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These guidelines for Rio Valley Estates Park were presented

to the members March 5, 1990. Members voted to adopt March
12, 1990 with modification on December 12, 2003, March 29, 2004
and December 15, 2008. It was recommended that past and cur-
rent residents receive a copy of these guidelines.

(1) NAME:
The name of this club shall be “Rio Valley Estates Winter
Texans Club”.

The purpose of this non-profit organization shall be for the
promotion of social and recreational activities for its mem-
bers and to encourage a friendly relationship and under-
standing between its members and the management of Rio
Valley Estates Park.

Meetings of the club shall be held at 9:30 am the first
Monday in November and all succeeding Mondays through
the first Monday in April.

All residents of Rio Valley Estates shall be members and
shall be eligible to vote, hold office, and entitled to partici-
pate in all club activities. The only EXCEPTION is that no
paid park official may hold an office.

There shall be three (3) officers of this club; Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. The chairperson and vice-
chairperson are to be elected. The secretary is to be ap
pointed by the chairperson. The chairperson and vice-
chairperson elected in April shall serve through April and
all of November of the elected year; the chairperson and
vice-chairperson elected for December shall serve through
December and January; and the chairperson elected for
February will serve through February and March.
The chairperson shall preside at all meetings opening with a pray-
er, oversee activities of the club, post names of all activity chair-
persons, and call for reports from them.
The vice-chairperson shall assist the chairperson and assume the
duties in his/her absence.
The secretary shall keep accurate legible minutes of all meetings,
shall read the minutes of the previous meeting, and ask for them
to be accepted.
The Treasurer (a member of the elected six person board) will give
the financial report and ask for its approval and file for an audit.

Each activity shall have a chairperson and vice-chairperson.


The Finance Committee consists of three (3) members who serve
from October 1 through September 30. Committee members will
be elected for three (3) years with one (1) being replaced each
year. They may not succeed themselves. One of the members
shall be selected by this committee to be treasurer. The commit-
tee is to meet at the hall at 9:00am before each meeting to hear
requests from members concerning expenditures of funds. The
committee is required to respond to requests before the next
meeting. Any request turned down by the committee may be tak-
en to a Monday meeting for discussion and vote. A majority of
votes cast will decide the outcome. The committee shall NOT have
the authority to approve expenditures over two-hundred ($200)
dollars. Any larger expense must be taken to a Monday meeting
and submitted to the members for discussion and vote. In the
event of the resignation of a member of the committee during his/
her term, the standing chairperson shall suggest a replacement by
the next meeting. Confirmation of the suggested person shall be
voted on by the Club, with a simple majority carrying the motion.

The Auditing Committee shall consist of two (2) members appoint-
ed by the February chairperson to audit the books. A report of
said audit shall be submitted to the members by the second Mon-
day in March. The members shall serve until said audit has been
approved. Members may succeed themselves.


The purpose of the committee is to act as liaison between the park
owners or management and the club. It is to record and adminis-
ter club properties.
The committee is composed of three (3) members who serve from
October1 through September 30. They are elected for a three year
term with one to be replaced each year. They may not succeed
themselves. In the event of the resignation of a member of the
Committee during his/her term, the standing chairperson
Shall suggest a replacement by the next meeting. Confirmation
Of the suggested person shall be voted on by the Club, with a
Simple majority carrying the motion.


The February chairperson shall appoint a Nominating Committee
of five (5) to nominate the candidates for the finance committee
and the negotiating/properties committee. Committee members
shall serve from conception of the committee until new members
are elected. Committee members may succeed themselves. Nom-
inations will be accepted from floor. Elections of new candidates
for the committees are to held the first Monday in March.

These guidelines may be changed by submitting a written pro-
posal at the regular meeting and to be voted upon at the follow-
ing weekly meeting. Any submitted written proposal requires a
simple majority of those attending and casting votes.

(12.1) December 12, 2003 changed the dates that the finance
and negotiating/properties committee members are to serve.
Instead of serving from January 1 through December 31, members
will serve from October 1 through September 30. The nominating
committee shall be appointed in February instead of November
and all committee members are to be elected the first Monday in
March. This amendment was further amended on December 27,
2004 to include the auditing committee.

(12.2) March 29, 2004 states there shall be no soliciting, adver-

tising, or selling of any product or business during any club meet-
ing except those pertaining to health and wellbeing. If contacted,
the chairperson may, after a vote by the club, arrange for a time
other than a club meeting for a presentation to those interested.

(12.3) December 15, 2008 changed the time all club meetings
begin from 10:00 am to 9:30 am on Mondays.

(12.4) December 26th , 2016 added to articles (8) and (10) the
Means of replacing committee members who must resign
During his/her term.

The Club is limited to giving a maximum of $200 to charitable
That for any reason the Rio Valley Estates Winter Texans
Club is dissolved, all of said club’s assets will be disposed
Of at the sole discretion of the members of the club which
Shall be decided and approved by the majority vote of the
Members present.


Except in the instance when only one name is placed in
nomination for the office of chairperson and/or vice-
chairperson, the by-laws prescribe the method of election
shall be by ballot. After the nominees are asked whether he
or she accepts or declines the nomination, the members will
vote for the chairperson and the vice-chairperson with sep-
arate ballots. The sitting chairperson shall appoint three
members to act as tellers to distribute, collect, and count
the ballots. The tellers shall report the results of each bal-
lot to the chairperson who shall then announce the results
of the ballot to the members.




Ron Zoeller (P) 153 Citrus Dr


Larry Pavlis (P) 222 Orange Dr


Jerry McAninch (P) 233 Orange Dr


Sandy Novak (F) 259 Rio Valley dr


Sally Hejlik (F) 296 Dane Lane


Jim Moeller (F) 178 Orange Dr


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