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QUESTION 1 8711110468083



Someone who is a visual

learner tends to observe
tions, films, etc. in order to
improve her or him level of They learn best through ver- 1. Kinesthetic learners need
knowledge. These learners bal lectures, discussions, to move. They wiggle,
need to see the teacher's talking things through and tap, swing their legs,
body language and facial ex- listening to what others have bounce, and often just
pression to fully understand to say. Auditory learners in- can’t seem to sit still.
lecture or classroom discus- terpret the underlying mean- They learn through their
sion, visual learners often ings of speech through lis- bodies and their sense of
prefer to take detailed notes tening to tone of voice, pitch, touch.
to absorb the information. speed and other tones. Writ- 2. They have excellent
They prefer sitting at the ten information may have lit- “physical” memory – they
front of the classroom to tle meaning until it is heard. learn quickly and perma-
avoid visual obstructions. These learners often benefit nently what they DO as
They may think in pictures from reading text aloud and they are learning.
and learn best from visual using a tape recorder. 3. Kinesthetic Leaners are
displays. Learns best through verbal often gifted in athletics,
lectures, discussions, talking dancing, and other physi-
things through and listening cal activities.
to what others say 4. They are generally very
 Good at interpreting the coordinated and have an
underlying meanings of excellent sense of their
speech by listening to body in space and of
tone of voice, pitch and body timing. They have
speed great hand-eye coordina-
 With regard to written tion and quick reactions.
words and taking notes it
may have little meaning
until it is heard
 Taking notes interferes
with their way of learning
 Often benefits from read-
ing a text aloud or listen-
ing to tapes
 Uses phrases such as “I
hear you’, “That sounds
like a good idea”

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