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f Ho \ F ee | Ss SANY CONCRETE BATCHING PLANT SANY Concrete Batching Plant Mixer Page 1~2 ‘With 4 patent tecrnolngiaa Win high relatiity ana ong service it With mutiole shaft and seais 10 ellicaciously olimnate leakage of ‘wa mang blac mado of high ani -woar mater Batch bunker Page 2 Wt modular stucture. i convenient fr instalation, marulactuce ane conveying, Easy and smocth for feeding and discharging \Wth the groune bunker anc steel stuctural bunker as options for regional diferences: Rough=precice measuring door for blanking, of nigh accu Aggregate Belt Conveyer Page 4 ‘Win endless bet liitn the frame designed into standard segments, 1S easy to Produce. install and convey Vinh wet conveyer seated with hood, the pollution to environment is really reduces ‘a avemnau) aise and salety armvost Measuring System \tn the measuring elements of wor—toraeis brands With two conte: schemes for measusing system ‘High lity and ant-interforence perarmarce The discharging doce vorates to unload rtera. of high accuracy. Page 4 One time purchase will be followed with a whole set service. SANY, at all timos, ig thought fr customers. When purchasing SANY concrete batching pis, buyer wil be provided vith the most rolessiona) quidance ftom SANY, in ight of the buyers actual emandi2g siflusion. — selee! the Tacs eultable mode! and ‘oplirie the purchase. A proinssional team then will be assigned for the foloa-up sorvice and mstucting the buyer the best lnetatation mode, |A rount—te-clack consultation service system is estabished to solve customers preblems and ditheuties ‘A most valuable sat of economic operation system i talored to halo Customers climinate plagues on investment anc achiove a high quality operation moc, ‘Our constant consideration and plan for customers on prouuct selection, instalation, un, coneuiaion. atagration an peation = med to assist customers ta achieve every success in thar carcor and ite, The high quality of SANY products comes from constant improvement on every aspect. Electric Control System Page Construction Cases Page 10 Fuly automate contol over batching. discharging, mung. and cusputng th double screens to display te montoring system and garrentsystom, Win one kay 1 start the same production task fakng tho ‘om of IPC (industial Personal Comput) + PLC ig ona nstuments Technical Specifications Pages 6~9 Complete Customer Support Pages 11~12 Al SANY concrete batching plant users can enjoy commitment of ‘overall services supplied by SANY. SANY HZS series concrete batching pi nixng efficiency. For example, the m Teaches 100~1 ¥5r1ih, aad hat of Sin plant its SAN te batching plants feature firm structure, convenient ‘operation, precise measurng, long service ile, high eelably anc enwronmental protecting SANY Mixer The SANY mixer with two horizontal shatis is mdepencently davelaped for the sigh: ftficiency concrete moung equipment. This mixer is -apanie to praduce the h gh= quality concrete in the shoriest time. The mixing takes only 28 ooconds Wiah tho incernationally prevalent planetary ‘gear reducer rive, the mixor presents better mixing abilty, evan and fas mixing and extraorainany high prodtue\ wy. 1 saw concnere sarciang PUNT It holds four patent technologies, remarkable anti-wear and mixing performance. The mixer concertrates tour patea technaingies, namely the maltunetion agnosis aevies for shalt end seal. the detection and warning device for motor temperature, the detection and warning device tor lubricating ol temperature inside feducer and the salety device for overhaul door Bavoioped on the basis of the research achievements. regarcing yerodynamics land ‘nbology, the mixing atm and the mixing blade Bear excelent mixing ausity and ellicieney. Ater 8 12-sscond mixing, the lomogeneily of concrete raaches 65%. and it will r@ t 95% 1m another 12. ‘second ming SANY Mixer Special reaucer of world-famous brand is Adopted and featured by high gelabii. tong service Ite, large tanster torque and ulstand ng power performance: The world-renowned electric contraized instant contra Ubvicatan cump ensures the shaft end seal filed with grease; Meare, 4 shalt ond seals are equipped wih a mania! oil fling pont ‘The digtt contol processing conto assures the coaKalty of the two baaxng holes of rving lane, 50 that the shalt aro secs are ‘dependable. The equiement i the raise of low one and low energy consumption, "Mate of tbe antivear high chremium cast ron and processed through the spacial Boat leeaimen!, me ince plate and mning blade have the extra long Ho 10 wihstand over 0000 tank + snes of maing 1 tenet Soa Batching Bunker SANY batching bunker agopls modular Structure, capable 10 measwematenals Sndopendonty. Tre measures far water rato in nd s falord far customer, The ate door feeder is set at the botorn of aggregate sio. Tagether etn reasonable clearance and specaly designed ant-seize ‘door, it prevents the slo door tm abstacing ‘ators, and rings on smooth blanking an | Mutiple protections. on shaft end seals cficaciusly peeve eakaye of concrete The pneumatic doo bears obvious advantages, such as compact in stucture, ‘quicker than hydraulic door, Hee of leakage fang polluon, and centralizes and convenient for manterance. Besides, tne manual ischarge door is set aganst unexpected lecticty cull Pexhe Loe Pin sige Ming Crrnbor |Win modular structure, t's convenient or nstalation, manulaeture, conveying and dismanterent ‘The rough-precise measuring door is used for Blnking, wih the ment of shor measurng tine ang high measurng accuracy. Te sand io with vbratin device ensutes srnoih blanking. The overall siucture of aggregite sio fuly salisied requirements of feagy feeding and banking Materials can be delvered into the aggregate io by loader or bet conveyer. The ground batching bunker and steel stucture batching bunker are avalable te liferent region. nay Change one 2 Aggregate Belt Conveyer he cleaner scraper plate algning function and the counterscigh adopted, making easy aciustm Fast Conveying, Stable Running. The frame is into standard The ° adi ket plate at tall of seoments. easy for nsilation, manuacture_cclined et availabiy regulates th ‘all pont anc.conveying of aggregate and provonts dewated running ol bet. The belt conveyer is saaled with hoe so as to abate patton 19 eaviranmedt. And the overhaul aisle and salely armrest a facibtate the routine Measuring System The measuring elements are of world-famous brands and high measuring accuracy. ng system. ho first one i a measuring network compriang SANY SWD-100 weighing display contra. In this system, modules fonnect with each other thvough the CAN bus, so that the notwork struct largely implied and lots of signal Wensfer cables fare saved. Maccover, at tha signa cquistion madule 6 hard by te senso and M's gia signal that in the tong, distance wansinssion, the raliabiity o network is greatly anhancecs The second one i a measurng system consisting of Meter Toledo T60D batching ‘ono, ensure The measuring system of SANY batch pian comeries steel sructute bala balances, 2 powder Io! balances and 2 quis patances: Herainta, the powdor lot Dalace can measure 2 kinds of mater (Fe time, and other balances are used t ‘weigh one kind per tine owen 4 Electric Control System 'SANY electric canta systamtakos he foun of TPC (leds! Personal Cormpuios) + PL + batching ene instwmerts, hich emboores tne tral of cist ioued sysiem that divas work arreng diferer: sections. Tha IPC is used! for simulation mortonng of production process ‘and management of producton information and data: tho PLC 1s responsible for ogc contro: the batching end insrunans are in thaige of eaen balances batching and rischazging task “Tre aovantage of the module stuctue Hes in that each secion can apply igh qualty Product, whic favors the stable el eae Dperaion of system. in case tal the IPG fas, the PLC and tho batching end itstumenis a stil capable ta fish the automate production 0858 and prevent ineruntng peodcon In addon to fundamental functions such 2s contact management, ask anagem. Toxmula management repo managemen, ‘ans maintenance af sysions base data, me management software systarr has tne ‘exonded intortace theaugh which a network management system can be font by Dre lab software, tnanes soltware and olher relevant sotwares The an-sie realnime faut diagnos system esabes unprolessional users 10 ‘easly soi prciems that they ancourter fn Mo course of Producten, Addon the remote fai clagnosis system can be added in sight of customers requirements Precise measuring perermance and high rekabitty Te target value of #20 and waler can be adjusted on-ine accarding to produicton equremenis. Algo, 1 can fulomaically canver production value light ofthe weer ratio m aggreqat. Tre dschergng orer and discharging interval of angregate can be aliesec random. Long-aistance office managemers anc bil pang ean be acrioved via network (non-#tensard conta) ‘his able to print all knes of cetvery tos. AS the delwery notes sohvare bears the iock-by-block function, Users can adjust the software by themselves to meet dlrert oeocs 5 | san CONCRETE Baton PLANT Intelligent operating system and simplified operational method Conan nt Wo Features of control system: Aibmaic eantal ot the whole process from reuteg, betcarg, w dschargeg, sraing and ouipting: Feal-fme tacking anc displaying te wet vais weighing vakie, veghng enor, and the batching dala, ‘The double display sereons show me rontering system and ranagernen ssyoern emutancoushy Win the 3D anmetcn simulating the Imanufacie proto, he actus ob feach material door and the production ‘ropyess aro close aa gone IO has he functions to sispend_ the balching, feeding an ausputing process, ‘ran he prooess Fis, wil auaoaicady sespend it and send a message for haretirg the probe, The selecion of job specifcainn has fitotng function, which can caplay jst the usea joo speeticaton, The formals and toms of delwery noves can be exstom-mace, 1 gan stan tho game production task by ene ey The practical prosucity of the 2a plant can each 100-1150. The PLC can continue conto! and conduct aulorreti: proaucton when IPC. fais, In case of saraus malunctin happens 0 tho IPC sofvene, Uses can resi the system wilh the one-Key recovery ‘uresen in ease of Meiers Construction Cases amt mH 4 Drawings for HZS60G HZS90G HZS120G Drawings for HZS90 HZS120 HZS180 HZS240 (270) rm Fy i] Ty fl Overall Dimension of Concrete Batching Plant Model HZ5600, 28906 zs 1206 Hzs90 HzS120 hzsi80 H2240(270) 2710000 (ea 1) 271000 (ea tr) 27400 (eer) 46000 (150 11 80690r0 (ree) 54000: (7 ey 56200 cee 8 ) wt 3560mm ar ) 560mm ar e ) 560mm ar & ) 200mm (20 4 ) 200mm (20 ) 600mm (2a 1 700mm (231 ’ ) we -4000mm ase 200mm cst ) 000mm aay 12880mm ) (ae) 14000mm asin) 14a50mm ars 18600mn z ) ) wa a he 800m 050mm 19500mm (28° 10° 5 (eo 8) (oa) 880mm 050mm 22800mm (28 30") eo 6) cee) ‘88001 9eoomn 2280010 (ex 10") (30" 10") ceo) 183400 122700 228000 oar) (aa 8) wee) 18900rm 12340 21800mm (62) (as) ore) 189001 sas20mm 21900 wre) (ea) ore) 21300mm 15000mm 23850 a1) (as) oF 3) oneoypeds Concrete Mixer Technical parameters scat tyro regina ose arn sor Overall weight us1000 1000 (220gal) Jseo00 20001(440gal) Model 483000 3000 Ls60gal) s4000 4000 L(@60gal) 1600 (352081) 3200 L¢ro4gat) 44800 L(10569a1) 540041408981) 2x18. SKW 2x37 KW 2xs5Kw 24 754W 258 255 258 25 123 128 128 125 60mm (2° ) 80mm (3" } 80mm (3° ) 80mm 3" ) 5600 kg (1234605) 7800 kq (17 9616s) Engineering Concrete Batching Plant ‘Technical parameters Theoretic productivity Mode of mixer ‘Mixer motor power ycing pero Nominal capacity of mixer Maximum aggregate S20 Powder lot bin capacity Capacity of batching pant Capacity of aggregate silo ‘Species of aggregate Productivity of aggregate belt conveyor ‘Maximum productivity of spiel conveyor Discharging height Instaied capacity "Nominal weighting and precision of aggregate Nomina weighting and precision of cement Nominal weighting and ‘precision of fy ash (ka) Nominal weighting anc precision of waar (hg) Nomina weighting and reasion of adive (ka) ‘9000 kg (1984 ribs) 140004a(30865Ibs) Model Hzs606 H2s906 Hzs1200 60m" m (78ya'Ihe) 90m'M (11 7ydshn) 20 m'h (1S6yd Ihr) 151000 181800 182000 222KW 2xa0KW 2xa7KW 60s 60s 08 10001(2209a1) 15001(330ga) 2000 L(440ga) 80mm (3 } 80mm (3) 80mm (3) 2x01 2x 1001 2x 1008 16001(a829an 18001 (352981) 1600 (35298) Bx 17 m'(3x22y0) Sx 17 (ax22y0") 3x17 mw (9x02) 3 a 3 120.un 210un 2a0un nowy now rom samcz 6) samiz 6) 3.8m(12 6) 100K 160 KW 210KW (0~3000) 22% kg (05000) +25 kg (06614) 22% 10s (011028) 2% ibs (0-1200)2 1% (0-900) 1% kg (0~1200)=1% kg (0 2045) 199 (0 (0~ 1984) 1% bs (0-300) 1% ka (0-681) 1% bs (0-20) 1% ko (0-44) 1% tbs 9 saw connaeTe wares aT {0-2645) 21% Ibs (0-600) = 1% kg (0~ 1823) 1% lbs (0-400) 1% ka (0-882)2 1% Ibs (0-400) 1% ko (0-882) 1% os (0-80) 1% 4a (0-110) 1% tbs Commercial Concrete Batching Plant ‘Technical parameters Theoretic productivity Mode! of mixer Mixer moter power yang period Nominal capac of mixer Moximum aggregate size Ponder fot bin capacity Capacity of batching sant Capacity of aggregate silo Species of aggregate Productivity of aggregate belt conveyor Maximum productivity of spiral conveyor Discherging height Instaled capacity "Nominal weighting and precision of aggregate Nominal weighting and precision of coment Nominal weighting and precision of fy ash (ko) Nominal weighting and precision of water (kg) Nominal weighting and precision of adcibve (ka) Hss0/2428180 80en'in | 129m Yh crnya 11234ya'he) 181500 2530 KW) 4x30 KW 60s 1900 (990381) 80mm (3 ) 41001 /8% 1008 2400 LIS24a) 4x15 m'/8x15m (45 19.5ye 1819.50") ‘ 500.uh 01h 38m(12 6) 154 KW (2% 184 KW (02000) 22% kg (0-409) 22% Ibs (0- 1200) 1% ko (0.2685): 1%6\bs (0-500) = 1% ko (0~1102)2 1% bs (0-400) 1% ka (0-880) (0-£0)21% ko ibs (0-110) 21% tos ‘Modet Hzs120/2Hz5240 120m'th J 2400n'Ih (188 ya"MhrI912y8'/he) 2000 2x37 KW/ 4x37 KW 60s 2000 L{440gal) earn (3°) 42001 /8x200¢ 200L7049a1} 425/825 (4% 92 5ya'}8% 92.576") 3 roown 110.un Bam(2 &) 2rOKW /2«21DW (08000) 22% (0-6614) 22% os {0~ 1200) 4196 kg (0-2645) 21% ibs (0~ 500) 1% kg (0-1102}2 1961s (0-600) 1% kg (0- 1922) 1% Ibs (0-50)4 1% kg (0-170) 21% ibs zs 1B0/2HZ5360 180m'm 1 360m (234ya'ihi46ayatinr) 483000 2x55 KW 14x55 KW 608 30001L(660gai) ¢80 mm (3° ) 42001 82001 Te00L(9s2ga0) 430 m'/8x20m3 (ax 39ya'/839y0") 4 700th 1190n sam(i2' 6) 250 KW /2x250 KW (0-300) + 2% (0~6514)22% Ibs (0-180) 21% kg (0~3968)2 1% Ibs (0- 1000)2 1% kg (0~ 2205) 1% ios (0-800) 2 1% kg (0~ 1769) 1% os (0-80)21% ko (0-176) 1% ibs ay Cnanges ne 10 uoneoyoeds Complete Customer Support [AI SANY Concrete Batching Plant users can enjoy the commitment of overall sorvices supped by SANY. 'SANY nag established branches and oft bver 100 countries and regions, including 12 overseas subsidiaries in Noh Aca West and Central Ainca, Soush Alnca Europe, Middle East, North America, India Fussia, South-oast Asia, Australia as well as Uktaine. and B8 service atices. SANY now has 128 inernasenal service engineers to provito ater-sae service and rechncal suppor 10 69 stes of 65 counties Guarantee for Service Commitment in five continents. Besides, 6 overseas fenral warehouses have been set u Moidle East, Incia, North Amerca, Europe, South-east Asia and North Arica, and another 6 ovorsoas central warehouses aro fo accredkt cerlain number of sorvi prepared 10 construct in West and C petonnal with flevart knowedge and kil Dirica, South Arica, South America, Fusia, 10 ind insist distibutor to. set up Ukraine anc Australia. administrative otic, 6 the above comment to product ice, Sany is rosponsibie and obligate 1H saw CONCRETE sarchNG PLANT ‘Service Response [Aher receiving the sevice cal tom site on time by acpoirtment with 2 ours waling-on—cxciers system for service engineers The eervios enginact ste belore successtuly soling the ales technical suppor by communicating to customer” by hall not leave wa ineer Us! arte at he Pre-sale Service Technical consuttions for special ta offer free technical In-sale Service spection of product w cansuct fpre-inepeetiay for product and make Shin ~sarting traning ‘ston protection ‘antiurt tecnoogy is ure the prccluct quality studying out consituction Equament mada! rmatfunetions, an shall be peaitted by ‘he customers incase at not solving the problem uithin tree days, tecenial suppor and (guide wll be supplied rom headquarter. After-sale Service a Assist he customors in weking out the intial construction scheme instal end debug he equipraent Train the operoior onsite = Ineproce®s qual'y contol of the machine periodic Sova the mufinetion on ste, repid ard fetively «Initiate argo mmantenence program, spacial senioa or kay pra fovico unconventional service, Pravils the opportunity for technical exchange Guatrychansestavints 12 ee A Bien OE cote din wie ett, Oe

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