Safe Youth at Work Action Plan Drafting Committee APPLICATION FORM

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I’m Deodorant de Araujo Jeronimo

I’m 23 years under 24 years

I’m graduated of Civil Engineering Bachelor Degree

Now I’m working in Ministry of Public Work with ILO-R4D

As we know that, young workers today are the future leaders of our economies
and their safety and well-being will shape the world of tomorrow.

So, my motivaton for joining the Safe Youth@Work Congress is to learn more
about Occupational Safety and Health for youth from this congrees as well as
from other countries, how to prevent the risk of workplace accident of youth,
because in my country young workers less to know the skills,experience and
training for health and work safety because of limited or insufficient knowledge.

Then I hope in this congress can provide experience and knowledge for me like
young worker, and I will share the experience and knowledge from this congress
to friend young work in my country especialy in my workplace.

Therefore I would like to joining in Safe Youth@Work Congress in


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