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January 1, 1992 '

'l' 0 ; Heads of Departments~ Bureaus, O"ffices, Agenoies

of .t:he: NationalGove:m~!l.ent J State' Universl t'ies
", , ..~ng--c.Q)J.~-q~.$t,.§I.ll.4._1\'~L.9t.~~E--e;.,.~.()fl_c'cj:-.~~.~ , ". - - .:" -- ---"

SUBJEC'i' R~Ptesent~tion' ahd "f'ransportation Al1'Ow~n'ce's of

-~ ~ ~ ~
~~--~ ~.

1. Purpose
This t~rc~lar is being issued to en~ur~~niformity ahd
corisl~t~n6y of ~ct1onB on claims f6r r~presentati6h and
transportcltion allowances (RATA) which is .primarily
qra~~ed by law to nation~l 'qoVernment'6ff~cials. ana
emp~ayees to cover expenses incurred in the discharge or
performance of their .duties and responsibiliti~s.

2. Coveraqe

T.he following i.-.ationa 1 '10 l€! r.rrment:; 0ffic i~ls an-demployees

are cd~~~ed~y this tiroular.' .
.1 . 2.. 1 Tho*e v~ose:positions are lis~ed undet.S~rVice ~oAe
1~ of tb~Ind~x ofOcuupati6n~1 S'rvices i~~uad B~
th~ De~artment of Budget' andMan~ge~~nt (bB~)
pursuant ,to National tompensatiori Circular No~ '57
except for the positions6f the Presid~nt,
Vi6e~PresidenttL~pon Member and Lupan Chairman, and
positions under the Local EXecu.tives Group:

2.2 Those whose poiitions are :identifiid as chiefs of

division in the Personal Servides It~mization:
2.3 Thos~ whose positions are ~eterminedby the DBM to
be 6f equivalent rank with the offidialsand
employees enumerated under Sec.tions2.1 and 2'.2
hereof (Annex A)~ and ."

2.4 Those w~o ~r~ duly designated by compet~nt~abthorlty

to perform' the'. full~time 'dut}esand
responsibili,ties-,,whether or .not in 'concurrent, as .Officers~In-Chargefor .one (1).. f111-1
calendar'month or moie of the ~positions enumerated
in Sections 2.1~ 2.2 and 2.3.hereof. '
'Jl' "
0 ..


3. Rules and Regulations

3.1 Payment 0t RATA, whether commutable or reimbursable,
shall be,in accordance with the rates prescribed for
e~ch of the following officials and employees and
those of equivalent ranks, and the conditions
enumerated 'under the pertinent Section of the
General Provisions of the annual G~neral
Appropriations Act (GAA): '

Officials and Em~loyee3 Category Rate*

.,, "'--u... -'~'~-"'-=-"'-='''''''''-''''''''-'''''~'--''''-~..,",-~-~-~.:'::::':_~--
. '.u- . ..- -. - _.h.

3.1.1 Dep~rtment Secretaries 6r A P2,500

3.1.2 Department Undersecretaries B 1,700
or equivalent;
'3.1.3 Department Assistant Secre-. c 1,500
taries or equivalent,

Directors IV (Bureau Direc-

tors and Departm~~t Region~l '

Directors) or equivalen~;

3.1.4 Directors III (Assistant D 1,4QO

Bureau Directors, Department
Assistant RegionaL Directors,
De~artmentService dhiefs)
tI Or equivalent;

Directors IItBureau Regional

Directors), or equivalent~

3.1.5 Director. I (Assistant Bureau E 1,200

Re910nal Directors) or equ1va-

3.1.6 Chi'efa of Division identified F 1,100

as~uch in the P~rsorial Servi-
ces Itemization or equivalent.

3.2 RATA is attached to the performance of the duties

and responsibilities of the incumbents of positions
and not to positions :as viewed and ~mplemented
before. Moreoverf the salary grades of pos1tion6 do
not automatically entitle the 1ncumbents thereof to
RATA. Hence~ only those ~fficials and employees

.. For each type of allowance which is subject to change

in a~cordance with the rates in th~ annu~l GAA.

'v \ J


enumerated 'Under Secticin 2 hereof and who are

actually petforming the dutiGG ~nj responsibilities
'of their positions shal~ b~ ~nti~10cithereto.
3.3 The officials and ewpl~yeeG referred to in Sections
2.1~ 2.2 and i.3 h~recf shall no longer be
authorized. to contin~e to collect RATA' in thp
f~llowing instances~
. 3.3.1 When on full-time detail with another
__n__- -- - -- organizational
t of the same agency, - -- - - -------
_u- u_-- -- -- -a:O:otli e fU ---a 9 e n c:~r;:- -crr---SFe-c-r-a~'---p-ro-j-e-ct-n--:f-~-r-- -on e- ----

(1) full 6al~ndar month or more, except when

the duties and responsibilities they perform
a~e' comparable with those of tbeir regular
positions, in Which case,- they may be
authorized to continue to collect RATA on a
reimbursable baaiz, ~ubject to the
availability of funds~ ynJ
3.3.2 When on vacation, sick O~ maternity leave of
absence wi th or "Iithout pay for one (1) _full
calendar ~onth or wore.

3.4 However, officials and .em~loyees who. are on

aUthorized attendcw.::>=. at a training
course/scholarshig g~ant/sQrnin~~ or any other
similar activity, Nt~~h i~ ~actaQount to the
performance oft.:1t::~.:;:.. FCljular dilties and
responsibiilitie3, may ~~ au~norized ~n continue to
tI collect. ...; a !'e}r~1bu:t';;;.JhleL~sjs.. subject to t"be
availability of f~nd5.

3.5 Officials and 8~9Joyee3 designated as

Officers-In-Char~e of posItions entitled to
commutable RATA may- be authori~ed to dollect the
RA~A authorized for the said positions provided it
is' so specifi~d in the order designating them as
Officers-In-Char~8, except! in th~. following
instancesr. '.

3.5.1 When designated in a concurrent and

the officials and employees so designated are
alrea~y aOLitled to commutable RATA in their
permanent positions, in which case they may
be authorized to collect the difference.only,
if any, between the RATA' of. the two
positions. -

3.5.2 When on full-time or part-time detail .with

another or9anizational unit. of the same
aqency, another agency, or special project;


attending a training course/scholarship

grant/seminar or any other similar activity;
or on vacation, sick or maternity leave of
aLoence, for one {'l) full cal~."Jdr month or
more. .

4. Fundinq Source

Ina11 'cases, commutable and reimbursable RATA shall be

paid from the amount appropriated for the purpose and
-Otheru person-al s~.rvtcesd-savings -- of the agency or project
from where the officials and employees. covered under this
Circular draw their salaries. No one shall be allowed to
collect RATA from m~re than one.source.

5. Responsibility of the Head of A~ency

The Head of agency shall be held re$ponsible and
personally liable for any payment of RATA not. ih
accordance with the provisions of this Circular, witho~t
prejudice~ however, to refund of any excess paymertt by
the official or employee concerned. .

G. Saving Clause

Approp~iate cases not covered by the prov{~ions of this

Circular shall be submitied to the DBM f6r resolution. .

7. Repealing Clause
All circula~s. guidelines, rules and regulations'which
are incdnsistent with the provisions of this Circular are
hereby repealed. .

8. Etfectivity
This Circular shall take effect on January 1. 1992.



.list of PoedUt>Os uettwmined to be of Equivalent.

Ri~n'k wi'th the Of'fLcialG and E.rnplciYeesEnumerat~d .
Under Sect.ioni:\> 2..1 and 2.2 ofNationalCompan$at~ion.

No. . ,
, u



Salary Cat

POfd t1 ons'
---- qot"

1"W;:lf'tinanl:of Educatiun Culture and SpOJ'.1:s.

.. .._,._-
,--,,--~-""---' ~---~-------

t)~,'r11.()"al Offit::ee.
" '--------
. ,
,',choob, Division Superinf;endent , 26 )Schools Dlvbion .f
{,',f:.,lsLant SchrJols Division ,25 ) F
,/oeational School Super intend~nt Vocatlorli!l 1'ertiaf'y'Schools E
Vocat.i.onal School Administrato,' Vocational senondat"y Schoch. f
,reat,;hen,' CaRtp Superir,1"tendent ' 24 Tea~hBrs' Camp f'

Records Management and Ar.chlv8s

--------------- ,------- O'f'Hc8
1~.Jads .ot Regional Archival Neb,Jol"k Reqional Archival N9ttJorks(/lrandaue CIty F
,and Cagayan de Oro Ci ty)

, Phi Hpp , ine High, School for the AI"te-.

". ' ' ~ , ,--- ,',

Admi,r~\,trative off'Leer V 24 Finance and AdministrativeServices F


Pe:IC;Ja l' t;f I

Annex A

List of Positions Detet-minud. to be of Equivalc:!Ot

Rank wilh the.Officials and EntployeesEl1umerate'd
Under Sections C:-.l and 2.2 of ,.National Compensat;iCln
Circular No
---, ,
" "


Sid.:u'v ,. Cdtc
Location. .
PdS! tions. GrlJda
----- Oryanilational

::i,tate Universitiesand CollaC;1eE;

UP President: 31 . A
sue President IV 30. I'i
.uc President III 29 C
. ~uc President It 28 C
..,or; 'Pre",iden~ 1 27 0
dl' Executive Vice-President 30 B
. ':,IICIlxecutive Vice-Pres'ldent 29 C
._':' VicEI-Prusident . 2Q C
sue Vice-President IV' 28 C
sue Vice-President III 'Z"1 [)
SUC Vice-President II 26 e
sue Virie-Presidenr I ;,~5 ~.
Chanpe!lor III .. 30 B
Chancellor .11 29 C
Chancellor I 28 C
Universi t:vSecretary 11. 29 C'
Univt?rsity Secretary I . 28 C'
f~ inancial and Management off ictitl" I I 24 F
Arimtlnls trative Officer' V 24 F
U8&iqnated Heads of' Gradui!I.te Program
. an~ Higher Education'" . F
, ue~iqnated ~eads of student Affairs" F
Desiqna.tied Hea,de, of an Approved
Research Functions* ~ F
uE~slgnated Heads of Research Projects"" F
Desiqnated Heads of AuthoriZ~d
ExtensionServices'" . .. F
"(~$ignatt'!d .Heads .of Auxiliary
:Serivces Functions'" . F
lit:j",i~natad Heads of Sattel!te
Ins ti tutions'" F
"~siqnatedHeads' of Administrative
and Financi~l Services'" F

to the provi6ions of NBC No. 404.



Page 1 of. 1

~\nrwx A

List 01 PO~J d.on~; np.1:(i!~:mirwd t(~ be of Fqtllvi')1!"iI"I1~

Ral;k ";I.' thE! Official". i!'lnd f:'l11ploVI'I(?,\j EnlJrm;~rotHd
Undf.!1" sfictlorlRi' .::.1 ~'.2 of ,Ni>'1..i.ollf.d CI)m~)en~";C\I:jon
C it'culi~I' fIIo "".
..;..c, " ~ ' ."...::. -.., -; ~

~;.j 1i""V ~;;) LVI

j' t'.ic~' of

thl> PI"er::.i.dtint:
, Gt'ade
-."..: ;

...".. ' ' ,-...-

l\ji~ti(Jt1a:l Securit:v l:oLJhcJl

'''''. -"'-'"'' "-...---..-...-..------.-.

Ni~I..LCltl,iI SfWUI i. ty SpB~idU.$t V 24 ConferenceftlaniHlement Support SerVLCe!:> j-:

Aqminist'''i.~tivf:< and f.irwc~'! Sl:idl'
Political and ftliLitar~Atfairs.Branih
St)ciaJ. fe(,HI().~i.p ai1d CLJILw'al 1:1r"Ci!1t:h
Policy 'kl~$ean5isupport Branch

National IntelJlQ8nc& CpordJnatingAgertcy

.,'-'.'-'-'''''-.'''''' ..........--......-----.--.....---------------

NaUotmJ. Intel.liqance SplWHIl. ist V 24 fJ.el.dStation€'; F

I;'T~!!;,ideriti a1 Cimlfli~!:;ion 'for the Urban Pt)ot'

tI .
AdJJllnl\"tntt.Jve Ot1'i(:er V ;u~ Administrative Group f'
lievtlJ,(:)pmEjnt ftlamtqame'nt Officer V 24 Urban Poor Services f

Fj.f.\ld f)s>E!I:':itiorw.

Prasidential LflQ.islat.ive Liaisc)n Offic~1


PI'e'~, j.d..mU.dl Leq . Adviser' 30 Offica of th~ Presidential 8

, L&qi.lati~e
Adviser' .
PI'f>.~ddtmtiul. Leq.i£> l i,C'thwn 29 ' Lic3ison Office for the' SHtmti.? c
u'i'fi.cp.I" "Ill Liaison Offi.ce for tha Ht1!Jse
of RBpresenrHtiv8&
1-'I't'(,;J.tltmtiaJ I.I1!Qled.aqvE-) U.1:uson 28 . tialf;OI1 Of"f.i.c€ lor' t:Ju:, House of' c
oft icu/' U: Rap re~;en1:at i,Vf!b
J>n,~,ldtmtL;!l-l.eqh.Jbti.Vf.j Li.ahwn ~4 U tdf;On ufficti< t'rH' U'4:' Sp.I~al:e I'
'0" I tc~ r 1 'Liaison Office tor the House of
Rap t'fj;.,.,mt:ati \,I~'!:'

I'aq~ 1 ol 4 ~

-"'oj I

Annex A

list of Poe:.l tiar15 flf!t:PI'ITlJ:r~wdt:o be of Equivalent

Rank the Oftic.ri.als dnd Ernpl<.1ye'es f:nf.Jineratad
Und€'r Se(:t;Jons .'~.l cmd ;'~.2 of Ntit:iondl GortJpansdtion
circ.u~iilr No.., ,..
c ~.- ..., ,.'---"'.-. '" " " ...""-~ '-'-"-.-'-_._.-._-_....-

:;,..Lit'V Cdr..~
Poed tiom. Grade Ot'ljt:ml-rat::.i.onal I. ocatiOtl qt)I'V
---------- -.-.--- . ,-, ~._-------_.._-----

"'''.i':!\;,idef1ti.i~J 11JC:1I;1i.~qE!rnentStaff
"'--' . . ------..--

r:.ln>'f; i d(~nt:i..:!1 staf'f'Of't ic(~r vr. ,14 office of the Deputy Exacutive Secretary 'F
E~onomic Pol.icv a~d ManaQ~ment Office l'
So~ial Policy and Managem~nt Oftic~ F
Aql'iGult:urE' ',:md .tnfn.>structure f
. Policy and Manaqement Office
O~iV~dorlTl~1nt tl10ni tOI'inq.. C1nd Miin8qalTlEmt I~
f'i.!S'ld Of't'ices f
fxternal Helation ~ervicl:; 'f
.(;mj'ITILJnh~C1eions and Infor'mation service F
C'OITHTlunic?ltiot1So and Systmns De~,lC!11 F
and Development. ..' .
CompuLt'll' c>nd C(1f1irl1lmJ.{'~iition(. TechnolQC1Y ,:.
AtUi,"ney V 25 U~qa 1 Se I'V ice F

JdlRr tx,cutive ofr~ces

'"--'''''.''.''' -....---.....-.---...--.--...

on 0/1 ,:i 1ipi nos. OVf.1n;f!d~;
''' , , . .,-,...-..-----.--

r::hief' Ernigr'ant Services Off,Lcer .:4 Extsrnal SerViC8& and Project Office .f
l~O(.1(j 1 :,;el"viCH~'. O'ff
Jrlanctqement dnd PJ.,;Irt.ninq Office
Administr' Offic~ar V ;; tI AdministratJveOlfice . r

f;l1f't'{JY Ra(!tJ~~t<.1t'Y BOd,'d
-.., " ,-...----
ULi H f r:r\t1rgy Reguldt.1.on' Of,ficer 24 Pet.roleum Industry and Other Enet'gy F
Source~ Audit dnd Eval~atjon ~~anch
f lec;tl' ic Indu;;.t:t"V Audi t and
Evaluation Branch'
PetrOlf:!IJOl dnd (jth~JI' Ener:gy Sources
RequJation Br&nch
.1\t:I.:ortH~y V 25 le~(il Bt';!jnch f
[nq!n~~i~t. V :24 lfght and Power Reguldtion Branch F

P iHI Ii! ~,,)t,~

~..~; ~


Annex A

list 0'( Posi tiOI1& u~! I;PI'mJ.r1ed to lw of t:oiJiv,'ilent

RiUlJ.: with thlil Offioials arid Employ~es enumerated
Under' StwtiCJn~. ;,:, J ii!lnd 2.2 (,1 l~at.i.tH1i:,.I. l.ClltpG;!tlMJt:lot1
Circuli:u: No ',.. .. ..
~ --.-

$nlat'v C,1ti?
PC}$jtio"s Gt"liei", , rk~1anj zi:ition{~l Loeat.ton q()I"V
,.. ----.--.. -------------.-

ti,~rnE,je..and AmUSf~ment Boal-d


eh i e'" Spur ts dnd Games Requ tattoo ~4 Bcixingdnd Wrestlinq aranch . . f

0 l' 1 ic~!r Horse Racinq dnd B!,'ttingExamination
Branch '.

ProfessidnaJ. tJaskfl.tbaJ.l dnd ()ther

PrqfR.&ion~] Ham~s Hrdrich
H~mdh of fie ld OtfiC8$ Vlsav~~
. ~nd Mindan~o . Fieid Dffices F

bov~ rrlfTlf.!tl t Corporate Muni tor 1"9 and

C()()rd~t)atin!J Corrnli ttl'IIi'

r~Cln"qemant: and Audit Anal'l6t V 24 F

CoonHnatinq Counej 1
HOIJ",j nq dud
Urban [)evedof)nwnt

Anmi nj .ra t;,iVEl 0 f Heet' Iv ~!4 ~\dminb:,tl'i:,' I/:.i.nanc:f'! ~.:t:atf f:

l' officer .v 24k; ~olicy Studies Group' F
Caot'dination and Evaluation H,:,oUP
Nat:ionalComputer C!'-'nl.;l'!1-

Administrative Officer V. ! 24 Adminit:.I:," Services F

Infql'mation TElchnoloQY Offic~',- 1.11. ,24 PI'ogram P] anninq and Implementation t-
Pl'ojact IYland~p.rnel1t:Of tic....
f~uiliti~GManaqemRnt offlcH
Mindcmcino t;ompul:er Cen1:et'

N., t.:~,om.ll stud hU"1T/

f t.l\.itr1(~jdl i;md :Management Officer n 24 ). f
RHgistration Officer V .. 24 ) f
i\dmini!<>trative' ufficar V 2.11 )Of'fi.cp. ot' the () i l'ect~()1' F
V€'cenmu'ji'ln V 24 'j F
HfU~d of the BrEiwdinq fdrm ) F

Pam.. :3 of tj AI

.,' "'f/' j

Annex A

of Po&itio~. O~termined tb be 6f E4uivalent
~, t:

Rank- wi,tti thf.!OfficiaLs arid ."Employees f:nurniarated

Uf1dar ~e'i,:tion4; ;;~"1, and ;!.2 of Nilticmcd Compeins~ltion
Ci rcular' No.,-w-...
. .

S~ldry Cate.
Position$ (.,t'~de orq,u1i zatlonal L()(;t:I:Jon
.,---,,..--.-- ---- ..-, ,--------.--- qat'V

f'oPu.l ation l:orrr"i ",sian

..---'. ..."".'--""--' '--- .f,

II>;jdd~; ()f P I..,nninq Un.i. ts )Regi~ndl Population Offices F

Hf!i,1US 01' Admini$t:h~tive Unit~s ) I:

Sf~CUI"i..tlf1s and Exchange Gomission


Child' SErcurities dnd Exchange 24 Office of the Chairman "

Sp~.!(1ialir;;.t 8rokf?t's 'and Exd1li11,ge Uapl:tt"t.ment.
Examinel"s and Appr'aisersOepat'lJrlent
Inve~.t.:II;ient ~ncl RE!s~arch Dt-rpar"tment:
Mot1ey Mi1rket Operatiot'ts Departrnent
supervi",;i.orl i:1t1d ''Ionj tOt'lllq O!,tp.I,-tmant

Attorneli V 20 Corporate Clnd Legal Department F

ProHeclltiori and" Enforc:ernent Department
S.ecuritit:3'b InvE!stiqati.on.
" tha/' inq Uepa'-tme.nt
Saquio Exteo~ion Office
Cffhu fxten~ion UN'ic;e
Davao bxtension Office

Record. Officer V ,!4 PrcH"ec.:ution ",nd cn'forcP-tnE'nt Dnpiwt'.rI1ti<nt ,.:

B~dqet Office~ V - 24 ) f
Chiaf Accountant 24 ) . F
Human HI,'SOUf'CP. JII~noqemElnt off iCf3/- V 24 )Administra~lva ~nd FJ mmce F
t\dministnttlve otfiGt:lt' V 24 ) Oep;;H~tman t r=
Re~Drd$ Officer V 24 ) f
su~plv Offiaer v 24) , t'

f'i:lql~ 4 (:)f t/

.. "

Annex t\

L.i$t of PQsft!ons (Jeter'mine' to be .ot {:'.tuiyalent

Rank with the Othc.i.alao and Employee$ f.numer'ateti\
Umier Sections 2.1 nnd;;r.2of ~atio""al t;ompensatibn
t:lrculr.u' No~'. ..:..._--
, ~,,--~---,, ,.' ' ' ~ ' --.-

SaJ.arv L:.., t <"

G."acta Orf1ilfl.intlonal
. "
----------- <lei/'v

OU,lc:e uf
the Yicc;;"'Pt"slI;;ident

Vice jJrfilaid"ntiai Staff Officer. VI 2J10~rect; Staff of the Vice Pre6~dent f

Vice Pref;idsnt's Ptrivate Stcsff
.'VicE: presideritiaJ StaffOfficer VI 24 . Public RelationsStaff' f





Paq~ :1.of 1.

Annex ~\

Ust: ().f Pqsi t,\ons Datel'mined to be of yquivah:int

Rank with the Officials dnd Employee'S Enumerated
Under Sec:t;iotlf;. .2.1 and 2.2 of NationaJ (;()mpt'lnsation
Circulat' No.-.--
. .*-_.' *.., , , , '----

Salary C~r
Positions t1,-ade 9'-qanizational I,.ocation qOt
--...------ -.--- --.-.-----
Jt.pat't.:ment of Rgrelrian Reform
"....------------------ '.
kBQion~l offices
-.., ----...-....------

PI"ovincLi'll Aqrarian Reform Program 26 ) E

OH.ic€'r LI . )O'ffice of the PI'ovinci.:\lJ
Atturney VI 26 .) Agr'ar ian Reform Of f ieer F
Ch,id Agrarian Refol:m Program 24 ) " f'
Otficer '

Provulcial Agrarian Reform Pt'ograrn 2~~ Prcwincia!. Agradan Reform F

Officer' I , Offioe (support Service~)
Municipal. Agrarian Reform Program 20 Office of the Municipal ~'
Officer' . AQrarj~n Officer

PAHt ~jt!(:r't:!tariat

ct1J.ti!f Aqn,.rian Reform f$roqrarn 24 CARP Pli:lt1r1ing. Coordinationand F

~ Monitoring ~ervice
tI 01'Hoer'
. Aqrar ian Reform Fund Managp.ment Sflrv.i.l~e

Paqe 1 of 1


, " ,,' , ,' , ,

', '

:List ofp'o:slticins'DeterITIJ.nedUto be of' EqLd.valant

Ri\lnk with the OffiCials and Employees Enu,merated'
Und~'-'Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of' National Compensation
Circular No..":,,:,,,,-

Salary CatE
Grad~ Location gor~
Positions Organizational

Department of Agr ielJ! tUI~e

AgriculturalTraining Iristitute
Training , .
Center Superintendent II 24 Tralning Services Office
Regional lraining Centers,

Provincial: Fe in~r I sTraining, Cemtet'

,Regional Fishermen's Training Center
Regional, Offices
ProvincialAg~icultural Officer 26 Provinci~l Agricultural Office E
Municipal ~gricultural Officer 20 Extension Force . F .

Bureau of Agricultural
:._"=' :
~ :i-_,-- .
Statistician V 24 Survey Oper.ations Coordinating Office F

. of Plant Industry
, ,

Chief Agriculturist 24 National Crop Cente~ - Baguio F

Buguias Complex

Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority

, '
, , ,

chief Trade-Industry Development Officer, 24 Fertilizer Industry Development F

Fertilizer Mar'keting Ope.-a'tlor1
lndu~try Business EValu~tion
Chief Agt"iculturist 24 Pe~ticideTec~riical
. ,
Services f
Field Operations,
Head of the Administrative Unit ,)Officeof the Adl1linist,'attH" F
Head of the Financial Uriit ) " F

Liv~l.'tock Development Council

--' " ' ,----------

v Page 1. ..of <?

Annex A

U~.t of Post tions Determined t.obe of t:quivalent

Rarikwiththe Officials arid Emplciyeef;,. Enumerated
Utld«:!r . Se(~tions,2.1 and 2.2 of N~tional Cc)mpensation
Circular No ,._~ .
, '-------.-----.----.----.--.....-.-...-.--

Salary Cdte
Pas i tiems
---..... ._-
Grade organizational
LOC:i!ition qot'V

rhief Agrie;ultut'ist 24 )Office of the Execut~ve Director ~;

Head of the Administrative Unit ) . F Meat InspectionCOnYnissio.n

; Meat Control Otfic~r 24 JOffice of the Executiv.e Director F
Hedd 'of the'at~ve Un! t ) f"

t.i.ona!' Nu tr i tiot1' Council
, ' . "':"-'-

jlllltril;.ion p.rogram Coordin~tor 2b Reqional Nutrition Qffice's F



Paqe 2 ot !

, ,~''''':/'''.'
'., ,~ " ,
,~}. '.." I

Annt;f)oo' A

Li~~t of P061t:imit. Otllt,,'rminad t!> be u'f' t~aujvohint

'~l1rlk"wi th the Officialsdn~ EnlJHdyeea Enumerated'
Under Sen t:iO"$ i:'..1 cUld 2.2 b1' Niitioi"iaJ G()nr~H~lt!ii'ttihtl
. ,C.l.rcular No..., ,.
.., '. , , ' . ~ .

Sa!i:lry Cr.lte
PO$ t ti unt; l1.rlfdf! .(l1"g<ln i .1.if ti
U"ia 1. loc:aticm qot.y
.--.-------.- ----- --------.-------------.
"'~\;H'f.nlt'H1tof t::nvi.t'onm841t .and Natural
,-,... , ,


0 f fic(~ of' the S8cretar'y

. .
PI',Ninr.:ia.lE'nvit'()Mment and Natural 26 Provincial Environment.: and Natural E
RnsourC86 Officer' . N/.'ItUt~al Ra8oul'cIIS lJ'ffim,'
t:oll'tnllJ!lity f:nvironment and' Nutural 24 .' Conrnunityenvtronment~nd
Natl.lral F
. Re.ourco~ Officer Natuntl Resources ufficfJ



Paqe 1 of :1

" Annex A

Li&t. of POEOit.iOl16 naterlTlined to be 'of Eqt;ivalent

Rank with, thE! Offi.cials and E'mploYee~enumerated
UndE'ir Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of National' Comperlsation
, '

Salary 'r;at
Pm:.i"ti ons Grade I.ocatiof,'"
-'------- --- ,--------
Orgfm.i lationt)l gOI'

Oa,ial.tment of Environmen.t and' Natural Resources.

., ,,---.-.--

l.J1fice of the! Secretat.y

, '-.......

.'~ovinclcll ~nvirbnrf!ent ~hd ~at:i.;i-al 26 Offi~e of t:h~pr~vinci~l envirohm~nt E

ResOlJr(:~5>Off j,eet' . ' CIInd Natural ResourcesOfficer
':l1nlOlwlity f:nvironment and Natural 24 OffIce of'the l'Iunlcipal Environment F
'HesoUrct:i£; Officf<'r and 'Natur'al ,Rf!~.QUI'ces Officet'




"', .

PaQe 1 of 1

iV:,' ",..:"""'';,, ';, ,j ,/

Annex A

list of Po~.i tLons 'Opl.(H'ITH.III;odr:o be of b..1l11vidnrtt

Hank- l,Ji th the officidLI.'; and Employees fnUli1et'~tqd
Undp,' Sf/£: I.;ions ;:.. J i::Ufd <~~2. .0 f Ma t..i Q/16 J r,ol11jJt!nSn tlun'
n,-cular' r~o .
n'_'___'" , , .." -"'-'-"- -- """"'''. _'_''''0

~dlal"Y ,Cat
POG.ttJon$ hl'f,d9 . orinmi 1.[it.iorw: I I. o(:Ctt~il!n go,"
' ".""--'-'- '--- -- --.'''':'' '-' ---
d"p,U'I,Jthlnt: of F.i.W:,.illcE!
.. '.' 'n. ' ' _.-

Iiti I (,t.! of t::h(~ Sc.n.:n!t:nl"V

... '''''''''''''''-'_'__'0' ,...--.-
. .
':h I f.! t f-j'nauc1;31 Planaq(,!fQ<.)nt ,24 Cottrui t:t:P(:. on Pr. j vaU.:li'lt.ion iat t=
:ipm~itll i~t

"h1/' f:mJ of' Cw,~t:OITl!i;

. ..'''''''-'_'''4'-' '----

~fnad!., of t:olleet;ior"()i~.~tric1::$ CoLlp.ction'Uistricts F

BtJreclu 01" Intf'!nlaJ Revenue

.. '''''''''' ---'--'---..-.----.---.---.

11f!;.1(i~, of I< thst,'ict~ Revenue Oh;tri~tOffice~ f

tIIH:Hi:'IU of t:hp. ","(1.,,-.,UI'V

..0 '''.. ----.-------...

f u;.caJ. I-.xamiflfu- v 24 Reqiondl ~'tin~~ F'

Intfid.J.l9tmC;u and 'J.I1Vt',~tiqffUOn HUI~f~i'm
- .
i conolTlis t:v 24 f.conomic. Rf.~;e;.i"(;h ~,ttj ft f
tnLe!liQence otfLcer V . '24 Sp~cial~pJrdtio~G Groups' P'

. J.n~UI'i~rU:f) COlm1is~ion
,.' -, '0:--, ._--....-

,i I;tonley V" 2~ ,Oagupan Oistricl'. Office f

Cabu Oi s t,'i c t; 01"1 lee
OavdO Oi~tr.ic,t., officQ

i on"1 Ti'J><ReGaarc;h 1:an-tfH'
.... ..- ". .~ , , .,,--_.__.__.-

Pit'c:~'" 1 of ~!

-,./ " /

AnnE!X A

Li$t: 01' 'Posi ti,onl; 1I(;ite,'mirlEtd 1.:0 [il:! () f' (:qufvill (!nt
Rank ~he ofHcidls t~numel"i3ted
Mid trnploY...!9!1.
Unde,' ~)fJc.:tions i! .:1 nnd ~. (~ of NatiQfWl Corripanr,(:i t1 on
. . '..
CJr'culdr No.....--.-...
-- ;
~ __'m"__'

Sa !iil'V Ci.",t::e
-PO$'~ tions (it'odE'! OI'QanJza Uopa 1 l (}(:j) Ci on \lory
. ."'-, _.~ -- --_._. . -"''''''''''-''''''''
. . ' '-

. .

thief fax Sp~Gialjst ;!l! OfL.r:eb'l'€~ bi:ac:ubv~ Oirector I"

IndiviUuaL Inhu~ance Tax Branch
Corpornt:E:o li'1come 1dX t:lnm<:I.
:,peci-ri~.:; i nd Salp.~; Taxelf ar'arict1
::ipp.cL)l He~''':!dr(}ll tmd Tm-Jutlc,:ll
.SerVices Branch,
I 01.:";1. 'fin,:,. t.i I)fI U,. ,1'nd1
t'.f'-led lIt.ficE!r V. 24 Legal staff f
Lcononn s t V .!4 f~conomic St;aft f
:'; t~dtL.,;i';l(;jdn V . 24 'J",x SI:i:'Itl st i.e.!:; Sta'f't f
'~dlll J.rd ~ t.I'CiI;:.i'Vti! D ff.i. CM I' .V 24 Jldrnin.t!"Btivn 'and 1;'11 :::t:tJfl I:





'-'<"9ft ;> \)l' ~.!

AnnG~ i\

L\'1:,1;:() 1 PObl tiotl!, ()nr:.ertrd.IIHd to. ()f? () I I' IIlLi..'i:!'len t

RLink Wl.ttl thE' 0 ff'i.c td 1.£ dnd EITI!.dovee;:, E:nUfnt~ r d toed
IJndpl" ~'jl~c:ti onE, 2. J find ;:...;! o'f Ni'.l.iotldJ .l;omparl!';t) t.:i on
C i rc/.J tat: N(j....
..., ~ """'- '.-. ... . .. "... ..' ~ ". "

. ~jc! I.dt.v Ci; tH

POI.,. L.1.011!'; br'ad.? . On.}ani.z8 U One.i.l I. m:,1.1:10n <;ot'V
'"'''''''''''''' ,.....-... , w""'-

)r,oc; r t 11\'~IIt: (J l HI.!a

., '"''''''

011 H;." of dw Chi",,,,' nf ::I.i..d-t

. ... '''-..'' ..............--...-.....---..----.---...

HfH'IdQ..'Wflf!I"and AlHH t 2" Office ()f the A~:,!; i.~:'

tdnt Sf.f(~retiJry f'
(~ni,l \I!-i.t: V tOt..'l(1c.ial OPt,!I"iitiwl<.;i i:~f1d 1'1"(>111-:
Liny ~ervics& AudLt

UflLC:r; for HCH.pj tid~; nod f..~cj lj th'!!'. Br.!/"!!f.

""-'"''''''''''''''''-'''''''-''' ''''.- ..,... -........--...-

At'du tHC t V ~~4 ) 0 ff.i.ce n fi,hl~ 0 j t-f1C:tor f'

Cnq.i.nef.!r.v 24 I f

offJ.C:t< ot S1:i'1I1di~rdl', ~nd flequlilti.o!1:.

.. ..' ", .. --- ~

Ih~;,d!., 01 Pr'ovinc 1., t Quat'antine Off'i,ces Provincidl QU~"antin~ 01f10e6 f

(Cflbu dnd DdV1:H'I'j

;,pf!t:.i ,.,~ HCH;.p 1.t,~ 1.!:.'

...,. """" ~.__.-

Medlu~l Canter.Chiet. 11 21 Office of th~ Mudical Ca~ter Chiet D

Chief of Medic~l Prof~R.ion~J .. 26 Mad i.(;C!1 SHI'\l~ (.;U'-. .:-;Ld ft' t
::;ti~t1' rr
r.Jw'~,;!i VII ~:4 NUr"i;;inq Seryi(~e5 StL~ff f
/ICiillinihl:rCiUve Of1'fic'I?r V ~4.. AdtninistI"Citi'/f' SUppol-t Stt'ltf I~

!C"<.!I.OIW..l HHiH t.;h ()ffice~>

.." ........

lli.:.U u:1.. Ho,ilth 01'fice~>

""'" - " ...' "".. .......

/li..3tiict.. HeclLch 11 26 I () i60tr i.ot. I'if.!..~

I t::h I)f H C9S E
ui~..1:r.ict Hi'1alth (;HiGf.!r 1 2bl f

1>,'Iqt) :.1. (It ~J -4

'. :.,'
.:) ()
AnnElX A

U:f-t 01' Posi ~iOn6 Df'te/'minedt:o be of EQuivclh~nt

Remk Yi th the of flciah and Erhp.Loyee6 Enumerated
IJndE!I"~ectiOrl6 l.:1: and ~~.~ of Nati.onal 1:c)l1Ipffn~i1tJ.on
. circular'. No. n..
.-.~ ., ~-_.__._._....._----

:;.11 ry CC:ib
Pas it~i ons . GI~itch' Locntion qu/"y
._-----_. ----- 0 '"9i1n i 7. a ti onn J
, --------_._-
. Pt',.)'ji.n;;]
-~_.- .i.:11 He~lth
-- ...-..-.-.-.------------

Provincial Haa1th Officer II 2b )provi.ncial Health Officei;; , E.

ptnovi nel cd Hea] th officII.,. 1 ~~b ) F:

I J LV I!Pd J.I:h 0 ft leeF>

"""''''''''''''''''--'-''''-'--''''''- ._-

I. i tv HHall:h OfficI:'trnr .?6 City Had 1th of'f ices' E

Ci~v Hpa]th Oftic~r II ;!f) City Heed.t~hOfHGus( f:xcf.!pt: f
M~tl'o l"IanJ.1.3')
li h.t.".iet Hospitl'llb.
-- ,

,:t 0 f. Ha..p i tal. n lb 1Uistrtbt Hospitals F

Ch.i,€'fCJt Haspi tall .' 24 ) F

WeUlonttl 'Ho.pi~a!s/Madical Canters

.' '---'

MMd1c~1 Canter Ch~ef I ;'W ot'fice of the Medlcal'Center Chie'f E

Chillf 01 HospltallJl ?6 . 01'1' ic:e of t.'hf'! t;hief of HO'bpl tal l'
Chil!!1of Medical Professionat 25 Services Stat'f F
Sta.1'f J
NU"GuVlI 211 M.dicdl services Division f

~Sdt1i tarta.
.-, ,.----.--

Chipf of S~nitarium III 261 , .€

Ghief of Sarli t;adum 11 25 ).Offi~;e of thf' Chh,t F
r:lli.t::(, ,)1' ::'t;mj.t;.;~rium 1. 24'1 . . F
Chief of Medical Prof_seiarlal .;:& MudioCJl' ::,>,,'/VJCliIsSt".fJ1't f.
:;tiitf 1

t"("H'IH/'I'jLl~ UI'JH}E' Utltird


l\dl\l.ifl\.~.tr6t.i\le' V 24 Adrninis1:rative ~t..ff r

rin.mG,h~l and i'll1naqeffltmt Off Lear 11 <!4 FinanciaJ and Mnnaqernenc'staH
. r

f-»aCjF.!<! of :.i .~


.:) 'f")
Annex A
of f;1o!,.1tions UE!t:tn'mj.nmi to be. 01' t:qu.ivall'mt
Hank- wfth the of'f.\cl$ls and Employee£> Enumerated ..,
Undt'fl' :;;;~(;t:ion~ ;:'.1. nnd ~'. 201- Natlonal compan!:Jdt.:.i(lt1
C.ircl).hr' NO ~ : .

, , 0 ,-.. ...-....---

Sf:l!ary ,
~~Ot; i t:i ons Grade orqanl~~tional location t;<u'V
-.---- ---- ---.----------..--
Fh. j JpPU1t? MIHiimd Ctu'e Corrrnise.ion
., "

!.i!qnJ. cHhcer V 2~ Hearinq'dnd Inv66tigat.1onService F

(Idn',i ni f"tr'at.i VEl uff'.l(;t'" V ~~4 )A(fminu.t~I'f)th/t\ ~iuppurt: St1rViC8S r
:"'1 i',.;"'\;',tu.OI'l .Of'f'icf?f' V ~~.. l f

"Ldrlliinq 01'f'i~ar v 24 }p,'oqri\ms Uf.Nf.!1 o')Inunt: S*'1I'vic:;e1;; I' .

.,nd Aud.l t Analyst: V iM .I f
''I,'diGa.l offimu' VII' ~5 Pnwiden:. SEII'I.Ii~e!; I"


PiHlfl J ()1 ~{

Anriex t.\

I.iht oj' P(H.i t.i.CHIG.uf~tt!/'tTlidf.J'd t;o lIe 01; (:qUJVillant:

R;'H1~: wJ.I;h tJw off if.. ,:uid f.mploY€!fiHi;.t.:nunmri,),tatl .
Under ~h1t:t;iOlHi;L.l add .:.t~ of Natloni.d i:l',mpOt1s.'ii.:.ioi"!
U); No,__........
,... ".. .." "-"'-"';0""'-' ,,_.~ ",......


~}.il a I'V Ca t.~

Po;. i t;.iOr1~i urade (kqaniza.ti unal Location '.11.>1
, '"..- "--'" --..---. ,--,---.
l)d!hH'nI"lHI"J{; of J:nt':er jOl' and lO(:d1 (Jo';-lE:Wnment
....' ,.. , , ,... .".."-'-'-

! O(;i',1 G()v~numlnt: OptH'atiol1('; .~ 'I LHi.Hlum.. of Pt'O\linc&t", Citl<H,; iSnd

, Of f J.CfH' \/U Municipa.lit,lf.!h Secretat"iat f'
P,"ovinci'.1! IH.lqhl.y Urban.iz:ed City.
field Dffic~6 .

Hf.!ilfh:, of Comp()(1ent' t:i.ty OfHGt1s Component; Cl tv FreId Of fic:eEi ~~

Ni.:lti.IHliil Police c()nmj,5~,ion

..., -." .. -. -",,'''-' ,"-'''c':''..,.,'

A I.i::o,"t/ev VI:' ~6 offl06 of thw Adjudication Board F

ctt"'J i t"I1!.Ul

~il".lrh:; of Ini'.,p~'ct:'.i(Jn. 1I1vfi,".t:.i.q(~tion " F

~nd lnLRLliq~ncu Unit. . IReqiondl O~tlceb
l'ih'Hb of (.HrIl:!I';:;! :,fHV.! t:e~; Un.. ts I I

~'hll ippirw Natior'ICd Police

... ""'''-'''''''' .., , ,-,..~ ,,_...

l'Ot1.l.rnHtr V 24 CorrrnuniGi'ttj,on&dnd Electt'onics' f
FirH ServiQe~. W~At8rn Polic~ Uistrict

Training Supel'intandant: L{ . 24 Phjli~pine N,'it.iomd Po.l.ic':e iU!;"III~wIY r

Paq'c'.l of J
I'Irt(}(1:< . A

I i~', t of }.iOE.jI .orIS (h,'tf;,-m.lnf:l(jc(J h~~' 01" I'.t.]tIi vd:t,:.m t.

HfiI Ii., with thE! Off'ici,dls r.u.d t:rrrploym.~~ f. nlJrnt~ r' a tad
IInd,;!t' SAotl0ns 2.1 and '7..2 of National Cf)J)"j'If'.II"iat i.oo
l;;irculdr' No.
''''',. ~ ... "-'" .,.., ", ,. . "' -..' "" ,

~.J(,}LH'V CdtH
Pl)~;:it \,I1/1b (jI"Bde OI:Qi'1f.i 7..:1r:;i urwJ I tlc:aU.on (:jOPI
..."""'''.'''-' ,._- ..~ ..- -., - ,-..-..-..
,. ". ifjli.illt 01. ,.'U~,I~:iCf!
.- '''''. ' ,..

" I I tN' (If t:;11"-1S(;!crl>1',~i'y

., '" ,.. .""'-.-.-------..-.-.......

I h,:~:!1 Pt'o~(!(.::utor ;1() I f.I

.' .,(;I.It.:Oi' IV /9 ) . C
. l'c.lbE:lt.;Uto,' 1.1 L 28 )Pro6ecution Stati/Qffice of the c
i'\i' 1.1 ';"', 1 Pr'ovlm:u;d and C il.v Pt'OS4H:llt:or't, u
P"Ohf!CLJt:or I ;,,?6 ) E

fh.ef st~te.Cnu~seJ 80 j fI
i\hl.,Eit,mr. Chj.\d state !;ounF>el 29 ) C
~,L.ICE' Cuun!'>H 1 V ,:F.: I c.
:"\'dto Cr.)lm~JIi!J .LV t?7 Hi1qal sra'ft' 0
~:;t..<':t.t.f!C tHtnl3Ei'J} II ~~I.i) . F
:ft:i:J t(! COlJn£,el 1.1 2t> ) f
~;.1.:/1te Coun!>~J J .:'4 ) f.
I. I bnH (an V' it! '1 F
Chi~.t Parole Office/' 24 OOdt'd ,)f f>al'dc!f1s dnd 1-'011'010 f

HW-+-/i1l4l()f Cor'r6lctionf.>
.. ..._...".,.. , .. ,. .....-

F'~nFd .lm;ti tut:ion Sliperint;endent. .tV. ~ 26 \ E

11.11 6th&!/" Haadsof PritiOn and Pfll1dl IPrison and Plmcd 1-=.11'£11., f
hH'Ots ) .
j"I~!rjlCi'i1 Of't j car VII ~~5 otfiGt1 of Uw Uinwt:ol' . F
(t II'" "t" Hoe.p.i. 1;a.L 1 r i& New B.ll ibid fJr j ~on Hm:..pi tal f
Cill>;ir of HOfjDi tal J <?4 !f!V\;t>. RHt\ion,,'.l Pr'is()n f.
IwahiQ. 0;:1"'';0. S.'trl Hamon dud f
~,j'lhJayan Pt'i'::iUn iind pmud. !'itl'ITI"'.

"""''' Penal Inl:.r:itIJt.ton Pr'OO".1m 1.4 Penal. Production ~.I~dff' F

Of lice,'
~~rlL~ Guidance Chi~f. 24 R4?CepUOn iJ,t'td Di.aqno'f:;t1c F

rubJ 1(: 1\ttorr',lWI'; off i,(:p.

.. ... "'''-'''-'--'' .........-.--

Pt'iqe :1 of :5 ~

Amlf!x' f\

Lh,t; of IJosi t.l.bl1£, UI?!.ptlTlined t:c., be of LqUl\./C'dent

H,ml<. w.i th.. thfJ ()ffici..~u.j. and fmploye!?s Enumerated
Under ~)£H:.t:i';>rlf>.:i~.1 ,md 2.~~ of Ndt:-iortd.l COlnpnni;i:;tl.ion
Circular' No. .
._.': 'C ': ~ "." '- '.-" .-'"C'.. ~.;..,.. .'..'.-- -. " "..., ....-

:3i:~L.n'v Cdt
Pos i t).ons (;t'ade f)"(}QfI17.ati ona 1 Location q'or
.. ,.,.-. ...--...--.- '.'- >. ---,,---,--'-" ' "'-

::10 }U11'ic~ of the Chief. pub! Ie (H,l:orrwy H

Chid PubU.c IH,tor'nay.
DepuLv Chief Public Attorne~ <?y) C

~ublic Attorney v 2~) .1:

Pub I ie Attorney IV 27 )C8ntr~1 dnd Raqional Offioes D
Pub J .I.C I\ rnoy I:t I <~b ) E
PliblIc (~ttQrney II ~15 ) r

BUr€wu of' lmrnhll"atl.l1t1

.. ,..,... -'_.'~'-''''--'''.'-''-'----

AttortlHV V ,.~5 Board or Special InquLry' f

CnlfYtIl!:iibj,OI1 on the SoCtI Ellne-rlt of Land PI'QblelTl~

.. .. ' '.-'--""-'.- ~''''-'--' ' -""-.-"'"' ''.-'.'--'T-''' '''

<.:;, f
Attorney V National Ci1pil;d.l l'toqion
Provincial Offices

Nat:ior'li-jl UUI-ei.'lIJ of InVt15tiqi'ltion
....'''''''-' -'-'---""-'-'-''' ''''''-'''''-'..'- -.-

I.nJl.,stiqat.ion AQ~nt Vi 2& Techn i.Ga.l. St.dtf f

OOnlf.:IStic11'1tf.!.1 .1i tlEtI1C(;,
Ihvehtiqation Bl"ftnch
lHchn.i.GaJ ~;(~I"Vi.Gfl fJl"dndl
REHilOlHi I ur-r iCEIs NtH';. I <.Hld IX
Oi'fice of the ni 1'!!ct:OI'
lnvt-Ibtiqation Aqent V ,~4 f'
MHriin81 Officer VI ~?41 rea tme:n t Mld Rplwb j 1 i i.r;1ti on Cflntr:w~ ,~
Ct'imfl Invt!&t:.iqat;or V 24 ) "
Ichmt'i fic."ti.on Ofh eft'. 1.1 ;!4 )TechniGi:ll ~j <~,,, \/ j G f' fir "H'IC h . f
U1qlrWI:~1" V <~4 } f'

L;ultl Rt!(:J.i.':i;tl~i;:ltion Au thor.). t:y

. .

I;\eqt~:.t:pr of Ue(~ds IV . 21 )ReQional Centers 0

1.5 ) F
{JprJtJtv ~eq.t s t:P.I" of Ot~ed,".

, Ijl'ladf~ 01 Provincial and't:itv P/'Qvinci.i:tl. and CIty Requ;tr'iec;, F

;: (It ...

Annex A

l. .i\.t: of pmd tions lh:1Lf,!rmirlJ~d .to be.oi' Equivahmt

Hanl~ w~th the Ofhcials and tmploye~b E.num(~rattJd
Under Set~t;i()ns 2. 1. and 2. ~ () ( Na I.:~onc-~1 C,~,"
. CircLJ Lilt" No < ,
~ - ..- - -~ .

Sid til'V Gate

P65 i t.i (>ns (kade Orc1ani :r.atipni:ll Loeation (wt.v
, ..., -.--- - '-'--'-' '---'---'-

lJHiC::f~ of the Government Corp()rat~ Gounsfo!l

" h. ,.. . .-.". ".,...".

. (JOV4;,rnment Corpol'dte C-ouns(:IL . JO a

OE!putv uove,-nmp.n t Co/'pot',:; t~! COUt1$('>1 ,?9 c
Ib"'. J !T.t't~nt Government I:orpora.te 29 . c
:.H:i:lt:(! C(lrp()I'i!l1~f.. Attt1rney. lV 28 c
Stal:e;, Corpur'i;;;tt:1 Attol-nEN ]H n 0
St~b> Corporate Attorne.y r. I 26 E
State COI'pot"ttte Attornev 1 /.5 F
AOll1in.i.e.trt'.ttive Offi.cer V . 24 F

o' of thu Sol ie i i::ol""G~llel-al

-- ' '--------

, Solid to I"-Ufmera 1 30 B
AK~i~taht ~o}iGitor-Reneral ;'9 C
~'Jo1 ic tltor'] n 213 C
Sol i;:;j to," 11 ,'"
,..1 0
.solicitor 1. 26 E
AI>"",ociate Solicito." IJI ?5 f'

PI'U't>lf3 dnd,i,on. Admin.i.stratJ.on

"" ' '---'
.. ' . '-'--.'.

~hLet Probation Officer 24 ReQ~onal Otfice$ F

Pr.H~t:! :~ of :-: ~
. .
Annex A

List of Post tlans Determined to be of Equivalent

Hank with the Officials dnd EiTlployeet. Enumerated
Under Sectiom. 2,.1 (:lr1d 2.2 of'Nation~l'Col11pen!iiation
Gi rcu la r No. h~...
~--:-~ , ,.---_.._._--_._---

Salary Ca te<
P06.1 tions Grade o'rgani lat.i.onal Locat.i.on (10t' Y
..-..--.--.- -_._-- -------------
Depew b:;ent 0 f. L.abor and fl1iployment

NBtional Cohciliation and MAdiatlon Board

.Conc.i.1.iator.-.Madif.ltot' 24 conciliation-Mediation Division F
(:hi~'f' L~bor and Employment Of.Hcar <~4 F
National Capit~l Region

Notional Labor'Relations Commis$.ton

, .

L.,bOI" Arb! tar 28 Regional Offices' c

Executive Clerk of Court~III 28 Office of the Executive Cle~k C
Executive Clerk of Court I 26 All Di.visions E

National Manpow~r and Youth Coun9il

: ~---
fhiministrativEi Officer V' . 24 ) F
24 )Administrative Branch F
Human~Resource Mana~ement Officer V F
Supply> Officer V 24 )

Management and Audit Analyst V ~!4 ). F

. Budget Officer V 24 )flnancial and Management Branch F
Chief Accountant '.. 24 ) . F
Intol"ma.tion 01'f'lcer V 24 Research Development and F
. Information Branch
Chief Manpower Development Officer 24 Variou~ Branches/dffices in. the F
Central Mnd Redional Offices
Heads of Research and.Planning. . ) F
. cmd t1anpower Tr'aining Oivi$ions )Reqional Offices'
. ~sads of Administrative Units ) F'

N"tlonal Maritime Polytechnic

F ;.,:)"fessor I 24 Maritim~ Training F
Chief Educ:ation Program Specialist 24 Planning~ Research ~nd Proj~ct F
Administrative Officer V 24 Adntini~. t,"ati ve F

Page 1 of 2
Annex A

List of Pbsitions Detennined to be of Equiv~lent

Rank wi th the Officials and Employees E,numer'ated
Under Sections 2~1 and ?2 of'N~tlonal Compensation
Circulr!w No'.--'--'-


Salary C'att
Poe.J tions Grade Location
~.- ----. ------------
Orgtmi zational gor~

Natiunal Wages Productivity Comm.ission

f\ttornay V . 25 LegalUni t F
t!oa/'d See r'E!t.~ry VI 25 ReqlQnal r t' ipiwti te Wagas and f
Productivity Board'
r)hilippine Overseas Employment Administr.ation

Chief Labor and Employ-ment Officer 24 ~mployment Services Regulation Branch f=

Labor Assistance Center


Paqe '2 01' ~:
. .. . J ,J J

Annex ".\

I. i.'.'.t: of 11otdt:hins Of'tprrilintid t.:o p£f 01'" EquiVitlunt

n.~tlh I.ljth r.:hE' o1't'ic iale.;, i-Jnd frnpluveeE. f.'.nulTI~H.C)ted
lJndE'I' Si:wtioJlS ~~.j .md ;~,~~ ()f ~i'ltiunal CQlTlpanSi11:10n
Ci.rcular No..,...".,
-..~-.. h ,- _.. "--." --.w '-'--.

. S i~I1.'It. " Cc
POf.l'tions . Gt.ttdf1 liq~c1rJl zationaJ Loca'~ion qe
. . ""--'-- -..---.-.--.---.-.-----.---.-
UCptH'r.rllfmt: 01 N..,J:;\'omd Ueohmse
.'" . -" "-' '-"--

0 I f ](:1" (>f tlw :'ioc I'!~tcH V

'.00.',,,,,,. 00___..__-.-.-..--.-----.

I.UlTldti Hl'~:;ourCE! Manaqeme.n-t. Offi.cer V 24 ) f-

A\!nd.fI).\'oI:,ooiit \ \It! 01fice.l" V ;:41St:r:>'f't fot. t\dlninistt'c:ftinn f"
hH~O~~b Officer V 24 I F

L.h.; .'d f-lCGUlJntdn t. ~~4 ) I'

t.iIJdot! t: Of l' ice'r V 24 )staff for'Comptrol.len.h.ip F
'''If.ntWf!m~rlt. and I-Iudi t AnC'dy\; t. \i 24 ) f
1~~Hl Officer V . . 24 Legal Service F
Lh:t(> f O~'1 r~lwe I<o!i;ean~h l)ff',icl'l' .:4 .~,taff f(w PJ.:tns ,:md proqt~.~ms F
trdo,OOtnnl..lon U'IfiGer V 24 Publ1e: Inft)rmatibn Set-vice . f:

dl'!fI...cI'HH'(~p\:. i)f thf~

.. , -- .........-....----...---....-...--..-..-

General HHadquarter~
'''-'t , o..-:'-'--'--"----

Hut11i'JrtHe"clurce Management Office V . .:?4 .)-1 F

Hudget Oftic~r V . . i~4 .1-6. F
fisCAL Controller V 24 ~)-6 f;
(;hiej' Account:ant . i!4 J..;.6 F
~Rna~~nant dnd Audit ~nalygt V 24 J-b F
Cht111li$ t. 1,,, . ~~4 Rt<>seaf"d, dr1d OC'!,.ielnpmEll"lt Cen1:!iiw F
: iLmp l II rHhcer V 24 Supply I~~ntet. . F
Ohilippine Air forc~
-'.' ' , ~._-

liunr,m RtH'.ourca Manaqement Off icer V loll A-i f

t 0 ff i.(~f.n- V . . 24 A~6 t:
I:h If' t HCGourltant 24 1\-6 F
~>lIppll/ Ofl'ieer V 24 420l;h ~;uppl 'If Wing F

i'tlJltpplne Army
. ,-.-.--....

.. .

PaqEll () j' J

Annex ~,

Ust of Posi tior1s Detel"mined t~o be ()f Equ.tva.Lent

Rank wit.h the Officials and. Employees> Enumerated
Und~I'Sections 2.1, ~nd ;~.2 .of N~
. Circul~~
. "

~.laliH'Y I.:ate
Posi tions Hr'adfJ Ol"<ldni ;;:at:ion..l L()Cnt j.on l.IorlJi
-.--.-...--...-... ---- .".- -.-.-.--.......-----.-.-.---..-

Human HH$OW'CE! MCinaqeflwnt: 0 f'fi Cli'" V.. .24 0-1 F

.': !doet: Officer V 24 G-6 .F
~hief AcuountDnt . ':~4 G.-Ii f'
~up~lV Offitsr V 24 G"'-4 .f'

Pf.,\ .I.i.ppin€l COr1s1:ablllM'Y

" .--,..--....----.-----.-------..-.-

HumdnRasourcEI Manaqement U'fficer V ..24 office of th'fJ ConstabuldryAdjutant f

UudQ.t Officer V ;14 fh.Jdqf~t Sf:1t"vic~
Cb.i.~!I' 'Ac:countant 24 Accounting Office F
FIscal .Controllar V 24' I' l!-;(.~i~
Larl d I'! nanc a SfI,rv i Cf! F
sUDply officar V l4 ConstabllJi=,ry Support Corrmand F
I.:,'ime Inv'e~tiqi"t('1I' V ~~4 PC / IN? 1.,,~b()I'at:()/"y. ~j(-'!r'Vi<.:H'" f' Navy
... "'''''---'''''--. ''',' ""'-""

Off.tcer' V 24 0 ivifd.on of thf~ NavalPeraonne.J f

Hum(jIl~RF.!E;(.)urce lI1anaaement
HLJdql>t': ottic.,!/" V 24 8udqet:Bt",'!nr:h f
Chi.c- I Accal.Jntant~ 24 Ac caUfl t i nq f
~jllpply Officet" V ?4 supctly "H.:counr.:dbll'~ f'
~:ncJt,nest. V 24 Hoard of Mat'tne lnqlJiry. fJ.tst t.:oast r-=

(1Udl-d Lih, tr'.i.c t

Mat,j l.iHll;1'At'fni.n, ui'vision
Cut;tf.H' Service Sllperv~$or ;~4 Sp£H.:idl [I()(.wd' of MtwinE" lllquir'y f'

the Phil ippines

l'IIdl.1Ot!i'i! {jefen~~*" ColleqB c.).t
- ' 'h_',, ,,-,~,- "-- "..-

I\rlolini!:; tt'~jtive Officer V ~?'I n..?parr.rnent of (-\dminh,t.t'ativt'! Affairs F

(J! j I'c;(" of C .Lvi] Oe'f£ms.e

--, -.,- ~ ~.._...._--._.-

'i./t 1 Defense or'ficer V 24 Ragland} Field Stdtions F

i'hU.lppin~ Vetti:lr'ane A1'1'ail"ii; Offi.m>.

.' ............--.-..--.-...---.---..-------.-...-----.-

Paqt> l 01 " ~


Annex A

I.1st of P05i L.ions LlE.t~!I'minp.d to he of Equivalent

Ri;nk I,Jj1.h th.f:! otfic ia EOIployeas. E'nLJITI('H'ated
Undt.!r' Soct:ions 2.2 of National Componsat.ion
. Circulat' No. """"-""...' .
-"-'-""---'-' '---"""-"'-'-~-"---" '---.----.-.-----

Salary Catf!
Posi tion~; (,t.iHIt', orqani 7..i:!t:ionaJ loci:ition qOt'Y
- ..... " ....--- --'----------------
Mili tal'~' ShrineE:'. ~';E!""/i.C!'~~

ch:i.\:d' ::;hr irlt! CUI"ato,f' ,.',11 F

Veti't'<1fh. l"'t~lTIol"j.aJ Mf./(licoJ. Cun!;p.'


ChLef bf 'Medical Professional /!.) Ofl'icn of thE? f!!udical Prohi?sf:> ional staff F
Stan I

I',H)(' .~ (II ::~

Annex A

list of PositionsH Determined to be of Equivalerit

Rank with the Officials and Eml>loyees E.numerated
Under Sections 2.1 and: 2~2 of.National Compensation
----- --------------------------
. Circular. No :.;..

Salar.y Cate
POE'itions Grade Organizational Location . go ry

Department of Public Wor~s and Hi~hways

office of the
District Engineer . 25 District Offices. . F
Regio,:,al Equipment Engineer ~!GRegional .Equipment Services F
Information Technology Officer III 24 Infrastructure Computer Center F

Bur~u of Research and Standa."ds

Enqineer V 24.. Vitas Pre-fabrication Pl.:lllt F



1. ~
Paq~ t .of. ..1

Annex A '

List of Positions Determined

to be of Equiva18"t
Rank with the Officials a~dEmployees Enumerated
Under Sectiohs 2~1 and 2~2 of National ,Compensation
, ,

- 'Circular .Noo_"

Salary Cat

Grada Qrganha,tional, L.ocation gor,

Oeparbment qf Science and Technology

Scientist V 30 B
Scientist IV 29 c
Scientist III 28 C
Scientist II 27 0 .
Scien.ti$t I 26 E

lc. Geophysical
'Phi,lippineAtmosphe.- and Astronomical
Services Administration

Weather Services Chief 24 National Weather Branch F

National Flood Forecasting Branch
Climatology'aranch '

National Typhoon Moderation Branch

Naticmai Atmosphar ic. Geophysical and
,'Space Sciences Branch


Page'! .of 1

... Annex. A

List of Posltions Oeter'mined to be of Equivalent

Rank with the~fffcialsand Employees Enumerated
Under iections 2.1 and.2.2 of National Co~pensation
. Circular. No.~

Sahry Cat
Positions Grade Organizational' Locatlon qor
----...---- ----- -----------------
~epartrnent 01" Tour1!:'.m
Intramuro~ Adminis~ratlon .

Chief. Historic S.l tea De,velopment Officer 24 Urban Planning Gro.up . F

Restoration. Con~truction and
. Maintenant Group
Museum Group' ,
Research and Publication Group
Public Relations Officer V 24 Festival and Events GroGp F
Financial Analyst v . . . 24 ,Business Group F
Designated Head of the Administrative Administrative Group F

National Parks Development Corrrnittee

Planning officer" V 24 '
Planning F
F inanti.31 and Mani.~'<Jement. Officer' II 24 Financial F
Administrative Officer V. 24 Administrative F
Media Production Specialist V 24 Art and Culture F
Finane.tal Annlyst V ;'~4 B~siness,Affairs F
Park Operations ~uperintendent V 24 Park Opel"ations F

Page 1. o'f 1

Annex A

List of.Positions Determined to be of Equivalent

Rank .with the Of1icials.and Employees Enumerated
Under Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of National Compensation
. . CircularNo :..-:....

Salary .Catf
Posi.tions Grade Organizational Location gor~
--------- ---- ---------------------
Department of social Wel fat-e and Development

office of the Secretary

Social Welfare officer V 24 Provincial Offices F
City offices
Cen t(~rs

Training Center Superi~tendent II 24 National Vocatj.onalRehabilitation F

. Center .
Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center

Cuuneilfor the Wel1'are of Children

Head of the Administrative and Administrative ~rid Finance Oivision F
Finance Oivision
He~ttl of the Planning and Programming Planning ar,d progral1JT1ing.Division F
Head of the LeQd~ and Technical Legal and' Techn"ical Services Division 'F
Oivision . .

Hea~ df.the Information.. Education Information. Education and Communi- F

and COlillTlunications Division cation~ Oivision

Paqe . 1 -.of


Annex A,

List of Positions Deter~ined to be of Equivalent

~ank with the Officials and Employees Enumerated
Under Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of National Compensation
-------------- .--------------

Salary Cat4
Positions Grade Loct1tion gor~
-----.-.--- ------ organi~~t.ional
Department of Trade. and Industry
' "';'

office of the Secl"etary

' ,--------

Trade Commissioner 29 Office of the Secretary c'

Regional oftic~s

Provin6ial Trade and In<1ustry 26 )Provincial Field Offices E

ofUcer )City Fi~ld Offi~es
Chief Development 24 ) F

Board of Investments

. Chle'f Investments Speciali,st 24 One Stop Shop Center F

Investments Promotion Center

GarmantB and Tex~lle Export Hoard

, Chief Trade-Industry Development 24 One Stop Action Center F



6 Paga l~of 1
AnJ:1ex A

List of Position~ Oeter~ined to be of Equivalent

Rank with th. Official~ dnd Employees Enumerated
Under Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of National Compensatioh
. Circular
. No..__-

Salat.y Cat
PosItions G.'ade a rgani za,tiona 1. Locatian go."
---------. -.-.-.-- --' '--------------
Depart1T1ent .of. orransportatlon and COQ:lf11unicatians

Office of the Secretary

Cordillera Administrative Region

Attorney V 25 Technical Set ces Group F

Heads .of Oisrtrict Offic~s Land Transpartbtion Office. ~egion I F
and Reqion. II
Heads of Postal Oistrict Offices. Postal Services Office. Region I F
. and Region II

Postal Services
. . ~ffic.
., : '----------.-

Chief POBt~l Service Officer 24 P6stalDistrictOffices F

D6mestic Surface Mail Distribution
tI Special Service~ Center
Postmaster VI.I 24 Central Post Office F
. Head of. the Postalfraininq Center Postal Training Center r=
. Head ~f the Foreign Surface Mail Foreign Surface Mail Distribution F
Oistrfbution Center Center. .
Head otth.e Air'miii! Distt'ibution Center Airmail Distribution Center F

Telecomnunicatiuns Office
------.--.--.-..--.--..-..--------- . f.

Human Resource Management Officer V 24 Teiecorrmunications Training. Insti tut:e' F

Engin8Br V ;!4 ) .
Financial ahd Management Officer II 24 )R~gional Offices F
Teh~coiTmunicati()n$ Distt'ict Officer 24 }.

Air Transportation Office


Airport Manager IV 26 Mactan International Airport E

Iii "pod: /Vlanaqer" III 24 Alternate Internatianal Airports F
(La6ag. Oavao and Zamboanga Cities)

(3 Pagel .of 2
Annex A

List of Positions Oetermined to be of Equival~nt

Rank w1th.the Officials and. Employees Enumerated
Under ~ectio~s'2.1 and 2.2 of'Nation~l Compensation
Circular No.~
------------------ ,---~----------


Salary Ca'
Positions Grade Organizational ~ocation gOI
------- ---- -----
LQnd Transporta~io~ Franchising and Regulatory Board

Chief T,"ansporta.tion Development Officer 24 Regional Franchising and Regulatory F


Land Transportation Office

Chief Transportation Regulation 24 .Law Enforcement Service F
Officer . District Offices
Licensing Centers (National Capital
. Roqion)
Heads of Oistr~ct offices District Offices F




@ ~
Pnge 2 .of 2
.\. . AnnexA

List of Positio~sDetermined to. be of Equivalent

.. Rank with the' Officials and Employees. Enumer.ated
Under Sections 2.~an~ 2.2 of National' Compensation
. . Circular Noo-----

Salary Ca
Positions Grade' Organizational locatlon go
National Economic Development Authority

office of the Director-General

Chief Scholarship Affairs Officer 24 Scholarship Affairs Secretariat F


Pa<fe 1. of 1
Annex A',

Li~t of Pos! tions Determined to be of Equivalent

Rank with the Officials and,'Employees Enumer.ated
Under Sections 2~1 'and 2.2 of Nation~l Compensation
Cfrcular No "~-'---

Salary Ca1
Pod Uons Grade' Organizational Location qOI
-,--,---- ------ ---------------
National Statistical Coordi~ation Board
~----_...._-- ------
Administrative Officer. V 24, Administrative staff F
Chief Statistic-al Coordination 24 Statistical Programs and Resource F
Spec.ialist Management Office
Economic and Social statistics office

N~tio~aiSt~tistics Office
Administrative Officer V 24 Administrative Staff F
Financial and Management Officer 11 24 fiscal Service Staff F
Informatioh Technology Officer rII 24 Data Processing Staff F
Managemen~ and Audit Analyst V , 24 Management and Planning Staff F
Stc~tistfcian V 24 Research and Training staff F
Trade Branch
Industry Branch
Service B~anch .
tI 'Agricul ture and FisherJes Branch
Populatio~ and Housing Branc~
Economics and Census Branch
RegIonal Of~ices

Page 1.,of 1

list of Positions Determined to be of Equiva~ent

Rank with the Officials'. and Empl~yees Enumerat~d ' .

Under'Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of National Compensation

. Circular Noo-----

Salary Cat.
Positions' 'Grade Organizational" location qon
Office of the Press Secretary.

Executive News Editor 24 Office of the Press Secretary F

Information Officer V 24 Media Research and Development ~taff F

.National Printing Office

~ :

Superintendent of Printing 24 Office of the Director F

News Information BUI"saU

. Executive !,.jewsEd! tor 24 Presidential Press Staff F

Philippine News Agency

Philippine Information Agency

. '----

. lnftrmation Officer V' 24 Information Centers F

@ . Page 1 .of 1
Ann~)( A

list of Positions Determined to be of Equivalent

Rank w:i.ththe officials and Employees Enumer.ated
Under Sections ?-.l~and.2.2 of National Compensation

Salary Cate
P'osi tions Grade . Organizational Location qot.~
--: :..-.... --- ~ ~--------
The Judiciary

Supreme Court of the Philippines

. .

Associate Justice of the 31' Office of the Associate Justices A

Supreme Cou,.t .
Court-Administrator of the 30 Office of the Court Administrator B
Supreme Court
Deputy Court Administrator of the 30 Oftic.e of the Depaty COUt't Administrator. B
Supreme Court .

, Executive Clerk 'of Court V 30 office of the Clerk of Court B

Executive Clerk of Court IV 29 Otfice of the Clerk of Court En Bane C
.First. SeGond and Third Divisions
Office of the Clerk of Cdurt

Executive Clerk of Court III 28 Office of the Clerk of Court En Ba~c . c

Office of the Division Clerk of Court.
First. Sec.ond and Third Divisions
Office of the Clerk. of Cou~t
tourt .tt~rney V 26 Office
. of the Chief Justice
. E
Office of the AssoQiate Justices. .

Judiciat'y Operations Staff. Judiciary'.

Planning. Development and Implementation
'Attorneys Pool
Court ~ttorney IV 25 Office of, the Chief Justice F
O'ffice of the Associate JustIces
Attorneys Paol .

.Court Attorney III 24 Secretariat. Judicial and Bar Council F

Agend~ Staff, .
Minutes and Rei~lution Staff
Bar Relations.Staff .
Legislative Research staff
Special Studies Staff
Legal Research Staff
Lib,-ar'Ian V 24 library Services F

Regional Trial Courts

@ Paqe 1 _of 3
. .
Annex A

;.:. ,::,':,:/,~::!:,":';;;::":~i:'~'';":.':,'' ~" " ',', ',", ':'

,; ;';,~> :,".":':'~';<>', ;': ,,: '" ,', ''list o.f Pasitians Determined 'to. be 0.'1' Equiva'lent.
J, ' .": ',Rank with the officials and Emplayees Enumer.ated
Under Sections 2~1 ~nd 2.2 af Natianal'Compensatian
Circular No.~ .
, , . .
. . ,salary, . Cate
Pasitians Grade
---- ------------
Ol'ganl zatianal Lacation gory

Regianal Trial Caurt Judge 29 OffIce af the, Regional trial Cou,rtJudge C

Clerk af Caurt VII .26 ) ,
Cler~ o,f Caurt. VI 25 )Off10e af the C,lerk af Caurt and the F
Clark o.f Co.urt,V 24..)' Br'anch Clerk Of Cal!rt F

- ,
Dist~lct ~aurt6
-~ .,,-,"' , .
. .,- :- ,. /!Io

Shari I a," qistr ict Court Judge' 29 office af the Shari'a District Caurt Judge C
Clerk af Caurt VI . 25 OffIce af th~ Clerk af Co.U~t F

. -----
Metropolitan Tria~,Caurts
------- .

28 office of the'MetropolitaQ Tr~al Caurt C

Metr~politan Trial Caurt Judge
Judqe ., .
Heads of the Off'.tces of th(~ Clerl"f. ) . .
of Caurt 'and' the Branch Clerks )Offices of the Clerks of Caurt and the F,
af Caurt IV, ) Bran~h Clerks of Court
, t(
Municipal Tr.1al Co.urts in Cities

, city Trial Court Judge. 27 , Offic,e of ,~he C,ity Tdal Court Judge 0
Heads o.f the Ot'fiGes af thei Clerks ) .
af Caurt and the Branch Clerks )Offices af the Clerks af Court and the F
af Caurt IV ) '~ranch GIerke Of Court
Municipal Trial Courts
Municipal Tridl Co.urt Judqe '
26 Office of the Municipal Trial Court Judge E

Municipal, Circui t Tr~a~ C,o_LIrts

MUnicipal Circuit Trial Caurt judqa 26 office af ~he Circuit Trial Ca~rt'Judge E

'Shari 'a Cll"cuit: T.-i~\l COlwts

fJaqe 2.o.f3,
, ,

. " Annex A

, ,

List of Positions Determined to be of equivalent

Rank ~ith the Officials and Employees Enumerated,
Under Sections 2.1 and 2.2, of National Compensation
Circular No.~
--------- ,



, ' salary Cat

.Grade' Or~anlzationalLoc~tion
Posi tions '

---- ~--------

Shari'a Clrcuix Trial Court Judge, ~6 Offic~ of the Shari'a circuit Trial' E'
Court Ju~ge

Co~rt of Appeal~

. .' ~' .

. " ' '


Presiding JUstice~ Court of Appeals 31 Offige of che Presiding' Justice, A

Associat. Justice, Court of Appeal$ 30 Office of the I::hairmenof the DivIsions B'
Office of' the. A'ssociate Justices
Executive Clerk of Court IV 29 OffIce of the Clerk of Court, C ,
Exec~tivs Clerk of Court' III 28 )Off10e of the Division Clerk C
Executiv~ ~lerk of Court II ' 27) of Court' 0
Cdurt of Appeals Reporter II 27 ' Reporters'Divi~lon , 0
Court Atto~ney V 26' OfficE! of the Presiding Justi~e .E
, Office of the Chairmen of the Divisions
office of the Associate Justices
Cour't Attorney IV 25 Office of the Presiding Justice' F
, " ~~~~,~~ba:an .

Presidirig Justice.' Sand iganbayim ,31 Office of the Presiding Justice' A

Associate Justice 30 OfficE!,of the Associate' Justice B
Executive Clerk of Court IV 29 Office of the Clerk of Court C
Executive Clerk of Court 111 ;~8 affice rif the Deputy Clerk of t6urt G '
Court Attorney V. 26 Office of the Presiding,Justice E
Office of the Associate Justice
Court Attorney IV 25 Qffice ,of the Clerk 'of Court F'
Legal Research and Technical ~taff

Court qf Tax ~ppaals

PreSiding'Judge 30 fice of the Judges B '

AssoCiat~ Judge 29 C

Executive C~erk of, COUI'~ IJ' , 27 }O'ffice of the Clerk of Court ,'0
EXecutive Clerk of Court I ';.-",' :" ') : E
. Court Attorney V -' . Legal and TechnicalServices E

@ P~ge 3-91 ::! .~

.,., 5'.

, ". " :: ", ':'-''''.: . ,,' , , . ,.. .Annex A.
1 '.'.. ,
~:.:' .:. '. ,: ''',', '" . ",
.,,' , ,
.\ ' :' ;...'
" :';:',,:./ <':'~::,,:,~':,:\',.., ,.' . '. . . '

~;" '. '<' ,.List:6f. 'po'siti'ons. Determined to be' of Equiva18nt

.' ::... .,': "~~~k'~i~h the O~fi~tals and Employ~~s Enumera~ed
. : -,,, '. ,: :;-:::. ":. . ..'. Under. Sections 2.'1 and, F °2 of National Compensation
. . . Circular ,No0..,--

: '.' ,,'
.". " .
Salary' Ci
Post tions . , Grade ,OrgaMizational, Location' gl
:.. '---,
Civil S!?rvlce C'ommission
.--'" ' ------
Hea~ Civil: Ser~ice~Field .officer ,26 Field .offices . I
Attorney VI 26' Merl t Systems Protec.tion Board' F
Board Secretary VI' .25 )Office of the Chairman F
,Conciliator, 25),' '. F
Heco..ds' 'Of,ticer
Libr'af1an V .
24 Records . Center
. '
A and B F
24 'Library':,.
Head/of the Intelligence'Un~t ) 9ffide of., the Chairman F
Head .of.'the lnf,ormation Un!!; ) ,~ 'F

.,ca~~erExecutiv~::serviceB.oard ~-.,..-----.
, ,
'.' . . ,
Finan<~ia.J., 'and Managament; .officer II '24 Financial and ~dmin~strative Service F
Ghief'P~rsonnel Specialist' 24 Rank Classification. Compensation,and F
. Salary Admin'ietration Service'
P.rformance ~valuatiQn and Career
Uevelop~ent'Service" .
Research and.Extern~l Relations S~rvice
. , , Selection.
. Service
Appo'lntmentand Placement
.~t~orn~y, V , 25, Legal Service p
. '.
Professional, Regulation Corrmisslon
. . , , '.

B9ard se~retary V 1 24 Office of the Commission Chairman F


" .'

, -

Page 1 gf ,1
'@ ""',

Annex A

List of positions Determined to be of Equivalent

Rank with the Officials and Employees: Enumerat~d
Under 'Sections 2.1 and :2.2 of National Compensc:'tion
, ---------------.--------

Si;:ilaryo Cat,
Pc)!:.i tions Grade Location qor,'
---'--'- -- Organizational
COfTITlission on Audit

~~tate Auditor IV 24 'Confidintialand Audit ~taff

' F
thief Technical Audit Specialist 24 Computer' Audi t Group,
' '
Special Investigation V. 24 Securl ty A.ffairs Service staff F
.Board Secretary VI 2& Commission Secretariat r
Human r~esource Management Officer V 24 Southern Philippines Training Center F
'State'Auditor V (Head. Fiel~ 26 ) E
A~dit Units) ,
)Field Audit Units
All other Heads of F'ield Audit Units ). F


PaQe l.of l'

Annex A

List of poed tions Determimid t9 be of Equivalent

Ranl< with the Officials ~nd Employees Enumer-ated
Unde r. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of Natloh~l Compen,ation
---------- . Circular No._- .

Sala,"y Catl
Positions Grade Location
.----. -- . Or9anizational
---------- q.or~

Commission on Elections
. .

Boa~d. Secr~taryVI . 24 Office of the Secretary to the F

Provincial Election Supervisor IV 26 E.
All other Heads of provincial Offices Provincial Offices F

Page :L of "J

. ,'.
, .

~ .,)

Annex A

List of''Positions Determined. to,be of~Equivalent

Rank wIth
the Officials and Employees Enumer~ted
Under'Sections 2.1ano 2.2 of Nationd Compensation
, , Circular:-"No.__-
, .

Salary Cat

Positions Grade
-- org~n~zatlonal
--~ Location

'ice of the Ombudsman

Imbudsman 3:L Office of the Ombudsman, , A
Iverall Deputy Ombudsman 30 Office of the Overall Deputy Ombudsman f:I
leputy ,Ombudsman 30 Of'ficeof the Deputy Ombudsman B
ipecial P-'''osecutor aa Off"iceof the Special Prosecutor B
Issistant Ombudsman 29 Office of the Assistant Ombudsman C
leputySpeclal Prosecutor 29 office of thf Deputy Specjal Prosecutor C
ipecia.lAssistant to the Ombudsman 29 Office of the Ombudsm<9n ' ' C
.pecial~PrDsecution Officer 'III 28 ) C
.peclal Prosecution officer II ' 27 )Prosecution Bure<9u D
.pecial Pyosecution
Officer 1 ~6 ) E

iraft Investigation Officer Irl 28 )Evaluation qnd Preliminary c

iraft lnve'stigation Off.icer II 27) Inv~stiqation Bureau 0
iraft Investigation Officer r 26 )Fact Finding and Intelligence Bureau E
" Adm{nistrative Adjudication Bureau
Public Assistance Bureau
Research and Special studies Bureau
Conmunity Coordination Bureau'
General Investigation and Public
Assistance Staff
i~aft Prevehtion Officer'V 24 General Investigation and Public F

@ Paqe :l ,of 1
,-' ,.

;,,:::/\:(?P~'~,: ,:~":

" '.:lJ:st~f.,p~~id.on~'D~r=er~fned::~,bEi),of~~4iv~t;nt' ,", ,,'

, Raiik with the OffJ.eials,and Employee~Eru.imerated: ,'"
Und~r See,tions 2.1 and 2 .~: 'of' NationalCompelisation
, ' " , "Cireul~r.No.~ ' .
., ----......-

. Salary, Cat
, Posi'tions , Grade' ,orgalii.%ati~nal 'Location gor
... -----
commission 9n Hum~n Rights

AttortlfiY VI "2,6 fielc;l Operations Offices F.,

'. )



@ Page :1 '<If, J

Annex A

Listof Positions Determi ni!d . to be of Equivalel1t .

Ra~k with th~ Officials and. Employees Enumerated.
Under Sectiorfs 2.~and.2.2 of National Coinpens at ion
. '. Circular No;--~
~ . --, ,-,

..' , .

Salary Cat
Pod t:ions Grade 'Organizational' ~ocation gar
Cordi llera Administrative. Region. .

- .eRA Chairman )Cordillera Regional Assembly D

CRA Committ~e Heads ) F
Kalinga speci~l'OevelopmentAuthori.ty.

Legal Officer V . 24 Office of the Executive Director F. .


,(lJ .Pagel -of 1




'list 'Of'PasitioJ16 Determined ta be 9.f Equivalent,

Rank 'with the,Offici~is and Emplayees Enumerated
Under S~ctians :,2.1',a~d',2.2'afNatianalCampensatidn
, Circular No.--,-'
-, , ",.,.-~-: ~-----

, .

Sa la,ry Cate
'Pas! tia"s ,Grade Organizatlana~ Location qol"Y

Autano,lTtous"RegianalGavernment in ,Mindanaa

'.Regional o.ffice 'Of the; Gava,-nDr

---- .' . ,,'
Reg~()r'1alGavernar "
, 31' Office 'Of the Regianal Governor , ,A.
,Regianal Vice-Gaverno."', '30, office 'Of the Reglanal Vice":Gaver'nar B
RegianalExecutive-Secretary 29 Office 'Of the Regianal Executive.Secretary C
Regiana~'Cabihet Secretary '.29 Offic~ ,'Of the Regi,qnal' Cabine,tSecretary . C ,

~ Reqional thief 'Of Stiilff ' , " , "28 Offi~eaf the Regional' Gavernor ' . '.C
Assistant Regiarial Executive Secretary 270ffic8 'Of ':,the Regianal Executive Secretary I)" .

Assistant Regional Cabinet 'Secretary 27, Office 'Of 'the Regional CabInet Secretary '0
,,' "Office 'Of Oevalved Agenci~s

Execl,Jtive AssJstantYI 25 'ManilaLiaison Office, ' F


, Regj;o~al .Legi~lative Assembly

Regianal Legislativ~ Secretary 29 Off1ceaf the Regianal Legislative,' C




@ Page 1 ~f 1

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