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Untracked Responses: 158
Total Responses Received: 158

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Question 1
Where do you teach?
School Department(s) how many classes?
Queens College Sociology 2
Queens College Sociology 2
baruch soc/anth 2
Queensborough Community WID/WAC n/a
Queens College Psychology 2
Hunter romance languages 2
CWE English 1
Hunter Theatre 1 (2 sections)
brooklyn college psychology 1
Queensborough Community Social Science 2
Lehman college Sociology 2
John Jay College Sociology 2
Queens College English 6 a year
Lehman Philosophy 3
School of Professional Studies Instructional Tech Fellow na
Hunter College Women and Gender Studies Program 2-3
Hunter College History 1
Queens College Secondary Education and Youth Services 2
hunter honors college 2
CCNY English 2

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Survey Results Area

Baruch College English 2

Lehman College History / American Studies 3
BCC History 4
Brooklyn College Political Science 1
CCNY English 2
CCNY English 1
SPS Communications 1
Queens College Urban Studies 3
Lehman College Depts. of English, Humanities, Journalism, Black 3
Lehman English 2
College of Staten Island Drama 1-3
Hunter Film and Media 2
Hunter Political Science 1-3
Hunter College History 2
York CUNY Language Immersion Program 1
Hunter School of Social Work 2
queens sociology 3
Baruch College Mathematics 2
Hostos Community College Behavioral and Social Sciences 1
BMCC English 2
Brooklyn College WAC
Queens College English 2
Queens Sociology 1
Borough of Manhattan Community English 2
Queens College English 5 per year
Hunter College English 2
Baruch College Mathematics 2
John Jay Communication & Theatre Arts 1
New York City College of Advertising Design and Graphic Arts Department 2
BMCC Social Science 1
York History 2
Brooklyn College Anthropology/Archaeology 2
Hunter Sociology 2
York College Sociology/WAC
Hunter Geography 2
Hunter Sociology 1
CCNY English 2
CCNY Psychology 3
Queens College Urban Studies 2

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Survey Results Area

Queens College Sociology 2

Baruch Sociology 2
LaGuardia Community College English 2
City College History 2
BMCC, John Jay social science, Sociology 3
Hunter College Geography 1
Hunter College English Department two
Bronx Community College Mathematics and Computer Science 2
Brooklyn College Sociology 1
Hunter College Geography 1
Jay Soc 4
SPS Communication
Brooklyn College History 2
Queens College English 3
Queens College Sociology 1
Queens College Urban Studies TA 3 sections of a large 101
Brooklyn English 3
Hunter College Urban Affairs 2/semester
Queensborough Community Social Science 3
Lehman College Political Science 3
Bronx Community College Mathematics and Computer Science 2
La Guardia Education / Language Aquisition 3
[not currently teaching]
BCC Communications
Bronx CC CAS
Hunter College English 2
John Jay College Mathematics 3
Baruch Political Science 1
Queensborough Community Math 4
Baruch English 1
Queens College English 2
Queens College EECE 2
Hunter Political Science 3 (TA)
Hunter Political Science 2
School of Professional studies
City College
Baruch Mathematics 2
Lehman French 1-2

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Survey Results Area

CUNY Online Bacc.

CCNY English 2
QCC Social Science 2
John Jay Foreign Languages 3
City College writing fellow
Baruch History 1
CCNY Computer Science 1
Brooklyn College computer science 2
BMCC social sciences 3
Hunter Ed Foundations 2
Hostos Community College Behavioral and Social Science
BMCC Science
City College
Graduate Center Political Science
John Jay Communication and Theatre Arts
City College Cog. Neuro.
Poli. Sci.
Lehman Poli. Sci.
GC History
John Jay Art and Music
Lehman Political Science
Bronx CC English
brooklyn college sociology 1
Queens Sociology 1
Hunter Political Science 2
John Jay College sociology 1
Hunter College Computer Science 1
BMCC Social Science 1
Queens College Sociology 1
Lehman Political Science 2
Medgar Evers College Biology 2
Baruch College
Hunter Sociology 1
Queens Sociology 1
Queens College Sociology 1
Hunter English 2
Hunter Romance Lang 2
Hostos Community College Behavioral and Social Sciences 1
Hostos Community College Behavioral and Social Sciences 1
John Jay political science 1

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Survey Results Area

Brooklyn College Political Science 2/semester

Hunter College Political Science 2

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Question 2
If you teach at more than one school:
2nd School Department(s) how many classes?
John Jay English 1
Laguardia CC English 2
NYCCT Social Science 1
Hunter IELI 2
JJay English 1
JSMI Urban Studies 2
Lehman College Institute for Literacy Studies
college of mt saint vincent soc 1
Stevens Institute of Technology (not CUNY) Humanities 1
BMCC Developmental Skills 1 (6hrs)
St. John's University English 1
School of Professional Studies Social Science 1
Lehman College History 2
john Jay sociology 1
City College English 1
Queens College Psychology 1
John Jay College Political Science 1
Bank St. College Grad. Sch. 2
Wagner College sociology 3
Hostos Research Fund
City College Bilingual education 1
Murphy Institute, Queens College Urban Studies 1
City College Political Science, English 1

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Question 3
If you teach at more than one school:
3rd School Department(s) how many classes?
School of Professional Studies U.S.History 1
York and CCNY/WC

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Fordham University
pace soc 1
BMCC Continuing Ed 1


Question 4
Years of service at CUNY
Text Answers (144) View
5 View
5 View
3 View
6 View
2 View
6 View
8 View
1 View
1 View
5 View
3.5 View
6 View
6 View
5 View
4 View
23 View
1 View
1.5 View
4 View
2 View
5 View
3 View
7 View
3 View
35 View
29 View
11 View
3 View
8 View
2 View
2 View
6 View

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3 View
4 View
5 View
12 View
1.5 View
3 View
2 View
7 View
3 1/2 View
6 View
6 View
1.5 View
4 View
6 View
2 View
12 View
22 View
20 View
1 View
3 View
1 View
1.5 View
5 View
2 View
2 View
6 View
2 View
2 View
3.5 View
2 View
5 View
5 View
1 View
4 View
11 View
5.5 View
ten View
3.5 View
3 View
3 View
8 View
10 View
1.5 View
9 View

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.5 View
2 View
3 View
2 View
3 View
5 View
5 View
6 View
5 View
7 View
4 View
1 View
3 View
2 View
0.5 View
3 View
2.5 View
2 View
12 View
.5 View
5 View
3 View
1 View
4.5 View
1 View
1 View
1 View
7 View
1.5 View
2 View
2 View
6 View
2 View
3 View
1 View
14 View
1 month View
2 View
5 View
1 View
4 View
2 View
1/2 View
5 View

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6.5 View
8 View
2 View
1.5 View
2 View
5 View
25 View
1 View
21 View
2 View
3 View
9 View
5.5 View
5 View
2 View
1 View
6 View
1 1/2 View
5 View
1 View
1 View
1 View
4 View
7 View

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Question 5
Job title (check all that apply)

Adjunct 98 57%

Continuing Ed. Instructor 5 3%

Graduate Assistant/Fellow 69 40%

ID Other (please specify) View Survey

821099 gtf (this year, but I was an adunct for a year and a half first) View
826516 aHEO View
826954 Lecturer View
827542 non-teaching (program coordinator) View
833060 Writing Fellow View
835923 Substitute Assistant Professor (cut next term-budget cuts) View
929524 Research Fund/teach a workshop View

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Survey Results Area

946057 currently writing fellow View


Question 6
Is your contingent job at CUNY your primary means of income?

Yes 128 84%

No 24 16%


Question 7
Our current employment contract expires in October 2010 and soon the PSC will be
negotiating a new contract on our behalf. Which of these issues, if any, would you like the
PSC to prioritize for contingent faculty? (please select all that apply)

The lack of pay parity between contingent and full-time faculty 127 31%

The lack of job security (incl. layoffs) 96 23%

Limited healthcare and other benefits 77 19%

Inadequate access to office space and professional resources 63 15%

Workload issues (class sizes office hours etc.) 52 13%

ID Are there any other issues that you think are particularly important?
826065 Better Library services to offer the staff and students View
826099 Pay Parity Must be reduced in this next contract, even if it means that full time faculty receive a View
slightly smaller raise than otherwise.
826104 I don't understand the Workload issues. I need to work MORE not less, given what I'm being View
paid. I don't like there being a limit on how much I can work as a non-GTF CUNY PhD student.
826259 They should train new teachers, I was thrown into the position and told to sink or swim. View
826373 seniority View
826431 Yes -- I am horrified that as a PSC member, otherwise qualified for the PSC health coverage, I View
am disqualified for it simply due to the fact that I am ALSO a grad student. The NYSHIP
insurance is not on par with the PSC insurance, and I am pissed off that I cannot choose. Why
are we second class adjuncts if we happen to also be students?!?
826516 more full time lines being offered View
826868 pay is prime and getting paid for all the hours we work is also a problem. dental benefits would View
be great,
827078 lack of institutional financial support to complete PhD WITHOUT being a teaching slave. View
827542 Simplified appointment procedures More reliable payroll (Just getting paid can be such an View

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Survey Results Area

827883 Fairer distribution of higher-level courses among adjuncts (i.e., using seniority & research fields View
rather than favoritism)
830573 I prioritize job security. View
831280 Lack of pay parity View
832016 I haven't had an office yet THIS SEMESTER. I have no key and no place to meet my students. I View
can only get in when someone is available to let me in.
832460 Being treated badly by staff. View
832845 big disparities in workloads between the different colleges View
832897 The limit on the number of credit hours I can teach on a single campus makes my life much View
harder. It is ridiculous to force me to look for work on multiple campuses to put together
something I can live on. I blame the PSC for this BTW.
835923 Slave wages for intellectual labor are a shame. View
837927 parity of pay across grad A fellowships. Ex. writing fellows get 30,000 a year for much less work View
than other grad A's who teach or do research for 10,000 a year. Also--the issue of tuition
remission for people who have been at the GC for over 10 semesters.
841261 #1 the neoliberalization of CUNY View
848048 Dental care. I haven't seen a dentist since 2006. View
905504 [indicated that s/he feels feels strongly about inadequate acces to computers, work space etc] View
919499 no office period View
929267 Prioritized: 1) Job sec. 2) pay parity 3) healthcare/benefits 4) computers, office space Other: lack View
of professional recognition, opportunities for research, path to tenure-track status
929291 Not getting paid on-time EVERY Semester View
929334 Reasons for non-reappointment for adjuncts should be mandated in the next contract. View
929388 Pay delays, slow response to NYSHIP sign up View
929424 dental care!! View
929524 Increasing number of full-time faculty that are hired (conversion lines.) Parity for CLIP faculty. View
943461 Path to tenure for all who want it! View
1199597 contracts have no "teeth"; we can be terminated at any time; we are not guaranteed employment View
yet cannot sign up for unemployment insurance; pay is horrible;
1322635 Delays in getting payroll paperwork filed at the beginning of the semester, which lead to delays View
in pay, which lead to a higher first paycheck to catch up, which leads to a bigger chunk of that
paycheck being taken for taxes.
1323998 Job security is important, but I would trade that for better pay and continue to hold office hours in View
a cafe.

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Question 8
If these demands (above) were the top demands for our union in bargaining, would you
actively participate in a campaign supporting the union's bargaining process?

yes 105 71%

no 5 3%

don't know 38 26%

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Survey Results Area


Question 9
What sorts of organized activity in such a campaign would you personally be willing to
participate in? (check all that apply)

sending emails 106 20%

making phone class 46 9%

signing petitions 118 22%

face to face conversations with colleagues 80 15%

strategizing meetings 54 10%

public rallies 73 14%

other forms of direct actions (work stoppage teach-ins grade strikes symbolic protests) 49 9%

ID other
826218 tabling, cultural work View
826907 don't know at this point -- honestly, by the time this becomes an issue, i hope to have left cuny View
behind entirely.
831214 STRIKE! View
832897 You name it and I'm down. View
905543 anything other than a work stoppage or anything else that hurts hard-working, tuition-paying View
students. That I will NEVER do.
919445 not sure View
929168 [OLD] View
929267 [OLD] The essence is campaigning within the PSC. View
929291 [OLD] View
929312 [OLD] Information Sessions View
929323 [OLD] View
929334 [OLD] View
929357 [OLD] View
929388 [OLD] View
929407 [OLD] View
929424 [OLD] shut things down! View
929437 [OLD] View
929464 [OLD] View
929482 [OLD] View
929498 [OLD] View
929506 [OLD] View
929524 [OLD] View

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Survey Results Area

Question 10
What else should we know about your experience as a contingent faculty member at CUNY?
Text Answers (36) View
I just started and have found it mildly difficult to understand what I should know/who I should View
talk to.
The tretament of adjucnt as the "other. View
I am young so many of these issues are not salient for me. The money they give me is great View
compared to other options and we recently received health care (thanks to you guys).
It's very hard to organize adjuncts. View
I am finding that it is very difficult to ce many of the aspects of the current contract. For View
example, adjuncts are supposed to be observed within the first 10 weeks of the semester.
However, this rarely happens. This puts me in an awkward situation where I must rearange
my class schedule based on the observation. Also, I am supposed to recieve 24 hours
notice. What happens if I do not recieve that notice? I am also not sure where the PSC
stands on issues like this. What recourse, if any, do I have?
the relationship between adjuncts and their depts. vary widely. I would like to see more View
consistency/leadership in depts. treating adjuncts as the valued members of the faculty they
i currently have a medical condition, but can't take care of it because I can not afford to go View
without pay...if I worked in a regular company I would be able to get disability insurance. This
should be offered alongside health benefits.
We'd appreciate clearer language regarding pay steps and responsibilities therein (some HR View
departments, namely QC, rely on the vagueness of the language to deny pay rises and also
fail to distribute appointment letters).
I'm Walter Dufresne, and I'm uppity. View
Students need to better understand how our status affects them, that we are unable to give View
them the time they deserve because of all our other commitments.
too much work, as a student and as a student-worker don't give much time for helping out at View
the union, even if I would love to do it. that sucks.
Hunter View
Contingent faculty should be represented in the PSC in proportion to their percentage of View
total CUNY faculty. The PSC should have a full time dedicated contingent faculty organizer
on every campus.
I am upset that I am no longer eligible for tuition reimbursement (via teaching 3 credits) View
since I have been in my PhD program for over 10 semesters. In essence, I am now getting
paid less for the teaching that I do.
As a member of CCU, I have had poor experience with other members who could care less View
about who I am as an instructor, what I teach, who my students are. The talk is all politics
and nothing about what actually matters. So I quit my active involvement since no one
engaged me.
Whenever I have gone to the PSC with a problem, such as being paid for three classroom View
hours while I worked four, they've said they can't help me because there are more important
issues. I wish the union gave a shit.
overworked underpaid exhausted View
My Graduate Assistant advisor assigns too much work! Thanks for all your work to address View
our issues.

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Survey Results Area

I am quite tired of screw-ups involving my initial paychecks being delayed because someone View
forgot to send in the papers in a timely matter.
I have been an employee for 3 months and still don't have the NYSHIP I have been paying View
for 3 months, no doctors.
It's too long a story -- it's been a miserable experience. View
last year, I was an adjunct at CCNY -- no communication with department, lack of job View
the lack of transparency involved in job responsibilities for adjuncts View
I have a PhD, teach six courses in three boroughs, make very little money and cannot find View
time to write for publication (due to teaching six classes)
It Sucks! View
Need for grad. student support for 9/6 workload reform to improve adjunct income View
A lot more, I am not sure. View
In my experience Baruch is better than other CUNY collleges - adjuncts are provided with View
more resources.
I have taught at several CUNY colleges and at two of these colleges with excellent View
evaluations I was not rehired without a reason given.
No GAB paycheck for first pay period, no access to health care during first month of View
employment. Enrolled in NYSHIP through HR but paperwork has not been processed.
I'm sick of delays in getting my paycheck! View
Most of my concerns are GTF related - I want mor etransparency in the assignment process View
and opportunity to appeal.
Class cancelled due to lack of enrollment. View
I am new as an adjunct, but I used to work at CLIP and I feel strongly that CLIP was really View
screwed in the last contract. I left CLIP for that reason.
I am faculty advisor (one of two) to BMCC's Student Government Association View
I have been warned by my one of my two departments that I might not have the same View
opportunities to teach as an adjunct when I have my PhD and I cost more to employ.

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Question 11
Are you a member of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC); i.e. have you ever signed a
yellow or green union card?

Yes 121 82%

No/Not Sure 26 18%


Question 12
Your Name (optional)
Text Answers (15) View

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Survey Results Area

Patricia Stapleton View

Neil Hernandez View
Mike Friedman View
Anthony Gronowicz View
Naela El-Hinnawy View
Jeff Broxmeyer View
Tasha Darbes View
Arto Artinian View
Morgan Horowitz View
Noe Dinnerstein View
Leila Walker View
Suzanne Tamang View
Igor Droskovic View
Jason Schulman View
Flannery Amdall View

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Question 13
Phone (optional)
Text Answers (15) View
212-472-8544 View
608.354.3569 View
212-569-8007 View
347-776-7980 View
845-901-8600 View
212-203-2624 View
718-938-9391 View
862-703-8823 View
718-581-7983 View
412-527-3384 View
720-341-7251 View
212-496-7452 View
347-822-8404 View
212-281-5879 View
212-874-7650 View

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Question 14

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Email (optional)
Text Answers (15) View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View

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Question 15
This survey has been conducted by CUNY Contingents Unite. For more information, email or check us out at

Would you like to join our listserv to receive announcements from CUNY Contingents Unite?

yes (please fill in your email address above) 45 41%

no 65 59%


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