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October / november 2010 Tishrei / Cheshvan 5771

Building Torat Yisrael’s Future

Mazal Tov to our Kallat Torah and Hatan Breishit of 5771!
Our Simchat Torah Honorees: Michael and Sharon Field:

A highly anticipated element of every congregatiion’s Simchat Torah celebration is the revelation
of this year’s Torah Bride and Genesis/Breishit Groom (Kallat Torah and Hatan Breishit). These
are people who have dedicated time and energy to the congregation over the course of time. It
was a true pleasure to honor Michael and Sharon Field this year. Here are the tributes Rabbi
Levin read as they were called to the Torah for their respective aliyot.

Kallat Torah 5771: Sharon Field

Sharon Field, we call you to the Torah this morning as our Kallat Torah in gratitude and appreciation for
the time, love, organizational abilities and generosity you pour into our congregation. You have crafted
and implemented creative and engaging fundraising and social programs for Torat Yisrael: fashion
shows and Galkin programs, dinners and more. You have embraced all of the responsibilities of a
synagogue vice-president and demonstrate your leadership with your consistent, quite, intelligent and
dedicated presence. There are so many places a woman of your talents could be engaged . . . our congregation is
blessed that you have committed to making our community so central to your life. For all of this, and so much more,
Sharon, we are honored to call you to the Torah as our Kallat Torah for Simchat Torah 5771.

Hatan Breishit 5771: Michael Field

Michael Field, we call you to the Torah this morning as our Hatan Breishit in gratitude and appreciation
for your intense commitment to the future of our congregation and the practical ways you express that
commitment. God’s covenant with Abraham included the promises of land and people. You, Michael,
have taken it upon yourself to make those visions come true in the microcosm of Torat Yisrael: you
examined every square inch of East Greenwich until you found us the perfect piece of land for our new
congregation home on Middle Road. You, along with your Membership co-vice-president Beth Salk,
nurture, welcome, encourage every potential and new member of our congregation as well as caring for our current
members. You bring creativity, compassion and focus to everything you do for our Torat Yisrael community. We are
a stronger, more vital congregation due in no small part to your efforts. For all of this, and so much more, Michael,
we are honored to call you to the Torah as our Hatan Breishit for Simchat Torah 5771.

Greetings from Susan Smoller

Shalom Fellow Congregants, the good that we are afforded and to thank God and
our friends and family for their support.
This time of introspection allows us
all to take a step back and I met Andrea Epstein, our new social worker, and she
appreciate all we have –our is enthusiastic to become familiar with our
relationships, our education, congregation as a whole and with us individually. If
health, experiences and property. anyone wants to be in touch with her, please contact
This is truly a time to reflect on all her directly at or at 331-1244. She is
available to guide and support us in her professional
capacity and all interactions with her are strictly be shredded, and buy yard sale merchandise. Please
confidential and not even brought to the attention of remind your friends of the November 7 date!
the Rabbi or to my attention. Andrea is interested in
meeting with us as a congregation and if you would I look forward to seeing you at the extravaganza of
like to host a meeting during the day or evening, or if “Elaine and Steve’s Wedding” on November 13. Please
you have an idea for a general discussion topic with respond to the invitations and invite friends and family.
Andrea that we should arrange, please let Andrea or Let’s join together to make this a true simchah.
the Rabbi or me know.
The yard sale is coming sooner and sooner and we still A special thank you to Rabbi Levin, Sharon Field, Lynn
have lots of room for merchandise. Please empty your Field, Joan Bookbinder, Ruth Ross, Roberta and Lucien
home of all gifts you never used, items in good state Arsac, Laurie Tessier and Sheila Malatt for making the
that can be sold and bring them to the temple in break the fast so delicious!
October (no clothing please). On the day of the yard Please contact me at any time with any comments or
sale, there will be a truck to take our electronic questions.
recyclables, such as old monitors, computers, faxes,
radios etc. There will also be a truck offering free B’Shalom,
confidential shredding of documents. So come to the
temple that morning, drop off recyclables and items to Susan

Librarian’s Corner by Laura Steele, Torat Yisrael Librarian

A fun new addition to our library is The Kids Cartoon Bible. Award-winning author-illustrator Chaya M. Burstein
combines her talents as storyteller and artist to bring alive the Bible to young readers. Children and adults will
appreciate her Bible people-finder, an index locating dozens of personalities within the text.
Unmatched for its engaging art and easily understood rendering of the biblical narrative, The Kids' Cartoon Bible can
be read aloud to pre-schoolers and enjoyed by young readers as well. At this time of year, particularly I would highly
recommend this great book.

Greetings from Sisterhood

Shalom! We hope to see you at the paid up breakfast-installation on Sunday, October 3rd at 10:00 am. Everyone is
welcome to the open board meeting to be held on Sunday, October 17th at 9:30 am. The meeting will be followed by
a mitzvah project of making challah covers for the Temple. Start reading Mark Halter's book "Zipporah, Wife of
Moses" for our December 12th Book Review . . . more details to come.
Submitted by: Ruth Ross and Laurie Tessier, Co-presidents

Of “Green” Interest
Weatherization Assistance: Subsidy programs program. The home energy assessment will recommend
weatherization measures that may include:
Purposes • Insulation of attics, walls, floors, ducts and pipes;
This Residential Deliverable Fuels Program allows for • Air and duct sealing;
residents who heat their homes with oil, propane, or • Attic ventilation;
other deliverable fuels to receive weatherization • Installation of programmable thermostats;
assistance. The goal of the program is to save energy, • The replacement of heating systems over 15 years
create environmental benefits, lower residential heating old; and/or
bills and keep houses warmer. • The replacement of water heaters over 10 years old.
RIOER is offering consumer incentives for residents who Once the home energy assessment is complete,
heat their homes with deliverable fuels to make energy residents will be able to select a contractor to perform
efficiency improvements through National Grid's any of the weatherization measures that were
EnergyWise program. recommended after the National Grid energy
Under this program, residents who heat with oil and assessment. Upon completion of the work, residents will
propane will be able to request a free home energy be eligible to receive rebates on 25% of the total cost of
assessment. recommended energy efficiency improvements for a
There is a total of $2.3 million allocated to administering maximum of $2,250 per home. This program will not
the program and providing rebates to Rhode Island pay to switch the fuel that is used to heat a home.
residents that heat their homes with deliverable fuels.

How will the program work? For more information on the EnergyWise program
please call 1-888-633-7947 or
Under this program, residents who heat with oil and
propane will be able to request a free home energy
assessment through National Grid's EnergyWise

Explore the Jewish back-to-the-land movement and
Green Israel Summit 4 at Eden Village what Zionism means today. Learn about Israel and
Camp, NY energy conservation, population growth, suburban
sprawl, Negev preservation, and the growing
Green Renewal Shabbat for ages 18-40
environmental movement. Meet other young
Register today for Green Israel Summit 4: Green
environmentally inspired Jews from across North
Renewal Shabbat!
When: Shabbat Noach, Oct. 8- 10, 2010
Green Israel Summit (GIS) 4 is run by the Green
Where: Eden Village Camp, just north of NYC
Zionist Alliance and co-sponsored by The Coalition on
Who: Ages 18-40
the Environment and Jewish Life, the American
A limited number of scholarships are available.
Zionist Movement and Hazon.
Celebrate Shabbat Noach with stories, lectures and
discussions in a welcoming, pluralistic setting.

In Our TY Family
Mazal tov to everyone celebrating a Birthday in October!
Gertrude Antin, Frank Antin, Lewis Antin, Sara Pulner, Leah Ross-Coke, Nathan Honig, Barry
Levy, Lyle Goncalves, Herbert Spivack, Ella Kaplan, Chelsea Hanna, Philip Greenberg, Linda
Fink, Max Silverman, Angelo Bellini, Hannah Meharg, Steven Shapiro, Judith Silverman, Marcia
Slobin, Sarah Osofsky and Nuriya Coke
Mazal tov to everyone who celebrated an Anniversary in October!
Martin & Seena Dittelman (58 years), Seymour & Shirley Ladd (57 years), Zinovy & Lina
Goikhman (39 years), David & Susan Smoller (27 years), Raymond & Laurie Tessier (17 years)
and David & Staci Steinberg (22 years)
Mazal tov to Zenas & Sara Pulner on the engagement of their granddaughter, Nicole Mezzini to John
Spencer. They will marry in the summer of 2011. Congrats to all!
May God who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bring
blessing and healing to: Trude Antin, Robert Donnelly (friend of Evelyn Nussenfeld), Frances Dorsch
(Maurice Wine’s sister), David Friedman, Ethel Friedman, Rosalie Gleckman, Pearl Gorden,
Douglas & Barbara Greenberg (Diane Greenberg’s brother-in-law & sister-in-law), Meyer Grossman,
Bonnie Lury, Steve Matzner, Jody Mihov (Mildred Beck’s niece), Sylvia Paige, Zenas & Sara Pulner,
Ron & Susan Richter, Harold & Sylvia Roggen (Barbara Karetny’s parents), Louis Russian, Jeffrey
Sacks, Sylvia Shocket, Meyer Tevya (Marcia Slobin’s father), Steve Tragar, Moe Wine and Eileen
Winkler (Rochelle Ziegler’s mother)

Welcome to our New Members!

Our Torat Yisrael family is delighted to embrace our newest members. Welcome to:
- Scott and Michelle Hammer and their children, Zachary, Evan and Sydney
- Amy Quinn and her children, Ethan and Brett
- Eric and Christine Stanger and their children, Julia, Brayden and Daniel
- Leslie Nan Haberman
- Lee and Ronitte Vilker and their children, Eitan, Ari and Daniel

2011 Entertainment Books are here!

These make terrific gifts as well as providing great savings for you. You save and support Torat Yisrael at the
same time. That’s a “win-win”! Call 785-1800 or email to order your 2011
Entertainment Books. $30 each.

Be a Torat Yisrael Lobbyist!
Edgewood Food Closet Donations Pick up a great read!
canned tuna and salmon, canned soups, breakfast Which you’ll find at our Book Exchange corner in the TTY
cereal, canned vegetables and fruits. Also needed: lobby! For a 25¢ donation, you are welcome to help yourself to
toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, diapers. any book on the shelves and then return it when you’re done.
TYNet Café! Come Schmooze! Recycle #5 Plastics Here!
Torat Yisrael is wireless and caffeinated! Fresh Plastic containers like medicine vials and yogurt and cottage
coffee and tea and the wifi password are all there. containers. Please wash containers before depositing in bin.

Kosher Food Pantry Coupon Collection for Edgewood Food Closet

Kosher non-perishables to help support Rhode Please drop your unwanted coupons in the basket near our
island’s vulnerable Jewish residents. donation and recycling center.

A Touch of Heaven Thrift Shop : You may drop off lightly used clothing at the Touch of Heaven Thrift Shop,
1665 Broad Street, Cranston. Hours of Operation: Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am-11:00 am,
Wednesday 5:00 pm-6:30 pm and Friday 9:00 am-11:00 am. All the proceeds from A Touch of Heaven Thrift
Shop goes to the Edgewood-Pawtuxet Food Closet.

Temple Torat Yisrael Email Addresses, Facebook and Twitter

Rabbi Amy Levin: Hazzan Devin Goldenberg:
Susan Smoller, President: Ronni Guttin, Education Director:
Nicole Jellinek, Social Worker: Anita Olinsky (Dues Committee):
Andrea Epstein, Social Worker: - Michael Field/Beth Salk (Membership Committee Chairs) and @ravlevin
Sheryl Ponder, Bookkeeper/Office Manager:
Stephanie Reinsant, Rabbi’s Secretary:

Are you raising Jewish children…but you’re not Jewish? Don’t do it alone. Join us for
Mothers Circle
The Mothers Circle is a free educational and welcoming
program empowering non-Jewish mothers to create abid/150/Default.aspx or contact Kit Haspel, Mothers
Jewish homes. Mothers in all family constellations are Circle Coordinator, at 401-331-0956 x184 or
welcome, and participants do not have to be affiliated
with a Jewish institution or have any prior knowledge.
The eight-month, sixteen-session interactive curriculum Mothers Circle is a national program created by the
explores Jewish holidays, practices, rituals, and ethics Jewish Outreach Institute. The Rhode Island program is
while providing resources and tools for enriching Jewish coordinated by the Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode
family life at home. Free childcare is available upon Island in partnership with the Jewish Community Center
request. of Rhode Island and is generously funded by the Helene
and Bertram Bernhardt Foundation and the Jewish
Our third Rhode Island group will be starting in October. Federation of Rhode Island.
For more information please visit

Hug N’hamah: Circle of Consolation

A Bereavement Discussion Group meeting on alternate Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm providing a
supportive circle to bring the emotional and spiritual challenges of grief. Facilitated by Torat Yisrael
member, Dr. Judith Lubiner, a licensed psychologist, and Rabbi Amy Levin. TY members and non-members
equally welcome. Meeting October 7th and 21st and November 4th and 18th

Upcoming TY Events
Paid Up Sisterhood and Men’s Club Breakfast, Sunday, October 3rd
Please join us for our Sisterhood and Men’s Club Paid up Breakfast. We will hold our installation as well as other
surprises! If you are not a paid up member of the Sisterhood or Men’s Club you can join now or dues ($18.00) can be
paid at the door. RSVP to Anita Olinsky at 785-1800. (See enclosed flyer).

Our October Topic: Joining the Jews: Judaism and Conversion

East Greenwich: Tuesday, October 5th
12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at T’s Restaurant, 5600 Post Road (in the Benny’s Plaza), East
Greenwich – each participant orders from the menu and we study Jewish sources addressing current
issues. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!

Cranston/Warwick: Thursday, October 7 th

12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at the Cozy Grill Restaurant, 440 Warwick Avenue, Warwick – each participant
orders from the menu as we study Jewish sources. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend! Look for us in the back

Shalom to Shabbat: Unwind and Nosh Before Shabbat Services

Join us on Friday, October 8th at 7:00 pm for wine and cheese before our 7:30 pm Shabbat Service.

Our 7 th Annual Noah’s Parade of Animals! Saturday, October 9th in East Greenwich
We’re bringing our favorite stuffed animals with us to services on Saturday, October 9th at 9:15 am as we sing
about and read the story of Noah and the animals from the Torah! Parents and grandparents! Aunts and uncles!
Bring your favorite little kids with their favorite stuffed animals to march around the synagogue “two by two” on this
special Shabbat morning!

Sisterhood Mitzvah Project and Open Board Meeting, Sunday, October 17th
Sisterhood will have an open board meeting followed by a mitzvah project where we will make challah covers
for our congregation. Please feel free to join us….we’d love to have you!

Yard Sale, Sunday, November 7 th
On Sunday, November 7th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Torat Yisrael is having a yard sale! You might find
that something you’ve been looking for!! Don’t miss out!!

Temple Torat Yisrael Book Fair

The Torat Yisrael Book fair is coming to a location near you!! We hope you can get to one of these
wonderful events so we can help you select a great gift for Hanukkah or any other occasion!
- November 9th 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm in Cranston
- November 15th 9:00 am – 11:30 pm at the Village Lower School in East Greenwich

Family Shabbat in East Greenwich

Join us on Saturday, November 20th for our newly refreshed Family Shabbat Morning experience. We’ll
gather in our East Greenwich home with a new family prayer book for an interactive service and Shabbat
celebration starting at 10 am.

Shabbat Service and Dinner Honoring our Veterans

Please join us on Friday evening, November 12th for a 6:00 pm Shabbat Service honoring Veterans with
dinner to follow. (Flyer enclosed)

Another opportunity to observe the mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life): blood drive
will take place on Sunday, November 14th from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm.

“Elaine and Steve Get Married!” Saturday, November 13 th
On Saturday, November 13th at 6:30 pm at TY Cranston join us for an evening of nachas, nuptials, nosh and
nonsense! Auction and Dinner Theater: “Elaine and Steve Get Married!”

Our November Topic: Your Life in Your Hands: Judaism’s Teaching on Suicide
East Greenwich: Tuesday, November 16th
12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at T’s Restaurant, 5600 Post Road (in the Benny’s Plaza), East
Greenwich – each participant orders from the menu and we study Jewish sources addressing current
issues. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!

Cranston/Warwick: Thursday, November 18th

12:00-1:30 p.m. – Lunch & Learn at the Cozy Grill Restaurant, 440 Warwick Avenue, Warwick – each participant
orders from the menu as we study Jewish sources. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend! Look for us in the back

Shabbat Services in East Greenwich

Friday, November 19th - 6:00 pm: Early Shabbat Service for all. Enjoy an early Shabbat service and then arrange
for a relaxed Shabbat meal at home with your family and friends.
Saturday, November 20th – 10 am

July 23, 2010 – September 15, 2010

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In Memory of Benjamin Honig Leonard Sholes

The Capital Campaign list does not include Nathan Honig
multiyear pledges which will be suitably In Memory of Samuel Snegg
recognized at a future time. In Memory of Rachel Jewett Susan Bryant
Helene & Harold Holland
In Honor of Roberta Arsac’s Special In Memory of Celia Soorkis
Birthday In Memory of Edward Kagan Goldie Cohen
Evelyn Nussenfeld Paula & Larry Meyerson
In Memory of Samuel Spivack
In Memory of Lillian Gilstein In Memory of Eva Kagan Herb & Gloria Spivack
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cohen Paula & Larry Meyerson
In Memory of Abraham Tobias
In Memory of Israel Ross In Memory of Dorothy Krasnoff Joan Coken
Ruth Ross Gloria & Carl Lefkowitz
In Memory of David Torman
In Memory of Libby Rudnick In Memory of Gita Lake Samuel & Lois Torman
Ruth Ross Leila & Sheldon Sock
In Honor of James Shocket’s 96th Birthday In Honor of the Birth of Emma Lane In Honor of Rachel Wasser’s Bat Mitzvah
Evelyn Nussenfeld Marilyn Hoffman Rachel Silverman

In Honor of Dale & Laura Steele’s 25th In Memory of Myer Lefkowitz PRAYERBOOK FUND
Anniversary Carl & Gloria Lefkowitz In Memory of Lee Zawstsky
Evelyn Nussenfeld Phil & Anita Greenberg
David & Janet Winer In Memory of Faye Lemel
GENERAL FUND In Memory of Irving Eisman
In Honor of Roberta Arsac’s Special In Memory of David Lerner Sally Pressman
Birthday Ida Bernstein
In Memory of Florence “Fay” Malatt In Honor of Muriel Davis’ Special Birthday
In Memory of Bella Comez Sheila Malatt Susan Sidel
Sarah Osofsky
In Memory of Martha Manekofsky ALBERT ROSS FUND
In Memory of Shirley D’Andrea Marilyn Hoffman In Memory of Albert Ross
Mildred Beck Ruth Ross
In Memory of Esther Meyerson
In Honor of Muriel Davis’ 85th Birthday Paula & Larry Meyerson MICHELLE PAM ROSS FUND
Sara, Josh, Alex & Ben Parker In Honor of Judah Rosen’s 90th Birthday
In Memory of Minnie Pollack Harold & Jerri Labush
In Memory of Norma Gouse Goldman Anita Greenberg
Laurie & Stephan Goldman BEATRICE & ALBERT SYDNEY
In Memory of Jerry Rittner ENDOWMENT FUND
In Memory of Julian Greene Elaine & Steve Shapiro In Memory of Jacob Ponce
Jim & Sana Greene Bea Sydney
In Honor of Judah Rosen’s 90th Birthday
In Memory Nadine Greene Leon Resnick In Memory of Harriett Ponce Rudoman
Bernice Greene Bea Sydney
Jim & Sana Greene In Memory of Albert Ross
Ruth Ross In Memory of Rebecca Selkow
In Memory of Fred Herz Bea Sydney
Susette Rabinowitz In Memory of Yetta Sackin
Robert Stern In Memory of Louis Sydney
In Memory of Ruth Herz Bea Sydney
Susette Rabinowitz In Memory of Estella Saltzman
Karen Lubin & Family
In Memory of Dora Hoffman Richard Saltzman
Marilyn Hoffman
In Memory of Bronia Schonberg
In Memory of Beatrice Holland Marilyn Hoffman
Harold & Helene Holland
In Memory of Nellie Sholes

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