Apple Butter Schedule 2018

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Apple Butter: A Family Event and Pohick Tradition!


For over 45 years, making Apple Butter has for this effort and plenty to do for those of all ages.
always has been a Family Event! Many adult Po- By the way, lunch is ordered in from a favorite lo-
hickians can talk at length about their memories cal deli around noon on Saturday. This is always a
of making Apple Butter behind the Common fun event. Clean up and set up for Apple Butter
Room with their parents and grandparents. Please Sunday is late afternoon. Please try to come by for
do not hesitate to bring the entire family by the a few hours, or all day, and bring the entire family.
Church on September 21 through 23 to help with Sunday, September 23 is Apple Butter Day.
a Pohick tradition while creating lifetime memo- The day starts at 7:00 am. Stir the sauce for a total
ries. Remember there are lots of ways for even the cooking time of approximately 12 hours. It takes
youngest family members to participate. 12 hours, no shortcuts, which is why cooking be-
Friday, September 21 is Setup Day. A giant gins on Saturday. Stirrers of all ages are need-
tarp is erected, firewood is hauled, the Common ed! Long sleeve shirts, long pants and close toed
Room is arranged, jars are washed and bricks are shoes are encouraged while stirring. The sauce of-
moved. It takes lots of hands only a few hours for ten spits, but the right clothing will usually pre-
this phase. It is always exciting to see the tarp go vent burns. Care must also be taken when moving
up and the big copper kettles arrive. It is always among the kettles so no one accidentally runs into
difficult to sleep that night due to the anticipation a kettle or a paddle. That would definitely leave a
of the next day’s events. Start time is normally mark!
early afternoon outside the Common Room. At Canning starts around 3:00 pm. This is an event
the end of the day, there is a small social event to not to be missed. Roughly one hundred people
plan for the next two days. All ages are encour- participate in the canning process and many more
aged to participate in these activities. watchers are present. After Father Don blesses
Saturday, September 22 is Apple Sauce Day. the Apple Butter, the organized chaos begins and
It starts with 50 bushels of apples, and approxi- there is a job for all. Please let Carolyn Brown
mately 200 gallons of apple sauce will be made. or Prudence Brooks know you want to help with
The jobs include apple cutters - removing stems canning. They try to fill the jobs early (like the day
and bad spots (the cutting is not a job for the before!) so there is no last-minute panic. Some
youngest because of the use of knives but they can of the jobs are: haulers, ladlers, toppers, tighten-
pull stems); apple haulers -taking apples to the ers, wipers, table cleaners, water fetchers, boxers,
tables and the slicers; kettle stirrers -many people stackers and sellers! Come on out and learn about
of all ages participate in this phase. The kettles these interesting jobs. Training is provided. The
must be constantly to make the apple sauce. The entire canning process only takes about 45 min-
process was changed slightly utes. It is a sight to see. After the canning, every-
last year. After the applesauce thing must be cleaned up and all the gear needs
is complete, the Apple Butter to be put away, not necessarily a fun job, but a
is cooked for a few hours. This must-do. Again, lots of hands are needed. After
allows a little later start time on the cleaning and hauling there is a short social
Sunday. Again, all ages (with event. By this time, there is not a lot of energy as
supervision due to the fires) can participate; op- 1000 jars of Apple Butter have been canned!
erating the separators is also a job for all ages. It Please join a great Pohick tradition with lots
takes three or four people on each of the two ma- of fellowship and memories!
chines. Always lots of adult supervision available - The Apple Butter Gang

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