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SafeYouth@Work Action Plan DRAFTING COMMITEE

Participation via Online discussion and February 2018 consultation (1 day), in Geneva,
Switzerland (TBC)

Please return your application to ILO SafeYouth@Work Project at

Application deadline: 11:55pm (CET) Wednesday, 10 January

Name: Deodorant de Araujo Jeronimo Nationality: East Timor

Occupation: Official in the Ministry of Public Works and ILO-R4D

1. What is your motivation to improve occupational safety and health for young workers aged 15-
24? (300 words maximum)
My motivation to improve occupational safety and health for young workers aged 15-24
years to address the challenges of reducing workplace injuries and illness to old age, so for
young workers we must improve safety and health to reduce accidents at work due to the
experience of young workers in the workplace is still minimal than the old worker, as we
know that younger workers suffer more injuries at work than older workers.

2. What kind of experience do you have working with a group to achieve legal, social, operational,
cultural, policy or any other change? (300 words maximum)
My experience working with groups to achieve social, operational, cultural, policy like in my
village is socially legal how we value people who are older than us, understand each other
and respect local authorities and always keep cohesion in groups to achieve one bright goal
as a young worker, it must be done or obeyed because cultural differences must be
differences in character and customary law differences because in my country many
different local and cultural languages so traditional elder and judge "Tara Bandu" (local
language) are those who break the prohibitio come under a curse.

3. What must change in order to create a culture of prevention regarding workplace health and
safety for young workers (300 words maximum)
I think to create a culture of prevention of health and safety in the workplace for young
workers to be changed are workers smoking while working, drinking coffee while working
and eating while working should take a moment for it but not, because it can cause pain in
the place work and can not focus on work until it can appear accidents in the workplace.

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