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Mesh & Vane

Mist Eliminators

For optimal removal of a wide range

of liquid droplets from gas streams
Achieving the potential of
today’s mist eliminators
In today’s era of higher expectations of mist

N EVERY PROCESS involving contact between liq-
uid and flowing gas, tiny mist droplets are carried eliminators, achieving such benefits requires better
away with the gas. (See Figure 1) This phenome- knowledge on the part of users. It is no longer ade-
non is called entrainment. quate for a designer simply to indicate “mist elimi-
Beginning about 1947, special devices were nator” in a drawing. The results will depend on
developed to remove mist from gas streams. Now proper specification of mist eliminator type (or
known as mist eliminators, these devices provide a combination of types), orientation, thickness, inter-
large surface area in a small volume to collect liquid nal details, support and spacing in the vessel, vapor
without substantially impeding gas flow. Unlike fil- velocity and flow pattern, and many other consider-
ters, which hold particles indefinitely, mist elimina- ations.
tors coalesce (merge) fine droplets and allow the liq- Despite the advances that have been made, mist
uid to drain away. Gas typically flows upward eliminator specification is still as much art as sci-
through a horizontal mist eliminator. ence. For all but the most experienced users, proper
More recently, advances in technology have application depends on consultation with a manu-
enabled substantial progress in mist eliminator facturer’s engineers. Such help should be consid-
designs, materials, and application expertise. New ered for every new mist eliminator application as
products and methods of use have been found highly well as every upgrade or debottlenecking of existing
effective for many purposes, especially the following: applications.
• Increasing throughput

O MAKE THE MOST of a mist eliminator invest-
• Downsizing new vessels ment, the designer should become familiar
with the considerations and possibilities
• Improving product purity
involved. The purpose of this publication is to pro-
• Cutting operating costs vide general guidelines and an overview of the field of
• Reducing environmental pollution mist elimination. Due to the numerous variables
involved in specifying mist eliminators, designers
• Reducing downstream corrosion and purchasers should consult with Amistco’s sepa-
• Increasing recovery of valuable liquids ration specialists before making a final decision.

Figure 1. Typical mist eliminator application in Table 1. Typical size range of mist droplets
distillation column created by various processes
(microns, micrometers)
Column packing or trays 5 to 800 mm
Sprays 10 to 1,000 mm
Surface evaporation 3 to 1,000 mm
Acid mists 0.1 to 15 mm
Blown off heat exchanger surface 3 to 500 mm
In saturated vapor 0.1 to 50 mm

Types of mist eliminators
Figure 2. Flattened tube Figure 3. “Co-knit” mesh, including multifilament
of knitted 0.011-inch glass fibers knitted along with the wire
wire with diagonal

freely. Such mesh can efficiently capture mist droplets as

HERE ARE THREE general types of mist elimina-
tors—mesh, vane, and fiber bed—and Amistco small as 5 microns (micrometers).
makes all three. Each is suited for a different class of For eliminating droplets down to 1 micron in diame-
applications, either alone or combined with another type. ter, multi-filament yarns of various plastics or glass are
knitted into the mesh. The result is called a composite or
co-knit mesh (Figure 3).
Mesh—pads and
Mesh pads
insertion type In the most familiar application of knitted mesh, the
The most widely applicable type of mist eliminator is crimped strips are stacked to form a pad with typical thick-
made of metal or plastic wire with typical diameter of 0.006 ness of four or six inches. (See Figure 4.) Rigidity is provid-
to 0.011 inch, loosely knitted in a form resembling a cylin- ed by a frame—usually metal—consisting of a grid on each
drical net. This tube is flattened to form a two-layer strip side and rods passing through the mesh. Pads larger than
typically 12 inches wide, which is then crimped in a diago- about three feet across are fabricated in sections narrow
nal pattern with ridges as shown in Figure 2. When these enough to pass through a manway for assembly inside a
strips are laid together, the ridges slant in alternate direc- vessel. Mesh pads can be made in almost any shape, but
tions, forming an open structure through which gas flows most are round (as in Figure 4) or rectangular.

Figure 4. Typical mesh-type mist eliminator pad

MistFix ™ insertion mist eliminator are sometimes used in combination with mesh pads for
optimum performance in special situations. Amistco’s
In an exclusive Amistco innovation (U. S. Patent
standard vanes (front cover) are available in metal or
Number 5,985,004), knitted wire mesh is wrapped into a
plastics and have various blade spacings and profiles. For
cylindrical core with a flange at one end. (See Figure 5.)
special requirements, Amistco also supplies curved vanes
MistFix mist eliminators extend vertically into a vessel
such as the non-metallic variety shown in Figure 6.
from the vapor exit nozzle. As replacements or substitutes
for pads, they greatly speed turnaround time, avoid entry Double-pocket vanes
of hazardous vessels, and eliminate the need for vessel cut-
Amistco’s high-performance double-pocket vanes
ting where there is no access port. They are ideally suited
(Figure 7) can operate at higher capacity and higher effi-
for existing vessels that do not have mist eliminators.
ciency than conventional vanes. The design features liq-
uid pockets that prevent re-entrainment of the separated
liquid droplets. This helps increase the capacity up to
Typical mist twice that of conventional vanes. The higher gas velocities
eliminator unit also help in obtaining 100% removal of 8-micron droplets.

Figure 7. Top edge of Amistco double-pocket vane unit

Horizontal Flow


Figure 5. MistFix™ insertion mist eliminator

Fiber candles and panels
Vane packs Fiber mist eliminators can capture mist droplets so
small (below 1 micron) that they appear as smoke or near-
Also known as chevron or plate type, vane mist elim-
ly invisible haze. These units employ fine fibers—typical-
inators consist of closely spaced corrugated plates that
ly cellulose, glass, or plastic—packed into a mat with
force mist-laden gas to follow serpentine paths. These
thickness of a few inches. Fiber mist eliminators are most-
devices are generally not efficient for mist droplets small-
ly used in cylindrical form called candles (Figure 8) but are
er than about 20 microns, but they are sturdier than mesh
also available in flat panels. Amistco designs and manu-
pads and impose less pressure drop. Vane arrays can be
factures these devices under an exclusive Western Hemi-
mounted horizontally or vertically. They are preferred in
sphere license from Begg Cousland. For additional
applications involving high vapor velocities, low available
details, see the “Amistco Candle Filters” brochure.
pressure drop, viscous or foaming liquids, lodging or cak-
ing of solids, slugs of liquid, or violent upsets. Like mesh
pads, vane units are usually round or rectangular. They

Figure 6. Mist eliminator with curved non-metallic vanes Figure 8. Typical fiber mist eliminator candle

Fundamental considerations
ROPER APPLICATION of mist eliminators is based
on understanding how they work. Vane and mesh
devices both employ the same mechanism—known
as inertial impaction—and thus are subject to the same
basic design rules. Fiber mist eliminators, however, cap-
ture submicron droplets (those smaller than one micron)
by an entirely different phenomenon—known as
Brownian motion—leading to very different behavior.

Inertial capture in vanes

As shown in Figure 9, vanes bend the path of mist-
laden gas into relatively tight curves. As the gas changes
direction, inertia or momentum keeps mist droplets
moving in straighter paths, and some strike adjacent
vanes. There, they are held by surface forces and coalesce Figure 10. Vane array with horizontal flow
(merge) with other droplets, eventually trickling down. If
the vane material is wettable, a surface film promotes
coalescence and drainage. In the case of upward flow, Inertial capture in mesh
coalesced liquid disengages from the bottom of the vanes
In a mesh-type mist eliminator (Figure 11), each
as droplets large enough to fall through rising gas. In the
strand acts as an obstruction around which gas must flow.
case of horizontal flow (Figure 10), the liquid trickles
Within a very short distance upstream of a filament, the
down vanes to a drain below.
gas turns aside sharply, but some mist droplets are unable
to follow. They strike the filament, adhere, and coalesce to
Figure 9. Capture of mist form droplets that are large enough to trickle down and
droplets in a vane array fall away.
with vertical flow
Figure 11. Droplet capture in a mesh-type
mist eliminator

Inertial capture efficiency
Based on the principle of inertial capture, it is easy to
understand the behavior of a vane or mesh mist elimina-
tor in terms of the efficiency with which it captures mist
droplets. Consider a droplet encountering a mesh strand
or a bend in a vane. (To help imagine the relative dimen-
sions involved in the case of a mesh pad, see Figure 12.)
The following factors determine whether the droplet
strikes the surface or turns and flows around with the gas:
1. Droplet size: The larger the droplet, the greater its
momentum and the straighter its path when surround-
ing gas flows around an obstacle. Consequently, as
seen in Figure 13, the efficiency of a given mist elimina-
tor varies steeply with droplet size (keeping the same Figure 13. Examples of variation of droplet capture
velocity and liquid and gas composition). For the efficiency with droplet size and filament diameter
example mesh pad made of 0.011-inch wire, efficiency
jumps from nearly zero for 2-micron droplets to nearly velocity and liquid and gas composition). This effect
100% for 20-micron droplets. In a real situation, can be seen by comparing the three curves in Figure 13,
droplet sizes will be distributed over a range from less representing mesh pads having different strand thick-
than one micron to well over 100 microns. The distri- nesses. The 279-micron (0.011-inch) wire is 90% effi-
bution curve may be narrow or broad, peaking any- cient for 6-micron droplets, compared to 3-micron
where within that range. droplets for the 152-micron (0.006-inch) wire and 1.5-
2. Strand diameter or corrugation spacing: The smaller micron droplets for 10-micron co-knit glass fibers. (See
the diameter of a mesh strand (or the closer the spacing appendix for efficiency curves for various other types of
between the corrugations of a vane), the more abruptly Amistco mesh and vanes.)
oncoming gas turns aside, and the more difficult it is for 3. Gas velocity: The more rapidly a droplet approaches
mist droplets to follow the gas. Thus, finer strands can a mesh strand or vane corrugation, the greater its
capture smaller droplets (again assuming the same momentum, carrying it in a straighter path. Further-
more, at higher velocities, gas flow streamlines
Figure 12. Relative sizes of droplets and strands approach the obstacle more closely, resulting in tighter
1 micron (mm) = 1 millionth of a meter bends. Thus, the capture efficiency of a mist elimina-
tor increases sharply with velocity until an upper limit
is reached due to re-entrainment or flooding (dis-
cussed later).
4. Liquid density relative to gas density: What causes a
droplet to deviate from curving gas streamlines is not its
momentum alone, but the difference or ratio between
the droplet’s momentum and that of the gas around it.
In cases where the gas is nearly as dense as the liquid—
for instance, at high pressures—the gas sweeps droplets
around the obstacle more strongly, preventing capture.
5. Gas viscosity: The more viscous the gas, the more drag
it exerts on suspended droplets as the gas flows around
mesh strands and vane corrugations, leading to
reduced capture efficiency. The viscosity of a gas gener-
ally goes up with higher temperature.
6. Pad density and thickness: Finally, the efficiency of a
mesh pad also depends on how closely the strands are
packed and on the thickness of the pad. Packing densi-
ty is increased by knitting with more loops per inch and
crimping with narrower ridges. It is measured in terms
of pounds per cubic foot of pad. Thickness, in turn, is
increased by piling on more layers of crimped mesh
sheets. Thicker, denser pads bring trade-offs in terms of
higher pressure drop and susceptibility to re-entrain-
ment and flooding. Typical densities for stainless steel
mesh are 9 and 12 pounds per cubic feet, and typical
thicknesses are 4, 6, and 8 inches.

Brownian capture
Brownian motion, the main capture mechanism for
submicron droplets in fiber mist eliminators, is the fre-
quent random jerks experienced by microscopic particles
suspended in a gas or liquid. The cause is momentary
inequalities in the number and speed of surrounding
molecules hitting the particle from various directions.
This tiny motion is enough to throw small droplets out of
gas streamlines and against fibers that they would other-
wise flow around. (See Figure 15.) Since flow momentum
is not involved, capture efficiency is not improved by
larger droplets, higher velocity, higher relative liquid den-
sity, or lower gas viscosity as for vanes and mesh. Instead,
efficiency goes up with higher temperature, longer resi-
dence time in the mat (due to greater mat thickness or
lower gas velocity), and closer packing of fibers, and
down with greater droplet size and pressure.
Because fiber mist eliminators are so different from
vane and mesh units in application and specifica-
tion, further technical information about them is
Figure 14. Droplet capture by interception
provided in separate Amistco publications.

Interception capture Capacity limits

There is another capture mechanism, usually called
interception, that theoretically applies to both mesh and The throughput capacity of a mesh or vane mist elim-
fiber mist eliminators. (See Figure 14.) Droplets that can- inator is limited by either of two related phenomena:
not be captured efficiently by inertial effects due to small flooding (choking with liquid) and re-entrainment (dis-
size, low density, low velocity, etc., may nevertheless head lodging, suspension, and escape of coalesced droplets).
so close to the centerline of a strand that they brush In some low-pressure applications, the pressure drop
against the surface and adhere. In practice, however, across the device can also be an important consideration.
interception is indistinguishable from inertial impaction These limiting factors are illustrated in Figures 16 and 17.
and may be ignored in vanes and mesh. Figure 16 is based on experimental data for a typical
horizontal mesh pad (Amistco mesh type TM-1109),
Figure 15. Droplet capture by Brownian motion using water sprayed at various rates into rising air. It
in a fiber candle or panel shows how pressure drop varies with velocity and mist
load in the vicinity of the typical operating range. The
mist droplets are assumed to be within a size range suit-
able for capture by a pad of this sort—larger than 10
In Figure 16, notice that the pressure drop would be
considered small in most applications—only about 2 or 3
inches of water column even at the most extreme veloci-
ty and load combination.
Also notice that pressure drop increases markedly
with mist load. At 10 feet per second, the pressure drop
for 1 GPM/ft2 is more than three times that for a dry pad.
Figure 17, in turn, provides a subjective impression of
what happens in a typical horizontal mesh pad at three
different conditions of flow rate and mist load indicated
as Points A, B, and C in Figure 16.
Point A represents a light mist load and a velocity of
about 8 feet per second. Nearly all the incoming mist is
captured well below the middle of the pad. The rest of the
pad remains dry. In the active zone, coalesced droplets
slip rapidly down the mesh wire. At the bottom, however,
surface tension makes water accumulate on and between
wires before falling away as streams and large drops. The

Figure 16. Pressure drop, flooding, and re-entrainment in a typical horizontal mesh pad

result is a thin flooded layer agitated by rising gas, gener- retard drainage within the pad virtually to zero. The mesh
ating a small amount of additional mist that is immedi- is entirely choked with agitated liquid, generating mist
ately captured again. droplets downstream across a wide range of sizes.
Point B, in turn, lies on a “moderate” load line at the Flooding has caused the pressure-drop curve to begin
velocity where a few re-entrained droplets begin to blow turning up sharply. If flow were increased beyond this
upward from the pad—about 11 ft/sec, under these con- point, the line would become almost vertical. For lower
ditions. Re-entrainment is roughly indicated by the dark- liquid loads, flooding occurs at higher velocities.
er background at the right side of the plot. (The darker Similar behavior governs capacity limits also for vane
area on the left, in turn, signifies poor capture efficiency.) mist eliminators and for horizontal flow through vertical
The higher the liquid load, the lower the velocity at which mist eliminators of both types.
re-entrainment occurs. As to the influence of operating variables on these phe-
At Point B, velocity is high enough to detach coa- nomena, flooding is promoted by high liquid load (volume
lesced droplets and lift some of them against the force of percent mist in the incoming mixture), high gas velocity
gravity. Most re-entrained droplets are relatively large— (especially for upward flow as in this example), and high liq-
up to 1,000 microns (1 millimeter). Because of the higher uid viscosity and surface tension (inhibiting drainage).
liquid flow rate in the approaching mist and greater At very light liquid loads, re-entrainment can occur
upward drag on captured liquid due to higher air velocity, without appreciable flooding. However, with or without
the flooded zone fills an appreciable layer. Incoming mist flooding, re-entrainment is promoted by higher gas veloc-
rises higher in the pad before being captured. ity, smaller strand diameter or vane corrugation spacing,
Finally, at Point C, the velocity is high enough not only sharper corrugation angles, greater liquid load, lower liq-
to lift even the largest re-entrained droplets, but also to uid density relative to gas, lower liquid surface tension,

Figure 17. Envisioning stages in mesh pad performance in preceding figure (vertical cross-sections through pad)

Sizing for gas velocity using
Souders-Brown equation
HE FOREGOING fundamental considerations lead
directly to procedures for sizing a mesh or vane
mist eliminator in terms of cross-sectional area, to
handle the throughput for a particular application.
The key variable is gas velocity. In a given applica-
tion, a mist eliminator has a definite operating range,
indicated by the lighter background color in Figure 16. At
velocities above this range, performance is impaired by
re-entrainment, accompanied by flooding for all but the
lightest mist loads. As velocity decreases within the oper-
ating range, droplet capture efficiency declines—more
steeply for smaller droplets than for larger ones. At some
point, the efficiency for droplets at the lower end of the Generalizing Figure 16 by applying Souders-Brown
size range has fallen to an unacceptable level. This is the
equation K = VG / …(rL - rG)/rG
bottom of the operating velocity range. For the typical
case in Figure 16, it is roughly 3 ft/sec. Dividing that into Water and air at 70° F and 1 atmosphere:
the re-entrainment limit of about 11 ft/sec yields an rL = 62.3 pounds per cubic foot
approximate turndown ratio of nearly four to one for the rG = 0.0749 pounds per cubic foot
operating range. K = VG / 28.8
It is generally recommended that the nominal oper- Design K = (10 ft/sec) / 28.8 = 0.35 ft/sec
ating velocity be established toward the top of the Maximum K = (11 ft/sec) / 28.8 = 0.38 ft/sec
range—about 10 feet per second for an air-water applica-
tion such as this. Capture efficiency is higher there than Figure 18. Graphs of Figure 16 in terms of
farther down in the range, and performance is satisfacto- Souders-Brown vapor load factor
ry at velocities from about 30% to 110% of that value.
eliminator and gas-liquid system—typically air and
A certain formula is widely used in sizing a mesh or
water—to be used in sizing mist eliminators of the same
vane mist eliminator for a given throughput. It general-
type for different gases and liquids.
izes the characteristics reflected in Figure 16 (notably
For example, Figure 18 shows the graphs of Figure 16,
excepting the low end of the operating range) from the
with the X axis converted from velocity to vapor load fac-
base case of air and water to other gases and liquids.
tor. The conversion factor is 28.8, calculated as shown in
Called the Souders-Brown equation, it has long been the
the figure. The effect is to shift the graphs of Figure 16
customary tool for predicting the maximum allowable
toward the left by that amount. The recommended
vapor velocity in a trayed vapor-liquid contactor column.
design velocity of 10 feet per second for this mesh pad in
(M. Souders and G. G. Brown, “Design of fractionating
this horizontal configuration corresponds to a load factor
Columns. I. Entrainment and Capacity,” Industrial &
of about 0.35 ft/sec. The top of the operating range, in
Engineering Chemistry, Volume 26 [1934], Pages 98-103.)
turn (11 ft/sec in Figure 16), lies at a load factor of about
The equation is similar in form to Newton’s Law for the
0.38. Amistco publishes graphs such as this as design
terminal velocity of falling spheres.
aids for a number of its products. (See appendix.)
The version of the Souders-Brown equation common-
The point is that re-entrainment, flooding, and log-
ly used for mist eliminators establishes a variable K called
log pressure-drop plots (although not capture efficien-
the vapor load factor—also known as the system load fac-
cy) all correlate well with vapor load factor for different
tor, Souders-Brown velocity, or K factor—as follows:
liquids and gases having various densities. The correla-
K = VG / …(rL - rG)/rG (Equation 1) tion generally holds at pressures from atmospheric up
K = vapor load factor (Souders-Brown velocity) to about 7 atmospheres (100 psia) for gases and liquids
whose surface tension and viscosity vary roughly alike
VG = gas velocity
with density. This includes most light hydrocarbons,
rL = liquid density in same units as rG
for instance.
rG = gas density in same units as rL As an example, consider a TM-1109 mist eliminator
The K factor can be considered an effective gas veloc- in the top of a distillation column or knockout drum as
ity for the purpose of expressing the throughput capacity shown in Figure 19. In this particular case, the square-
limit, adjusted for the effects of liquid and gas density. root divisor in Equation 1 is 11.7. The design velocity
This parameter allows data gathered for a given mist (corresponding to a K-factor of 0.35 ft/sec) is 4.10 ft/sec—

Table 2. Recommended design values of Souders-
Brown vapor load factor K = VG / …(rL - rG)/rG
Typical wire mesh pad (no co-knit yarn):
Vertical flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .K = 0.35 ft/sec
Horizontal flow . . . . . . . . . .K = 0.42 ft/sec
(For mist loads less than 0.1% volumetric,
equivalent to 0.5 GPM/ft2 at 10 ft/sec)
Typical vane unit
Vertical flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .K = 0.50 ft/sec
Horizontal flow . . . . . . . . . .K = 0.65 ft/sec
Double-pocket vane unit
Vertical & horizontal flow K = 1.0 ft/sec
Typical operating velocity range:
Shell diameter = 7.88 ft (std. 8.0 ft) 30% to 110% of design K above
Effective pressure range:
Derate K as much as 40% for vacuum or
pressures above 7 atmospheres (85 psig)

Such density changes result in a higher square-root divi-

sor in the Souders-Brown equation. In the example case
Flow area = 48.8 ft2
in Figure 19, however, the divisor (11.7) is lower than for
air and water (28.5). Therefore the efficiency of this pad
in this application at any given velocity will be lower than
for air and water. To achieve minimal acceptable efficien-
cy, the low end of the operating velocity range will be
higher than the typical 30% of design velocity.
Table 2 shows generally recommended design values
of K for various typical cases. Note that the values for
Horizontal 6-inch TM-1109 pad: vane units are higher than for mesh pads. This is because
vanes are less susceptible to re-entrainment and flooding
Liquid droplet density . . rL = 42.5 lbs/ft3
(discussed later).
Gas density . . . . . . . . . . . . rG = 0.31 lbs/ft3
Furthermore, for both mesh and vanes (except dou-
ble-pocket vanes), design K-factors are higher for hori-
VG = 11.7 K Recommended design K is 0.35 ft/sec zontal flow through vertical units than for vertical flow
Design velocity: VG = (11.7)(0.35 ft/sec) = 4.10 ft/sec through horizontal units. This is because with horizontal
flow, draining of captured liquid is not retarded by gas
Suppose the given design vapor rate is 200 ft3/sec
flowing in the opposite direction.
Then the required cross-sectional area
In all cases listed in Table 2, performance is typically
= (200 ft3/sec)/(4.10 ft/sec) = 48.8 ft2 acceptable over the same range of velocities discussed for
Flow area diameter = 2 …48.8 ft2/ p = 7.88 feet vertical flow in a horizontal mesh pad—from about 30%
Typically round up to next standard size: 8 feet to 110% of the design value. However, as explained
before, the low end of the operating range varies in the
Figure 19. Sizing a mesh pad and vessel with Souders- opposite direction from the design velocity; the lower the
Brown equation K = VG / …(rL - rG)/rG design velocity, the narrower the acceptable range.
Similarly, as mentioned earlier, this correlation
which is 41% of the value for air and water in Figure 16. breaks down at pressures outside the range of 1 to 7
The pressure-drop curves and re-entrainment and flood- atmospheres. For higher or lower pressures, the design
ing points will likewise be shifted to about 41% of their K-factor will be as low as 60% of the tabulated value for
positions in Figure 16. each configuration in Table 2.
Figure 19 also shows how the Souders-Brown equa- Finally, the design K-factors for both horizontal and
tion is typically used in sizing a vessel with a mist elimi- vertical mesh pads are applicable only for low to moder-
nator of this type for flow area to achieve the design ate mist loads—up to about 0.1% liquid by volume. For a
velocity (K = 0.35) with a given design vapor flow rate. velocity of 10 feet per second, this corresponds to about
Capture efficiency is an entirely separate matter from 0.5 gallons of liquid captured per minute per square foot.
sizing. As explained earlier, the inertial capture efficiency For higher mist loads, the design K should be derated.
for a given velocity, wire diameter, and droplet size is Vane units are not so sensitive to the effects of mist load
enhanced by higher liquid density and lower gas density. on capacity.

– 10 –
Mesh versus vanes—or both
ty for long periods without maintenance or replacement.

HE EFFICIENCY OF VANE mist eliminators is gen-
erally acceptable only for droplets larger than 10 or Offshore platforms and long-running processes are
20 microns in the case of air and water at ambient prime examples.
conditions. (Compare efficiency curves on Pages 14 and
15.) Furthermore, a vane unit is generally more expensive
than a mesh pad in the same application. However, vanes Mesh-vane combinations
have certain advantages that dictate their selection over
Vane units can be especially valuable in certain appli-
mesh in some situations.
cations when used immediately upstream or downstream
of mesh pads. Figures 20 and 21 illustrate these concepts

Vane advantages with horizontal flow. With vertical flow, capacity will be

1. High velocity: Being less susceptible to re-entrain-

ment and flooding than mesh pads, vane units can
operate at velocities 30 to 40 percent higher in both ver-
tical and horizontal flow. (See Table 2.) Higher velocity
helps close the efficiency gap with mesh.
2. High liquid load: Vane units typically handle loads
about 5 to 10 times greater than mesh pads: up to 10
gpm/ft2 for VNM-50-6 vanes, versus 1 gpm/ft2 for TM-
1109 mesh (horizontal flow, air and water, ambient
3. Fouling and clogging: Solid particles and debris that
would lodge in a mesh pad, eventually requiring Figure 20. Boosting throughput and efficiency of a
replacement or cleaning, pass through the much larger mesh pad by following it with a vane unit
apertures of a vane unit. In applications that are subject
to buildup of deposits, vane units can operate for much reduced as explained before for mesh pads and vane
longer intervals without cleaning and can be cleaned units alone.
much more readily than mesh pads. Mounting a vane unit downstream of a mesh pad as
4. Longer corrosion life: The thickness of vanes gives in Figure 20 combines the superior efficiency of the mesh
them a substantially greater service life than mesh with with the superior K-factor of the vanes. The typical K-fac-
the same corrosion rate. In a given corrosive service, a tor for horizontal flow is raised from 0.42 for mesh alone
vane unit made of sheet metal will last much longer (Table 2) to 0.65 for vanes. When operated at or above the
than a mesh pad made of the same alloy. resulting design velocity, the mesh pad serves as an
5. Low pressure drop: The relative openness of vanes agglomerator or coalescer of fine mist droplets. Most liq-
gives them an edge over mesh in applications where uid captured in the mesh pad is re-entrained as larger
pressure drops of a few inches of water column are cru- droplets whose sizes are well above the lower limit of the
cial. (See graphs on Pages 14 and 15.) vane unit. Higher velocity also improves the mist elimi-
nation efficiency of the mesh. In applications of co-knit
6. High liquid viscosity: There are a few applications in
mesh where the re-entrainment velocity is exceptionally
which high viscosity impedes liquid drainage so severe-
low, a downstream vane unit is indispensible.
ly that a mesh pad would flood at prohibitively low
On the other hand, mounting a vane unit upstream of
velocities and liquid loads. Vanes can handle much
a mesh pad as in Figure 21 combines the superior effi-
higher liquid viscosities.
ciency of mesh with the superior load and solids-han-
7. Rugged construction: When properly secured in
place, a typical vane unit withstands violent surges and
liquid slugs that would dislodge and even destroy the
most rugged mesh pad.
8. Foam accommodation: Because of liquid agitation in
mesh pads, those devices are not generally recom-
mended in applications subject to foaming. Vane units,
by contrast, not only drain without foaming, but can
actually break foam generated upstream.
In view of Items 3, 4, and 7 above, vane units are espe-
cially attractive in applications that require high reliabili- Figure 21. Shielding a mesh pad from a very heavy
mist load with a vane unit ahead

– 11 –
Applying mist eliminators
vertical Horizontal
flow vessel, horizontal
lateral flow,
double banks

Plan view

Horizontal vessel,
vertical flow

Lateral view Axial

Horizontal vessel,
horizontal axial flow Lateral view view

Drain pipe with Horizontal vessel, oblique

liquid seal below lateral flow, double banks

Figure 22. Typical mist eliminator configurations in cylindrical knockout drums. Similar configurations can be
used in other vessels. The mist eliminators may be mesh, vane, or combinations.

dling ability of vanes. The K-factor of the combination is • Liquid holding capacity and drainage method
that of the mesh pad. • Worker access for cleaning, replacement, etc.
• Support beams for large horizontal mist eliminators

HE FOLLOWING are some additional considera-
tions that may come into play when applying mesh • Internal flow constraints for efficient operation
and vane mist eliminators in specific situations.
Like other information in this publication, these guide-
lines can be useful for preliminary design purposes. Internal flow guidelines
However, final decisions should not be made without con-
The last consideration in the foregoing list—internal
sulting Amistco’s separation specialists.
flow constraints—is often overlooked but may be of pri-
mary importance. There are two main principles:
Vessel configurations
The simplified diagrams in Figure 22 show several typ-
ical configurations of mist eliminators in vessels. The mist
eliminators may be mesh pads, vane units, or combina-
tions as described on Page 11. The vessels depicted are
cylindrical vapor-liquid separators, often called knockout
drums. However, some of the same concepts may also
apply to mist eliminators in process vessels, such as
vapor-liquid contactor columns, evaporators, chillers, etc.
Considerations affecting selection of a mist elimina-
tor configuration may include the following:
• Mist eliminator cross-sectional area to achieve
design velocity with required vapor throughput
• Space available inside existing vessel
• Plant space available for the vessel Figure 23. Example of mist eliminator performance
• Inlet and outlet locations to fit established piping degradation due to uneven velocity profile

– 12 –
Figure 24. Generally accepted spacing guidelines to maintain even velocity profile and avoid entrainment
in mist eliminators in cylindrical vessels with axial flow

1. Maintain an even velocity profile across the mist elim-

inator element—whether mesh, vane, or combination. Application procedure
The object is to avoid situations such as shown in Figure Based on all of the principles presented before, the
23. Here, the mist eliminator is mounted too close to the procedure generally followed in designing a mist elimina-
outlet nozzle. Excessive velocity in a region near the tor application involving mesh, vanes, or both is as follows:
center of the mist eliminator results in substantial re-
entrainment there. Furthermore, deficient velocity in a 1. Estimate the droplet size distribution (See Table 1).
region around the perimeter causes low droplet removal 2. Specify the required separation efficiency.
efficiency in that area. The main key to an even velocity 3. Tentatively choose a mist eliminator (mesh, vane, or
profile is to allow sufficient spacing between the mist combination; mesh or vane style; materials) consider-
eliminator and gas inlets and outlets. Items A through E ing droplet size, efficiency, corrosion, and wettability.
in Figure 24 show some generally accepted guidelines in 4. Tentatively select a mist eliminator orientation and
this regard for cylindrical vessels with axial flow through placement in the vessel (Figure 22, etc.).
the mist eliminator. Flow distribution devices of various 5. Calculate the necessary cross-sectional area and
sorts can reduce the necessary spacing, but at the risk of mist eliminator dimensions (Figure 19, Table 2, etc.).
violating the following principle.
6. Estimate separation efficiency and pressure drop
2. Avoid strong turbulence and fluid shear in the wet within the required turndown range (Appendix and
part of the vessel. The main objective is to prevent similar reference literature).
entrainment of the collected liquid. This can be
7. If the estimated results are not acceptable, repeat
achieved by maintaining adequate separation between
steps 3 through 6 with a different mist eliminator or
the inlet nozzle and the liquid surface as shown in Item
vessel configuration.
F of Figure 24. Another objective is to prevent shearing
of droplets into smaller particles that might pass 8. Check for conformance with internal flow guide-
through the mist eliminator. lines (Figures 23 and 24, etc.) and revise as necessary.
For easy separations that are familiar to the designer,
sizing (Step 5) may be the only critical step. In even the
simplest applications, however, the possibility of improve-

– 13 –

Figure A1. Efficiency of 6-inch metal mesh pads

Figure A2. Pressure drop for 6-inch metal mesh pads

– 14 –
Figure A3. Efficiency of 6-inch co-knit and plastic
monofilament mesh pads

Figure A4. Pressure drop for 6-inch Figure A5. Pressure drop for 6-inch plastic
co-knit mesh pads monofilament mesh pads

Figure A6. Efficiency of vane mist eliminators Figure A7. Pressure drop for a typical Amistco vane unit

– 15 –
products, each phase of manufacturing is

manufactures a wide range of phase con- closely monitored to assure that customer
tacting and separation equipment for specifications and performance requirements
both routine replacement and new construction. are satisfied or exceeded. Amistco separation
In addition to mist eliminators, our products specialists are readily available to assist cus-
include liquid-liquid coalescers and tower pack- tomers with technical design questions.
ings and internals. As Begg Cousland’s exclusive Amistco products are sold worldwide
Western Hemisphere licensee, Amistco brings to through a network of marketing representa-
customers over 25 years of fiber mist eliminator tives. For the location of your nearest represen-
manufacturing and application experience. We tative, contact Amistco or visit our Web site.
also fabricate numerous subassemblies and
turnkey separation packages for primary con-
tractors and end users worldwide.
Amistco began manufacturing knitted wire
mesh mist eliminators in Alvin, Texas, in 1991.
With greatly expanded knitting capabilities and
an ever-widening range of products, Amistco
now occupies a new 40,000-square-foot facility. 23147 Highway 6 • Alvin, Texas 77511
Our success was built upon prompt and Phone 281-331-5956 • Fax 281-585-1780
consistent customer service. From the pro- •
curement of materials to delivery of finished 24-hour Emergency Service: 800-839-6374

Bulletin 106 • January, 2004 • Amistco is a licensee of Begg Cousland candle technology. • MistFix is a registered trademark and Tex-Mesh is a trademark of Amistco Separation
Products, Inc. • Amistco has endeavored to assure that all information in this publication is accurate. However, nothing herein is intended as a guarantee or warranty.

– 16 –
Product Bulletin – IME

MistFixTM Insertion Mist Eliminators

Solves Carryover Problems

The patented AMISTCO MistFix™ can solve carryover
problems in vessels without a mist eliminator, as well as
in vessels with a less efficient or damaged mist eliminator.

Existing or New Vessels

In existing vessels that do not have a manway, the MistFixTM
Insertion Mist Eliminator is an ideal choice. It is suitable for
any vessel having an 8” or larger gas outlet nozzle at the
top. It also eliminates the need for hazardous entry permits.
Since there is no need to enter the vessel, this drastically
reduces downtime, resulting in quicker turnarounds,
reduced maintenance cost and production gains. MistFixTM
also eliminates the need for modifications to vessels. For
new vessels MistFixTM may eliminate the need for a manway
and reduce vessel cost. It also makes future maintenance
easier and simpler.

Simple and Easy to Maintain

AMISTCO MistFixTM can easily be installed and replaced
from the outside. Existing vessels require no modifications
to accommodate the MistFixTM.

• NO Cutting
• NO Welding U.S. Patent #5985004
• NO Manway Access
AMISTCO Separation Products manufactures a full line
• NO Hazardous Entry
of tower internals, mist eliminators and other components
• NO ASME re-certification
critical to effective mass transfer and separation.
• NO Scaffolding For more details regarding these products, visit our website
• Minimal Downtime or consult with an AMISTCO Separations representative.

Mist Eliminators | Liquid/Liquid Coalescers | Trays, Packing & Internals

23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, Texas 77511 • Ph: (281) 331-5956 • Fax: (281) 585-1780 • •

24 Hour Emergency Service Available Emergency Phone:1-800-839-6374

Product Bulletin – VNM-DP

Double Pocket Vane Mist Eliminators

Twice the Separation Capacity and AMISTCO Separation Products, Inc. manufactures a full line
Higher Efficiency Than Standard Vane of tower internals, mist eliminators and other components
critical to effective mass transfer and separation. For more
Offshore platform separators in the Gulf of Mexico, Lake
details regarding these products, visit our website or consult
Maracaibo (Venezuela) and the Java Sea (Indonesia) have
with an AMISTCO Separations representative.
utilized AMISTCO’s Double Pocket Vanes to increase their
gas production. The vane’s unique geometry channels the
collected liquid away from the gas, minimizing reentrain-
ment. The blade geometry also allows for more efficient 100
DP Vane

mist removal. New vessels can be designed much smaller Vane Type Capacity
saving cost and weight. Horizontal

or Vertical K=1.15 70 Standard

% Efficiency
Benefits Flow 60
Standard 50
• Increase capacity up to 100% Vane
Horizontal K=0.65 40
• Reduce vessel size and weight 30
• Increased efficiency Standard 20
Vane 10
• Maintains efficiency at higher pressures Vertical K=0.50
Flow 0 4 8 12 16 20
• Debottleneck existing equipment Particle size, microns
Mist Eliminator at atmospheric
Gas conditions with air and water.

Gas 4’ Gas 8’
Inlet Inlet

Small vessel using Double Vessel with standard Mesh

Pocket Vane technology. Vane combination.

Mist Eliminators | Liquid/Liquid Coalescers | Trays, Packing & Internals

23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, Texas 77511 • Ph: (281) 331-5956 • Fax: (281) 585-1780 • •

24 Hour Emergency Service Available Emergency Phone:1-800-839-6374

Mist Eliminator

Installation Guide
Table of Contents
New Mist Eliminator Inspection 4

Removing Existing Mist Eliminator 5

Hold Down Options 6-8

Installation 9-13

Maintenance & Cleaning 14

Troubleshooting 15

Key Observations Before You Begin

Your AMISTCO Mist Eliminator Mist eliminators are manufac-
Mesh is oversized slightly to tured from knitted wire, and it is Please Note:
ensure a snug fit between the important to maintain as much The following information contains
vessel wall and the mesh. Grids “spring” and uniformity as general guidelines. No guarantees
are undersized to provide possible. Avoid any cutting or and warranties are expressed or
clearance from the vessel wall. puncturing of the mesh during implied. Disregard of these guide-
Over sizing the mesh will also installation to assure optimum lines or a modification to any
compensate for a vessel’s out of performance and service life. product without written consent
roundness. Any gaps between from AMISTCO may invalidate any
the vessel wall and the mesh will warranties. If you have questions,
diminish efficiency and hamper please call 1-800-839-6374.
mist eliminator performance. A
tight fit ensures optimum mist
eliminator performance.

Step One New Mist Eliminator Inspection

Check the Shipment Mist Eliminator Ready to Install

Always make sure you have the right Storage Lay out the sections of the mist
mist eliminator for the job prior to Store in a clean environment. Dust, eliminator in a clean area close to
doing anything, especially removing sand and other contaminants may the vessel. For dual density pads,
the old mist eliminator. Always foul the mist eliminator. A ware- check tags for correct orientation
check your shipment to make sure house is recommended for long of flow direction.
you have received the correct size term storage. By laying out the mist eliminator
and installation hardware (if
pieces you can confirm you have
ordered with the job) and for
the right size, all of the pieces, etc.
potential mist eliminator damage.
before you move any further for-
Upon receipt of an AMISTCO mist
ward. You can also make a better
eliminator, inspect and verify the
installation game plan when the
dimensions. Also check for any
time comes.
hardware and documentation that
is part of the order. If drawings Keep in mind the mesh pad will be
are present, make sure that the manufactured slightly larger than
mist eliminator corresponds to the diameter of the “to be installed
the drawing. into” vessel.

Step Two Removing Existing Mist Eliminator
(For new process vessels proceed to page 6.)

When replacing a mist eliminator, so pulling the center section

it is a good idea to study how the may require a more aggressive Safety Considerations:
existing one was installed prior to tug. Once the center section is
• Prior to entering any vessel, it is
any actual removal procedures. removed, the other sections
important that confined space
Compare the existing pad to should remove much more easily.
entry requirements have been
the pad you have laid out on the
After removing all of the mist met, and all federal, state and
ground. Some installers even like
pad sections, it is important industry safety regulations have
to orient or turn the new pad into
to carefully inspect all of the been addressed.
the exact position as the pad that
support structures. Look for
is to be removed for reference • Mist eliminators are not designed
cracks, excessive corrosion,
purposes later on. This is also an to support a person. Do not step
and damaged support hardware.
opportunity to inspect the old pad directly on a mist eliminator.
Repair all defects that might
for indications of excessive corro- Place boards across several
impair the proper installation
sion or fouling, which can cause sections to distribute weight.
and operation of the new mist
dislodged sections. Your AMISTCO Verify that spans of more than 6’
eliminator. Make certain the
engineer can assist you with have heavy-duty metal grids or
existing supports are suitable for
recommendations to upgrade the intermediate supports.
your new mist eliminator, taking
materials and implement process
note as to what hold down hard-
improvements. AMISTCO can
ware you will be employing.
provide systems that include dual-
density mesh pads, wash systems,
mesh/vane combinations and
relief doors.

If the existing pad was built in

sections, pull the center section
area first. Remove one section
at a time and remove section by
section to avoid accidentally
dropping anything. Remember
that a properly installed mist
eliminator is going to fit snug

Hold Down Options

Tie Wires J-Bolts Latch Keys

Tie wires are the most common and J-bolts can be used instead of tie Latch Keys can be used to secure
simplest way of attaching the mist wires and are stronger. The hook a mist eliminator when having to
eliminator to its supports. The tie portion of the “J” connects around work from the top, and access to the
wires are typically .051” in diameter the mist eliminator’s bottom grid, bottom is not possible. Simply turn
and are made of the same material extends through a clamp or holes the flag toward the vessel wall and
as the mesh. This can be achieved in the annular ring and is secured tighten the double lock nuts.
by looping the tie wire between the by a nut and lock nut. Once again,
bottom support grid and the annular 4 bolts should be used per section.
ring hole and twisting the ends to Another variant is a “welded stud.”
tie it in place. (Do not run the wire
Flag Top Grid
through the mesh, just the support
and grid.) Tie down the four corners
Please Note: Wire Mesh
of the grids in each section. Annular
It is important that your J-bolt
ring hole spacing is typically 4” to 5” Bottom Grid
connections are secure and can
apart with 1/4” diameter holes.
withstand heat and vibration.
For plastic mesh materials, use We recommend double nuts
several loops of tie wire. AMISTCO or locknuts.
recommends optional TefzelTM tie
straps as a more secure fastener.
Optional Latch Key

If your mist eliminator is installed
in a critical or severe service,
AMISTCO recommends a more
secure hold down method. Check
with your AMISTCO sales repre-
sentative about optional relief
doors, heavy duty grids and other
special features.

Tie Wires J-Bolts

Hold Down Options

Dual Support Rings Offset Rings Pipe Sleeve and

Dual support rings have removable Offset rings are held away from the Spacer Bolt
ring sections on the manway side. vessel wall by a standoff. Secure These designs have through-bolt
After the last mist eliminator the mist eliminator using tie wire sleeves that run through the mist
section is installed, bolt the ring or J-bolts and clamps. eliminator spacer bolts. Although
sections into place. Dual support more secure for process upset
rings are more common for topside applications, these designs are not
installations but are also used in recommended because they are
bottom installations. Dual support difficult to install (matching up the
rings also help prevent wall bypass. holes particularly in replacement
applications) and often distort the
mesh and allow gas by-pass.
Instead AMISTCO recommends
either dual support rings or J-bolts.

Through Bolts

Relief Doors
Dual Support Rings Tie Wire w/Offset Ring Relief doors can be incorporated
into your mist eliminator design for
fouling service to prevent blowout
in upset conditions.


Removable Section Relief Door

of Support Ring
Relief door moves up and
down on the guide rods.

Hold Down Options

Hold Down Bars Basket Cages Expansion Rings

Hold down bars bolt into position Basket cages for one-piece mist Expansion rings can be used for
above the mist eliminator after it eliminators are held in place by either a support ring or a hold
is installed and are an effective the vessel top flange. You simply down ring when welding to the
means to keep the mist eliminator slide the cage on top of the mist shell is a problem.
pieces intact. eliminator and fasten the head
or top flange, when installing one-
piece mist eliminators.

Expansion Ring

Hold Down Bar Hold Down Basket

For mist eliminators installed Hold down method with

in small diameter vessels with a exit above mist eliminator
flanged top, the pad must be made If installers must exit from manway
in two sections to clear hold above the mist eliminator, install
down bar clips welded to shell. mist eliminator tie wiring from
below working from the outer
sections toward the center. Install
the last section from the top and
secure to adjacent sections by
placing 3 hold down bars (1/4” x 1”
flat bar) across the last section
Manway Section and
installed and tie wiring or J-bolting Hold Down Bars
1 2 to adjacent sections.

Step Three Installation

One Piece Mist Eliminators

Any fastening method except J-bolts
can be used for one piece mist
eliminators. For new vessels make
sure the vessel walls are smooth
and free of weld splatter and other
debris before pushing the mist
eliminator into the vessel. Keep in
mind the mesh diameter should
slightly exceed the vessel diameter
to ensure a snug fit.

Installing Multi-Section Mist Eliminators in Vertical Vessels

Larger AMISTCO Mist Eliminators

Vessels with Single Support Rings
are manufactured in manageable
sections to facilitate installation 1. Before installing any sections, mark lines on the support ring that
through the manways of vessels. indicate where each section edge should sit. Align the sections in
Remember to have the new mist accordance to your marks as you install each section.
eliminator “set up” outside the 2. Work from the outside in on each side by placing the end sections
vessel before you begin. on top of the support ring.

3. Compress the installed sections to fit your measurements and keep

Please Note:
opposing sections parallel.
With last sections expect resistance.
Some installers use a thin piece of 4. Use a hold down to secure each section after it is properly in place.
sheet metal or cardboard sized to fit
5. Move toward the center as you add sections until only one section
the last section to help slip it into
remains. Use sheet metal or cardboard to facilitate installation.
place. With opposing rough mesh
services, you will need to push or 6. If you are installing from below, lift the entire last section through
pull alternating ends of the last sec- the void space between the opposing pad sections, position it
tion of the mesh pad to fit it in. Keep carefully and then pull it down into place.
in mind a compressed fit is neces-
sary for optimum mist eliminator 7. If you are installing from above, simply push the section into place
performance. (See figure, p.12.) after a careful alignment.

Large Pads:
For large pads, total compression can be several inches. It is very difficult
to “work out” all of the compression when installing the last section.
AMISTCO recommends this easy method: Loop tie wire around adjacent
grids as the sections are installed. This loop should be close to the down
rods, where the mesh is fixed to the grids. Twist the tie wire, pulling the
grids towards each other, until the grids of each section are spaced 11/2”
apart. Using this procedure will ease installation of the last sections.

1 2 3

Installing Multi-Section Mist Eliminators in Vertical Vessels

Generally with this type of support

Vessels with Dual Support Rings
design, support rings secure the
mist eliminator sections from 1. Mark lines on the support grids that indicate where the mesh
below and above. Wider vessels sections should sit. Align the sections in accordance to your marks as
may also have a center support you work from the vessel wall inward, one side of the vessel at a time.
beam or beams. With standard 2. Compress the installed sections to fit your measurements and keep
metal grids AMISTCO does not the opposing sections parallel. Use C-Clamps or an equivalent on
recommend greater than a 6 ft. span the ring to hold the sections in place as you proceed.
between support beams (for plastic
grids a 3 ft. maximum span). Use 3. To install the final section, make a simple installation aid using two
greater care when installing plastic thin pieces of sheet metal or some smooth yet strong material that
mist eliminators to avoid breakage. extends the length of the section and is taller than the section.
The top ring and support beams You may even wish to cut handles in the aid. Place the installation
have removable sections for remov- aids on either side of the mesh to reduce the friction of the mesh
ing and replacing mist eliminators. surfaces. A compression fit is necessary, so expect resistance as
you push the final section into place. Push the section in and pull
the aids out.

4. Replace the removable section on the support ring and beam(s).

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Installing Multi-Section Mist Eliminators in Horizontal Vessels

Mist eliminators are generally

Horizontal Vessels with a
secured by two support rings. The
ring on the manway side will have Vertical Mist Eliminator
removable sections to allow access 1. Mark the support ring and beams indicating where each
to the mesh pads. Other fastening compressed section of mesh should sit.
methods may be used if there is
2. Work from the vessel wall toward the center aligning each
only one support ring. In horizontal
compressed section to your support ring and beam marks.
vessels we recommend vertical
seams to prevent settling. 3. To install the final section, make a simple installation aid using two
thin pieces of sheet metal or some smooth yet strong material that
Installing Final Section: extends the length of the section. You may even wish to cut handles
1 2 3 in the aid. Place the installation aids on either side of the mesh to
reduce the friction of the mesh surfaces. A compression fit is
necessary, so expect resistance as you push the final section into
place. Push the section in and pull the aids out.

4. Replace the removable sections on the support ring and beam(s).

Top View

1 2 3 4 5

Installing Multi-Section Mist Eliminators in Horizontal Vessels

In this configuration the mist

Horizontal Vessels with
eliminator is mounted inside a
housing below the gas outlet nozzle. Horizontal Mist Eliminators
Common hold down methods 1. Mark the supports to indicate the position of each section.
include tie wire, J-Bolts, double
2. Start at the ends, making sure each section is properly aligned,
annular rings and hold down
compressed and tied down securely. Move toward the removable
beams. Each mist eliminator
section, adding sections to both sides until the final section remains.
support structure (beam or strut)
will most likely employ some sort 3. To install the final section, make a simple installation aid using two
of removable section. thin pieces of sheet metal or some smooth yet strong material that
extends the length of the section. Place the installation aids on
either side of the mesh to reduce the friction of the mesh surfaces.
A compression fit is necessary, so expect resistance as you push the
final section into place. Push the section in and pull the aids out.

Final Notes:
Make certain and check your
2 work when you complete
installation procedures.

1. Check for any gaps between 3. If your mist eliminator is of

sections. A uniform com- a dual density design, make
pression fit throughout the certain all of the sections
mist eliminator is important. are installed with the
correct flow orientation.
2. Check to make sure your
tie-downs are secure and 4. Be sure to remove all tools
even with one another. and installation materials
Make sure the rings and before start-up.
beams adequately support
your mist eliminator.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Routine Maintenance Removing Fouled Depending upon the degree of

plugging (for instance coking or
Solids in a mist eliminator will Mist Eliminators polymerization), it is often more
eventually cause plugging, leading
to excessive pressure drop and
for Cleaning economical to go ahead and replace

To achieve thorough cleaning, it is the mist eliminator. Contact your

reduced performance. A cleaning
often helpful to remove the mist AMISTCO separations specialist if
regimen is a good idea and as with
eliminator. Keeping a spare mist you are experiencing continuous
any piece of equipment, should be
eliminator is ideal in such situations. plugging problems, dislodged
performed before accumulations or
sections and short intervals between
plugging severely affect mist elimi-
maintenance. Alternative design
nator performance. AMISTCO can
selections such as dual density
design integral spray systems to Important Note:
mesh pads, spray systems, mesh/
continuously or intermittently wet When your mist eliminator is
vane combinations and relief door
the mist eliminator to minimize removed, examine the cleaned
options may extend your mainte-
plugging issues. mesh carefully for corrosion and
nance intervals. In severe fouling
reduced wire diameter. When your
Spraying with cleaning liquids, applications, AMISTCO recommends
mist eliminator is new, it is a good
boiling or soaking, or passing you consult with your separations
practice to measure the wire
steam will help clean the mist specialist for more secure hold
diameter using a micrometer.
eliminator. In choosing any of down options.
When you reach a 20% reduction
these options, be sure that they
in wire mass, replacing the mist
will not damage the mesh pad.
eliminator should dramatically
increase your efficiency.

Monitoring pressure drop across • If pressure drop increases more than an inch of water column
the mist eliminator may be the best above start-up conditions, some sort of plugging is most likely
option for determining acceptable taking place. To rectify the situation, clean the mesh pad.
operation. It is a good practice to
• When pressure drop decreases across the mist eliminator, there are
record initial pressure drop at
likely holes or voids in the pad or significantly reduced mesh density.
start-up under clean conditions
Corrosion over time will reduce the mesh wire diameter, mesh
for future observation.
density and in turn reduce pressure drop. Gaps in the mesh pad will
cause channeling and a significant reduction in collection efficiency.

In addition to pressure drop,

monitor downstream process con-
ditions, particularly after an upset.
Increased liquid accumulation in
downstream low points or vessels
may indicate bypassing through
the mist eliminator. Decreased
pressure drop may indicate holes
in the mist eliminator.

AMISTCO mist eliminators are man-

ufactured under strict conformance
and quality control guidelines. They
are designed to provide optimum
performance in a variety of process
applications. If you are experiencing
chronic plugging problems or
frequent maintenance, contact your
AMISTCO separations specialist.
Alternative mesh selections may
extend your maintenance intervals.

For mist eliminator design and
performance information, ask for
AMISTCO’s Mesh and Vane Mist
Eliminator brochure.

Other AMISTCO Products
When it comes to effective mass transfer separations and pollution control,
come to AMISTCO Separation Products. With the full range of separation
products, we offer individual components or turnkey systems built to your
specifications and/or performance requirements.

from knitted mesh pads to vane mist eliminators to facilitate mass transfer under a wide for severe fouling applications
and candle filters for submicron mist removal. range of applications.
We also manufacture our patented Mist FixTM
insertion cartridge mist eliminator for applications
where vessel access is prohibitive.


AMISTCO provides a choice of sheet metal, woven we manufacture a variety of mesh and plate
wire gauze or knitted wire mesh structured packing. internals as well as turnkey systems for liquids
Candle Mist Eliminator and oil/water separations.

Insertion Mist Eliminator

for effective distribution of liquids over the TURNKEY POLLUTION
many designs available including diffuser a variety of performance requirements. for asphalt, oleum, plasticizers, metal working,
plates and cyclonic type distributors. compressor stations, marine bilge and a wide
range of specialty indoor air cleaning and
outdoor removal of visible plumes. We also
manufacture turnkey systems for separating
a wide variety of gas, liquid and solid regimes.


for gas liquid contacting in distillation, supports packing and provides effective
absorption, and stripping applications-valve, gas distribution with low pressure drop.
sieve, bubble cap & special designs.

Call Our 24 Hour Number 1-800-839-6374

23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, TX 77511 • Ph: 281-331-5956 • Fax: 281-585-1780

e-mail: •


Submicron Mist Eliminators

AMISTCO is a licensee of Begg Cousland
AMISTCO Separation Products offers superior performing these unique candle filter materials and construction have
candle filters and turnkey submicron mist eliminator packaged increased separating efficiency, lowered pressure drop or in
solutions for Sulfuric Acid production, other processes involv- some cases both in numerous separation applications replac-
ing acids and a wide range of pollution control applications. ing other candle filter technologies.
As the Western Hemisphere licensee for Begg Cousland we
manufacture a proven unique candle filter technology to With the addition of candle filters, AMISTCO provides cus-
complement our comprehensive line of mesh pad and vane tomers with superior new or retrofit separations technologies
type mist eliminators. to handle everything from submicron mists to large droplets.
Our engineering expertise and fabricating capabilities go one
The Begg Cousland candle filter was originally developed in step further to offer customers packaged pollution control and
the laboratories of I.C.I.. After 30 years of proof in the field, product recovery systems assemblies.

Glass Fibre Smallest Fibre Hanging or

TGW 15 Dia. Possible Standing Type

Collection Mechanisms Brownian Diffusion Interception Impaction

Highest Efficiency Invisible Stack Corrosion
Selection Criteria Mist Removal Emission < 20MG/NMS Protection

Design Criteria 100% Removal > 1 Micron 150-250 MM H2O Less Than 0.2 M/SEC
98% Removal < 1 Micron Pressure loss Bed Velocity

Candle Filter Applications Candle Filter Construction

• Sulfuric Acid Mists Each candle filter is composed of millions of fibers.

These fibers are carefully packed in dense form into a
• Phosphoric Acid Mists 2-inch annular space between two concentric cages.
These candles are installed vertically and grouped
• Hydrochloric Acid Mists together in multiples or as a single candle.
• Wet Chlorine Gas (Brine mist removal) Gases travel horizontally
through the filter.
• Dry Chlorine gas (H2SO4 removal) Particles are collected
on the fibers by
• Plasticizer Mist various means,
• Compressed air and refrigerant gas coalesce and drain down
(oil mist removal) through the filter bed.
Depending upon the
• Fertilizer Prill Towers application gas flow
• Ammonium Chloride mists can be directed inside/out
or outside/in the candles.

Candle Filter Separations

Candle filters remove liquid particulates by means of particles causing random side to side (Brownian) movement
impaction for particles greater than 3 microns, interception for while traveling through the mesh of fiber. This Brownian
particles greater than 1-2 microns and Brownian diffusion for movement causes the submicron droplets to eventually collide
submicron droplets. As mist laden gas passes through the with a fiber. Low velocities are required for the diffusion
filter bed, surrounding gas molecules surround the fine mist velocities associated with Brownian movement.

Impaction Interception Brownian Diffusion

Particles 3 microns larger Particles 1 to 3 microns 1 micron and less
— Sulfuric — — Nitrogen —
Candle Filters for Mist Eliminators for the
Sulfuric Acid Applications Nitrogen Industry
AMISTCO Candle Filter Mist Eliminators are used in Sulfuric The nitrogen industry has numerous processes where
Acid processes to prevent corrosion and damage to expen- AMISTCO Candle Filters and Knitted Mesh Mist Eliminators
sive downstream equipment and to control pollution. provide separation solutions. They prevent corrosion,
Water, shock cooling and oleum based mists result from the protect downstream equipment, prevent pollution and
various sulfuric acid processes. The exact mist eliminator recover valuable product.
equipment recommended for a H2SO4 plant depends upon
several factors.
1. Sulfur/SO2 source
2. Single absorption or double absorption Nitrogen Processes
3. Location (drying tower, IPAT, FAT)
4. Equipment requiring protection
5. Type of acid produced Ammonia Nitrate-Ammonia Nitrate and nitric acid are
6. Pressure Loss fed to the neutralizer. The highly exothermic reaction
7. Local pollution control requirements produces NH4NO3 and steam. The neutralizer can be under
pressure, vacuum or atmospheric. Ammonia Nitrate solution
is fed to an evaporator and concentrated solution is prilled.
Urea Fertilizer- There are once through, partial recycle
Acid Processes and total recycle processes. In brief, liquid NH3 is mixed
with CO2 gas under high pressure with recycled recarba-
Sulfur Burning Plant (dark and bright sulfur)- mate. Conversion to urea is 60%. Pressure is reduced with
Sulfur is burned and the SO2 gas is converted to SO3 through each pass through the first and second decomposers to drive
catalytic contact. SO3 gasses are absorbed by recirculating off all of the NH3 and CO2. The urea solution is further
H2SO4 solution in an absorbing tower. concentrated in a vacuum evaporator and pumped through
spray heads in the prilling tower.
Metallurgical Plant-
Ore (pyrite) is roasted. The exit gas is purified, dried Nitric Acid- NH3 is oxidized with air on PR/RM catalyst to
and fed into a catalytic converter. SO3 is absorbed on a form NO at high temperature. N2 and unreacted O2 are fed
H2SO4 solution. to atmosphere with NO and NO2.

Spent Acid plants-

By-products of the organic monomer industry (caprolactam,
acrylonitrile) is burned. Exit SO2 is purified, dried, converted Nitrogen Candle
and absorbed in H2SO4.
Filter Applications
Wet Process (decomposer process)-
The hydrogen sulphite is burned. Exit gas is fed into the • Evaporator towers (prevent product loss)
converter without being dried.
• Prilling Towers (pollution prevention)
• Catalyst (minimize loss of precious metals)
Sulfuric Acid
Candle Filter Applications • Post Absorbing Tower (product recovery and
protection of downstream equipment)
• Drying towers
• Neutralizer and evaporator (prevent water
• Interpass Absorbing Towers and air pollution)
• Final Absorbing Towers (FAT)
• CrossFlow Stripper
• Product Stripper
• Acid Concentrator
• Oleum Tank Vents
• SO2 Tail Gas Scrubbers (NH3)
— Chlorine — — Blue Haze —
Candle Filters for Candle Filter and
Chlorine Plants Turnkey Systems for
Whether your plant has diaphragm or mercury cells, Blue Haze Applications
or chlorine, stream producing wet chlorine and
after the drying tower, dry chlorine, an NaOH For pollution and odor control, candle filters are
stream, or hydrogen stream, AMISTCO has separa- particularly effective in removing plasticizer,
tion technology to optimize your plant operations. low/medium volatile solvents, oil and other fine
Contact your AMISTCO separations specialist for mists or fumes which result from a variety of
your particular application requirements. processes in numerous industries. AMISTCO
manufactures replacement filters as well as turnkey
systems, which may involve a prefilter, cooler, fan,
Chlorine Candle pumping and instrumentation etc. Separation
systems can be built to customer specification or
Filter Applications performance requirement. For more details contact
one of our separations specialists.
• Pre-drying tower with chlorine to prevent
plugging and reduce sulfuric acid consumption

• Post-drying tower before the liquid seal Blue Haze Candle

compressor in dry chlorine applications to collect
sulfuric acid mists which impact product purity
Filter Applications
or freeze on tube affecting heat exchanger
operation • Plasticizer Solvent Fume Removal
Through an absorptive recovery system,
• Pre NaOH Streams before jet system to the exhaust from ovens curing vinyl coated
collect NaOH mists which contaminate water flooring or wallpaper can be separated to
eliminate invisible plumes and recover valuable
• Hydrogen Streams installed after the cell process liquids.
to collect NaOH and Hg mists which impact
purity, corrode the compressor and decrease • Lube Oil Haze From Rotating
the charcoal system to remove mercury vapor Equipment in compressors, turbines and
(mercury vapor cell) other large rotating equipment mists or blue
haze generated from recirculating lube oils
creating blue haze.

• Metal Working Operations
Fumes resulting from metalworking lubricants
used in milling, drilling and other metal shaping

Separation Products, Inc.

operations which create a blue smoke or haze.

Worldwide • Plastics Processing

For injection molding, film making, and
extrusion of plastics AMISTCO Separation
Products manufactures systems to remove
submicron particles causing blue haze.
23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, TX 77511
Ph: (281) 331-5956 Fax: (281) 585-1780 • Other Applications Include
e-mail: Asphalt Production Storage and Loading, Fabric treating and coating.

AMISTCO is a licensee of Begg Cousland candle technology



Cure liquid carryover from

compressor suction drums
October 2004 issue, pgs 77–84
Used with permission.

Cure liquid carryover from

compressor suction drums
Here’s how to apply mist eliminators for higher
throughput and efficiency
BERNHARD KALIS, Amistco Separation Products, Inc., Alvin, Texas

hen the gas approaching a compressor is wet, traces installation, high liquid viscosity, waxy deposits, liquid slugs,
of aqueous or organic liquid may escape the inlet foaming and several other possibilities.
knockout drum—often intermittently—and silently The trouble may even be that no mist eliminator was provided
damage the compressor. Telltale signs include pitting corrosion, in the first place—or perhaps no knockout drum at all. But wher-
salt deposits and diluted lubricants. ever free liquid drops out in a suction drum, it generates some
Instead of trying to repair symptoms, look for the root cause,
which usually involves the mist eliminator in the knockout drum
(Figs. 1, 2 and 3). Problems may include improper mist elimina- ����������������������������������������
tor specifications, overloading, uneven velocity profiles, incorrect

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FIG. 2 Typical multistage compressor installation.

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FIG. 1 Typical compressor suction drums. ����


FIG. 3 Typical mist eliminators: vane unit (left) and mesh pad FIG. 4 An intermittent spray system can remove deposits.



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FIG. 5 Mesh pad performance degrades as liquid and gas loads increase (vertical cross-sections).


������� FIG. 7 A vane unit with “double pockets” reduces re-entrainment
������ of captured liquid.

A thorough study of the relevant considerations will help

avoid common suction drum pitfalls—and some not-so-com-
mon ones—that could severely damage your compressors due to
liquid carryover.

FIG. 6 An inlet cyclone device can be used to break up foam. Designing for droplet size distribution. There are many
different types of mist eliminator elements, and the variety has
greatly increased through the years. Not understanding the liquid
source in the upstream process can cause you to select the wrong
mist that can damage the compressor unless it is removed by a type of mist eliminator or to keep a given type when process
mist eliminator. Even in cases where the feed gas never has any changes make it inappropriate.
free liquid, often fine mist droplets coalesce into large drops on Knowing the process allows you to design for the most efficient
the walls of the inlet pipe or inside the compressor. For all but mist collection. Most important, selection should not be made
the driest gas, a compressor should be protected by an inlet mist until the droplet size distribution is defined in terms of the pro-
eliminator. New high-capacity, high-efficiency mist eliminator portion of droplets of each size. Assuming an incorrect droplet size
technologies pay off the first time you avoid a shutdown. distribution can mean that you have designed for a less-efficient
For optimum separation performance, compressor knockout mist eliminator, and liquid carryover may occur.
drums must be properly designed and sized with appropriate See Tables 1 and 2 for some points of reference and rough
mist eliminator elements in correct configurations, taking into guidelines in this respect. Be aware that capture efficiency of a
account many factors. In multistage compressor installations, given mist eliminator element does not depend only on droplet
proper knockout drum configuration is seldom the same for size. It is also influenced by gas velocity through the element and
all stages. To maintain good performance, design of each drum mist load in terms of liquid flowrate per unit of cross-sectional
should be reviewed whenever there are significant changes in area. Then there are variables such as density and viscosity that
the process. These include appreciable increases or decreases depend on temperature, pressure, and liquid and gas composition.
in throughput, shifts in composition of the gas or mist drop- All else being equal, efficiency generally goes up with higher veloc-
lets, upstream equipment alterations or revisions of operating ity (until re-entrainment occurs), larger droplets, higher liquid
and control procedures. In addition, mist eliminator elements density, lower gas density, smaller liquid load, finer mesh strands,
should be visually inspected occasionally (especially after major closer mesh packing (greater density), closer vane spacing and
process upsets) to make sure they are intact and free of excessive greater mist eliminator thickness.
solid deposits.

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FIG. 8 Generally accepted spacing guidelines to maintain even velocity profile and avoid entrainment in compressor suction drums with axial flow.

TABLE 1. Diameter range of mist and other droplets TABLE 2. Droplet sizes (water in air) typically
of various types captured with 99.9% efficiency by mist eliminator
elements of various types
Particle type Size range, microns
Large organic molecules Up to 0.004 Element type Size range, microns
Smoke 0.0045 to 1.0 Fiber candles or panels 0.1 and larger
Condensation fog 0.1 to 30 Mesh with coknit yarn 2.0 and larger
Atmospheric clouds and fog 4 to 50 0.006-in. knitted mesh 5.0 and larger
Generated by gas atomization nozzle 1 to 500 0.011-in. knitted mesh 10 and larger
Atmospheric “mist” 50 to 100 Double-pocket vanes 10 and larger
Atmospheric “drizzle” 10 to 400 Conventional vane arrays 15 and larger
Generated by boiling liquid 20 to 1,000
Generated by two-phase flow in pipes 10 to 2,000 caked solids—consider installing a spray system as shown in Fig.
Atmospheric raindrops 400 to 4,000 4 to clean the vanes online whenever necessary. Adding a high-
efficiency mesh-type mist eliminator downstream of the vane unit
(also shown in Fig. 4) can help make up for the inherently lower
Mesh pad fouling. In some cases, liquid carryover to the droplet capture efficiency of the vanes.
compressor is caused by fouling of a mesh-type mist eliminator
due to the resulting restriction of gas flow and extra liquid holdup Liquid slugs and high liquid loading. In some applica-
in the pad. Vane-type mist eliminators are a better choice for foul- tions, liquid slugs occasionally come in with the gas feed. These
ing applications. Due to the relatively wide-open spaces between surges can temporarily overwhelm the slug-catching capability of
blades, vanes are much less likely to plug. the inlet knockout drum and flood a mesh-type mist eliminator,
If the fouling deposit can be readily dissolved by a suitable causing liquid carryover (Fig. 5).
solvent—as might be the case with viscous oils or waxes or certain When liquid slugs or generally high liquid loading are expected,


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FIG. 9 An uneven velocity profile can cause mist eliminator

performance degradation.
FIG. 10 Typical retrofit of a compressor suction drum more than
doubles its throughput capacity over that of the original
horizontal mesh pad.


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FIG. 11 Double expansion rings can be used to retrofit knockout ���������� ��������
drum internals without welding. ����
it is recommended to use a vane-type mist eliminator upstream of
the mesh pad as shown before in Fig. 4. Vanes can generally handle
up to 10 times more liquid load than mesh pads.

Breaking inlet foam. If liquid in the gas approaching the com-

pressor knockout drum is subject to foaming, it can readily flood
a mesh pad and, in severe cases, even a vane unit. The end result is
massive liquid carryover from the vessel and damage to the compres-
sor. A vortex-tube cyclone device (Fig. 6) can break up foam in the
incoming feed.

Dealing with high liquid viscosity. There are applications

in which high viscosity impedes liquid drainage so severely that FIG. 12 Typical results of poor flow distribution from the inlet to a
a mesh pad would flood at prohibitively low velocities and liquid compressor knockout drum.
loading. In these applications, a vane unit is the better choice. For
high efficiencies, consider double-pocket vanes (Fig. 7), which
handle high-viscosity liquids with an efficiency of 99.9% for 8- If spacing is too close, most of the gas will pass through only part
micron and larger droplets. of the mist eliminator. This causes localized high velocities with liquid
re-entrainment and low velocities with poor efficiency (Fig. 9).
Mist eliminator spacing in the vessel. An often over- In an existing conventional drum where the mist eliminator
looked but very important aspect of suction drum design that is too close to the gas outlet, there may not be enough room
can lead to liquid carryover is proper spacing in the vessel. Fig. to increase the spacing. The solution then might be a properly
8 illustrates guidelines for sufficient distance between the mist designed flow distribution device located downstream of the mist
eliminator and the gas inlet and outlet. eliminator to create a more uniform velocity profile.



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FIG. 14 Mesh pads can be protected from dislocation and damage

due to sudden pressure changes.

FIG. 13 An inlet diffuser can alleviate poor inlet flow distribution. K factor of 0.35 ft/sec, which corresponds to a velocity of 10 ft/sec
in the reference case of water and air at room conditions.
When a knockout drum’s throughput has grown to exceed its
Overcoming pressure-drop constraints. Processes that capacity, generally two options are:
operate under vacuum or very low pressure immediately upstream of 1. Replace the vessel with a larger one to allow a mist elimina-
the compressor can be very tricky for suction drum design, because tor with greater cross-sectional area, thus reducing the velocity.
pressure drop across the mist eliminator must be kept low. However, 2. Replace the mist eliminator in the existing vessel with one
generally speaking, the lower the pressure-drop characteristics of a using the latest technology to maintain efficiency with higher
mist eliminator type, the lower its efficiency in removing mist. Liquid throughput.
carryover from the suction drum may be a result of selecting a low- Option 2 is generally much more cost-effective and often
efficiency mist eliminator for the sake of low pressure drop. does not require prohibitive down time. In a traditional vertical
When high efficiency is not required, a vane unit or low-density cylindrical vessel, the typical horizontal orientation is no longer
mesh pad may be recommended to achieve low pressure drop. To gain the only solution. Compressor knockout drums can be retrofit-
higher efficiency without much cost in terms of pressure drop, a possi- ted for capacity increases using any of the following alternative
ble solution is a dual-density mesh pad. In such a pad, the downstream techniques:
layer has higher density than the upstream layer. The result is higher • Vertical mist eliminator elements with horizontal flow (K =
separation efficiency with only slight increase in pressure drop. 0.42 for mesh pads, K = 0.65 for vane units)
• Properly engineered baffling for even velocity profiles with
Throughput exceeding design capacity. In designing close spacing
compressor knockout drums, like other gas-liquid separator vessels, • Horizontal mesh pads with drainage layers or multiple zones
conventional mist eliminators are generally selected and sized with that can increase capacity by 10% to 12% (K = 0.40)
a margin of about 10% above the design throughput. Flowrates • Double-pocket vanes that can double capacity of a conven-
beyond the upper operating limit may allow liquid carryover due tional vane unit (K = 0.8 to 1.1)
to high velocities that cause re-entrainment from the mist elimina- • Mesh-vane combinations that can increase efficiency and
tor element. capacity by 10% to 25% (K = 0.5 to 0.65)
More specifically, mist eliminators are typically sized for cross- • Mesh agglomerator followed by double-pocket vanes for
sectional area to achieve a design velocity according to the Soud- highest efficiency (99.9% of 2-micron droplets) and greatest
ers-Brown vapor load factor, K : capacity increase
• Two- or four-bank configurations that allow mist eliminator
VG elements of greater cross-sectional areas.
ρL − ρG Fig. 10 illustrates several of these possibilities: horizontal flow
ρG through vertical mist eliminator elements, use of mesh pads to
agglomerate fine mist into large droplets that are removed by vane
where VG = Gas velocity (volume flow divided by cross-sec- units and a double-bank configuration.
L = Liquid density Retrofit without recertifying for ASME code. Retrofit-
G = Gas density ting an existing vessel for any of the foregoing suggested remedies has
Conventional horizontal mesh pads are traditionally sized for a one drawback: it often requires welding new support rings, beams,

clips and other structures to the vessel wall. Most vessels are ASME A thorough review was made of the process conditions and
code certified. Thus, after welding to the vessel wall, the welded area internal geometry of the existing knockout drums. Each drum
must be heat-treated and the vessel must be recertified. was then customized with vertical double-pocket vanes and
To avoid this cumbersome procedure, consider using expan- mesh agglomerators arranged as in Fig. 10 using one, two or
sion rings that are made in sections for passing through a man- four banks as required. To ensure proper gas distribution, inlet
way. Inside the vessel, the rings are bolted together and wedged diffusers were added (Fig. 13), and flow distribution plates were
against the vessel wall without welding. A double-ring design mounted on the downstream side of each vane unit. The result
(Fig. 11) helps ensure that the fixture does not move during was 35% increased capacity while achieving an efficiency of
operation. Once the rings are installed— either in vertical or 99.9% of 1-micron and larger mist droplets.
horizontal vessels — beams can be bolted to the rings, and com- Fertilizer plant capacity boost and amine loss cut. A four-
plete housings can be built up inside the vessel. train fertilizer plant needed more ammonia processing capacity
in one of the trains to increase production capacity. The bottle-
Using inlet diffusers to relieve carryover. Inlet design neck was the overhead knockout drum in two of four carbon
is one of the most commonly neglected aspects of a compressor dioxide absorber towers in that train. Those vessels also served
knockout drum design. It is often the cause of poor performance. as suction drums for the compressors that followed. In addition,
In the example shown in Fig. 12, a poorly selected half-pipe inlet it was desired to reduce excessive loss of valuable amine in the
deflector projecting into the vessel produces the following results form of mist escaping the knockout drums.
when the collected liquid is at a high level: The absorber process conditions and available room in the
• Gas jets to the back wall of the vessel. Without enough knockout drums were carefully studied. Although space in one
space to diffuse the jet, gas utilizes only part of the mist elim- of the drums was very tight, the problem was solved by retrofit-
inator. Due to an uneven velocity profile, liquid carryover ting both of them with a double-bank system (Fig. 10). In each
occurs (Fig. 9). bank, a mesh agglomerator was followed by a double-pocket
• The gas jet agitates the accumulated liquid below, creating vane unit. The result was a 30% capacity increase. In addition,
a higher mist load. the amine loss rate fell to 0.05 gallon per million standard cubic
• Turbulence spoils normal gravity settling of larger liquid ft, which corresponds to savings on the order of $75,000 per
droplets below the mist eliminator. The resulting additional liquid year. Another benefit was eliminating a cause of pitting corro-
load increases likelihood of flooding the mist eliminator. sion in the compressors.
A properly selected inlet diffuser added to an existing knock- Gas production and condensate recovery increase. A large
out drum (Fig. 13) provides more effective liquid separation oil and gas company wanted to revamp several dozen of their
coming in with the gas and distributes the gas evenly through- 30-year-old two-phase field separators (sizes two to five ft OD).
out the vessel diameter. The purpose was to increase capacity and improve condensate
recovery. As in the preceding case, the separators were also suc-
Damage by sudden pressure changes. Carefully review tion drums for compressors.
the transient pressures that occur at the knockout drum and mist The separators were brought from the field to a local fabrica-
eliminator during all phases of operations. The suction drum could tion shop. There, the old internals were removed, the inlet and
see a sudden surge of flow in either direction due to compressor outlet nozzles were enlarged, and the vessels were retrofitted
recycle or opening an antisurge valve. Thus, a mesh-type mist with double-pocket vane units. The separators were ASME-code
eliminator can be subjected to forces not seen in normal operation. recertified, painted and reinstalled in the field with new instru-
This can dislodge the pad sections, leading to compressor damage mentation. This rejuvenation saved the company thousands of
from liquid carryover or even from pad fragments. dollars per unit as compared to purchasing new separators. Gas
Pads and vanes can also be damaged by freezing liquids in capacity increased by up to 50%, and condensate recovery went
cold climates. In natural gas production and pipelining, hydrate up by many thousands of barrels per year.
formation is known to destroy both types of mist eliminators. These cases are typical of many applications where up-
To cope with any of these scenarios, as shown in Fig. 14, to-date separation technology made a big difference. Similar
any or all of the following remedies can be applied to mist results can be achieved for a wide variety of compressor knock-
eliminator elements: out drums in refineries, gas plants, oil and gas exploration and
• Reinforce with heavy-duty material production, and petrochemical plants. HP
• Fasten with bolts instead of traditional tie wires, or pro-
vide an upper support ring in addition to the lower one
• Provide a pressure relief door in the case of mesh.
Bernhard Kalis earned a BS degree in chemical engineering
at The Hague University of Technology in The Netherlands. Since
Case histories. 1998, he has been technical director at Amistco Separation Prod-
Ethylene plant debottleneck. A large ethylene producer ucts, Inc., Alvin, Texas, where he is involved in developing new
needed to debottleneck its six-stage compressor train to increase separation technology, promoting applications of Amistco’s technology and trouble-
shooting difficult separation applications for clients domestically and internationally.
throughout. This project needed to be accomplished with mini- He also negotiates exclusive technology agreements with other companies and is
mal cost and down time. responsible for expanding Amistco’s worldwide network of representatives. Mr. Kalis
Using conventional mist eliminators—horizontal mesh pads lectures throughout the processing industries on liquid-liquid coalescing and gas-
or vane units—the knockout drum before each compressor stage liquid separation and has published numerous articles on separation technology. In
the past 22 years, he has held engineering management positions at Exxon in South
would have to be enlarged. For instance, the 8-ft drum at the first- America, Kuwait Oil in Kuwait, Shell Chemical in The Netherlands and Setpoint, Inc.,
stage inlet would be replaced by a 14-ft vessel. Litwin Engineering and Koch-Otto York in the US.


Article copyright © 2004 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S. A.
Other AMISTCO Products
When it comes to effective mass transfer, separations PROFILE WIRE INDUSTRIAL SCREENS
for a wide range chemical processes including
and pollution control, come to AMISTCO Separation catalyst support beds, misc. filtration and much more.

Products. With a full range of separation products,

we offer individual components or turnkey systems built

to your specifications and/or performance requirements.

from knitted mesh pads to vane mist eliminators to facilitate mass transfer under a wide for severe fouling applications
and candle filters for submicron mist removal. range of applications.
We also manufacture our patented Mist FixTM
insertion mist eliminator for applications where
vessel access is prohibitive.


AMISTCO provides a choice of three types of we manufacture a variety of mesh and plate
structured packing. internals as well as turnkey systems for liquids
Candle Mist Eliminator and oil/water separations.

Insertion Mist Eliminator

for effective collection and redistribution of
liquids. AMISTCO offers variable options to
meet a variety of performance requirements.
many designs available including diffuser for asphalt, oleum, plasticizers, metal working,
plates and cyclonic type distributors. compressor stations, marine bilge and a wide
range of specialty indoor air cleaning and
outdoor removal of visible plumes. We also
manufacture turnkey systems for separating
a wide variety of gas, liquid and solid regimes.


for gas/liquid contacting in distillation, supports packing and provides effective
absorption, and stripping applications-valve, gas distribution with low pressure drop.
sieve, bubble cap & special designs

23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, TX 77511 • Ph: 281-331-5956 • Fax: 281-585-1780

Complete MISTFIX™ article as seen in OG&PE
Copyright 2004 by Amistco Separation
Products, Inc., Alvin, Texas. Amistco strictly
prohibits publication, distribution, or dissemina-
tion of this paper or any part of it, or conversion
of this digital version into any other format,
without prior written permission of Amistco.

We need a mist eliminator

in that knockout drum!
Can we add one without
overhauling the vessel?
Bernhard Kalis, Technical Director

T’S A SURPRISINGLY COMMON problem in refineries,
petrochemical plants, gas plants, and similar facilities. A
vertical knockout drum, such as the one shown in Figure 1,
removes free liquid from a certain gas stream. In many such
vessels, a mist eliminator is provided to remove fine droplets of
liquid suspended in the gas. The conventional arrangement is
a mesh pad located immediately below the gas exit as in Figure
2. However, at the time the plant was built, that precaution was
not considered necessary in this particular knockout drum.
Now mist is carrying over and causing trouble downstream.
The conventional solution is simply to add a mist elimina-
tor as shown in the diagram. That would be feasible if the drum

Figure 2. Knockout drum with conventional mesh-type

mist eliminator, manway, and body flange

had a manway for worker entrance or a full body flange at the

top, both shown in Figure 2. However, this particular vessel was
not provided with either of those features. Thus, adding a con-
ventional mist eliminator would require cutting the vessel
open, at considerable cost in terms of dollars and down time.

Figure 1. Typical vertical knockout drum

A potential solution: the MistFix™
mist eliminator
However, there is another solution that works in many
cases such as this. It is a patented type of mist eliminator man-
ufactured by Amistco Separation Products, called MistFix™
(U. S. patent number 5,985,004). As seen in Figure 3, a MistFix
unit is a hollow cylinder of the same sort of knitted mesh that
conventional mesh pads are made of. It is designed to be
inserted in a vertical flanged gas exit nozzle, being secured by a
base ring that fits between the flanges. Rigidity is provided by a
cylindrical frame around which the mesh is wrapped (not
shown in the diagram), and the bottom end is closed by a plate.
MistFix units are widely applicable for exit nozzles with inside
diameter no less than about 6 inches, provided that the length
necessary to achieve an efficient gas velocity range is no greater
than about 54 inches. By use of special high-efficiency, high-
density mesh styles, the radial thickness of the mesh can be as
low as two inches—sometimes even less.

Figure 3. MistFix™ insertion mist eliminator Figure 4. Gas flows through the mesh of a MistFix unit
horizontally, as it does through a vertical flat mesh
pad in some knockout drums such as this one.

Vessels with special linings for corrosion resistance but no

mist eliminators are especially appropriate candidates for
retrofit with MistFix units. If increased throughput causes mist
and the need for a mist eliminator, it is difficult to attach a sup-
port ring without penetrating the lining. Even slight damage to
the lining can lead to corrosion and possible failure of the ves-
sel. A MistFix unit may be the only viable alternative.
Even for new construction, MistFix mist eliminators are
preferred over conventional alternatives in some cases. One
instance is applications requiring frequent replacement
because of fouling or corrosion. Another is those in which
entering the vessel for inspection and replacement would be
burdensome because down time cannot be tolerated, or the
process material is exceptionally hazardous, etc.
Despite the advances that have been made in the technol-
ogy, there is still as much art as science in the design and spec-
ification of mesh and vane mist eliminators. For all but the
most experienced users, proper application depends on con-
sultation with the manufacturer’s engineers. This is especially
so in the case of MistFix mist eliminators.
This paper provides some background for those discus-
sions with Amistco engineers. Included are some general
A MistFix mist eliminator functions in the same manner as guidelines for applying MistFix mist eliminators, particularly in
a mesh pad mounted vertically, such as in the knockout drum retrofits. The information is not intended to enable users to
shown in Figure 4. Gas flows horizontally through the mesh, design and specify these devices without assistance.
and captured liquid drains downward. In a MistFix unit as in
Figure 3, mist-free gas emerges from the mesh into the central Applying general mist eliminator
cavity and flows upward into the gas exit pipe.
The MistFix unit is sized to fit closely inside the exit nozzle.
design to a MistFix unit
Its length depends on the case at hand. The longer the mesh Although MistFix mist eliminators are cylindrical, they are
cylinder, the greater the cross-sectional area of the mesh for gas designed and specified for an application by the same methods
flow, and the lower the gas velocity for a given volumetric as conventional flat mesh and vane units. The overall general
throughput. The length of the mesh cylinder is selected so that procedure is as follows:
the velocity through the mesh is within an optimum range for
the application. 1. Estimate the size distribution of mist droplets.
MistFix units can be advantageous for retrofitting even 2. Specify the required separation efficiency in terms of the
large vessels that have manways. This method avoids the usual percent of mist to be removed.
down time and expense for installing a conventional mist elim- 3. Considering droplet size, mist load, liquid characteristics,
inator. There is no need to purge and ventilate the vessel, build and the characteristics of various mesh types in terms of
a scaffold inside, weld supports for the mist eliminator, and droplet capture efficiency, corrosion resistance, mist load
recertify the vessel to ASME code. capacity, and wettability by the mist liquid, tentatively

choose a mesh style and material and the radial thickness gas velocity begins to cause unacceptably poor droplet capture
of the cylindrical mesh pad to achieve the required sepa- efficiency.
ration at optimum gas velocity. The Souders-Brown equation allows experimental data
4. Choose a design value for the vapor load factor K that is taken with air and water on a certain mist eliminator to be gen-
appropriate for the foregoing assumptions, and calculate eralized to the same type of device with gases and liquids hav-
the optimum design velocity through the mesh using the ing generally similar characteristics but different densities.
Souders-Brown equation (explained next). Once a design value of the vapor load factor K is established for
5. Based on the optimum velocity, the expected volumetric a mist eliminator type, the design velocity can be calculated for
throughput, and the assumed diameter of the MistFix various combinations of gases and liquids.
unit, calculate the necessary cross-sectional area for gas The appropriate design value of K for a MistFix unit
flow through the mesh and thus the length of the unit depends on a number of factors that are beyond the scope of
(also explained below). this paper. As a first approximation in most cases, however, one
can use the figure that is commonly recommended for vertical
6. Estimate separation efficiency and pressure drop within flat mesh pads: 0.42 feet per second. This K factor corresponds
the required turndown range. to a velocity of 12 feet per second in the reference case of water
7. If the estimated results are not acceptable, repeat steps 3 and air at room conditions.
through 6 with a different mesh style, material, or thick- It is assumed that the mist load is less than 0.1% volumet-
ness, or with a different diameter of the MistFix unit if ric, which is equivalent to 0.5 gpm per square foot at 10 feet per
that option is available. second. Greater mist loads require special considerations.
8. Check for conformance with internal gas flow guidelines It is also assumed that the pressure in the vessel is between
and for height available for the MistFix unit inside the atmospheric and about 85 psig. The K value should be de-rated
vessel, and revise as necessary. by 0.1 (24%) for each 100 psi increase above atmospheric pres-
For explanations of those methods as applied to a broad sure.
range of devices, see Amistco’s literature such as “Amistco Mesh
& Vane Mist Eliminators,” Bulletin 106. Sizing a MistFix unit
Regarding Step 3 above, a very wide variety of mesh types
Applying the design velocity to size a MistFix unit (Step 5
are available for conventional pads and MistFix units. Standard
above) is a bit more tricky than with a conventional flat mesh
wire diameters are 0.011 inch and 0.006 inch. Standard alloys
pad. In a flat pad, the velocity is the same throughout the pad—
are 304 and 316 SS, but others such as Inconel and Hastelloy are
at least ideally, to a first approximation. That velocity is simply
often supplied for certain corrosive services. Plastic monofila-
the volumetric flow rate divided by the cross-sectional area of
ments include polypropylene and Teflon. Yarns co-knit with
the pad, which is the same throughout the thickness of the pad.
metal or plastic mesh for capturing very fine mist droplets are
However, in the cylindrical mesh pad of a MistFix unit, the
commonly provided in Dacron, glass fiber, polypropylene, and
cross-sectional area through which the gas enters the mesh at
Teflon. It may be that the optimum mesh selection is a combi-
the outer surface is larger than the area of the inner surface.
nation of different types. For instance, an outer layer of fine,
dense mesh or co-knit yarn may serve to coalesce very small
mist droplets, forming larger entrained droplets that are in turn
captured by an inner layer of coarser bare mesh.
Efficiency and pressure-drop estimations (Step 6 above)
are beyond the scope of this paper, typically requiring consulta-
tion by Amistco engineers. The full spectrum of efficiencies can
be provided by a MistFix unit, from a general-purpose efficien-
cy of 99% of 10-micron and larger droplets to a high efficiency
of 99.9% of 2-micron and larger droplets. Typically the pressure
drop across a MistFix device is 2 to 4 inches of water column.
Step 4 above is conducted for a MistFix unit in the same
way as for a conventional flat mist eliminator. These devices are
sized for cross-sectional area to achieve a design velocity
according to the Souders-Brown vapor load factor K:

The design velocity is the value of the superficial or average

gas velocity through the mesh (volumetric flow rate divided by
cross-sectional area) that is optimal for the particular liquid and
gas involved. It is intended to lie about 10% below the upper
end of the operating velocity range. That upper end is the point
at which increasing gas velocity begins to cause excessive re-
entrainment of captured liquid from the mesh. The lower end
of the operating range, in turn, is the point at which decreasing Figure 5. A special consideration in selecting a MistFix unit:
higher velocity at the inner surface than at the outer

Figure 6. Simplified sizing example
(See Figure 5.) Thus, the velocity increases as the gas flows radi- Flow guidelines in turn, encompass two considerations:
ally inward. maintaining an even velocity profile throughout the length of
Depending on the judgment of the designer, the design the unit, and avoiding strong turbulence and fluid shear around
velocity may be established at the inner or outer surface or any- and below the MistFix unit. Consultation by Amistco engineers
where in between. The most conservative and cautious is especially important in this area.
approach is to set the inner-surface velocity at the design value, To prevent uneven flow through the mesh, the bottom end
to make sure re-entrainment is avoided. Velocities farther out of the device should be well clear of the inlet stream—more
toward the outer surface will be progressively lower. than about half a vessel radius above the top of the inlet nozzle.
Figure 6 depicts the application of Steps 4 and 5 above to a In many cases, undesirable turbulence can be diminished by a
typical simplified design case. A knockout drum with design properly selected inlet diffuser. If a manway is not available for
throughput of 3,600 actual cubic feet per minute has an 18-inch installing such a device, it may be possible to use a diffuser
gas exit nozzle. A MistFix unit is to be inserted in the nozzle, designed for insertion through the inlet nozzle as shown in
and the proper length is to be determined. The pressure is less Figure 7. To control flow inequality along the length of the
than 85 psig. The flowing materials are hydrocarbon vapor and MistFix unit, variation in thickness or density of the mesh may
liquid with densities of 0.31 and 45.2 pounds per cubic foot. be incorporated.
Using a design K factor of 0.42 as discussed before, the
design velocity turns out to be 4.91 feet per second. The cross-
sectional area required to achieve that velocity is 12.2 square
feet. For this MistFix unit, the length to achieve that design
velocity at the outer surface is 31.1 inches. By comparison, if a
conventional round horizontal mesh pad were used, that
design cross-section would correspond to a diameter of 47.3

Height and flow considerations

in the vessel
Special considerations for MistFix units are also involved in
Step 8 above, regarding available vessel height and internal flow
guidelines. The length of a MistFix device is of course con-
strained by the vertical space inside the vessel as well as the typ-
ical 54-inch maximum. The length limit is to allow good
drainage of captured liquid, without excessive flooding in the
lower end of the MistFix unit. Four and a half feet is a general-
ly appropriate maximum for typical wire mesh, low-viscosity
liquid, and a typical light mist load of about 0.1% volumetric.
Figure 7. Use of an inlet diffuser to help maintain even flow
The length limit must be shortened for high viscosity, heavy
through a MistFix unit when it extends near the
mist loads, and high-density mesh.
inlet nozzle of the knockout drum

In-line chamber for small these devices have been operating very successfully for several
years. The plant keeps spare MistFix units in inventory and can
gas exit nozzles easily change a fouled MistFix in a few hours.
If the existing gas exit nozzle on the knockout drum is too Refinery capacity increase and
small for inserting a MistFix unit, an in-line chamber can some-
times be provided for the device directly above the knockout
downtime reduction
drum as shown in Figure 8. This expedient comes into play A medium-size Midwestern refinery needed to increase the
when the exit nozzle diameter is smaller than the minimum 6 capacity of three knockout drums by 10%. At the same time,
inches, or when the MistFix unit must be bigger than the nozzle management was looking for ways to reduce the periodic down
to provide enough flow area within the available vessel height. time of the vessels for replacing the horizontal mesh pads. The
drums had an outside diameter of 60 inches and a height of 108
inches. For each vessel, the gas flow rate was 8,000 ACFM. The
gas was fuel gas with a density of 0.15 lb/ft3. The mist consist-
ed of oil with a density of 50 lb/ft3, the liquid load being less
than 0.1%. The exit nozzles were 16 inches in diameter.
One of the knockout drums was chosen for retrofit with a
MistFix unit on a trial basis. Amistco’s design was for a diame-
ter of 16 inches, a length of 48 inches, Monel for the mesh, and
316 SS for the frame. The device has been operating successful-
ly for 16 months. Because of this positive experience, the refin-
ery is considering MistFix units for the other two separators as
well as additional applications in the plant.

Specialty chemicals plant with lined vessels

A specialty chemicals plant had increased its capacity over
the years and was operating without mist eliminator pads in
any of its vessels. Now frequent liquid carryover in several
places required corrective action. Unfortunately, most of the
vessels involved were lined for corrosion resistance. Adding a
mesh pad would require welding a support ring to the vessel
wall, entailing considerable expense to restore the lining.
Amistco designed a MistFix unit 36 inches long for one
Figure 8. Mounting a Mist-Fix unit in a chamber
vapor-liquid separator with 42-inch outside diameter and 108-
above the knockout drum
inch height. The diameter of the gas outlet nozzle was 10 inch-
es. The gas flow rate was 3,000 ACFM, and the gas density was
In the special circumstances where this configuration is 0.007 lb/ft3. To resist corrosion, the mesh was made of Ni-200
feasible, it provides all the benefits that a MistFix mist elimina- and Teflon. Using a MistFix unit in the gas outlet avoided dam-
tor brings when inserted in a knockout drum. Conventional flat aging the vessel lining. As a result of success in that retrofit, the
mesh pads and vane units can also be mounted in this fashion. plant has ordered additional MistFix units for other lined vessels.
However, in such cases, the chamber must be considerably larg-
er than for an equivalent MistFix unit. Each application of this
type is unique and requires consultation of Amistco engineers. THE AUTHOR
BERNHARD KALIS earned a BS degree in
Case Histories chemical engineering at The Hague
University of Technology in the
Chemical fiber plant reduces cleaning cycle Netherlands. Since 1998, he has been tech-
A Midwestern fiber production plant had to shut down two nical director at Amistco Separation
identical vertical gas-liquid separators four times a year to Products, Inc., in Alvin, Texas. There, he is
replace the horizontal mesh pads due to fouling with fibers. involved in developing new separation
Each shutdown lasted two days because of the time required for
technology, promoting applications of
ventilating the vessel and building a scaffold inside to reach the
mesh pad. The plant was operating near maximum capacity, so Amistco’s technology, and trouble-shooting difficult separation applica-
any down time directly affected the company’s bottom line. tions for clients domestically and internationally. He also negotiates
The separators were 36 inches in diameter and 84 inches exclusive technology agreements with other companies and is responsible
high. The incoming stream consisted of an off gas with a densi- for expanding Amistco’s worldwide network of representatives. Mr. Kalis
ty of 0.25 lb/ft3 and a throughput of 3,600 actual cubic feet per lectures throughout the processing industries on liquid-liquid coalescing
minute. The feed contained less than 0.1% water with droplets
and gas-liquid separation and has published numerous articles on sepa-
greater than 10 microns in size, and also traces of fibers. The
ration technology. In the past 22 years, he has held engineering manage-
gas outlet nozzle had an inside diameter of 12 inches.
Based on the process conditions, Amistco designed a 12- ment positions at Exxon in South America; Kuwait Oil in Kuwait; Shell
inch MistFix unit with a length of 30 inches for each separator, Chemical in the Netherlands; and Setpoint, Inc., Litwin Engineering, and
using 316 SS mesh. As of this writing in the summer of 2004, Koch-Otto York in the USA.

Bulletin 108 • August, 2004 • MistFix is a trademark of Amistco Separation Products, Inc. • Amistco has endeavored to assure that all information in this publication is accurate. However, nothing herein is intended as a guarantee or warranty.

Compressor Suction Drums:
I think I’ve got liquid carryover.
What can I do about it?
Bernhard Kalis, Technical Director

Figure 2. Typical multistage compressor installation

ate mist eliminator elements in correct configurations, taking

Figure 1. Typical compressor suction drums into account many factors. In multistage compressor installa-
tions, the proper knockout drum design is seldom the same for
all stages. To maintain good performance, the design of each

T HAPPENS in petrochemical plants, refineries, and any- drum should be reviewed whenever there are significant
where else that the gas approaching a compressor is wet. changes in the process, such as increases or decreases in
Traces of aqueous or organic liquid escape the inlet knock- throughput, shifts in composition of the gas or mist droplets,
out drum—often intermittently—and silently damage the com- alterations of upstream equipment, or revisions of operating
pressor. Telltale signs include pitting corrosion, salt deposits, and control procedures. In addition, mist eliminator elements
and diluted lubricants. should be visually inspected occasionally (especially after
Instead of trying to repair symptoms, look for the root major process upsets) to make sure they are intact and free of
cause, which usually involves the mist eliminator in the knock- excessive solid deposits.
out drum (Figures 1 and 2). Problems may include improper A thorough understanding of the relevant considerations
mist eliminator specifications, overloading, uneven velocity will help you avoid common suction-drum pitfalls—and some
profiles, incorrect installation, high liquid viscosity, waxy not-so-common ones—that could severely damage your com-
deposits, liquid slugs, foaming, and several other possibilities. pressors due to liquid carryover. For detailed explanations of
The trouble may even be that no mist eliminator was pro- mist eliminator selection, sizing, and vessel design for a wide
vided in the first place—or perhaps no knockout drum at all. range of applications, see Amistco’s literature such as “Amistco
But wherever free liquid drops out in a suction drum, it gener- Mesh & Vane Mist Eliminators,” Bulletin 106. This paper pro-
ates some mist that can damage the compressor unless it is vides information that applies specifically to compressor inlet
removed by a mist eliminator. Even in cases where the feed gas knockout drums.
never has any free liquid, there are often fine mist droplets that
coalesce into large drops on the walls of the inlet pipe or inside
the compressor. For all but the driest gas, a compressor should
be protected by an inlet mist eliminator. New high-capacity,
high-efficiency mist eliminator technologies pay off the first
time you avoid a shutdown.
For optimum separation performance, compressor knock-
out drums must be properly designed and sized with appropri-

Designing for droplet size distribution with higher velocity, finer mesh strands, closer packing of mesh
(greater density), closer spacing of vanes, and greater thickness
There are many different types of mist eliminator elements, of the mist eliminator element.
and the variety has greatly increased through the years. Not
understanding the liquid source in the upstream process can Mesh pad fouling
cause you to select the wrong type of mist eliminator, or to keep
a given type when process changes make it inappropriate. In some cases, liquid carryover to the compressor is caused
Understanding the process allows you to design for the by fouling of a mesh-type mist eliminator, on account of the
most efficient mist collection. Most important, selection should resulting restriction of gas flow and extra holdup of liquid in the
not be made until the droplet size distribution is defined, in pad. Vane-type mist eliminators are a better choice for fouling
terms of the proportion of droplets of each size. Assuming an applications. Due to the relatively wide open spaces between
incorrect droplet size distribution can mean that you have blades, vanes are much less likely to plug. If the fouling deposit
designed for a less efficient mist eliminator, and liquid carryover can be readily dissolved by a suitable solvent, as might be the
may occur. case with viscous oils or waxes or certain caked solids, consider
installing a spray system as shown in Figure 3 to clean the vanes
on-line whenever necessary. Adding a high-efficiency mesh
Table 1. Diameter range of mist and other droplets mist eliminator downstream of the vane unit (also shown in
Particle Type Size range (microns) Figure 3) can help make up for the inherently lower droplet cap-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ture efficiency of the vanes.
Large organic molecules Up to 0.004 µm
Smoke 0.0045 to 1.0 µm
Condensation fog 0.1 to 30 µm
Atmospheric clouds and fog 4 to 50 µm
Generated by gas atomization nozzle 1 to 500 µm
Atmospheric “mist” 50 to 100 µm
Atmospheric “drizzle” 10 to 400 µm
Generated by boiling liquid 20 to 1,000 µm Typical mist eliminators for reference:
Generated by 2-phase flow in pipes 10 to 2,000 µm vane unit (above)
Atmospheric raindrops 400 to 4,000 µm larger mesh pad (below)

Table 2. Droplet sizes (water in air) typically captured with

99.9% efficiency by mist eliminator elements of various types
Element type Size range (microns)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Fiber candles or panels 0.1 and larger
Mesh with co-knit yarn 2.0 µm and larger
0.006-inch knitted mesh 5.0 µm and larger
0.011-inch knitted mesh 10 µm and larger
Amistco double-pocket vane 10 µm and larger
Conventional vane arrays 15 µm and larger

Figure 3. Intermittent spray system to remove deposits

See Tables 1 and 2 for some points of reference and rough
guidelines in this respect. Be aware that the capture efficiency of
a given mist eliminator element does not depend only on Liquid slugs and high liquid loading
droplet size. It is also influenced by gas velocity through the ele-
ment and mist load in terms of liquid flow rate per unit of cross- In some applications, liquid slugs occasionally come in with
sectional area. Then there are variables such as density and vis- the gas feed. These surges can temporarily overwhelm the slug-
cosity that depend on temperature, pressure, and liquid and gas catching capability of the inlet knockout drum and flood a mesh-
composition. All else being equal, efficiency generally goes up type mist eliminator, causing liquid carryover. (See Figure 4.)

Figure 4. Envisioning mesh pad performance degradation as liquid and gas loads increase (vertical cross-sections)

Breaking inlet foam
If liquid in the gas approaching the compressor knockout
drum is subject to foaming, it can readily flood a mesh pad and
in severe cases even a vane unit. The end result is massive liq-
uid carryover from the vessel and damage to the compressor. A
vortex-tube cyclone device (Figure 5) can break up foam in the
incoming feed.

Dealing with high liquid viscosity

There are applications in which high viscosity impedes liq-
uid drainage so severely that a mesh pad would flood at prohib-
itively low velocities and liquid loading. In these applications, a
vane unit is the better choice. For high efficiencies, consider
Amistco’s double-pocket vanes, which handle high-viscosity
liquids with an efficiency of 99.9% for 8-micron and larger

Mist eliminator spacing in the vessel

Figure 5. Cyclone device to break inlet foam An often overlooked but very important aspect of suction
drum design that can lead to liquid carryover is proper spacing
When liquid slugs or generally high liquid loading are in the vessel. Figure 6 illustrates guidelines for sufficient dis-
expected, it is recommended to use a vane-type mist eliminator tance between the mist eliminator and the gas inlet and outlet.
upstream of the mesh pad as shown before in Figure 3. Vanes can If spacing is too close, the gas will pass though only part of
generally handle up to 10 times more liquid load than mesh pads. the mist eliminator. This causes localized high velocities with

Figure 6. Generally accepted spacing guidelines to maintain even velocity profile

and avoid entrainment in compressor suction drums with axial flow

liquid re-entrainment and low velocities with poor efficiency as When a knockout drum’s throughput has grown to exceed
shown in Figure 7. its capacity, there are generally two options:
In an existing conventional drum where the mist elimina- 1. Replace the vessel with a larger one to allow a mist elimi-
tor is too close to the gas outlet, there may not be enough room nator with greater cross-sectional area, thus reducing the
to lower the mist eliminator. The solution then might be a velocity.
properly designed flow distribution device located above the
mist eliminator to create a more uniform velocity profile. 2. Replace the mist eliminator in the existing vessel with
one using the latest technology to maintain efficiency
with higher throughput.
Option 2 is generally much more cost-effective and often
does not require prohibitive down time. In a traditional vertical
cylindrical vessel, the traditional horizontal orientation is no
longer the only solution. Compressor knockout drums can be
retrofitted for capacity increases using any of the following
1. Vertical mist eliminator elements with horizontal flow (K
= 0.42 for mesh pads, K = 0.65 for vane units)
2. Properly engineered baffling for even velocity profiles
with close spacing
3. Horizontal mesh pads with drainage layers or multiple
zones that can increase capacity by 10 to 12% (K = 0.40)
4. Amistco Double-Pocket Vanes that can double the capac-
ity of a conventional vane unit (K = 0.8 to 1.1)
Figure 7. Example of mist eliminator performance
degradation due to uneven velocity profile 5. Mesh-vane combinations that can increase efficiency
and capacity by 10% to 25% (K = 0.5 to 0.65)
6. Mesh agglomerator followed by Double-Pocket Vanes for
highest efficiency (99.9% of 2-micron droplets) and great-
Overcoming pressure-drop constraints est capacity increase
7. Two-bank or four-bank configurations that allow mist
Processes that operate under vacuum or very low pressure eliminator elements of greater cross-sectional areas
immediately upstream of the compressor can be very tricky for
Figure 8 illustrates several of these possibilities: horizontal
suction drum design, because the pressure drop across the mist
flow through vertical mist eliminator elements, use of mesh
eliminator must be kept low. However, generally speaking, the
pads to agglomerate fine mist into large droplets that are
lower the pressure-drop characteristics of a mist eliminator
removed by vane units, and a double-bank configuration.
type, the lower its efficiency in removing mist. Liquid carryover
Amistco’s design specialists can help apply such advanced
from the suction drum may be a result of selecting a low-effi-
means of optimizing the efficiency and capacity of existing
ciency mist eliminator for the sake of low pressure drop.
knockout drums to create optimal solutions for particular
When high efficiency is not required, a vane unit or low-
density mesh pad (Amistco TM-1105) may be recommended to
achieve low pressure drop. To gain higher efficiency without
much cost in terms of pressure drop, a possible solution is a
dual-density mesh pad. In such a pad, the downstream layer For highest efficiency:
has higher density than the upstream layer. The result is higher Amistco Double-Pocket
Vane unit
separation efficiency with only slight increase in pressure drop.

Throughput exceeding design capacity

In designing compressor knockout drums, like other gas-
liquid separator vessels, conventional mist eliminators are gen-
erally selected and sized with a margin of about 10% above the
design throughput. Flow rates beyond the upper operating
limit may allow liquid carryover due to high velocities that
cause re-entrainment from the mist eliminator element.
More specifically, mist eliminators are typically sized for
cross-sectional area to achieve a design velocity according to
the Souders-Brown vapor load factor K:
K = VG / g(UL – UG)/UG
VG = Gas velocity (volume flow divided by cross-section)
UL = Liquid density
UG = Gas density
Conventional horizontal mesh pads are traditionally sized
Figure 8. Typical retrofit of a compressor suction drum that
for a K factor of 0.35 feet per second, which corresponds to a
more than doubles its capacity over that of the original
velocity of 10 feet per second in the reference case of water and
horizontal mesh pad
air at room conditions.

Retrofit without recertifying for ASME code
Retrofitting an existing vessel for any of the foregoing sug-
gested remedies has one drawback: it often requires welding
new support rings, beams, clips and other structures to the ves-
sel wall. Most vessels are ASME code certified. Thus, after weld-
ing to the vessel wall, the welded area must be heat-treated, and
the vessel must be recertified. It is generally desirable to avoid
this cumbersome procedure. Amistco offers expansion rings
that are made in sections that can be passed through a manway.
(See Figure 9.)
The rings are then bolted together and wedged against the
vessel wall without welding. The unique double expansion
design ensures that the installed ring does not move during
operation. Once the rings are installed—either in vertical or
horizontal vessels—beams can be bolted to the rings and com-
plete housings can be built up inside the vessel.

Figure 10. Typical results of poor flow distribution from the

inlet to a compressor knockout drum

surge valve. Thus, a mesh-type mist eliminator can be

subjected to forces not seen in normal operation. This can dis-
Figure 9. Amistco expansion rings for retrofitting
lodge the pad sections, leading to compressor damage from liq-
knockout drum internals without welding
uid carryover or even from fragments of the pad.

Using inlet diffusers to relieve carryover

Inlet design is one of the most commonly neglected
aspects of a compressor knockout drum design, thus often the
cause of poor performance. In the example shown in Figure 10;
a half-pipe inlet deflector projecting into the vessel reduces the
gas flow area of that position, with the following results:
1. Gas jets to the back wall of the vessel.
2. Without enough space to diffuse the jet, gas utilizes only
part of the mist eliminator. Due to uneven velocity pro-
file, liquid carryover occurs as in Figure 7.
3. The gas jet agitates the accumulated liquid below, gener-
ating droplets.
4. Turbulence spoils normal gravity settling of larger liquid
droplets below the mist eliminator. Additional liquid
load increases the likelihood of flooding the mist elimina-
A properly selected inlet diffuser added to an existing
knockout drum (Figure 11) provides more effective separation
of liquid coming in with the gas and distributes the gas evenly
throughout the vessel diameter before the gas moves upwards.

Damage by sudden pressure changes

Carefully review the transient pressures that occur at the
knockout drum and mist eliminator during all phases of opera-
Figure 11. Use of an inlet diffuser to alleviate
tions. The suction drum could see a sudden surge of flow in
poor distribution of inlet flow
either direction due to compressor recycle or opening an anti-

Pads and vanes can also be damaged by freezing liquids in Fertilizer plant capacity boost & amine loss cut
cold climates. In natural gas production and pipelining,
A 4-train fertilizer plant needed more ammonia gas pro-
hydrate formation is known to destroy mesh pads and vanes.
cessing capacity in one of the trains to increase production
To cope with any of these scenarios, as shown in Figure 12,
capacity. The bottleneck was the overhead knockout drum in
any or all of the following remedies can be applied to mist elim-
two of four carbon dioxide absorber towers in that train. Those
inator elements:
vessels also served as suction drums for the compressors that
1. Reinforce with heavy-duty material. followed. In addition, it was desired to reduce excessive loss of
2. Fasten with bolts instead of traditional tie wires, or pro- valuable amine in the form of mist escaping the knockout
vide an upper support ring in addition to the lower one. drums.
4. Provide a pressure relief door in the case of mesh. Amistco reviewed the absorber process conditions and the
available space in the knockout drums. Although the space in
one of the drums was very tight, we were able to solve this prob-
lem by retrofitting both drums with a double-bank system as in
Figure 8. In each bank, a mesh agglomerator is followed by an
Amistco Double-Pocket Vane unit. The result was a 30% capac-
ity increase. In addition, the rate of amine loss fell to 0.05 gal-
lon per million standard cubic feet, which corresponds to sav-
ings on the order of $75,000 per year. Another benefit was elim-
ination of a cause of pitting corrosion in the compressors.

Gas production & condensate recovery increase

A large oil and gas company wanted to revamp several
dozen of their 30-year-old two-phase field separators (sizes 2 to
5 feet OD). The purpose was to increase capacity and improve
recovery of condensate. As in the preceding case, the separa-
Dual support Through bolts tors were also suction drums for compressors.
rings Joining with a local fabrication shop, Amistco brought the
separators from the field, removed the old internals, enlarged
the inlet and outlet nozzles, and retrofitted the vessels with
Amistco Double-Pocket Vane units. The separators were ASME-
code recertified, painted, and reinstalled in the field with new
instrumentation. This rejuvenation saved the company thou-
Relief door sands of dollars per unit as compared to purchasing new sepa-
rators. Gas capacity increased by up to 50%, and condensate
recovery went up by many thousands of barrels per year.

Figure 12. Protecting mesh pads from pressure damage

HESE CASES are typical of many applications where
Amistco’s separation technology made a big difference.
Similar results can be achieved for a wide variety of com-
Compressor knockout drum cases pressor knockout drums in refineries, gas plants, oil and gas
exploration and production, and petrochemical plants.
For information and consultation, call the author,
Ethylene plant debottleneck Technical Director Bernhard Kalis, or any other Amistco separa-
A large ethylene producer needed to debottleneck its six- tion specialist, at the address below.
stage compressor train to increase throughout. This project
needed to be accomplished with minimal cost and down time.
Using conventional mist eliminators—mesh pads or hori-
zontal-flow vanes—the knockout drum before each compressor
stage would have to be enlarged. For instance, the drum at the
inlet to the first stage, eight feet in diameter, would be replaced
by a 14-foot vessel.
Amistco thoroughly reviewed the process conditions and
internal geometry of each knockout drum. We then customized
each existing drum with double-pocket vanes and mesh
agglomerators arranged as in Figure 8, using one, two, or four
banks as required. To ensure proper gas distribution, we added 23147 Highway 6 • Alvin, Texas 77511
inlet diffusers as in Figure 11 and flow distribution plates on the Phone 281-331-5956 • Fax 281-585-1780
downstream side of the vane units. The result was 35%
increased capacity while achieving an efficiency of 99.9% of 1- •
micron and larger mist droplets. 24-hour Emergency Service: 800-839-6374

Bulletin 107 • May, 2004 • Copyright 2004 by Amistco Separation Products, Inc. • Amistco has endeavored to assure that all information in this publication is accurate. However, nothing herein is intended as a guarantee or warranty.

Product Bulletin – TEG

Are Solvent Dollars Slipping Through Your Mist Eliminator?

Then AMISTCO’s Technology

is your solution
If you have any of the processes below and use a solvent
like DEA, MEA, MDEA or a specialty solvent, chances are
that you might be losing 50-200K$/yr. worth of solvents
with your gas product from the gas treater. AMISTCO’s
technology has designed a high efficiency mist eliminator
specifically for this process. It allows you to recover 95% or
more of your solvent losses. The results are measured as
reduced solvent make up.

Refining : Desulfurization, Gas Treating,

Hydrogenation, Dehydration

Exploration: Dehydration, Glycol Treating

Fertilizer PLT: CO2 Removal

Gas Processes: Dehydration, Sweetening


Tell Us About Your Process
AMISTCO high efficiency TEG Saver Plus mist eliminators
are designed specifically to meet the particulars of your
process requirements. Experienced separations engineers
are available at any time to assist you in the sizing and 3000
selection of your high efficiency TEG Saver Plus mist
elimiator. Remember, when you need it right, and you
need it right now, call AMISTCO.

Mist Eliminators | Liquid/Liquid Coalescers | Trays, Packing & Internals

23147 Hwy. 6 Alvin, Texas 77511 • Ph: (281) 331-5956 • Fax: (281) 585-1780 • •

24 Hour Emergency Service Available Emergency Phone:1-800-839-6374


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