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“Transfer day!” came a cold voice

from above.

“Yay,” I groaned sarcastically.

Transfer day is the worst; all of the or-

phans at the orphanage line up, and the
mean lady named Mrs. McWilliams picks
three orphans to be transferred. Every-
one wants to be picked because no one
wants to stay at the orphanage. The catch
is that Mrs. M. only picks her favorite
children. I slumped back onto the old
rusty cot I was sleeping on.

“UP!!! UP!!!” Called Mrs. M. I sat up

and joined the other orphans.

“One, two, three. You three are being

transferred!” Mrs. M. hollered.
Squeals of happiness exited three girls
about my age.
“This orphanage is shutting down! You
all will be transferred to another orphan-
“Ugh no!” I mumbled under my breath.
I watched the hundreds of orphans file
I stomped back to the lobby in utter de-
out of the lobby.
feat. I wanted to leave this crappy place!
I plopped down on my cot hard. The cot “Hi Mrs. McWilliams I-”
broke and left me sitting on the dusty
“GET OUT OF HERE!” She screamed.
moldy ground. “Ugh! Worst day ever!”
Wow I thought. Rude, just rude. I
wanted to ask her if we could bring our
“Everybody! Wake up! Bailey! Up!” Mrs. stuff from our bags to the other orphan-
M. yelled. age.
I groaned, my whole body hurt from fal- We arrived at the orphanage at one
ling out of my cot, and from sleeping on o’clock, everything was pitch black. I
the ground. “Eat your breakfast then file looked around me, orphans filled up the
into the hall! Quickly! Bailey!” She hall. I found a dusty spot on the floor and
belched. Why is she doing this? I I set my stuff down. I can’t wait for tomor-
thought. I looked around me; hundreds row, new orphanage, new friends and a
of orphans were filling up the hall. new life.
I woke up to the sound of the orphanage “Not today LuLu!” Gracie said with a
teacher screaming. “Gracie go and get wicked grin.
LuLu,” Mr. Rice Screamed
So that was LuLu! I thought. LuLu said
“Oh but Sir.-” something at such a whisper I couldn't
here it. Then with a flick of her wrist
punched LuLu in the face, hard! LuLu
“Oh, -um- okay,” tried to punch her back, but Gracie
Who is LuLu? I thought. I followed Gra- caught it. Then LuLu did this twirly thing
cie round the corner. and ended up punching Gracie in the
guts. I couldn’t just stand here watching
“Come on Mr. R. wants you.” the blood pile up on the sleek hard floors.
The other girl started heading to the I ran out screaming.
door. Then Gracie went over to her and “Stop it right now!”
kicked her. I wanted to say something
but I couldn’t get caught. I don't think that was the type of thing a
hero would say... oh well, its the only
“Oops!” Gracie teased. thing I could think of. Just then, as I was
“Ow! Stop it Gracie!” The girl pleaded. admiring myself for my hero work, Gra-
cie got up and kicked LuLu, and then
punched me.

“Thats it!” I muttered. Just then Mr. Ugly walked in and just
stared at the bloody mess and screamed
Just as I was about to throw a punch at
up a storm. LuLu, Gracie and I were on
that freakin Gracie girl, LuLu said:
the floor, and I have to say: Gracie is
“Thanks for the help but I’m good, and I such a good actress!
don’t want you to get hurt!”
“ *sob sob* M-Mr. R-Rice thank good-
Who does she think she is, clearly she’s ness y-you came t-to save -mme. I-I was
as weak as a stupid, sick frog. s-sso w-worried b-because * stopped sob-
“No I got it handled, by the way I’m Bai- bing and glared at us* those two attacked
ley,” I said trying to sound sassy and me and threw me on the ground and now
rude, but obviously she doesn’t under- my hair is ruined!” Gracie said through
stand. clenched teeth.

“Oh sorry, I’m L-” Then Mr. Ugly went on about how he is a
horrible guy and no ladies will fall for
Honestly how could she think I don’t him.
know her name?
“Stop it kids right now! You are in sooo
“LuLu, I already know.” much trouble!- Blah Blah, I suck you
“Oh -um- okay,” LuLu said in depressed guys are the best!- I haven't had a date-
voice. because I am awful- FIVE YEARS!”
Okay. Fine. I wasn’t listening but I I stated some more really good facts
DON’T CARE WHAT MR. UGLY SAYS! about how LuLu is such a cuckoo head.
I’m really proud of myself! But then,
LuLu and I were heading to the cellar.
LuLu said a quote that was beautiful. We
Thats our punishment. We have to live in
had a plan! We : LuLu and I were run-
the cellar and clean. And when I say
ning away!
clean, I mean clean. We don’t get a lunch
break or any breakfast we only get din-
ner: moldy bread. The cellar was dark,
more than dark, a bone chilling dark.
Creatures crept in every crevice.
“This freakin teacher sent us to this ‘life is an adventure, it’s not a pack-
freakin place!” I noted. age tour’

“Well It’s better than dying! Plus I heard

the dark is better for your-” LuLu started
“I don’t care! Just leave me alone!”
“Hey, I’m sorry. Really sorry!” LuLu said.
Oh my god! I couldn’t believe this girl!


“Ugh how are we going to escape this

freakin place!?” I asked after we all woke
“I have no idea!” LuLu explained.

“Wait a sec! Do you have that pin that

like holds up your hair? What is it! Ugh,
is it Robbie pin... Tommy pin... Bob-
BOBBY PIN!!! thats it right! Right?” I

LuLu looked at me like I was from


“You don't know what a bobby pin

is?” She said as she took a thin black pin
out of her long blonde hair.

I do have to say LuLu is a sight for

sore eyes.
She has hair any girl (except me) would “No, I mean your color of your hair, it’s a
want. Sleek and shiny, so blonde it al- brownish blonde.” LuLu stated.
most looks white. She has a toothy smile,
“Uh... my hair is a white blonde, just like
with rosy cheeks. I have scraggly short
yours. I just didn’t like it so I made it
hair which used to be blonde but now it
looks grayish black. I have freckles that I
tried to cover up with dirt. I hate freck- “Wait, are you saying you don’t like my
les! hair!?” LuLu asked.

“You have cool hair,” I commented. “No!No! I didn’t like the color on me! On
you it’s beautiful.”
“Uh thanks?” LuLu said unsure. “How
is that statement going to help us es- “Oh,” LuLu said.
cape?” “Lets escape... together!” I exclaimed.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “But how?”
I looked at my dirty self and looked at “Give me your Rob- Bobbie pin.”
LuLu’s clean sleek self.
She handed me the pin. I picked the lock
“I Love your dirty blonde hair!” for the door.
“Yeah it is kinda dirty,” I said.

“That was really easy! Be gone you Mr. Rice awoke from his sleep and was
freakin place!” clearly not sober. Then he used his beer
bottle and swung at LuLu.
We slowly opened the door. It creaked in
the silent room. Crash! Ow! Ow!
“Come on!” I whispered. Blood was oozing out of her face
and body. Everywhere. It stained the
We crept across the dusty floor. Then we
black night. I think she passed out.
heard a noise.
“LuLu!” I screamed/whispered.
“Could Mr. Rice be up?” I mouthed to
LuLu “LuLu! No No No! Stay with me! No!”
“Help! Please hel-” I screamed before
Then I heard a crunch under my feet. I
LuLu arose and looked around.
“Shut Up!” LuLu whispered.
“Just broken glass,” LuLu whispered.
I wrapped her in my jacket, sopped up
I looked around me all I saw was bottles
some of her blood and carried her slip-
and a black figure.
pery body stained red. I took her outside
And then a scream. and laid her on the grass.
“No! I stepped on Mr. Rice! No! No! No!”

“Don't stop now! Keep walking!” LuLu We feel asleep.
I picked her up and walked for util LuLu
“Bailey ? Bailey wake up! Look!”
said she can walk again.
I woke up to LuLu beckoning call.
“You can’t see!” I said gasping for air.
“I CAN SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!”
My arms were really sore from caring
LuLu. “What!? That’s amazing!”

“I can make out shapes. Where are we?” “Yeah!” She said smiling.

“I have no idea!” I exclaimed.

She reached out her hand and touched
my face.
“I can see you... sorta,” She said.
“I’m tired lets go to bed in this tree,” I
said “Its gonna rain.”
“Eww!” She said.
“It’s not that bad.”

I woke up to go to the bathroom. I really

had to pee! I walked over to another tree.
Since it was dark out I didn’t see what
was in front of me. I slipped and fell into
a hole. Screaming and scared, I hit the
ground with hard bang! I tried to get up.
I winced. Something tasted like rust in
my mouth: blood.


Came a voice:LuLu. I couldn't see her. No
sunlight came in the hole it was so deep.
Blackness everywhere!

“YES!” I shouted. If I didn’t you wouldn’t

be able to hear me. “I’M HERE! BE
swoosh. And then a scream. I saw a black
figure falling down.
“OW! OW! Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow “Yeah -uh- I think I broke some things,” I
ow ow!! OW OW OW OW OW!!!!” I said.
“No dip,” she exclaimed.
“Oh -uh- I am SO sorry! Really sorry! If
“Yeah, -oh gosh- do you have anything in
there was a bigger word for sorry -uh- I
your little bag?”
would definitely say it!
“No. But I have a couple sweaters you
She got up off of my limp body and
can wrap around your arm and leg,” She
looked around us. I moaned.
“We really need light!” I cried. Then
“I really need a cast!” I chuckled a painful
there was a swoosh and the whole cave
laugh. With another swoosh a white cast
filled up with light!
appeared on my hurt arm and leg.
“Are-are you okay?” She asked, “You look
“Okay, what’s going on here?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” LuLu admitted “but I
“Ouch!” I chuckled.
think this cave is magical! Maybe it has
“Come on, you know that’s not what I unicorns!” She squealed happily.
“Ugh, I think we can manage sleeping
here, even without any beds.”

With a third swoosh two beds appeared. “Well,” I said, “Since you were snooping
in my pockets... Im not going to tell you!”
“Woah!” I said in amazement. Tired and
sore I laid down on the bed. I woke up to: “What!? Why not?!”
“Bailey! Bailey! Bailey! Hey B!” LuLu “I just told you! Because you were snoop-
screamed. ing!”
“Ugh! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!” I “Please,” She begged giving me puppy
hollered. eyes.
“I found something!” “Fine!” I moaned. “It’s a box my mom
gave me before she left,” I said.
“What!?” I groaned.
“Well -duh- she gave it to you before she
“Um- well- I was searching through your
left!” She snorted. I looked at her with
pockets and-”
stern eyes.
“Wait what!?” I stammered.
“What’s in the box?” She asked.
“Oh but it was just for a 100 millisec-
“Dunno, it’s locked,” I cried.
onds,” she said sheepishly.
“Oh,” She sounded disappointed.
“Ugh! What did you find?“Just a little
box. I was wondering what it was,”

“I got my locket from my dad,” She
showed me a heart shaped locket around
her neck.
“What’s in it?”
“A letter,”
“Cool, what does it say?”
“I can only read a little but it says:
Stay with me
Is my love ever enough
Stay with me, thats all,” She said sadly.

That sounded familiar... I’ve read that

some where....


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