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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of S1 Degree

In English Education Program



NPM. 13240018




2018 M / 1439 H




In this beginning chapter, the research would like to discuss about:

definition of the key term, background of the study, the problem of study,

objective of the study, the scope of the study, and the significant of the study.

1.1 Definition of Key Terms

In this session reseacher will be present definition of the key terms in

this reseach the terms are define as follows:

1. Picture Series

Picture series consist of a number of pictures which relate each

other and they place in sequence. Picture series is usually used to tell a

series of events or to tell a story1

2. Writing

Writing is a skill in which we express ideas, feeling and thought

which to be arranged in words, sentences, and paragraph using eyes, brain

and hand.2

3. Narrative Text

“Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense.

The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners

about the story.”3

Noor Azlina Yunus, Preparing and Using Aids for English Language Teaching.
(Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 49
Raimes, A, Techniques in Teaching Writing. (New York: Oxford University Press.
1983). p. 76

1.2 The Reason of The Title

The reseacher use the title caused have the reason:

a. the first, because this media which are used in learning process are


b. The second reason is to improve students Writing Skill of the text

expecially narrative text.

1.3 Background of Study

Language is at the centre of human life. We use it to express our love

or our hatred, to achieve our goals and further our careers, to gain artistic

satisfaction orsimple pleasure, to pray or to blaspheme. According to Vivian

Cook say that “Through language we plan our lives and remember our past;

we exchange ideas and experiences; we form our social and individual


David J. Alonso say that “In contrast, young children, whose linguistic

knowledge and perceptual/cognitive systems are presumably not as developed

as adults, can acquire native-like performance without sharing the same


From the opinion above we can conclude through dialect we design

our lives and recall our past; we trade thoughts and encounters; we frame our

social and individual characters. Interestingly, youthful kids, whose phonetic

Mieke Bal, Narrative Theory (New York: Routledge, 2004), p. 65.
Vivian Cook, Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (London: Hodder
Education, 2008), p. 1.
David J. Alonso, English As A Second Language(New York: Nova Science Publisher,
Inc., 2011), p. 2.

learning and perceptual/intellectual frameworks are probably not as created as

grown-ups, can procure local like execution without having a similar battle

As a foreign language, learning English is not as easy as learning

Indonesian language, because it has basic differences. In listening and

speaking for instance, the structure or grammar of English language contrasts

with Indonesian language either in word, phrase or sentence so that causes

differences in the meaning. As well as in reading and writing, the difference of

English vocabulary and pronunciation is looked obviously in the spelling word

which contrasts its reading and its writing.

Furthermore, According to M.F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain say that

“Writing is a skill which must be taught and practised. Writing is essential

features of learning a language because it provides a very good means of

foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern. It becomes an important

aspect of students' expression at higher stage.”6

In writing process, students need strategies and background knowledge

about linguistics such as structure, or grammar, and vocabulary. So that, to

make a good writing the students need to share equal billing with other skills,

practice and train the mental processes that they go through when writing. It

means that writing is also called expressive and productive ability of language,

because it is not only for communicating but also for expressing an idea, for

remembering something, and for thinking critically as well.

M.F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Jaipur: Sunrise Publisher
& Dstributors, 2008), p. 125.

However, even after these reforms, some students still had inadequate

knowledge in certain areas when they reached the more advanced courses.

Therefore, there was a need to empirically explore how different types of prior

knowledge impact student achievement in a more advanced course, such as

pharmaceutical chemistry, and to explore whether the knowledge students

gain is retained as their studies proceed.

In fact, most of English teachers discount the previous knowledge that

students bring into the classroom, they risk ostracizing them. They are not able

to activate student’s prior knowledge before study. Moreover, they have

difficulties to determine if the materials are suitable, the allocated time is

adequately, the students are interested in learning process, or the techniques

are used in the class effectively or not. Consequently, the students feel bored

in learning English, they have low vocabulary, low motivation to read and

write, and one of the caused problems is that their attitude, experience, and

knowledge in linguistics are lack.

There are many factors that might influence students’ problem in

reading. One may have difficulties to comprehend a passage because of some

problems such as unfamiliar code in which the text is expressed, the amount of

previous knowledge that reader brings to the text, the complexity of the

concept expressed, and vocabulary knowledge. However, the researcher

assumes that one the most important factors in the reading startegy used in the

class. The students are lack of effective reading strategy. As the way out of

this problem, the readers need a more creative reading strategy to overcome

the problems. They need to be familiar with many kinds of reading strategy

that can help them comprehend the text much better.

Among many media that can be applied in teaching Writing Skill is

serial picture. A translation is normally written and intended for a target

language reader-even if the source language text was written for no reader at

all, for nothing but its author’s pleasure.7 This media belongs to Grammar

Translation Method and still widely used by English teacher in Indonesia until

now. When applying this media the students are supposed to be able to read a

reading passage written in target language and translate the target language

into the students’ native language. Many english teacher tend to use this media

since it is easier to present language material in the classroom and evaluate the

process of language teaching. Moreover, the medium of instruction ias native

language, which is used to explain conceptual problems and to discuss to use

of particular grammatical structure. Using the native language for the purpose

of instruction is believed to give language learners a set of clear objective and

of sense of achievement. The students also need sense of security, thus the

using of native language will provide it.

Another media that can be applied in teaching Writing Skill is Picture

Series. This media is important to help students to understand the text by

means of nonverbal device. An information transfer exercise involves the

transfer or change of information from one into another form. The students are

presented with a written text and provided incomplete stimuli that have to be

Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation, (New York: Pergamon Press, 2001), p. 128

completed with information drawn from the text. Unlike many instructional

tools that just have one purpose, hikayat picture is flexible and endless in

application. It can be used to improve anyone’s learning ability in any kind of

texts, and the kinds of informations transfer exercises are unlimited.

Moreever, information transfer may include ordering sequence of pictures,

comparing text and pictures and complementing documents. Or the students

look at the information in the from of diagram, chart or picture and then they

transfer it into a written form.8

In MTs. Darussalam Adijaya, where the research was taken, the

students are faced some problems in learning English writing skill. There were

a number of prominent problems related to the learners writing skills. These

problems must be solved so that the students writing skills in eight grade in

MTs. Darussalam Adijaya could be improved. There were some factors which

caused these problems. Those factors did not come only from the students, but

also from other components of the teaching learning process. All of the factors

were related to each other

Based on the observation on the students’ writings, there were

some mistakes in them. Their writings indicated that the students also had

some difficulties in some aspects of writing. Those difficulties were

related to the content, organization, mechanic, grammar, and vocabulary.

The students founda difficulty to express their ideas when they were asked

to write a text especially to think about what they should write as the first

Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1989), p. 221

sentence in their paragraph. As the result, the students’ writing was very

short. Unfortunately, some of them also preferred to copy their friends’

work and submittedthem to their teacher. In other words, the students had

difficulty in generating the ideas in writing. Another difficulty was related

with the organization. The students still made mistakes in sequencing their

ideas into a coherent paragraph. So, some of the students’ writings were

not well sequenced. Some of their writing also confused the readers.

Furthermore, grammar was also a serious problem in seventh grade.

Almost half of the students were still confused and did not master writing

skill well. They still made a lot of mistakes in making sentences especially

in past tense. They also often misused the pronoun, article, agreement, and

so on. The students also ignored the writing mechanism such as spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization. In addition, one of the most serious

difficulties was vocabulary. The vocabulary mastery of the students was

relatively insufficient and it was represented in their word choices. They

often used the vocabulary without considering the appropriate context and

meaning. Moreover, the students were not eager to bring their dictionary

with them in English class. They only asked their teacher when they did

not know the meaning of some English words or the English of some

Indonesia words. This condition made them dependent on their teacher.

Based on the problems above, the researcher proposed picture

series to improve the students’ writing skills especially in writing narrative

text. Picture series was chosen because the English teacher never used picture

series in writing class before. In addition, picture series also have many

benefits such as to stimulate the ideas and to engage the students in learning.

Furthermore, it is also easy to be prepared and relatively adjustable to be used

for various ages of learners and purposes. As for those reasons, an effort to

improve writing skills on narrative text using picture series was necessary to

be done.

1.4 Identification of The Problem

1. The students of seventh grade had low interest in writing class. They also

had a mindset that English is a difficult subject.

2. The students got a writing task, their writings also were not satisfying. It

was found that some of the students only copied and pasted from the

internet or just copied their friends’ works, some of them just wrote a few

sentences, and some of them did not do the task.

1.5 Problem Of The study

Based on the background of the problem above, the writer formulated

the problem as follows: How can picture series media improve students’

writing narrative text ability in seventh grade of MTs Darussalam Adijaya in

academic year 2017/2018?

1.6 Objectives of the Study

The Objectives of the study is to improve the students’ writing

narrative text ablity by using Picture Series Media at seventh grade of MTs

Darussalam Adijaya in Academic Year 2017/2018.


1.7 Scope of the study

The scope of the research only focus on the writing skill. the researcher

would discuss about improving the students’ writing narrative text ability on

narrative text by using improving the students’ writing narrative text ability on

narrative text by using Picture Series Media at seventh graders of MTs

Darussalam Adijaya.

1.8 Significance of The Study

1. Students

This can improve students’ writing narrative text ability of narrative text

so that students can easily understand the content of the story.

2. Teachers

This research is expected to overcome the problems faced by english

teacher in improving students’ writing narrative text ability in narrative


1.9 The Benefits of the study

The result of this researchare expected be usefull for:

1. For the students

After knowing the result of the study, the student is expected to improve

the student’s writing narrative text ability of narrative text by using

Picture Series Media.


2. For the teacher

The teacher could make this research to develop the English education in

the school, especially in writing skill to improve the students’ writing

narrative text ability.

3. For the researcher

The researcher hoped that this research can become new experience and

knowledge to apply good strategy in learning process, especially in

reading skill to improve the students’ writing narrative text ability.

1.10 Action Hypotheses

A hypothesis is a type of prediction found in many experimental

studies; it is a statement about what we expect to happen in a study. 9 A

hypothesis is often described as an attempt by the researcher to explain

phenomenon of interest. A key feature of all hypothesis is that each must

make a prediction.

Based on review of related theoris above, it can be formulated action

hipotheses as follows: “if English learning used Picture Series Media

especially in writing narrative text ability to be done by the teacher and used

another appropriate ways so that it will improve the students’ writing

narrative text ability in narrative text at the seventh grade of MTs

Darussalam Adijaya.

Alison Mackey, Susan M. Gass, Second Langauge Research, (New Jersey: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc.., 2005), p. 100



This chapter writer will present the riview of the literature related to the

study, the review includes,

A. Theoretical Review

1. The Concept of Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is one skill that difficult to grow, especially for student

who learn English as foreign language. This case can be seen from, most

of student in middle and high school difficult to complete their English

writing task. Writing is one of the important ways in communication and

another way for people use, to express their thought, feelings, and

judgment about what they have read, seen, or experienced. Actually, there

are many different points of view about what is writing.

J.B Heaton, Writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to

teach. Requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices

but also of conceptual and judgemental elements.10

According to Brown “Language is complex, specialized skill,

which develop in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or

formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of is underlying logic, is

qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more

J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (New York: Longman, 1990), p.135

general abilities to process information or behave intelligently “. 11 It

means that language is very important role in human’s life for

communication. This happen because writing involves not just graphic

representation of speech, but development and presentation of thoughts in

a structured way.

Start that writing is a language skill that is used for indirect

communications. Carol Hegarty state that writing is talk written down, it

involves remembering the sequence of sounds, the shapes of the letters,

vocabulary, grammatical structures, and punctuation. To be a clear writer,

you must first be a clear thinker.12In principle, to write means to try to

produce or reproduce written messages. Before we write, we need to

determine what to write; we should have something meaningful to convey.

From explanation above, it can be said that writing is important

means of indirect communication. Writing is one of languages skill and

indirect communication that conveys meaningful and expressive

information from the writer to the readers in forms of written language. By

writing, language learners can express their feelings, ideals, thought,

emotions, attitudes, ect.

b. Characteristics of Written text

H.Douglas Brown explains that the characteristics of written text are:

H Douglass Brown. Principle of Learning And Teaching, (New York: Eddision Wesley
Longman Inc. 2000), p.5
Carol Hegarty. Writing: English in Contex, (New York: Saddleback Educational
Publishing. 2000) , p.5

1) Permanence

Something which has been written by writer and to intended

audience, obviously the writer abdicates a power. The work is written

on a paper, become a permanence work. Therefore, the teacher can

do as a guide and facilitator to help students to recive and refine their

work before final submission will help give them confidence in their


2) Production time

The good writing is that given appropriate streches of time, a

writer can indeed become a good writer by developing efficient

process for achieving the final product. The bab writing is that many

educational context demand student writing within time limits, or

writing for display.

3) Distance

Good writer can read their own writing from the perspective of

the mind of the targeted audience. Writers need to be able to predict

the audience’s general knowledge, cultural and literary schemata,

specific subject matter knowledge, and very important, how their

choice of language with be interpreted.

4) Complexity

Written must learn how to remove redundancy, how to combine

sentences, how to make references to other elements in a text, how to

create syntatic and lexical variety and much more.


5) Vocabulary

Written language places a heavier demand on vocabulary use

than does speaking. Good writers will learn to take advantage of the

richness of English vocabulary.13

c. Micro And Macro Skills of Writing

Micro skills

1) Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.

2) Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

3) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


4) Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement,

pluralization), patterns, and rules.

5) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6) Use cohesive devices in written discourse.

Macro Skills

1) Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.

2) Appropriately accomplish the communicative function of written texts

according to form and purpose.

3) Convey links and connection between events, and communicate such

relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplification.

Carol Hegarty. Writing: English in Contex, p.341-342

4) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.

5) Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text.

6) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately

assessing the audience’s interpretations, using prewriting devices,

writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and

synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor feedback for revising and


d. The Indicator of Writing

From the theory of micro and macro skills above the researcher

identified several indicators in for this research are:

1) Content
2) Organization
3) Vocabulary
4) Language Usage
5) Mechanics15

2. The Concept of Narrative Text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative is somebody telling somebody else, on some occasion,

and for some purposes, that something happened to someone or


A narrative text relates a sequence of events. In a seminar article

narrative as a primary act of mind, Barbara Hardy argues that narrative is

H Douglas Brown, Principle of Learning And Teaching, p. 221
Christiane Dalton Puffer,, Language Use and Language Learning in CLL
Classrooms, (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010), p. 198
James Phelan, Peter J. Rabinowitz, A Companion of Narrative Theory, (London:
Blackwell Publishing, 2010), p. 3

not an aesthetic invention but the basic way in which we make sense of

our experiences.17

A narrative can be understood to organize a sequence of events into

a whole so that the significance of each event can be understood through

its relation to that whole.

Narrative is first and foremost a prodigious variety of genres, them

selves distributed among different substances as though any material were

fit to receive man’s stories. Able to be carried by articulated language,

spoken or written, fixed or moving images, gestures, and the ordered

mixture of all these substances; narrative is present in myth, legend, fable,

tale, novella, epic, history, tragedy, drama, comedy, mime, painting

stained glass windows, cinema, comics, news items, conversation.18

Narrative and fiction are sometimes used interchangeably. But they

are not the ssme thing. Whilst it is true that fictional texts can be written

this way.19

Narrative (stories) in the human sciences should be defined

provisionally as discourses with a clear sequential order that connect

events in meaningful lway for a definite audience and thus offer insights

about the world and or people’s experiences of it.20

Nikki Gamble and Sall\y Yates, Exploring Children’s Literature, (London: SAGE
Publications, 2002), p. 20
Shlomith Rimmon Kenan, Concept of Narrative, (Helsinki: COLLEGIUM, 2006), p.13
Nikki Gamble and Sally Yates, Exploring Children’s Literature, p. 22
Jane Elliot, Using Narrative in Social Research, (London: SAGE Publication Inc.,
2005), p. 3

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

The generic structure of narrative text focuses on a series of stages

that proposed to build a story. In tradisional narrative the stages insclued:

i. Orientation (introduction)
It contains the thesis of the text. In this level, the character of the
story, introduce the students. In the story happened and who is
involved on the story. In this level also used to produce atmosphere
so that makes the student are persuaded to follow the story. In
other words orientation of narrative text tells who the character was
/ where, where it happened, when it happened.
ii. Sequence of Events (complication)
This part tells the sequence of the story. The problem faced by the
character. The complication makes they story more interesting
because the Character is prevented to reach his or her wants. It is in
the middle of story.
iii. Resolution
It tells the reader (students). How the problem was solved it also
called solving problem. A satisfying narrative we well give the
resolution of the problem.
iv. Re-orientation
It tells what the story has told or tells again the character and
contains the message of moral value to the readers. Those elements
must exist in narrative text. It gives more explanation in order to
make the story clear and understandable. But sometimes the
students find more than one complication and resolution. It can be
seen in the following example.
v. Evaluation
This part can be joined in orientation part. It contains the narrative
begin. Evolution tells about the time and place of the event being

3. The Concept of Picture Series Media

Picture can be defined something (painting, drawing) description

that gives you an idea in your mind of what something. Picture - a visual

representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on

Irwan Sulistyo, “An Analysis Of Generic Structure Of Narrative Text Written By The
Tenth Year Students Of SMA Yasiha Gubug”, in Health Education Journal, Vol. 4, No.2, August
2013, p. 172

a surface. Picture is included of visual media. In the teaching learning

usually teachers used picture models of flashcard and picture series

Yunus states that a picture series is a number of related composite

pictures linked to form a series of sequences. Hence, its main function is to

tell a story or sequence of events.22 Raimes states that pairs of pictures or

picture series provide for a variety of guided and free writing exercises.

Picture series, such as a comic strip, provides the subject matter for writing

narrative and for speculating about the story beyond the pictures in the

strip. A set of parallel pictures that show a similar scene or tell a similar

story- provides material that offers guidance on vocabulary, sentence

structure, and organizations yet lets the students write about new subject


Picture may be two-dimensional, such as a photograph, screen

display, and as well as a three-dimensional, such as a statue or hologram.

They may be captured by optical devices–such as cameras, mirrors, lenses,

telescopes, microscopes, etc. and natural objects and phenomena, such as

the human eye or water surfaces

The word picture is also used in the broader sense of any two-

dimensional figure such as a map, a graph, a pie chart, or an abstract

painting. In this wider sense, picture can also be rendered manually, such

Noor Azlina Yunus, Preparing and Using Aids for English Language Teaching. (Kuala
Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 49
Ann Raimes, Techniques in Teaching Writing, (New York: Oxford University Press,
1983), p. 36

as by drawing, painting carving, rendered automatically by printing or

computer graphics technology, or developed by a combination of methods

Picture Series is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by

sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous

movement. Series is group of related things, events, etc, occuring one after

the other. Picture series of story telling can also be used to test speaking

ability. Students should be instructed to tell a story rather than simply

describe is happening in each picture. Picture can also be used to elicit


Picture Series form a natural basis for narration. Here the students

are asked to look at the picture correctly and they have to describe the

picture. The students were expected to practice in telling the story based

on the picture. Then, students are required to tell the story by their own.

4. Teaching Procedure Of Writing Narrrative Text Using Picture Series


a. The teacher reviews the subject matter at the previous meeting.

b. The teacher activates the student's knowledge by asking several

questions related to the topic.

c. The teacher gives inputs in the form of a set of picture series of stories

titled The Elves and the Shoemaker.

d. The teacher discusses the storyline as well as the generic structure.

e. The teacher gives an example of making the right past tense phrase

according to the picture series.


f. Students seek the meaning of the difficult vocabulary used in the story

of The Elves and the Shoemaker.

g. Students write stories based on the picture series using the right past

tense phrase.

B. Relevance Study

The first study is the research of Siti Nurjanah which proved that

the writing skill of the students can be improved by using picture series.

The ability of the students of SMA N 1 Prambanan in writing narrative

text increased after the researcher applied picture series in the class. The

improvements included four aspects. Those are in terms of content,

vocabulary, language use, and organization. The study also showed that

the use of picture series could improve the students’ learning motivation

and the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. 24

Another study is conducted by Lesna Henny (2013) which stated

that the use of picture series is effective to improve junior high school

students’ writing ability. By implementing picture series, the ability of the

students in writing recount text is improved rapidly. The students also

became more interested during the teaching and learning process.

An article written by Ayuningtyas and Wulyani also proved that

picture series is effective to improve students’ writing especially on

narrative texts. The study showed that picture sequences was able to

Siti Nurjanah, Improving Students’ Writing Ability in narrative Text Usinng Picture
Series Media at SMA N 1 Prambanan , Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2016

improve the students’ narrative writing ability especially in mastering

vocabulary, generating, expressing, and developing ideas into written

works. Moreover, the use of picture sequences could improve the students’

participation in terms of students’ interest, concern,and attitude.25

Based on those relevant studies, the researcher will conduct a

research on improving the students’ writing skills in writing narrative texts

within the context of Junior High School students by using picture series

Ayuningtyas, D.B and Wulyani. A.N.Using Picture Sequences to Improve the Ability of
Eleven Graders at SMAN 1 Srengat-Blitar in Writing Narrative Texts. 404FD9CCF72.pdf.
Retrieved on May 19th 2018


This chapter discussed about research methodology. It consisted of

research design,research setting and subject,indikator of variable, research
instrument, research data and collecting technique, data analysis, validity and
A. Research Design

The research is classified as Classroom Action Research. Mettetal

stated that a classroom action research is a method to find out the best
strategy or technique in the classroom in order to improve students’ skill. It
means that to get the data and information that were needed, the researcher
did the research by herself in the classroom. In doing this research, the
researcher was helped by a collaborator to help defining and exploring certain
problems and needs in the classroom. The reasearcher acted as a real teacher
who taught writing to the students by using Picture Series Media. The
collaborator acted as an observer who observed the researcher who applied
Picture Series Media in improving students’ writing ability.
Based on Kemmis and McTaggart, they argue that “to do action
research is to plan, act, observe and reflect more carefully, more
systematically, and more rigorouslythan one usually does in everyday life. 26
In this reseach, the reseach used the action research model from
Kemmis and Mc Taggart. There are two cycle. The steps in cycle 1 is plan,
action, obsevation, and reflection. And continued to cycle 2 if in cycle 1 is not
success with same steps.

Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,
(New York: Rouladge Falmer, 2005), p. 227

Figure 1.Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart27

From the figure above mentions the process of action research activity
as follow, plan explain the preparation of action research, act as the
implementing of action research, observe as the obsrvation of outcome in
action or implementing, and reflect on what has happenned and the planning
in next series of activities if it is needed.
In this classroom action research, Action research is a method for
improving and modifying the working system of a classroom in school.28 As
same as John Elliott defined Action-research as ‘the study of a social situation
with a view to improving the quality of action within it’.29 The researcher
would like to conduct the research in cycles. Each cycle consist of planning,
acting, observing and reflecting. There are the steps of classroom action
research as follows:

Anne Burns. Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching, (New York:
Routledge, 2010) p. 9
Yogesh Kumar Singh, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics, (New
Delhi: New Age International Publisher, 2006), p. 261.
David Hopkins, A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, (Philadelphia: Open
University Press. 1985) p. 48

1. Planning

Based on the teacher’s experience of teaching in the class, the researcher

indentified the problem. In this planning the researcher prepare the lesson plane,
the material and then, the researcher chose one of the problems that need to be
solved, and plans to give the task and evaluation.
What is the first step in each activity? In this step explain about what, why,
when, who and how the action is conducted. Actually, a research is said. Well if it
is conducted pairs. This way is said ideal way because there is effort to increase
subject in research.
Planning is the step in each activity. In this step, the researcher plans as
a) The writer identifies the problem and finds the problem solving.

b) The writer prepares the material and media of teaching

c) The writer prepares the source of learning.

2. Action

The second step in this action research is acting. It is the implementation

about the planning. In this step, the researcher acts as follow:
a. The teacher reviews the subject matter at the previous meeting.

b. The teacher activates the student's knowledge by asking several

questions related to the topic.

c. The teacher gives inputs in the form of a set of picture series of stories

titled The Elves and the Shoemaker.

d. The teacher discusses the storyline as well as the generic structure.

e. The teacher gives an example of making the right past tense phrase

according to the picture series.

f. Students seek the meaning of the difficult vocabulary used in the story

of The Elves and the Shoemaker.


g. Students write stories based on the picture series using the right past

tense phrase.

3. Observing the action

The third step in CAR is observing. It conducted after planning and

implementing. In this step, the writer observes the process of teaching

learning by using format observation. In observation, the researcher uses

oral test, questioner, and observation chek list to collect the data. The test

is perfome dialog based on materi. It will be given to know the students’

speaking ability. Questioner given to support the data gathered from the

oral text test. It is useful for collecting data from large participants. In this

case of using questionnaire will be given to the students in order know

their participation and motivation during teaching learning process.

4. Reflecting

Reflection is an activity in expressing of experience that had by

teacher as the self-evaluation. The teacher makes an evaluation based on

the observation to find the weaknesses of the activities that have been

carried out in using pictures in teaching vocabulary. The weaknesses can

be refined in the next cycle; so that finally it can be determined how

effective pictures can improve the technique of teaching vocabulary.

The writer analyzes the result of the observation. He evaluates the

teaching learning process during implementation of the action by

identifying the field notes which are made during the action. In conducting

the evaluation, the researcher also gives pre test before he starts to teach

using group work by using picture card media. It is given in the beginning

of cycle 1 and cycle 2. The post test is given at the end of action in cycle 1

and cycle II.

Reflecting is the fifth step in classroom action research. It is used

to determine how far the students get successful in learning. In this case,

the researcher discusses the score result of students’ writing ability with

the collaborator in order to find the strength and weakness of the

treatment. If 80% of students on achieve the target score ≥ 70 the research

will be stopped. But if 80% of students cannot reach the target of ≥ 70, the

researcher and collaborator will take the other technique or strategy to

improve. so the cycle will be continued to the next cycle and it is consist

of planning, acting, observing, and then reflecting too.

B. Research Setting and Subject

Location setting of this research is MTs. Darussalam Adijaya

Terbanggi Besar which is located on Terbanggi Besar Central Lampung.
There are 20 teachers in this school and the total students of MTs. Darussalam
Adijaya Terbanggi Besar as follows:
1. VII class : 35 students

2. VIII class : 32 students

3. IX class : 30 students

In this research, the researcher had chosen one class only that is the
students of VII as the subject of the research. there are 35 students in this
Table 1
The subject of the research
No Class Total
Male Female

1. 15 20 35

This research is classroom action research. The writer will ask the
teacher as the collaborator in this research that is fuction as the controler in
teaching leraning process. The English teacher’, the writer will be easy to
know the students’ development in teaching learning process.

C. The Operational Definitions and Indicator of Research Variables

A variable is anything that can make on different values.30 Operational

definitions of variables in this research are:
1. Independent Variable and Its Indicator

The independent variable is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by

the researcher. In most studies, researchers are interested in examining the effects
of the independent variable.31 Independent variable of this research is Picture
Series Media. The indicator in this variable are:
a. Students should be able write as much as possible sentence the

relevance fore ach picture.

b. Students should be able arrange the sentence from picture series into

narrative text

2. Dependent Variable and Its Indicators

Dependent variable is measure of the effect (if any) of the independent

variable.32 The dependent variable is the major variable that will be measured in
the research. Micro and macro skills are: Produce an acceptable core of words and
use appropriate word order patterns, Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g.,
tense, agreement, pluralization), patterns, and rules, Express a particular meaning
in different grammatical forms, Convey links and connection between events, and
communicate such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given
information, generalization, and exemplification, Develop and use a battery of
writing strategies, such as accurately assessing the audience’s interpretations,
using prewriting devices, writing with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases
and synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor feedback for revising and editing.

Geoffrey Marczyk, et. All., Essential of Research Desaign and Methodology. (Thew
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005), p.42
Geoffrey Marczyk, et. All., Essential of Research Desaign and Methodology, p. 42
Geoffrey Marczyk, et. All., Essential of Research Desaign and Methodology p.43

From the theory the researcher identified Dependent variable in this research is
writing The indicator of this variable are :
1. Content

2. Organization

3. Vocabulary

4. Grammar

5. Mechanic

D. Criteria of success

According to cacobs at there are general component of writing

1. Content : refers to the substance of the writing the experience of the main

idea (unity)

2. Organization : refers to the logical organization of the convents or the

ideas, it is coherence or not.

3. Grammar : refers to the use of correct grammatical forms and syntactic


4. Vocabularies : refer to selection of words those are suitable with the


5. Mechanic : refers to the use of graphic convention of the language

According to the writing composition profile, “the maximum score for

content is 25, for organization is 20, form grammar is 25, for style is 25 and
mechanic is 5, totally 100.”33
Table 3.1
Rubric Scoring of Writing
Score Level Criteria

H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Learning and Teaching, (New York: Eddision Wesley
Longman Inc., 2000), p. 246

Content 25-17 Excellent to very good, knowledgeable, substantive,

through development of thesis, relevant to assigned.
16-12 Good to average, some knowledge of subject, adequate
range, limited development of thesis, mostly relevant to
topic, but sock detail.
6-11 fair to poor, limited knowledge of subject, little of
substance, in adequate development of topic.
1-5 very poor: does not show knowledge of subject, non-
substantive, not pertinent, or not enough to evaluate.
Organization 20-18 Excellent to very good, fluent expression, idea clearly
stated/supported, succinct, will organized, topic
sequencing, cohesive.
17-14 Good to average, somewhat choppy, loosely organized
but main idea stand cut, limited support, logical but
incomplete sequencing.
13-10 Fair to poor, non-flute, ideas confused or disconnected,
lacks logical sequencing and development.
9-7 Very poor: does not communicate, no organization, or not
enough to evaluate.
Vocabulary 25-17 Excellent to very good, sophisticated range, effective
words/idioms choice and usage, word from mastery,
appropriate register.
16-12 Good to average: adequate range, occasional errors of
word/idiom form, choice, usage but measuring not
6-11 Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word/idiom
from, choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured.
1-5 Very poor: essentially translation, little knowledge of
English vocabulary, idiom, word from, or not enough to
Grammar 25-22 Excellent to very good, effective complex constructions,
few error of agreement, tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, and prepositions.
21-18 Good to average: effective but simple constructions,
minor problem in complex constructions, several errors of
agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles,
pronouns, and prepositions but measuring seldom
17-11 Fair to poor: major problem in complex constructions,
frequent errors of negations, agreement, tense, number,
word order/function, articles, pronouns, and prepositions
and fragment, run one, deletion, measuring confused or
10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence constructions
rules, dominant by errors, does not communicate/ not

enough to evaluate.

Mechanics 5 Excellent to very good, demonstrated mastery of

conventions, few error of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing but measuring not obscured.
4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but measuring
not obscured.
3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting, measuring
confused or obscured.
2 Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominate by errors
of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing,
handwriting illegible, or not to evaluate.
Total score 100

According to those theories the researcher infers that writing is the

process of sending message from someone to the other in a written form.

Beside itu is including five general component in writing, they are: content,

organization, style, grammar and mechanic

E. Research Data

Data are distinct pieces of information, usually formated in a special

way. In practice, however people use data as both the singular and plular form

of the word. Research data in this study gathered from students’ score,

students’ activity, students’ respond.

Scores obtained based on their test, student activity is obtained based

on observations, and student respond obtained by questionnaire

F. Data Collection Method

The instruments are used to collect data in this research as the followings:

1. Test

Test is s an assessment intended to measure a test-taker's

knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other

topics (e.g., beliefs)34 The researcher used test as data collection method to

measure the applying Picture Series Media to improve writing ability of

narrative text. The researcher measured the writing ability by using test.

Test is done after learning using picture series media.

2. Observation

The researcher also used the observation technique. This technique

is used to collect data by observing field study directly and accurately. It

was used to know improving the students’ writing ability of narrative text

by using Picture Series Media in learning process. The researcher

observed the students’ activities and teacher’s activities. The students’

activities during the action of the research in teaching learning process

such as read a short text, ask the main idea and supporting details of the

first paragraph, write the core sentence of the passage, and develop the

core sentence that has been obtained into the main idea and deliver the

idea by using our own language. Students’ writing ability of narrative

text by using Picture Series Media.

3. Questionare

The questionnaire is a widely used and useful instrument for

collecting survey information, providing structured, often numerical data

Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,
p. 245

being able to be administrated without the presense of the researcher. It

given to the students of MTs. Darussalam Adijaya Terbanggi Besar in

order to know their responds toward the process of teaching and learning

writing ability narrative text using Picture Series Media and also about

their motivations and problems in learning english writing before and after

they taught using Picture Series Media.

G. Data Analysis Techniques

The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to

examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just

one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research

experiment. Data form various source is gathered, reviewed, and then

analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. The data from test, the

researcher used the test text. The researccher analyzed the data by using

means score. The data of the observation to know students’ activity, so

researcher used observation check-list for students. The data of quesionnare

and abservation will be analyzed by using percentages. Then, having

collection the data quesionnare was to know student motivation and

participation to they must answer their own answer.




4.1 The Teaching Field

4.1.1 Brief history of the establishment of MTs Darussalama Adijaya

Terbanggi Besar

Yayasan Pendidikan DarussalamThe establishment was initiated by the

Board of Darussalam Foundation Adijaya Terbanggi Besar Central Lampung,

Beranggota Ketau Muslim Foundation Suharto secretary, Treasurer T.H

sucipto. In January 2001, the study of Al-Amal discussed important issues in

the field of Education, namely: Relatively low quality of public schools and,

Adijaya village community, has a tendency to send their children to Adijaya

especially to junior high school Darussalam, In Adijaya, there are no public

schools with excellent quality of public breath and have a teaching system that

is as socially expected, increasing competition for graduates of sustainable

students to enter higher schools, and Developing a Character Education

Religious nuance.

In March 2001 it was agreed to immediately establish a first Islamic

higher education institution in Islam Province and Lampung Province. In May

2001 formed Preparatory Committee Establishment of junior high school and

junior high school Darussalam including the Foundation that shelter it under

the name of DarussalamFoundation. In the academic year 1986/1987, junior

high school began to receive new students, and for the time being the students

were entrusted to SD Negeri 2 Adijaya. For the Board of Education

Foundation Hope mass arrangement as follows:

1. Mr. Muslim, sebagai Ketau Yayasan

2. Mr. Suharto as secretary,

3. Mr. Sucipto as treasurer

Yayasan Pendidikan Darussalam specializes in public education

activities such as MTs. Darussalam Adijaya with number surta

Wh/G/PP/005/281/93 Tanggal : 28 Nopember 1993, and on the date of 13

August 1986 no 067 / H-1 / yphm / 1986 By the Provincial Service.

4.1.2 Vision, Mission and Purposes MTs Darussalama Adijaya

Terbanggi Besar


Described Weekly And Working Pekerti


a. Competitive in the improvement of graduation, academic and non

academic achievement.

b. Competitive in curriculum development.

c. Competitive in the learning process.


1. Establish an independent, skilled, and personable future person.

2. Growing atmosphere of religious life, cultured and virtuous noble


3. Encourage and help each student to recognize his potential so that it can be

developed optimally.

4. Increasing the guidance of extracurricular activities in sports and arts.

5. Improving clean, orderly and learning culture.

The goal of MTs. Darussalam Adijaya

1. Schools can improve the quality of graduation, academic achievement, and

non academic.

2. The quality of institutional and school management meets the standards.

3. All citizens of the school have faith and moral qualities.

4. Teachers are able to implement the curriculum imposed by the


5. Schools are able to preserve the environment, national culture and


6. Teachers are able to apply learning with PAIKEM and CTL approach

(Contextual Teaching and Learning).

7. Schools are able to carry out the improvement of academic qualifications

and competence of education personnel.

8. Schools have adequate educational facilities.

9. The school is capable of implementing the National Standard School

financing standard.

10. Schools are able to apply assessment with reference to SNP (National

Education Standards)

4.1.3 State of Facilities and Infrastructure MTs Darussalama Adijaya

Terbanggi Besar

Table 4.1

Facilities MTs Darussalama Adijaya Terbanggi Besar

No Types of facilities Total Position Information

1 Sound 0 Warehouse

2 Etc 0 Warehouse

3 Cupboard 6 Class Good

4 Table 23 Class Good

5 Whiteboard 23 Class Good

6 Teacher’s chair 9 Class Good

7 Teacher’s table 9 Class Good

8 Chair 23 Class Good

9 Catalog Cupboard 0 Shoop

Total 93

Source Documentation MTs. Darussalam

38 State of Educators and Education Personnel MTs Darussalama

Adijaya Terbanggi Besar

Table 4.2
State of Educators and Education Personnel MTs Darussalama
Adijaya Terbanggi Besar
No Name Education Position
1 M. Ali Muklisudin, S.Pd.I S1 Headmaster

2 Drs. Murafik S1 Teacher

3 Apri Mahendra Putra,S.Pd S1 Teacher

4 Yohana,S.Pd S1 Teacher

5 Durrotunnafiah, GH,S.Pd.I S1 Teacher

6 Sudarmani, S.Ag S1 Teacher

7 Zaenal Abidin, S.Pd.I S1 Teacher

8 Nurhayati,S.Ag S1 Teacher

9 Rumiyah,S.Pd S1 Teacher

Muhammad Bachtiar Teacher

10 Effendi,S.Pd S1

11 Siti Lestari, S.E S1 Teacher

12 Zainudin Zuhri,S.Pd.I S1 Teacher

13 Winda Elita,S.Pd S1 Teacher

14 Juni Tri Cahya,S.Pd S1 Teacher

15 Septia Wati, S.Pd S1 Teacher

Source Documentation MTs Darussalama Adijaya Terbanggi Besar

39 State of Student MTs Darussalama Adijaya Terbanggi Besar

Table 4.3
State of Student MTs Darussalama Adijaya Terbanggi Besar
No Kelas
M W Total
1 VII 11 12 23
2 VIII 10 10 20
3 IX 8 10 18
Jumlah 29 32 61

4.2 The Report of Teaching Activity

4.2.1 Cycle 1

Cycle 1 was done by the class teacher on Friday, March 17th 2018 –

Friday, 24th March 2018 to take a test. The stages of activities done in the

first cycle covered planning the action, implementation, observation, and

reflection of the action. Planning

In this planning the researcher prepared the teaching method,

a lesson plan (appendix 1 p. 68), prepared the material, test and

prepared the observation sheet to the students. Acting/Implementing

Acting in cycle I was done in two meeting with time

allocation 4 x 45 minutes per meeting.

1. First Meeting

First meeting was done Friday, March 17th 2018. It focused

to students Writing ability. So, the researcher would apply the


Writing process used Picture Series Media in teaching narrative

text to improve students writing ability. At the first meeting, the

material to be taught was about narrative text. The teaching

learning process in the first meeting was as follows:

First, The Teacher greeted students and asked their

condition, than the teacher checked the attendance list. After that

the teacher reminded students about the last material in the last

section. Then the teacher gave explanation the purpose of the


Second, the teacher gave explanation about the material and

teacher gave the stimulus to the students to explore more about the

narrative text. And then the teacher put the topic in the center by

using box or other shapes to make it more interesting, and put

keywords related to the topic by using lines or arrows. The teacher

ask students to write the forst draft based on the design of Picture

Series Media samples that have been made on the whiteboard to

know that students have easy when started to write by using

Picture Series Media. After students are able to use Picture Series

Media, the teacher ask them through selected topic to make a

procedural text referred to their own experience based on the result

of their draft in Picture Series Media.


2. Second Meeting

Second meeting was done Saturday, March 18th 2018. The

teacher greets students and asks their condition. The teacher

checks the attendance list. The teacher reminds to students about

the last material and give the information about material that will

be learned. The teacher explains the aim of learning. The teacher

put the topic in the center by using box or other shapes to make it

more interesting, and put keywords related to the topic by using

lines or arrows. The teacher ask students to write the forst draft

based on the design of Picture Series Media samples that have

been made on the whiteboard to know that students have easy

when started to write by using Picture Series Media. After students

are able to use Picture Series Media, the teacher ask them through

selected topic to make a procedural recount text referred to their

own experience based on the result of their draft in Picture Series

Media. Give students an evaluation to check their ability in writing

and to know their problems in writing.

After that, the teacher together with students made

conclusions about teaching learning process that had been done.

And next, the teacher informed the students about next meeting

lesson material and the teacher closed the class.


3. Third Meeting

This activity was on Friday, March 24th 2018. The teacher

started the lesson by motivating the student and teacher also talked

about the result writing of activities yesterday. In this meeting the

teacher give test to cycle 1. The test is followed by 30 students. The Reflection of First Cylce

Based on the observation conducts during the implementation

on the cycle 1, the teaching learning of writing ran well. In the

reflection, the reseacher classified the result of the action and

observation into two points, there were weaknesses and


The reseacher found that the cylce 1, the students still got

difficulty in to get point in text. However, they have been thought.

They were little bit cofused to developed the narrative text. The

mistakes were also in meaning of the narrative text. The students

difficult in translate text that they would wrote. Although the

reseacher had asked to them see dictionary, some students still

confused to make the sentences in to a narrative text.

By the end of cycle 1 in post test, the researcher could

conclude that the cycle 1 was still failed. Because some of students

don’t seriously in teaching learning process. There were some

students still confuse about understanded of narrative text. The

problem also caused that they still confused to make the sentences in

to a narrative text. It means that the researcher will continue to the

next cycle.

4.2.2 Cycle II

Cycle 2 was begun on Saturday, March 25th 2018 – Friday, March 3rd

2018, right after the cycle 1 post-test done. By considering the evaluation at

the end of cycle 1, the researcher decided to bring this research into the cycle

2 with some improvement that already mentioned before. Planning

In this planning the researcher re-arranged the teaching

method, re-designed a lesson plan in Appendix 2, prepared the

material, test and prepared the observation sheet to the students. Acting

Implementing in cycle 2 would be done in two meetings with

time allocation 4 x45 minutes per meeting.

1. First Meeting

First meeting in cycle 2 was on Friday, March 25th 2018,

the teaching learning process at the first meeting was as follow:

The writer implemented the teaching learning process

based on the lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, the

teacher started to convey what materials that would like to be

learned by students and explain the concept of Picture Series

Media, she began class presentation. The writer taught narrative

text through Picture Series Media and asked the students to make

Picture Series Media of personal narrative text based on the topic

given and collected it. In the second meeting, the students were

asked to edit their draft, and collect the final draft. The final draft

was the data for the posttest 1

2. Second Meeting

First meeting in cycle 2 was on Thursday, March 2nd 2018,

the teaching learning process at the first meeting was as follow:

First, the teacher greeted students and asked their

condition and checked the attendance list. After that the teacher

reminded students about the last material about the narrative text

in the last section. Then the teacher gave explanation the purpose

of the learning. And then the teacher checked the students’

previous knowledge about the narrative text.

The teacher put the topic in the center by using box or

other shapes to make it more interesting, and put keywords related

to the topic by using lines or arrows. The teacher ask students to

write the forst draft based on the design of Picture Series Media

samples that have been made on the whiteboard to know that

students have easy when started to write by using Picture Series

Media. After students are able to use Picture Series Media, the

teacher ask them through selected topic to make a procedural

recount text referred to their own experience based on the result

of their draft in Picture Series Media.


The last, evaluated the learning process that has been

done. The teacher together with the students made conclusion

about learning process that had been done. And the teacher

informed the students about next meeting lesson material and the

teacher closed the class.

3. Third Meeting

This activity was on Friday, March 2nd 2018. The teacher

started the lesson by motivating the student and teacher talked

about the result writing of activities yesterday. In this meeting the

teacher took test to cycle 2. The test is followed by 20 students. The Reflection of Second Cylce

In cycle 2, the better the condition of the class, the students

actively participating in learning activities. Students are also more

active to ask the problems in the learning process. The students more

understanding to make a narrative text.

The students more actively follow the method and the results

Picture Series Media well be improving their writing ability. It is one

indication that the learning process has been successful. So, in this

cycle was stopped.

4.3 Data Finding

The data finding gathered during the research will be presented in this

part. There were the qualitative data and quantitative data. The qualitative

data were in form of the general findings (Students’ learning atmosphere).


And the data quantitative will be in the form of writing comprehension score

(students’ learning achievement) of the pre survey, cycle 1 and cycle 2.

4.3.1 Data Finding of Pra Survey The Result of Pra Survey in Observation

Observation was conducted to observed the process of

teaching learning in writing activity before implementing the

technique. The researcher conducted pre observation in the VIII

class on the Thursday, January, on 2th 2018. Based on pre observation

result, the VIII class showed they in writing activity. the The students

were difficult to express their ideas in written form. It happened

because the students had less practice in writing English. The second

problem was they still got many errors in vocabulary, grammar and


4.3.2 Data Finding Cycle 1 Data Finding Instrument 1 (Questionaire)

The reseacher provided questionnaire to know the students’

interested in learning process, in this questionaire the researcher

asked to the students about application, experiences and their

progress when learning writing narrative text. Based on the research,

it could be seen in the table below:


Table 5
Table the Result of Questionaire Cycle 1
No Questions Students answer

Yes Precentage
1 Statement 1 8 36%
2 Statement 2 7 31%
3 Statement 3 9 40%
4 Statement 4 8 36%
5 Statement 5 7 31%
6 Statement 6 8 36%
7 Statement 7 7 31%
8 Statement 8 7 31%
9 Statement 9 9 40%
10 Statement 10 8 36%
Mean 31,31%

Regarding to the result of questionnaire cycle 1 above, it

could be concluded that there was still needed improvement about the

students’ motivation to learn English well, also there must be positive

response in questionaire cycle 1 of Picture Series Media that will be

giving. To complete the data please see appendix 10 (p. 110). Data Finding Instrument 2 (Observation)

The observer was observed to students and helped by the

teacher. Related to the students’ activity is still low, it showed in the

students observation activity in cycle 1 above, only 11 the students be

able to determine the linguistic characteristics of narrative text are 11

(50%), the students be able to fill in the chart and create in the text of

the procedure are 12 (54,5%), and students be able to deduce material


on procedural text are 14 (43,7%) . It’s mean that this learning

activity process must be given again. It’s was caused the students

have not achieve 70%. To complete the data see appendix 11 (p.

112). Data Finding Instrument 3 (Test).

Learning producted is students’ scores from the writing ability

test. The indicator of students achievement is, if least 80% of the

students can reach score minimal 70 for the writing test. It mean the

implementation of aplicable to improve the students writing ability.

The test was given to students and helped by the teacher. Related to

the cycle 1 the average of students’ writing ability on this cycle were

12 students who passed the KKM, or get (60 %) but the students

unacompalished the KKM. To complete the data please see appendix

12 (p. 114).

4.3.3 Data Finding Cycle 2

4.3.1 Data Finding Instrument 1 (Questionaire).

The questionaire was given to students and helped by the

teacher. The result can be seen on the table below:


Table 6
The result of questionaire in cycle 2.
No Statement Students answers
Yes Precentage
1 Statement 1 16 75%
2 Statement 2 116 75%
3 Statement 3 16 75%
4 Statement 4 15 72%
5 Statement 5 15 73%
6 Statement 6 16 75%
7 Statement 7 16 75%
8 Statement 8 17 80%
9 Statement 9 17 80%
10 Statement 10 22 100%
Mean 70,75%

Regarding to the result of questionnaire cycle 2 above, it

could be concluded that there was still needed improvement about the

students’ motivation to learn English well, also there must be positive

response the implementation of Picture Series Media that will be

giving. And in teaching learning writing ability by using Picture

Series Media can improve students’ writing ability. To complete the

data please see appendix 7 page 86.

4.3.2 Data Finding Instrument 2 (Observation)

In cycle 2, based on the table result, observation result from

students process in teaching learning at eight grade bellow: Related to

the students’ activity is still low, it showed in the students observation

activity in cycle 2 above, only 11 the students be able to determine

the linguistic characteristics of narrative text are 18 (80%), the


students be able to fill in the chart and create in the text of the

procedure are 16 (80%), and students be able to deduce material on

procedural text are 17 (85%) . It’s mean that this learning activity

process must be given again. It’s was caused the students have not

achieve 70%. To complete the data see appendix 11 (p. 113).

4.3.3 Data Finding Instrument 3 (Test).

The test was given to students and helped by the teacher.The

result can be seen on the table below: Related to the cycle 1 the

average of students’ writing ability on this cycle were 16 or (80%)

students who passed the KKM, and there were 4 students failed or did

not passed the KKM. Its mean Picture Series Media can improving

students’ writing ability. To complete please see appendix 14 page


4.4 Discussion of the Finding

In this sub-chapter researcher would presents some the data finding

instrument cycle 1 and 2.

From all findings, the reseacher concludes that the students got

significant improvement in those all aspect after all action/implementation of

Picture Series Media in their teaching learning process in writing ability.

Through implementation if this method, the students maximize their

performaces in their writing since they are going to be ashmed to have many

mistakes in their writing ability are improved. In addition, the various


activities make athmosphere class are good. Task in cycle had also supported

and helped students to get generaal and spesifik information from narrative


From the explanation above, the reseacher concludes that the use of

Picture Series Media can improve the students’ writing ability in narrative text

at eight grade of MTs Darussalama Adijaya Terbanggi Besar. The reseacher

and the English teacher agreed to stop the reseacrch in cycle 2 since the

objective of the research has been achieved.




This chapter encompasses some conclusion and suggestion based on the

research findings and discussion as presented in Chapter IV.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on students’ activities, students’ response and students’ score

the reseacher found out that the use of Picture Series as Media improve

students’ writing ability in narrative text. Picture Series as Media help to

know how get general and specific information of the text easily. The

students more understanding to make descriptive sentences, and make the

descriptive sentences into a narrative text. The activity make the student

become interested to describe the pictures or object, students more active and

more anthusiasm in the writing learning process.

Based on the results of the questionnaire obtained an average

percentage of 80%, it indicated that application of Picture Series as Media in

teaching learning written narrative text was appropriately applied. It was

helpful for the students to find related ideas and develop the chosen topic

sentences from the main topic to be a narrative text. Picture Series as Media

was something new for the students, so they were motivated to use this

method and they were encouraged to learn more about written narrative text

The result of test showed that the application of Picture Series as

Media can improve the students ability in writing narrative text, it is proved

by the higher score in the test. The number of success students has reached

17 of 20 students. It means that 17 (85%) students already passed the test,

and only 3 (15%) of them were failed. From the students activities By this

number, the researcher concludes that the minimum target of success, that is

80% of the students in a class, has been achieved in cycle 2, and it proves that

the application of Picture Series as Media can improve the students’ writing

ability in narrative text at students at Seventh grade of MTs. Darussalam

Adijaya Terbanggi Besar academic year 2017/2018.

5.2 Suggestion

Picture Series as Media, however, is not only one method in teaching

writing a narrative text. There are still a lot of teaching method to be used.

There are some suggestions presented in an effort to improve the English

Foreign Language students in writing a narrative text. They are as follows:

1. The student, as a particular contribution to improve their writing. Picture

Series as Mediais a very effective game to improve writing skill.

2. The teacher, each one teach one method is recommended as teaching

method to impove students’ writing skill, or any other skill of English


3. Teacher should give reward to the students who get good score, so that,

students are motivated to be better for the next meeting especially for

students who are poor in understanding the material.



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