Geotechnical Data Report

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Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory = Batavia, Illinois NuMI PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL DATA REPORT November 1998 FLUOR DANIEL 1.0 2.0 3.0 NuMI Project GEOTECHNICAL DATA REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW oc. 1.1 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS. L.L.1 STS Investigations 1993 to 1998 1.1.2 Other Information ... 7 12 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE EXPLORATION PROCEDURES...... 2.1 DRILLING PROCEDURES IN SOI 2.1.1 Sampling and In-Situ Testing 2.1.2 SPT Testing. 2.2. DRILLING PROCEDURES IN. ROCK. 23 WATER PRESSURE TESTING. 2.4 FALLING HEAD AND CONST: PERMEABILITY TESTING. aoe 25 | MEASUREMENT OF GROUNDWATER LEVELS. 2.6 BACKFILLING... 2.7 LABORATORY SOIL TESTING PROCEDURES... 28 LABORATORY ROCK TESTING PROCEDURES 2.8.1. Uniaxial Compression Test. en 2.82 Indirect Tensile Test 2.83. Slake Durability Test 2.8.4 Swell Potential Test 2.9 PREPARATION OF BORIN® 2.10 PREPARATION OF EXPLORATION PROGRAM DRAWING: 2.11 RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAPPING... EXPLORATION RESULTS 3.1 GENERAL... 32 SOIL CONDITIONS . 3.3 SOIL PROPERTIES 34 SOIL -ROCK INTERFACE... 3.5 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 3.5.1 Rock Stratigraphy 3.5.2 Bedrock Structure 3.5.3 Drilling Characteristic 3.5.4 Rock Mass Permeability 3.3.5. Soil-Rock Interface Permeability 3.5.6 Rock Properties. : oe Strength i Fluor Dani NHARZA Swelling Potential nico. eee Slake Durability. aed 3.6 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS. 3.7 GAS MONITORING. .....0-0 REFERENCE: ii Fluor Dar Table No. eewauaune LIST OF TABLES itle Engineering Properties of Soil: Lemont Formation - Yorkville Member Engineering Properties of Soil: Lemont Formation - Batestown Member Engineering Properties of Rock: Joliet Formation Engineering Properties of Rock: Kankakee Formation Engineering Properties of Rock: Elwood Formation Engineering Properties of Rock: Maquoketa Group - Brainard Formation Engineering Properties of Rock: Maquoketa Group - Scales Formation Static Groundwater Measurements ‘NuMI Soil/Rock Boring Database ili Fluor Daniel /HARZA LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit No. Title General Plan and Profile Bedrock Topographic Map - Target Enclosure Geologic Profile - Target Enclosure Generalized Stratigraphic Column Legend and Notes Geologic Profile - Carrier Tunnel and Target Hall Borings Geologic Profile - Decay Tunnel Borings Geologic Profile - MINOS Cavern Borings eyaUueee iv Fluor Daniel /HARZA mommgaw> LIST OF APPENDICIES Boring Logs Rock Core Photographs ‘Water Pressure Test Data Permeability Test Data Boring Summary Logs ~ Previous Exploration Programs Laboratory Soil Testing Data Laboratory Rock Testing Data Memorandum, Dated September 1998 y Fluor Daniel /LARZA 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ‘The Neutrinos At Main Injector (NuMI Project will be located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois. The proposed project includes construction of an underground tunnel and chamber complex stretching out for approximately three-quarters of a mile on a 6 to 12% downward slope to the north. The underground complex will house facilities for a particle physics experiment to investigate the properties of neutrinos. The experiment will extract a continuous flux of protons from the existing Main Injector Accelerator at Fermilab, then generate a continuous flux of neutrinos by impinging the proton beam on @ special target and measuring the properties of the resultant neutrino flux. The underground complex will be located entirely in dolomitic rocks and shales, except for a short section of approximately 200 ft at the south (upstream) end or beginning of the tunnel at the existing Main Injector Ring. ‘The portions of the facility located in rock will be excavated using conventional rock excavation methods (ie. drill & blast). ‘The proposed tunnel complex consists of: 1) A325 foot long, 6 to 8 foot nominal diameter, circular to horseshoe-shape, lined Carrier Tunnel that will be constructed partly in soil, partly in rock, and partly in mixed face conditions. ‘The Carrier Tunnel will connect the existing Main Injector Ring Extraction Enclosure with the Pretarget Tunnel. The Carrier Tunnel will be constructed on a downward slope of 12% from a depth of approximately 40 feet at its southem end at the Extraction Enclosure to connect with the Pretarget Tunnel at a depth of approximately 80 feet. The Carrier Tunnel will be constructed using a combination of drill and blast excavation methods and hand ‘mining, and/or pipe jacking, 2) A285 foot long, 13 foot wide by 10 foot high, modified horseshoe-shaped, lined Pretarget Enclosure tunnel, also on a 12% slope, that will be constructed entirely in rock to house electromagnets used to focus the proton beam on the target. 3) A complex of enlarged tunnels and drifis, the Target Enclosure, that will be connected to the downstream (south end) of the Pretarget Enclosure. This complex includes a 220 foot long, 27 foot wide by 40 foot high chamber with a lined crown and walls, to house experimental equipment, a separate complex of 90 foot long, 35 foot wide by 12 foot high underground rooms, the Target Support Enclosure, to house support equipment, and a 98 foot long, 8 foot wide by 8 foot high Utility Passageway tunnel. 4) A 130 foot deep, 22 foot diameter vertical access shaft, the Target Enclosure Access Shafi, that will connect the Target Enclosure complex with the Target Support Building located on the surface. The Target Enclosure Access Shaft will be sunk through approximately 65 feet of overburden by conventional soil excavation methods and through approximately 65 feet of rock by drill and blast methods. 1 Fluor Daniel /HARZA 5) A 2,190 foot long, 22 foot high by 26 foot wide, modified horseshoe-shaped. Decay Tunnel, constructed on a 5.8% slope, will connect the downstream end of the Target Enclosure with the upstream end of the Absorber Enclosure. 6) A 50 foot long, 27 foot wide by 40 foot high chamber, the Absorber Enclosure, with a lined crown. 7) An 877 foot long, 16.5 foot wide by 18.5 foot high, modified horseshoe-shaped Access Tunnel that will connect the Absorber Enclosure to the MINOS Enclosure Access Shaft and the MINOS Enclosure Access Shaft with the MINOS Enclosure. ‘The Access Tunnel will be offset to the west of the beam line by approximately 30 feet. The portion of the Access Tunnel between the Beam Absorber and the MINOS Enclosure Access Shaft will be constructed on a 10% slope. A series of three small drifis, approximately 46 fect long by 10 feet wide by 12 feet high, the Muon Alcoves, will extend at right angles off of the Access Tunnel over to the beam line. The portion of the Access Tunnel between the MINOS Enclosure Access Shaft and the MINOS Enclosure will be constructed on a nearly flat slope. ‘The Access Tunnel will curve back onto the beam line alignment as the tunnel approaches the beginning of the MINOS Enclosure. 8) A 392 foot deep, 22 foot diameter vertical access shaft, the MINOS Enclosure Access Shaft, that will connect the Access Tunnel to the MINOS Enclosure Service Building on the surface. The shaft will be sunk through approximately 68 feet of overburden by conventional soil excavation methods and through the approximately 234 feet of rock by drill and blast methods. %» A 150 foot long, 30 foot wide by 36 foot high, chamber, the MINOS Enclosure, housing the main experimental facilities. A 30 foot long, 15 foot wide by 10 foot long room, the Data Acquisition Room, will be located on one side of the MINOS Enclosure Hall to house experimental equipment. Fermilab has contracted with the team of Fluor Daniel/Harza Engineering Co. to prepare a Title 1 Design for the civil construction aspects of the NuMI underground facilities. As part of the Title I design effort, the Fluor Daniel/Harza team recommended that additional site investigations be performed at the locations of the major underground chambers, the ‘Target Enclosure and the MINOS Enclosure, and at a point along the overburden-rock interface portion of the Cartier Tunnel. The investigation program would include vertical and angled soil and rock borings with recovery of samples of soil and rock, in-situ falling head and constant head permeability tests at the soil-rock interface, water pressure testing, of the rock units to estimate the range of permeabilities in the overburden and rock, and laboratory testing of selected soil and rock samples. The borings and testing would provide additional information to supplement earlier investigations performed for the NuMI Project. The information would also aid prospective bidders for the construction of the project in preparing more responsive bids. Fluor Daniel /L1aRZ0 1.1 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Subsurface conditions at the NuMI Project site have been investigated in a number of earlier programs. ‘The locations of relevant borings performed for earlier programs are shown on Exhibit 1. 1.1.1 STS Investigations 1993 to 1998 STS Investigation - 1993 STS Consultants Ltd. performed a site investigation for the NuMI Project in 1993 consisting of a series of four borings, designated S-1167 through S-1170, drilled along the proposed NuMI tunnel alignment between the Extraction Enclosure at the Main Injector Ring and a point approximately 270 feet north (downstream) of Giese Road. Depths of the borings ranged from 105 feet at S-1167 to 253 feet at S-1170. The program included recovery of soil samples and continuous rock core, in-situ borehole packer water pressure tests in rock to estimate rock mass permeability, and laboratory testing of soil and rock samples to estimate engineering properties of the materials. Results of the investigation program are detailed in the Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Data Report for the NuMI Project, dated December 22, 1993, prepared by STS Consultants Ltd, for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. STS Investigation 1997 STS Consultants Ltd. performed a second site investigation program in 1997 to evaluate the hydrogeology of the NuMI site. This program involved drilling of five borings, denoted as S-1213 through $-1217, at various locations along the proposed NuMI alignment and recovering soi! samples and continuous rock cores from the borings. The locations of these borings are shown on Exhibit 1. The borings ranged from 100 to 370 fect in depth. Packer water pressure tests to estimate the rock mass permeability were performed in the borings. Two of the borings, $-1214 and S-1217, were converted into deep groundwater level monitoring wells upon completion. In’ addition, four deep groundwater level monitoring wells (S-1218, S-1219, $-1220, and S-1221) were drilled to two intermediate depths (just below top of bedrock, between 71 to 87 ft below ground surface, and approximately 135 ft below ground surface) to form two clusters of three monitoring wells (S-1217, $-1218, $-1219 and S-1214, $-1220 and S-1221) each. The following downhole geophysical logs were performed in Borings S-1213 through $1217: caliper log, corehole deviation log, natural gamma radiation log, self potential (sp) log, temperature log, temperature deviation (Delta temperature) log, 16 normal resistivity log, 64 normal resistivity log, gamma density (or gamma-gamma) log, and neuiron log Groundwater samples were collected from the completed monitoring wells, S-1214, $-1217, 8-1218, S-1219, $-1220, and S-1221 and analyzed for major anionic (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, and bicarbonate) and cationic constituents (calcium, magnesium, ‘manganese, potassium, silicon, and sodium) as well as selected nutrients and indicator parameters (orthophosphate, hardness and TDS). An aquifer pump test was conducted using an existing water supply well, W-1, as the pumping well, and monitoring wells S-1213 through $-1221 plus two existing Fermilab monitoring wells, W-20 and W-24B, to monitor drawdown of groundwater resulting from the pumping test. The objective of the pumping test was to obiain a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the NuMI site including rock mass permeability and interconnectivity of various aquifer units. Results of the second site investigation program, including boring logs, geophysical logs, testing data, and complete data from the pumping test are documented in the report Hydrogeologic Evaluation Main Injector (NuMl, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, illinois) -- STS Project No. 12050-DL, 2 volumes, dated April 2, 1997, including the Addendum to the Report, dated May 20 1997, prepared by STS Consultants Ltd. for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. STS Investigation 1998 STS Consultants Ltd. performed a third site investigation program in 1998 to provide a continuous vertical profile of the top of bedrock along the NuMI alignment. The program consisted of approximately 7,055 feet of shallow seismic refraction surveys along the tunnel alignment. Exhibit 1 incorporates the results of this survey as shown by the top of rock profile. Complete results of these surveys are documented in the report Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey Report, Neutrino Main Injector (NuMD Project, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IMlinois dated July 6, 1998 prepared by STS Consultants Ltd. for Fermi National Accelerator ‘Laboratory. 1.1.2 Other Information In addition to site investigations performed specifically for the NuMI Project, subsurface information is available from site investigations performed for the Main Injector Project, the 8 GeV Enclosure, the MI-8 Service Building, and other Fermilab projects. Records of these borings are maintained by the Fermilab Facilities Engineering Support Service (FESS). An updated database summary of the Fermilab borings, including the borings of this exploration program, is provided in Table 9. Among the reports from other projects with specific relevance to the NuMI underground facilities are the investigations performed by the State of Illinois as part of the proposal to site the Super Conducting Super Collider (SSC) Project at Fermilab (Vaiden, 1987; Conroy, 1988; Graese, 1988; Bauer, 1991). 4 Fluor Daniel /HARZA 1.2. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE ‘The NuMI exploration program was performed to meet the objective of defining the bedrock surface and rock conditions, particularly jointing of the rock mass, in critical project areas. Additionally, the program is to provide information for the characterization, of soil, rock and groundwater conditions to supplement existing data and aid prospective bidders for construction of the project to prepare more responsive bids. ‘The scope of the investigation was developed by the Fluor Daniel/Harza team and Fermilab to include the drilling and testing of soils and bedrock at six locations along the project. The project scope also includes preparation of soil boring logs, geologic logs, in- situ testing results, laboratory testing results and the Geotechnical Data Report. Analysis ‘or other interpretation of the information and data produced from the investigation is beyond the scope of the exploration program. ‘The following boring locations and orientations, as shown in Exhibit 1 and Exhibits 6 through 8, were selected by Fluor Daniel/Harza to provide information necessary to meet the objectives of the exploration program. + Carrier Pipe ~ Boring $-1242 located along the Carrier Pipe plan alignment in the mixed face excavation area. The boring was drilled vertically through the overburden and sampled at 5 foot intervals using standard penetration test (SPT) procedures and cored approximately 25 feet into bedrock. Falling head and constant head permeability tests were performed at the soil-rock interface. © Upstream Access Shaft Boring S-1243 located at the centerline of the U/S Access Shaft. The boring was drilled vertically through the overburden and sampled at 5 foot intervals using standard penetration test (SPT) procedures and cored approximately 25 feet into bedrock. Falling head and constant head permeability tests were performed at the soil-rock interface. Water pressure testing was performed in the rock portion of the boring. © Target Hall Complex - Borings S-1244 and S-1245, both angled 60 degrees from horizontal on a bearing of 335 to 340 degrees, located along the Target Hall plan alignment. Both borings were drilled through the overburden and cored approximately 90 feet into bedrock to intersect the proposed Target Hall excavation. Water pressure testing was performed in the rock portion of both borings. + Downstream Access Shaft - Boring S-1246 located at the centerline of the DIS Access Shaft. The boring was drilled vertically through the overburden and sampled at 5 foot intervals using standard penetration test (SPT) procedures and cored approximately 25 feet into bedrock. Falling head and constant head permeability tests were performed at the soil-tock interface. Water pressure testing was performed in the rock portion of the boring. $ Fluor Daniel /11ARZ4 * MINOS Cavern — Borings $-1247, angled 60 degrees from horizontal on a bearing of 335 to 340 degrees, located along the MINOS caver plan alignment. The boring was drilled through the overburden and cored approximately 330 feet into bedrock to intersect the proposed cavern excavation. Water pressure testing was performed in the rock portion of the boring Laboratory testing of selected soil and rock samples from each boring was performed to determine physical properties and characteristics of the recovered samples. Soil testing included moisture content, Atterberg limits, grain size distribution, and unit weight tests. Laboratory testing of rock samples included uniaxial compression, indirect tensile, slake durability and swell potential tests. Gas monitoring was performed in the borings during drilling operations and on recovered soil and rock samples to detect the presence of naturally occurring methane and hydrogen sulfide gasses in the ground, 6 Fluor Daniel /HARZA 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Field work for the NuMI exploration program was performed between July and September 1998 by Fluor Daniel/Harza and Testing Service Corporation (TSC) of Carol Stream, [llinois. All soil and rock drilling was performed by TSC using a Gus Pech GP- 7300 truck mounted wire line rotary drill rig. Each borings was extended through the overburden soils to the bedrock surface. After the overburden soils were penetrated, continuous rock core samples were obtained from the top of rock to the proposed boring depth. In-situ and soil laboratory testing was performed by TSC. Laboratory testing of rock samples was performed by Bowser-Momer, Inc. of Dayton, Ohio, under subcontract, to TSC. Inspection and field direction for sampling and in-situ testing was performed by Fluor Daniel/Harza. Survey control was provided by Fermilab at each boring location by staked surface elevations and site coordinates. 2.1 DRILLING PROCEDURES IN SOIL Soil drilling was performed using 4 inch diameter continuous flight solid stem augers and either direct rotary or casing advancement drilling methods. Auger drilling was performed in the upper 10 feet of each boring to collar the hole and set the upper easing. Soil drilling in the vertical borings S-1242, $-1243 and S-1246 was performed using direct rotary wash drilling methods with a 3 inch diameter tri-cone roller bit with water flushing and sampled using standard SPT sampling equipment. A 3 inch diameter steel casing was set through the overburden upon completion of soil drilling and sampling. Soil drilling in the angled borings S-1243, $-1244 and S-1247 was performed using a casing advancement method with a 3 inch diameter steel casing and tri-cone roller bit. No soil sampling was performed in the angled borings. Drilling fluids consisting of clean water were used to remove soil cuttings from the boring and maintain an open borehole where rotary drilling and casing advancement methods were used. A bentonite powder was often added to the drilling fluid to aid the removal of cuttings from the boring and maintain an open borehole. Soil drilling was performed from the ground surface to approximately 12 inches into rock to seat the overburden casing. The bedrock surface was identified during drilling by a sudden increase in the movement or chatter of the drill and a decrease in the drilling advance rate. Each boring was flushed with clean water prior to core drilling and water pressure testing below the bedrock surface 2.1.1 Sampling and In-Situ Testing Alll sampling and field testing of soils was directed by a Fluor Daniel/Harza geological engineer. Soil descriptions, field index tests (plasticity, dilatancy, consistency), and hand held penetrometer tests were performed on all recovered samples. Soil boring logs deseribing soils encountered, field testing, sampling, and drilling procedures were 7 Fluor Daniel /L1ARZA maintained by the Fluor Daniel/Harza geological engineer. Field descriptions of soil samples and field index tests were based on the Unified Soil Classification System and ASTM standards. Representative soil samples selected for laboratory testing were placed in labeled sample jars in the field and sent to the TSC laboratory for testing 2.1.2 SPT Testing Standard penetration testing (SPT) was performed in vertical borings $-1242, $-1243 and $-1246 in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 at 5 foot intervals from the ground surface to the top of rock. Sampling and testing was performed using standard 2 inch .D. split spoon sampler driven a length of 18 inches by a 140 pound hammer. A record of test intervals, sample depths and blow counts was maintained on the Soil Boring Logs by a Flour Daniel/Fiarza geological engineer. 2.2. DRILLING PROCEDURES IN ROCK Rock drilling and sampling was performed using an NX size wireline rock coring system with a diamond core bit and split inner tube liner. Core samples obtained from the NX size barrel were 1.87 inch diameter producing a 2.98 inch diameter bore hole. Coring was generally performed in rin of 10 foot length, after which the core was retrieved, logged by a Fluor Daniel/Harza geological engineer and placed in core boxes for storage. Shorter run lengths were drilled at the top of rock and in areas where drilling problems and poor quality rock were encountered. Clean water was used to flush and remove ‘cuttings from the bore hole during coring. The orientation and angle of borings S-1244, S-1245, and $-1247 was established using an Abney level and Brunton compass. A mast lock on the drill rig at 30 degrees from vertical was engaged and checked with the level prior to collaring the hole. Additional measurements of drill angle were taken on the mast and drill stecl periodically during drilling. Deviation from 30 degrees was observed to be less than two degrees. The orientation of the angled holes was set using the Brunton compass and survey stakes along the beam line alignment. Al] angled borings were oriented between 335 and 340 degrees and angled 60 degrees from horizontal (30 degrees from vertical) dipping north. Field geologic logs describing rock type and condition, field testing, sampling, and drilling procedures were maint y Rock descriptions and characterization were based on the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) and United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) procedures. All rock core samples were placed in wooden core boxes and photographed prior to storage on site at Fermilab. Color photographs of the core samples in a wet condition and a dried condition are included in Appendix B. 8 Fluor Daniel /LARZA, Core samples selected for laboratory testing were labeled and preserved in the field by ‘wrapping in cellophane followed by an application of paraffin wax and a final wrapping of aluminum foil and sent to the laboratory for testing. 2.3. WATER PRESSURE TESTING In-situ water pressure testing was performed in the rock portions of borings S-1243 through S-1247 to determine the hydraulic properties of the rock mass encountered. Pressure testing was performed using a pneumatic double packer system at 20 foot intervals from the bottom of each boring to the rock surface. Each test proceeded by inflating the packer glands to seal against the borehole wall at the test interval and pumping clean water through a 20 foot section of perforated pipe between the packers. Packers were generally inflated to pressures of 30 psi greater than the sum of the hydrostatic and maximum test pressure. Water was pumped into the test interval through one inch diameter riser pipe connected from the pump to the packer assembly. A single stage mono pump was used to supply water for the tests. Flow rates and pressures were maintained by a pressure gauge, flow meter and valve assembly on the surface. A step rate testing procedure was used by recording flow, or water take, in the test interval at pressures of 33%, 66%, 100%, 66% and 33% of the maximum test pressure as calculated based on piezometric head and testing conditions. Maximum gauge pressures for the tests ranged between 10 and 190 psi depending upon the depth of the test interval and the hydrostatic head. The test flow rates and pressures were recorded to determine the rock mass permeability in terms of Lugeons and centimeters per second. Results of the water pressure testing are included in Appendix C. 24 FALLING HEAD AND CONSTANT HEAD PERMEABILITY TESTING In-situ permeability testing was performed at the soil-rock interface of vertical borings S-1242, $-1243, and S-1246 to determine the hydraulic properties of the interface area. Falling head and constant head permeability testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM D 4044 and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation procedures for variable head permeability testing. Upon completion of overburden drilling in the vertical holes, a 3 inch diameter casing, was set through the overburden and seated in the top of rock. The installed casing was flushed with clean water to remove the remaining drill cuttings and drilling mud, Falling head permeability testing was then performed by filling the boring with clean water to the top of the casing and measuring the fall of the water level from the top of the casing to the static groundwater level. As the water level returned to equilibrium, the time and depth of water level was recorded at periodic intervals to determine permeability. ‘The constant head permeability test was performed in boring S-1243 where an insufficient quantity of data was collected from the falling head permeability test due to high permeabilities at the soil-rock interface. The constant head test was performed by pumping a flow of clean water into the boring through a tremie pipe and maintaining a 9 Fluor Daniel /HARZA constant groundwater level. The test pumping/flow rates and heads were measured to determine permeability 2.58 | MEASUREMENT OF GROUNDWATER LEVELS Static groundwater levels were generally recorded on a daily basis before drilling proceeded in order to reduce effects that drilling may have on the static groundwater levels by the introduction of drilling water into the borings. Measurements were taken using a tape-line water level indicator and recorded on the field logs. A summary of static groundwater levels is included in Table 8 2.6 BACKFILLING After completion of overburden and rock drilling, in-situ tests, and water pressure testing, all borings were backfilled with a cement grout of 1 to 1 water-cement ratio by volume, In some cases, borings were not completely filled by the calculated backfill volume of grout, likely due to grout loss into the formation at the top of rock during backfilling. In such instances the grout level in the borehole remained around the top of rock elevation. Approximately two fect of bentonite pellets were placed in the boring to prevent grout seepage at the top of rock. Additional cement grout was used to fill the remainder of the boring to the ground surface. After the backfill grout was set, top soil and drill cuttings were used to fill any opening left in the boring as a result of grout shrinkage. 2.7 LABORATORY SOIL TESTING PROCEDURES The laboratory testing of soil samples recovered from the soil borings included water content, Atterberg limits, grain size distribution and unit weight tests. All testing of soil samples was performed by the TSC soils laboratory in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. Results of laboratory tests performed on recovered soil samples are included in the respective soil boring logs and the summary table of soil properties. Raw data from the laboratory testing is included in Appendix F. In addition to laboratory testing, all soil samples were examined by the Fluor Daniel/Harza geological engineer and classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). 28 LABORATORY ROCK TESTING PROCEDURES Laboratory testing of rock core samples recovered from the borings included uniaxial compression, indirect tensile (Brazilian method), slake durability and swell potential tests. All testing of rock samples was performed by Bowser-Momer, Inc. of Dayton, Ohio. Laboratory test data from rock core samples is included in Appendix G. 10 Fluor Dani 2.8.1 Uniaxial Compression Test The uniaxial compression test is 2 standard test that provides quantitative values of the compressive strength of intact rock core samples. The test is performed on a rock core sample with a length to diameter ratio of 2.0 to 2.5. The sample is placed in a loading device and an axial load is applied to the sample. ‘The load is continuously increased until the specimen fails. The compressive strength is calculated by dividing the failure load by the sample cross-sectional area. 2.8.2 Indirect Tensile Test The indirect tensile test, or Brazilian tensile test, provides a quantitative value of the indirect tensile strength of intact rock core samples. The test is performed on a disc- shaped rock core sample with a thickness to diameter ratio of 0.2 to 0.75. The sample is placed in a loading device and a compressive load is applied to the diametrically opposed ends of the sample, inducing tensile stress within the sample. The load is continuously increased until the specimen fails. The indirect tensile strength is calculated from the failure load and sample dimensions. 2.8.3. Slake Durability Test The stake durability test isa test that provides a qualitative estimate of the durability, or resistance to weakening and disintegration, of rock samples subjected to cycles of drying and wetting. The test is performed on representative rock samples weighing between 40 and 60 grams. The samples are placed in a sieve mesh drum which is oven dried and then immersed in water and slowly rotated. This process is performed two times, after which the sample drum is weighed to determine the amount of sample retained in the drum. A durability index is then calculated as the percentage of original sample weight remaining in the drum. The retained sample is also classified on the basis of the particle size of the remaining sample pieces. 2.8.4 Swell Potential Test The swell potential test provides quantitative values of the axial swelling strain developed in a submerged rock core sample with radial confinement and a constant nominal axial pressure (free swell). The test is performed on a representative sample of rock core by placing the sample in a standard consolidometer. The consolidometer is then filled with water and an axial surcharge of 145 to 435 psi (I to 3 kPa) is applied to the sample, The axial swelling displacement is measured along the axis of the sample by a dial micrometer on the testing device. The swelling strain index is calculated as a percentage of the maximum recorded swelling displacement and the initial sample thickness. 2.9 PREPARATION OF BORING LOGS Soil boring logs and geologic logs of recovered soil and rock samples were maintained by the Fluor Daniel/Harza geological engineer during the exploration program and are n Fluor Daniel /HARZA included in Appendix A. Information recorded on the logs includes description and classification of soil and rock samples, field index tests, in-situ tests, sampling, drilling comments, and field notes. Classification and description of soil samples, and procedures for field index testing was performed in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and. ASTM standards. In few cases where the field soil classification differed from the laboratory classification, the laboratory classification was reported in the final soil boring logs presented in Appendix A. Rock core description and classification was based on standard procedures from the Intemational Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) and United Stated Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). A summary of soil and rock descriptive criteria, classifications, and common abbreviations is included with the soil boring logs and geologic logs. Color photographs of the rock cores were taken to document the rock conditions at the time of the drilling. Color photographs were taken of each core box in both a wet and dry state and are included in Appendix B. In-situ testing to determine rock mass permeability characteristics at the soil-rock interface and at depth in bedrock have been calculated in terms of Lugeons and centimeters per second (cm/s). The water pressure and permeability test results are included as Appendix C and D. 2.10 PREPARATION OF EXPLORATION PROGRAM DRAWINGS Drawings for the exploration program include a plan and profiles of all borings included in this program. Graphical representations in the profile drawings show rock core recovery, rock quality designation (RQD) and results of the water pressure testing for each boring. Also included in the plan and profile drawings are borings from previous exploration programs performed by STS for the NuMI project. These profiles were developed by Fluor Daniel/Harza from available boring logs, reports, and an inspection of the rock cores maintained by Fermilab. The core inspection resulted in the development of boring summary logs of the STS borings which are provided in Appendix E. The additional borings included in the drawings are identified as S-1168, S-1169, S- 1170, S-1213, S-1214, S-1215 and S-1217, 2.11 RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAPPING Due to the lack of rock outerops on the Fermilab property, a geologic reconnaissance was made to the nearby Conco-Western Stone Company quarry/mine in North Aurora, about four miles north of the Fermilab site and the Fox River. The purpose of the trip was to gather additional information on the engineering geologic properties of the rock formations in the Batavia area and to investigate the underground conditions in similar type rock formations to that which will be encountered for the NuMI Project. A 2 Fluor Daniel /HARZA summary of the results of the geologic and underground observations and discussions with the mine personnel are presented in Appendix H. B Fluor Daniel /LiARZA 3.0 EXPLORATION RESULTS 3.1 GENERAL The NuMI project area is located in the westem portion of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Underground structures of the project will extend north ftom the Main Injector approximately three quarters of a mile to the proposed MINOS cavern at depths of 40 to 392 feet below grade. The existing surface topography is relatively flat and consists of areas of prairie grass, heavy brush, wooded areas, wetlands and developed sites. Surface elevations within the project area range from around 742 t0 749 feet above MSL. Drainage occurs through infiltration and runoff to drainage ditches, sewers and small creeks, however much of the area is poorly drained, A generalized stratigraphic column for the NuMI project area is shown in Exhibit 4. 3.2. SOIL CONDITIONS Overburden materials encountered in the soil borings S-1242, $-1243, and $-1246 were between 65 and 75 feet thick. The soil profile in these borings consisted of glacial clays, silts and sands overlain by up to 5 feet of construction fill and up to 16 inches of dark brown silty clay topsoil. Boring $-1242 was drilled through the MI-60 parking lot and encountered asphalt pavement and road bed in the upper 18 inches of the boring. No soil samples were recovered from angled borings S-1244, $-1245 and S-1247. Beneath the thin topsoil horizon, the upper 5 10 10 feet of soil consists of a light brown, partially oxidized, clayey silt (Peoria Silt) overlying 25 to 30 feet of diamicton, a stiff, plastic, medium gray, silty clay with trace amounts of coarse sand and fine to medium gravel (Lemont Formation - Yorkville Member). The lower soil unit consists of 30 to 35 feet of ‘medium gray clayey sand, sandy clay, and silt with minor amounts of fine to medium gravel (Lemont Formation — Batestown Member). Occasional cobbles were encountered in each boring from 25 foot depth to the rock surface. The cobbles were drilled through and did not present significant problems during drilling. Driller's comments estimated that the cobbles were on the order of 2 to 12 inches in diameter. Detailed descriptions of the soil conditions are presented in the soil boring logs included in Appendix A. 3.3 SOIL PROPERTIES The upper ten feet of the soil profile, in particular the Peoria silt, is moderately stiff to stiff with medium plasticity. No laboratory tests were performed in this horizon, however SPT testing and hand penetrometer tests resulted in N-values between 9 and 40 4 Fluor Daniel /HARZA blows per foot, and average unconfined compressive strengths of approximately 2.6 tons per square foot (tsf). Properties of the Yorkville and Batestown Members of the Lemont Formation, as determined from field and laboratory tests, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. In general the Yorkville Member is a stiff, plastic, silty clay with an average unconfined compressive strength of 3.0 tsf and N-values around 22 blows per foot. The Batestown Formation is predominately stiff clayey silt and sand of medium to low plasticity with unconfined compressive strengths around 2.5 tsf and N-values of around 25 blows per foot. Laboratory soil testing data is included in Appendix F 3.4 SOIL-ROCK INTERFACE Based on the seismic refraction data, the bedrock surface along the beam line alignment is gently undulating with maximum topographic relief of 15 to 17 feet (STS, 1998). ‘The bedrock surface is at a depth of 50 to 72 feet, ranging from 60 to 72 feet south of Indian Road, and around 53 to 60 feet, north of Indian Road. The top of bedrock elevation. varies between El. 676 to El. 693. Three localized topographic lows were delineated from the geophysical data. The bedrock topographic low occurs at the southern end of the beam line above the proposed Target Enclosure (Exhibits 2 and 3). A NW trending € 320°) bedrock topographic low was delineated with a maximum depth reaching about El, 676 feet. The other bedrock depressions which are more pronounced were delineated along the beam alignment near the Giese-Kautz Roads intersection. One on the south side of Giese Road up to 15 feet deep and another just north of Giese Road about 10 feet deep, both near the Giese-Kautz Roads intersection, Bedrock seismic velocities typically ranged between 14,500 to 16,300 fi/sec. The condition of rock core samples taken from the upper 20 feet of each boring is characterized as fresh to slightly weathered. Borings S-1242 through S-1245 at the south end of the project alignment exhibited iron staining of the intaet rock mass and along ‘major discontinuity surfaces within the top 8 to 13 feet of rock core. Borings S-1246 and S-1247 at the north end of the project alignment showed very little to no staining of the intact rock mass and slight to moderate staining of major discontinuity surfaces within the top 5 feet of core. Core recovery near the bedrock surface was good to very good (90 to 100%), except for a core loss zone in boring $-1243 where core recovery was around 80% due to mechanical problems during drilling. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) ranged from 68 to 100%. Both core recovery and RQD generally increased with depth, where the rock is unweathered and discontinuities are widely spaced. The spacing of major discontinuities within the upper 20 feet of the core samples was found to be on the order of 0.1 to 10 feet. Most of the discontinuities encountered within 15 Fluor Daniel /HARZA this segment were horizontal bedding planes and separations in the upper 5 feet of rock with apertures characterized as tight to open. Soils sampled above the rock surface consisted of clayey sands to silty clays with minor amounts of gravel. The top of rock was identified during drilling as evident by a sudden increase in the movement or chatter of the drill and a decrease in the drilling advance rate. Encountering the top of rock during drilling was often accompanied by a partial or complete loss of drilling fluids from the borehole. Overburden drilling generally continued through the bedrock surface for a length of 6 to 15 inches to provide adequate seating for the overburden casing. 3.3 ENGINEERING GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Bedrock was encountered in the exploration borings between 62 and 73 feet below ground surface or between elevations 674.5 and 682.0 feet above MSL. The bedrock elevations from the borings are generally in close agreement (+ 2 feet) with the seismic refraction data, except for boring S-1247, at the north end of the beam alignment. The uppermost rock unit in the project area is the Markgraf Member of the Joliet Formation. The Markgraf Member is encountered at the north end of the project alignment in borings S-1246 and S-1247. The underlying Brandon Bridge Member is encountered at the rock surface near the south end of the project alignment in borings S- 1242 through S-1245. The Markgraf Member has likely been eroded at this end of the Project alignment as the rock strata dip around 5 feet per 1000 ft to the north while the erosional bedrock surface remains fairly level. Detailed descriptions of the bedrock are presented in the geologic logs included in Appendix A. 3.5.1 Rock Stratigraphy Joliet Formation. The Joliet Formation is the uppermost rock unit encountered in the exploration borings and consists of three members: the Romeo, Markgraf and Brandon Bridge Members. The Romeo Member was not encountered in any of the exploration borings. ‘The Markgraf Member, where present, is about 15 feet thick. The Markgraf is as a light gray, fine to medium grained, dense to slightly porous, slightly argillaceous dolomite with few very thin, wavy, discontinuous shale stringers or partings. The member is characterizes as hard to very hard with moderate to thick bedding. ‘The Brandon Bridge Member encountered in the borings consists of three distinct sub- units. ‘The upper unit is a light gray, fine to medium grained, dense to slightly porous, slightly argillaceous dolomite with numerous very thin, wavy, discontinuous shale stringers or partings, similar to the overlying Markgraf. The unit is hard to very hard with moderate to thick bedding. The contact between the Markgraf and Brandon Bridge 16 Fluor Daniel /HARZA is gradational and commonly identified as the uppermost cluster of prominent shale partings in the Brandon Bridge. The middle unit is a 2 to 3 foot thick dolomitic shale layer that is soft, thinly bedded and slightly fissile. This thin shale bed was encountered just above the crown of the proposed Target Enclosure cavern (Exhibit 3). The lower unit is a light greenish gray and pink banded dolomite, slightly argillaceous, fine to medium grained, dense to slightly porous with few discontinuous shale stringers or partings. This unit is hard to very hard with moderate to thick bedding. The total thickness of the Brandon Bridge varies from 34 to 44 feet. Kankakee Formation. The Kankakee Formation encountered in the borings is around $0 feet and consists of four members: the Plaines, Troutman, Offerman and Drummond Members. The Plaines Member is the uppermost member of the Kankakee Formation and is characterized as a light brownish gray, moderately porous and vugey relatively pure dolomite. The Plaines is around 3.5 feet thick, hard to very hard with moderate to thick bedding. ‘The Troutman Member is a light to medium gray, fine to medium grained, slightly to moderately argillaceous dolomite with continuous very thin shale partings at spacings of 0.5 inch to over 12 inches. It is hard to very hard, slightly to moderately porous with ‘moderate to thick bedding. ‘The Offerman Member is a 2 to 4 foot thick, light gray, fine to medium grained, slightly argillaceous dolomite with few continuous very thin shale partings. It is hard to very hard and differentiated from the Troutman by its dense texture. ‘The Drummond Member is a light gray, fine to medium grained slightly to moderately argillaceous dolomite with few continuous very thin shale partings. It is hard to very hard, moderately porous and vugey with moderate to very thick bedding. In boring 1247, a & foot thick stratum of interbedded siltstone and shale wes encountered at elevation 592.2. This stratum is characterized as soft, moderately fissile with thin to very thin bedding ‘ood Formation. The Elwood formation underlies the Kankakee Formation and was found to be around 30 feet thick. It is a light gray to medium brownish gray, slightly argillaceous dolomite with continuous thin shale partings at spacings of 0.5 to 24 inches. The Elwood Formation is distinguished by dense chert layers and nodules up to 3 inches thick in the upper 10 feet of the formation. It is hard to very hard, slightly to moderately porous and vuggy with moderate to thick bedding Maquoketa Group. The Maquoketa Group encountered in boring S-1247 is 145 feet thick and consists of three formations; the Brainard, Ft. Atkinson and Scales Formations (Exhibit 4). ‘The Brainard Formation is the uppermost formation and consists of light gray to medium green interbedded argillaceous dolomite and dolomitic siltstone. The upper 5 feet is predominately a hard argillaceous dolomite below which the soft dolomitic siltstone is the primary constituent of the formation. Chert layers and nodules ” Fluor Daniel /HARZA up to 4 inches thick are common in the upper 30 feet of the formation, The Brainard is characterized as thin to thick bedded. The Ft. Atkinson is the middle formation of the Maquoketa group and was found to be 3 feet thick. It is a medium gray, medium to coarse grained, argillaceous dolomite characterized as slightly to moderately porous and vuggy, hard to very hard with moderate bedding thickness, The Scales Formation is the lower formation of the Maquoketa Group and is a uniform, dark brownish gray, soft, moderately fissile shale to mudstone. Core pieces were found to break into 0.5 to 4 inch pieces upon prolonged exposure to the atmosphere Galena Group. The Wise Lake Formation of the Galena Group was encountered at the bottom of boring S-1247. ‘The Wise Lake is a light to medium grayish brown, slightly argillaceous dolomite. It is moderately porous and vuggy, hard, and thick bedded. ‘This formation is around 15 feet below the proposed MINOS Enclosure invert. 3.5.2 Bedrock Structure Stratigraphic information compiled from exploration borings shows an apparent dip of the rock strata in the project area of 5 feet per 1000 feet to the north. ‘The regional dip of rock strata in northeastern Illinois has been documented by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) to be 10 to 15 feet per mile to the southeast (Conroy, 1988). Bedding thickness determined from rock core samples from the Joliet, Kankakee and Elwood Formations is characterized as moderate to thick. Bedding planes in these samples commonly oceur as very tight to tight prominent shale partings and lithology changes. Bedding planes with apertures from partially open to open were generally restricted to within the upper 10 feet of the rock surface, however occasionally open bedding planes were encountered at depth. The very thin discontinuous shale partings/stringers found throughout the Joliet Formation as noted in the rock descriptions are not considered bedding planes or discontinuities in the rock mass, rather they are considered a lithologic characteristic of the intact rock mass but a plane of weakness. It was noted that mechanical breaks of the core samples commonly occurred along these thin shale partings/stringers. Bedding thickness of core samples from the Maquoketa Group is characterized as thin to thick. Intact core pieces greater than 5 feet in length were commonly recovered from this group. Joint spacing encountered in the angled borings is characterized as close (0.2 to 1.0 feet) to very widely (>3 feet) spaced. Apparent spacing of joints in the Joliet, Kankakee and Elwood Formations, as determined from core samples in angled borings $-1244, $-1245 and S-1247, averages 4.5 feet, ranging from 0.5 to over 20 feet. Jointing in the 18 Fluor Daniel /HARZA Maquoketa Group is infrequent with a measured average apparent spacing of over 30 feet Most joints imtersected by the borings are characterized as near vertical, very tight to partly open and rough. Joint faces are mostly fresh with thin coatings of clay, calcite and Pyrite. Occasional joints were encountered with weathered characteristics including staining and pitted surfaces. Joints with apertures of 0.1 inch or greater were infrequent and where encountered were typically filled with soft gray clay or stiff clay/shale material. Zones of fractured core pieces with multiple distinguishable joint faces were also encountered in some borings. In general, NE and NW trending joint sets were encountered in the exploration borings along with other randomly oriented joints. A detailed analysis to differentiate joint orientation in the rock cores was not performed. Observations from the quarry and mine inspection (Appendix H) confirmed two prominent joint sets trending N40-S0E and N40- SOW with a few secondary and random joint sets. 3.5.3 Drilling Characteristics Advance rates of rock coring were generally on the order of 0.3 feet per minute with average pull down pressures of 1000 to 1500 psi. Slightly lower pull down pressures and advance rates were applied in the siltstone and shale units of the Maquoketa Group to prevent excessive build up of soft cuttings around the drill bit. Average advance rates for each formation are included in the geologic logs and summaries of rock properties included in Tables 3 through 7. No return of drill fluid was experienced during rock coring with the exception of boring 8-1247 where there was partial return to a depth of 150 feet, below which all fluid was lost in the formations. Considerable core loss was experienced in boring S-1247 between the depths of 180 and 205 feet where core recoveries ranged from 20 to 50%. The rock drilled through was predominately dolomite and dolomite siltstone at the bottom of the Kankakee and the top of the Elwood formation, The core loss in this area can primarily be attributed to mechanical problems with the drilling equipment, in particular the split inner barrel not properly engaging in the drill bit. These problems may have been in part caused by the relatively softer material that was being drilled through at the time. Only 8 feet of core were recovered over the 25 foot length after efforts to retrieve the lost core were not successful, It is presumed that the lost core was ground up during efforts to retrieve the core. Similar core recovery problems were experienced in boring S-1244 between depths of 112 and 116 feet. 3.5.4 Rock Mass Permeability A summary of water pressure testing results from the exploration borings is included in Appendix C. Permeabilities of the test intervals were calculated in units of both Lugeons and centimeters per second (cm/s). The Lugeon unit is a metric-based unit, commonly 19 Fluor Daniel /HARZA used in grouting and foundation treatment, defined as one liter of water take per meter of test Jength per minute at 10 bars of pressure. Interpretation of the water pressure tests for the purpose of determining the permeability of each test stage was performed in general accordance with the modified Lugeon method (Houlsby, 1990), Values of rock mass permeability in the exploration borings ranged from relatively impermeable conditions to over 100 Lugeons (10° ems). Permeabilities in the top 10 to 20 feet of rock were consistently greater than 50 Lugeons (10% cm/s) and often greater than 100 Lugeons. Test intervals at depths between 20 and 40 feet below the top of rock were found to have permeabilities between 3 Lugeons (10° cm/s) and 100 Lugeons. Below the top 40 feet of rock, permeabilities were less than 50 Lugeons and generally on the order of 0 to 10 Lugeons (<10° cm/s). 3.5.5 Soil-Rock Interface Permeability Permeability testing at the soil-rock interface was performed by constant head and falling head tests. ‘The results of the permeability tests are included in Appendix D. It should be noted that many sources of error which may affect the test results are introduced during standard testing procedures including water leakage outside of the casing and silting of the bottom of the borehole. High permeabilities may also introduce errors in ‘measurement precision and the amount of data that can be collected from a given test Due to these sources of error, the falling head and constant head tests are generally considered accurate only in the order of magnitude range Values of permeabilities were calculated from test data in units of centimeters per second (cm/s) assuming the conditions of a cased borehole flush with the upper boundary of an aquifer. Interpretation of the falling head test data was performed in general accordance with the methods of variable head permeability testing in the Design Manual of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Earth Structures (NAVEAC DM-7, 1971). Interpretation. of the constant head permeability test data was performed in general accordance with the Earth Manual (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1974), Values of permeability at the soil-rock interface ranged from 10" cm/s to 107 ems. In borings S-1243 and S- 1246, permeabilities were between 10" cm/s and 10° emis. Permeabilities of around 10° cmv’s were encountered at the soil-rock interface in boring $-1242, 3.5.6 Rock Properties Engineering properties of rock core samples recovered from exploration borings, as determined from field and laboratory tests, are summarized in Tables 3 through 7. The results of the laboratory tests performed on the samples were found to consistent with the geotechnical data collected from the SSC studies and ISGS data of similar rock formations (Vaiden, 1987; Bauer, 1991) 20 Fluor Daniel /HARZA Strength ‘The average unconfined compressive strength of dolomites in the Joliet, Kankakee and Elwood formations was found to be around 10,000 to 15,000 psi. The 2 to 3 foot thick shale unit encountered in the Brandon Bridge Member of the Joliet Formation showed slightly lower unconfined compressive strengths of around 8,000 psi. Average unconfined compressive strengths of the siltstone and shale units in the Brainard and Scales Formations of the Maquoketa Group were on the order of 6,300 and 4.000 psi, respectively. Tensile strengths of rock core samples were found to be on the order of 10% of the unconfined compressive strength. Tensile strengths ranged from 1,000 to 1,700 psi in the Silurian dolomites to 280 to 500 psi in the Maquoketa Group. Swelling Potential The siltstone and shale units in the Brainard and Scales formations were found to have less than 5% volumetric increase during free swelling. These values of swelling potential are considered very low. Rocks with similar swelling characteristics may be expected to develop in-situ swelling pressures less than 1000 kPa or 145 psi (Shakoor and Sarman, 1997), 3.5.63 Slake Durability The slake durability index of siltstones and shales in the Brainard and Scales formations ‘was measured between 65.0 and 96.6 percent. These values are considered in the range of medium to high durability (Goodman, 1989). Intact core samples of the shale from the Scales Formation were often found to break into 0.5 to 4 inch dise-shaped pieces in the core boxes upon prolonged exposure to atmospheric conditions on the order ofa few days to weeks. 3.6 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Groundwater levels in exploration borings were encountered at depths of 57.3 to 59.8 feet or elevation 685.3 to 690.9 feet MSL. The average elevation of the static groundwater level was around 688 feet MSL. Static groundwater levels are included on the Soil Boring Logs and Geologic Logs and also included in Table 8. In boring number S-1247, the static groundwater level was measured prior to water pressure testing in the interval between depths of 390 and 410 feet in the Wise Lake Formation of the Galena Group. This section was isolated to determine if differential pressure conditions existed between the upper aquifer in the Joliet, Kankakee and Elwood Formations, and the lower aquifer in the Galena and Platteville Groups. After isolating the lower aquifer by inflating the water pressure test packers, water levels in the 20 foot interval between the packers dropped 110 vertical feet from elevation 688.3 t0 578.3 ft MSL in 60 minutes. A further drop of 92.3 vertical feet from elevation 578.3 to 486.0 feet a Fluor Daniel /HARZA. MSL was measured over the following 90 minutes. Measurements were discontinued after the groundwater level dropped below elevation 486.0 feet due the range of the ‘measuring equipment. 3.7 GAS MONITORING Gas monitoring was performed in the borings during drilling operations and on recovered soil and rock samples. A calibrated Gas Tech NP-204 gas monitoring device was used to detect naturally occurring methane and hydrogen sulfide gasses. No positive readings indicating the presence of these gasses were detected throughout the exploration program. Gas monitoring was performed by placing the monitoring equipment at the collar of the borehole and on recovered samples and drawing air into the device through a hand- ‘operated bulb pump. Readings of gas concentration were given by an analog meter reading percent concentrations, 2 Fluor Daniel /HARZA REFERENCES Bauer, et. al., 1991, Geotechnical Properties of Selected Pleistocene, Silurian, and Ordovician Deposits of Northeastern Illinois, ISGS, EGN 139, 92p. Conroy, P.J., et. al, 1988, Geotechnical Summary to the Proposal to site the Superconducting Super Collider in Mlinois, ISGS, 111p. Curry, BB. et al, 1988, Geological and Geotechnical Studies for Siting the Superconducting Super Coltider in Mlinois: Results of the Spring 1986 Test Drilling Program, ISGS EGN 122, 108p. Goodman, R.E., 1989, Rock Mechanics, Wiley and Sons, New York. Graese, A.M. et al., 1988, Geological and Geotechnical Studies for Siting the Superconducting Super Collider in Illinois: Regional Summary, 1SGS EGN 123, 100p. Houlsby, A. C., 1990, Construction and Design of Cement Grouting, Wiley and Sons, New York. Shakoor, A., Sarman, R., 1997, Significance of Geological Characteristics in Predicting the Swelling Behavior of Mudrocks, in Characterization of Weak and Weathered Rock Masses, Association of Engineering Geologists, Special Publication #9, STS Consultants, Ltd., 1998, Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey Report: STS Consultants, Ltd. 1997, Hydrogeological Evaluation Report - Neutrino Main Injector, Volumes 1 and Il. STS Consultants, Ltd., 1993, Subsurface Exploration & Geotechnical Data Report for the NuMI Project. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1974, Earth Manual, 2nd. Ed., Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of the Navy, 1971, Design Manual of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Earth Structures, NAVFAC DM-7, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA. Vaiden, R.C. et al., 1988, Geological and Geotechnical Studies for Siting the Superconducting Super Collider in Iinois: Results of the Drilling Large Diameter Test Holes in 1986, ISGS EGN 124, 8p.

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