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○ Simulation of United Nations debates in which students role-play as delegates

from all 193 member states (countries)
■ Assigned countries in which you have to express their countries
beliefs in committee in order to pass favorable resolutions.
● Resolutions? Solutions to the issues being discussed in each
● Committees:
○ General Assemblies (GAs):
■ These committees simulate the six GAs. They are typically the largest
committees and pass non-binding resolutions.
● Non binding? A resolution that cannot be passed into
legislation. Serves to show the confirmation of the current
position of the branch of government on a particular issue and
are very controversy
○ Specialized Committees:
■ Typically, specialized committees are smaller than GAs.
○ Crisis Committees:
■ These committees are made to force delegates to think on their feet.
■ They can be anything from Historical Security Councils to futuristic
rebel meetings.
■ Delegates are constantly provided with random crisis updates that
can completely change the flow of committee at the chairs discretion.
These committees, typically for more advanced delegates, are among
the smallest in MUN.

General Assembly [GA]

1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security)

● Strengthening the disarmament in post-conflict areas through UN Disarmament,

Demobilisation and Reintegration [DDR] Operations
● Maintaining the Iran Nuclear Deal Framework
● The threat of cyber interference to democracy
● The question of piracy and maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea
2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)

● Strengthening the national economy of countries dependent on migrant workers

● Enhancing financial and technical support to LEDCs to further develop resilient
● Strengthening international cooperation to combat tax evasion and corruption
● Moving towards full and equal access to formal financial services for all
3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)

● Strengthening the mechanism for humanitarian coordination in areas struck by war or

natural disaster
● Improving the medical and safety conditions of Rohingya people in refugee camps
● Safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of different communities in a globalised
● Improving agricultural productivity as a means of eradicating poverty
4th Committee (Special Political and Decolonization)

● The question of Gibraltar

● The question of French Polynesia
● International cooperation in the exploration and the peaceful uses of Outer Space
● The question of the Israeli occupied territories, including East Jerusalem
5th Committee (Budget and Financial)

● The question of Member States not fully paying their mandatory contributions
● Moving towards a more integrated and efficient approach to conflict prevention and
peacebuilding operations
● Financing of the United Nations administrative mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
● Increasing the number of women actively involved in peacebuilding operations and
post conflict missions
6th Committee (Legal)

● The question of equality before the law and discriminatory penal legislation
● The question of euthanasia and the right to die with dignity
● Strengthening the cooperation with the International Criminal Court in its efforts to
end impunity
● Providing legal identity for all, including birth registration
Security Council [SC]

● The question of the blockade of Qatar

● The situation in the Sahel region
● The situation in Sudan-South Sudan
● The situation in Syria

International Court of Justice [ICJ]

(recommended for experienced delegates)

● Guyana vs. Venezuela

● Qatar vs. United Arab Republic

Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC]

● Facilitating access to financial services for start-ups especially micro and small
● Ensuring Transnational Co-operations [TNCs] pay taxes in the countries where their
economic activities occur
● Improving food security and nutrition by supporting small producers
● The question of automation and its impact on employment
● Ensuring that growth and sustainable development occur simultaneously in LEDCs
● Implementing measures to ensure the right to universal adequate medical care

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice [CCPCJ]

● Implementing measures to tackle corruption and organised crime in sports and large
sporting events
● Effective measures to curb trafficking in persons for the purpose of labour
● Supporting prisoner rehabilitation through vocational skills training and work in
● Promoting effective international cooperation to combat transnational organized

Sustainable Development Commission [SDC]

Sub-commission 1

● Upgrading technological capabilities of industrial sectors in LEDCs

● Reducing the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals, pollution
and contamination
● Implementing measures to ensure the transition from plastic to alternative materials
in the food industry
● The question of balancing economic growth and jobs with sustainable development
Sub-commission 2

● Maintaining the genetic diversity of seeds and cultivated plants

● Expanding public protected areas by increasing the number of national parks
● Strengthening international standards on eco-labelling
● Improving agricultural methods to reduced forced child labour

Environment Commission [EC]

Sub-commission 1

● Developing strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emission from ships

● Promoting development of new drought-resistant crop varieties to sustain dry lands
● Implementing measures to improve international cooperation to reduce the use of
● Developing a regulatory framework for animal welfare in meat and poultry production
Sub-commission 2

● The question of sustainable air travel

● Ensuring sustainable fisheries
● Implementing measures to improve a sustainable agricultural productivity
● Addressing the role of climate change on the development of urban areas facing
extreme weather events

Human Rights Commission [HRC]

Sub-commission 1

● Implementing measures to ensure the protection of migrant children’s human rights

● Ensuring the basic right to food and shelter in Syria
● Eradicating child labour and modern slavery
● Providing protection and medical support for people suffering HIV/AIDS
Sub-commission 2

● The questions of the deterioration of women’s rights in Afghanistan

● Promoting the UN ‘Standup4humanrights’campaign, celebrating the 70th anniversary
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
● Implementing measures against the exploitation and violence against children
● Improving Human Rights for civilians in Yemen.

Special Conference on Work in a Globalised World [SCWGW]

Sub-commission 1

● Maintaining a universal social protection system in the face of international trade

● Strengthening resilience and safeguarding peace through employment and decent
● Promoting work opportunities for youth
● The question of the risks posed by Artificial Intelligence
Sub-commission 2

● Implementing measures to create new jobs to keep pace with the growth of the
global working age population
● Promoting traditional crafts in the 21st century
● Promoting the greening of enterprises, workplace practices and the labour market
● The question of the impact of technology on the quality and quantity of jobs

Historical Security Council: YEAR 1989

(recommended for experienced delegates)

● The situation in China [27 April 1989: Tiananmen Square]

● The situation in the German Democratic Republic [9 October 1989: Leipzig
● The situation in Panama [21 December 1989: Invasion of Panama by US troops]

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