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AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design dune 6, 2018 Part? AISC Live Webinars ‘Thank you for joining our live webinar today, We will begin shorty, Please stand by. Thank you Need Help? Call ReadyTalk Support: 800.843.9166 sual STEEL AISC Live Webinars ‘Today's audio will be broadcast through the internet Alternatively, to hear the audio through the phone, dial: (800) 289-0459 Passcode: 664417 © Oe AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design Sune 6, 2018 Part? AISC Live Webinars ‘Today's live webinar will begin shorlly. Please stand by. ‘Asa reminder, all ines have been muted. Please type any questions or comments through the Chat feature on the left portion of your screen, Today's audio will be broadcast through the internet Alternatively, to hear the audio through the phone, dial: (800) 289-0459 Passcode: 664417 AISC Live Webinars AISCis@ Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES). Credit(s) earned on completion ofthis program willbe reported to AIA/CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both {AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request. This program is registered with AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an ‘approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any ‘method or manner of handling, using, distributing or dealing in any material or product. ‘Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services willbe addressed at the conclusion ofthis presentation Copyright © 2018 American Institte of Stel Construct ASC Live Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design [AISC tive Webinar June 6, 2018 Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? dune 6, 2018 AISC Live Webinars Copyright Materials Thank You Please give us your feedback! © The American institute of Steel Construction 2018 Survey at conclusion of webinar. The information presented herin is based onrecourize engineering incl andi for general ‘pocte apleston wihost compete pafersinalsxrmination an wefan by Scone ® Course Description Steel Framed Stairway Design art 2; Seismic Loads & Delegated Design June 6, 2018 ‘This session provides information regarding code requirements for seismic loading and serviceability criteria, uard/handrail design, design examples, considerations related to construction tolerances, adlitional design considerations, and delegated design, 5 american insite of Stee! Constr 3) american institute of 1 Construction ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Steel Framed Stairway Design [AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Leart 1g Objectives + Describe how seismic loads are combined with gravity loads in ste! stair design, + Select details that might be used to allow for stair movement during * Identify the items to be included in design documents when delegating the structural design of ste! stairs. + Uist tolerances to be accounted fr at the interface between steel stalrs and concrete or masonry elements PDH Certificates Within 2 business days. + You will receive an email on how to report attendance from: registration + Be on the lookout: Check your spam filter! Check your junk folder! + Completely fill out online form. Don’t forget to check the boxes next to each attendee’s name! Steel Framed Stairway Design Presented by ‘Adam Frieeman CSD Structural Engineers STEEL American Institte of Stel Const PDH Certificates Within 2 business days. ‘Reporting site (URL will be provided in the forthcoming email) ‘= Username: Same as AISC website username. + Password: Same as AISC website password American institute of 1 Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? hire. 2018 Vibration * Refer to AISC Design Guide 11: Vibrations of Steel- @ Framed Structural Systems Due to Human Activity (Second Edition) * Vibration is all about perception and comfort + Discuss project goals as it relates to vibration Vivation of Stee- Framed Structural Systems 108 Questions? 108 Copyright © 2018 American Institte of Stel Construction AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Introduction AISC Design Guide 34: Steel Framed Stairway Design & to be published late summer / fall will be available at free download for members or available for purchase Steel Framed Stairway Design @ Outline — Part 1 Recap Step 1- Purpose & Design Philosophy Step 2 — Stairway Overview Step 3 — Code Requirements - Gravity Step 4 — Stairway Design Step 5- Members & Connx | Step 6 — Examples 10 Copyright © 2018 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Outline — Part 2 Step 7 - Code Requirements — Seismic Loading Step 8 - Seismic Serviceability Step 9 ~ Stairway Design Step 10 - Examples Step 11 — Delegated Design Step 12 Other Topics Outline — Part 2 Step 7 — Code Requirements — Seismic Loading Step 8 — Seismic Serviceability Step 9 — Stairway Design Step 10 — Examples Step 11 — Delegated Design | Step 12 - Other Topics copyright © 2018 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Erectability * Think about installation — Stringers adjacent to concrete/masonry walls may have limited access to install bolts = Will masonry supports be in place? * Erector preferences Bolting versus Welding 101 Erectability + Maximize repetition in framing and connections * Erection aids + Adjustability and fit-up in connections 102 opytieht © 2018, imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design hire. 2018 ot ne. 2018 at Tolerances Applicable Codes ++ International Building Code (IBC) + Masonry (ASTM C90 & Handbook of Construction Tolerances) = Chapter 16 “Structural Design’ - Loads, Combos, & Serviceabilty — £1/8" for cross sections ‘+ ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings & Other = £14" t0 1/2" from plumb for was structures = £1/2" alignment for bearing wals = Chapter 2 Combinations of Loads = Chapter 1 Seismic Design criteria = Chapter 12 Seismic Design Criteria for Bulding Structures * Field verify dimensions based on actual construction! = Chapter 13 Seismic Design criteria for Nonstructural Components °° 12 Galvanizing Load Combinations ; - - + Refer to ASCE7-16 Chapter 2 for LRFD & ASD Load Combinations * For exterior locations or environments that need RF ‘ASD additional corrosion protection Be gate ortorm Boe * Consider: 3 hapsiotressortetatordsw) 3 OrrerSorm) ~ void field welding Liiiwintsirwsern) & Suess ~ Provide bolted connections © apapeetoenenanas 6 ousta7sewiozsteorserm — Match fasteners & metals 7. 0.9D-1.06v+2.08h 7. OsD+.5W — Limit on size of piece/assembly 8 2107070 coms — Potential distortion or warpage (ASTM A384) 310.060.0760. 100 1 Copyright © 2018 American Institte of Stel Construction Copyright © 2018 z AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 Stairway Design Part? Loading — ASCE 7-16 * General Structural Integrity, Section 1.4.2 (SDC = A) — F,=0.01W, (1.4-1) + Seismic Loads (SDC = B, C, D, E, F) — Seismic Design Criteria (i.e. Sp.) per Chapter 11 or from SER General Notes drawing + Sog= spectral acceleration, short period — Stairs to be designed per Chapter 13 for Nonstructural Components Tolerances - Concrete 1 sr Loading — ASCE 7-16 Tolerances Horizontal seismic Design Force, Eq, 13.3-1 + Concrete (ACI117 & Handbook of Construction Tolerances) yp Net ang = + 1/4” over 10 feet from plumb for walls R h) — £1/4" to 1/2" variation in distance between members 7} = 43/8" t0-1/4" for cross sections = 42" 0-1/4" variation in floor openings F,= horizontal seismic design force at component centr of gravity : 2° = component importance factor per Section 13.1.3 ~ £1/2" member misplaced in plan Retérto Table 135-4 7 = component amplification factor * Field verify dimensions based on actual construction! +, = component osponse modification factor 16 6 Copyright © 2018 Copyright © 2018 American Institte of Stel Construction American institute of Steel Construction AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Stairway Design Sune 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 Part? Outline — Part 2 Loading — ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 Step 7 - Code Requirements — Seismic Loading Aste 1951 cotta tor abc Components Step 8 - Seismic Serviceability cian Step 9 ~ Stairway Design a Step 10 - Examples Step 11 — Delegated Design Previously (ASCE 7-10): Step 12 — Other Topics {{ seomponene response noite Fa Tolerances Loading — ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 {AML 125 Coens for Areal amperes + Steel — Mill Variations, ASTM A6 / AISC COSP Section 5.1 — Fabrication Tolerances, AISC COSP Section 6.4 {ical nara — Erection Tolerances, AISC COSP Section 7.13 — AESS, AISC COSP Sections 10.2-10.6 26 Copyright © 2018 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Copyright © 2018 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Loading — ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 * Multiple design criteria 1. Design of members and connection material: 71.0, R,=2.5 2. Design of fasteners/attachment (bolts/welds): a,=2.5,R,=2.5 (250% increase in forces from 2010) 19 Loading — ASCE 7-16, Table 13.5-1 3. Design of fasteners/attachment (anchors, embeds) in concrete/masonry: = M=25 (250% increase in forces from 2010 due to a, = 2.5) — Or ductile yielding of support/component 4. Design of concrete/masonry member: = g=2.0 (20% reduction in forces from 2010) — Or ductile yielding of support/component 20 ® American Institte of Stel Construct med Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Delegated Design — Shop Drawings * Shop drawings should be created by Fabricator/Detailer based on information provided by the specialty structural engineer (SSE) and design documents + Provide shop drawings to SSE for review and comment * Do not request SSE to seal shop drawings if they are created by others = Not allowed in some jurisdictions — Insurance typically will not allow SSE to do this 8 Delegated Design — Submittals Submittal to Design Team & AHJ: — Shop & Erection drawings from Fabricator/Detailer * Reviewed by SSE — Sealed structural engineering calculations from specialty structural engineer (SSE) + Should include any plans, sketches, and detalls as required Bo sure to clarity scope of Work and expectations before submittals are mace 9 ® American institute of Steel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Delegated Design — Code Compliance + Stairways, guard, and handrail are critical components related to life safety. + Architect/SER are the most knowledgeable about the specific project requirements (and code requirements) * Architect & SER are responsible for providing code parameters and reviewing submittals for conformance. Delegated Design * Delegated Design # “Not my problem” 2 American Institte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Loading — ASCE 7-16 + Horizontal Seismic Design Force, Eq. 13.3-1 _ _0AapSpsW; p= a (#) 7) For star member =15 Refer to Table 13.5-1 Le 2 Loading — ASCE 7-16 + Horizontal Seismic Design Force, Eq. 13.3-1 (a2 Faun = 0.248 pgW( 1422] \ Ah} Sps= short period spectral acceleration W, = component weight (dead load only) z= component height from grade at point of attachment n= average roof height (2/h) may conservatively be taken as 1.0 2 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design ASC Live Webinar ste June 6, 201 8 Loading — ASCE 7-16 + Horizontal Seismic Design Force = Minimum per Eq. 13.3-3 Fipin =0.3Sp51,Wp — Maximum per Eq 13.3-2 Fsmax =1.6Sp51 Wp 23 Loading — ASCE 7-16 * Horizontal Seismic Design Force for Stairs = If 1,=1.5 and (z/h)=1.0 Fp, stairs, nin = 0-455 psp Fp, stairs = 0.72SpsWp 2.4SpsW> ’p, stairs, max 24 ® American Institte of Stel Construct med Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Delegated Design — Required Information Design Drawings * Plans, sections, & elevations of each stair + Dimensions for clear distances at stairs/landings + Guard layout with handrail position + Preferred/required member types (C, HSS, Plate) * Slab openings + Conceptual layout of stair elements Clearly indicate i etal + Conceptual connection details are suggestions or required 89 Delegated Design — Required Information Project Specification + Performance requirements (loading / serviceability) + Materials, member, & fasteners criteria * Fabrication instru Careful review for * Finishes conflts between drawings and specification 2 Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design Sune 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 Part? Outline — Part 2 Loading — ASCE 7-16 Step 7 - Code Requirements — Seismic Loading * Vertical Seismic Design Force per Section Step 8 - Seismic Serviceability Fy = 10.25psWp Step 9 ~ Stairway Design Seismic Load Combos Step 10 - Examples Rofrio Sectons 23.6 LAFD, 24.5 ASD, & 124.2.1112422 fr combinations wih Fy, Step 11 — Delegated Design 1 z0-0.25,000,414028 2 100:0.7025.30+070 1, 08-0.28,.040, 9. 100+0.525(0.25,)040.78.+0.5250,+0.758 Step 12 - Other Topics 40,080.071025.)50070, a 7 , ply to dead load only a7 25 Delegated Design Seismic Load Combos - Anchorage * Design Team (architect/SER) request contractor or + Refer to Sections 2.3.6 LRFD, 2.4.5 ASD, & 12.4.3/ fabricator to complete an aspect of design. For stairs: for combinations with overstrength factor Q, — Option 1 — Delegate all aspects of design + Use for design of anchors at concrete/masonry * Conran mates al design esos wit codeinns tom desln 1 0.820025 (800" 6", 0, D,E,F) “ays40 300 Bronce perAcl 38-44 secton 172.94 ~ Option 2 — Delegate structural engineering (most common) ove so * Use design documents fo architectural & code 2 sevoas,onjansons 2 ano 25000 70, — Option 3 — Design-build 7. 0.90-0.25,,040,0, 9, 1,0040.525(0.25,,)040.751+0.5250,0,+0.755, * Use design documents and coordination with Design Teams to fo orpa7os5,o07 extabiah pormeters ™~ 2 aS Apply fo selamio 6 peron otloag only oo Copyright © 2018 American Institte of Stel Construction Copyright © 2018 z ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Outline — Part 2 Step 7 - Code Requirements — Seismic Loading Step 8 - Seismic Serviceability Step 9 - Stairway Design Step 10 - Examples Step 11 — Delegated Design Step 12 Other Topics @® Ww 2 Seismic Serviceability — ASCE 7-16 + Section 13.5.10 Egress Stairs & Ramps — Shall accommodate seismic displacement, D,y = Occur in any horizontal direction = Positive attachment = Direct structural supports or mechanical connections — Not part of seismic force-resisting system of structure @® Ww 28 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar ste dune 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design * Check Interaction = Because P./P, < 0.2, use AISC Specification Equation H1-1b: H8512x2x1/4 is adequate for seismic loads Example 2: Stringer Design + Not quite done... — Consider seismic loads parallel to stair flight resulting in axial forces (and vertical loads) — Connection design + Remember that anchorage to concrete or masonry requires the use of load combinations with coverstrength factor, 2, @® Ww 8 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction med Stairway Design ASC Live Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design June 6, 2018 Part? Example 2: Stringer Design + Horizontal Loads, Seismic Load Combo Example 2: Stringer Design * Summary - Horizontal Loads, Seismic Load Combo PT 21 £2 Section Section st Manual Table 3-12 w GoROK ME 0.0105 Kft 1232/4 A500 Gr. ¢ Vo 0se7k 0077 M ostokR — o.2eeket Wn = 164 K> 0247 KOK @oMp = 133k ft> 0.540 KOK Aso Ynfaw = 10.9 «> 0.077 KOK Mois = 8.87 kft> 0.286 kit OK a American Institte of Stel Construction AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design dune 6, 2018 Part? Seismic Serviceability — ASCE 7-16 + Accommodate seismic displacement, D,, — Direct structural supports or mechanical connections with following requirements: A. Sliding connx with holes, keepers, or stops = by oF 4 minimum Without loss of vertical support — Without inducing compression 29 @ so Seismic Serviceability — ASCE 7-16 B. Bearing style details = 1.50, 0F 1" minimum = Without loss of vertical support . Metal supports with rotation capacity = 15D, oF 1" minimum — Without loss of vertical support = No brittle failure modes D. Fasteners and attachments Design for Ry dy Mp per table 13.5-4 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Seismic Serviceability — ASCE 7-16 EXCEPTION — If sliding or ductile connections not provided then stair must be designed in the building structural model and designed for Q,of structure, but minimum 2.5 Serviceability —- ASCE7-16 Section 13.3.2 * Seismic Displacement=Differential lateral movements between adjacent floors Initial Condition 2 American Institte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Wet dune 6, 2018 bina Steel Framed Stairway Design Example 2: Stringer Design + Summary - Vertical Loads, Seismic Load Combo Et Wo ORB (GASEWIE or nsstanzxaya soo crc M sekk Asaf @Wn= 142 k> 1.60 OK tnyov=94.6491.25 Kox pits s02kit> 454 41K HSS12x2x1/4 is adequate for imposed vertical loads a Example 2: Stringer Design * Horizontal Loading Fy s0317™, 6 i 20 kip w imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction AISC tive Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design 7 Example 2: Stringer Design * Stringer Vertical Loads, Seismic Load Combo 20 copyright © 2 American Institte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 Diferental movement ™ may cause combination “le of compressionitension, Leyelx bending, torsion, ste depending on direction Ye of movement Lovely During Seismic Event 33 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 + Stairs may provide inadvertent load path which braces building structure instead of seismic force resisting system (SFRS) Stor stings and connections i 36 Copyright © 2018 American institute of Steel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 + Some damage is acceptable, as long as other performance goals are not jeopardized (i.e. life safety for egress stairs). Refer to ASCE 7-16 commentary. Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Refer to Section 13.3.2 Seismic Relative Displacements & Displacements within Structures Dt = Dple (Eq 133-6) =limportance facorin Section 11.5.1 & Table 15-2 Dp =Bua~By4 0138-7) cfletion bung at xr y evel + For delegated design, request SER provide accurate drift values for each floor level at each stairway 6 American Institte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Wet dune 6, 2018 bina Steel Framed Stairway Design Example 2: Stringer Design + Summary, Gravity Loads Eee Ww ORB (OASAWIE For nsstaxzaa/e soo crc M 78Bkk — Sankt @Wn= 142 k> 2.14 KOK Unyov = 94.649 2.45 kK pine 502kit> 534 KOK H8512x2x1/4 is adequate for imposed gravity loads 7 Example 2: Stringer Design * Seismic Loading — Consider equivalent uniform load for concentrated point load since it will govern design therefore wm imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design @ 15 Example 2: Stringer Design * Stringer Point Load, 1000 Ibs m GOvERNS 16 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 + Alternatively, ASCE 7 equation 13.3-8 & Table 12.12-1 (he=hy das (Iie hy (sha) vee (he hs) ‘h,= height of evelx ,, = allowable story drift + hy=height oflevely “ay xh (Table 12.12) + nl, = story height 1S conan pr Suture & Risk Catagory Da.roas = pmax Wl result in targe values that may be very ficult and costy to accommodate + Designers can algo use a inar dynamic procedure to determine D, por Section 12.9, @ Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * How to accommodate seismic displacement? + Drift Details * Expansion joint or expansion gap + Connections / supports with rotation capacity + Design for imparted forces @® Ww 38 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction med Stairway Design ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Drift Details Provide end connections allowing movement or drift at one end of stairway flight. Other end connections must provide load path to resist lateral forces. Use bearing for vertical loads. Follow section 13.10.5 criteria A or B @ Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Drift Detail at Slab on Grade t i] al loads must sted at othe of star fight. @® Ww 40 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar ste dune 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design + Stringer Gravity Uniform Loads ead Load Stringer Set weight (2.42 Ife X 1.19 ope factor) 267 yt Guar Set weignt (20 o/'t) 20 iit 3/16" Checkered Plate = 10st 15 45___ioyt Total s17 We Live load =o0pfX1s\ = 90 tbe Total 90 ie @ Example 2: Stringer Design * Stringer Gravity Uniform Loads @® Ww m4 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction med Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design ” Example 2: Stringer Design + Imposed Gravity Loading ead Lond Stringer Sei weigh, HSS12281/4 Guar ef weet 6" Chetaed Pate 10 ost tal = 19 Live Lond tne lood case 1 = ot or Che toad case 2 = 1000s copyright © 2018 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Drift Detail at Wide Flange Beam Lateral loads mast be resisted at other = end of stair fight. 4“ Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Expansion joint or expansion cover — Likely requires input/approval from Architect — Provide gap allowing movement at one end of stairway flight. = Other end connections must provide load path to resist lateral forces. — Use bearing for vertical loads. — Follow section 13.10.5 criteria A or B a2 opytieht © 2018, imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Stairway Design Part? ASC Live Webinar June 6, 2018 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 + Expansion joint or expansion cover Lateral loads must be resisted at other end of tai fg. 8 Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Connections / supports with rotation capacity — Moment frame designed for imparted seismic displacement — Connections (that are part of a system) allowing for lateral displacement through the use of slotted/oversized holes or ductile elements — Requires careful detailing and analysis to ensure intended performance for seismic event 44 American Institte of Stel Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Example 2: Stringer Design Given: + OSHA Style Industrial Stair + Location: Southern California + Seismic Design Category = D + Spectral Response, Sp = 0.6608 + Provide HSS A500 Gr. C Stringer 69 Example 2: Stringer Design Given; * Supports with rotation capacity to accommodate seismic displacement using ductile connections + Checkered plate tread/risers — Stringer fully braced — For seismic lateral loads, design as individual members 0 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design ASC Live Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar June 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 med Stairway Design Example 1: Load Determination Seismic Displacement — ASCE 7-16 * Vertical Seismic Force, Fpv * Design for imparted forces... ..but remember: 0.2( 0,660)”, PL AE oak. p.tdE = 40.1320, 4E L katy results in very large forces. + Needs to be part of building model for this analysis! sr 45 Example 1: Load Determination Outline — Part 2 * Summary Step 7 - Code Requirements ~ Seismic Loading = Horizontal Step 8 — Seismic Serviceability Fy = 0.317H%, Step 9 - Stairway Design —Vertical Step 10 - Examples 40.1327, olond combinations Step 11 — Delegated Design | Step 12 - Other Topics « 46 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction ASC Live Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar med Stairway Design June 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 Part? Horizontal Load Pat! Example 1: Load Determination * + Horizontal Seismic Force, Fp + How do we analyze stair flight? + How are forces transferred through - landings? Stair Flight Assembly Example 1: Load Determination * Maximum Horizontal Seismic Force, Fp max * Load path for seismic forces on stair flight? — Option 1 - Individual Simple Span Members. — Option 2 - Built-up Horizontal Beam — Option 3 - Cantilever Built-up Horizontal Beam * Alternative options using engineering judgment @® Ww 48 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction AISC tive Webinar Stel raed Sarwy Dsen [NSC tive Webinar Stair Deen Sine 62028 or? fine 6 2018 ar? Example 1: Load Determination Stair Flight Assembly * Option 1~ Individual Simple Span Members e « 40 Example 1: Load Determination Stair Flight Assembly + Horizontal Seismic Force, Fp * Option 1 ~ Individual Simple Span Members — Assumes ductile connx or rotation capacity at [Soeceetnperance corto th fn os supports or rm ASCE/SI7, Table 1354 — Treat as a simple span wed fn REI, selon S145 pean saith unter distributed load ‘gin ese tpt wert compen th et ~ Design per AISC Spec copyright © 2018 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction opytieht © 2018, imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction AISC tive Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Steel Framed Stairway Design PLAN view PLAN VIEW Stair Flight Assembly * Option 2 ~ Built-up Horizontal Beam — Assumes ductile connx or rotation capacity at supports — Built-up beam may not satisfy local buckling criteria at treads/risers in many cases (AISC, AISI) — Difficult to quantify capacity of tread/riser elements Stair Flight Assembly * Option 2 — Built-up Horizontal Beam PLAN VIEW. 2 Copyright © 2018 ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction Part? AISC tive Webinar Stairway Design ne. 2018 Example 1: Load Determination 4 hig SULUUEELLL UL Eg ‘i me lu wan E 1 Example 1: Load Determination + Load Combinations, ASCE7-16, 2.3.1 & 2.4.1 LRFD ASD 2 1.20416 D+L 2 e Copyright © 2018 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction Part? AISC tive Webinar Steel Framed Stairway Design AISC tive Webinar Stairway Design Sune 6, 2018 Part? dune 6, 2018 Part? Outline — Part 2 Stair Flight Assembly Step 7 — Code Requirements — Seismic Loading Step 8 - Seismic Serviceability Step 9 — Stairway Design Step 10 - Examples Step 11 — Delegated Design Step 12 - Other Topics * Option 2 — Built-up Horizontal Beam Ft Ey ES Example 1: Load Determination Stair Flight Assembly Given: + Option 3 — Cantilever Built-up Horizontal Beam * OSHA Style Industrial Stair y° + Location: Southern California Z * Seismic Design Category = D oa + Spectral Response, Sp, = 0.660g t PLAN VIEW, 56 6 Copyright © 2018 Copyright © 2018 imerican Insitute of Stee! Construction ieicanInstitte of Stel Construction AISC Live Webinar Sune 6, 2018 Stair Flight Assembly * Option 3 - Cantilever Built-up Horizontal Beam — Assumes drift connx at one end + — Force couple at opposite end with i { axial and weak axis connx forces — Built-up beam may not satisfy local oe buckling criteria at treads/risers in osirr VET many eases (AISC, AIS} ce Li — Difficult to quantify capacity of in aed tread/riser elements PLAN VIEW. @ 55 Landing Diaphragm + Load path is more similar to conventional floor framing —Cast-in-place concrete over metal deck * Deck capacity / concrete capacity —Cast-in-place concrete over stiffened plate — Steel plate diaphragm @ 56 D> copyright © 2018 American Insttte of Ste! Construction Steel Framed Stairway Design Part? AISC tive Webinar dune 6, 2018 Vertical Load Path + Best systems for stairs? * Least impact on — Aesthetics — Space constraints = Cost % @ 2 Vertical Lateral Load Resisting Systems Sa Smallermenbersies + Wilequremore members Canbeconesledin wale" andmore connections Cant under naings| ese members ‘+ Members may be heavier Canbeconesiedinwale + Spicer at mamoer Cane undernaings| Unreractors ae needed Members notcrosspath + Morelateral drift tan or tvel if equ) ther options Eanbeconcesledin wale + Comneton typically more Beam member an abo act” comalexand mere slndigsupsor member expensive @ ‘ a conyriaht © 2038, American institte of Ste! Constroction ‘Stee! Framed Stairway Design Part?

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