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Republic of th ~hilippines

Depar-tment of Public HighW'dYs

OiFICE OF Tffi<.. JUC.,'fA Y

1'!.JJy22, 1974

DEPARTHENT 0 D.GR) SUBJ6CT: CrUtting' Speed, 1 Commft.t.eeto

) study and submit r-ecoumendatd.on
NO.4) on th propostd d.ccntraliz· ti n
of functions' nd ' uthor-Lty to
S(Jri~s of 1974 ~ District I.. nd Reei nul Offie s,

TO: 11 H . ds of Offic s
This Dopar-trnent

In order to ilnp1E.ment the new policy of the Depar-tment. of

Public Hi~ll\IUYsin consonance with t.he d sire of his Excul.Lenoy ,
t ie Prusd.dent., t givf.. mor-e :..,utonomy to Iri.sbr-L t and RE. LonaL
Offices by decentax Ll,zing und/oJ:' delE gJting some functions and
powers now cxerct sed by t.h Uwtr'l Office of the Depurtmerrt of
Public Highw<ys, <.. Commi.t.t.u is her-eby cr-eat.ed to study t; d rccom-
~. m nd vrl:l' t,c functions, power-s and a ut.hor-Ltics could br
del(.gdted t.o District und Rt.giorol Offices t further ensur-e th
E,fficicncy of the orgcmizution and •... saur e exped.i.tdoue implement&tion
of tho program :!' construction, i-chubt.Ll ta tdon, I.. nd JTtIint€n' nee of
r . ds and bridges.

Th Committee shull b( composCQof th follo~~ng members:

1. l'lr • Juimc P. Rcsultun • • • •

• • • ChairlIl!:ln
Chicf, dainistr' tive Division
2. llfr Fernando C. l.fontes •

Regional Director, · · • · Co-Chui.rman

Hegi.on IV
• •

3. Mr. Crisunto Espino

DACELPresident · · · · · • • lkmbEr
• •
4. Mr. Guillermo de It! Cruz • •
Rogio~l Diroctor, RE;gion I · • • · 10mb I'

5. 11r. Jose F. SOlUllO • • •

Rcgionul Director,
RoSion II
. • • • Hember

6. l>1J:r. Arturo V. Gumabon •
Rcgionul Director,

Region X· · • • • l'kmbtr

7. HI' • J'ime Sart • • •

· · · · • · U~mber
Chief', . Lnt-erunee Division
• •
8. Ur. :r.rari' no Alfonso
Chi r, Construction · · · · · • · • Htmber

9. Alejandro 11:.1 gno •

ChiEJf, Proper-ty fiEetlon · · · ..
• ' Mfmbf:r

10. Atty. Domf,. dol' R. }·fud·moo • • • · 0-mber I'll

Chi r Lcml Officer

The Chuir';n<;
n and th f Lhe C mmittce arc h roby
author-Lzed to COIIVenut.h member-sof th Committ f" •.•t tiny timE) and
us often s necessr ry to ena bl,e the Committee to submit its report
and 1ec rnm dation within t.hirty 30) days f om this d' be , Th
Committeo rouy avail of tho ser vic·s of any per-sonnel, in the Ccrrtra L
Offic as nwy be neces . ry . nd r-equir-ed for the successful . CCOIn-
pl.Lshment, of its ttl sk ,

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