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Electric Machiner

Practice Report

Unit No. 1

Name: Mr. Roberto Carlos Cabrera Jiménez

Period: August 2017 - January 2018
Option: 1st chance
Career: Electromechanical Eng.
SEMESTER: 5 ° Group: 504 "B"
García Ramírez Brian Heriberto


Delivery date: 22 September 2017

A transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from a circuit to another,
basically with a voltage change. Transformers just work with a variable electrical
current, such as alternative current.

Transformers are important in the distribution of electrical energy. They raise the
voltage of the electricity generated in a power station to the levels necessary to
transmit electricity efficiently. Other transformers reduce voltage at locations where
electricity is used. Many household appliances contain transformers to raise or
lower the house current voltage as needed. Televisions and stereo equipment, for
example, require high voltages; instead the timbres and thermostats, low voltages.

Most of the transformers used in the transmission and distribution of electrical

energy are three-phase, for a matter of costs, sizes and transport; but there are
exceptions: when the powers are very large, hundreds of MVA, or several
transformers of great power and the same are required, for example in a power
station with a certain amount of machines of great power, it may be convenient to
use three-phase banks armed with three transformers single-phase, and even
have some spare transformer
Connection Y-Y

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 61 V
V b-c = 60 V
V c-a = 61 V
Then the phase voltage will be the square root of three of the line voltage.
Va = 35.21 V
Vb = 34.64 V
Vc = 35.21 V
This voltage is measured from one of the output points to the neutral of the system.
The current of this connection is the same for the line as the phase. The advantage
of a Y-connection is that you can have two different voltages. But its defect is that it
is one of the most unstable connections if the loads are not balanced.
Connection Y-∆

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 35.71 V
V b-c = 35 V
V c-a = 34.95 V
The phase voltage of a delta connection is the same as the line voltage. The
difference that can be found in this connection is the relation of phase currents and
line currents, since to find the phase current, it is necessary to multiply the line
current by the square root of three.
This connection does not present problems with the components in their harmonic
third party voltages. Is stable with respect to unbalanced loads, because the delta
redistributes any imbalances that occur. The disadvantage is that the secondary
voltage is delayed by 30 degrees with respect to the primary voltage of the
transformer. There is no neutral in the secondary to connect the ground.
Connection ∆-Y

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 106 V
V b-c = 105 V
V c-a = 106.8 V
Then the phase voltage will be the square root of three of the line voltage.
Va = 61.19 V
Vb = 60.62 V
Vc = 61.66 V
The advantages of this connection are that it does not present problems with third
harmonic components. Is very useful for raising the voltage to a very high value.
When an imbalance occurs in the load, it does not motivate asymmetry of the flow,
due to a distribution between the three columns of the primary.
The disadvantages are that if a phase has a fault, it leaves the transformer out of
operation. Its cost is very high and the volume is larger than the previous ones so it
takes up more space.
Connection ∆-∆

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 61.75 V
V b-c = 60.56 V
V c-a = 61.10 V
The advantages of this connection is that it has no phase shift. it has no problems
with unbalanced or harmonic loads. A transformer can be removed for
maintenance and the connection remains as an open delta.
The disadvantages of this connection is that harmonic third party voltages can be
very large. It does not have a neutral output, so it limits its use.
Connections V-V

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 60.9 V
V b-c = 60.1 V
V c-a = 61.2V
This is exactly the same voltage that exists and the third transformer was still there.
Phase C is called the phantom phase, sometimes. Thus, the delta-open connection
admits that a group of transformers fulfill their function with only the transformers,
allowing a flow of power to continue even if a damaged phase has been removed.
The available power leaving the delta-open group is only 57.7% of the nominal
power of the original group.
Connections open V - open ∆

The voltages measured at the output of the connection are:

V a-b = 35.53 V
V b-c = 34.31 V
V c-a = 35.10 V
This type of connection is very similar to the delta-open connection, with the
difference that the primary voltages are obtained from two phases and a neutral.
It is used to serve small trading customers who need three-phase current in rural
areas where the three phases have not yet been installed in the line-of-road posts.
With this connection, a user can obtain three-phase current service provisionally,
until with the increase of demand the installation of the third phase in the driving
posts is required.
The main disadvantage of this connection is that the neutral of the primary circuit
must flow a considerably large return current.
Understanding the operation of three-phase connections of transformers is very
important, since each of these connections have certain characteristics that can be
applied in the different designs of transformer installations of the industries.
Each one has different advantages and disadvantages, which must be placed in a
balance so that while choosing, we opt for the best option. We must also bear in
mind that many of the transformers along with their connections are built for
specific applications in high and low voltage so we will not have to think much
when choosing.
With what we studied in this work we could note that there are connections are
made only with two single phase transformers which in some cases is favorable
and produces some advantages, which we must know how to use them in the best
way to obtain an optimal work required.

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