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Milan High School

Book Club Constitution

Article I: Official name of the club or organization

The name of the club will be the MHS Book Club.

Article II: Mission Statement

The mission of the MHS Book Club will be to promote reading and discussion of
great books.

Article III: Membership requirements

Space is limited to 50 students. Members will be expected to read all selected
books and to respectively and actively participate in discussion during club time.
Membership dues may be up to $10 per year and will include a club t-shirt.

Article IV: Method of removal of club membership

Members who continuously show disrespect to other club members or teachers
during club time will be removed from membership by sponsors and asked not to
attend future meetings for the remainder of the school year.

Article V: Meetings (dates, times, purpose, etc)

The MHS Book Club will meet monthly to discuss books.

Article VI: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the club shall be president, vice-president, and

Section 2: At the first meeting of the year, the officers will be elected by
majority vote of present members.

Section 3: Each term of office will be for one year.

Section 4: The president will be a senior.

Section 5: Duties of the president will include planning, organizing, and

running club meetings with approval from the sponsor(s). This
includes researching, preparing, and bringing to the meetings a list
of discussion questions.

Section 6: Duties of the vice-president will include assisting the president in

preparation for club meetings as well as assuming all duties of the
president in his or her absence during club meetings.
Section 7: Duties of the secretary will include keeping member attendance
records and meeting notes.

Section 8: Duties of all officers will include the promotion of the book club
meetings and selected books.

Section 9: Any officer who does not perform his or her duties satisfactorily may
be removed from office by the sponsor(s).

Section VII: Sponsors

Sponsors for the MHS Book Club will be Missy Wood, Librarian and Natasha
Young, Library Assistant.

Section VII: Drug Screening

Milan High School students that are involved in MHS Book Club, or any
extracurricular activity, may be subject to random drug screenings. A copy of the
full procedure is available upon request from the Milan High School office.

Student Name: ___________________________________

Parent Name: ____________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________

Date: __________________

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