Leadership As An Essential Skill in Human's Life: A. Introduction

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Leadership as an Essential Skill in Human’s Life

A. Introduction

Leader is someone who directing, motivating and controlling its subordinates in order to
get the best result from an activity. An example of good leader is Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft.
He can lead his company to make a good product and the result from his good leadership skill is
that he becomes a successful businessman. But, a good leader is not only needed in term of
company and business, because there are so many other aspects in our life.

We as an individual also need a good leadership skill. For example, we need to make a
plan, organize and control our daily actives. In that case, we can act as a leader for ourselves.
From that example, we know that everyone can become a leader and leadership skill is needed
in every aspect of our life. The aim of this essay is to investigate about leadership and its roles
in our life.

B. Body

Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others,

towards the achievement of a goal (Kruse, 2013). Leaders set the goal, make the plan and guide
the others to achieve those goals. They must also be able to inspire and motivate its
subordinates. Leadership is about finding out where you need to go as a team or an
organization. Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also possess a good management
skill in order to guide its people in efficient and effective way.

Good leaders are made from hard work and effort, not just born the way it is. If you
have the will and desire, you can become a good leader. Good leaders develop through a never
ending process of self study, education, training and experience (Jago, 1982). In order to guide
and motivate our subordinates, there are certain things we must be, know and do. Respected
leaders concentrate on Be, Know and Do (U.S. Army, 1983): who they are, what they know and
what they do. They are not just gained naturally, but it’s acquired through a never ending
learning process.
As we know, in order to accomplish its tasks, a leader needs its subordinate’s help.
Then, what makes a subordinate wants to follow a leader? The answer is just simple, it’s about
respect. To gain respect from its subordinates, a leader must be able to become an example
and a role model. Leaders are different from bosses, they do not only give order around, but
they also can motivate, inspire and help their subordinates. So, a leader is also responsible for
its subordinates.

By becoming a leader, we can take control of our own life. We can set our own goals,
vision and we know what to do. When we do those things, we can become more optimistic,
productive, able to solve problem more easily and have more confidence. “In essence, if we
want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do
once in a while that shapes our life, but what we do consistently (Anthony Robbins, 2007)”.

C. Conclusion

A good leader is needed in almost every aspects of our life. By becoming a leader, we
can take control of our own life. We can set our own goals, vision and know what to do. In the
end, we can become a more optimistic and productive person. In my opinion, it’s not easy to
become a good leader. But, if we have the will and keep learning, I believe everyone can
become a good leader.
D. References:

Kruse, K. (2013). What Is Leadership? Forbes Magazine.

Jago, A. G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in theory and research. Management Science, (3),
315-336. E-book.

U. S. Army. (1983). Military Leadership. Field Manual 22-100. Washington, DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office. http://armyoe.com/uploads/Military_Leadership_1990.pdf. Accessed on
March 22nd, 2015.

Robbins, Anthony (2007). Awaken the Giant Within. New York: Simon and Schuster.
http://tr-ebook.s3.amazonaws.com/Re-Awaken_the_Giant_Within_Highres.pdf. Accessed
on March 22nd, 2015.

http://www.ub.umu.se/en/write/references/writing-references-oxford. Writing References -

Oxford System. Accessed on March 22nd, 2015.

http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_41.htm. What is leadership. Accessed on

March 22nd, 2015.

http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leader.html. The Art and Science of Leadership.

Accessed on March 22nd, 2015.

http://www.essentiallifeskills.net/takecontrolofyourlife.html. Take Control of Your Life or

Personal Leadership. Accessed on March 22nd, 2015.

http://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/essay-structure. Essay Structure. Accessed on

March 22nd, 2015.

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