND TIMEFRAME should start with shorter audio and prog-
improving the skill that needs work – in ress to longer material. For example,
Depending on the student, they
this case, listening. I cannot emphasize business English students can listen to
may have to listen to the same audio
enough that the strategy I will outline the short videos available on
file several times. Tell them that this is
below is for students to implement after before sitting down in front of the TV and
the best way – repetition gets results, no
school and in their own time. listening to the full news broadcast. Stu-
matter how boring it gets. Picture some-
Will they have to work harder? Of course! one who’s learning to play tennis. He or dents who want comedy or more casual
Will it take up more of their time? Natu- she stands in the same spot hitting one conversations should first watch a couple
rally! ball after another, till they get the tech- of sitcoms (most are 20-minute episodes)
Simply remind your students of the pop- nique right. It’s the same with any skill. before moving on to feature-length films.
ular saying: no pain, no gain! So if you Also, this type of listening helps students With TV series and movies on DVD, they
want to guide your students towards bet- incorporate set phrases and expres- also have the option to turn the subtitles
ter listening, here’s what to do: sions, which they’ll be able to recall and on or off (see the strategy above for audio
use when the opportunity arises. It also scripts). When choosing series or mov-
helps them learn correct pronunciation ies, guide the student towards selecting
STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE and intonation. To sum up: repetition gets those where the actors speak clearly and
TOWARDS BETTER results! without too much slang.

Coursebooks include the audio
scripts for a good reason. They help stu-
Choose short audio or video segments dents with weak listening learn. If the A DVD AND ARE TERRIBLY DISAP-
that are appropriate to your student’s scripts are available in the teacher’s book POINTED WHEN THEY DON’T UNDER-
level. Do not encourage them to attempt and not the student’s, copy them. You STAND A THING.
to listen to and understand a CNN news can instruct your student to do this: They should try one particular strategy
story or a movie right from the start. This for a few weeks or till they notice im-
• First listen to the audio and read the
is the biggest mistake ESL students provement. Don’t forget to monitor their
script at the same time
make. It’s too difficult. So they get frus- efforts. This could also realistically take
• Then, listen to the audio without
trated. It takes them hours to get a small years to accomplish if we’re dealing with
part of the conversation. So they give up beginners. But you will have started them
• Repeat as many times as necessary
altogether. on the right road.

Do You Hear What I Hear? 8 Ac-
tivities to Improve Listening Skills
a “secret” word or phrase. For easier you can go back to the spot and lis-
LISTENING IS THE GATEWAY TO dialogues, give a simple phrase such ten again. These are important skills
UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUNI- as “I love soccer,” or “My father works for students to master so that they can
CATING AND, THEREFORE, IS ABSO- a lot...” etc. To challenge students, give continue learning even outside of the
LUTELY CRITICAL FOR LANGUAGE a slightly more obscure phrase, such classroom by hearing new words.
LEARNERS OF ALL SKILLS. as “John does yoga every Saturday,”

If students struggle to listen carefully, or “I saw a UFO in my yard last night.” STUDENT-DESIGNED
they will miss out on important inter-
actions both inside and outside of the QUIZZES
Students are then tasked with devel-
classroom. oping a dialogue with their partner that If students are in a computer lab or if
somehow uses this phrase. Students they have iPads/iPhones, give each
The problem with listening instruction may script the dialogue if they wish, student a dialogue, lecture, or song to
is that it is commonly thought to be but only give them limited planning listen to. These can be easily found on
boring and passive - students simply time (5-10 minutes). After they have various free listening websites. Have
sit and listen. However, teaching lis- prepared their dialogue, students per- students listen to the lecture multiple
tening doesn’t have to be dull! There form the dialogue in front of the class, times and then create a quiz for an-
are many ways to create engaging and and the other students listen carefully other student to take. Students will be
interactive lessons that focus on listen- to hear which words or phrases seem excited to “play teacher” by creating
ing skills. Here are eight different ways extra carefully planned to find the se- quiz questions, and they will have to
to build students’ listening skills: cret phase. If you have individual white rely on their listening skills to write ac-
boards, have the students write down curate questions.
TRY THESE 8 the phrase as they hear it and then
show their board after the pair has fin- DESCRIBE THE...
IMPROVE LISTENING ished the dialogue. If they found the
SKILLS correct secret phrase, they get a point. Place students into pairs and
If no one finds the pair’s secret phrase, have them sit back to back. Give one

Using a free website (such as
the pair that developed the dialogue
gets a point.
student in the pair a unique picture
with a lot of simple shapes drawn on it.
I prefer to draw my own pictures with

Voice Thread) have students record
voice journals about their week. En-
LISTEN FOR THE WORD randomly placed hearts, flowers, stars,
houses, stick figures, etc. Put these
courage students with semi-personal Using popular culture media is shapes in different places, angles, and
topics or hypothetical questions (e.g. always a good way to practice listen- with extra features as desired. Give
What would you do if you had one mil- ing skills. Using songs, watching TV the second student in the pair a blank
lion dollars? Describe your best vaca- shows, or even listening to podcasts piece of paper. The student with the
tion. etc..) to prompt speaking. This will help build skills. To go an extra picture must dictate to his/her partner
works just like a blog but with student step, have an additional task while how to draw the picture. Make sure to
voices rather than writing. Even if your listening to the song or TV show such emphasize no cheating or peeking!
school doesn’t have computers with as assign students different words to When finished, change the pictures
microphones or recording capabilities, listen for and have them keep track of around the groups and have the part-
with VoiceThread students can use how often they hear these words. This ners switch roles. When everyone has
any phone to record their voice blog. is particularly helpful with reductions drawn once, the team with the most
like gonna, wanna, hafta. similar pictures win!
Students can then be assigned to listen

to several of their classmates and give Listening to various media is also a
each other comments. By listening to PUT THE CELEBRITY
good time to practice unfamiliar words.
each other and giving encouraging Encourage students to write down
comments, you are building a positive words they have never heard before.
classroom environment and coopera- Similar to the picture describing game,
Without subtitles or lyrics, students will this game has a similar setup but with-
tion within the classroom all while stu- have to rely on the sounds they think
dents build their listening skills. out the drawing. Give students a chart
they heard to make a guess at how to with many different celebrities in the
spell this unfamiliar word. Encourage

boxes/grid. This can be easily done by
LISTEN FOR THE HIDDEN students to write down other surround- creating a table in a word processing
PHRASE ing words to help you decipher what program and pasting internet images
the word might be or to write down of celebrities in the table. Be sure to
An engaging whole class activity is to the time when they heard the word so make several different versions with
pair students up and give each pair

celebrities in the different spaces. It’s heard by lining up their note cards in
okay if the students don’t know all of the correct order.
the celebrities - in fact, it may be bet-
ter if there are some they don’t know,
so they have to rely on describing
physical features rather than giving
names. Print a second blank grid with
the pictures of the celebrities cut out
into individual pieces but not attached
Engaging them in fun listening ac-
to the grid.
tivities will hopefully motivate them to
practice more listening and take ad-
Students should sit back to back and
vantage of all opportunities around
be instructed to not peek or cheat.
The student with the table with pre-
assigned celebrities should give the
other student instructions on how to
fill in his table with the celebrity picture
pieces. For example, the first student
might say “The picture of Brad Pitt
goes in the first square, and Angelina
goes in the square below Brad Pitt.”
It may be helpful to pre-teach the vo-
cabulary “columns” and “rows.”


When working on individual
sounds, give students a target sound
and then read a script out loud that
contains multiple examples of this
sound. For example, if you are practic-
ing the /ae/ sound (like in “cat,” “hat,”
etc., you could read the following
script. “Yesterday, my cat ate a plastic
toy and swallowed it fast.” Whenever
students hear this sound for the first
time (cat), they should stand. When
they hear it again (plastic), sit down.
Read slowly enough for them to have
time to stand up or sit down. This ac-
tivity is great because it gets them out
of their seats and lets them get some
excess energy out!

Another good activity to do
when you are studying specific vowel
sounds is to give students two differ-
ent color note cards (e.g. one red card
and one blue card). For a review ac-
tivity, assign one vowel to the red card
(e.g. the /ae/ sound as in “bat”) and
another card to the blue card (e.g. the
/ei/ sound as in “bay”). When you read
a word, have students raise the card
in the air for the correct vowel/sound
they heard. For a more advanced
game, give students several colors of
cards to correspond with several dif-
ferent vowels. Also, you could give
the students several cards and read
a sentence where each word repre-
sents a different vowel. Students must
recreate the pattern of sounds they

How to Teach Listening Skills:
Best Practices
nals the importance of what follows.
“A few,” it may be noted, is a vague
expression, and what follows may be
anywhere from two to five or six is-
Ask the speaker to slow down or re-
OF LANGUAGE SKILLS, HARD TO sues. The listener may clarify when
peat when you don’t understand or
UNDERSTAND, TEACH, AND ASSESS. the “issues” are covered by asking
just want to be certain about what
How do you really know that some- “Is there anything else?” when the
you heard. Repeat back what you
one understood you correctly with- speaker pauses.
think you heard him or her say, as
out asking after every sentence “Do
there can often be a gap between

you understand?” (And students are
what we thought we heard and what LISTEN FOR KEY WORDS
often programmed to respond “yes”
the speaker intended. This gap can
even when they didn’t.) This problem What words does the speaker
be addressed by letting the speaker
may also apply to reading, the other emphasize? Usually the speaker will
know what you heard: for example,
“receptive” language skill, in that its let you know by stressing the main
“So what I’m hearing from you is that
focus is largely on the comprehen- point: “Let’s talk about the TIME we
you would like more quiet and fewer
sion of another speaker’s produc- will meet tomorrow...” The stressed
distractions after 9 p.m. so that you
tion. However, while the teacher has word “time” signals that the time of
can study.” This is called “active lis-
some understanding of how to teach tomorrow’s appointment is the main
tening,” in which the listening portion
someone to read in English by teach- point, as does the marker “Let’s talk
of a conversation becomes as active
ing context clues, for example, to help about—”
as the speaking part in communicat-
students comprehend text, how do
ing a message, and not only helps
you really teach someone to listen In addition, certain words signal im-
the listener in understanding what the
better (especially when even many portance by themselves, such as “is-
speaker is saying, but also can help
native speakers of English often have sues,” as seen above: whatever fol-
the speaker in organizing his thoughts
difficulties with this)? However, while lows “issues” is of importance. Other
and clarify what he wants to commu-
teaching listening may seem ambigu- key words signaling importance are
nicate: e.g., the speaker may be splut-
ous, there are actually a number of “concerns” and “points.”
tering something about the late hour
principles that apply in teaching listen-
and her test tomorrow, and may not

ing skills in English. KEY PHRASES
consciously know what she is trying
PRINCIPLES FOR to ask for—or is too reticent—until the OR MARKERS
GOOD LISTENING listener clarifies.
In formal lectures the speaker usu-

3 PAY ATTENTION ally also “marks” main points with key

Following are a number of listening phrases: “The main point is...” or “On
skills, most of which not only benefit TO STRUCTURE the other hand, some people take an
the ESL student but also the native opposing viewpoint....” But even in
speaker. In a formal lecture or speech, the
speaker will usually let you know everyday conversation the speaker
often uses less formal markers: for

ahead of time the organization of the
BASICS: PAY ATTENTION example, “I guess what I’m trying to
discourse: “Today we will discuss the
two types of diabetes, Type One and say is — ” is often used before a main
Even native speakers need help
Type Two, although as we will see, point.
with this. Focus on the speaker. Look
at him or her because facial expres- there is some overlap—” and then
sions and body language can com- what will follow is a description of TEACHING
municate as much as language. For Types One and Two, with the overlap PRINCIPLES OF
example, there will usually be more probably addressed at the end. These
devices, called “discourse markers,”
engagement with the listener in mak-

actually help the listener in organizing
ing eye contact and use of hand ges- MAKE IT EXPLICIT
tures if what the speaker is saying is of and understanding the lecture. Even
importance to him or her. In addition, in less formal conversation, speakers Even native speakers, who ac-
it’s easy to mistake what someone ac- will often structure their discourse, es- tually use markers or key vocabulary,
tually said if you are not focusing on pecially if they want to make certain may not have consciously thought
him or her and are engaged in some they are understood: “Okay, there about these devices. Introducing
other task, such as reading or texting. are a few issues I need to raise with some key markers and vocabulary is
you....” With this informal marker of often welcome it makes explicit how
“there are a few — ” and the use of to understand and manage conversa-
the word “issues,” the speaker sig- tions, which may have been some-

thing a mystery (such as why a friend
reacts with anger at your student ig-
noring a raised “issue”). In addition,
key terms such as “active listening”
and “discourse marker” should be in-
troduced and exemplified.

For new concepts, such as ac-
tive listening, a model is needed. This
can be provided by traditional print ex-
ample dialogues as well as film clips,
and teacher modeling with volunteer
students: e.g., the teacher might say,
“Gina, tell me something of impor-
tance to you, and I’ll listen actively.
The rest of the class, pay attention,
and then let’s discuss what goes into
active listening.”

This might be especially im-
portant in active listening, which few
people, native or nonnative speakers,
really know how to do, as we are used
to either sitting quietly while a speaker
finishes his speech (or diatribe, if he or
she is angry), or interrupting, when we
think he or she is wrong, or sitting and
planning what we will say in response,
etc. Active listening takes practice, but
is worth it in terms of improved listen-
ing skills and relationships.


But by making explicit the qualities of
good listening and then practicing it,
our ESL students can become good
listeners in English, and often better
than their native speaker peers.

Loud and Clear: Three Listening
Activities Adaptable for Any Level
Another example for more challeng- the line word for word. You can es-
HAVING AN ARSENAL OF EFFEC- ing dictation for higher levels is to fo- tablish as many rules as you like, but
TIVE AND ENGAGING LISTENING cus on a specific grammar point. Try the fun part is not letting them linger
EXERCISES IS A MUST FOR ALL ESL reading out a short script or role play. on any one line for very long. Use a
TEACHERS. Then give them a task such as writ- timer or buzzer to designate when the
Once you organize listening exercises, ing down all the present perfect verb next student is up. This activity breaks
it is beneficial to be able to reshape usage they hear, or noting down any the monotony of routine, allows the
exercises for all levels. Try out these idiomatic phrase as they heard it. students to be loud, and hones listen-
three listening activities adaptable for These tasks can then lead to discus- ing and speaking skills in an organic
any level and hear loud and clear how sions of the grammar, of the topic or fashion. Try it with beginners or take
much they will improve overall listen- of usage in general. Whatever task it to the next level with your advanced
ing skills. you give them, there should always students.
be time to debrief about how they felt
during the exercise, and answer any
questions. Think about using dictation
for comprehension checks, listening
for specific attributes, or as a jumping Spoken memory games are a treasure
off point for discussion. You’ll find that

of listening and speaking diversion for
DICTATION whether you yourself perform the dic- every ESL level. You can tailor memo-
tation or whether you use recordings ry games to grammar, to vocabulary,
Dictation is one of the most from books or the internet, students or to a specific theme or topic. One of
adaptable and valid listening exercises will become accustomed to increas- the most popular of these is, I’m going
that can be utilized at every level. One ingly challenging and varied dictation to grandma’s house and I’m going to
exceptional value of dictation is that exercises. bring... Apples, Bingo, Carrots, Drag-
it can be done spontaneously or with
ons, etc. Each student has to name

great forethought. If you find yourself
with a spare ten minutes in class, one
RUNNING STORIES an object, food, or whatever you des-
ignate for their letter and they have to
tool you can employ is to offer a quick The activity titled Running Stories repeat each statement that was spo-
dictation. In addition, if you have a par- combines writing, reading, speaking, ken before them. It’s a classic as an
ticularly difficult grammar point or one and listening for a tremendous whole ice-breaker or spontaneous exercise.
that users really need reiterated, creat- language experience. Here’s how it Another adaptation is to use adjectives
ing a substantial dictation exercise can works. Divide the class into two teams or verbs. For example, I am going to
really drive the point home. Dictation and then split the teams in half. One the beach and I am going to Act, Bake,
has so many different applications that half of each team stays seated and the Canoe, etc. For adjectives the first day
you can continually use it without it be- other half stands at the board. It works name game works really well. I am
coming stale. best if each team is an equal distance Joyful Juan, He is Silly Steve, she is
from their seats to the board. Each Pretty Petra, etc. There’s no end to the
An example of utilizing dictation for team is given an envelope with a cut- challenges you can create with memo-
beginner students is for work on num- up excerpt. You can use a piece of a ry games and they are the perfect cure
bers. You could read out numbers reading, a dialogue, or a conversation. to a sleepy class or boring topic!
between one and a million, and have The seated-half teams must quickly
students write out the correct number, assemble the jumbled up reading into
or if you really want to challenge them what they believe is the cohesive story. WAKE UP THE SENSES AND TRY
ask them to write out the number with Give them a certain amount of time to THESE VERY VERSATILE AND ORIG-
words. Be sure to write down the num- do this—maybe a minute or two. Then INAL LISTENING EXERCISES.
bers as you speak them so that you the seated students stand in line at Students will practice natural listen-
keep track of what numbers the stu- their desks each with a slip of paper ing skills and these activities will also
dents have been given. You can also from the reading, in the order that they inspire competition, lively discussion,
involve students by asking them to desire to be. This is where it gets crazy and loud and clear vocalizations.
take turns giving the class a number. and loud. The students at the board
To make correction of the dictation in- should each have a marker and each
teractive, you could do it in rounds, of- student takes a turn writing a line on
fer prizes for the three best scores, or the board. The student with the first
ask students to take turns writing their slip of paper must clearly shout what
answers on the board. You could apply it says so the student at the board—
this same practice using phone num- a fair distance apart—can write down
bers, addresses, or time.

The Right Stuff: Three Brilliant
Beginner Listening Activities
pressure off student number one, but it This activity can be adapted for differ-
ENGAGING BEGINNER LEVEL STU- ensures that the sentence is read cor- ent grammar points, and is especially
DENTS WITH USEFUL LISTENING rectly at least once. However, once good for practicing beginning tenses.
EXERCISES IS CRUCIAL TO THEIR the class has played a few rounds, it’s Students could talk about their daily
SUCCESS AS LEARNERS AND CON- wise to challenge the first student to routine, explain their family, outline a fu-
TINUED DEVELOPMENT. decipher the message on the card and ture goal or challenge, or explain a se-
Listening tends to be an extreme area then whisper it to the next person. The quence. This activity can be as short or
of challenge for these students and it is whispering is an interesting element be- as detailed as you desire, and students
necessary to bring in brilliant, bright lis- cause students are not used to talking can put their own spin on the stories as
tening activities to build confidence and so quietly and it takes more effort to an- well as the questions.
stimulate conversation. nunciate when whispering. It’s not just a

For any listening exercise it is essen-

tial that the directions and the aims are
clearly defined. The exercises should
listening exercise, but one that focuses
on speaking and the miscommunica-
tion that can so often occur during com-
Putting students into pairs to do
munications. Students of all ages and short, simple interviews on a variety of
always contain communication tasks so levels really get a kick out of the game topics is a wonderful way to get them
that learners are actively listening and Telephone. acquainted while they are speaking and
also using their listening skills to speak listening intently. For beginners inter-

up. Some options might be to have lis-
STORY-TELLING views should focus on question creation,
teners obtain facts, find the main idea, tense work, and familiar vocabulary.
follow directions, or display general un- Storytelling, even in a very simple Because beginners often rely heavily
derstanding in order to respond or craft form demonstrates natural language, upon using exactly the structures that
questions. and on-the-spot comprehension. Start are detailed out for them, interviews
out by explaining that you are going challenge them to combine everything
TRY THESE 3 BRILLIANT to tell a brief story about something they are learning into one conversation.
LISTENING ACTIVITIES that happened in your life the previous Any chance to work on different types
WITH YOUR BEGINNER week. For example: “I went to Prague of questions and how to create them
STUDENTS this weekend. I met some friends and will be an invaluable resource for stu-
had a great time.” It is then the students dents at this level. You can organize

job to think of questions to gain more
detail about your experience. They
should refer back to the board for ques-
interviews by giving groups of words
that they must then create into ques-
tions and ask their partner. For example
Chinese Whispers, otherwise known tion structures, and utilize Wh-questions family/weekend would lead to questions
as Telephone is a popular and easily like who, what, where and when. After about what the family did this weekend,
adaptable game that can lead to a lot they have exhausted all the options of perhaps utilizing some question types
of fun listening and speaking. The game questioning, tell them your story utiliz- written out on the board. You could also
consists of one phrase or line being ing all the answers to the questions that do interviews that are more free-form,
whispered from student to student until they asked you. This shows them not where you give the students a topic like
the end when they discover if they were only how to tell a story, but what details hobbies. They would then ask each oth-
able to replicate it accurately. The big- to include, and how to listen and ask for er 5 to 7 questions on that topic. With
ger the line of people the whisper must specific details. any interview, you want to be sure that
go through the more humorous and each half of the pair takes turns asking
numerous the errors will be. The rules If you want to add more detail to this the questions. You will also want to be
of the game are simple, but you could activity, you could put students in pairs sure to build in time for each set of pairs
always add more guidelines if you want and have each partner talk briefly about to debrief or paraphrase what they dis-
to make play more challenging. First, something that happened to him/her cussed to the larger group.
students must whisper the phrase or last week. The second member of the
sentence to each other. Second, it is a pair listens and asks follow up questions
good idea to have a list of the phrases, trying to form a question for each of the LISTENING EXERCISES FOR BEGIN-
sentences or sayings that you want stu- six Wh- information question words. NERS ARE CENTRAL TO THEIR LAN-
dents to practice. You could write them The first member answers the follow-up GUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND EACH
on cards or on folded pieces of paper. questions, elaborating on the story as AND EVERY CLASS SHOULD INCOR-
You want to make sure that only the initially told. Members of the pair switch PORATE MANY DIFFERENT EXER-
person who begins has access to the roles so each person has a chance to CISES FOCUSED ON LISTENING.
card. Often with beginners, the teacher tell a story and answer questions. Keep students involved, motivated, and
should be the originator of the sentence listening to one another for stellar re-
that will go around. It not only takes the sults!

Around the Water-Cooler: Building
Listening Skills for Employment
One lofty goal of many advanced-level lot of different people. Structuring les- for native speakers, so students need a
ESL students is to gain employment in sons around small talk will be beneficial lot of practice. Several aspects should
an English-speaking workplace. If this is to any student on the prowl for employ- be approached that combine listening
the focus of one of your groups, there ment. Small talk has huge ramifications and speaking. A few are: vocabulary,
is a lot you can do to develop listening for both speaking and listening skills. It tone, etiquette, content, analysis of
and speaking skills with career-motivat- shows that students are able to use nat- speaking, and understanding of natural
ed activities. Help learners find success ural language, listen to others, and com- language. Students can prepare an-
around the water-cooler by devising lis- ment accordingly. Students should first swers that are both general as well as
tening skills geared for employment. analyze what topics are appropriate for specifics. Students should also listen in-
small talk, and try them out in a natural tently and make sure they are hearing
HOW TO PROCEED setting. Topics could include: the weath- the speaker accurately. If they don’t un-
er, comments on a commonality, or ask- derstand or if there is a miscommunica-

1 A NETWORKING EVENT ing a benign question. Practice in class tion, they should ask for clarification and
by discussing small talk they have over- apologize.
It is vital that students are able to heard, performing role plays or talking
talk about their skills and interests, but
also to display fluency in understanding.
By approaching interviewing with a few
in pairs. After they have gotten their feet
wet in class, a great place for the stu-
dents to try their hand at small talk is the
different methods, learners will begin to grocery store. There is ample time while Many students have great difficulty talk-
hone natural speaking under pressure waiting in line or while getting rung up. ing about themselves, especially when
as well as pointed listening skills. One Cashiers are particularly used to small it comes to selling themselves in job in-
way to approach this is to set up a date talk, so it is a safe way for students to try terviews. Before they can be success-
in the future when you will host a mock out some natural interaction. Give them ful at interviewing or networking, they
job fair or networking event. It doesn’t some guidelines and have each of them first must analyze their own skills and
have to be formal with employers in your report back on their experience. Other decide what attributes they would like
area. Simply bring in a few people the opportunities ripe for small talk might to bring into focus. Through listening to
students have never met, and they can be a waitress, the local coffee or tea other students discuss their skills, each
represent a company or job field that house, or just about anywhere where student will gain the confidence to sell
the students have showed interest in. you have to pay for anything. If students themselves. This can be done by pre-
You could have the guests perform short are in their native country, you may want senting new vocabulary as a jumping
one-on-one interviews with the students to have them (embarrassingly) look for off point for discussion. Create a list of
and provide feedback, or devise a panel foreigners that they could approach in a twenty attributes that are important in the
so the students ask the guests ques- non-creepy way to try out some of the workplace and have students pick and
tions as if they are employers. You could same small talk elements. choose which ones apply to them. Then
also try a mingling exercise that mirrors they can come up with a few examples
a networking event. Mingling is a great
use of time, but you need to be sure
that all students are participating and
Devise role plays and group work
for each one to display the skill. These
could include: honest/loyal/trustworthy,
punctual, hard-working, innovative, cre-
getting the requisite practice. You might that allow students to critique one an- ative, driven, and people-person. You’ll
want to have some kind of incentive like other and to work together to approach be surprised with what students come
small prizes for the three students who problems. Structure many different ex- up with on their own so definitely involve
make the best impression or for those ercises around interviewing to develop them in the creation of the list. Allow
who have the most interesting interac- targeted listening and speaking. First them to practice explaining their skills in
tion. However you decide to arrange off, provide the ten most asked interview front of the group and answer questions.
the event, the weeks leading up to this questions for your region. A few exam- Also consider giving them the option to
day are very important. There are lots of ples are: devise their one-minute elevator pitch,
elements to touch upon in lessons be- • Tell me about yourself which is a description of themselves that
fore the networking event. You’ll want to • What are your three greatest they could communicate in the time it
gear students up for talking about them- strengths or weaknesses? takes to ride the elevator.
selves, listening to others’, and devising THERE ARE INNUMERABLE ELE-
questions. • Tell me about a time you solved a MENTS INVOVED IN SHARPENING
conflict and how you approached it? STUDENTS’ LISTENING SKILLS FOR

A huge element in attaining a job

How do you work under pressure?
Why are you the best person for this
or maintaining relationships once you EXERCISE STRENGTHENS AND CHAL-
get a job is the ability to interact with a Obviously these questions are difficult LENGES THEIR LISTENING ABILITIES.

Do You Recognize
These 9 ESL Listening Mistakes?
tion? Though it is useful for them to find
out the meaning of a word they don’t un-
derstand, this type of behavior won’t help
them improve overall listening compre-
But to speak better, they have to listen Some students have the nasty habit of
better. Speaking and listening compre- translating what you say, in their heads, hension.
hension are like the two sides of the as you speak. This is terribly tiring, it does
same communication coin. Students who not help students develop fluency, and in What to do: Students must understand
lack the proper listening skills will have fact, it hinders it as they must constantly that sometimes it’s more important for
a much harder time communicating in pause to translate before they can reply. them to understand the conversation in
English. general, than the meaning of a single
What to do: Teach students early on word. Convey to your students that, in
NO RULES (even if they’re beginners!) about the im- fact, it’s not necessary for them to un-
derstand every single word all the time.
portance of thinking in English. Translat-
One of the hardest things about improv- ing is hard enough as it is: it takes pro- Listening comprehension takes time to
ing listening comprehension is that you fessional interpreters years of practice build, and they start by listening and get-
can’t give your students a set of rules to get simultaneous translation just right. ting the gist of a conversation. Then, they
like the ones you give them for correct Remind them that they are not training to are able to listen and pick up more de-
grammar and proper speaking. Students become translators - they are learning to tails. In time, there will be few words they
simply practice listening – either they get speak English. And if they want to speak won’t understand.
it or they don’t. it, they gotta think it!

Now, there is of course a set of things

you can do, certain ways to approach 3 BEING TOO AMBITIOUS 5 NOT USING THE RIGHT
listening exercises to maximize the lis- There’s nothing better than having We’ve already established that listening
tening comprehension potential. Here, students who are motivated take their (really listening, not just hearing) takes a
I’ll focus on the mistakes ESL students listening practice into their own hands. great amount of effort. To really make the
make when approaching listening prac- They buy audio and video CDs, listen to most of this effort and not let the listening
tice. Teach them to work on eliminating music or podcasts or even watch entire practice become just another tiresome
these, and they’ll be better prepared to movies in English. The problem arises task, students must employ certain lis-
meet a listening challenge. when they don’t recognize their own limi- tening skills. A lot of students don’t know
tations. They buy a CD that is not appro- they exist, least of all know how to use
5 LISTENING MISTAKES priate for their level. They watch an entire them.
ESL STUDENTS MAKE movie where the protagonists are gansta What to do: Familiarize students with
rappers and then feel absolutely deflated the different types of listening strategies,


When you’re not a native speaker,
because they did not understand a single

What to do: When you catch students bit-

which include:
• Listening for gist – students try to get
the main idea/context
listening takes massive amounts of effort • Listening for key words – students try
and concentration. Just to picture what ing off more than they can chew in terms to listen for a specific word, idea or
your students have to face, try listening of listening practice, you’ll need to steer thought, for example, a date, histori-
to an interview in a foreign language you them in the right direction. Recommend cal fact or piece of information
barely speak: it’s hard, isn’t it? What hap- films where the actors speak very, clear • Listening/checking for comprehen-
pens after a few minutes? You simply de- educated English and instruct them to sion – a great strategy is listening to
cide you don’t understand, give up and approach the listening in steps. First they what someone has to say, like direc-
shut the audio off. What do our students watch with subtitles in English and then tions to get to a place, and then say-
do when they don’t understand a conver- they turn off the subtitles. Maybe they ing them back to check for compre-
sation in a real life situation? Of course, should watch the movie in parts and not hension
they can’t shut it off, but they might just all of it in one sitting. Also, tell them that
decide it’s too hard, and simply tune out. a short, but focused listening exercise is YOU CAN’T GIVE YOUR STUDENTS
Give up. a lot better than a longer listening where RULES FOR LISTENING LIKE YOU DO
you have more chances of getting lost. FOR SPEAKING OR WRITING, BUT YOU
What to do: Tell students that in a real CAN GIVE THEM A POWERFUL SET OF
life situation, there’s nothing wrong with
asking the native English speaker to slow
down, repeat or rephrase. Native speak-
Listening comprehension is not an exact
science, not in any language, and not
ers are often polite, understanding and Depending on the listening exercise, even for native speakers (sometimes we
absolutely willing to help out. Students they might have to take notes as they hear what we want to hear, right?) Help
must be taught right from the start to lose listen. But happens when students write students set realistic expectations and
the fear of asking for repetition or clarifi- things down or look up words in the dic- goals, and provide them with the set of
cation. tionary right in the middle of a conversa- tools that will get them there.
The 3 Most Successful Approach-
es for Better Listening Skills
Something you can do regularly
is to bring guest speakers into your
OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM. class. Have them present on a topic Students may struggle at first, but that
It can sometimes be difficult or frus- relevant to the class and make sure is part of the process. Once they can
trating coming up with natural ways students are prepared for this in ad- begin really hearing the language they
for students to practice listening and vance. Have each student ask at least are learning, they will be able to func-
sharpen it. two questions, and then do group ac- tion much more independently.
tivities following the visit such as para-
We have come up with the three most phrasing, reporting speech, or simply
successful approaches we’ve found discussing the speaker as well as the
for creating all-around better listening topic. This is another way for the stu-
skills. dents to get exposure to listening to
someone other than their classmates
ALL-AROUND BETTER all the time. The more interaction they
LISTENING SKILLS can have with the speaker, the better.
Sometimes students clam up in these


situations, so be sure to have some
motivating reasons for them to actively

This is my all-time favorite tip for

teaching better all-around listening. If
you can find topics the students are
really interested in — fashion, politics, A certain amount of translation is okay
music- then you can tap into a whole depending on the class and what is be-
world out there of people speaking, ing translated. What I mean here is to
singing, explaining, and discussing. definitely get students away from the
I often used NPR in my classes, but habit of first listening to English and
also found that children’s movies were then translating it into their language
a terrific resource as were some of the and then back into English again. It
best bands of all time like the Beatles is too time consuming, and will only
or the Rolling Stones. Supplemental lead them to frustration and confusion.
programs like Rosetta Stone are also Generally this is allowed for real be-
excellent starting points for additional ginners, but after they have learned an
listening exercises. Students are inter- arsenal of words, they must begin lis-
ested in fun, real-life ways to hear and tening and really hearing the language
process language. You can use fill-in- to comprehend it. You will notice that
the-blank song lyrics to teach tenses most student notebooks are littered
or other grammatical points while en- with translations. That is fine as long
hancing listening skills. You can find all as it leads them to understanding. Of-
kinds of videos online that show peo- ten they are using the translations for
ple in different circumstances, speak- literal pronunciations in their language
ing more slowly than in TV or movies. at first and then gradually will begin to
Use the resources out there and get write more and more purely in English.
creative. Students will liven up when When they are listening, try to curb
you bring music or movie clips into the others from translating for them or for
classroom. It gives them a break from them to constantly consult electronic
listening to you and their classmates dictionaries. It takes practice to get
and they can experience different ac- used to anticipating what they are go-
cents, slang, real speed language, just ing to hear so that they can respond.
to name a few. Encourage them in every way you can
to think in English for that hour or two
a day.

7 Ways to Get the Most out of Lis-
tening Comprehension Exercises
stand what they mean in the given con- works for you.
IMPROVING LISTENING text, ask them in which other situations
they might be able to use these idioms:
“When I catch a cold I feel under the
I wouldn’t ordinarily recommend press-
Bear in mind that words are the main ing play and letting students figure out
Still, if you want to maximize the op- carriers of meaning. The harder you what the context is, not unless you
portunities for improvement, listening work to help students remember new have advanced learners. Try to provide
practice must be done just right. Here words, the more they will improve their some context so students know what to
are some ways in which you can take overall listening comprehension. expect. It’s as simple as saying: You’re
your students’ listening skills from pas-
going to listen to a conversation be-

sive and dull, to active and sharp!
AVOID AN EXCESS OF NEW tween two friends who are planning a
HOW TO MAKE THE WORDS surprise birthday party.
If in a three-minute listening exercise
students encounter 10 new words, they
will probably have a hard time under-
Some students can be very “high
maintenance” when it comes to listen-

standing – even if you went over the
INTRODUCE KEY VOCABU- new words first. They are still too many ing exercises and engage in behavior
LARY for them to grasp at once. Introduce that is not conducive to achieving the
3-5 new words for each listening ex- listening goal. This is the type of behav-
You could give your students some- ercise, and tell them they should focus ior you should discourage:
thing to listen to and then go over vo- on these. Try to choose audio tracks or • Raising hand/Interrupting to ask
cabulary they may not understand. But songs/lyrics for listening practice with questions during the listening
it’s a whole lot better when you intro- only a few new words – avoid those • Asking you to stop and rewind be-
duce key vocabulary before the listen- that are filled with them. fore the listening is done
ing, thus giving your students a better • Taking extensive notes/Attempting

chance of getting the gist of the con-
COMMUNICATE THE GOAL to write everything down
• Expecting to understand every sin-
When we do listening practice

gle word
PLAY IT TWICE we don’t just “listen”, and maybe hope Be sure to tell students that none of the
students will understand and be able to things mentioned above are necessary.
You know for a fact that when you answer questions later. Each listening Tell them you have planned the exer-
listen to something, you pick up a lot exercise has to serve the purpose of a cise with a purpose and tell them what
more the second time. So, play the au- larger learning goal and must have its it is. It may be to get the gist, but it may
dio once to let students get the gist or own specific objective. be to find specific information. It will
answer basic true/false comprehension
definitely not be for them to understand
questions. Then, play it a second time Let’s see an example. Say you are every single thing being said. Tell them
and have them answer more specific practicing the present perfect because they should be patient and try to listen
questions or complete a worksheet. your goal for the day is to talk about to the whole audio before asking ques-
And if you have time why not have a things you’ve done and things you’ve tions, especially if it’s a just few minutes
third listening? After a third listening never done before. You have a conver- long.
students may be asked to paraphrase sation your students can listen to that
or retell the situation in their own words. deals with this very topic. Their goal is
to listen for what each speaker has al- LISTENING MAY SEEM LIKE A PASSIVE


ready done and what they haven’t done
yet. Be specific as you communicate
this goal: Find out the two things Maria
There are no rules like those we have
It’s important for students to not only has already done and the one thing she for speaking, but that doesn’t mean lis-
understand new words or expressions hasn’t done yet. tening does not take a real, conscious
but also understand when and how effort. Still, this effort is not something
they can use them. Say you listen to a There are songs that could serve the that comes naturally to students. They
conversation with some idioms related same purpose. Just be sure to choose must be taught the right listening strate-
to health like “fit as a fiddle” or “under audio that works for your students’ gies. And it’s our job to do just that.
the weather”. Once students under- listening comprehension needs AND

Hear Ye! Sure-fire Ways to Boost
Your Students’ Listening Skills
Weak listening comprehension is one of to enhance comprehension. First, consider your students’ needs.

the things that discourages students the Are they business people who want to
most. Young learners who don’t under-
FIRST LISTENING do business in English? Any of the short
stand what they’re hearing will just tune The first time students listen to the business news videos available on You-
out and not participate. For adult learn- song they should be required to get the Tube or will do nicely. But what
ers, it can be downright frustrating. Un- general idea or the gist of what the artist if your students are teens? You may wish
like children, they want to understand or band is trying to say. to show them an interview of their fa-

more, they need to understand, whether vorite pop star. What about the length
their goal is to learn English for business
SECOND LISTENING of the video? The more advanced your
or pleasure. This is why it is absolutely For the second listening you may learners are, the longer the video should
essential to include activities that spe- require your students to complete a gap- be, although for practical purposes, a
cifically target your students’ needs and filling or matching exercise, but it must be video shown in class for targeted listen-
help them improve their listening com- the type of exercise that provides some ing practice should be no longer than 15
prehension skills. Songs are probably information, which your learners must minutes. After you’ve chosen the right
the most popular choice among ESL then complete or organize. In the work- video for your class, prepare the warm
teachers, because they’re so easy to sheet for I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing up activities and exercises just as you
use in class, but videos and podcasts are By Aerosmith (, there are would for songs.
different exercises like these.
very big today. However, the problem is
not what you give your students to listen
THIRD LISTENING Podcasts are all the rage right now.
to, - it’s the how.
For the optional third listening, and These usually consist of an audio file,
SONGS if time allows, you may ask your students usually in MP3 format, which is down-
There are over 150 Songs and Lyrics to answer more open-ended compre- loaded to an iPod or MP3 player. Now,
worksheets available at BusyTeacher. hension questions, or even discussion podcasts may go from 20 minutes to 2
org, and you may choose any that suit questions that specifically relate to the hours, so this type of listening is recom-
your students’ level and needs. Most ex- information provided in the song. In the mended for advanced students. Most
ercises include fill in the gaps, compre- above mentioned worksheets, there are usually sound like pre-recorded radio
hension questions, word order or sen- several suggestions for comprehension shows, with interviews, discussions, or
tence order. No matter which worksheet questions, as well as some that are great commentaries on recent events, and
you use, or if you decide to make your for sparking discussion. there are podcasts about any topic you
own, keep in mind these essential points can think of, from hobbies to popular TV
to ensure the listening exercise is effec- DIALOGUES shows, sports to technology. The se-
tive: If you choose to use the conversations or lection process is similar to how you’d

dialogues that are usually provided in the choose a video. Make sure it’s appropri-
audio material that comes with course ate for your students in terms of length,
Always introduce the song with books, make sure you follow the same content, and level of difficulty. The added
some background information on the art- steps: warm up, introduce vocabulary, advantage of a podcast is that it can be
ist or band, the topic covered in the song, first listening, second listening and exer- downloaded by your students and lis-
or the historical context. Here are some cise, and third listening or discussion. It’s tened to for homework. Just provide the
examples of worksheets that include also a great idea to follow up with a role link for download and the worksheet or
great warm-up exercises: This Used play where students pair up and have a comprehension questions, and assign!
to Be My Playground by Madonna (bit. similar conversation. Pick an interesting podcast, and it’ll be
ly/U3H16S) – Although children’s pas- one assignment your students will be
times are not mentioned in the song, this VIDEO looking forward to.
warm-up activity is a great introduction to Videos literally come in all shapes and
the topic of the song. sizes, the variety of material available in AS MENTIONED EARLIER THE IMPOR-

2 INTRODUCE KEY VOCABU- some type of video format is astounding,

from short news pieces on to TO, IT’S HOW. OF COURSE, YOU MAY
LARY OR EXPRESSIONS entire movies. The advantage of video WISH TO SHOW THEM AN ENTIRE
If the song you choose is loaded with material is that students not only listen to MOVIE JUST FOR FUN. BUT USING
words, idioms, or expressions your stu- the information that is being presented, AUDIO OR VIDEO MATERIAL SOLELY
dents might not understand, it’s highly they also have images to accompany FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING
recommended that you go over them be- their listening, which provides better LISTENING SKILLS REQUIRES PLAN-
fore listening to the song. This worksheet chances for comprehension. If you want NING AND A GREAT DEAL OF THOUGHT.
for Where Is the Love by Black-Eyed to use video to boost your learners’ lis- ONLY AFTER YOU’VE THOROUGHLY
Peas ( provides a list of tening skills, the first thing you must do is PLANNED A GREAT LISTENING EXER-
words and expressions the students may choose the right video. CISE, ONLY THEN, YOU’LL BE READY TO
not be familiar with, but it’s better to re- PRESS PLAY.
view these concepts before the listening How do I choose a video?

3 Secrets to Successful Listening
Word stress can also give clues for Imperative statements offer grammat-
LISTENING COMPREHENSION CAN unusual grammatical constructions. ical clues when they drop the “you”,
BE, FOR ESL STUDENTS, ONE OF THE Phrasal verbs are a perfect exam- but recognizing the intonation can
MOST DIFFICULT ASPECTS OF LAN- ple. These verb phrases are often a also clue a listener in that action is
GUAGE FLUENCY. WORDS WRITTEN verb paired with a preposition. When required. A stress at the beginning of
ON A PAGE ARE ONE THING, BUT these prepositions don’t follow normal the statement followed by falling into-
A SET OF SOUNDS THROWN OUT grammar rules, a nonnative speaker nation signals that the speaker has an
INTO THE AIR CAN BE FAR MORE can easily become confused. Know- expectation of the listener. Recogniz-
CONFUSING. ing that native speakers usually stress ing this intonation pattern will confirm
Even if a nonnative speaker under- the last word of a phrasal verb will clue for the listener that a command has
stands all the vocabulary and gram- listeners in when they hear a phrasal been given.
mar that a native speaker is using, if verb new to them.
he can’t decipher the aural clues the Sarcasm doesn’t come through in

speaker is giving, all his book knowl-
REDUCTIONS writing, and if a listener does not know
edge will be for nothing. To make the intonation clues it may not come
sure your students are ready to tackle Reductions are a natural speech through in speaking, either. One key
the challenge of listening to a native modification by native speakers. clue to understanding sarcasm is rec-
speaker, point out these clues to keep Words and syllables are reduced ognizing that inflection and intonation
an ear out for. and often blur together. “I could have are the opposite of what they should
gone” becomes “I coulda gone”. Mod- be. Rising intonation on a stressed
DO YOUR STUDENTS al verbs are often the greatest targets word rather than falling intonation,
KNOW THESE for reduction though they are by no for example, signal that the speaker
3 SECRETS TO means the only ones. For English stu- means the opposite of what he is
SUCCESSFUL dents who study reductions, knowing saying. Monotone delivery can also
LISTENING how to translate reduced phrases to signal sarcasm, and effective listen-
COMPREHENSION? grammatically correct word combina- ers should be able to recognize these
tions can be the key to comprehen- patterns.

Speakers naturally stress the
sion. Students who have no experi-
ence with reductions may have to ask
for clarification several times before LISTENING CAN BE A CHALLENGE
more important words in their speech, they understand a native speaker’s FOR EVEN THE MOST FLUENT ESL
and they do so without a conscious speech. Students who wish to sound STUDENTS. WHEN THEY UNDER-
thought. Sometimes, understanding as fluent as possible should practice STAND THE FINER POINTS OF
which words are stressed can make using reductions, but all ESL students SPEECH ALONG WITH THE MORE
the difference when it comes to under- should become familiar with reduction COMMON ONES, YOUR STUDENTS
standing what a native speaker is try- patterns to make sure their listening WILL BE EFFECTIVE AND SUCCESS-
ing to say. Stressed words are impor- comprehension is top notch. FUL LISTENERS.
tant words. English speakers stress

words by using careful pronunciation,
a higher pitch and a higher volume.
When your ESL students are listening Sentence intonation does more
to native speakers, they should listen than make a language sound pretty.
for the words that stand out. These Sometimes the most important infor-
are often clues to understanding what mation in a sentence is in how the
the speaker is trying to say. speaker uses inflection in the delivery.
For example, a sentence may be a
Sometimes, a stressed word can de- statement according to its grammar,
termine the meaning of a sentence, but inflection makes it a question.
and if the listener misses that word “So you’re studying English?” Rising
they might completely misunder- intonation at the end of the sentence
stand the message. For example, “I makes this statement into a question.
can help you.” and “I can’t help you.” Likewise, a single word can be a ques-
sound almost identical expect for the tion when it uses rising intonation. “Do
stress on can’t. The negative modal is you like tomatoes? Cucumbers?” Ef-
important information in the sentence, fective listeners need to recognize
and most speakers will enunciate the this intonation pattern so they can re-
vowel more for the negative form. spond appropriately during discourse.

How to Open Their Ears and Get
Them Listening to Each Other
questions, requesting clarification and especially fun and enlightening. Make
reporting answers accurately. These sure that all students get a chance
activities produce wonderfully target- to do this, and give them time in ad-
ed listening practice while being fun vance to prepare. When students get
and interactive. up in front of the class to “play the
teacher” you’ll want to provide perim-
It’s crucial that students learn to listen
to each other, ask for clarity, and inter-
eters for them to follow and assign
them a task that they are comfortable
carrying out. Some good tasks for stu-
Rounds are something that can be dent teachers are: setting up a game
act with everyone in the class.
done easily and often with little to no or activity, reviewing a grammar point
effort or planning. They can be used to that they know well, introducing their
Following the tips below will aid stu-
do comprehension checks, have stu- own warm-up activity, or directing the
dents in opening up their ears and
dents practice new grammar points or reporting portion or wrap-up of an ac-
listening to each other naturally and
refresh old points they haven’t prac- tivity.
ticed in a while. The best thing about
HOW TO GET rounds is they combine speaking and WHEN YOUR STUDENTS ARE
STUDENTS LISTENING listening and students must listen to EXPECTED TO LISTEN AND COM-
TO EACH OTHER one another in order to do the activ- PREHEND ONE ANOTHER ON A
ity successfully. With rounds you have REGULAR BASIS, THEIR COMPRE-

one student question the next stu- HENSION OF THE LANGUAGE CAN
dent. After the student answers, he GROW TREMENDOUSLY.
ROOM BONDS AND TRUST turns to the next student and asks her Incorporating the above tips into
a question. It goes around and around your regular classroom activities will
If the students come into your class-
as long as you see fit. You can alter enhance students’ classroom expe-
room and are accustomed to a friend-
rounds in so many ways that students rience and get them listening on a
ly, safe environment they are much
will never get bored. During rounds whole other level.
more likely to speak up and reach out
is a perfect time to do corrections,
to one another. It is the facilitator’s job
guide students having trouble, and
to make sure the class is learning not
find teaching moments along the way.
just from you, but from each other. If
The best part is that students’ ears
they have trust and don’t feel inhibit-
are wide open and they are actively
ed, they will begin guiding each other
listening to one another.
naturally, stepping in to help each
other, and get accustomed to different
speaking styles and accents.

Creating exercises in which students
correct each other can be tricky, but
Creating an interactive, fun classroom
atmosphere is one way to start stu- if you set it up right, everyone wins.
dents both speaking and listening. If Create a game where all students get
you play a lot of games, get students corrected in some way, so that there
out of their chairs and interacting, they isn’t any awkwardness about singling
really have no choice but to listen. each other out. One way to do this
Games are critical for this, but role is to give one student a cue to begin
plays are even better. Role plays are speaking on a topic, and the class is
unscripted practice, so the students supposed to stop the student any time
have to respond to each other in the they hear a mistake. Secretly tell the
moment. These are the best activi- student speaker to purposely make a
ties to get students listening to each few mistakes to see if the class catch-
other in an organic way. You could es them.
also include one-on-one interviews or
mingling exercises which require stu-
dents to report back to the group in-
dividually. It combines asking suitable
Giving students opportunities to
teach a small piece of a lesson can be

5 Real Life Activities
for Listening Practice
Do you need to make a doctor’s ap-
MATION OFFERS SO MANY CRE- Giving them real life tasks based on
pointment? Are you scheduling auto
ATIVE AND INTERESTING SOURCES listening tasks will give them a practi-
repairs or a cleaning service? What-
FOR LISTENING MATERIAL. cal and hands on outlet for their listen-
ever the reason, your students can
But what should your students do ing practice.
simulate phone calls in which they
with that information once they have
schedule appointments. Have stu-
it? What are some real life applica-
dents work in pairs role playing a
tions of listening exercises? Here are
phone conversation in which one per-
some activities you can use in your
son makes an appointment and the
ESL classroom to give your students
other person schedules that appoint-
a practical and realistic way to apply
ment. Make sure each student gets a
their listening skills.
chance to play both parts during the
5 REAL LIFE pair work.
If possible, have a native Eng-

lish speaker record some information
FILLING OUT FORMS about herself that she might share
during a job interview, or ask her
Not all of your students will end
questions and let her respond. Then
up working at jobs that require listen-
have your students take on the part
ing to English speakers, but some
of the interviewer. Students can listen
will. So why not challenge everyone
to the recording, make notes about
in your class to listen and record per-
the speaker, and then decide if they
sonal information from their conver-
would hire her for whatever job they
sation partner? Have your students
are filling. If you like, have your stu-
role play in which one person must fill
dents listen to recordings from three
out a form with personal information
different people and then decide who
from his conversation partner. The
they would give the job to. Make sure
form could be a school application, a
each person gives the reasons they
job application, a survey for informa-
think their choice is the best qualified.
tion, or a vacation planner. If you can,

get a native speaker to play the part
of the information giver and let your LECTURE NOTES
students listen for the information they
Most lectures may happen in the
will need to fill out their forms.
college classroom, but that is not the

only context in which one person must
FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS understand and learn information an-
other person presents. Give students
Whether is it how to get to the
some practice listening to and learn-
library or where a party will be held,
ing a monologue of information in a
your students will have to listen to and
variety of contexts. You may want to
follow directions in English. Give your
include a classroom lecture, a server
students a town map (either real or
giving information about menu items
one you design for classroom purpos-
at a fancy restaurant, a political de-
es) and give them directions to vari-
bate, an infomercial, or a doctor giv-
ous places in the town. After students
ing a patient medical information and
listen to a set of directions, ask them
where in the town they are. This activ-
ity is also a great lead to review direc-
tional words as well as U.S. vs. metric ESL TEACHERS HAVE SO MANY

10 Great Sources for Real
Listening Practice: Part One
Another teacher makes for a
sorbing. You can also ask about the
symbols that the actor used as a vi-
sual message with his or her report
and whether they aided your students’
good guest speaker, too, and you
LISTENING SKILLS. should be able to arrange a class understanding.
In fact, it is often the most important swap fairly easily. When you have

aspect of language study for inter- another teacher come and give your MOVIES & TV
national students who come to U.S. class a lesson, try to get someone
English programs. More often than who is not an ESL teacher and who Movies and television shows
not, their experience has been limited is the opposite gender. Exposing your are the next step up in listening com-
to reading and writing, and even inter- students to a different quality of voice prehension practice. An entire movie
mediate and advanced students may is beneficial to their language learning may be too long both for your class
have the oral/aural levels of begin- process. If that teacher presents con- periods and for how much information
ners. Exposing your students to many tent material to your class, you can your students can take in at one time.
authentic types of language use is im- follow with a short quiz. If not, lead Try to limit your selection to about ten
portant, but there is good news. Here a class discussion asking what the minutes. With movies or television,
is a list of just a few real life materials other person said and what your class your students still get visual input, but
you can use for listening practice. As learned from him or her. the speech will be more natural than
the numbers on the list get higher, the the language used on news programs.

challenge for your students increases, In addition, you may have characters
so pick a point along the spectrum
with accents, which will most likely be
and work your way to the more diffi- TV commercials are short and a difficult challenge for your students.
cult resources! often simple. Though you may not After watching a segment two times,
want to advertise a particular prod- ask your students to write a summary
WHERE TO FIND uct in your classroom, the actors use of what happened in the scene. You
AUTHENTIC clear but somewhat natural speech can also review any unfamiliar vocab-
LISTENING FOR YOUR that should be easier for your students ulary that was present or ask general
CLASSROOM to understand. Though they will not comprehension questions.
get some of the comprehension clues

Bringing a guest speaker into
they would from a live speaker, they
will still be able to see facial expres-
sions and the context of the language.
The era of the cassette may be
your classroom is a great benefit to You may want to talk about how the behind us, but that does not mean you
your students. If you have taught ESL advertisers try to communicate their should rule out radio clips as teaching
for any length of time, your speech message through the commercial. aids! The benefit of radio voices in a
has modified even if you do not realize Before, after or while watching, you news segment, weather segment or
it. Whether you know it or not, teach- might want to point out specific vocab- talk segment is that pronunciation is
ers of ESL naturally slow their speech, ulary, words or phrases that may be clearer, easier for your students to un-
articulate more and exaggerate into- unfamiliar to your students, especially derstand. The challenge with a radio
nation. In fact, anyone who talks to a slang, and challenge your students clip will come with the lack of visual
nonnative speaker does these things! to guess the meaning of the words input that your students have to as-
A guest speaker will not have experi- based on their context. sist them. Surprisingly, being present
enced that shift in pronunciation and where a conversation takes place is

speaking style if she does not work of great help for nonnative speakers
with internationals, so although your WEATHER REPORTS
and their comprehension, so taking
speaker may present a challenge to The next step up on the listen- away that visual will challenge your
your students’ listening comprehen- ing activity difficulty spectrum would students. You can ask your students
sion, it will also be a good time for be using a weather report that has to listen for answers to specific ques-
them to practice. You can bring in a appeared on the news. Though its tions or challenge them to infer the
speaker on any topic that you are cov- benefits are similar to that of the com- meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary
ering in class, or just bring in someone mercial, there is less context for your from the context.
who has the free time to talk about students to infer meaning as they
something that interests them! Follow watch. After playing the report for your IF YOUR STUDENTS ARE BEGINNERS
up with a general review of what the students two or three times, ask some OR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS, ANY
person said and how much your stu- comprehension questions to see just OF THESE LISTENING MATERIALS
dents were able to understand. how much information they are ab- MAY BE A GOOD POINT FOR YOU

10 Great Sources for Real
Listening Practice: Part Two
your students are not familiar with. You carefully with unnatural speech patterns.
GIVING YOUR STUDENTS REALISTIC can then follow the listening activity by Edit this section out to get to the chal-
MATERIALS FOR LISTENING PRAC- asking for a summary of what the speak- lenging material that will surface when
TICE IS A CHALLENGE FOR EVERYONE er said or for predictions as to what will they are no longer paying close attention
INVOLVED. happen next in the story. to their speech. The second option for

As teachers, sometimes we do not know this type of material is to record strang-
where to start when it comes to listening YOUTUBE VIDEOS
ers in a public place having a conversa-
materials, and for students the challenge Real people using real language is tion. The first option will give you a better
is in understanding what they hear. 10 a real challenge for nonnative speakers. recording but chance that the speech will
Great Sources for Real Listening Prac- The time has finally brought us to You- not be completely natural. The second
tice: Part One started with less challeng- Tube videos. You can find a video for will ensure that your students are ex-
ing materials for beginning and interme- just about anything you are looking for: posed to real, authentic speech, which
diate students. Part Two continues with instructions on how to play the guitar, will be challenging to listen to, but the
five even more challenging materials to funny things that kids say, cooking pro- quality of your recording may suffer. This
use for practicing aural skills. grams, social interactions, - the possibili- type of listening exercise would work
ties are almost endless. The challenge well with a cloze exercise – transcribe
WHERE TO FIND is that these are real people, not actors the conversation and remove every fifth
AUTHENTIC LISTENING clearly delivering a line. They have real, word, and then challenge your students
FOR YOUR CLASSROOM and sometimes ungrammatical, speech to fill in the blanks as they listen. It won’t

patterns. They speak with accents and
VIDEO LECTURES at a higher rate than your students are
be easy since natural speech flows to-
gether, not clearly separating one word
A video-recorded lecture is one probably used to hearing. This material from the other, so your students will have
step up in difficulty from radio material. will not be easy for your students. With to listen carefully. Give them a chance
Many schools and libraries have these that said, be sure to warn them! You do to listen to the whole thing first and then
materials available to check out at no not want them to be overly intimidated or present the cloze the second time they
cost to you. You can also find instruc- have too high expectations, so much so listen. They will not have any video input
tional videos online quite easily. Though that they feel like giving up after they lis- to assist their comprehension, so this will
your students will have visual input if you ten to cousin Jake explain how he modi- be the ultimate challenge for your ESL
use a lecture as a listening exercise, the fied the motor in his ATV. Whatever seg- students!
speaker’s use of English will be far more

ment you choose, you will need to play
natural than the language you would use it for your students more than one time, BONUS
in a lecture. In addition, your students will and start your follow up by asking just As a bonus, do not forget the
not be able to ask clarifying questions, how much they were able to understand. great benefit that conversation partners
which will add to the challenge. Try fol- Review any unfamiliar vocabulary and offer your students. If you are able to
lowing the listening exercise with a short play it again. Then give your students recruit volunteers who are native speak-
true/false quiz on the material the pro- some comprehension questions and ers to simply come and talk with your
fessor presented, and then put your stu- play the video yet a third time. Encour- students from time to time, their listen-
dents in groups to discuss their answers. age your students that if they are suc- ing abilities will improve. This requires no
Challenge them to recall what the person cessful with this type of listening mate- lesson plans, though you can give some
said that made them answer as they did. rial, they should be very proud of their discussion questions to stimulate discus-

Now that your students are getting
quite proficient at listening, try a recorded
language skills!

sion if necessary, and no special mate-
rials. Many native English speakers will
be willing to be a conversation partner for
the social benefit or the exposure to indi-
book for a listening exercise. Of course, Very similar to the YouTube video but viduals from foreign lands.
you will want to take a short selection for
students who have less experience and
without the visual input, a recorded con- FINALLY, KNOW THAT ONE BENEFIT
proficiency in English, but advanced stu-
versation between two or more people OF BEING A TEACHER IS THE FLEXIBIL-
dents should be able to listen to material
will be the ultimate challenge for your ITY YOU HAVE IN THE MATERIAL YOU
in segments of at least fifteen minutes.
students. Take note, this is not a scripted COVER AND THE MEANS BY WHICH
An audio book takes away the visual that
conversation between people who know YOU COVER IT.
they are being recorded, the type that You can use any of the follow up activities
the recorded lecture provided but uses may come along with your grammar or
more careful pronunciation and speaking with almost any of the listening activities,
listening textbook. To give your students so if you find an exercise that your stu-
rhythm. That does not mean that it will this type of listening material, you will
be easy for your students. Audio books dents like and from which they benefit,
have to do one of two things. The first by all means do it. If teaching listening
often use different accents for different option is to ask some friends to let you
characters, and that may present quite were easy, your students would come to
record them for your class and then edit their English programs with more profi-
a challenge to your students. For a less out the first part of the conversation. If
challenging activity, play a part of a book ciency in the subject. You can help them
they know they are being recorded they improve no matter where they are on the
you are reading as a class. For some- will most likely start their conversation
thing more challenging, play something scale now.
Authentic Listening: What ESL
Materials Lack and How to Get It
There are an infinite number of quality tically, native speakers of English will the missing lyrics. You can play the
ESL materials available on the market interrupt and speak over one another. song multiple times. This challenges
today. For practically any purpose, any Native speakers also tend to speak students to guess at missing informa-
skill level, any topic, ESL teachers can more or less in a conversation, and in tion in what they hear. Of course, once
find listening activities target for just prefabricated materials, there is usual- their lyrics are complete play the song
that combination. Unfortunately, lis- ly a relatively equal division of speak- again and give them the opportunity to
tening materials designed for use with ing time. There are also vocabulary sing along.
ESL classes lack several elements differences between fabricated and
present in non-ESL targeted material.
There is a way, though, to get beyond
the ESL bubble and into the world of
authentic listening texts. ESL texts
tend to lack use of slang and limit the
amount of vocabulary used. Finally, in
Radio Commercials can be used
authentic listening activities. authentic listening situations there is for a variety of activities. They are es-
often background noise and other au- pecially useful if they are by local and
ral stimuli distracting from the listening nonprofessional radio personalities.
WHAT ESL MATERIALS text which is not found in classroom These texts will give students expo-
LACK materials. sure to realistic pronunciation, intona-
tion and speed. You can play a selec-
ESL materials, like any teaching mate- tion of commercials for them and ask
rials, are modified from authentic lan- 5 TYPES OF them to write down particular informa-
guage sources to encourage learning AUTHENTIC tion, or you can ask them to match
and accomplishment for the student. LISTENING MATERIALS various commercials with pictures of
However, listening activities created AND HOW TO GET the people who recorded them.
for ESL classrooms lack several ele- THEM
ments present in authentic spoken
English. This may not be an issue with
early learners, but more advanced
students should be challenged to work
One way to bring authentic lis-
Take your students into situations
where many groups of people are talk-
with authentic materials and further tening activities into your classroom ing at the same time, a party or caf-
their listening skills. If you limit your is to record a listening text in a public eteria for example. Ask your students
class materials to those designed for place. This type of listening text will to “eavesdrop” on four conversations
ESL use, your students will lack ex- have audible distractions and interfer- just enough to note the topic of con-
posure to the following qualities of au- ence while still presenting identifiable versation. Ask students to comment
thentic speech. information to your students. Try re- on if they would like to join in each of
cording an announcement on a bus, the conversations. What would they
ESL listening materials lack realistic subway or plane. Then prepare your say? This will expose students to vari-
intonation which tends to be less ex- students before listening by telling eties in style and also challenge them
aggerated. Exaggerated intonation them the context and ask them what to guess at missing information in the
may aid in comprehension but more they expect to hear. Play the recording conversations.
likely is seen as silly or is perceived for your students multiple times, and
as irritating by adult students. Addi- then ask them to answer questions
tionally, the rate of speech in formu- about what they heard. THOUGH BETTER THAN NOT INCLUD-
lated materials tends to be steady ING THEM AT ALL, THESE AUTHEN-
rather than varied in speed like that
of native speech. The pronunciation
will also be unrealistic. Speakers will
Allow students to listen to a radio
enunciate more and lack assimilation weather forecast. This will challenge OR INTEREST ON THE PART OF YOUR
and elision that are present in natural them to understand content without STUDENTS.
speech. There will also be differences visual clues. Apply this information Authentic listening does not happen in
in syntax. Speakers will use simple by planning activities for the day or isolation, so try to include as many au-
sentence structures and clearly com- choosing what clothing to wear. thentic listening activities as you can
posed, complete sentences. In au- so long as they relate to what your stu-
thentic speech, speakers more often
speak in incomplete sentences and
lengthy, sometimes ungrammatical
Present students with an incom-
dents are learning. Your students will
always be challenged to actively listen
when using English. Why not prepare
sentences. Conversations recorded plete set of lyrics to a popular song. them while they are still students as to
for ESL materials also have clear turn Play the song for the students chal- what real challenges await them in the
taking between speakers. More realis- lenging them to fill in the blanks of listening world of English?

10 ESL Activities That Will Bring
Music to Your Ears
class or for homework, and ask each music to another’s? What do they like
NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE FROM, group to give a presentation on a mu- about the music from other countries?
NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NATIVE sical genre that is unfamiliar to them. Are there any consistencies across
LANGUAGE IS, YOU HAVE EXPERI- Their presentations should include a cultures? Are there any songs which
ENCE WITH MUSIC. MUSIC HAS THE description of the genre as well as an show up on more than one list? If you
SPECIAL ABILITY TO BRING PEOPLE example from that genre if possible. desire, allow your students to share
TOGETHER AND SOMETIMES TO some of their favorite music from their


GOOD EMOTIONS. To take a more whimsical ap-
Music is a chance for individuals to proach to music, give your students
understand one another more and re- a list of the most popular music titles If you want to give your students
spect the values that others hold, so from a previous era. You may want to a challenge, ask them to translate a
whistle while you work as your class use a decade like the 1960’s, 1970’s favorite non-English song into English
entertains these music themed les- or 1980’s. If your students are all the lyrics. Duplicate the lyrics and then
sons. same age, try getting a list of the share them with your class. Does the
top 100 songs from the year of their idea and message translate when its
TRY THESE 10 birth. Then have your students read language changes? What cultural ele-
MUSICAL ESL the titles of these popular songs and ments can be found in the songs?
ACTIVITIES then share their reactions. Do they

1 Start your class with a discus-

have any comments on the titles of
the songs? Do they seem strange or
silly or just fine? What is most striking
7 Do any of your students play an
about them? Do they think songs with instrument? Some countries have tra-
sion. What type of music do you listen these titles could be popular today? ditional instruments for traditional mu-
to? Have each student share either sic. If any of your students plays one

with the entire class or with a small of these culture centered instruments,
group. Each person should explain invite him or her to share a song with
his answer as well. What groups do After looking at a list of these the class. Have each student who
you like best? How did you first get in- titles and playing some excerpts for performs explain how to play the in-
terested in this type of music? What your students if possible, ask your strument, and then allow the rest of
is it about this type of music that is class to discuss how popular music the class to ask questions about the
appealing? If possible, allow each has changed over time. What quali- instrument or the music that their
student to share a bit of his or her fa- ties did successful songs and musi- classmate played. If you do not have
vorite music with the class. YouTube cal groups possess in the past? How any of this type of talent in your class,
is a good resource for finding music have those qualities changed for ask your school’s music teacher (if
on line if you have internet access in bands today? You may want to have you have one) whether he knows of
your classroom. Otherwise, ask your your class create a Venn diagram in anyone who might be able to come to
students to share from a portable mu- which they list the qualities of popular class and share some live music with
sic device. songs of the past and those of popu- your students.
lar songs today. Then have your stu-

2 A discussion of favorite music

dents write a paragraph in which they
affirm or reject how popular music has
8 If you are looking to bring a little
will naturally lead into the topic of creativity to the musical classroom,

genre. Explain to your students what challenge each of your students to
the word genre means, and then as create his or her own original instru-
a class brainstorm a list of musical If you have the hardware for it, ment. This can be done either on
genres. You may want to print this you can download the free application paper with a drawing or in three di-
extensive list of genres available “Top 100 Hits” which lists the top 100 mensions by creating working mod-
from Wikipedia (or from songs from many countries around els. Have each student describe how and give it to your the world. You can also listen to sam- it was made and give instructions
students. How many genres are they ples of those songs with the app. Let how to play it in a class presentation.
familiar with? Which have they nev- your class explore this popular music, You can then have the class vote on
er heard of? Which have you never and then ask them to share their opin- awards for the most original, the most
heard of? Set small groups of stu- ions on the songs. Do they notice any beautiful sounding and the strangest
dents to do a little research either in changes from one country’s popular overall instrument.

9 Your students may or may not
have heard of the Blue Man Group, so
introduce them to this atypical musical
group with one or two videos available
on YouTube. Then play this interview
about the group for your class. What
makes the Blue Man Group differ-
ent from other groups? How did the
group come about? Ask your students
to answer these questions. You may
want to play the interview three or four
times before asking for the answers.

10 The Blue Man Group is

well known for using nontraditional
materials to make music. Have each
of your students write a personal let-
ter to the group suggesting a mate-
rial that they could use in their perfor-
mance and what they could do with it.


Whether your students have musical
talents of their own or simply admire
the talents of others, they will enjoy
your class when it is filled with these
musical activities!

Take a Musical Trip Around the
World With These ESL Activities
and originality in your students’ writing, Draw or post a map of the United States
MUSIC IS ONE OF THE MAGICAL and make sure they know they have the on the bulletin board and then display
THINGS THAT CAN BRING TOGETHER freedom to write anything they choose. the posters near the geographical re-
NATIONS. Once your writing time is up, put your gions they mention.
People all over the world find pleasure students in pairs to talk about what they
and enjoyment in listening to music. Be-
cause music is something to which you
and your students will probably relate,
heard in the music and what they wrote
during the writing session. You may
then want to ask volunteers to share
If you have the resources, you can
at least on some level, why not use it what they have written with the entire download the free app “Top 100 Hits”
as a starting point for a language unit? class. One advantage to approaching by Sixpack. This music application lists
Your students will appreciate the oppor- this activity with art first and then with the top 100 songs in twenty-three coun-
tunity to share some of the music that is writing and conversation is that you tries around the world. Your students
important to them, and they can use the eliminate the language barrier as your may enjoy exploring the music that is
musical studies as a chance to further students listen to the classical selection. most popular in their home countries
increase their language skills! This will allow them to be more creative and those of their classmates. This can
and gain more inspiration from the mu- be done best in groups of two or three
HOW TO PROCEED sic, which can then be channeled in to students. Have your students take note,
their speech and writing. as they explore, which songs are popu-

Music is special in its ability to tap
lar across national borders. Encourage
your students to share in a class dis-
cussion any thoughts or feedback they
into the very center of our beings. Sim- have on their experience.
ple strings of notes connected together Stephen Foster is considered one of the
to make a melody can sometimes pene- greatest musicians in American history. Follow this activity with some class pre-
trate the very center of our selves. Clas- His earthy music written in the 1800’s sentations. Ask each person to bring in
sical music is unique in that it not only speaks to a simpler time in the history a song he or she would like to share with
touches its listeners, but it also frees the of the United States. One unique quality the class. (Plan ahead what resources
mind to imagine a story or an image to that his songs hold is their geographi- you will need to play the music for the
go along with the wordless music. Using cal references. Many of his songs men- class.) Each person should talk about
a piece of classical music for inspiration, tion different areas of the U.S. Some of the song he has chosen. Have your
have your students write a description these songs include Oh, Susanna!, Se- students share what the song means,
or story based on a selection of your wanee River, Camptown Races, and My why they like it, and whether or not they
choice. To do this, choose a piece of mu- Old Kentucky Home. Break your class would like to meet the singer or group
sic that does not have lyrics to play for into groups and assign one of these who sang the song.
your class. A five to ten minute selection songs to each group. Then have the
is probably a good length, depending groups research two things. First, have If you like, follow up by having each per-
on the age of your students. You should each group research the geographical son write either 10 interview questions
give your students a large piece of blank region mentioned in the song. What she would ask the group and the an-
paper and some crayons, markers, pas- information can your students find out swers she thinks they would give or an
tels or other drawing materials. As you about that region today and that region article about the artist to be featured in a
play the selection, ask your students to in the 1800’s? How has it changed over music magazine. You may want to have
draw something inspired by what they time? Why would this be a good location some copies of Rolling Stone or other
hear. They may want to draw something to write about? Second, have your stu- music magazine available for your stu-
that progresses with the music, such as dents do some research on the song it- dents to use as a model. Then compile
a story or scene. They may also want to self. What types of people sang it? Why all the interviews and articles into your
draw something more abstract, reacting did they sing it? Why did Foster write it? own class magazine which features mu-
to the music in one ever-expanding im- If you like, you can use this as an op- sic from around the world.
age. Explain to your students that either portunity to explain how to do library re- MUSIC IS A SPECIAL MEDIUM OF
approach is acceptable. search. If you have computers available EXPRESSION.
to your students, they can also use the It has the ability to touch the very cores
Once the music is over, give your stu- internet to locate their information. After of our being and elicit emotional re-
dents some class time to write about they have completed their research, ask sponses from us as we listen. Giving
what they have drawn. They may write a each group to create two posters, which your students an opportunity to make
story that they found in the music. They explain the information they discovered a musical connection with their English
may describe a person or a location that during their research – one for the geo- studies will help them learn in a new
they heard the music describing. They graphical region and one for the song. way and give them the chance to share
may choose to write something com- If possible, dedicate a bulletin board in with you and the class on a more per-
pletely different. Encourage creativity your classroom to the research results. sonal level.

“Excuses” and Methods to Incor-
porate Music in the Classroom
A lot of Americans are phobic about have communal singing as part of tain’s morning greetings to his crew, in
singing and singing publicly, some are their worship and that most nations which he brags about his various ac-
even convinced they are “tone deaf” have an anthem that citizens might complishments, like “hardly ever” be-
(there actually is no such thing: a truly sing together at public events. ing sick at sea or swearing. Again, the
tone-deaf person would not be able song is simple, and I use it to teach
to speak normally since all languages the frequency adverbs “ever,” “hardly
have tone, intonation, the rise and fall POSSIBLE SONGS TO ever,” and “almost never,” which are
of pitch.) INCLUDE all featured in the song’s chorus.

Below is a list of songs I’ve included
In fact, many people excuse them- PHILADELPHIA
selves from singing in public because in my ESL classes with some success
This is by no means exhaustive and is BY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN
of this alleged disability. In general,
it seems we’d like to leave the sing- just an example of the kind of songs
“Philadelphia,” Bruce Springsteen’s
ing to the professionals. So with this that might be incorporated in your
haunting song from the movie with the
uneasiness surrounding it, why use class.
same title, about the lead character’s
singing in your ESL class?

struggle with AIDS. I’ve included it be-
QUE SERA, SERA (WHAT- cause of its memorable, descriptive
EVER WILL BE, WILL BE) language and to supplement a class
REASONS FOR discussion on AIDS.
INCLUDING Despite its title, this song is sung
SINGING IN THE ESL mostly in English, except for the line
CURRICULUM “Que Sera, Sera,” which is immedi- PRINCIPLES FOR
ately translated, “What Will Be, Will INCORPORATE
All cultures have some kind of
Be.” The song is the story of a child’s
query to her mother “What will I Be?”
and the mother’s response. I’ve had
music, and so it is something students success with it as both the language Again, you don’t have to be an ac-
will relate to. Students may also be and melody are simple and demon- complished musician to use singing
familiar in their own language with a strate multiple forms of the future in your classroom. I have found, how-
song the teacher introduces and so tense, such as questions and affirma- ever, there are some guidelines to fol-
will more easily learn the English ver- tives. low.

Singing is a tool in the class, not the
What better way to teach the criti- I’ve usually taught this song when class itself. It should be incorporated
cal language components of rhythm, showing the musical it comes from, sparingly and when it fits in well with
stress, and intonation than through “Fiddler on the Roof,” but it also works the class. For the HMS Pinafore song
song, where these elements become well on its own. The song features the above, for example, I didn’t have ac-
emphasized and put to a beat? For main character, Tevye, a poor dairy- cess to the whole song’s lyrics and in-
example, the four-quarter time rhythm man, and his musings on what he deed did not even know them as I had
of most rock music mirrors the natu- would do if he were rich. It’s particu- not planned on using the song that
ral STRESS unstressed Stressed larly good in an ESL class because day. However, the opportunity arose
unstressed rhythm of English. When not only can most students identify to use a line or two from the song that
singing a song, the musical beat forc- with Tevye’s sentiments, the song modeled adverbs of frequency: “I am
es students into using the correct in- models multiple forms of the unreal never sick at sea.” “Never, ever, sir?”
tonation pattern in a way they are not conditional: questions, affirmatives, “Well, hardly ever!”
with a straight dialogue. and negatives.

Singing together can have a 3 THE CAPTAIN’S GREETING,
Model the lyrics. Either sing the
lyrics yourself for the students, as I do
magical effect of bonding you to those GILBERT AND SULLIVAN’S with “Que Sera, Sera,” because of its
with whom you are singing. You be- LIGHT OPERA simplicity, or play a CD, as I do with
come a community. It is probably for “Philadelphia,” because in the song
this reason that many religious groups I use part of this song, the ship cap- Springsteen can do musical gymnas-

tics with his voice that I can’t imitate.
The students then, from you or the
CD, can get an idea of how the song
should sound.


Pass out, or write on the board,
the lyrics to the song. Have students
analyze and discuss the lyrics in terms
of their grammar and vocabulary.

Now after hearing the song and
analyzing the lyrics, students are
ready to sing themselves. I actually,
however, offer this as an optional step
in most cases: again, when the song
is simple. I would not ask ESL stu-
dents to sing the “Philadelphia” song,
especially when I can’t myself sing
it. However, if students are eager to
sing, I proceed — oftentimes, in fact,
students come from a more musical
background than mine and are used
to performing in church choirs or just
singing at home with their families. If
they are willing to proceed, then the
instructor can include a variety of
methods --- besides just having stu-
dents sing as one group, the room
can also be split in two, for example,
with one side playing the captain and
the other the crew in the HMS Pin-
afore greeting.


However, if they can get past the dis-
comfort, teachers will probably find
singing has a positive effect on the
class. They may even find they actu-
ally enjoy singing and aren’t such bad
singers after all!

How to Teach Using Songs
SONGS CAN BE A USEFUL TOOL make up a list with parts of speech similar.
WHEN TEACHING ESL BECAUSE that correspond to the blanks. If the
THEY GIVE STUDENTS THE OPPOR- first blank is “Frosty the ________ When choosing songs, please be
TUNITY TO LISTEN TO SOMEONE man” then the first word in the list aware of their speed.
OTHER THAN YOU, THEIR TEACHER. would have to be a noun. To conduct
Often students become familiar with this activity, give students the list with The song “Last Christmas”, for ex-
how one person sounds and may parts of speech and have them work ample, can be useful however if you
have difficulties understanding others. individually, in pairs, or in groups to choose a version which is much too
Songs can be a challenge for students complete it. When they have finished, fast, students will not be able to fol-
because they are often faster than an give them the second sheet and have low along. This song, by WHAM, is
instructor’s speech however they can them fill in the blanks with their words. a good speed for ESL learners. Or-
also be enjoyable and serve to rein- Usually the result is very funny. See- ganizing your worksheets so that the
force certain aspects of English. ing as you used a song to create this verses are clearly laid out will also
activity, you can finish the class by help students because even if they
HOW TO PROCEED listening to the song and having stu- get lost during one verse, they can be
dents write down the missing lyrics. prepared when the next one begins.

Songs should generally be played at
Often songs can be used to
practice particular grammar points.
Using songs in your holiday les-
least twice before checking the an-
swers and then once again after the
correct answers have been given so
Some textbooks spend enormous sons can be fun too! Songs such as that students can listen carefully to
amounts of time on particular topics Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer parts they missed.
and creating new activities may be- can be easily explained even to be-
come challenging so songs are some- ginner and lower intermediate stu- SONGS ARE JUST ANOTHER WAY
thing you can turn to. You can find dents. There may not be a particular TO ADD SOME VARIETY TO YOUR
song worksheets and suggestions for point to using the song in your class LESSONS AND EXPOSE STUDENTS
certain English grammar points on besides to conduct a listening activ- TO A DIFFERENT CULTURE’S MUSIC. Using songs in ESL ity using a popular holiday song, but
classes has become quite common. sometimes that is sufficient and your
For instance, when teaching the pres- students are sure to enjoy it. If your
ent perfect tense, songs such as “I students are willing, it may be ap-
Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking propriate to practice singing the song
For” by U2 and “We Are the Champi- too. Some classes will enjoy such an
ons” by Queen may be appropriate. activity and some certainly will not so
Students are unlikely to grasp the it is important to gauge how your stu-
entire meaning of the song but giv- dents will respond.
ing a brief summary or including the
translation would be beneficial. When
using songs, it is common to have a
worksheet where students must fill in
Certain songs can be used to
certain words. For this present perfect lead into discussions. This type of ac-
lesson, you can remove the present tivity would be appropriate for more
perfect verbs altogether and have stu- advanced learners. You can use a
dents try to fill in the blanks with the song such as “Another Day in Para-
appropriate words. If this is too chal- dise” by Phil Collins for this purpose.
lenging, including the present tense Initially, have students listen to the
of each verb will assist students im- song and complete a fill in the blank
mensely. exercise. Listening to the song sev-
eral times would be appropriate but

once the answers have been checked,
MAD LIBS have students read the lyrics trying to
Mad Libs are a great way to understand the meaning of the song.
practice parts of speech. You can re- You can ask general questions to test
ally use any passage to make a Mad comprehension. If you are not exactly
Libs activity but it can be fun to use sure what kinds of questions will be
songs too. For example, you can use appropriate, you can start off with very
“Frosty the Snowman” to make your simple ones such as “Is this a happy
worksheet. Simply take the song and song?” and when students say “No”
delete particular words leaving blanks ask them why not? This can lead into
for your students, this will be the sec- a discussion about people’s indiffer-
ond worksheet they receive. Then ence, homeless people, or something

What You Can Do With a Song:
5 Creative ESL Listening Activities
Practicing listening skills in class can be sion here: ing activity using the song ‘New York’ by
a real drag to a student, marking the cor- i-fought-the-law.html) provides a great U2. If, for example, the topic of the class
rect answer in their workbook, while lis- little opener while getting the students is cities, the students would be instructed
tening to repetitive dialogues voiced by thinking about the concept of “Fighting to take notes about specific details in the
the same people, over and over again. the law” and the law winning. This can song relating to one of the most famous
This is where the student’s mind begins also lead to some interesting topics such cities in the world, New York. Note taking
to shut down and take a five-minute as why people turn to crime, justice, as is an important skill for students as many
breather, and whatever happening out- well as the consequences of crime. will one day be faced with that challenge
side captures their wandering attention. in their professional lives, while the song
Listening involves a great deal of con-
centration, and so when the brain has 2 TENSE EXPLANATIONS adds an element of depth to the class.

switched off and gone for lunch, the lis-

tening skills follow suit.
How can teachers avoid this from
As English grammar is heavily reli-
ant on whether an action is completed or
unfinished, songs can help paint a clear
picture of the timing implications tense. A
One of the great things about some of
happening, you ask? great song that provides a good example the more lyrical songs is that they don’t
Well, the answer is simple. Why not try is Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac’s serve the answers up to the student on
something a little different. Think outside ‘Landslide.’ A much simpler explanation, a silver platter. They involve the student
of the box and provide the students with for example between present tense and to think about what is really going on,
something that you may not have tried past tense is ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles. based on not just the words but also the
before. Songs provide a great alternative An easy lesson plan for pre-intermediate feelings, emotions and other variables.
to listening tasks, as they are effectively level students is to print out the lyrics, One example of a song that really gets
the same dull listening exercises, but play the song numerous times, and get students thinking is the song ‘Father and
dressed in disguise as something that’s the students to underline the present and Son’ by Cat Stevens. What makes this
entertaining and fun. Another reason past tenses in different colours. An adap- song quite a brain bender is Stevens’
why songs are great in the classroom is tion to this activity give the choice be- singing both the parts of the father and
that they can be used as part of an enter- tween the present and past tenses, with the son. If students can work out the con-
taining and amusing, yet thoroughly edu- the students required to underline the text of what is being said, the answers
cational warmer that will set right tone for correct form of the verb. Boring exercise become blindingly obvious. An exercise
the remainder of the lesson. made fun with the simple introduction of like this works out great with a conver-
You don’t have to do a song and dance a song. sation class as the students can put for-
about it? Just a song on its own would

ward their ideas about what is happening
be fine, thank you. Adding the occasional CONDITIONALS in the song.
song along with an accompanied activ-
ity to your class every once in a while, There are literally hundreds of
you’re giving the students more variety sounds out there that involve condition- SO THERE YOU HAVE IT, A FEW SIMPLE
in the class. This keeps their attention to- als. Using a song like Beyonce’s ‘If I ACTIVITIES THAT WILL ACCLAIM FROM
wards you, their brain’s switched on and Were A Boy’ will not provide a clear image YOUR STUDENTS AND ADD THE ALL-
a stronger ability to listen for detail in the to the concept of conditionals, but also IMPORTANT VARIETY INTO YOUR
long run. bring you to new levels of “cool” in the CLASS.
Here’s some creative activities that are eyes of your students. The entire song All it takes is a little bit of adaption and
aimed to not only entertain students, but details some of the things she would do some creative thought, and you will be
to inspire and educate as well. if she was just a boy for one day. Getting almost as much of a genius as me. A few
your students to put their thinking caps final points of advice for using songs in
5 CREATIVE ESL SONG on and be a little creative, get them to the classroom:
ACTIVITIES talk about if they could do something for
• If you use a cassette tape to play the
just one day. The whole class will surely

song, anyone in the class born after
AN OPENER FOR have a laugh at some of the hilarious re-
1995 will look at you in total confu-
sion and puzzlement

AND DEBATES NEW VOCABULARY BUILDER • Don’t play songs like Bob Dylan –
Subterranean Homesick Blues, not
Before getting started on a debate, a song even we know what he’s talking
Songs can also be used as an aid
could be played to give an idea of the sit- about there.
to build the vocabulary of students. With
uation. So for example, a classroom dis- • Listen to the CD before you play it in
songs on practically every topic on the
cussion on crime and punishment is on class. The last thing your four-year
planet, it’s incredibly simple to find a
the cards, an oldie but a goodie like The old kindergarten students need is to
song relating to a specific topic and using
Clash and Bobby Fuller Four’s ‘I Fought hear your mix tape of death metal or
examples from the song to teach the stu-
The Law’ (see the Green Day’s ver- happy hardcore.
dents. One example of this is a note tak-

Classroom Songs:
16 Creative Ways
Structures (especially modals
Give the students true or false sentences and conditionals) and tenses are often
THERE’S A WHOLE LOT MORE TO repeated in the song. Blank these out as
from the text of the song. Students find
USING SONGS IN THE CLASSROOM reinforcement of the grammar. Transfer
synonyms and antonyms in the song to
THAN JUST TAKING A POT OF CORREC- lyrics from direct to reported speech.
words given on a handout.
In our Song Worksheet Section we have
already got a nice collection for you to
use for teaching various grammar and
Students select 9 keywords from
‘Ain’t’ and ‘gonna’ and other
a selection of about 20 on the board colloquial words which are often ne-
vocab items, now it’s time to review glected in lessons frequently come up in
and insert them into a 3 by 3 grid. When
creative ways we can use to work with songs.
students listen to the song they tick the
songs in the classroom.
words off until they have 3 in a row and
From Abba to Bob Marley there’s much
more you can do than just play songs in
the classroom on a Friday afternoon as
then a full house. Using keywords the
students retell the story of the song in a
Blank out all the verbs, adjec-
tives, rhyming words, etc. Give students

a wind down to the weekend: Grammar a chance to predict the missing words
practice, vocabulary, a change in pace, EXPAND THE SONG
before they actually listen. Students
listening skills, lead-ins to discussions, Students can write an extra verse must choose from a multiple choice
teaching culture or ethics/values, and for the song. Students can compose a which could be used for synonyms or
much more, - the list is almost endless: verse perhaps using keywords from an confusing words. Give the students the
original verse and then compare it with missing words in a jumble on the white-

1 BRAINSTORMING the original. Students can write a letter

from or to the singer or a character in

With evocative titles they can be
the song. STORYBOARD
used for brainstorming vocabulary. Stu-

dents can make up a story given the All the words are blanked out
keywords from the song. PRONUNCIATION
so that students put the song together
Rhyming words can be extracted starting from nothing.


Insert wrong words into the song.
from the song. Weak forms, contrac-
tions and unstressed words are com-
monplace in song lyrics. Make out a sur- 14 MUSIC WITHOUT LYR-
This can be used with synonyms or ant-
vey for students to rate the song from
onyms. You could make two versions Play a piece of music and students write
1-10. You can include questions like:
changing different words in each so that down any words that come into their
Does this song make you feel happy?
students can check with a partner. heads and explain this to the group af-
Does it make you feel sentimental? How
terwards. Students draw as they listen

would you rate the lyrics? How would
ADD EXTRA WORDS INTO you rate the tune? Will it be successful? and afterwards explain their picture.
THE SONG Would you buy it? would you want to lis-

Students must listen and strike out the

extra words.
ten again? Is it suitable for background
music? etc. 15 GAMES TO PLAY
In pairs students listen for


Cut up the song into manageable
You need at least 20 questions.
words ending in ‘-ing’, rhyming words,
adjectives etc. Play charades using
song titles.
Students answer the question while or

chunks and students can reorder as after they listen. Next they can write up MISCELLANEOUS
they listen. Students order pictures rep- a review of the song. If you have the fa-
resenting the song. Split sentences in cilities you may get them to do different Students can act out the sto-
two so students must match up the first songs or as a homework exercise they ry of the song. You need a suitable song
and second half of sentences. can do it at home with a favourite song and give them time to prepare for this.
in English or their mother tongue. e.g. ‘Don’t you want me?’ by The Human

We’re Never Getting Back Together:
Pop Music to Teach English
unite, get back together, after their latest can come from some terrible lies.” The
I spend a lot of time listening to popu- breakup. But given the couple has this story suggests then that both siblings
lar music — not originally by choice. pattern of breaking up and then reunit- have been exploited, the boy by the lie
But I have an adolescent daughter, ing, is this really a kind of declaration of of war and the girl by the lie of love, but
hence I spend a lot of time shuttling her independence from a bad relationship, that there is redemption in the end in the
to music and basketball practice and as it seems at first, or is it denial? form of the narrator’s nephew.
other commitments, and hence she has

2 4
taken control of the car radio. She likes
a specific local station that professes
to “play all the hits,” which seems to be Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved,” The recent song “Thrift Shop” con-
about ten songs — presumably the top the girl who will be loved is described cerns the narrator, with “only twenty dol-
ten — rotated in a constant loop. There- as “the girl with the broken smile.” What lars in my pocket,” forgoing the mall and
fore, I have memorized most of these does this lovely image mean? I’ve al- fifty dollar t-shirts and going to the “thrift
songs and in fact have them stuck in ways taken it to mean the young woman shop down the street,” where he and his
my head — originally to my chagrin, but has been in some way hurt by life, hence friends buy used clothes—some of them
not only have I grown to like some of “broken,” yet she continues to smile. their grandparents’ cast-offs—that look
this music (I have a particular fondness To other listeners the lyric will mean “incredible.” The song is meant in high
for the group Maroon 5), but also I see something else. In Kenny Roger’s “The humor, of course, but also carries a seri-
some of the songs’ value as teaching Gambler” from an earlier generation the ous underlying message about the im-
tools. Much like poetry, these songs can entire song is an extended metaphor of portance of living within one’s means—
teach rhyme and meter, complex vocab- gambling for life as the older gambler especially important for a nation and
ulary, and multiple meanings. The songs gives some advice to the young drifter people who has repeatedly failed at
also reveal interesting aspects of not narrating the story. And metaphor is that. An important note here is that the
only popular culture but also deeper so- also a great way to teach vocabulary, in song is in a nonstandard dialect of Eng-
ciological issues: what is “pop” or popu- just taking a phrase like “broken smile” lish that may be hard to understand, a
lar with a culture at the moment, after and coming up with associations with it: problem with many pop songs, even for
all, speaks volumes about that culture. “hurt,” “bravery,” and so forth, and in that native English speakers. A partial solu-
My daughter, of the same generation way building students’ vocabulary. tion to the problem is online in the form
of most of my students, has served as of free websites that can be accessed

a “guide” to this music through discus- STORYTELLING through simply searching the song’s title
sions about it. and which will then give the printed lyr-
“The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers ics for free. They are often a surprise,
HOW TO TEACH ESL is also an example of music as pure again even to native English speakers.
WITH POPULAR MUSIC storytelling, telling the story of the nar-

Most literature can be taken in
rator meeting up with the gambler on a
train one night and who “for a taste of
my whiskey” offers some advice, which
he does — the extended metaphor of One Direction’s “What Makes You
more than one way. The songs “Mis- cards as life: “You have to know when Beautiful,” Bruno Mars’s “Just the Way
ery” and “We Are Never Getting Back to hold them, know when to fold them, You Are,” and an earlier generation
Together” show the messiness of rela- know when to walk away, and know Sammy Kershaw’s “She Don’t Know
tionships. “Misery” by Maroon 5 has the when to run...” At the end of the song, She’s Beautiful” all carry a theme of a
repeated lyric from the narrator “I’m go- the gambler “breaks even,” or dies, but beautiful woman who somehow lacks
ing to get you back,” which I originally leaves the narrator “an ace that I could insight into her own physical beauty
thought meant the speaker meant want- keep.” A more recent example of great and which everyone else seems to be
ed to win back the affections of his loved storytelling is Fun’s “Some Nights,” con- aware of. I personally have not met a
one, - on further analysis, however, the cerning the narrator’s experiences of beautiful woman who was not aware
full lyric is “You got me good, now I’m going to war and youthful enthusiasm of the fact. As my daughter succinctly
going to get you back,” suggesting the for it: “Boys, this is war! This is what summarized it: she can look in the mir-
song is really about “retaliation,” as my I’ve been waiting for...” and subsequent ror like the rest of us, she’s likely been
daughter put it. This demonstrates that disillusionment: “I sold my soul for this? told by many that she’s beautiful, and
idioms like “to get someone back” mean Washed my hands of God for this...?” she’s probably had a boyfriend or two.
different things depending on the con- The story then turns to the narrator’s sis- We also agreed on why this, the beauti-
text. Similarly, in Taylor Swift’s “We are ter: “My heart is breaking for my sister ful woman who doesn’t know it, would
Never Ever Getting Back Together ” the and the con that she called love...” and be a particular male fantasy. A beautiful
narrator reiterates throughout her claim concludes “But then I look into my neph- woman is, it almost goes without say-
that she and her boyfriend will never re- ew’s eyes and see what amazing things

ing, a kind of prize: not only can the
male enjoy her beauty, but she also
increases his status in having gained
the affections of this beautiful woman.
And if she doesn’t know she’s beau-
tiful—well, that’s even better! That’s
the jackpot. Because she’s insecure
and unaware of the power she might
hold, she’s unlikely to leave and more
easily controlled. In summary, while
such a song is on its surface simply
a celebration of a specific woman, it
also shows some of the inequalities
rife in a patriarchal culture. Analysis
like this of current popular culture can
reveal some interesting sociological/
psychological implications.


However, Shakespeare was also a
“popular” writer — he wrote for the
general population of London, not its
elite. Is some study of music to turn
our classes into conservatories? Of
course not, - much of this music is
almost impossible to sing by anyone
besides a professional. The point is to
study and perhaps even enjoy it. Pop-
ular music in a language class, in a
way that more serious literature often
doesn’t, can speak to a young audi-
ence and also reveal volumes about
contemporary culture — the one it is
derived from.

The Best Shows/Movies
for a Children’s ESL Video Lesson
discuss with you class, - with this movie children’s films go, the sky’s the limit.
IF YOU WANT TO HELP YOUR STU- review worksheet (, you There is a large variety to choose from,
DENTS IMPROVE THEIR LISTENING can watch The Lorax with your class but for the purposes of your ESL class,
COMPREHENSION, NOTHING WORKS and discuss the effects of pollution and please remember the following. It’s es-
BETTER THAN VIDEOS. the importance of preserving our trees. sential that you choose a movie, not
But this begs the question: which mov- Or watch this short excerpt about the only for the entertainment value, but
ies/TV shows should we show them Sneetches ( it presents one that is a good fit for your student’s
in class? Clearly this is not a case of a very relevant discussion point regard- ages and levels. As these movies are
“anything goes”, particularly with young ing prejudice and discrimination. longer, you may opt to show just one
learners who often lack enough vocab- scene or a few, and not the entire film. If

ulary to understand a full-length fea-
CHARLIE BROWN you choose any of the classics you may
ture film in English. So, to eliminate the have the added advantage that your
guesswork on your part, here is a list Charlie Brown is a boy that most students will probably have already
of the best videos to show your young children can easily relate to. He has a seen them in their native language,
learners - movies and shows that will group of friends he likes to play base- thus giving them better chances of fol-
not only entertain them, they will also ball with, and has a dog – a very special lowing the plot and dialogue.
help them hone those listening skills! one. Snoopy is not your typical canine Some of the classics we recommend
buddy, but we would love to have a dog are:
TRY THESE SHOWS & like him. This is why the Peanuts car- • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
MOVIES FOR YOUR toons have fascinated children of all – has this great
NEXT CHILDREN’S ESL ages for decades. Several movies and worksheet for you to use (
VIDEO LESSON TV specials have been made based on Y5xZm3).
the Peanuts gang, the most popular and

• Toy Story 1, 2 or 3
SESAME STREET the best ones to watch with your ESL • Puss in Boots
class being the holiday specials like It’s • Finding Nemo
The American children’s TV se- the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, It’s
ries has produced solid, educational the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, or A
content for over 40 years. The series Charlie Brown Christmas. TIPS FOR SHOWING
features short segments, videos, and VIDEOS TO YOUR
songs targeted to very young children,
content that is highly appropriate for
young English learners of ages 3-5. YouTube has come a long way Always have a lesson plan for a video
The best part about the Sesame Street from being simply the video sharing site lesson, or make sure the video fits into
videos is that teachers can access where we could watch people’s home one. Never show a video “just because”,
them in multiple ways. SesameStreet. videos, jokes and silly gags. Thousands - even if it is a 2-minute filler, it should
org has a Video page where you can of videos with educational content are still serve a purpose within your les-
access very short video segments that uploaded on a daily basis by ESL teach- son goal, like review something they’ve
help children polish their counting skills, ers and schools. A quick search should been practicing, like the alphabet, for
for example, or say the alphabet in Eng- give you dozens of options to watch example. If you want to take an entire
lish, among many others. Most of the with your class. One noteworthy You- class hour for a video lesson, that’s
videos are less than a minute long and Tube channel is DJCKidsMedia ( fine, just makes sure you allow plenty
are great fillers or ways to complete an XsGvPy). The children’s book and DVD of time for your students to complete a
activity. You can also watch the videos publisher has a YouTube channel filled warm up (previewing activities), as well
on Sesame Street’s YouTube Channel with short, engaging videos that can as viewing and post viewing activities.
(, or order the videos from teach your young learners to tell time,
Amazon. count to 10, or phonics for the letters ALWAYS REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT
of the alphabet. Be sure to check out ABOUT YOU SIMPLY SHOWING A

Dr. Seuss’ books and silly rhymes
this YouTube channel and others, but
before you show your class any video
on YouTube, make sure you see it first

This is about maximizing their learning

have entertained children for decades. to check for any inappropriate content. opportunities and helping them hone
His work is also available on video, their listening skills. If you manage to

and though most of it is fantastical and give them a special treat with a fun
features characters that are out of this movie at the same time – so much the
world, the rhymes are great for pro- FEATURE FILMS better!
nunciation practice. Also, most stories
As far as animated or feature-length
have an important message you can

English Video Lessons: Winning
Strategies for the ESL Class
Video lessons give ESL students a up questions about the topic. covering the TV or computer screen
wealth of learning opportunities. Natu- • If your goal is to practice gram- with some cardboard or cloth, and
rally, they’re great for listening prac- mar, then the pre-viewing activity have students only listen to the video.
tice, but never underestimate their should be a review of the tense or Then, they answer some general com-
value when it comes to teaching vo- grammar point you want to prac- prehension questions about the gist
cabulary and grammar. However, to tice. Some great activities for pre- of what they heard. Then, have them
really tap into the potential of video viewing practice are games, fill in watch a second time, but this time lis-
lessons, these must be thoroughly the blanks exercises, or any of the tening and viewing, and ask them to
prepared and activities must be tar- grammar worksheets you’ll find at complete a gap filling exercise. Final-
geted to your goals. ly, ask them to watch for a third time,
but this time they have to raise their
There are two layers to video lessons. hands every time they hear the an-
One is related to your teaching goals. VIEWING ACTIVITIES swer to a more specific question. You
Will you show your students a video can introduce as many levels and as
for listening, vocabulary or grammar Viewing activities consist of tasks that many viewings as you want, but make
practice? What is the language ele- students must complete while watch- sure each level is more challenging
ment you want them to learn? The ing the video, and these should also than the previous.
second layer is the structure of the be targeted to your goals:
lesson itself. Even if you’re sure you
want to show a video to improve lis-
tening comprehension, it’s not as sim- W HEN TEACHING
ple as just pressing “play”. Each video Because of their very nature (songs
lesson must be accompanied by its Activities should focus on helping stu- are usually short and often repeat
own lesson plan, and the lesson plan dents learn and retain the new words phrases, words, and structures), mu-
must be targeted to meet your teach- introduced in the pre-viewing activity. sic videos are the best for practicing
ing goals. Each video lesson plan One great way to do this is to give grammar. We Are the Champions by
must include: pre-viewing activities, students a worksheet with sentences Queen ( is a great song
viewing activities, and post-viewing with gaps that students must fill with to use to practice the present perfect.
activities. the new words. Students watch the Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York
Here are some strategies for each video and complete the sentence ( shows students ways
type of activity: with the missing word. Students may in which the future with going to and
also be asked to look for specific in- will can be contracted. The most com-
formation. In this Winnie the Pooh mon type of viewing activity with mu-
PRE-VIEWING and Halloween video worksheet (bit. sic videos is a gap-filling exercise, but
ACTIVITIES ly/12HuzNW), young learners are re- you can get creative and try some
quired to identify the costumes each others – see some good examples in
The pre-viewing activities would be of the characters are wearing, and this Eurovision song worksheet (
like the warm-up exercises that we they can easily do this while viewing. XsUHrW)
usually have for other types of ac-

tivities. There are several pre-viewing HEN WORKING ON
activities you could do, but try to use
those that are aligned with your goals. ACTIVITIES
• If your goal is to teach vocabu- COMPREHENSION:
lary through a video, then in the Post-viewing activities are a nice way
Gap filling exercises also work great,
pre-viewing activity you should to wrap-up the video lesson and a
but for this goal, gaps should be lon-
introduce this new vocabulary, in great opportunity to consolidate ev-
ger, and students should be required
context, in conversations, through erything your students have learned
to fill them with information rather
a matching exercise, guess the in a production or performance activ-
than just new words. Comprehen-
meaning of the word activity, etc. ity.
sion questions are always a great
• If your goal is to work on listen-

way to test listening comprehension.
ing comprehension, introduce the You may choose to give them a few HEN FOCUSING
topic of the video, so your stu- questions to focus on before the video ON VOCABULARY:
dents will know what it’s about starts.
and be better prepared to grasp First you introduced some new words,
information. This introduction may Also, you may choose to introduce then, your students saw how they
be done in numerous ways, but different levels of listening. Start by were used in the video. Now is the
the most usual is a series of warm time for your students to use these

new words themselves. Divide them
into pairs, and ask them to write a
conversation or report using this new
vocabulary. If your goal was to teach
vocabulary related to weather, and
you showed a video of a TV weather
report, ask your students to write the
weather forecast for next weekend.

Your goal was to improve your stu-
dents’ listening skills, so ask them to
produce something that shows just
how much they understood. This pro-
duction may be anything from a pic-
ture, a PowerPoint presentation that
summarizes the video, or a role play.

If your goal was to offer some extra
grammar practice, ask them your
students to produce something that
specifically requires them to use this
grammar point. Let’s say you showed
them an interview in which an ac-
tor talks about his life to practice the
past simple tense, - your students can
write a short biographical report on
what they learned about his life.

The best part of incorporating video

lessons into your ESL classroom is
the vast amount of material available,
from short news pieces on
to a full episode of a popular TV se-
ries, a movie trailer or a full-length
feature film on special occasions.



How To Use TV In Your Class-
room: 6 Creative Approaches
One of the best ways to educate stu-
dents across all skills is via the means
of television. While many teachers and
parents are probably under the impres-
tions in the style of TOEFL or IELTS
that relate to the content. One TV show
that I like to use with these classes, and
can be used with practically any class
If you feel that you’re students may
sion that their child or student is NOT is Man Vs Wild. Man Vs Wild makes for be more responsive to a TV than you,
learning much when watching TV, in a great classroom activity, and will have simply let the TV do all the work! Well,
the right circumstances a TV show or a the students sitting on the edge of their not really, use it sparingly as a tool to
news bulletin can provide a fun alterna- seat. It’s even better to see their faces maintain a good mix of variety. While
tive to regular classroom activities. when he eats a worm or a frog. it’s not as interactive as a teacher, it
Best TV programs – Man Vs Wild, Air can provide some very good examples.
Television programs also provide stu- Crash Investigation, House MD. I have found myself trying to explain a
dents with realistic conversation and point, and later seen it in a “learn Eng-
dialogues, which aid listening skills
by offering a diverse range of accents
for the students to hear. Another ad-
lish” TV show explained with succinct
explanations and easy-to-understand
examples. These are a good way to
vantage is that the majority of TV pro- I am a strong believer that classes complement what the students learn in
grams use relatively simple language, should not just be about English, but class while providing a mix of accents
otherwise they provide the viewers with also contain elements of cultural tid bits and voices that provide enough variety
a clear explanation. Television can be that the students use if they travel over- for the students to practice.
used in a number of ways to add that seas at a later date. One quick and easy Best TV Program to use – There’s so
all-important element of depth to your way to gain a deep insight into various many out there, but I find ‘Australia Net-
class. Here’s a few of our favourites. cultures around the world is through an work’ to have the most comprehensive
ordinary nightly news bulletin from any range of “Learn To Speak English”-style
commercial broadcaster. Commercial
6 CREATIVE WAYS TO broadcasters are ideal as they aim to
programs, including ‘Study English’,
USE TV IN YOUR ESL appeal to the masses, maintaining a
‘English Bytes’, and much more. ‘Aus-
CLASSROOM simple level of language and popular
tralia Network’ also features one of the
best IELTS tips programs of anywhere I

stories. have seen. IELTS teachers should take
ENTERTAIN Best TV programs – Any news bulletin a look at “Study English - IELTS Prepa-
Ah, yes. Entertainment. Where from BBC, CNN or Al Jazeera, or for a ration 1 & 2”.
would we be without it? And especially laugh, try Fox News.
television. Well, just like we get bored
with monotonous things, our students
do as well. So in order to give them a 4 INTRODUCE ASSIGNMENT
If a picture tells a thousand words,
short break from books, grammar and then obviously a video must tell a whole
structures, television programs work a Keeping the class up to date on current lot more! Television programs can pro-
treat. However, teachers shouldn’t use affairs of the world is fun for me, as a vide a detailed explanation on topics
this as an excuse to be lazy: even en- news junkie, while offering variety for that can be quite difficult to explain.
tertainment lessons, for example, at the the students. BBC News offers a very Some localised sports, such as cricket
end of a course, should contain a work- short news program called ‘Around the or curling can be an incredibly difficult
sheet or simple task to go along with it. World in 80 Seconds’, which provides for an ESL student to comprehend,
brief snippets of news from around the which is where visual aids, such as vid-
Best TV programs – Any appropriate
world. I like to use this as an introduc- eos, come in amazingly handy.
movie or a TV episode that fits well into
the class. tion to assignment work on world news.
Students will watch the broadcast two BY PUTTING ON YOUR THINKING

or three times while taking notes. They CAPS AND USING SOME OF THAT
IMPROVE LISTENING SKILLS can then pick one of the issues heard GREY MATTER THAT’S IN YOUR
50 percent of TV involves us lis- in the broadcast to research and write HEAD, VIDEOS CAN PROVIDE US WITH
tening to it, so why not leave the 15 about, handing it in the following week. PEACE AND QUIET, WHILE OUR STU-
year old cassette player in the teachers’ While not only improving their English DENTS TAKE ADVANTAGE AND PRAC-
room, and bring in a DVD to add a little skills, it also prepares students with TICE THEIR SKILLS WHILE HAVING A
variety to your class. Even preparation some of the research that they may GOOD TIME.
for IELTS and TOEFL classes can ben- have to undertake at university. As a teacher, you will benefit as well.
efit from watching an appropriate TV Best TV Program to use – BBC’s Most TV programs and activities that
show in class. Teachers simply have Around the World in 80 Seconds. work well can be re-used over and over
to create a worksheet containing ques- as you teach new classes.

What to Do With a TV Series:
8 Creative Ideas You Can Use
One of the fantastic things about ESL content is suitable for your students. without too much going on, stop the
teaching is that it can be incredible video after an inference is made and
for both the student and the teacher. So, here we go. All the neat and cool ask the students if there was any hid-
Compared with other subjects, such things you can use a TV series for in den meaning or if anything else was
as maths, chemistry or physics, lan- the classroom. implied other than the words spoken.
guages can be learned using a num- Higher levels may pick up on some of
ber of different mediums and stimu- the subtleties, but lower levels may
late learners in many different ways. HOW TO PROCEED require some explanations.

One popular saying is that one per-

son’s trash is another person’s trea-
sure. It’s a sentiment that is quite close
A favourite for virtually any class,
to the truth with the idea of watching So the little dears have worked in- role plays provide a great chance for
TV in the classroom. But ESL teach- credibly hard lately, reward them by students to put the language, gram-
ers are a resourceful bunch, and we adding some variety into the class mar, and structures into practice, as
can easily make educational gold out by showing them a popular series. well as help contribute to a fun and
of what others believe has no place in On the other hand, if they have been lively classroom atmosphere. Many
the classroom. The truth has it that a evil, punish them by showing them a teachers like to show the students a
TV series can help provide a balanced video... But giving them some difficult clip from a highly dramatized episode,
mix of entertainment with education, worksheets and questions to go along and then get them to act it out as natu-
not to mention your rise in status to with it. rally as possible.
Ms, Mrs, or Mr Popularity with the stu-
dents. Before we begin to show you
some of the cool things that can be
done with a TV series, we thought we
would cover some important points to One of the key skills required for in-
think about when choosing a series. TV series are one of the best ways ternational examinations such as
that students can experience two or TOEFL or IELTS is the ability to listen
more native speakers having a con- for essential information. In the IELTS
YOUR CLASS IS THE AUDIENCE, NOT versation. As opposed to monotonous examination, students are required
YOU dialogue that’s voiced by a couple of to listen to dialogues in order to dis-
As much as you love watching House sect and disseminate information. For
English teachers on the hunt for extra
MD and the team unravel their way higher levels, prepare some ques-
cash, showing a TV series can help
through a range of diagnoses’ from tions about the episode they have
really put the usage into perspective.
aortic dissection to Neurofibromato- just watched - in the style of IELTS or
Get the students to take notes of some
sis, we would bet that your students TOEFL, and present them to the stu-
of the expressions that they felt were
hate it. Choose a series with simple dents to complete in a “test-like” envi-
interesting, and then try to get them to
theme and a relatable story line. Glee ronment. The students enjoy this as
incorporate those expressions into a
is a fine example of this, as it is based it provides them with a wide range of
around school life, which is something skills that they can use in the exam,

that we can all relate to. Mr Bean while providing topics which are more
works excellently for lower levels and THE ‘ALL-IMPORTANT’
interesting than found in the usual test
children. CONTEXT material.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE English is just one of those languag-
A good teacher ensures that whatever
they are showing to their class has
some educational value. Showing a
es where sometimes you really need
to keep track of the context, or else
you’ll find it pretty difficult. Many of
the students are left bewildered at For the lower levels, a good idea is
movie, series or TV show to a class
the unspoken context of speech. By to find a lower-level series that uses
without a reason is a ‘must avoid’
providing the students some clear a wide variety of common English ex-
examples of the subtle nuances and pressions or greetings. Stop the DVD
idiosyncrasies that we often use in or video after a target phrase, word or
conversation, they will be able to rec- expression and have the students re-
Pre watch the material before you play
ognise this more in everyday speech, peat it, trying very carefully to mimic
it in class – it’s common sense, have
which will, in turn, help their listening the accent and minimise their own
a quick run through prior to using it in
skills. In a very easy-going lesson accent. This is also good as it builds
your class just to make sure that all

confidence and the students find the
TV series interesting at the same
time. Both the student and teacher
can have a lot of fun with this.

Whether to turn the subtitles on or off
while watching a video in class is an
age-old question that has as many
different answers as the number of
people you ask. For lower levels, we
find that having English subtitles dis-
played while watching a TV series can
actually help bring the students up to
speed with their speaking and listen-
ing skills. Following the dialogue on
the screen as it is spoken can work
wonders in helping the students in-
crease the pace in which they can
listen and speak. Students can prac-
tice in pairs, in front of the class, or
even in a one-on-one situation with
the teacher.

English teachers working in
some countries around the world will
understand that getting some creative
and independent thought from a stu-
dent can be like drawing blood from a
stone. In these cases, you may want
to play an open-ended plot from a
well-known TV series and stop it just
as an important turning point is about
to take place. Ignoring the sighs of
disgust and annoyance of the stu-
dents, instruct them to decide how it
ends. Students can free write an idea
of how the story ends, what happens
to the characters, and then present
to the class. If you’re a nice enough
teacher, you can show them the ac-
tual ending of the show.


Using a TV series will make your stu-
dents excited about learning, while
providing them with a wider range of
interesting materials to learn from. Oh
yeah, this also makes you a better

Incorporate Movies in the Class-
room and Keep them Riveted
Once or twice a semester, teach-
ers will sometimes get the idea of
“Let’s watch a movie!”
In this Jennifer Gardner comedy,
Often the movie happens to be a her character, Anna, lives in a fictional Give students a list of less frequent
personal favorite of the teacher. (I’m world with the main character, Mark words used in the movie. See if they
a big fan of “My Big Fat Greek Wed- — a world where lying hasn’t been in- can write a definition using the con-
ding.”) Movie days can be a break vented yet. Mark works as a screen text.
from the regular curriculum, and valu- writer where “actors” just read aloud

able learning can take place as mov- real-life stories. After Mark invents WRITE A SUMMARY
ies use contextualized language and lying, the real complications ensue.
teach culture. Good for ethical and cultural discus- Summarizing is an important
sions about when it would be appro- academic skill, and somehow stu-
However, there is the danger of stu- priate to lie and when not. dents understand more about what
dents nodding off or texting their to summarize with a movie — just the
friends rather than watching the mov-
ie. What are ways to prevent this? 5 ERIN BROCKOVICH
Julia Roberts plays Erin
highlights — than they do with a writ-
ten text, perhaps because they are
used to orally summarizing movies
Sometimes the movie itself is a prob- Brockovich, in a real-life story of a and events for friends in a way they
lem. It isn’t necessarily easy to choose single mother who discovered PGE don’t with written text. Have the stu-
a movie that is engaging, appropri- dumping waste materials in a town’s dents summarize as if for a friend who
ate, and in some way instructive. Fol- water supply and fought them in a hasn’t seen the movie.
lowing is a brief list of films I’ve had landmark case. Students find the

success with. Needless to say, the character inspirational. BE THE REVIEWER
instructor should always preview the
film to make sure it will be appropriate TEN METHODS TO After summarizing, discuss the
for her individual class: ENGAGE STUDENTS difference between evaluating and
WITH A MOVIE summarizing, two skills students
FIVE ENGAGING tend to confuse. Summarizing is tell-
Introduce the movie a day be-
ing what happened, while evaluating
is telling the reader your opinion of
what happened. Reviewers evalu-


Classic musical of Tevye the
fore hand, as you would a reading,
discussing its plot and characters
and relate it to the curriculum. For
ate, - they don’t summarize. Discuss
what to evaluate in a movie: the act-
ing, the sets, the script, and so forth.
milkman and his family in a Jewish example, when showing “Fiddler on Have students form “panels” and
village in turn of the twentieth centu- the Roof,” I’ve explained the major each individual within the panel give
ry Russia. Students relate to Tevye’s conflicts in the movie related to the their evaluation in the form of stars (1
struggles and dreams. characters’ being cultural minorities, star = bad, 5 stars = excellent.) Have
which mirrors many of the students’ the reviewers defend their number to


Musical retelling of the Romeo
situations. I also give out the lyrics to
“If I Were a Rich Man,” which models
the unreal conditional.
each other.

After giving their oral review, have stu-

and Juliet story set in Manhattan be- dents write their reviews in paragraph
tween two warring gangs, The Crips
and The Jets. Much of the story is still
relevant after sixty years, such as the
form, starting with a topic sentence
that gives their overall evaluation of
the movie and then details to support
theme of trying to survive in a hostile To keep students attuned to the mov- it.
urban environment. ie, give them a series of questions

to focus them. The questions should
focus on both global aspects of the
movie: “Where is the story set?” and
more detailed aspects of it: “What is
Romantic comedy between the Greek the name of the restaurant owned by Students select one character each
American Toula and her WASP fian- Toula’s family?’ to really make sure they liked most (or least) and explain
ce, Ian. Students respond readily to students are paying attention. why. This may be followed up also in
the cultural conflict between the two written form. This is a good assign-

ment for teaching paragraph struc-
ture for the descriptive paragraph.
For example, students start with a
topic sentence that names the topic,
or the character, and then comments
The can be a powerful language
on that topic with why the character is
learning tool if engaging before, dur-
loved or hated, which is the controlling
ing, and after activities are given.
idea: e.g., “Toula in ‘My Big Fat Greek
Wedding’ is an independent woman.’”
Following should be details that sup-
port that controlling idea: “She has
the courage to change her life, going
against her family traditions.”

After the more analytical assign-
ments, students can then engage in
some creative ones, such as writing a
monologue for one of the characters.
Explain what a monologue is: a one-
way extended conversation in which
the character is either addressing the
audience, himself or herself, or some
unseen or silent character.

I like to give students the assign-

ment to have a character explaining
to someone “Rule Number 1.” If a
character explains Rule 1: e.g., “Rule
number 1, man, you don’t go out with
your best friend’s ex,” this shows the
character’s value system.


Many beloved movies have dialogue
we wish were different. Have students
make the characters say what they’d
like them to see.


What would happen to hero and
heroine Tony and Maria if Tony didn’t
die at the end of West Side Story? Re-
write the ending and show us.

In many movies, the setting seems in-
tegral to the story—Gone with Wind,
for example, is hard to imagine set
anywhere but the Civil War South.
Other stories have more universal ap-
peal. Have students experiment by
resetting a Sherlock Holmes movie
to contemporary United States for ex-

Top 10 Christmas Songs
for ESL Classes
In the northern hemisphere, there are
lots who dream of a white Christmas,
whereas in the south of the world the
holiday season is best enjoyed by the
And what a joy indeed it is to lead
single. Here is a wonderful worksheet
for beginners, guaranteed to put their
listening comprehension to the test:
your class in this happy hymn! For lyr-
pool while sipping cool drinks. No mat- ics and list of recommended vocabu- white-christmas-bing-crosby.html
ter where we are in the world for the lary words, go to (esl.about.
holidays, two things remain the same:
we all look forward to getting together
with family and friends, and we sing
htm). 8 I SAW MOMMY
Christmas songs.

Some Christmas carols have become

so popular and so well-loved, they’ve
This fun song reached the number one
position on the charts in 1952. The
story is as endearing as any Christmas
This 16th century English carol has tale: an unsuspecting child endeavors
been translated to several languages, stood the test of time and remains a to sneak up on Santa Claus and finds
and are sung in countries where snow very popular Christmas song to this him (presumably his father) kissing
and hot chocolate have nothing to do very day. Lyrics also available at Bog- his mother underneath the mistletoe.
with Christmas. For students of English glesworld ( Here’s a great worksheet based on
as a second language, there are songs mas_carols.htm). the cover recorded by the Jackson 5:
that are timeless classics, which should

definitely be taught as another way to i-saw-mommy-kissing-santa-the.html
make students more familiar with Eng-

lish-speaking cultures. This song was originally a tradi- ALL I WANT
tional German carol called “O Tannen- FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU
HERE ARE THE TOP 10 baum” (fir tree in German). Although
CHRISTMAS SONGS the best known version is from the One of the most recent additions to the
FOR ESL CLASSES. 19th century, the original melody dates
back to the 16th. Lyrics in both English
list of holiday classics, this song was
released in 1994 in Mariah Carey’s
Here you’ll find some classic, tradi- and German are available at Songs- Merry Christmas album. Lyrics and ac-
tional carols and some modern favor- (songsforteaching. tivities are available in this worksheet:
ites. We’ve provided some background com/christmas/ochristmastree.php).
information on each song, which you christmas.html
may share with your students, together
with lyrics and some suggestions for
Who can name all of Santa’s reindeer?
HOW TO PROCEED Few probably can, but there’s one name
that stands out among young and old:
This is the perfect song to raise aware-
ness among your students of the hard-

Rudolph, the reindeer that was at first ships others may face in other parts of
ridiculed for his big, red nose, but later the world. In 1984, Bob Geldof wrote
This is probably the single, most saves the day as he deftly leads San- this song and put together a group of
popular Christmas song ever, although ta’s sleigh through the fog. Lyrics are English and Irish artists, called Band
it was originally written for Thanksgiv- available at ( Aid. All proceeds from this song went
ing. Bogglesworld (bogglesworldesl. od/holidayresources/a/sc_rud.htm), towards relief for the famine in Ethiopia.
com/christmas_carols.htm) offers a but don’t forget to try the activities rec- The video and lyrics are available at En-
short version that is perfect for ESL ommended at ESLKidStuff (eslkidstuff. (
classes. com/ChristmasGames.htm): there’s a do-they-know-its-christmas.html).
pin the tail on the reindeer game that

2 SILENT NIGHT is sure to provide lots of holiday fun for SOME OF THESE SONGS ARE GREAT
This classic carol was actually ARE SIMPLY FUN TO SING. WHETHER
originally written in German, but is now
sung in over 44 languages.
When we think “White Christmas”,
sc_silent.htm) offers the lyrics and a we think “Bing Crosby. The song writ- DENTS PLENTY OF NEW THINGS TO
short list of vocabulary you might want ten by Irving Berlin has actually made LEARN WITH THESE WONDERFUL
to go over before listening to the song it into the Guinness Book of World HOLIDAY CLASSICS!
in class. Records as the all time best-selling

Listen Up: Using Online Resourc-
es to Amplify Listening Skills
There are many different websites speech, and are not slowed down or com/). It provides a wealth of stories
to help you bring adventurous and unnatural as many books often pres- and conversations, many of which
unique listening exercises into your ent. have an audio file accompanied by a
classroom. script or story. The listening exercises
Another website created by Randall is use authentic speech and interesting
You can find just about anything you the Train Your Accent website (www. language to provide a very effective
might need for every level language It is a newer resource for discussion, question and
learner, and students in today’s class- site with not as much content, but the answer, or independent practice. Each
room are looking to be engaged in content provided is rich with more re- listening exercise also comes with a
many different ways. If you have an in- al-world language to train students in list of vocabulary words, yes/no ques-
ternet connection, speakers and a pro- listening and also in speaking. There tions, cloze, crosswords, keys, and
jector there is a whole world of online aren’t many websites out there dedi- even dictation. These exercises are
listening resources awaiting you! cated to helping students understand designed to be worked through online,
different accents and also work on their but can easily be printed out or used
own. This website has short listening with an overhead projector. There is
TRY THESE GREAT exercises accompanied by a script, re- no limit to how you could utilize these
ONLINE RESOURCES duced speech script, and ideas for a conversations and stories!
TO AMPLIFY few activities. This website would also
LISTENING SKILLS be very useful for self-paced study or
individual projects. 3 PODCASTS


Podcasts have become so popu-
lar, why not bring them into your ESL
classroom? NPR and the BBC have
Utilizing online listening quizzes is one Music and movies are another hundreds of podcasts on all types of
of the best ways to supplement book wonderful resource to facilitate natu- topics. Most of them are at least 30
exercises and provide students with ral listening exercise which also add minutes in length, so you would need
additional challenges. One of the best, an element of playfulness and change to choose excerpts for your advanced
most organized websites to find a sur- of pace. Creating lessons with music level students. Podcasts are an inter-
plus of listening quizzes is Randall’s can be time-consuming as can find- esting resource for students who really
ESL Cyber Lab ( ing movies that are appropriate for want challenging, thought-provoking
ESL audiences. One website does the listening activities. Podcasts would be
Randall’s site is well-organized, user- work for you, and if you are looking for an effective assignment for project-
friendly, and applicable for every level. visuals to go along with the listening, based work that speaks directly to
In addition each listening quiz is put all these resources are videos. The students and their interests. The top-
together with pre and post listening website is ESL Video (www.eslvideo. ics and language are challenging, spo-
exercises, vocabulary activities includ- com/). ken in natural English with American
ing idiomatic speech, a quiz script, and and British accents, and there are no
conversation. You can choose how There are videos of songs, movies scripts available.
you want to present the activities, and trailers, and short movie clips. Each
you could use it either for individual exercise comes ready made with
listening practice or for group work as questions, transcript, and notes. The LISTENING EXERCISES DON’T HAVE
a class. One of the best ways to uti- videos are catalogued by level, but TO BE ROTE OR RUN-OF-THE-MILL.
lize the site is to project the quiz onto you can also perform a search if there AS WITH ALL ONLINE RESOURCES,
the screen while the conversation is is something particular you are look- BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE A SOLID
playing. You can decide whether you ing for. One other cool aspect of this PLAN IN PLACE BEFORE PRESENT-
want to make the listening conversa- website is that you can register for ING EXERCISES TO THE CLASS, AND
tions part of practice, an opportunity free in order to create your own video DON’T RELY COMPLETELY ON THE
for a group quiz, or simply take bits quizzes. The resources are presented WEBSITE TO DO YOUR WORK FOR
and pieces of what is presented and expertly and the possibilities for utiliz- YOU.
create your own activities. The conver- ing these videos is only limited by your There are tremendous resources
sations are perfect for launching into imagination. awaiting you, and using these web-
discussions and also provide substan- sites combined with your own creative
tive support materials for a range of There is another stellar website that is style, you can surely amplify your stu-
topics. Students enjoy the challenge designed for learners to practice not dents’ skills.
and stimulation of these real-world just listening, but reading and writing
dialogues. It’s so constructive that the as well. It is ESL Fast (www.eslfast.
conversations are presented in natural

Voicethread, Voki, Listen &
Watch: Homework for Listening
It would be best if there were a theme speech feature.
RECENTLY, THERE HAS BEEN A to the Voicethread such as animals,

MOVE TOWARDS ORAL ENGLISH OR hobbies, environmental problems, BRITISH COUNCIL
ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES countries, food, or art that related to
IN COUNTRIES AROUND THE your current unit of study. The theme The British Council makes a
WORLD. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS will obviously depend on the level of lot of materials available for English
HAVE SHIFTED FROM TEACHING your students. Before sharing the Voi- language learners so you can direct
SOLELY GRAMMAR TO TEACHING cethread with students, create a com- students to what you would like them
PRONUNCIATION AND COMMUNI- ment that includes the directions as to listen to or watch. Many of the ac-
CATION SKILLS. well as a model of what you expect tivities on the British Council website
Teachers of these types of cours- from students. For homework, ask include their own tasks which you
es struggle with giving meaningful students to comment on one or more could ask students to complete or ig-
homework assignments as tradition- of the images or video clips. Com- nore depending on your purpose for
al homework tasks focus entirely on ments can be made orally or in writ- using the material. You can also just
reading and writing. Fortunately, if ing. You can encourage students to ask students to prepare a comment
your students have computer and in- leave oral comments but the flexibil- or question for the following class
ternet access, you can make use of ity is also good since some students period. This site section (learneng-
new technology to encourage more may not initially feel comfortable re-
speaking and listening practice out- cording themselves speaking. After watch) could help your students focus
side the classroom. By providing your students are familiar with the site, you on their listening skills but if combined
students with new opportunities to can require oral comments and even with Voicethread or Voki, students
practice speaking English, you will ask students to make their own Voice- could do both listening and speaking
help them learn and improve more threads to tell stories about their lives, activities for homework which is per-
rapidly. introduce themselves, or give short fect for oral communication classes.
presentations about topics they are,, and the interested in.
Listen & Watch section of the British IT IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO

Council website are great sites to start
with because they are fairly straight- ENGLISH AS MUCH AS POSSI-
forward. The first two offer free basic is another free site BLE AND THESE ACTIVITIES ALSO
accounts but you and your students that can be used for speaking prac- HELP STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR
will all need to create accounts so tice. To create a Voki, choose and COMPUTER LITERACY WHICH IS
having one class in the computer lab, customize a character and record a EQUALLY, IF NOT MORE, IMPOR-
assuming that one is available to you, short sixty seconds of speech. It is re- TANT THESE DAYS.
to get students used to these sites is ally that simple. You could use Vokis On the other hand, if students do not
ideal. The British Council site does not for practicing descriptions by asking have computer access, it is still possi-
require an account to access the ma- students to customize a character and ble to encourage students to practice
terial but an initial session in the com- then use a sixty second recording to their speaking skills by asking them
puter lab is still preferable because describe the character they have cre- to prepare and practice speeches or
it would give students the chance to ated. Since characters are not limited conduct short interviews. If reading
participate in a guided exploration of to people, this could be a very fun and and writing are getting too much at-
the site. Asking students to explore enjoyable activity for students at many tention in your communication class-
sites entirely on their own could be levels. Students could also use this es, consider using some of these re-
frustrating for some of them so this program to create a personalized Voki sources and ideas in the future.
approach is highly recommended. and record oral responses to home-
work questions. Rather than requiring
HOW TO ENCOURAGE students to create a Voki right from the
LISTENING AND start, start off using it as an alternative
SPEAKING OUTSIDE to short written assignments. Once
THE CLASSROOM students have seen some examples
that you or peers have created, they

Here is how you can use Voi-
could be encouraged to create their
own. If you want to guarantee that
students practice speaking English
cethread for your classes. First, you for these assignments, specify that
have to create a Voicethread by up- they are not allowed to use the text to
loading a series of images or videos.

yes Yes YES! How to Teach
Sentence Stress
“Stress” is part of the rhythm of a lan-
guage, the pattern of stressed or em-
phasized syllables and unstressed
syllables of which English sentences
Model stressed and unstressed
syllables by selecting a sentence from
are made up. Appropriate sentence
stress is important for native-like or
even comprehensible speech: if the
your book and writing it on the board,
marking the stressed syllables with a
dash or a dot. Then read the sentence
1 Teach specialized use of stress
stress pattern is incorrect, then listen- aloud, emphasizing the stressed syl- and how meaning can shift based
er comprehension will suffer. lables. Have students practice with on the stress pattern and what the
you. speaker wants to emphasize. “I love
Many ESL students lack an under- my sister,” “I love my sister,” “I love my

standing of English sentence stress, sister” and “I love my sister” all carry
DEFINE SCHWA different meanings.
however, often giving each syllable
equal length, resulting in monotonous Explain that most unstressed
and difficult to understand speech. syllables in English are reduced and
pronounced as a “schwa.” Teach the
schwa sound (the “uh” sound as is the
2 Give out a dialogue with the
WHAT ARE METHODS second syllable of “station”). Modeling content words deleted. Have students
TO TEACH NATIVE- the expressions “Uh-huh” (for “yes”) listen to a recording of the dialogue
LIKE SENTENCE and “huh-uh” (for “no”) is a humorous for the content words and fill them in.
STRESS? way to teach this sound. The Ameri- They can then practice the dialogues
can English greeting “How are you do- in pairs.

ing?” for example is really pronounced
/how’r yuh doin’/ --the structure words
“are” and “you” get reduced to schwa. 3 An alternative to this, for more
Read a sentence aloud from the text-

book without stressing content or advanced students, is to have them
PRACTICE SENTENCE predict the content words that belong
main idea words. Ask students if they
think it sounds right. They will prob-
STRESS in the blank spaces. Have them fill in
ably say no. Then read the same sen- the dialogues, check them against the
Practice the sample sentences on the tape, and then students can practice.
tence with the correct stress pattern. board again, emphasizing the stress
Ask them what they think now. This

pattern, making the stressed sylla-
will raise their consciousness about bles louder and longer and reducing
stress. the unstressed syllables. Ask stu- Play “telegrams”: explain a tele-
dents about the content and structure

gram was something like a precursor
INTRODUCE SYLLABLES words and which are stressed and un- to a text message—a message in
stressed. which all the structure words or were
Stress in English interacts with
deleted: “Mom sick. Come home.”

syllables: that is, syllables alternate
between stressed and unstressed
MARK Give out a page of “telegrams.” Have
within a sentence. Select a sentence students add the structure words and
Have students on their own pull practice reading with appropriate sen-
from a dialogue in your textbook and sentences from the same dialogue in
model “beating out” the syllables on tence stress.
their books and mark the stress pat-
the desk. Have students do the same.

Have them count the syllables in the

COMPARE The above activities can also

be done with popular songs. Play the
ELABORATE ON STRESS Students can then compare their song and hand out the lyrics, with
markings with a partner. content words or structure words de-
Explain the difference between
leted. Have students listen to the song

stressed and unstressed syllables.
Explain the stressed syllables are
PRACTICE IN PAIRS and fill in the words.
louder and longer. Stressed syllables

Practice the dialogue in pairs,
tend to occur in content words such focusing on the stress patterns.
as nouns and verbs, while structure
words such as articles and preposi- Poetry is also a great way to
tions are usually unstressed. practice sentence stress as poetry

is actually based on regular stress,
or meter, patterns. Teach students a
simple poem, such as Frost’s “Stop-
ping by the Woods on a Snowy Eve-
ning.” Have them practice reciting it.
They may try writing their own simi-
lar poems after, imitating Frost’s style
and stress/meter patterns.

7 Humor is often based on the

stress pattern, or “delivery” as come-
dians call it. Tell a well-known joke
and show how the humor is affected
by the way the speaker uses stress by
delivering it first with the correct stress
and then without.

8 Give out index cards with content

words students are currently learning
written on them. Have students line
the cards up into “sentences,” add-
ing structure words as necessary, and
mark the correct stress pattern then
practice saying the sentences.

9 Do a “drawing” activity by hand-

ing out a dialogue and having students
“map” the stress of each sentence in
the dialogue over the sentence, with
high peaks representing stressed syl-
lables and dips unstressed.

10 Have students bring in

idioms that they’ve heard or want to
learn about and go over the stress


Add to students’ existing knowledge
base by teaching stress related to dif-
ferent types of sentences, such as in-
formation (“Wh-“) questions and “yes/
no” questions.

Participating in a variety of related ac-

tivities will result in a higher likelihood
that students will internalize the prin-
ciples of sentence stress in English.


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