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Continental Steel vs Montano residing and was physically present in Pantar for almost two years prior

to the May 2007 elections. During the time she had been residing in
ISSUE: Is civil personality necessary to determine death? Pantar, she associated and mingled with residents there, giving her ample
FACTS: Hortillano is an employee and union member in Continental time to know the needs, difficulties, aspirations, and economic potential
Steel Manufacturing Corporation (Continental Steel). Hortillano’s wife of the municipality. This, she said, is proof of her intention to establish
gave birth prematurely and the female fetus died during labor. Hortillano permanent residency there and her intent to abandon her domicile
applied for Paternity Leave, Bereavement Leave and Death and Accident in Marawi City. She also claims that, even as her husband was Punong
Insurance for dependent, pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Barangay in Rapasun, Marawi City, he never abandoned Pantar as his
Agreement (CBA) that Continental Shelf had with the union of hometown and domicile of origin. Limbona claims that the performance
Hortillano. His Paternal Leave was granted but the Bereavement Leave of her husband’s duty in Rapasun did not prevent the latter from having
and Death and Accident Insurance for dependent was denied by his domicile elsewhere.
Continental Shelf arguing death of an unborn child was not
contemplated by the CBA because an unborn child does not have civil RULING: 1) In order to acquire a domicile by choice, there must concur
personality. Continental Steel argued that according to Articles 40, 41, (1) residence or bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to
and 42 of the Civil Code, only one with civil personality can die. remain there, and (3) an intention to abandon the old domicile. A persons
RULING: The SC held that death is defined as the cessation of life. Life domicile once established is considered to continue and will not be
does not equate to civil personality. One need not acquire civil deemed lost until a new one is established. To successfully effect a
personality first before he/she could die. Even a child inside the womb change of domicile one must demonstrate an actual removal or an actual
already has life. No less than the Constitution recognizes the life of the change of domicile; a bona fide intention of abandoning the former place
unborn from conception, that the State must protect equally with the of residence and establishing a new one, and definite acts which
life of the mother. If the unborn already has life, then the cessation correspond with the purpose. In other words, there must basically
thereof even prior to the child being delivered, qualifies as death. be animus manendi coupled with animus non revertendi. The purpose to
remain in or at the domicile of choice must be for an indefinite period
Limbona vs COMELEC of time; the change of residence must be voluntary; and the residence at
the place chosen for the new domicile must be actual. The Court did not
ISSUE: 1) What is the requirement to acquire domicile by choice; find any evidence that would suggest that the intention of Limbona and
2) Is the domicile of one spouse considered the domicile of the other. her husband to stay in Pantar for an indefinite period of time. In fact,
Limbona was not even a registered voter there.
FACTS: In 2007, Limbona and her husband both filed for Certificate of
Candidacy as Mayor in Pantar Lanao del Norte. Disqualification cases 2) According to Art. 68 of the Family Code, “The husband and wife
was filed against them for not complying with the 1-year residency are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity,
requirement. (It was alleged that they only became residents of Pantar on and render mutual help and support.” Art. 69 provides that “The
November 2006 because the husband was still a Barangay Chairman in husband and wife shall fix the family domicile. In case of
Rapasun, Marawi until that time.) Limbona argues that she was actually disagreement, the court shall decide. The court may exempt one
spouse from living with the other if the latter should live abroad or
there are other valid and compelling reasons for the
exemption. However, such exemption shall not apply if the same is not
compatible with the solidarity of the family.”
The Court ruled that considering that Limbona failed to show that she
maintained a separate residence from her husband, and as there is no
evidence to prove otherwise, reliance on these provisions of the Family
Code is proper and is in consonance with human experience.

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