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Review Questions for the CHE 132 Final Exam, from Spring 2015

Multiple Choice
On the Scantron form, bubble in the letter of the one choice that best completes the statement or answers the
question. No credit will be given for multiple answers.

____ 1. Compare equal numbers of molecules of H 2O present at -5 ºC in each of the three states of matter
(solid, liquid, and gas). Which of the following statements are true?

I. Enthalpy, H, increases in the order: solid < liquid < gas

II. Entropy, S, increases in the order: solid < liquid < gas
III. Free energy, G, increases in the order: solid < liquid < gas

A. I, II, and III

B. I and III
C. II only
D. II and III
E. I only

____ 2. Consider the reaction below:

4 PF5(g) + 10 H2(g)  P4(s) + 20 HF(g)

It is known that Hrxn = +1005 kJ, and Grxn = +34 kJ at a temperature of 112.0C. What is Srxn
for this process at that temperature?

A. +2521 J/K
B. -2521 J/K
C. +2698 J/K
D. -2698 J/K
E. 8670 J/K

Form A, Page 1 of 14
____ 3. Mercury and oxygen react to form Mercury(II) oxide through the reaction below:

2 Hg(l) + O2(g)  2 HgO(s)

At a certain temperature, a chemist finds that within a 2.3 L reaction vessel in which the
components are fully equilibrated, the following amounts of these compounds are present:

Compound Amount
Hg(l) 23.5 g
O2(g) 24.9 g
HgO(s) 8.3 g

Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant Kc for this reaction

A. 0.78
B. 1.28
C. 0.34
D. 3.0
E. 10.8

____ 4. The reaction below was measured to have an equilibrium constant of Kc = 3 at a reaction
temperature of 420 K. At this same temperature, another reaction is set up with initial conditions
of [NO] = 2 M, [H2] = 3 M, [N2] = 4 M, and [H2O] = 5 M. Which statement about the reaction
quotient, Qc, for this non-equilibrium mixture is correct?

2 NO(g) + 2 H2(g) N2(g) + 2 H2O(g)

A. Qc < Kc so [NO] decreases as the reaction equilibrates

B. Qc > Kc so [NO] increases as the reaction equilibrates
C. Qc < Kc so [NO] increases as the reaction equilibrates
D. Qc > Kc so [NO] decreases as the reaction equilibrates
E. Qc = Kc so [NO] will not change since the reaction is in equilibrium

Form A, Page 2 of 14
____ 5. Calculate the standard reaction free energy change (Grxn) at 25ºC for the chemical reaction below
using the provided thermodynamic data.

SnO2(s) + 2 CO(g)  Sn(s) + 2 CO2(g)

Compound Gf
SnO2(s) -520. kJ / mol
CO(g) -137.2 kJ / mol
Sn(s) 0 kJ / mol
CO2(g) -394. kJ / mol

A. +6 kJ
B. +263 kJ
C. -6 kJ
D. -263 kJ
E. 526 kJ

____ 6. At a certain temperature, the equilibrium constant Kc for the following reaction is 28.4.

4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g)  4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g)

At the same temperature, what is the equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction below?

NO(g) + 1.5 H2O(g)  NH3(g) + 1.25 O2(g)

A. 2.31
B. 7.10
C. 28.4
D. 114
E. 6.51 x 105

Form A, Page 3 of 14
____ 7. Write the concentration equilibrium constant (Kc) for the reaction below:

3 I2(s) + 2 Cr3+(aq) + 7 H2O(l)  Cr2O72-(aq) + 6 I-(aq) + 14 H+(aq)

[Cr 2 O 27  ][I  ] 6 [H  ] 14 [Cr 2 O 27  ][I  ] 6 [H  ] 14

A. D.
[I 2 ] 3 [Cr 3  ] 2 [H 2 O] 7 [Cr 3  ] 2 [H 2 O] 7
[Cr 2 O 27  ][I  ][H  ] [Cr 2 O 27  ][I  ] 6 [H  ] 14
B. E.
[I 2 ][Cr 3  ][H 2 O] [Cr 3  ] 2
[Cr 2 O 27  ][I  ] 6 [H  ] 14
[I 2 ] 3 [Cr 3  ] 2

____ 8. Consider the reaction below:

CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)

If the pressure equilibrium constant for this reaction is Kp = 0.16 at reaction conditions, what will
the equilibrium pressure of CO(g) be if a reaction vessel is filled with an initial amount of 2.2 atm
of H2O(g), 3.4 atm of CO2(g), and 3.6 atm of H2(g)?

A. 4.5 atm  p(CO) < 6 atm

B. 3 atm  p(CO) < 4.5 atm
C. p(CO)  6 atm
D. 1.5 atm  p(CO) < 3 atm
E. 0 atm  p(CO) < 1.5 atm

____ 9. HI dissociates to form I2 and H2:

2HI(g)  H2(g) + I2(g)
If the concentration of HI changes at a rate of –0.45 M/s, what is the rate of appearance of I2(g)?
A. 0.90 M/s
B. 0.45 M/s
C. 0.23 M/s
D. 1.00 M/s
E. 0.13 M/s

Form A, Page 4 of 14
____ 10. Determine the overall order of the reaction 2NO(g) + Cl2(g)  2NOCl(g) from the following data:
Experiment [NO] (M) [Cl2] (M) Rate (M/s)
1 0.0300 0.0100 3.4  10–4
2 0.0150 0.0100 8.5  10–5
3 0.0150 0.0400 3.4  10–4

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
E. fifth

____ 11. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide are found in photochemical smog. Nitrogen dioxide is formed
from nitrogen monoxide in the exhaust of automobile engines. A possible mechanism for this
reaction is given below. What is the rate law predicted by the mechanism?
Reaction: 2NO(g) + O2(g)  2NO2(g)
Step 1 (fast): NO + NO  N2O2
Step 2 (slow): N2O2  N + NO2
Step 3 (fast): N + O2  NO2
A. Rate = k[NO]2[O2]
B. Rate = k[NO]2
C. Rate = k[NO][O2]
D. Rate = k[NO2]2
[NO 2 ] 2
E. Rate = k
[NO] 2 [O 2 ]

Form A, Page 5 of 14
____ 12. The high temperatures in an automobile engine cause nitrogen and oxygen to form noxious
nitrogen monoxide. Use the following data on the temperature dependence of the rate constant to
determine the activation energy for this reaction.
T (K) k (M–1 s–1)
2,200 1,800
2,400 7,400

A. 29 kJ/mol
B. 343 kJ/mol
C. 78 kJ/mol
D. 310 kJ/mol
E. 421 kJ/mol

____ 13. Solutions of sodium salts of the acids in the following table are prepared with an initial
concentration of 0.500 M. Which solution will have the highest pH?
Acid pKa
HA 4.00
HB 7.00
HC 10.00
HD 11.00

A. NaA
B. NaB
C. NaC
D. NaD
E. All will have the same pH because the concentrations are the same.

____ 14. Pure water at any temperature has ________

A. a pH less than 7. D. pH = 7.
B. a pOH more than 7. E. no hydronium ions in it.
C. [H3O+] = [OH–].

Form A, Page 6 of 14
____ 15. Boric acid frequently is used as an eyewash to treat eye infections. The pH of a 0.050 M solution of
boric acid is 5.28. What is the value of the boric acid ionization constant, Ka?
A. 5.25  10–6
B. 5.51  10–10
C. 5.43  10–8
D. 5.79  10–4
E. 5.33  10–12

____ 16. What is the pH of a buffer solution where [HA] = [A–]?

A. pH = 1
B. pH = Ka
C. pH = pKa
D. pH = pOH
E. pH = 7.0

____ 17. A solution of perchloric acid (HClO4, 25.00 mL) was titrated to completion with 34.55 mL of
0.1020 M sodium hydroxide. What was the concentration of the perchloric acid?
A. 0.07048 M
B. 0.1410 M
C. 0.2819 M
D. 0.0353 M
E. 0.0533 M

____ 18. Electrolysis of a solution of Zn(NO 3)2(aq) to give zinc metal is carried out using a current of 2.12
A. How long should the electrolysis continue in order to prepare 2.15 g of zinc?
M(Zn) = 65.38 g mol1.
A. 54.4 min
B. 49.9 min
C. 58.4 min
D. 24.9 min
E. 12.5 min

Form A, Page 7 of 14
____ 19. A concentration cell is constructed by using the same half-reaction for both the cathode and the
anode. What is the value of the electromotive force of the concentration cell that combines copper
electrodes in contact with aqueous 0.35 mol L1 Cu(NO3)2 and aqueous 7.5  104 mol L1
Cu(NO3)2 solutions?
A. 0.16 V
B. 0.040 V
C. 0.32 V
D. 0.16 V
E. 0.079 V

____ 20. Lead has a face-centered cubic unit cell in its crystal structure. The length on an edge of the unit
cell is 495 pm. What is the atomic radius of lead?
A. 175 pm
B. 248 pm
C. 214 pm
D. 124 pm
E. 548 pm

____ 21. How many atoms are contained in the cubic unit cell shown below?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
E. 14

Form A, Page 8 of 14
____ 22. Which one of the following statements is incorrect concerning the unit cell of zinc oxide shown in
the figure?

A. There are four oxygen anions in the unit cell.

B. The zinc cations occupy half of the tetrahedral holes in the unit cell.
C. The net charge of the unit cell is zero.
D. The oxygen anions form a body-centered cubic unit cell.
E. The octahedral holes of the unit cell are empty.

____ 23. V2+(aq) can be prepared by reduction of V3+(aq) in an electrochemical cell. What is the constant
current that should be maintained for an interval of 15.0 minutes in order to reduce all of the
V3+(aq) found in 125 mL of a 0.0200 mol L1 V(III) solution to V2+(aq)?
A. 0.536 A
B. 2.12 A
C. 16.1 A
D. 0.268 A
E. 1.06 A

____ 24. A voltaic cell with Fe(s)/Fe2+(aq) and Cd(s)/Cd2+(aq) half-cells has the following initial
concentrations: [Fe2+]0 = 0.0090 mol L1 and [Cd2+]0 = 0.060 mol L1. What is the electromotive
force of the cell at 298.15 K when [Cd 2+] = 0.010 mol L1?
A. 0.037 V
B. 0.107 V
C. 0.074 V
D. 0.0 V
E. 0.014 V

Form A, Page 9 of 14
____ 25. If the electromotive force of the cell
Pt(s) | H2(g , 1.00 bar) | H3O+(aq) || Ag+(aq , 1.00 mol L1) | Ag(s)
is 0.915 V at 25ºC, what is the pH of the solution in the anodic compartment?
A. 0.00
B. 1.95
C. 11.7
D. 1.00
E. 1.17

____ 26. Which of the following elements are likely to be prepared by electrolysis of their aqueous salts?
I: Sn(s)
II: Al(s)
III: Cl2(g)
IV: Zn(s)
A. I , IV
E. I , II , IV

____ 27. Potassium iodide, KI, has a face-centered cubic unit cell of iodide ions with potassium ions in
octahedral holes. The ionic radii of K+ and I are, respectively, 138 pm and 220 pm. What is the
length of the edge a of the unit cell of KI?
A. a < 150 pm
B. 150  a < 300 pm
C. 300  a < 450 pm
D. 450  a < 600 pm
E. 600  a < 800 pm

Form A, Page 10 of 14
____ 28. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Interstitial alloys tend to form between elements of similar radii.
B. The energy gap between the valence and conduction band is largest for insulators.
C. Germanium doped with phosphorus is an n-type extrinsic semiconductor.
D. Substitutional alloys tend to be less malleable than the host metal.
E. The packing in simple cubic unit cells is less efficient than the packing in
face-centered and body-centered cubic unit cells.

____ 29. A voltaic cell utilizes the following reaction:

Al(s) + 3 Ag+(aq)  Al3+(aq) + 3 Ag(s)
Which one of the following statements is incorrect concerning the electromotive force of the cell?
A. When water is added to the anodic compartment, diluting the anodic solution, the
electromotive force of the cell increases.
B. When the size of the aluminum electrode is doubled the electromotive force of the
cell remains the same.
C. When water is added to the cathodic compartment, diluting the cathodic solution,
the electromotive force of the cell decreases.
D. If we double the concentration of Ag+(aq) and we double the concentration of
Al3+(aq) the electromotive force of the cell remains the same.
E. When the size of both the anode and the cathode is doubled the electromotive
force of the cell remains the same.

Lanthanum Fluoride

____ 30. What is the molar solubility of lanthanum fluoride, LaF 3, in pure water at 25 °C.
Ksp(LaF3) = 2.0  1019
A. 3.7  107 mol L1
B. 7.4  103 mol L1
C. 9.3  106 mol L1
D. 4.5  1010 mol L1
E. 2.2  1010 mol L1

Form A, Page 11 of 14
____ 31. What is the molar solubility of lanthanum fluoride (LaF 3) in an 0.050 mol L1 aqueous lanthanum
chloride (LaCl3) solution at 25 C? LaCl3 is completely soluble at the specified concentration.
Ksp(LaF3) = 2.0  1019

A. 4.4  1019 mol L1

B. 5.8  108 mol L1
C. 6.6  1010 mol L1
D. 5.3  107 mol L1
E. 2.1  104 mol L1

____ 32. Calculate the molar solubility of Ni(OH)2 when the solution is buffered at pH = 10.0.
Ksp(Ni(OH)2) = 6.0  1016
A. 6.0  108 mol L1
B. 5.3  106 mol L1
C. 3.2  105 mol L1
D. 4.4  104 mol L1
E. 1.6  1010 mol L1

____ 33. Using the following information for standard reduction potentials:
[Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq) + 2 e  Zn(s) + 4 NH3(aq) E([Zn(NH3)4]2+/Zn) = 1.04 V
Zn2+(aq) + 2 e  Zn(s) E(Zn2+/Zn) = 0.76 V
calculate the standard Gibbs free energy G for the formation reaction
Zn2+(aq) + 4 NH3(aq) [Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq)
of the complex ion [Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq).
A. 417 kJ mol1
B. 54.0 kJ mol1
C. 27.0 kJ mol1
D. 208 kJ mol1
E. 27.0 kJ mol1

Form A, Page 12 of 14
____ 34. For the reaction
3 Ni2+(aq) + 2 Cr(OH)3(s) + 10 OH(aq)  3 Ni(s) + 2 CrO4aq) + 8 H2O(liq)
the standard Gibbs free energy of the reaction at 25 C is G = + 87 kJ mol1. Given the value of
E(Ni2+/Ni(s)) in the table of standard reduction potentials, find the value for
E(CrO4/Cr(OH)3(s)) that corresponds to the reduction half reaction
CrO4aq) + 4 H2O(liq) + 3 e  Cr(OH)3(s) + 5 OH(aq)

A. 0.43 V
B. 0.25 V
C. 0.020 V
D. 0.10 V
E. 0.15 V

____ 35. When a certain amount of an unknown solute is dissolved in 100.0 mL of water, the boiling point
of the resulting solution is 105.0C. What is the freezing temperature of the aqueous solution?
Kf(H2O) = 1.86 C kg molKb(H2O) = 0.51 C kg mol
A. 5.0 C
B. 1.19 C
C. 18 C
D. 0.15 C
E. There is insufficient information to provide an answer.

____ 36. Consider a gas mixture of N2(g) and tetrafluoroethylene, C2F4(g), above water at 25 C. The mole
fraction of N2(g) in the gas mixture is 0.79, and the total pressure is 3.0 atm. It is found that under
those conditions tetrafluoroethylene dissolves in water to the extent of 1.01  103 mol L1. What is
the Henry’s law constant for tetrafluoroethylene in water at 25C?
A. 4.1  106 mol L1 atm1
B. 0.63 mol L1 atm1
C. 4.1  104 mol L1 atm1
D. 1.1  105 mol L1 atm1
E. 1.6  103 mol L1 atm1

Form A, Page 13 of 14
____ 37. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
A. The oxidation state of the of the transition metal in the compound
[V(H2O)6](NO3)3 is V3+.
B. The formula for the compound Tris(ethylenediamine)platinum(IV) sulfate is
C. The coordination number of the transition metal in the compound
[CoBr2(NH3)4]Br is six.
D. The geometry of the complex ion diamminesilver(I) is linear.
E. There are two geometric isomers for the square planar transition metal ion

____ 38. What is the standard electromotive force Ecell of a voltaic cell whose chemical reaction involves
the exchange of 3 electrons and has equilibrium constant K = 1.0  104 at 25 C?
A. 0.18 V
B. 0.079 V
C. 86 V
D. 0.18 V
E. 0.079 V

____ 39. Calculate the standard reduction potential E(Sn4+/Sn(s)) in aqueous solution at 25 C given the
information at the same temperature and in the same solvent:
E(Sn4+/Sn2+) = 0.154 V
E(Sn2+/Sn(s)) = 0.137 V
A. 0.0146 V
B. 0.0085 V
C. 0.291 V
D. 0.017 V
E. 0.96 V

____ 40. Which of the following elements is the best reducing agent under standard conditions?
A. Cu(s)
B. Zn(s)
C. Fe(s)
D. Ag(s)
E. Cr(s)

Form A, Page 14 of 14

Review Questions for the CHE 132 Final Exam, from Spring 2015
Answer Section


1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. E
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. E
25. B
26. A
27. E
28. A
29. D
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. E

Form A, Page 1 of 2

37. B
38. B
39. B
40. E

Form A, Page 2 of 2

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