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1. Calcitonine. Diakses dari

2. Calcitonine. Diakses dari

3. Calcitonin and calcitonin receptors. Regional Center for Hereditary Endocrine

Tumors Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence; Laura Masi dan
Maria Luisa Brandi. Diakses pada 23 Februari 2014.

4. Calcitonin Stimulates Multiple Stages of Angiogenesis by Directly Acting on

Endothelial Cells. Department of Pharmacology, University of Louisiana School
of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences; Srinivasulu Chigurupati, Trupti
Kulkarni, Shibu Thomas, dan Girish Shah. Diakses 2011-07-24

5. Calcitonin, a Regulator of the 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1α-Hydroxylase Gene.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School; St. Louis Geriatric
Research, Education and Clinical Center, Medical Research Service of the Dept.
of Veterans Affairs, and a Biomedical Research Support Grant 2-92113 from St.
Louis University School of Medicine; Yan Zhong, Harvey J. Armbrecht, dan
Sylvia Christakos. Diakses 2011-07-09.

6. Elucidation of the nucleotide sequence of chicken calcitonin mRNA: direct

evidence for the expression of a lower vertebrate calcitonin-like gene in man and
rat. Lasmoles F, Jullienne A, Day F, Minvielle S, Milhaud G, Moukhtar MS.
Diakses 2011-07-09.

7. Calcitonin Induces IL-6 Production via Both PKA and PKC Pathways in the
Pituitary Folliculo-Stellate Cell Line. Department of Physiological Chemistry
(Y.K.) and Laboratory of Molecular Design of Pharmaceutics (H.T.), Graduate
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Department of
Laboratory Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine,
Department of Pharmacology, Hokkaido College of Pharmacy, Health Sciences

University of Hokkaido; Yoshimitsu Kiriyama, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Takeshi
Murakami, Kumi Satoh dan Yukiko Tokumitsu. Diakses 2011-07-23.

8. Tortora Gerard J dan Bryan H Derrickson, 2009. Principles of Anatomy and

Physiology volume 1, 12th edition. Wiley, Asia

9. Sherwood Lauralee, 2009. Fisiologi Manusia; Dari Sel ke Sistem, edisi 6. Alih
bahasa: Nella Yesdelita. EGC, Jakarta

10. Marcocci Cludio dan Filomena Cetani. Primary Hyperparathyroidsm. The

New England Journal of Medical 2389–2397, 2011

11. Galea Stephanie dan Renald Blundell. Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin
Regulating Calcium Level. Medwell Journal 183–186, 2011

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