Affidavit and Administrative Notice

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john doe smith

A Public Declaration and Notice

Affidavit and Administrative Notice

1. I, john doe smith, hereinafter affiant, a living, sentient, fleshly creation as a people of Texas, a

sovereign political power holder, and a free inhabitant of Louisiana of sound mind, do hereby

declare within this affidavit and do herein Notice and assert the following averments.

2. Many years of the study of law has revealed that JOHN DOE SMITH/ SMITH, JOHN DOE,

hereinafter “the agency” is a state created fictitious entity within the STATE OF MICHIGAN, a

corporation formed under the executive branch of the State of Michigan.

3. Said agency was created to coincide with the date and time the affiant was born on the land

within the geographical boundaries commonly known as Texas on the 3rd day of June, 1968.

4. The birth certificate is evidence of the organization of the agency and not a document to mark

the date and time the affiant was born.

5. Without knowingly volunteering or consenting to serve as such, affiant was appointed under

fraud to serve as the registered agent/representative for said agency.

6. Affiant has been served notices, bills, process of service, paid fines, been arrested, paid taxes

and other such fees on behalf of the agency without reimbursement for said fees, taxes, and

fines and compensation for time expended in “representing” the agency.

7. Affiant has served as registered agent for the agency with no salary, benefit or lawful money

compensation for serving as said agent for more thirty eight (38) years.

8. Affiant demands to be paid for said service in lawful money and will forward a bill to the

principal at his earliest convenience.

9. Affiant now notices all concerned parties that affiant will no longer accept process of service,

notices or bills of any kind for the agency and will forward all such processes of service, notices

and bills of any kind to the principal, the primary agent for which is known to the affiant to also
be the chief executive officer of the state created agency, the STATE OF TEXAS, and the

governor for the State of Texas and/or the Texas state.

10. Affiant also notices to all parties concerned that john doe smith will no longer serve as the

registered agent/representative for the agency and all parties are to considered this the formal

resignation of john doe smith; smith, john doe from serving as agent for the agency.

11. This Affidavit in Truth is affirmed before affiant’s Creator in Heaven as true, correct and

complete to the best of affiant’s knowledge and belief.

12. Affiant affirms under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the

foregoing is correct and true according the affiant’s knowledge and beliefs. (28 USC 1749)

13. Further affiant sayeth naught.

Autograph of affiant applied

without the United States;

Date of affiant’s autograph:

True name of affiant, printed: john doe smith

Sworn before me this Day of May in the year of our Lord 2017.
Bexar County, Texas.

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