"Vejp&Btf 4qfblfsqipof "Vejp&Btf: Audio Simulation Plug-In

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audio simulation


JERRY IBBOTSON has 've resigned myself to the fact that I will probably never There’s also a Wet/Dry mix slider, which can be automated
sit in the first class section of a Jumbo Jet, never taste in your DAW, and a Pre/Post button that lets you choose
his prejudices of the the nibbles on offer (presuming there are nibbles), and where in the signal path you put the convolution module.
Speakerphone as ‘just a plug-in’ sip champagne (there has to be bubbly, surely?). Oh, and there are also controls for Input/Output Levels
But hey ho, I can console myself: tear open a bag of Tesco and a Limiter.
cast aside, and decides that Value peanuts, drink some out of date Coke from a paper
cup, and for that true sense of in-flight realism, filter some Sp ace s And Place s
actually, it’s something rather music through one of the presets on Speakerphone 2. I loaded up some voice recordings I’d recently made,
special indeed… Yes, that’s right, I’ve just discovered the ‘747 First Class Cabin’ and ran them through different speaker selections at
setting on Audio Ease’s excellent plug-in. random. The sheer choice on offer was amazing, each one
The original Speakerphone came on the market last backed up with a picture of the real thing. The accuracy
year, and I remember thinking how useful it would be in was excellent, at least for the devices I was familiar with,
various sound design projects: being able to accurately like walkie talkies and radios. As for the speakers I was
alter sounds to match a wide range of real world less familiar with, like the antique telephones; well, they
loudspeakers; from telephones to PA systems. I could sounded exactly like I would expect them to. Think of
find a stack of uses for it, from audio for game cut scenes James Herriot’s housekeeper saying, “Hello, Darrowby
to character voices. But to be honest, I was a little put off 252”, or a secret agent whispering down the line.
by the price and decided not to bother, relying instead on Utterly believable and only one mouse click away.
filtering, reverb, and distortion done the old way. But that really is just the beginning. Because you
But let me be up front: having tried the new improved can also simulate different microphones, place your
Speakerphone 2, I was wrong. Oh yes. The software gives sound in a given environment, and then muffle the
you instant access to a mind-boggling range of speaker sound by covering it up. Let’s look at the microphones first.
and microphone simulations, and by combining these There’s another amazing selection on offer, from studio
and tweaking the settings, you can produce just about types right through to tiny plastic toy ones. Again, they
any kind of effect you want. all have a photo to show you what you are dealing with,
The package runs as a VST plug-in on both PC and so if you want to simulate a supermarket announcement
Mac, and is a two-disc installation. First you load a stack you can select the model that matches. There’s also a dial
of samples and then the program itself. The User Guide is to alter the level of degradation, making the microphone
well written and provides detailed descriptions of what sound more or less crackly. If you wanted to create a
the software can do, but it did make me chuckle; whoever perfect pilot’s headset sound, for example, you could pick
wrote it seems to assume you will by default be using Pro a microphone then select a matching speaker output and
Tools and nothing else. Dear Mr Audio Ease: believe it or you’ll have the perfect sound.
not, there are other DAWs out there. I ran Speakerphone This is where Speakerphone 2 starts to get really
2 very well in both Nuendo 4 and Audition 3.0, thank you interesting: building up a chain of different effects.
very much. After adding together your pilot’s headset mic and small
At the core of the program is a library of Impulse cabin speaker, you might want to go one step further
Responses; recordings of actual speakers. I’m used and place that sound in the environment of the airliner.
to dealing with I.R.s when related to reverbs, but Easy peasy: there’s another section, called Room, that lets
Speakerphone uses them to match a wide range you do just that. The 747 First Class Cabin can be found in
of characteristics, including frequency response. there along with a stack of other choices of environment.
But you really don’t need to worry about the technical So now you’ve taken your source audio, put it through
stuff going on behind the scenes, because there’s a a crummy microphone, pumped it out of a tiny speaker,
beautifully simple interface. It’s so simple, in fact, that and then placed that speaker in an airliner. And you can
you can suss things out without once having to look at tweak each stage of that process until you get the result
JERRY IBBOTSON runs Media Mill, the book. you want.
a York-based audio production At the top of the screen are the selections for I’ve been wittering on about airliners because I put
company started in 2000 that
Speaker, and in the centre of this row you see this particular effect to good use, doing a quick project
specialises in sound for video
games. Prior to this, Jerry was
a photo of the actual speaker you’ve selected. for a firm that produces interactive play areas for children
a BBC journalist for ten years, They’re grouped together into six categories including with learning difficulties. They wanted a selection of
ending his spell with the Beeb as a telephones, radios, and megaphones. In the telephone sound effects relating to transport, and I decided that
reporter and newsreader at Radio section alone, there are twenty odd variants, ranging one of them should be the sound of a pilot addressing
One Newsbeat. from antique models to modern cordless jobbies. his passengers prior to take off. The ‘old’ way would 

38 AU DI O M E D I A J U N E 2009
audioease speakerphone 2
 have been a mix of filtering, reverb, and maybe joy to use and I lost count of the number of times way would have been too time-consuming for
some distortion, and would have taken a while to I started grinning at the ‘coolness’ of the resulting what was meant to be a simple, quick project.
get just right. Using Speakerphone 2 took a few sound. I can remember years ago, when working This actually encouraged me to be more creative
seconds, and resulted in something that just felt on rally games for the PlayStation 2, spending and it produced something that sounded brilliant.
more, well, real. ages trying to get the right kind of sound for the When I first judged Speakerphone (Mk1) to be
I also needed to take some pre-recorded voice co driver voice, coming at you from his helmet too expensive I only saw it as a single function
material and make it sound like the public address microphone. With Speakerphone 2, it would have plug-in. It’s not; it’s a superb bit of software in its
tannoy at an air show. This time it was a mixture taken a fraction of the time and sounded way, own right. L
of megaphone speaker and sound ‘placement’ in way better. Finding the right overall sound and ....................................
an outside venue. I tend to find outdoor reverbs then batch processing it across a few thousand
a bit of a pain but again, it was done in an instant samples would have been a doddle. I N F O R MAT I O N
and sounded spot on.
H Speakerphone GB£368.58
Alongside Microphone and Room is a section Co ncl u s io n
called Cover. This lets you put your sound When you think of how much sound we hear, in
 Audio Ease, Lagenoord 26, 3513 GW Utrecht,
inside something, while you remain outside. our everyday lives, that’s piped through some The Netherlands
Some of the I.R.s on offer are truly bizarre, such kind of speaker, you can see why something
" +31 30 24 33 606
as a bread maker (answers on a postcard please?). like Speakerphone 2 exists. But it’s really not just
% www.audioease.com
Others are more commonplace, such as car boot. about mimicking loudhailers or mobile phones.
They all provide occlusion of the sound you’re It’s about giving you access to a whole layer of  UK Distributor: Unity Audio Ltd., The Elms Barn,
working with, and once again can work well in creativity. I only chose to produce the airline Baythorne End, Halstead, Essex, CO9 4AB
conjunction with other effects. pilot voice because I knew this software
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" +44 (0) 1440 785843
Those are the main areas covered, but there’s do it easily and brilliantly. The old fashioned % www.unity-audio.co.uk
still so much more to Speakerphone2; like
Distortion, which can be placed before or after
the sound reaches the speaker you’ve selected.
Then there’s a Telecom section, which reproduces
all the ‘bad’ sounds you may hear during a phone
call. There are presets for different types of phones
and connections, as well as a way to change
the sample rate of the phone transmission and
the quality of the connection. You can also use the

latter to produce robot voice effects.

The Crush effect is quite handy – adding extra
distortion to your sound; and the Tuning function
is pretty damn cool too. This simulates the effect of
turning the tuning knob on a radio. You can even

choose between FM and AM. Easier than dragging

an old wireless into the studio and tuning the dial
while hoping you don’t hit TalkSport.

B o n us S a m ple s
I can’t cover everything that Speakerphone 2
has to offer because there isn’t the space, but I 

have to mention the Sample Bay. This sits at the
bottom of the screen and adds background noise 7/82 "4:3* .'8 (++3 8:551>/3- 8:))+88,:1
./-. 6:'1/9> '3'14-:+ '3* */-/9'1 89:*/4
to the sound you’re working with: stuff like traffic,
574*:)98 ,47  >+'78 '3* .'8 )439/3:+* 94
static on the line, or phone beeps. There are even 1+'* 9.+ <'> /3 9+).3/)'1 +=)+11+3)+ '3*
samples of a phone being dialled or slammed 5+7843'1):8942+78+7;/)+#.+3+'7,'3'9/)'1
down angrily, and these can be placed before 14>'19>4, 7/82"4:3*:8+78/8'9+89'2+3994
or after your main audio. Several gigs worth of 9.+8:))+884,/98574*:)97'3-+%.+9.+7/9(+
samples are provided, and you can drag them :19/97')07+)47*/3-2/=/3-)*2'89+7/3-47
43 14)'9/43 7/82 "4:3* 574*:)98 *+1/;+7
from the Sample Bay to the tracks in your DAW.
There’s also a whole sec tion within /7+%/7+2:19/97')0':*/4/39+7,')+
Speakerphone 2 that simulates guitar amps and
speakers. This takes the program from being a    
tool for sound designers and effects merchants
to something for musicians too. In fact, the whole
package could be used by musicians as much as
by anyone else. And talking of music, there’s even
a function to mimic a wobbly vinyl record (go ask
your dad). And you can even specify whether it’s
warped horizontally or vertically, or both.
There are functions I haven’t covered but the
core thing with Speakerphone 2 – the thing that
makes is so special – is how even the simplest :19/.'33+139+7,')+,47 74#4418</9. :*/45./1+2/)745.43+57+'251/,/+7
459/43'1/7+%/7+"" '3*"/39+7,')/3-
tools work so well together. Take a piece of music.
Put it through a car speaker. Then place the
speaker actually inside a car; there are several to #4'77'3-+',7++*+24479'10'(4:9>4:77+6:/7+2+398)439')9:834<
choose from. Still not enough? Try adding some 8'1+857/8284:3*)42| <<<57/8284:3*)42
distortion to simulate the car’s speakers having #.+1*").441| /-."97++9 | "97+9.'2| '2(8 |   
# 74#4418?/8'97'*+2'704,/-/*+8/-3'*/;/8/434,;/*#+).3414->3)
had a hard life. Then, if you want to cut between
inside the car and outside, add some Cover. It’s a

AU DI O M E D I A J U N E 2009 39

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