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Nuclear Engineering and Design 36 (1976) 287-297

© North-Holland Publishing Company




Physics and Engineering Laboratory, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Received 23 December 1975

The earthquake-generated forces and deformations of the main substructures of a nuclear power plant can be reduced
by a factor of about ten times by mounting the power plant building on a recently developed base-isolation system. The
very high forces which the 'resonant appendage' effect may induce in some critical components (such as fuel elements
and control rods) may be reduced by a factor of 40 or more by the isolation system. This system combines recently de-
veloped hysteretlc dampers with components which support the structure while providing high flexibility for horizontal
motion. These dampers utilize the plastic deformation of solid steel beams, while a convenient support system with ade-
quate horizontal flexibility may be provided by laminated rubber bearings of the type frequently used to support bridge
decks. The earthquake attack on a nuclear power plant is particularly hazardous since it attacks simultaneously all the
plant components, including the control and safety systems. Undetected deterioration of a set of components may further
increase the probability of multiple failure during earthquakes. Hence the large reduction in earthquake-induced forces
and deformations, which may be achieved with the base-isolation system described, will greatly reduce the likelihood of
earthquake-induced accident or damage in those nuclear power plants located in regions of high seismicity.

1. Introduction severe and unusual obstacles against the safe operation

and shutdown of a nuclear power plant.
The design of earthquake-resistant nuclear power For reliable strength and performance the struc-
plants presents many difficult problems. These prob- tural and operating components of a nuclear power
lems have been studied extensively and their most plant should have their strains limited to the elastic
important features are outlined here for comparison range. As a consequence there is a low self-damping
with the expected features of base-isolated power for resonant vibrations. For reliable performance of
plants. control and safety systems, and for protection of
For a very low likelihood of nuclear accidents the components which interconnect substructures, high
power plant design must include provision for earth- stiffness should be provided in the power plant build-
quakes with recurrence periods of many thousands ing and in those substructures. Such a stiff power
of years. In an area of high seismicity this implies plant will have principal resonances with periods of
very severe design earthquakes with maximum accele- about 0 . 2 - 0 . 4 sec and these periods are within the
rations in excess of 1.0 g. intense part of the response spectra of the accelera-
Earthquakes attack structures through vibrational tions of appropriate design earthquakes. The low
forces which arise from the accelerations o f the damping and the short resonant periods of nuclear
ground. Structures may also be attacked by earth- power plants result in representative accelerations of
quake-induced ground deformations (with possible structural components which are three or more times
faulting), and by slips moving from higher ground. the maximum ground acceleration [ 1].
It is here assumed that it is possible to choose a site Small but very important components of nuclear
and to detail foundations in such a way that only power plants, such as fuel rods, control rods and
the vibrational forces are a serious problem. In areas piping, may have resonant periods which are close
of high seismicity these vibrational forces present to those of their supporting substructures. These ap-

288 R.I. Skinner et aL/ System for isolating nuclear power plants

pendages then undergo accelerations which are many frequent earthquakes of moderate severity.
times larger than the accelerations of their supports, Practical base-isolation systems for various types
and if they remain elastic their accelerations may of structure have been described recently [5-7].
reach 20 or more times the maximum ground accele- These isolation systems have been made possible by
ration [2, 3]. the development of appropriate hysteretic dampers
The dynamic responses of a non-isolated nuclear [8-10] *. These dampers may be combined with one
power plant are very complex. Contributing to this of a number of proposed systems for providing hori-
complexity are the non-linear constraints on many zontal flexibility to give h practical system for isolating
of the crucial components which arise from provi- structures from earthquake attack. An isolation sys-
sions for thermal expansions. Typical non-linear con- tem for a nuclear power plant is described below. For
straints introduce little additional damping. Analysis moderate horizontal deflections the proposed base
shows that such non-linearities change dynamic re- isolator is about 20 times as flexible as a 'typical'
sponses but do not necessarily reduce them. There is nuclear plant (of fundamental period 0.3 sec). For
considerable difficulty and uncertainty in the defini- large deformations the isolator provides high hystere-
tion of a model of a non-isolated nuclear power plant tic damping and it increases in flexibility to about
which is adequate for the computation of earthquake 70 times that of the nuclear plant. The long effective
responses. Moreover, the programming and computing periods and high damping of a base-isolated nuclear
task is very large. The complexities and uncertainties plant reduce horizontal earthquake forces to low
in computing the earthquake responses of nuclear values while the high stiffness of the nuclear plant
plants are well illustrated in the paper by Hornbuckle structures ensures small deformations. The large in-
et al. [4]. This paper also reports large amplifications crease in structural periods eliminates appendage
of earthquake ground accelerations which have oc- resonance and hence eliminates the large force magni-
curred in major structural subsystems. fications. Again the uncertainties normally introduced
It is difficult to provide for the large design earth- by non-linearities are of little significance because the
quake forces appropriate to regions of high seismicity. earthquake responses of a stiff base-isolated structure
It is also difficult to ensure the reliable operation of are insensitive to changes in the stiffness of the struc-
the control and safety systems under these large for- ture. A further consequence of the hysteretic damp-
ces and the deformations which they cause. Therefore ing is a reduction in the base displacements to values
it is difficult to ensure adequate protection against which the isolator can accommodate even when the
nuclear accidents and against extensive damage and earthquake is very severe. Again, the higher stiffness
extended stoppages. of the base isolator under moderate horizontal loads
There have been many proposals in the past for should limit motion during windstorms to an ac-
the isolation of structures from earthquake attack by ceptable level.
using horizontally flexible supports at the base. How- The recently developed hysteretic dampers, which
ever, these have not been introduced - mainly be- are appropriate for the proposed base-isolation sys-
cause suitable dampers were not available. Without tem, are based on the plastic deformation of solid
adequate damping there would be a quasi-resonant steel beams [8, 9]. These dampers are highly reliable
build-up of severe forces throughout the structure, and of low cost and require virtually no maintenance.
and excessive base displacements during a major An alternative hysteretic damper based on the cyclic
earthquake. Moreover, the flexible supports would extrusion of lead has undergone considerable devel-
allow frequent excessive base movements during wind opment [10].
storms and moderate earthquakes. Recent proposals The many practical methods for providing hori-
to allow sliding at the base are more promising. How- zontal flexibility at the base of a building include
ever, they would require the provision of some slender columns and suspension cables. Laminated
centring force system to prevent excessive displace- rubber mounts of the type used to give flexible sup-
ments. Moreover, sliding alone would not reduce port to bridge decks are particularly convenient com-
forces and deformations (including those of large
magnitude in resonating appendages) during relatively * These dampers and their applications are subject to patents.
R.L Skinner et aL/ System for isolating nuclear power plants 289

ponents for providing the required horizontal flexi-

° 1
2. Approximate earthquake responses of base-isolated
nuclear power plants 1 ///
During horizontal earthquake accelerations a base- Oc
isolated nuclear power plant moves with little defor-
mation and may be modelled approximately as a set x--
of masses rigidly connected to the base.
To derive base shears and displacements, and to //
illustrate their effective independence from the reso-
nant periods of a stiff structure, the simple model of
fig. 1 is adopted. The total mass of the structure is
supported on springs which give the first structural
period. The laminated rubber mounts are represented Fig. 2. Bilinear approximation to the cyclic load-deflection
by a linear spring, while the hysteretic damper is rep- response of the hysteretic damper. Qc = damper force;
tan #e = Kc + ke = initial damper stiffness and tan 0c = ke =
resented by two linear springs and a coulomb damper. yielded damper stiffness.
These three components give a bilinear approximation
to the load-deflection curve of the dampers, as shown
in fig. 2. The viscous damper shown in fig. 1 provides
a damping factor ~"for small (linear) motions. Sym- oscillation amplitude of 24 in. (0.61 m) the 'secant'
bols for the parameters of the model are as shown in stiffness gives a natural period of 2.6 sec.
figs 1 and 2. The responses of the nuclear power plant model
We have undertaken a preliminary feasibility study (fig. 1) were calculated for scaled values of the ac-
on the basis of this model and have found that the celerations recorded at El Centro, 1940, N - S com-
normalized values given in table 1 are appropriate ponent. (As supplied by Professor G.V. Berg of the
for such a base-isolated plant. The normalized mount University of Michigan, USA in 1960.) The accelera-
stiffness of table 1 gives a natural period of 4 sec for tion amplitudes were scaled by a multiplier Pa and
a rigid power plant on the mounts alone. When the the acceleration times by Pp to give scaled accelera-
dampers are introduced the natural period for mod- tions, Paa(t'/Pp), from the E1 Centro accelerations,
erate (linear) displacements is 1.4 sec, and for an or(t). These scaling factors multiply the maximum

r---q ['-ff--1 Table 1.

k. -r-'-I L...-*_;
.l{~ i ¢ Model values for isolated power plant.

Parameter (normalized) Value

I \\ Initial damper stiffness,

(tan 0c)/W c
Yielded damper stiffness,
0.3 in.-l (11.8 m -1)

(tan ~e)/Qe 0.019 in_ 1 (0.75 m -1)

Mount stiffness, Kb/W 0.006386 in_ 1 (0.25 m -1)
,¢ Optimum damper force, Qc/W 0.15
Viscous damping, 1" 0.05 of critical
DAMPER Design base displacement, D d 24 in, (0.61 m)
Extreme base displacement, D e 36 in. (0.91 m)
Fig. 1. Model o f a structure with base isolator. W = weight
Plant fundamental period, T 0.2-0.4 see
of mass; K = spring stiffness and ~"= viscous damping factor.
290 R.L Skinner et al. / System for isolating nuclear power plants

earthquake accelerations and velocities by factors formation. It follows that all masses have comparable
of Pa and PaPp,respectively. horizontal accelerations, and that the maximum force
The maximum base shears and displacements were on each mass may be obtained approximately by dis-
computed for earthquake scaling factors of P a.= 4.0 tributing the maximum base shear in proportion to
and Pp = 1.0. The base shears for power plant funda- the masses. Moreover, since the forces associated
mental periods from zero to 0.8 sec are given in fig. 3, with each of the original normal modes (before isola-
together with corresponding shears for a non-isolated tion) will be; after isolation is introduced, apprdxi-
resonator. It is seen that base isolation reduces the mately in phase, the normalizing weight (to give the
resonator response by about ten times for resonator base shear defined by fig. 3) is the total weight of
periods between 0.2 and 0.4 sec when the resonator the isolated plant.
self-damping is 0.05. Fig. 3 also shows that the base The shears and base displacements of base-isolated
shear of the isolated resonator remains almost con- resonators are shown in figs 4 and 5 for a range of
stant at about 0.35 W for resonator periods from values of the normalized hysteretic damping force
zero to 0.8 sec. The corresponding base displacements Qc/W. Ground accelerations have again been scaled
remain approximately constant at about 22 in. from those recorded at E1 Centro, 1940, N-S. When
(0.56 m). As discussed below practical isolator com- the model given by the parameters of table 1 is sub-
ponents can be constructed and installed to give dis- jected to the very severe earthquake attack obtained
placement capabilities considerably greater than this. by multiplying the E1 Centro acceleration amplitudes
It is seen from fig. 3 that the base shear of a stiff and time scale by Pa = 4.0 and Pp = 1.5 respectively,
isolated structure would be little changed if it were it is found from figs 4 and 5 that the corresponding
made completely rigid. This arises because the base- values of base shear and displacement are 0.44 W
isolated structure moves horizontally with little de- and 32 in. (0.81 m), respectively. A similar base
shear and displacement would be given by the attack
of a single velocity pulse of about 110 in./sec (2.8
4"0 m/sec). The provision of practical isolator compo-
nents with such force and deformation capacities is
3"5 discussed below.
The base shears for a non-isolated nuclear plant

% %
< 0'5 " I
T 2"5
W <:I: 0"4 ~ I
(/) W
< 2"0 T 40 ! 4.r~
Ld 0'3
E3 < . 3'0
E 1,5 I'~ , 1 ~ 1 0 ~........~.'-
X 1.020
<I: ~::D 0.2 • "--"~IO-
1"0 '
~ t
<f 0"1 I
o olos oi, o4s 0!2
0"2 04 0"6 0"8 (DAMPER YIELD FORCE)/W, Qc/W
RESONATOR P E R I O D (SEC.) Fig. 4..Shears for base-isolated resonators with parameters
Fig. 3. Response of a single-mass resonator, with and without given by table 1, and with a resonator non-isolated period
a base isolator, to four times the acceleration at E1 Centro, of 0.3 see. Aeceleratioias at E1 Centro, 1940, N - S were
1940, N-S. Damping in the elastic range is 0.05 of critical. scaled by amplitude factor Pa and time scale factor Pp.
R.I. Skinner et al. / System for isolating nuclear power plants 291

40 x , P* , P* appendage which has a period close to the dominant

\ \ , period of its supporting structure [2, 3]. The result-
ing double resonance can give appendage accelera-
\ k4"O I tions which are 20 or more times the maximum
\ \ t" 1" ground accelerations for earthquakes of 'El Centro'
L) type. For such a non-isolated power plant, an attempt
k-- may be made during design to achieve unequal periods
Z \ N4"o , for appendages and for the main structure. However,
it is difficult to ensure unequal periods in practice
U since the structure typically has two or three impor-
/ 20
13- "0 tant periods for horizontal vibration and the append-
age also may have more than one relevant period.
Moreover, structural and appendage non-linearities
will result in uncertain changes in periods with am-
plitudes of vibration.
~ lO To assess the effect of base isolation on appendage
acceleration, the resonator shown dotted in fig. 1 was
×< :o ._...~ added to the power plant model. The appendage was
I given a weight of 0.001 W, a viscous damping of 0.03,
I I and a period equal to that of the non-isolated main
o 0'o5 o!1 o.15 0.2 resonator. As before the main resonator and the base
(DAMPER YIELD FORCE)/W, Q/W isolator were given the parameter values listed in
Fig. 5. Displacements for base-isolated resonators with pa- table 1. Seismic responses were calculated for the
rameters given by table 1, and with a resonator non-isolated scaled E1 Centro earthquake with amplitude and time
period of 0.3 sec. Acceleration at El Centro, 1940, N - S scale multipliers of 4.0 and 1.0, respectively. The
were scaled by amplitude factor Pa and time scale factor Pp.
maximum accelerations of the resonant appendage
(assumed elastic, and with and without base isolation)
are given in fig. 6 for a range of resonant periods. It
are given approximately by the values for a single- can be seen that the isolator may reduce resonant
mass resonator, as in fig. 3 (at least for the shorter appendage accelerations by 40 times or more for
natural periods). However, the maximum accelera- typical power plant periods of 0.2-0.4 sec. A more
tions of components cover a wide range of values so detailed power plant model would give moderate
that the loads on some components are much greater changes in the appendage accelerations computed for
than the values obtained by distributing the base base isolation. However, when a resonant appendage
shears in proportion to the masses. That is, there is a is mounted near the top of a substructure of low
further scaling up of the forces on some components self-damping, in a power plant without isolation, a
of a non-isolated plant, above the values indicated by more detailed model of the system could give com-
fig. 3. This applies particularly to elevated substruc- puted appendage accelerations much greater than
tures which have lower damping than the overall the values shown in fig. 6. In such cases the reduction
power plant. Such lower damping values have been of resonant appendage acceleration achieved by base
estimated and measured [4] for reactor pressure ves- isolation would be much more than 40 times.
sels and heat exchangers. For such high-amplification The above analysis demonstrates that the simple
substructures the force reduction achieved by base model of fig. 1 suffices to approximate the earthquake
isolation may be several times the value of ten which forces on all parts of a base-isolated nuclear power
applies to a single-mass resonator with 5% viscous plant. The analysis also shows that a high level of
damping (fig. 3). earthquake protection is provided by an isolator with
When a nuclear power plant is not isolated, par- the parameter values listed in table I.
ticularly severe force amplifications occur on any The design earthquake level, appropriate for a
292 R.L Skinner et aL / System for isolating nuclear power plants

mum design earthquake of twice E1 Centro is con-

sidered appropriate, the damper force may be reduced
to 0.1 W, giving horizontal design loads for the main
component of about 0.18 times their weights (fig. 4).

0 20
3. Base isolator systems
ILl The high level of earthquake protection discussed
hi 15
above may be achieved with isolator components
~J having the characteristics listed in table 1. The re-
quired hysteretic dampers may be obtained by com-
E bining a set of basic torsional-beam or flexural-beam
dampers of the types shown in figs 7(a) and (b), re-
NON-ISOLATED spectively. The required mount flexibility and load
capacities may be obtained by a series-parallel com-
5 "~PPENDA IGSEOLArED bination of laminated rubber pads.
"'~. . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ - ~ \~A,
~ -N- -MASL
- Torsional-beam dampers may be mounted with
..... , . . . . the beam-axis vertical to simplify loading links. They
02 0"4 0"6 O-• 1"C may be combined in pairs (as shown in fig. 8) to
RESONATOR PERIODS (SEC) balance moments at the anchors. To reduce the di-
Fig. 6. Resonant appendage acceleration with and without mensions of the basic dampers, and hence simplify
isolation of the main resonator. their fabrication, testing and installation, they may
be installed with two or more pairs in series to give
the required deformation capacity (e.g. as shown in
particular site, is subject to considerable uncertainty. fig. 9 and later in fig. 11). The approximate perfor-
The recommended levels have tended to be higher mance characteristics of a basic torsional-beam damper
recently, as accelerations in excess of 1.0 g were re- may be obtained from its dimensions using recently
corded during the San Fernando earthquake on determined relationships [8]. These are used in the
9 February 1971. Maximum design earthquakes with appendix to find the damper dimensions required to
accelerations and velocities of about three times those give the overall characteristics listed in table 1. Basic
recorded at E1 Centro, 1940, N-S, are being consid- damper dimensions are derived for one, two, four
ered for rigid (rock-like) sites in areas of high seismi- and six pairs of basic dampers connected in series.
city [1, 11]. In the light of present uncertainties These dimensions and the resulting characteristics of
higher levels might be considered for the design earth- the compound dampers are listed in the table A1. For
quakes applied to base-isolated nuclear plants, since the case of six basic dampers connected in series, the
the higher levels may be accommodated at a moderate damper dimensions are only 30% greater than those
increase in cost. An appropriate level for the design of dampers already tested, and soon to be installed
earthquake might be four times the accelerations and in a bridge [7].
velocities of the E1 Centro earthquake (Pa = 4, Pp = 1), The dampers of the type illustrated in figs 9 and
with some provision for six times the E1 Centro veloc- 11, and described by table A1, are adequate as com-
ities (Pa = 4, Pp = 1.5). For these earthquake levels ponents for nuclear plant isolators. However, these
the main components of the nuclear plant should simple combinations of basic dampers may be varied
have horizontal load capacities equal to 0.35 times in many ways. In particular some or all of the hinges
their weights, with extreme overload capacities of may be replaced by further torsional beams to give
0.45 times their weights (fig. 4). Important appendages compound dampers of increased force Q', but with
should have somewhat higher load capacities, the in- unchanged normalized stiffness (tan O')/Q' and
creases possibly being 50%. At a site where a maxi- (tan ~')/Q'. Moreover, with certain hinges eliminated,
R.L Skinner et aL / System for isolating nuclear power plants 293

roll i lJ



Fig. 8. Back-to-back torsional-beam dampers to give parallel
action and moment balance at the anchors.


Fig. 7. (a) Basic torsional-beam hysteretic damper. Loads

are applied perpendicular to the axes of the beam and the
loading arms. (b) Basic flexural beam hysteretie damper.
Loads are applied in any horizontal direction.

some damping forces are provided for both compo-

nents of the horizontal motion of the structure, in
which case unbalanced moments occur at the damper
The horizontally flexible mounts for the isolator
may be conveniently provided by sets of laminated
rubber pads, as illustrated in fig..10. Each pad con-
sists of a stack of rubber sheets bonded to interleaving
metal plates. To achieve the required flexibility, and a
design horizontal movement of 24 in., the total height FOUNDATION

of the rubber sheets in a mount should be 24 in. Fig. 9. Two pairs of basic torsional-beam dampers in series;
(0.61 m). To ensure stability without excessive pad plan view.
294 R.1. Skinner et aL / System for isolating nuclear power plants

~ BILIZING PLATE platforms required may be less or more, respectively.

While there are many ways in which the above
isolator components may be developed and opti-
mized, the components described are adequate to
give an effective and reliable earthquake isolator of
moderate cost, and are used in the following example.
4. A base-isolated nuclear power plant

To obtain a clearer picture of the practical prob-

lems involved in the installation of a base-isolation
L system under a nuclear power plant, an assessment
was made of the base-isolator requirements for the
power plant described by Mulay and Wahl [ 11 ]. To
achieve increased earthquake resistance these re-
searchers have recommended a compact power plant
integrated within a very rigid high-strength building.
Such integration of a power plant permits the ready
provision of base isolation. The relevant main features
of the power plant described [11 ] are summarized in
table 2.
With single-axis dampers of 100 ton (1000 kN)
capacity, and for a damper force of 0.15 I¢ along
each horizontal axis of the plant building, the num-
Fig. 10. Horizontally flexible mount consisting of four ber of dampers required is 1500. With a vertical load
stacks each of three laminated rubber pads, with stability capacity of 1600 ton (16 000 kN) for a set of four
provided by two interleaved platforms.
laminated rubber bearings of 30 X 30 in. (0.76 X
0.76 m) [12] the number of mounts required is 313.
If the foundation is a raft of cellular construction
dimensions the pads may be arranged in sets of four with a 25 ft (7.6 m) module, there are 380 cells. The
with each set separated by rigid horizontal platforms damper requirements are met by four dampers per
(fig. 10). When the mount is deformed horizontally cell, and the mount requirements by less than one
this arrangement reduces moments in the laminated per cell. However, since the power plant weight is
rubber stacks and reduces the loss of effective sup- higher in the areas containing the two reactors, the
porting area. With pad dimensions of 30 X 30 × 8 in mount and :damper capacities'must also be higher in
(0.76 X 0.76 × 0.2 m), two intermediate platforms these areas. A possible layout for the isolator com-
would be sufficient. ponents is given in figs 11 and 12. The base-support-
The overall stack height of 24 in. (0.61 m) gives a
shear strain of 100% for design displacements and a
shear strain of 150% for extreme displacements. A Table 2.
laminated rubber stack with a total rubber thickness Proposed nuclear power plant.
of 24 in. (0.61 m), when loaded by a weight suffi-
Building dimensions 600 × 400 X 160 ft (high)
cient to give normal working stresses, has a stiffness (183 X 122 X 49 m)
to load ratio of about 0.0064/in. (0.25/m) [12], the Overall weight 500000 ton (5 X 106 kN)
value called for in table 1. The mount capacity may Steam source B.W.R.
be varied by increasing or decreasing the area of the Power output 2000 MW
rubber pads. In this case the number of intermediate Overall cost (1974) US $1000 million
R.L Skinner et al. / System for isolating nuclear power plants 295

9;'~.! f',i::'°~':', T * :'~. ° o.y :.'~::" " 9 . ~: ".°?':~,i"% n I I. ....


~"I/ MOUNT . ~ . ~
" ~ -e .i~i'i~,':2:.:X:;'~.2 ~ . . 2 . ~5' ' ~ - ~ ; a : ? b . ; ~ : ~-
,;~,.'~...~..o.:%:v~.' '"~.~ ;:~,:~:..~'.
. . . . • o....~.~'/~ SECT.'ELEV;B - B . . . o . . ~

000000 ooo •
m °OOO000000

Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of one cell of the foundation 24 cells ¢lt 2 5 ' • 6 0 0 '
raft showing the locations of the eight-beam torsional damp- SECT' PLAN C-C
ers and the 12-pad horizontally-flexible mounts. Section
B - B is also identified in fig, 12. Fig. 12. General layout of the flexible mounts and the damp-
ers which are located between the base of the nuclear power
plant and the cellular foundation raft. Section B - B is shown
in fig. 11.

ing flexible mounts are located over wall intersections 5. General considerations
of the cellular foundation raft. Pillars extend down-
wards from the building base into the central region While the base-isolation system described in the
of each cell. Four horizontally-acting dampers are above example is a practical system which achieves a
connected between each base pillar and the corners large reduction in earthquake attack at moderate
of the surrounding foundation cell. A simplified view cost, it is evident that substantial further develop-
of 6ne cell is given in fig. 11, for which 8-beam tor- ments are possible. The load-deformation relation-
sional dampers and 12-pad flexible mounts have been ship of the isolator could be modified to give a fur-
adopted. Fig. 12 gives the general layout of the ther improvement in performance during the more
dampers and the mounts. frequent earthquakes of moderate severity. Again,
If it is assumed that the installed cost of a damper the dampers may be further developed to reduce
or of a mount is US $ 1 0 000, then the total installed manufacturing and installation costs and to virtually
cost of the isolator components is less than 2% of eliminate the need for maintenance.
the overall cost of the nuclear power plant. There The attack of earthquakes with characteristics dif-
will also be the cost of the raft foundation which is ferent from those of the 1940 El Centro earthquake
required as part of the isolation system. On the other should be considered. For any earthquake a base-
hand the earthquake loads on the total power plant isolated power plant should suffer the least severe
and its building are greatly reduced and this should attack when located on the most rigid ground. If
lead to structural economies and probably to signif- the foundation raft is on a flexible surface layer it
icant weight reductions. should be supported on piles or caissons designed to
296 R.L Skinner et aL / System for isolating nuclear power plants

limit vertical deformations of the raft to low values. of dampers operating in parallel and even the failure
When a base-isolated power plant contains liquids of 20% of them would result in little deterioration
with free surfaces, the possibility of excessive wave of the isolator performance. Again, if later knowledge
action should be investigated. In some cases a change shows that a particular power plant would have im-
of container geometry, or the introduction of baffles, proved earthquake resistance with modified isolator
may be beneficial. characteristics, or with later components of improved
The base isolator does not reduce vertical earth- performance, then it would be practical to introduce
quake forces, but these are normally substantially such changes.
lower than the horizontal forces, and they are less The cost-effectiveness of a base-isolation system
subject to magnification by structural resonance. falls rapidly with increasing severity of the design
Many power plant components, such as vertical fuel earthquakes, and it should have a very low value for
elements, have high strength and low deformability nuclear power plants in areas of high seismicity. More-
under vertical forces. Moreover, with greatly reduced over, base isolation can achieve a reduction of earth-
horizontal earthquake forces other components may quake risk to a level which cannot be achieved with-
be modified or re-oriented to increase their resistance out isolation since it is inherently safer to exclude
to vertical forces. On the other hand some power very severe earthquake forces from a nuclear power
plant components have a high resistance to all seismic plant than to accept them and attempt to provide
forces, conferred by provisions for other contingen- for their consequences.
cies. Steam turbines are designed to withstand the
forces arising from the loss of blades; alternators are
designed for the forces generated by fault currents; Appendix
and some components are designed for high internal
pressures. Designs for basic and composite hysteretic damp-
With all components within the power plant ers suitable for use in the base isolation system of a
building given a high level of protection against earth- nuclear power plant may be based on recent data [8].
quake forces there is a very low likelihood of earth- The approximate characteristics of basic torsional-
quake-induced nuclear accidents, or of costly damage beam dampers of the type shown in fig. 7(a) are
and prolonged stoppages. given as:

tan 0 = RG, tan q~= R(A 1 + A 2PD), (A1, A2)

6. Discussion
Q = H(B 1 + B2PD), em = PD, (A3, A4)
For protection against non-earthquake causes of
failure, nuclear power plants are provided with several where the geometrical factors are
back-up safety systems, and the independence of the
modes of failure of these systems is an essential factor 0.609 b 3 t 3
in their high overall reliability. However, the earth- R r2( l+ 1-5t)(b2 +t2) m "
quake attacks all the plant components simultaneous-
ly, including the control and safety systems, and p = 0.912(b - 0.6t) bt in._ 1 ,
therefore it is particularly hazardous. Undetected r(l + 1.5t)(b 2 + t 2)
deterioration of a set of components may further in-
crease the probability of multiple failures during an H = [t2(3b - t)]/3r in. 2 ,
earthquake. It is therefore very important to give a
high level of protection against the concerted attack and in which b, t and l are the beam width, thickness
of earthquake forces. and length, respectively (one side, fig. 7(a)); em is the
A very high reliability can be achieved for base- nominal maximum strain; r the lever length (from
isolator components on the basis of extensive labora- beam axis); and D the maximum lever deflection.
tory tests. Moreover, there are a very large number The approximate material factors for the steel
R.L Skinner et al. / System for isolating nuclear power plants 297

beams used in a number of models and p r o t o t y p e s [8] and increase in Q'. Damper arrangements with n
were: equal to 1, 2 and 4 are shown in figs 8, 9 and 11.

= 9 X 10 6 lb/in. 2 ,
A 1 = 1.0 X 106 lb/in. 2 , A 2 = - 1 5 . 5 X 106 lb/in. 2 , [1] N.M. Newmark, Earthquake response analysis of reactor
structures, Nucl. Eng. Des. 20 (1971) 303-322.
[2] R.L Skinner, D.W.C. Skilton and D.A. Laws, Un-
B 1=1.04× 1041b/in. 2 . B2=42X 1041b/in. 2 , balanced buildings and buildings with light towers,
under earthquake forces, Proc., 3rd World Conference
To achieve a life of several hundred cycles, the on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland and Wellington,
following damper proportions and nominal maximum New Zealand, Vol. 2 (1965) 586-604.
[ 3 ] J. Penzien, Earthquake response of irregularly shaped
strain have been adopted: buildings, Proc., 4th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Vol. 2, A3 (1969) 75-89.
b = 4t, 1 = 5t, r > 7t, e m = 0.0275. [4] J. Hornbuckle et al., Forced vibration tests and analysis
(AS) of nuclear power plants, Nucl. Eng. Des. 25 (1973)
Substituting these values into eqs ( A 1 ) - ( A 4 ) and 51-93.
[5] R.I. Skinner, J.L. Beck and G.N. Bycroft, A practical
rearranging system for isolating structures from earthquake attack,
Int. J. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 3 (1975) 297-309.
r = 5.524 D i n . , (A6) [6] R.I. Skinner and G.H. McVerry, Base isolation for in-
creased earthquake resistance of buildings, Bull. NZ
Q = 1.457 x 104 t3/D lb , (A7) Soc. Earthquake Eng. 8 (2) (1975) 93-101.
[7] J.L. Beck and R.I. Skinner, The seismic response of a
reinforced concrete bridge pier designed to step, Int. J.
(tan O)/Q = 7.138//3 in. - 1 , (A8) Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 2 (1974) 343-358.
[8] R.I. Skinner, J.M. Kelly and A.J. Heine, Hysteretic
(tan O)/Q = 0.4553//3 in. - 1 , (A9) dampers for earthquake-resistant structures, Int. J.
Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 3 (1975) 287-296.
The deflection D is 24/n when a required overall [9] R.I. Skinner, J.M. Kelly and A.J. Heine, Energy ab-
sorption devices for earthquake resistant structures,
deflection o f 24 in. is obtained from n pairs of basic Proc., 5th World Conference on Earthquake Engineer-
dampers connected in series. When this value for D ing, Rome, Italy, Vol. 2 (1973) 2924-2933.
and appropriate assumed values for the beam thick- [10] W.H. Robinson and L.R. Greenbank, An extrusion
ness t are substituted in eqs ( A 5 ) - ( A 9 ) , then the di- energy absorber suitable for the protection of structures
during an earthquake (to be published in Int. J. Earth-
mensions of each unit damper and the characteristics
quake Eng. Struct. Dyn.).
of the composite damper, consisting o f n pairs of [11] J.N. Mulay and H.W. Wahl, Structural and layout
basic dampers in series, are as given in table A1 (where considerations for a nuclear power plant in a high
primed symbols are used for the parameters o f the seismic area, Proc., American Power Conference, Vol.
composite dampers). 35 (1973) 110-124.
[12] P.B. Lindley, Engineering design with natural rubber,
F o r the higher values of r/t the value lit could be
N.R. Technical Bulletin, 3rd edn, Natural Rubber
increased b e y o n d 5 with a consequent decrease in r Producers Association, London (1 q'/m

Table A1.

n D (in.) r (in.) t (in.) b (in.) I (in.) r/t Q' (lb) tan O'/Q' (in_ 1) tan 0'/Q' (in.-1 )

1 24 132 6 24 30 22 262 X 103 0.297 0.019

2 12 66 4.5 18 22.5 14.7 222 X 103 0.297 0.019
4 6 33 3.75 15 18.75 8.8 256 X 10 a 0.297 0.019
6 4 22 3 12 15 7.3 196 X 103 0.297 0.019

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