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Soil DynamicsandEarthquakeEngineering15 (1996) 141-146

Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Great Britain. All fights reserved
0267-7261(95)00020-3 0267-7261/96/$15.00

Short Note

Site effects in Mexico City urban zone. A

complementary study
Francisco J. Chavez-Garcia* & Julio Cuenca
lnstituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, Apdo. Postal 70-472, Coyoacrn 04510, M~xico D.F., Mexico

Communicated by F. J. S~nchez-Sesma
(Received 25 July 1995; accepted 26 July 1995)

Site ,effectsare a major factor affectingseismicrisk at Mexico City conurbation and

haw: been carefully studied. However, most of the studies and instrumentation
com~ntrate in Mexico City. We present an evaluation of site effectsin the counties
of Estado de Mexico, to the North of Mexico City, that have been incorporated
into Mexico City conurbation. We measured microtremors at 67 points and
operated a temporal digital seismograph network. Our results allow us to extend
the .dominant period map of Mexico City to the heavily populated and indus-
trialized counties of Estado de Mexico. Additionally, we propose a map of
maximum relative amplification. Both maps are consistent with local geology,
and could be useful for microzonation of this region.

Key words: site effects,Mexico City conurbation, microtremors, dominant period.

INTRODUCTION The results included a detailed and robust map of

dominant periods within the City. Additionally a map
Site effects play a major role in the seismic risk facing of maximum amplification of ground motion relative to
Mexico City. The soft clay layers in the lake zone of firm ground was produced for the sites instrumented
Mexico City have been shown to amplify ground motion with accelerometers.
by a factor up to 50 in the frequency band 0"3-0"7Hz. 1 To date, all of the instrumentation and field studies
All of the damage observed during the September 1985 have concentrated in the Distrito Federal. The reasons
earthquakes occurred in the lake zone. Accelerographic are that damages during past earthquakes have concen-
data recorded during this event made clear that there had trated in the lake bed zone within Mexico City, and that
been little, if any, non-linear behavior of the clay layer.l most of the studies (as well as the new strong motion
Strong ground motion in Mexico City is thus condi- network) have been financed by the government of
tioned, in a large part, by site effects that can be described Mexico City. However, the urbanization of Mexico
using ID one-layer, linear models. In a recent paper) City does not stop on the legal boundaries between
available data was analyzed in terms of these simple Distrito Federal and Estado de Mexico. There are sev-
models. The data included accelerograms recorded at the eral counties, belonging to Estado de Mexico, that have
more than 100 digital accelerometers installed in Mexico been incorporated into Mexico City conurbation. In fact,
City and 409 measurement points of microtremors. these counties concentrate most of the 'Mexico City's
industry'. Additionally, as real state value is lower,
construction of popular housing has proceeded in this
*Centro de Investigaci6n Sismica, A.C., Fundaci6n Javier region at an accelerated pace. In all of this region no
Barros Sierra, Camino al Ajusco 203, Tlalpan 14200 Mrxico strong motion instrument operates and, to the best of the
D.F., Mexico author's knowledge, no study of site effects has been
142 F. J. Chavez-Garcia, J. Cuenca

0 0
0 • 0
• •
al • •
• •
TTL • • •
0 0
at-T • • /""~ /

0 !
• 81

t'-" ~" ~/ , ~;-. • ~0 at'T al O

• • •
at-T / ", 0 O

19,70 .

~ 19.~


~ 19.40




- 9 9 . 2 0 -99.10 -99.00 -98.90

Fig. 1. Geological map of the region of interest. Simplified after Cetenal. 3 Open circles correspond to the points where we measured
microtremors. Triangles show location of seismographs. The dotted line shows the political limit between Mexico City and Estado de
Mexico. A: andesite. By: volcanic breccia, ar-T: sandstone interlayered with tuff. T: andesitic tuff. al: alluvium.

done. The purpose of this note is to present results of an dominant period and maximum relative amplification
effort towards determination of site effects in those in this region.
counties of Estado de Mexico, incorporated into
Mexico City conurbation. To this end, we measured
microtremors at 67 points in the area, and installed GEOLOGY
and operated a temporal seismograph network. Our
results supplement to the north the maps presented by Figure 1 shows a simplified map o f surface geology in the
Lermo & Ch~vez-Garcia 2 and give an estimate o f region of interest. 3 Geology is different from that of
Site effects in Mexico City urban zone 143

Mexico City valley, and it is not possible to extend the simple shape of the transfer functions and the good
geotechnical zoning. In this re#on, the heights of Sierra agreement between both horizontal components suggest
de Guadalupe attain 2900 m and are formed by andesitic that site effects are due to a simple geological structure
rocks. Additionally, there are some outcrops of volcanic and are probably of 1D nature. Results for other points
breccia and andesitic tuff. Alluvial fans surround the hills are similar, except at ten points where HVSR curves
and consist of sandstone interlayered with tuff, suggest- showed no resonance, i.e. those points are free from site
ing a complex sequence of periods of intense and weak effects. We could estimate dominant period (To) and
volcanic activity. Recent alluvium fills the valleys. In maximum relative amplification (At) from a total of 57
small parts of the plain, surficial sediments consist of points.
lacustrine deposits, similar to those of the lake-bed zone
in Mexico City, however very limited in extension.
Figure 1 has been simplified, as we assimilated lacustrine WEAK MOTION DATA
deposits into alluvial deposits. We have assumed that
outcrops of andesite, volcanic breccia and tuff can be We operated a weak motion digital network within the
assimilated with rock and/to site effect is to be expected area of interest for two months. The instruments used
there. We expect large variability in the response of the were PRS-4 solid state memory seismographs by Scintrex
sandstone-tuff deposits due,' to their large lithology var- coupled to L-3D 1 Hz seismometers by Lennartz. How-
iation from outcrop to outcrop. Finally, we expect ever, due to the low seismic activity during that period,
significant site effects on the alluvial deposits, however and to the very high background noise in the area, we
dominant periods are likely to be low, as we anticipate could record only one event at three stations. None of
small thickness of the deposits. these three sites was on firm soil, and thus we could not
use the standard spectral ratio technique. 5'6 This is the
reason why we computed empirical transfer functions
MICROTREMOR DATA (ETF) using again the HVSR technique. The application
of HVSR to earthquake records was proposed by Lermo
We measured microtremor,; at 67 points in the area (Fig. & Chfivez-Garcia,7 where the details of the computation
1). The equipment used was three seismometers of 0"5 s
period by kinemetrics coupled to a DR-100 seismograph
by Sprengnether. Signals were digitized at 100 sps, multi-
plexed and recorded on magnetic tape. At each point we 10.0
recorded 2 windows of noise, of 1 min each. From these
records, 4-6 windows were selected for the analysis.
Different techniques have been used to interpret micro-
tremor measurements. They were compared and evalu- 1.0
ated by Lermo & Chfivez-Garcia.4 They showed that the
best results were obtained with the spectral ratio of
horizontal motion relative to the vertical component at
the same site (horizontal to vertical spectral ratio or 10.0
HVSR technique). An example of the results is shown
on Fig. 2. We observe a good agreement among different
windows, and between both horizontal components. The 1.0 "] ' ~'.'~k

10.0 TI~.
,o.o A /v J,

, i • • ,

0.1 . . .
. . .
. . .
10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
1.0 10.0
Frequency [l-Iz]
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
Fig, 3. Empirical transfer functions obtained from HVSR for
Fig. 2. An example of HVSF transfer functions from micro- the only earthquake record obtained in the study. Continuous
tremor data. Each line con:esponds to a window of data. line: NS component. Dashed line: EW component.
144 F. J. Chavez-Garcia, J. Cuenca

19.70 0.4




19.55 1


| •



e Q " O :" ,'" " .,..

• , t..". ",.
"".2 ......... "

19.35 ~ : . ...... . . . _ / " - - \ ~.

;~- / ~.

. "--..


6 5"kta ............. " T "-."
•, "....
I I , .I I I | II

-99.20 -99.15 -99.10 99.05 -99.00 -98.95

Longitude (degrees)

Fig. 4. Contours of dominant period for the region studied in this paper. We have pasted Fig. 10 of Lermo & Ch~vez-Garcia2 at the
same scale. Open circles show the points where we measured microtremors.

are presented. The results are shown in Fig. 3. The ETF varies very much, from 5 at CTL to between 10 and 20 at
shown are not reliable below 1 Hz given the natural TLA. The ETF shown in Fig. 3 are very similar to those
frequency of the seismometers. We observe a good obtained from microtremor measurements at the same
agreement between both horizontal components at each sites (not shown). This suggests that microtremor mea-
point. Site resonance appears at 2 Hz at CTL, 3 Hz at surements are adequate to characterize site effects in this
T T L and near 2 Hz at TLA. Maximum amplification region.
Site effects in Mexico City urban zone 145

.4 0


• •


~° ,




~ 19.45


19.20 -99'.20 ' -99'.10 -99.00 -91.90


Fig. 5. Contours of maximum relative amplification in the area of interest. Open circles show the points where we measured

DISCUSSION importance of avoiding the coincidence of dominant

period of the structure with that of the soil has been
Our results are based mainly on analysis of microtremor shown. 8 Figure 4 shows the contours of dominant period
records. However, we obtained a good agreement obtained from our microtremor measurements. We have
between HVSR for microtremors and HVSR for weak included the dominant period map presented in Lermo &
motion records. This suggests that HVSR adequately Ch/tvez-Garcia,2 which is constrained between 19.25°
reflects expected site effects independently of the nature and 19"5° latitude. To the north of 19'5 ° the definition
of the ground motion record analyzed. The importance of geotechnical zoning does not exist. Furthermore, the
of dominant period is well known. In Mexico City, the geological basis used to distinguish between lake zone
146 F . J . Chavez-Garcia, J. Cuenca

and hill zone in Mexico City does not apply in Estado de permanent strong motion stations and of pursuing stu-
Mexico, although there are significant differences dies in this area.
between rock and alluvial deposits. Dominant periods
are much lower than those at Mexico City, which may be
due to thinner alluvial deposits or higher shear wave ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
velocity. We suspect a combination of both factors.
Contours of maximum relative amplification are This study was financed by the Mexican Association of
shown in Fig. 5. An equivalent figure was not presented Insurance Institutions. The comments of F. J. Sfinchez-
by Lermo & Chfivez-Garcia. 2 Figure 5 could be drawn Sesma greatly improved the manuscript.
due to the smooth variation of Ar in the region studied.
Maximum values occur to the SE and are clearly related
to the soft deposits of Texcoco lake. The values on this REFERENCES

figure suggest that shear wave velocities of the surficial

sediments are significantly larger than those at Mexico 1. Singh, S. K., Mena, E. & Castro, R. Some aspects of source
City, where Ar attains values larger than 30. characteristics and ground motion amplification in and
near Mexico City from the acceleration data of the Sep-
tember 1985 Michoacan, Mexico, earthquakes. Bull. Seism.
Soc. Am., 1988, 78, 451-77.
CONCLUSIONS 2. Lermo, J. & Chfivez-Garcia, F. J. Site effect evaluation at
Mexico City: dominant period and relative amplification
We have presented a study of site effects in the counties from strong motion and microtremor records. Soil Dynam.
Earthq. Engng, 1994, 13, 413-23.
of Estado de Mexico conurbated with Mexico City. Our 3. Cetenal. Carta geolrgica Cuautitl~n E14-A29 escala
results allowed us to extend the dominant period map to 1 : 50,000, 1979.
the north, including heavily populated and industrialized 4. Lermo, J. & Chhvez-Garcia, F. J. Are microtremors useful
parts of Mexico City conurbation. Given that geology is in site response evaluation? Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1994, 84,
different from that of Mexico City, it is not possible to 1350-64.
5. Borcherdt, R. D. Effects of local geology on ground motion
extend the geotechnical zoning in this region. We could near San Francisco Bay. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1970, 60,
also propose a map of maximum relative amplification 29-61.
for this region. Our results show that dominant periods 6. Chfivez-Garcia, F. J., Pedotti, G., Hatzfeld, D. & Bard, P.-
are significantly shorter than those at Mexico City. This, Y. An experimental study of site effects near Thessalonlki
together with the moderate values of Ar suggest the (Northern Greece). Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1990, 80, 784-806.
7. Lermo, J. & Ch~ivez-Garcia, F. J. Site effect evaluation
thickness of alluvial deposits is smaller and shear wave using spectral ratios with only one station. Bull. Seism. Soc.
velocities are larger than those on the soft deposits of Am., 1993, 83, 1574-94.
Mexico City. This allows one to understand that no 8. Esteva, L. The Mexico earthquake of September 19, 1985
damage was sustained in this region during the large -- Consequences, lessons, and impact on research and
Michoacan earthquake of September 1985. However, practice. Earthquake Spectra, 1988, 4, 413-26.
9. Suter, M., Quintero, O., Lrpez, M., Aguirre, G. & Farrar,
smaller events with closer epicentral distance (for E. The Acambay graben - - Near-surface structure, kine-
example from the Acambay graben 9) may have more matics and state of stress. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., submitted
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damaging. This underscores the importance of installing

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