International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

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Landslide risk management—A brief overview and example

from Sweden of current situation and climate change
Yvonne Andersson-Sköld a,n, Ramona Bergman a, Magnus Johansson b,
Erik Persson b, Lars Nyberg b
Swedish Geotechnical Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden
Centre for Climate and Safety, Karlstad University, Sweden

a r t i c l e in f o abstract

Article history: Landslide risk is a function of the probability of the event and its consequences. Previous
Received 20 February 2012 research has shown that preventive measures to reduce the risk are preferred over
Received in revised form reactive measures but, especially in developing countries, rarely undertaken. A con-
20 November 2012
tributing factor is the lack of evidence that preventive measures pay. This study includes
Accepted 23 November 2012
Available online 13 December 2012
a brief overview of landslide risk management in general and an investigation of the
present risk management situation in Sweden based on interviews in 11 municipalities
Keywords: complemented with interviews in Norway. The result shows that climate change has
Risk management become part of the general awareness and started to be taken into account in the
municipal spatial planning. Landslide susceptibility maps and databases are useful tools
Swedish municipalities
in the complex spatial planning. The results indicate that the application of landslide
Current situation
Climate change susceptibility and risk maps as previously applied for preventive measures and spatial
planning in the landslide prone area Göta älv river valley have been cost effective.
Improved documentation and more active communication among different stakeholders
would, however, contribute to more effective landslide management.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction scale consequences of less frequent accidents, e.g. chemi-

cal accidents and natural disasters. International direc-
Preventive actions and measures can, and are fre- tives and agreements, such as the EU Flood Directive,
quently taken to reduce accidents and their conse- Inspire Directive, Seveso Directive, UN/ISDR (2004) and
quences. They can be based on systematic and thorough the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015, exert an
analyses or made as an acute reaction to a specific event. influence on the development of national strategies and
Some actions are specific for a selected type of accident legislation.
and can be both physical and non-physical. Some mea- Recently, statistical analyses have been performed on
sures are generic, and these are most often non-physical prevention cost effectiveness and the cause relation of
such as legislation and education. National and interna- accidents. Statistical analyses work very well for frequent
tional policies, directives, legislations, frameworks and accidents, including a wide range of accidents such as
initiatives are examples of non-physical measures that traffic mortality or slipping (e.g. [1–3]). For less frequent
have been taken to reduce either the cause or the large- accidents, for instance those caused by natural events
such as storms, flooding and landslides, the statistical
records are not as extensive. Such events are not accidents
Corresponding author.
or disasters per se, but the consequences of the event may
E-mail addresses:, be severe and even disastrous [4–11]. The consequences (Y. Andersson-Sköld). may be directly caused by the event, for example loss of

2212-4209/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 45

life or construction damages caused by a landslide, or of the major factors affecting the current risk manage-
indirectly, such as loss of life or material damage due to ment of natural events focussing on landslides. The
flooding or tidal waves caused by landslides or delays due hypothesis is that landslide risk management in a country
to road or railroad damages (e.g. [7,8,12–14]). like Sweden is rather effective due to well working risk
assessments and mapping, but that the effectiveness can
1.1. Risk–probability of event and consequence be increased by improving the institutional preconditions.
The aim is to further investigate if one can make cost
Kaplan and Garrick [15] defined risk as uncertainty benefit analysis (CBA) or if other methods are more
plus damage, or the ratio between the hazard (source of appropriate.
danger, or possibility of loss or injury due to, for example, The study includes a brief overview of landslide risk
a landslide) and the degree of probability of such loss. management in general and an investigation of the pre-
This definition has since been used for technical, natural sent risk management situation in Sweden.
science and medical risk assessments, and is nowadays
often referred to as a function of consequence and the
probability of any event that may cause negative con- 2. Landslide risk management—A brief overview
sequences (e.g. [5,16–19]).
The consequence is a function of the amount of Fig. 1 shows a framework, or conceptual model,
element at risk and the vulnerability of the affected describing the risk management including context depen-
element or system at risk [20]. Vulnerability is the degree ding risk factors as proposed by Roberts et al. [17].
to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with Both vulnerability, i.e. exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive
the situation. It can be defined as a function of the capacity, and landslide probability are context dependent
character, magnitude and rate of the event to which a (e.g. [5,17]).
system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capa- The causes of landslides can be both primary, i.e.
city [14,21], or in other words the exposure to the event caused by factors that are long lasting and inherent in
(perturbation and stresses) combined with the sensitivity the constituent rock and the soil, and triggers, i.e. caused
and resilience of the system [7,22,23]. Sensitivity is the by factors that are varying or very short lived [7]. Triggers
degree to which a system is affected either adversely or may be both natural, such as seismicity, intensity of
beneficially, in case of an event (e.g. [18,19]). Adaptive precipitation or natural erosion, and anthropogenic, such
capacity is the ability of a system to adjust to the new as land use activities and constructions operations (e.g.
situation by for example taking advantage of opportu- [7]).
nities or to cope with the new situation [14]. The risk, Due to the wide range of landslide processes the
consequently, can be reduced either by reducing the annual probability and the extension of a potential land-
probability, the potential consequences of the event slide is difficult to assess and the environmental and
or both. societal context is crucial for determining the specific
effects on the vulnerability as pointed in [31] and by
1.2. Risk prevention effectiveness Roberts et al. [17]. The risk management of landslides is,
consequently, complex [23,32–34].
Previous research shows that preventive risk reduction Climate change is not only expected to result in
is preferable not only from humanitarian but also from increased temperature but is also expected to profoundly
economic perspectives (e.g. [6,8,24,25]). As pointed out by influence the hydrology (e.g. [35]). In Norway, Sweden
Holcombe et al. [25], however, despite the recognition of and northern Europe the annual precipitation is expected
the need for mitigation approaches to landslide risk, to increase by up to more than 30% during the period
especially in developing countries, measures are rarely 2071–2100 compared to 1961–1990 [36–38]. The river
undertaken. According to Holcombe et al. [25] a contri- runoff is in general expected to be higher in winter,
buting factor is the lack of evidence that landslide followed by a less pronounced snowmelt peak and lower
mitigation pays. As discussed by Anderson et al. [26] summer flows [38]. The summers will be dryer but,
there can be serious methodological problems in seeking despite season, the predictions indicate an increase of
evidence-based assessment for the risk prevention effec- intensive rainfall and extreme flows [37–39]. The changes
tiveness regarding accidents caused by natural events, will lead to increased erosion and other impacts that will
such as landslides, basically due to lack of knowledge of affect the slope stability, such as water level changes and
what would have happened in the absence of interven- changes in vegetation (e.g. [21,35]). The increased erosion
tion. Consequently, only a limited number of studies will increase the landslide probability while other climate
investigating the cause-cost-prevention effectiveness change impacts on landslide probability are difficult to
exist as pointed out by Bonnard and Corominas [27]. predict and demonstrate due to the complexity of the
Further, mitigation strategies are often costly and pose processes (e.g. [13,40–44]). The uncertainty in the already
numerous challenges to decision-makers in both devel- complex system thereby increases.
oping and developed countries [28]. The legislation is The advantage of a systematic risk assessment and risk
often complex and the budgets restricted [28–30]. management approach has been recognised in research
The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge base (e.g. [25]) as well as in legislation, for example the
needed for cause-cost-prevention effectiveness analysis Swedish Civil Protection Act [45], federal laws in Switzer-
including institutional conditions. The result is an overview land and the Norme per il riassetto organizzativo in Italy
46 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

Fig. 1. A framework describing the risk management context based on the conceptual vulnerability model proposed by Roberts et al. [17].

[46,47]. A systematic risk management approach contains 2.1. Databases to integrate previous experience
the following analytical steps (e.g. [5,17,48,49]):
Datasets of past disaster losses constitute the basis for
 risk identification (knowledge on triggering factors risk (hazard susceptibility and consequence) mapping and
and vulnerability); risk assessments, supporting evidence-based disaster pre-
 risk inventory (landslide susceptibility and consequences); vention policies and actions. Overall, lessons learning in
 risk assessment and risk mitigation requirement; the aftermath of landslides and other natural disasters is
 defining risk management strategy (identification and regarded a key activity for risk reduction by most coun-
selection of strategy); and tries [55]. The learning, if based upon established sys-
 implementation, follow-up, control and monitoring. tematic evaluation methods within and between
organisations, range from prevention and preparedness
in the before phase, via response measures during an
The risk mitigation requirement is determined by the event, to recovery and rebuilding in the aftermath. At
relation between the risk assessment result and the local level, the learning process can be used for feedback
accepted level of risk, and constitutes the base for the to all phases of the management, including the geo-
subsequent risk management strategy (identification and scientific prerequisites and to draw conclusions from
selection of measure, implementation, follow-up, control successful or non-successful measures taken. At national
and monitoring) (e.g. [5,17,48,49]). level, the data can be used for education, training and to
In the risk identification process, historical landslide raise awareness among existing or future potential actors
inventories constitute the first step, providing important in other regions.
basic knowledge of frequency, extent and demand for Data can be collected from different sources. In Italy a
geotechnical solutions [47,50]. Modern GIS-technique made flood and landslide inventory data base has been set up
it possible to combine data in thematic maps, e.g. geographic based on information from newspapers, technical and
and geological information about documented landslides, scientific reports, aerial photographs, regional topo-
type of landslides and information about existing land-use graphic maps and experts and eyewitness interviews
[47,50]. This information is a key, not only for the risk [56,57]. Information from newspapers are often on-the-
identification and risk inventory, but also for the subsequent spot account and in need of later validation and correc-
stages of the risk management process [7,13,46,47,51–54]. tion. Some databases, like the Swedish Natural Hazards
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 47

Information System [58], use the media input only for (e.g. how many households and people were injured). The
event surveillance. Other databases, like the Norwegian gathered documents may also provide information on
Skrednett [59], treat media content less strict, with the prevention measures, sequence of the event, effects and
primary goal of a dataset with as many events as possible. consequences, and lessons learned, but the information
Clearly, many different approaches, aims and applications varies in terms of extent and quality.
exist at national levels to support disaster risk reduction
in their specific local context [60,61]. 2.2. Mapping risk and landslide susceptibility
Natural disaster databases also exist at global (e.g. EM-
DAT and databases run by the reinsurance companies Modern GIS-technique allows landslide risk maps and
MunichRe and SwissRe) and national level. In Europe 28 landslide susceptibility maps to be based on integrated
countries already have landslide databases and others are information such as historical information, photographic
currently creating national and/or regional databases [62]. information, field measurements and other information,
It has previously been argued that the national landslide such as factors indicating where landslides may occur and
databases have various content, scale, language, format, their potential consequences (e.g. [68]). Landslide suscept-
structure and accessibility and, worldwide, that different ibility maps are used as standard in landslide prone devel-
data compilation initiatives lack recognized common oped countries such as Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Canada
definitions which lead to inconsistent reliability and poor and Spain, etc. (e.g. [46,47,69]) but are also currently being
interoperability of data [62–65]. The objective in a recent developed in countries as Nicaruagua and Korea [13,54].
study by Van Den Eeckhaut and Hervás [62] was to review In Sweden the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
the content of existing European landslide databases. The (MSB) assists municipalities and county administrative
results showed that the map scale and symbolics varied. boards with landslide susceptibility mapping, by perform-
The expected high variability could, however, not be ing overview ground stability maps [58]. The mapping,
proven among investigated European databases [62]. which is based on geological and geotechnical informa-
A database/catalogue for flooding events typically tion, was started in 1986 and pertains to developed areas
include location information (such as town, province, where conditions exist for soil movement. The mapping
co-ordinates), time, landslide history, trigger, type of was initiated after one of the most severe slides in
event (e.g. landslide or debris flow), relative size of the Sweden (Tuve landslide in 1978). Today, 157 of the 290
event, as well as impact information such as fatalities and Swedish municipalities have been mapped. The suscept-
economic damage [57]. The study by Van Den Eeckhaut ibility maps can be used as a basis for more detailed
and Hervás [62] showed that the European landslide studies, subsequent risk assessment and as the basis in
databases generally contained information on the land- risk maps. The risk maps, in contrast to susceptibility
slide type, landslide morphological characteristics and maps, include both the susceptibility and the conse-
geo-environmental factors, but rarely information on quences (e.g. [7,13,17,26,51–53,70,71]).
landslide history, triggering factors and consequences. A regional landslide risk mapping has recently been
The Swedish national landslide database, initiated in done for the Göta älv river valley, one of Sweden’s most
2001 [66] and made publically available in 2011 [67], landslide prone areas [42,72]. The landslide probability
includes information on type, location, extension (length was estimated from stability analyses based on borehole
and width) and time of the event of 567 registered data from sections perpendicular to the river [42,72]. The
landslides (March 2012) of which 549 are dated from consequence analysis included an inventory of elements
1900 and onwards [66]. The locations of the registered at risk, an assessment of the exposure and vulnerability
landslides are presented on the map shown in Fig. 2. The and a socio-economic evaluation. The socio-economic
database is regarded to be 50–75% completed [62]. The evaluation included loss of life and property damages,
number of landslides is regarded very low compared to production losses, reconstruction costs for road, railroad,
countries such as Austria with 25,000 (database 25–50% communication, heating, water and sewage systems, and
completed), Italy with 485,000 (database475% com- expected increased costs due to traffic delays and extra
pleted) and Norway with 31,500 ( o25%) landslides security due to contaminated land or environmental
reported, but in the same magnitude as Switzerland with hazardous activities [72–75]. The result of the assessment
317 reported landslides (databaseo25% completed) [62]. was presented as a risk class map, divided in three risk
For some of the larger Swedish landslide events (15 in classes based on a risk matrix constructed from five
total) more information exist [62] which is found in the consequence classes and five probability classes [72]. An
MSB database [58]. The MSB database also compiles example of the risk map and the risk matrix is presented
natural hazards event on national level from 1950 to in Fig. 3. The risk assessment and the resulting map also
present [58]. The target group for the database people included expected information on quick clay deposits and
working with safety, local and national planning, private expected increase in landslide probability due to climate
activities, awareness raising and education [61]. The change [42,72]. The estimated change will be due to
database offers cross-disciplinary data on response, cause increased erosion in the river [42].
of event, preparedness measures, impact description and
lessons observed or learned. Data and documents are 2.3. Assessing mitigation requirements
gathered from municipalities, county boards, national
agencies and research institutes. Considering landslides, To define an appropriate mitigation strategy not only
the most primary consequences are usually mentioned the current risk needs to be assessed, but also to define
48 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

Fig. 2. Map showing landslide events registered in the Swedish national landslide database [67] (left) and the location of the Swedish municipalities
included in the interviews performed within this study (right).

Fig. 3. Example of risk map and risk matrix resulting from the Göta river commission (from Tremblay et al. [72]).

the protection requirements [5,47]. The protection reduction due to, for example, landslide susceptibility
requirements can be defined based on risk acceptance, mapping (e.g. [79]), warning systems and physical mea-
e.g. accepted number of fatalities in case of an event. It sures (e.g. [50]), the effectiveness of incorporating risk
can also be based on CBA including the costs of the mitigation in local comprehensive plans (e.g. [6]) and on
mitigation activity in relation to the damage preferably risk reduction programs [26]. When assessing landslide
taking into account environmental and social aspects as consequences ex-ante methods for monetary evaluation
well (e.g. [17,20,26,71,76]). are most often applied (e.g. [8,10,20,25,51,70,71,80–82]).
There are recent cost assessments of landslide The cost for decreasing the landslide probability, by
cause—effects (e.g. [6,10,13,26,77,78]) and CBA on risk 20% through physical measures in areas with the stability
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 49

classes 4 and 5 (Fig. 3) along the river, has been estimated MCA may become a regulated methodology, but for long
to 550–700 million Euros (5–6 BSEK) in the recent Göta term sustainable decisions and risk management some
älv river landslide investigation [83]. The running costs evidence is still lacking. Future research needs to provide
would be around 1 million Euros (900 million SEK) per more deep and detailed understanding of the quality of
year taking into account climate change. The value for the the participation and its impact on the decision making
entire area included in the investigation (excluding rocky [28].
ground) is estimated to around 17 billion Euros (150
BSEK). The corresponding value within high risk (red in 2.4. Potential risk mitigation measures
Fig. 3) class areas is 900 million Euros (8 BSEK) [42,72,75]
indicating that preventive measures are beneficial. One of Despite risk prevention being preferable (e.g.
the major reasons for the deviation between the calcu- [6,8,24,25]), focus has historically been on warning and
lated value of the investigated area and the high risk areas evacuation at the expense of prevention and long term
is previous landslide prevention measures taken by EKA planning [84,88–90]. Some preventive measures encom-
Nobel in 1994 for 8 million Euros (70 MSEK) were pass large-scale, complex, costly investments and require
undertaken [83]. This means protecting an area corre- a long term perspective and a solid knowledge basis, since
sponding to a value of ca. 230 million Euros (2 BSEK) such investments also may increase the risk of maladap-
according to the recent risk assessment of the area tation [50,91,92].
[72,75]. The other major measure that has been used in As illustrated in Fig. 1, risk mitigation may include
the area, and recommended from the investigation, is activities such as ground stabilization or other land
land use planning to reduce the vulnerability [83]. management activities to reduce the probability or extent
A study of socio-economic impacts and mitigation of the event, physical actions that reduce the exposure
strategies in urban landslide prone areas in the United vulnerability (e.g. spatial planning aiming to reduce the
States showed that both codes and professional practice exposure in case of an event and warning systems), non-
have reduced the monetary losses from landslides with physical actions that reduce the vulnerability (such as
over 90% [50]. Non-structural measures, like restriction information, education, continuous training to manage
against new developments and installation of warning the situation in case of an event) and risk management
systems, as well as structural measures, like excavation, programme plans (e.g. [4,6,7]). Recent research on risk
construction codes, grading and other physical mitigation and climate vulnerability has shown that building a
measures for existing buildings, have been implemented. proper base for the risk management requires assessment
The possibility of insurance for individual property own- of a growing body of knowledge about expected exposure
ers has also reduced the risk associated with landslides and impacts as well as socio-economic and institutional
according to Schuster and Highland [50]. preconditions [25,49,50,93,94]. Institutions refer to offi-
CBA is regarded as a useful tool in risk mitigation and cial administrative and political regulation, formal and
land use planning processes, but many factors like social informal, that guide actor’s behaviour and thus, for
unrest, psychological hardness etc. are difficult to evalu- example, institutional measures refer to changes in guide-
ate [84]. In several countries multi-criteria models, or lines, rules, organisational set-up, or processes for mana-
multi-criteria analysis (MCA), are being developed includ- ging the risk [49].
ing social, economic and other aspects also stressing the Several studies indicate that non-physical measures,
integrative role of stakeholders (e.g. [73,85,86]). Most of e.g. raised awareness, education and land use planning,
those models are presently being tested and evaluated have achieved less attention compared to physical mea-
before discussing their usefulness. The existing results sures which are more commonly used [95]. Previous
from applying such models are that the risk is interpreted research call for better understanding of social dimen-
differently by stakeholders with differing experiences, sions of risks in addition to a need of improving the
needs, views and interests [85]. However, a recent study integration of research findings into the planning process
by Gamper and Turcanu [28] shows that public participa- and daily work, promote evidence-based community
tion in the MCA process can improve the mitigation and planning and dedicated and systematic training and
decision making process by increasing the common capacity building for land-use planners [26,84,88,95]. As
understanding. A structured MCA participatory three step pointed out by King [48] ‘‘technology does not reduce
process has been suggested by Renn et al. [87] and disaster impacts unless institutions, communities and indi-
summarised by Gamper and Turcanu [28]; evaluation viduals know how to interpret hazard knowledge into
criteria are constructed by involvement of all relevant actions.’’
stakeholders, identification and impact assessment for the Climate-related risks bring new prerequisites, but may
decisions options are mainly carried out by experts, need to be handled today, although some measures will
whereas weighting should be done by citizen’s panels. not be seen as effective until climate change becomes
Such a participatory process may, according to Gamper more visible [84,95]. Glavovic et al. [88] suggest develop-
and Turcanu [28], serve as conflict resolution creating a ment of national policy statements on climate change
win–win solution and act as a complementing instrument adaptation, research on comparative case studies and
in land use planning and risk management situations updating of existing guidance and monitoring by local
where uncertainty in decisions is coupled with a high authorities of how effective they use existing guidance
degree of conflict among different stakeholder groups [28]. about climate change. To better manage the uncertainties
As indicated by Gamper and Turcanu [28] participatory related to climate change and long term decisions it has
50 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

been suggested to establish local Climate Task Groups in and to what extent climate change and its potential
which risk managers, climatologists, stakeholders and impacts are included. The aspects taken into considera-
policy makers should be included [96]. This is also in tion were if available information and methods were
agreement with risk management participation MCA dis- being used and for what purpose, the perceived function-
cussed in [28]. As there will always be uncertainties in ing of organization and responsibilities, and the use of
climate predictions, and subsequently on the effect of decision support tools. As local governments play a key
long term decisions and measures, it is recommended to role in risk and vulnerability management, both as prin-
identify no-regret or win–win options [96–99]. cipal managers of socio-technical infrastructure and
through their responsibility for long-term physical plan-
2.5. Organisation and responsibility ning [49,107,108], the local level is in focus of the
Because in a society complex coordination is needed The study is based on interviews with key stakeholders
between multiple organisations with different responsibil- involved in the landslide risk management process includ-
ities and different geographical locations [48], a challenge is ing rescue service managers, municipal managers on
the co-operation across organisational boundaries [95]. There physical planning and/or technical departments, and local
is a great need to integrate more actors as well as more politicians in Swedish municipalities. The politicians were
sectors in the process of assessing vulnerability and devising either the political head of the municipality, or, if avail-
adaptation measures [95]. Previous research has shown that able, head of the physical planning in the municipality.
the distribution of responsibility is unclear in natural risk The municipalities were selected in co-operation with
prevention [50,100]. Another obstacle is short-term thinking. national key stakeholders and to include societies with
Economic growth is often prioritized over community safety known landslide problems according to available land-
and together with problems of accessing research results slide susceptibility maps [58]. Interviews were performed
assumptions are made in the planning process [88,89,95]. in 11 Swedish municipalities: Ale, Bollnäs, Kungsbacka,
As argued by Hood and Heald [101] transparency can Lerum, Lidköping, Lilla Edet in the Göta älv river valley,
conflict with other ‘good governance’ values and measures to Sollefteå, Sotenäs, Sundsvall, Umeå and Åre. In Table 1 the
promote transparency often lead to a tighter control of year the last general landslide susceptibility mapping,
information. On the other hand, the importance of transpar- done by MSB, is shown together with the number of
ency in form of documentation, structure and the ability to inhabitants and the land area in the municipalities. The
understand the bases for previous decisions, have been number of inhabitants vary from less than 10,000
pointed out in previous research and investigations (e.g. (Sotenäs, 8998) to just above 100,000 (Umeå, 116,569)
[95,102,103]). and the municipal land area varies from 138 km2 in
The results from previous studies indicate that there Sotenäs municipality in the south to 7199 km2 in Åre in
are different capacities in small and large municipalities the north. Kungsbacka, Sotenäs and Sundsvall are located
due to differences in resources and expertise [100,104]. by the sea and Lidköping by the lake Vänern. The loca-
For example Gothenburg (the second largest city in tions of the municipalities are presented in the map
Sweden) has been able to develop a large stakeholder shown in Fig. 2.
group on climate change adaptation, while smaller muni- In total 30 Swedish municipal level representatives, 22
cipalities have mentioned lack of funding, staff and civil servants and eight politicians were interviewed. The
political leadership as resource issues [49]. Simpson and majority of the interviews were done in the actual
Human [104] identified barriers in completing vulner- municipal governmental house, while interviews in
ability analyses and risk mitigation plans performed at
state level in USA. The barriers included lack of models
Table 1
and guidance, no standard of doing that type of analysis, The Swedish municipalities included in the investigation including the
incomplete data (e.g. property value), difficulties to gen- year when the last general landslide susceptibility mapping was done by
erate bottom-up data due to lack of staff experience, MSB and the number of inhabitants and land area in the municipality
resources or technological advancement, and that the [109].

technical capacity at local level may be insufficient. Municipality Year of susceptibility Number of Land area in
Simpson and Human [104] also mention the complexity mapping by MSB inhabitants km2 (12-01-
and size of some guiding documents as a barrier. Cross (2012-03-31) 01)
[105] argues that larger cities are less vulnerable since the
Ale 2001 27,618 317
coping capacity is enhanced to meet up with the geogra-
Bollnäs 2008 26,146 1814
phical aggregation of people and values. Pelling [106] is Kungsbacka 1993 76,046 607
less generalizing and notes that only a few studies exist Lerum 1998 38,787 259
on urbanization and development of risks, and all were Lidköping 2008 38,193 696
performed in cities with 45 million inhabitants. Lilla Edet 2002a 12,523 316
Sollefteå 2007 (pre study) 19,876 5398
Sotenäs 2007 8998 138
3. Methodology: Interviews investigating current risk Sundsvall 2007 96,241 3190
management in Sweden Umeå 1996 116,569 2317
Åre 1996 10,258 7199
The aim of our study is to investigate the current
landslide risk management situation in Sweden in general Complemented with risk mapping (e.g. [72]).
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 51

Kungsbacka, Sollefteå, Sundsvall, Umeå and Åre were (2), consulting agency (1) and university (2). An initial
done by telephone interviews. The interviews were on selection was made from a longer list of potential respon-
average approximately 2 h long. dents to ensure a distribution of different types of end
The interviews followed the guidelines of semi- users. The selected respondents work with physical plan-
structured interviews according to Patel and Davidson ning, supervision of safety regulations and goals, or
[110]. The interview guide was a comprehensive set of research projects. The interviewees were not randomly
questions, available in Appendix A. The questions had the selected and can therefore not be regarded as representa-
following main topics: tive for the average users.

 awareness of the Swedish Natural Hazards Information 4. Results

 experience of available landslide database; 4.1. Awareness of the Swedish Natural Hazards Information
 awareness and use of the MSB overview of ground System
stability maps;
 competence and co-operation; The awareness about the Swedish Natural Hazards
 climate change and risk management; Information System database was low and few respon-
 transparency, documentation and communication; dents had used it in their daily work. The majority of the
 municipal organisation and responsibility; and interviewed personnel from rescue services had knowl-
 suggestion on how to increase the landslide risk edge about its existence (10 of 11), but no other respon-
management effectiveness. dents knew about the existence. Reasons given for using
the system was ‘‘to get an idea of what could happen’’ and
as an input in their own risk and vulnerability analyses.
The results from each of these topics are presented Besides unawareness, other explanations were given to
with exception of the experience of available Swedish why the database was not used, such as using other
landslide database. At the time of the study the national channels of information like newsletters and reports from
landslide database was not publicly available, and only 15 the MSB and other Swedish rescue channels, e.g. the
landslides are registered in the MSB database [58]. The public emergency organisation SOS Alarm Webcollabora-
study was therefore expanded to also include user experi- tion (/www.sosalarm.seS). Informal contact with other
ences of a landslide database (Skrednett [68]) in the municipalities to share experiences and learning from
neighbouring country Norway. management of recent landslide events or other natural
Skrednett gathers data on all different types of land- hazard events was another type of active search for
slides. At present, there are 31,500 registered events valuable knowledge. Respondents also mentioned the
mainly from historic times [68]. Landslide susceptibility municipality’s own compilation of relevant information.
maps within inhabited areas with quick clay, avalanches, Despite not being used very much, the database was in
rock fall etc., can be downloaded using WMS services for principle regarded useful.
external use in GIS-systems. From a probability perspec- At present the information within the database mainly
tive, a dozen events in Norway may cause 20–200 deaths covers the actual event and the immediate responses
during a period of 100 years. The database has around thereafter. In order to increase its application within the
25,000 unique visitors each year and 100–200 each day planning process, several stakeholders suggested that
with extreme peaks of 1500–2000 visitors per day in the lessons learned from the long term measures taken after
immediate aftermath of landslide disasters, e.g. the land- the event should be further and more structurally
slide in Namsos 2009 [111]. described. This would require following the event since
Although the results are not directly translatable to a measures are often not in place until many years after it
Swedish or other national context and databases differ happened due to time requirements for the decisions,
among countries the results provide an example of user financing and construction processes.
experience of yet generic interest.
We conducted structured telephone interviews with 4.2. Experience of the landslide database Skrednett
11 recurrent users of the Norwegian database Skrednett (Norway)
[68]. The aim was to investigate the purpose of using
Skreddnett, what data is most applicable, if the database The reasons for using Skrednett varied as well as how
is of advantage to society and if there were any sugges- often it was used (Table 2). The respondents were mainly
tions for further development. (The interview questions using the system to create an overview of landslide risks
are available in Appendix B). The users were selected from within a certain geographical area. It is seldom used on a
six categories and identified with support from the regular basis, but intensively visited now and then in
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, connexion to different projects. Data is commonly down-
who are the system owners since 2010, and the Geological loaded to the users own map solutions, which contain
Survey of Norway, who started to build the system in parameters not stored in Skrednett. The data is used as
2001. The respondents were actively working with land- input and to update own databases and maps. Societal
slide related tasks at municipalities (2), administrative planning processes and risk mapping are the most com-
county boards (2), the Norwegian Public Roads Adminis- mon purposes, but one respondent from a county admin-
tration (2), the Norwegian National Rail Administration istrative board underlined the usage in acute response
52 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

Table 2
Opinions and attitudes from interviewees (n¼11) about the applicability of the database and integrated landslide system found at /www.skrednett.noS.

Purpose of using the database? Society planning Contingency planning Other landslide related investigations
(4 of 11) (6 of 11) (2 of 11)
How often do you use Skrednett Once a week (2 of 11) Once a month (3 of 11) Recurrent in during projects (6 of 11)
What type of data is most applicable? Risk maps, WMS service (5 of 11) Definitions (3 of 11) Historic events (6 of 11)
Is it a user friendly system? High degree (9 of 11) Low degree (2 of 11)
Is the system of advantage to society? High (11 of 11)
Suggestions on further development?  Faster updates
 Telephone support in emergency situations
 Higher map resolution
 Coordination with ‘‘Norge Digital’’
 Compatibility with local early warning system for landslides
 Data in rural recreation areas
 Increased qualitative information connected to events
 More data filtering possibilities, e.g. time intervals, quality of data
 Coordination with other map systems to add more parameters

situations. Several people in his organisation would then perspective, a data support function via telephone was
visit Skrednett 20–30 times during one day: ‘‘When an suggested as a precautionary step if an emergency or
emergency situation arises and we are in urgent need of preparedness situation coincides with occasional system
reliable data, we use, in addition to our own systems, failure. Three respondents emphasized the importance of
Skrednett to cross-check risk areas’’. faster update routines. A public protocol for reporting
Most respondents used the WMS-service to download new events was suggested, but not discussed in terms of
data into their own GIS-systems for further processing validation.
and analyses. Those active in projects for societal planning The answers and many suggestions for further devel-
were mostly interested in landslide susceptibility maps opment demonstrated a joint esteem among end users for
for quick clay areas, while contingency planners searched integrated systems—they even asked for increased inte-
for both qualitative historic data and susceptibility maps. gration of society and contingency planning tools. From a
Several respondents appreciate and use the portal of the management perspective all respondents expressed their
system to find definitions and clarifications about risk wish to find all necessary basic data at one place, or at
classes or landslide terminology. One respondent under- least to have compatible system tools for faster processing
lined that ‘‘It is impossible to communicate without a and analyses.
common understanding of definitions’’.
The benefits of Skrednett varied a lot between the 4.3. Awareness and use of the MSB overview ground
respondents, not least due to their divergent needs and stability maps
fields of application. There is a consensus that it provides
increased focus and understanding of complex landslide The knowledge regarding the existence of the over-
problems, and is of general advantage to society. It is of view ground stability (landslide susceptibility) maps by
great use for overall planning, but is of more limited MSB varied among the 30 Swedish respondents. All civil
usefulness at detailed level. It has high accuracy within servants were aware of the maps, while 50% of the
the built environment and infrastructure, but proportio- politicians were not aware of their existence. Despite this,
nately few registered landslides can be found in rural the maps were perceived as having potential to becoming
recreation areas. One respondent put forward the impor- a useful for municipal planning.
tance of Skrednett as a historical library and memory: The map-usage varies and in some municipalities (4)
‘‘There are strong forces within municipalities to expand and the maps were not used actively. The reasons given were
exploit new land. The historical perspective of 2–3 genera- that no events had occurred or preference using own
tions is seldom enough to fully perceive the risks for mass experience and knowledge. Only one municipality did not
(soil) movements. A service like Skrednett can provide a use the map information at all, while others only used it
1000-year perspective, which helps officials and decision- to confirm their own knowledge.
makers to remember, understand and act more sensible and In municipalities where the maps were in use, only
cautious.’’ three municipalities applied the maps for already built
Ten of 11 respondents put forward ideas on improve- areas. The intention of the maps is to identify areas where
ments or suggestions of new types of data that should be risk mitigation measures, or further investigations, are
added into the system to broaden its applicability. Some needed under current conditions [58]. The results from
recommendations were complementary and within the the interviews indicate, however, that the majority of the
present scope of Skrednett, while others were proposals of municipalities use the maps also for non-developed areas
how it could be evolved to something additional. A as planning support. The maps are used by respondents
recurrent opinion was that Skrednett’s map applications both for own purposes and to communicate with the
need to become more compatible with other external landowners.
map tools, especially the national map service ‘‘Norge One of the respondents highlighted an important
Digital’’ (Norway Digital). From a contingency planning change since mid-1990. In today’s risk management field
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 53

visits are no longer required. Hence, much of the visual persons in different networks. Another problem was that
control has been lost. Because of that, many of the non- the number of networks contributing to each network’s
mandatory permitted facilities, that could be a trigger of meetings was rare and not based on real cases.
landslides, are never inspected and not even known. All the municipalities expressed that they would gain
from advice and support from external experts in all
4.4. Competence and co-operation stages of the risk management process, i.e. from how to
interpret the general landslide susceptibility maps to the
More than half, i.e. 17 of 30, of the respondents planning and risk management process. Since 2010 all
expressed a lack of competence within the organisation Swedish municipalities can receive geotechnical expert
to assess landslide risk. However, the majority of the reviews on both general and detailed spatial plans for free
officials (14), and especially in municipalities where land- [112]. The impact on landslide management in the muni-
slides recently have occurred, such as Ale, Lilla Edet and cipalities due to this expert support was not considered at
Lerum, consider themselves to have the competence to the time of the interviews since it was too new.
decide when to call for external expert assistant and There were concerns, not only about the geotechnical
support. The same municipalities work preventive and and physical aspects, but also regarding the complexity of
have also applied for national grants supporting landslide legislation. It was mentioned among the respondents that
mitigation measures. it would be beneficial with external, or other, help
All civil servants respondents mentioned the impor- interpreting legislations and other legal aspects.
tance of crisis management groups that can take fast and
relevant decisions during the phase of the accident.
Almost all decision makers (politicians) considered offi-
4.5. Climate change and risk management
cials as competent and able to reach the common goals.
Among officials there were no restrains mentioned
In 2006 climate change adaptation did not have high
towards the decision-makers apart from the funding
priority in Swedish municipal decision and planning
situation and the adherent restrains and ability of effec-
processes [39]. Based on results from the interviews there
tive management of landslide and other natural hazards
has been some progress and climate change aspects are to
risks, such as flood risks.
some extent considered in all municipalities.
Most respondents (22) regarded the external coopera-
One municipality had an on-going applied research
tion well-functioning. Others (8) indicated that the com-
and development (R&D) project ‘‘Climate proof Sunds-
munication with, and the responsibility by, the county
vall’’. The project included a risk and vulnerability analy-
administration board should be more clear.
sis of climate related risks including natural events such
It was generally considered to be a well-functioning
as landslides. The project involved both experts from the
system for acute events within all municipalities (only
municipality and external experts. The aim was to
two persons indicated that the system for acute events
develop a strategy where adaptation also may give
was not functioning). In the work process for landslide
positive side effects. Another municipality was also co-
risk prevention and spatial planning, however, some
operating in R&D projects on climate change adaption (i.e.
respondents criticised the communication and lack of
the Interreg project SAWA1 ).
ratified connexion between the departments within the
Two of the 11 municipalities had set recommendations
municipality. For example, one respondent mentioned
on lowest building level and two had discussions on the
that the municipality (until recently) had personnel with
costs and benefits of climate change adaptation measures
geotechnical competence, but the awareness within the
in relation to the life time of buildings and other con-
municipality about the availability of such competence
structions. Six municipalities considered the potential
was scarce. Therefore, it took several years before the
influence of climate change on potential water and flood-
rescue service could take advantage of the competence. It
ing levels in their spatial planning and one municipality
is not only the exchange of information that is lacking, but
considered the potential impacts of climate change on
also to the knowledge about the responsibilities among
landslide risks. Even in the less active municipalities,
the departments on different questions. One respondent
climate change impacts were being discussed in the
mentioned that ‘‘When residents call the municipality, they
spatial planning process.
can receive different answers depending on which depart-
Despite the increased awareness in general climate
ment they contact’’.
change was not part of the daily activities and not yet
Several municipalities also mentioned the lack of net-
incorporated in the daily work and strategic planning in
works for property owners to participate, as property
the municipalities. One municipality pointed out that the
owners usually have much knowledge, experience and
consultants do not usually include climate change in their
opinions about the specific location. Respondents from
assessments as they are not sure of how to handle it.
one municipality located in a very landslide prone area
Respondents from all interviewed municipalities pointed
expressed, however, that there are too many networks.
out that the probabilities and uncertainties connected to
Each network covers different issues related to landslide
modelled climate scenarios and subsequent impacts were
risks which lead to the work being unclear and difficult to
difficult to manage, and they wanted clearer messages
communicate. Here, a problem was that one organisation
was represented by the same person in several networks,
and some organisations were represented by different 1
54 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

and guidelines from authorities on when to act and municipality, including impacts on the price of the land
what to do. and its surroundings. In most respondent’s view, it was
The majority of the respondents (in almost all munici- beneficial to raise the information level towards the
palities) expressed that external support was queried for public concerning landslide risks and responsibilities.
today’s landslide risk management. External support is There were two reasons given: (i) according to current
also queried for including potential climate change legislation [113] the responsibility for the land is with the
impacts into the current risk management. The respon- landowners, and (ii) in spite of this, in case of an event,
dents saw a need of checklists, guides, guidelines and the municipality may have to take all the costs related to
external expert advises. It was pointed out that when no the event if the municipality has not provided the land-
clear guidelines are available, municipalities usually await owner known facts and information. For most of the
knowledge from higher levels or other municipalities to municipalities, the landslide risks were not considered
act first. ‘‘This is a strategic move, since adaptation measures high enough among the respondents to finance such
are costly, could make an area less attractive and on top of dissemination of information.
that it is uncertain if it is needed. When one municipality
prioritize adaption, the neighbouring municipality could at 4.7. Municipal organisation and responsibility
the same time prioritize new developments in a beautiful
costal area. From a political, relatively short-term view the According to all civil servant respondents, responsibil-
later alternative is more tempting’’. ities between different sectors in the municipality were
often not completely clear. The responsibility awareness
4.6. Transparency, documentation and communication varied depending on the history of events and the type of
management. In the case of a crisis, the majority of the
All of the civil servants mentioned that the documen- respondents indicated that the crisis management
tation of the preventive work process seldom works well, worked well. The respondents also thought that active
or not at all. On the contrary, when legal aspects were crisis management groups, well known structures, higher
involved the documentation and follow-up were signifi- confidence and clear responsibilities promoted the man-
cantly better as mentioned by two of the respondents. agement of the acute phases.
All of the interviewed found reasons why documenta- The preventive work in the municipalities was not,
tion, and active communication, would contribute to a however, considered to be as well functioning as the crisis
more effective risk management strategy than today. management. The officials had not experienced any
Examples given included problems arising during genera- restrains from the decision makers apart from the funding
tion shifts and that much knowledge and commitment situation, which on the other hand was mentioned as a
was linked to specific individuals. The risk management restrain by civil servants in all municipalities. ‘‘The decision
and land use planning processes in general were not makers (politicians) need an example to show and describe the
documented and thereby a lot of knowledge was not risks and impacts, but to provide an example one need time
available to others. and some funding, it is a Catch 22’’ a civil servant stated.
There is a general shift from documentation made and Apart from the funding, the main obstacle mentioned
stored in paper to digital GIS, which makes the informa- regarding the effectiveness of the preventive work was
tion more easily available. The documentation on paper the communication and co-operation among different
had limited search options (for example the case number) units, especially between societal and physical planners
while GIS offers broader search opportunities and and the rescue service. A rather common reason (eight
increases the possibility of find the information from a respondents) for this was that more acute, or other daily
common server instead of one archive room. The archiving questions, are highest on the agenda of the daily work.
in storage room and limited search options, and the lack of Therefore inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary aspects,
documentation had led to gaps not only in the exchange of such as incorporating risk management for landslides or
information, but was also mentioned to have impaired the other natural hazards, in the spatial planning were not
effectiveness of the work in some municipalities. prioritized. In general, however, the daily questions varied
Almost all respondents could see the advantages of a depending on the history and frequency of events. In
good documentation, but at the same time pointed out municipalities that had experienced landslides or other
that it was important that it was not too time consuming: natural hazard events, preventive aspects were more
‘‘it must not involve additional work’’. common both in the daily work and on the political
It was often not clear among the respondents if, and agenda. For example, in one of the municipalities with
how, information and new knowledge should be spread. severe flooding events and other crises during the last
Almost all responding civil servants raised questions decade, the need for improved co-operation among dif-
during the interview regarding to what extent the muni- ferent units became apparent in the subsequent follow-
cipality are responsible of informing property owners ups and evaluations and the organisation had been
when new or updated knowledge about landslides and reorganised to become more interdisciplinary the year
climate-related risks arise. The questions regarded how to before.
do it and the potential impacts of not communicating Several of the respondents discussed the size of the
versus communicating with the property owners. The municipality. The arguments were that smaller municipali-
discussions included ethical and moral aspects of the ties with relatively few responsible actors and often well-
problems that can arise for the land owners and the functioning informal networks offer the potential of fast and
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 55

effective information channels and thereby a potential for have much knowledge and opinions about the local
well working co-operation. In large municipalities there can conditions.
be a lack of knowledge transfer and collaboration between Funding and responsibility aspects were regarded as
departments due to more people, more complex organisa- barriers. To counteract this, legal and geotechnical com-
tional structures and absence of communication routines and petences were suggested to be shared between munici-
strategies. It was mentioned, however, that the co-operation palities. National and regional investigations such as
and dialogue to a very high degree depended on the presented in SOU 2007:60 [39] and Lind et al. [83], were
individuals and not the size of the municipality. appreciated, as they can give the municipalities useful
The financial aspects were frequently discussed as part and free knowledge and information in their planning
of the responsibility. In one area with high risk according process. Compiled examples from elsewhere, e.g. regard-
to landslide susceptibility and risk maps, common ques- ing a successful climate change adaptation strategy and
tions were: ‘‘Who should pay for the preventive measures experiences of disaster events were also mentioned as
and what if one does not want to undertake preventive useful tools to improve the landslide management
measures?’’ According to the national legislation [113] the process.
land owner is fully responsible. Among the civil servants
this legislation was known, but how to handle this in 5. Discussion and conclusions
practice is still an important question. There were both
ethical and moral aspects discussed as well as more The overview of risk management shows that several
economical aspects from the perspective of the munici- aspects need consideration for a successful landslide risk
pality: ‘‘If a private house owner has followed the regula- management as both the vulnerability, i.e. the exposure,
tions and demands and he/she can prove it, the municipality sensitivity, adaptive capacity and the landslide probabil-
will take responsibility for the damage on private land. But ity are context dependent. The advantages of systematic
if documents about this is lacking there can be disputes on risk assessment and risk management approaches have
who has the responsibility’’. not only been observed in previous research but also
Concerning the financial responsibility many officials recognised in current national legislations and interna-
in the municipalities feel that the funding from the tional directives. The risk management system is, how-
Swedish government s for preventive measures (today ever, complex and needs to include several aspects such
in total ca 4 million Euros/year) should be increased. as compiled technical and historical information, to be
There were also concerns on why small municipalities utilised by experts and urban planners.
are expected to be capable of financing the consequences The study is based on interviews on municipal level
of a severe landslide when the calculated risk is extremely and a complementary study on the user experience of the
low, as compared with other risks in need of action. landslide database Skrednett [68] in Norway. The munici-
palities and the interviewees were not randomly selected.
The results can therefore not be regarded as representa-
4.8. Suggestions on how to increase the landslide risk tive as an average. The selections of interviewees focussed
management effectiveness on the municipality level, the key level for land use
planning and related risk management, and the officials
Several of the respondents suggested a development of responsible in the risk management and land use plan-
more user-friendly checklists or guides on landslide (and ning process. The study was based on 11 municipalities
flooding) management in general and on how to manage with known landslide problems according to available
uncertainties in a long-term perspective. Also a guide on landslide susceptibility maps, and 11 known Skrednett
how to handle responsibilities and legislation practise users. The results therefore, despite not being generic, can
was queried. Much information and guidelines are avail- be regarded as indicators of the current management
able from responsible central agencies, like MSB, but there situation in countries that can be exemplified by Sweden
is too low awareness of their existence or where to find and the expert views on an extensive data base in Europe.
them, combined with the material being too technical or
complex to be effectively applied. 5.1. Databases and experience of Skrednett (Norway)
Suggested organisational improvements can be rather
simple, but yet very important, such as to establish One of the more important contributions to raised
contact persons and persons responsible for collaboration knowledge of societal vulnerabilities and suitable future
between departments to render increased possibility to precautions is compiled information and learning from
integrate disaster risk reduction in several planning pro- past events in datasets. Natural disaster databases exist at
cesses and addressing it on the daily agenda. Inter- and global level and national/regional levels. In Europe 28
intra-organisational networks were regarded as very countries already have landslide databases and others are
important. It was pointed out that successful networks currently creating, national and/or regional databases.
must work continuously and active, and engaged with Previous argumentation about deviation among the Eur-
real situations and practises. Networks in this sense need opean landslide databases has not been possible to prove.
to include multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial compe- The majority of the European databases rarely contain
tences such as managers, architects, engineers, planners information on landslide history, triggering factors and
and the rescue service. It was also suggested that property consequences. This is also the case for the Swedish land-
owners should be included in the networks as they usually slide database which contains information on type, location,
56 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

extension (length and width) and time of the event. For ( 470%) and tools for CBA in the physical planning
some (15) of the larger Swedish landslide events more process ( 490%) [114]. This is in agreement with findings
extensive information is compiled in the MSB database by Simpson and Human [104] who identified lack of
(Swedish Natural Hazards Information System). The models, guidance and standards as barriers in completing
implementation of EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) and vulnerability analyses and risk mitigation plans at state
the EU Inspire directive (2007/2/EG) will strengthen the level in USA. There are several tools for CBA, and even
international comparability and contribute to complete multi-criteria tools, available for such uses and often
the information in the databases, at least between the EU much information and guidelines are available from
Member States, thereby providing support for evidence central agencies responsible for the issue. The obstacles
based decision making and disaster management. The may therefore be that the tools are not yet implemented
creation of integrated systems aims at increased effec- or that the tools and the material may be too technical or
tiveness in societal contingency planning processes at complex to be effectively applied, as also suggested by
regional and local level. Potentially, it may highlight Simpson and Human [104]. In addition, the awareness of
interdependencies within safety management and, for their existence may be limited. For example, in a New
users, give raised awareness of risks characterized by Zealand study [88] several tools in municipal land-use
complexity, uncertainty and multiple social perspectives. planning had been compiled and their use among spatial
Whether these goals are achieved in society or if the planners was investigated. The result showed that there is
system is cost-effective is more or less impossible to little awareness of the tools and that they are not used to
measure due to system owner’s lack of control of how their full potential. The tools in use were national guide-
their data is used. Roughly estimated measures can be lines, regional policy statements, district plans and phy-
achieved from interviews with end users, where their sical measures. Warning and evacuation planning was
applications of the system and opinions of its function- sometimes used, while national policy, specific hazard
ality in relation to their own needs, are compiled. The plans and financial incentives were absent according to
potential positive effects featured by the Skrednett users the study by Glavovic et al. [88]. This has also been shown
are that the database provides increased focus and under- to be common in Sweden. For example, Glaas et al. [95]
standing of complex landslide problems and is of great pointed out that there is a need for better understanding
use for overall planning. The answers and many sugges- of social dimensions of risks in addition to a need to
tions for further development, demonstrate a joint esteem improve the integration of research findings into the
among Skrednett end users for integrated systems—they planning process and daily work, promote evidence-
even ask for increased integration of society and contin- based community planning and dedicated and systematic
gency planning tools. training and capacity building for land-use planners.

5.2. Susceptibility and risk maps

All civil servants in the 11 municipalities were aware 5.4. Climate change and risk management
of the overview ground stability (landslide susceptibility)
maps by MSB. The result is quite expected since these There was an awareness of climate change among all
municipalities all have had recent problems with land- respondents and it is also part of the on-going work in all
slides or other natural hazard events such as flooding. The municipalities. This was also found in the parallel national
maps are mentioned as a relevant base in the spatial questionnaire investigation [114], in contrary to the ear-
planning and used in many stages of the process by the lier national investigation in 2007 which showed that
respondents. The aim of the Swedish maps is to describe among half of the responding municipalities adaptation to
the landslide susceptibility in already built up areas. If climate change was not on the agenda in the physical
land use is changed, the hazard probability/susceptibility planning [39]. In the resent follow-up [114] as many as
may change, and the maps should therefore not be used nine out 10 municipalities mention that they include
for land use change assessments. According to many of climate adaptation in their physical planning. This shows
the respondents, the maps are, however, also used in the that over a few years, adaptation to climate change has
general spatial planning, revealing a demand and discre- become part of the general awareness and accepted as
pancy between municipality need and the available something that needs consideration in the municipal
knowledge support. spatial planning. To what extent climate change is part
of the daily work, however, varies. In some municipalities
5.3. Competence it is only part of discussions, while in others it is an active
part of the work. Climate related aspects are included
The results from the interviews show that there is a more concrete in the daily work in municipalities with
need for checklists, guides, guidelines and external expert landslide, or other climate/weather related, problems
advises. This is in agreement with a recent national occurring today. Some of the smaller municipalities are
questionnaire to all Swedish municipalities showing a waiting for relevant examples or clearer advises and
lack of basic information and decision support tools [114]. information. Good examples, and documentation of pre-
There were for example requests for high resolution vious experience, are of great relevance for smaller
topographic data ( 440%), landslide hazard/risk maps municipalities as the investments can be costly and
( 460%), flood risk maps ( 450%), local climate scenarios maladapted and are aimed for long time perspectives.
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 57

5.5. Transparency and documentation onwards) and only 15 of the ones dated 1950 and
onwards are large and/or severe enough to be registered
All interviewees found that improved documentation also in the more comprehensive MSB database [58]. The
and active communication would contribute to more effec- number of events is low compared to other countries such
tive risk management strategies than today. This change as Austria, Italy and Norway but of the same magnitude as
was also one of the intentions of the Swedish Civil Protec- Switzerland. There are several possible explanations such
tion Act [45], where municipalities are required to perform as that the susceptibility may be lower and that the
follow-ups and evaluations after major accidents such as reporting and registration activity differ. In addition the
natural hazards. Lessons learning is regarded important, previous preventive work may have been rather effective
both as implemented through preventive measures, but in Sweden.
also as basic input in Municipality Action Programmes. The The national landslide susceptibility mapping in Swe-
demand for better documentation reflects defective rou- den was initiated in 1978. Today, 157 of 290 Swedish
tines and awareness of liabilities. Still, the impact of this municipalities have been mapped and in the most slide-
law seems to be restricted in some sense. prone areas such as the Göta river valley risk mapping has
been done [42]. The risk mapping of the Göta river valley
5.6. Municipal organisation and responsibility indicate that the cost for physical preventive actions in
the high-risk areas is of the same magnitude as the values
The preventive work in the municipalities is not being protected (including expected losses of life, material
regarded as well-functioning as the crisis management. damages and delays in production and transportation).
A rather common reason given for this is that other The low deviation among the preventive costs compared
questions are higher on the agenda. In general, however, to the costs in case of an event are due to previous
the daily questions vary depending on the history and preventive measure such as the cost effective stabilisation
frequency of events. In municipalities with previous land- done in 1994 at the large enterprise EKA Nobel. There has
slides, preventive aspects are more common both in the also been some active land use planning in the area. The
daily work and on the political agenda. awareness of the landslide susceptibility and the potential
Apart from funding restrains, the main obstacle among consequences in the municipalities Ale and Lilla Edet
all the municipalities was said to be the communication (both located in the Göta river valley) is very high among
and co-operation among different units. This was valid politicians and civil servants participating in this study.
especially between societal and physical planners and the The results from this study thus indicate that the land-
rescue service. Another barrier can be fast staff-circulation slide risk management in landslide prone areas in Sweden
combined with poor documentation and unclear responsi- is rather effective. The results agree with previous studies
bilities. In previous studies different capacities in smaller that it is possible, and relevant, to make CBA in monetary
and bigger municipalities, due to differences in resources terms on physical preventive measures and spatial plan-
and expertise, have been highlighted [100,104,105]. In this ning strategies (e.g. [20,23,42,75]). For assessments of
study, the number of inhabitants in the municipalities only non-physical actions, such as increasing awareness, how-
varied from ca. 10,000 to 100,000 and consequently no such ever, we regard a qualitative and semi-quantitative
conclusions can be drawn. However, several of the respon- assessments by experts and stakeholders more relevant.
dents discussed size of the municipality and the effects on Such an assessment shall preferably be done through a
the organisation effectiveness. The arguments were that structured stakeholder participant MCA process as pre-
smaller municipalities with relatively few responsible viously suggested [28,87].
actors and often well-functioning informal networks, offer There are several aspects that could be improved by
the potential of fast and effective information channels and providing checklists, guides, guidelines and external
thereby a potential for well working co-operation. In large expert advises, by improving the existing databases, by
municipalities there can be a lack of knowledge transfer providing common structures for documentation and
and collaboration between departments due to larger staffs, inter- and intra-municipal co-operation and for including
more complex organisational structures and absence of land owners and other relevant stakeholders in the
communication routines and strategies. This is not in municipal risk management and planning process. Evi-
agreement with the findings by Cross [105] who argues dential research on the benefits of such improvements is
that larger cities are less vulnerable since the coping lacking and only very few exist from developing countries
capacity is enhanced to meet up with the geographical such as in the Eastern Caribbean (e.g. [8,26]).
aggregation of people and values. As this study is limited
we find that there is a need to expand the number of
studies on urbanization and development of risks to include Acknowledgement
also smaller cities in addition to the previously performed
studies of cities with in general 45 million inhabitants as This work was supported by the Swedish Civil Con-
noted by Simpson and Human [104]. tingencies (MSB). Thanks are due to the project reference
group of the ESS programme project focusing on natural
5.7. Risk management effectiveness in Sweden events such as flooding and landslides and special thanks
are due to Anders Solheim, Ullacarin Lundgren, Carina
The number of landslides registered in the National Hultén and Margareta Nisser-Larsson. Thanks also to
landslide data base is 567 (549 are dated from 1900 and Linda Lundgren and Elin Sjöstedt for valuable help on
58 Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61

the figures. The comments of two anonymous referees are If no:

gratefully acknowledged for improving the paper.
 Would you find a natural accident database useful?
 What information should be included in such a
Appendix A. Interview guide for municipalities on
stability mapping and stability investigations, databases
 Would you, and now, would you use such as
and measures
Do you to supply information to the database (what/
  If yes: what is the benefit/cost for you to do you so?
Department: Costs and benefits
Attending researcher/s:
Transcribing (date):  To how much do the perceived costs associated with
Need for stability mapping and investigations the development of mapping and stability investiga-
tion (besides MSB)?
 Have general stability mapping been done in your  What department is responsible for the cost)?
municipality/ies (geographical) area of responsibility? What are the costs associated with not developing/not
 Is general stability mapping useful for you? having adequate mapping and stability investigations
 Are results from general stability mapping used in your  or not having access to the databases?
planning?  Who is/has been in charge for the cost of taking
 If yes: in which/what stages? measures?
 If no: why not?  Has the municipality applied for grants from MSB
 Are other mappings/stability investigations used in for preventive measure (if so: for what?)?
your planning?  Did you get the grants? (why/why not?)
Have you made any detailed investigations in areas
with an identified need for further investigations Quality
 (areas under exploitation/already built/other areas)?
What data have been used as base (general stability  What do you think about the quality of data in terms of
mapping?)? reliability, accuracy, resolution, user-friendliness, etc.
 Is stability mapping or stability investigation requested by (MSB/other)?
actors within or outside the municipality/organization?  Is there a need for improvement of the general
mapping and/or detailed and thorough investi-
Measures and prioritization gations?*
Would you need more information/knowledge or sup-
 Have you identified areas that need measures and port for the interpretation or to integrate the results
prioritization of these (risk of landslide, rockslide,  from mapping and stability investigations in your
erosion, flood)? organization?
 Is the process prioritization well-functioning, or are  What do you think about other data used when
there any problems? prioritizing areas or taking measures?
 What aspects are most important to consider when
prioritizing areas for measures and types of measures? Availability and experience feedback
Do you have material/methodologies/tools for
assessing these?  How and where are stability investigation, mapping,
and experiences from analyzing measures available?
Climate change  (Are they easily accesses and user-friendly? Are
updates sufficient? Do you have suggestions for
 Do you include consideration to climate change in improvement?)
your planning or when mapping, investigating or How does the documentation work in regards to the
prioritizing? processes and decisions taken about priorities and
Learning from past events  (Is there a need for improvements? Do you have
any suggestions regarding the documentation?)
 Do you know of the MSB natural accident database or
any other accident database (if so: which)? Administration (communication, documentation, respon-
If yes: sibilities, competence)
 (How) do you use the information?
 What are the benefits of database?  How is the organization and interaction formed
 What improvements would you suggest or like to regarding measures and prioritizing of these and other
request? management of natural disasters in you municipality/
Y. Andersson-Sköld et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3 (2013) 44–61 59

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