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Ling Milosheski Inc.



Macedonian style

Public Notice No. 401

WARNING: Contains scenes of love and devotion

which may end in marriage.
& I

Part 1.
‘Things to know before you go’
While there are many ways to tie a knot, we have
chosen the Macedonian style. This style has a long tradition
in the Balkan region, dating back centuries and, of course,
is still in use today. Tying the knot the Macedonian way is
not for the faint hearted! So, we have put together some
handy information to guide you through it. Here, in part 1 of
the guide, you will find what you need to know before
departing on this exciting adventure.
Currency The official currency of Macedonia is the Macedonian
Denar (MKD). One pound is currently equivalent to
around 68 denars. Since it is almost impossible to find
denars in the UK, your best bet is to exchange or
withdraw money when you arrive. We will meet
everyone at the airport, get you to your
accommodation and point you in the direction of
exchange offices and ATMs on the first night. Hotels,
restaurants and shops do of course accept cards but
it’s always good to have cash with you for taxis etc.
Major items (hotel rooms, long taxi rides, BMWs) are
often priced in euros, and you can pay in euros or
denar. Normal purchases are priced in denar, and
you should pay in denar.

September in Macedonia is a bit like an English

Weather summer - there could be glorious sunshine or it could
be cloudy and rainy. It will most likely be in the low
20s temperature-wise, but it gets cold very quickly at
night so be prepared for chilly evenings.

Travel Since most of you are travelling together on the same

Wizzair flight here are a few words of warning.
1. Double check the size and weight of luggage you
have chosen, they are particularly strict about
carry-on bags. If you realise you don’t have enough
space, you can add ‘priority boarding’, which allows
you to carry a small, extra carry-on bag (normal
backpack size) and you get to be one of the first to
board the flight (usually around £9).
2. Wizzair assign you random seats, so if you really
want to sit next to someone in particular you have to
pay extra to select your seat or negotiate with your
neighbours to swap seats once you are on board (I’ve
had a flight delayed because there were so many
people doing this, so think before you rearrange the
whole plane).
3. Print your boarding passes. At Luton airport you
can use a digital boarding pass on your phone but
they don’t work at Ohrid airport so make sure you
have it printed.

Fees Since Macedonia isn’t in the EU (yet!), fees for data

roaming, card withdrawals etc. might be more than
you’d expect. So best to check with your network
provider, bank etc.
Get the Lingo with Lingo!

The alphabet The Macedonian language can leave you

tongue tied, not only because of its tricky
Аа a alphabet, but also because almost every
village speaks a different dialect. So here
Бб b
are a few basic words and phrases to get you
Вв v started:
Гг g
Дд d
Hello Здраво [zdrah-voh]
Ѓѓ gy
Yes Да [da]
Ее e
No Не [ne]
Жж zh
Thanks Фала [fah-lah]
Зз z
Cheers! На здравје [na zdrah-ve-ey]
Sѕ dz
Ии i (ee sound)
Wine Вино [vee-no]
Јј y
Beer Пиво [pee-vo]
Кк k
Meat Месо [meh-so]
Лл l
Vegetarian вегетаријанска
Љљ soft l
Мм m
Нн n
I love you Те сакам [tey sak-am]
Њњ ny
Kiss me Баци ме [bat-si mey]
Оо o
Пп p
Рр r Rakija [ra-kee-ya] - traditional alcoholic
drink. In Macedonia it is normally made from
Сс s
grapes. Shop-bought rakija has an alcohol
Тт y content of around 40%, but homemade is
Ќќ ky usually closer to 60% and can be up to 80%.
Уу u Drink it slowly with salad or mezze.

Фф f Ajvar [i-var] - a relish made from red peppers

Хх kh with garlic and aubergine (and sometimes
Цц ts chilli peppers for the hot type). Also known as
‘Serbian Caviar’, Vice called it “the next
Чч ch
Џџ j
Шш sh

But fear not! Most people here understand basic English even if they
can’t speak it.
A traditional Macedonian wedding lasts three days, but we
have cut ours down to ‘only’ two! Exact timings and more
details will be confirmed when you arrive. Where possible we
will organise transport.

Wednesday · Arrive at Ohrid airport.

· Transport to accommodation will be

Thursday · We suggest doing some sightseeing in Ohrid,

soaking in the views or maybe a boat trip.

Friday · Check-in to Hotel Izgrev.

· Spend the afternoon in the spa or visiting
the cave churches.
· Dinner at Hotel Izgrev.

Saturday · Lunch at Hotel Biser.

· Wedding ceremony at Sv. Bogorodica Church
in Draslajca.
· In between there will be time for
photographs, some traditions and a short
rest before the party begins.
· Evening Reception at Hotel Biser starts at

Sunday · Check-out of Hotel Izgrev.

· Continue the celebrations at Ivica’s family
home, including more food, drink, music
and the chance to see Rachel and Ivica in
traditional Macedonian wedding clothes.
Church of Sv. Bogorodica

Ivica’s house


Hotel Biser
Hotel Izgrev

Maced A UNESCO World
Heritage site for both
natural and cultural
Lake heritage, Ohrid once had
Ohrid 365 churches, many of
which can still be found
The oldest and today.
deepest lake in
Europe (probably). Things to see in Ohrid:
Home to a unique -Church of St John at
aquatic ecosystem Kaneo
of international -Samuel’s Fortress
importance, with -Plaoshnik
over 200 endemic -Ancient amphitheatre
species. -Icon gallery


c e don
Ma a

o n ! Part 2:
g so A step-by-step guide
i n
Com to tying the knot
Macedonian style!

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