Stat Assignmet 2

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Measures ol Central Tendenc-y

l. Compute lhe median rning the follorving elet'en t'alucs

8, 10, 6, 5,2,13, (t,11,l(t,4,7
2. The following table gives the monthly income of trvelve families in a town. Calculate the median
Monthly income (in Rs.) 280, 180,96,98, 104,75,80,94, 100' 75,600' 200.
3. (a) prorn the following data of the weekly wages of 7 workers compute the median wages :

Wages (in rts.) 100, 150, 80, 90, 160, 200, 140.
(b) Obtain the value of median from the lbllowing data :
391,384, 591, 407, 672, 522,177,753,2488, 1490.
4. Calculatc the rnedian from [re following data :
No. of workers (/) 12 30 65 107 157 2Oz 222 230
Wagcs per week (l{s.) l-5 30 45 60 75 90 105 120

5. Frorn the following dau, hnd tlle value of median :

Income (Rs.) 100 150 80 200 250 180

No. ot persons 24 26 16 20 6 30
Form a frequency table, taking the variable as the number of letters in a word in the strnza given
below and calculate median of the distribution :
"Fleights by greatrnen reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while
compahions slept, were toiling upwards in the nights."
[Hints.No.ofletters(X) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0
134423420 1l
7. Calculate the median fiom following data:
Marks No. of students Marks No. of students
0-5 4 .20-25 t2
-5-10 6 25-30 8
10-15 10 30-35 4
t5-20 16
The following table gives the distribution of supplies in India in 1940 according to the yield of rnilk
per day.
Yield per day No. of Brffiloes Yield per dalt No. of Buffaloes
(inkil in thousand (in kg) in thousands
0-r 114 4-5 2080
1-2 2005 5-6 240
2-3 7706 6-:7 3500
34 4590
Calculate the mean and median milk yield.
9. Calculate median from the following data:
Value Frequency Value FrequencY
less thau 10 4 50
less than 96
less than 20 16 60
less than ll2
less than 30 40 70
less than 120
less than 40 76 80
less than 125
54 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods & Stofisticol Techniques

10. Detennine the median of ilte distribution.

Class F'reEtency Class Frequencl,
0-9 I 4049 7
10-19 4 50-59 4
20-29 15 60-69 2
30-39 11

11. (a) l0 per cent of the workers i. tlrm employing a total of 1000 worrers earn less than Rs. -5 pcr

clay, 200 earn between Rs. .5- Rs. 9.99,30 per cent between lls. 10-14'99,2-50 workers between
15-19.99 antl rest 20 and above. What is thc median wages ?
Qt) In a factory ernploying 3000 persons in a day, 5% work lcss than 3 hrs, -580 work {iorn 3'01 to
4.50 hours,307a u,crrk from 4'51 to 6.00 hrs,500 work from 6.01 to 7'-50 hours,20o/o work
from 7.51 to 9'00 hours and rest work 9.01 or more hours. What is the median ltour of the
work ? [P.U., BCA.ll, 2006(5 )]

lHints. (a) Wages No. of workers c.f. \=5oo

1000x 10 _
Below 5
rno 100 .'. median class is 10-14.99

5-9.999 200 300 But real limit of class is 9.995 to 14.99-5

10-14.99 l9oo " 19 =

roo 600

l-5-19.99 250 8-50

20&above 1501 1000

Here / = 9.995, c.f. = 300,,f= 300, I = 5, etc.l
12. From the following data, calculate the measures of central tendency which will appropriately describe
rhc distribution.
Class mark l;retluencY mark
Class F'requenclt
462 q8 552 2l
480 15 570 1-5

498 54 588 11
.516 44, 606 6
534 30 624 3

thlints. Class size i = 480 - 462 = 18.

.'. Classes are 453471, 411489, 489-501, 507-525,......find medi:utl
13. Find the medial of the following :
Mid points -5 15 25 J5 45
Frequency 3 9 85 J

14. Amend the following tabte and locate the median from the amcnded table :

Size FreEuncy Size Frequency Size Frequency

10-15 10 20-30 ?.5 40 & above 40
16-17.-5 15 30-35 28
t7.5-20 t7 35-40 30
IHints. Size 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
f 42 25 58 401

t'Iotal workers are 1000 aud surn of workers below this class is 100 + 200 + 300 + 250 = 850
.'. No. of workers earning lls. 20 and above is 1000-850 = 150.
Measures of Centrol Tendenca 55

15. An incomplcte frequency distribution is given as

Variable Frequency Variable Frequency
10-20 12 50-60
20-30 30 60-70 25
30-40 ? 70-80 t9
40-50 65
'fotal 230
a-n You arc given that median valuc is 46'
(c) Using median formula, hll up thc missing frequcncy
,io (D) Calcuate the Arithmetic mean of the complete table' e'U ' BCA'll' 2003)
.rk given that N = 100 and Median =
16. l--ind the missing tiequcncies iu thc following distribution. It is
il 110.
Class Frequency Class Frequency Class Frequency

2040 6 80-100 14 140-160

40-60 9 100-120 20 160-180 8

60-80 120-140 15 180-200 7

1,7,2.99,3. (a) i40, (lr) 631'5,4.90,5' 150,6' '5,7' 18'125' 8' 3'06' 9' 36'25' 10' 31'32'
r1. (a) 13.328.12.Med.=490.83,13.Med. =22'5,14.Mec1. =32'67,15.34,45. X =45'96,16'
Il' 10

$4.7. Properties of the Median

:be 'l'he Meclial has the tbllowing properties :
(i) The sum of the atrsolute values of deviations of the items liom median is minirnum
i.e., Z lX - Med' I < t I X -A I

where A ls any assumed median.

position of tltc items in
(ij) The lVledian is a positional average and therefore, it is influenced by the
the array and not by the size of items.
(iii) When the 6istribution is skewed towards the left then Median is greater than the Mean'
is than the Mean. ln symmetrical distribution
the distribution is skewed towards right, then Medizrn less

Median and Mean are equal.

$4.8. Merits of Median
(i) Iixtreme items. Median is not affected by the magnitude of extreme items'
(ii) Graph. Median can be calculated by graph also'
(iii) Ideal Average. Median satisfies the condition of an idcal average that it should be rigidly deltned
and easilY calculated.
(iy) euantitative measurement. Median can be located when the items in a series are not capable of
quantitativc measurement.
(v) Inspection. Median can be calculated by inspection only'
(ri) Inconrplete datal The mcdian can be located for incomplete data providcd that the nutnber and

gcneral location of all the items are known'

6A Computer Oriented Numericol Methods & Sfatis'ico'I

Wc construct the ogi'r'e by 'less thatt' method'

Median = sizc of Ilft itcm

= size of 2 1rcm

= size of 55'5tlt item

'take a poillt N oll Y-axis, where ON = '5-5'5
give at P'
Irrom N drarv a line parallel to X-axis meeting less than o
65 70 75 80 85 Wages
From P draw PM OX. I 117|sfl. = 67.9

ttead OM = (fl'9,'Ihus median = 67'9 or 68'

gppcr quarritc = sizc nr.$ll, ircrn = siz.e of ,#,n irern. = size o[ g3.25rh item.

Sirnilarly liorn ligure, size of 83'25th itern is 74'77'

.'. Itom graph, upper quartile = 74'77 '
lRs"72 = 73
Fronr graph, No. of workers whose wages are less than
Also No. of workers whose wagcs are lcss than Rs' 60 = 16
No. of workers whose wages are between 60 and 72is't.3
16 = 57 ' -

for the fiollowing distribution :

l. Irind merlian. lower and upper quartiles,4th <lecile anrl 60th percentile
Marks No. of students Marks No' of students
04 10 14-18 5

4-8 t2 18-20 8

8-r2 18 20-25 4

t2-14 '7 25 and over 6

population according to age group. Fittd
2. The following table gives the distribution of male
rnedlan, first quartile and third quartile :

Age-group Males Age-grouP Males

0-10 150 40-50 75

10-20 3-s0 50-60 50

20-30 400 60-70 25

30-40 200
gth cleciles and 56 percentile for following distribution :
3. r.rnd median, quartiles,
Class interval I Classintervat f Class intemal f
r-2.99 6 '7-8'99 -56 t3-14.99 4
34.99 53 9-10'99 21 15-16.99 4
.s-6.99 85 ll-r2'99 16

2'99-5-4'995 etc'l
IHints. Adjust classes as 0'995-2'995,
. Measttres of Centrol Tendenca
goth percentilo and (lv) 68th percentile for the data given
4. Irinrl (l) 2nd decilc, (ir) 4th ilecile, (iii)
of each
bclow interpreting clcarly the significance

Age oJ'Haad Nu1ber Age of Head Number

fantitlt (yrs.)
(m)ttion) famillt (yrs') @illion)
Ilnder 25 2'22 45-54 9'4'l

25-2s 4'05 55-64 6'63

30-34 5'0tt 65-:74

3544 10.45 75 and over l'66


[Hints. Adiust the classcs as

Agc 14'5-24'5 24'5-34'5 34'544'5 44'5-54'5
2'22 g't3 10'45 9'47 """1
Marks (more than) 0 10 20 30 40 50

46 40 20 10 3
No. of sturlents 50
Draw an ogive on a graph and find
from following clata and check it against
6. Determine the median income graphically
Income (Ils.) No. of families
Income (Rs.) No. of families
300-375 58
Ilelow 75 69
167 375450
450 and over 10
150-225 207

225-3oo 6'5
per cent of dre observed families'
obtain the lirnits of income of central 50
\Vt. ifl gm. f Wt' in gm' f
4ro4lg 14 450-459 45

420429 20 460469 18

430-./39 42 470479 7

440449 54
in a certarn factorY determine :
g. rrrom the followi,g table showing the wage distribution workers
(a) Median rvages, (D) Wages rim$ rol3ioj
le 5}q/c'of wages earners (c) tlre percentage of
than I{s' 150 per
12-5. tal it" p....nLge wno earned more
who earned uet*eenirs. ?i uno Rs.
less than lls' 100 per week'
week. (e)'Lne percentage who earned
Weekly wages ofNo' wages
Weekly No' of

(in Rs.) employees fin Rs') empLoyees

2o4o 3 120-140 35

40-60 12 i40-160 18

60-80 20 160-180 7

80-100 30 180-200 5

100-120 40
llftethods & Stofisficol
Compttter arientedNunrericol
students in statistics :

9. Tlte followurg are tnarks obtained by 50

t0 20 30 40 '50 60
Marks (less than)
10 30 40 47 -50
No. of studelrts 4
Draw a curve on graPh and
rniddle 80o/o of studct-tts'
(i)'lhc range ot marks obtained by
results by direct formula calculatiotts'
(ii)'fhemedian, also vcrily your

27's'6' Med' =173'2'
3r.87-5, 3.6'4e,,u',il'' ro'q+r'o'8a'o':iiil'oo", 'en'st':2'17's' (c) +8' (d) 12' (e) 40'
8' (a) Med' -"i'08'i;"(b) 82'-5-132'14'
111.4 to 2?3.1,7.rt4",r ='a++,
e. (i) 3s.47 , (ii) 27 '5 '

$6. Mode
is dre rnost cotntn.n and
size' in ilre sense that it
rrumber of times. Th" ;;;';;
the most 'fashionable
the moilal s'irt size is that
arouncl it. For example,
has maximum morle has been derived from
typical. It is the value wrricrr "*io,.,
,;;r;i. ;ize' Actually ttre worct
*or. n.rrnn. than any is mosr common' In our
wtrich is wom by "rl*, ir is a characrerisric rvhich
ilrc Frcnch worcl
,La lr4,ffi, ,ril;]*r*, ,rurtnn.-'t'hu,
but rnode in our
rhcse we have no else
at,". *ni . talking about
wagc, height, weight,
rnost colnrllon incorne,
following definitions :
""'1;n. will be rnore clear fiom the
meaning and of mode
is the value which
ntost arriiir'; o";"tuttl; deJined *oa' *i "Mode
u,hich the otheritens'irr-irrrrlr,rurrrJ
arnriot in its immediarc
neighbourhood"' .cal,
the yahte
Iras the greatest frequlnri v'hich is mo$ frequent or $tptt
represetfis rhe value
In worcls ot yule andKendall,,,Mole
vattrc at the point arounct
which the
""i:';If ':rt::"'::J':i,
Co*den,,,rhe.motte of a distribution is .ttrc
of a series of
be most heatil), concentrate, ,;;r:;;r";;rarded as the most t1'pical
itemstentl to
of Mode- Individual Observation
$6.1. Calculation by inspection.
'[he value which occurs the maximum
mocle can be determined
In iildividual .bscn ation,
*-l::i]1ii:il:li:;Tlil farnilies in a tow,' carcurate rhe rnode of
;il:.. monthry i.come of rwerve

these incornes. MonthlY income

MonthlY income Sr No.
-ll: No'
I 280 i 80
8 94
2 180
9 100
a 96
10 75
4 98
11 600
5 104
12 200
6 75
Measrtres of Centrol Tendenca
Calculation of Mode
Size FrequentY
Size FreEunq
1m-120 n
2M 6
9 I20-I/0 15
4060 140-160 10
6&80 1CI-180 8
&1m t4 7

ny inspection modal class is 100-120

As Mode = \+Lxi,
fo = !4'-
i = 20
;.* Ir = too, {,: "'
.-.,) l, =1fi -./o l=8, Lz =l fi- fzl=5
Mode = 100+

the tbllowing data:

1. (lalculatc thc motle tiom 7 8 9
t 2 3 4 5 6 20
Sr.No" 18 15
27 24 12 2'l Z7

-. utd Mzuks obtained : l0

the clata given below :
i. .rnd 2. Calculate modal marks tiom 67
22' 26' 28' 33' 40' 45' 58'
Marks 25, 32, 59' 3'7' l'7'
60 61 62 63 64 6s 66 68 7o
,,. ;",i:',,::ttn';* 2
6 -5 10 20 22 24 6

No. of Persons 4
frequency distribution :
(b) Find the mode o[ the tbllowing
x:123456789101112 32 28 2A 45 14 O (P'u" BcA'tI' 2004)
y i 3 8 15 23 3-5 40
frequency distribution :
(c) Find the mode pf the following
Sizeil23456l89 8 e'U, BCA'lt' 2003)

frequency : 9 I 10 11 15 18 18 9
45 46
:,:fie wt. (in kg.) : 40 41 42 41 44 2 lP'u'' BCA'tt' 2002(s)l
t::s are
Irrequency : 8 10 12 li 8 5
the following distribution
(e) tlind the value of mocle for
9 10 11 12
x ', 4 5 6 7 8 2'7 40 20 20 tZ
(G'N'D'U, BCA'tt' 200s)
f : 15 18 12 30

) nc c takin g ft e num bcr o r I et te rs i tt

':- I3 t
ffiH : i;quenc v oi s1r1uu1io1
l:: i'^ :"*::i *'^*Til:lte
the mean' median and
dre words ut
66 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods & Stotisticol Techniques

[Hints. Np. of letters(X) 23456Total

f 5 ll 3 2 4 2s
IXI 03312102489
trx 89
X= = 3'SA, Med. = sizc of^25+t
71-!-!th. itern
t N=
= size of l3th iten = 3, mode = 3l
5. (a) Construct a freguency distribution of t}c rnarks obtained by 50 students in
Economics as given
42 "t5 2s 55 63 40 54 3e 53 5l
64 3s 35 33 5',7 6t 4t 48 6-5 45
6-5 53 20 36 70 82 47 55 64 30
45 45 18 49 59 -s0 42 -58 52 26
65 55 6s 42 ls .53 52 39 60 46
'Ihke first class inten al as 10-20.
(b) Clalculdte mode of the above distribution.
[Hints. size 'Ihlly Bar
Class I II III
l0-!0 il 2l
20-30 r r ,J

rm, rI zl
40--50 fm, fm, U t2)
50-60 t-til, il il, il il
60-70 tT-rr, il il ;) ,_j33
'l t2

80-90 ,l
Analysis Thble
r-'rL\ 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

I 1

Iv I I I
v I I I
VI 1 I 1

'lbtal I J 6 3 I

Moclal class is Sif-eO.l

6. Calculate the mode of the distribution given below :
Monthly Wages No. of workers Monthly wages No. of workers
(in Rs.) (in Rs.)
50-70 4 l-s0-170 8
70-90 44 170*190 t2
90-1 10 38 190-210 2
1 l0-130 28 210-230 2
130-150 6
Measures of Central Tendenc7 57
7.-F'ild modc lbr the following data :
-Y (less than) 5 t0 15 Z0 25 30 35 40
frequency 5 20 ?S 75 lt5 135 145 50
8. (l) From the following data, calculate mode and meclian :
Class intenal F'requency Cluss interyal F.requen_c1,
lo-20 4 10_60 124
r0-30 l6 l0-70 137
:;:nomics aS given 10-40 .56 l0-80 146
l0-50 9'1 t0-90 1.50
[Hints. Couvert iuto simple fiequency table.]
(ii) Wages No. of workers Wages No. of workers
0-.5 20 25_30 l6
5-r0 24 30_35 37
10-r5 32 3_s-40 l0
t5-20 28 4045 8 (P.U.,, 2002)
20-25 20
[Hints. By grouping analysis, we frnd modal class as 10_15]
(iii)Daily earnings (less than) 5 15 ZS 35 45 -55 65
No. of workers 0 15 40 80 110 130 140
9' (a) Given below are the weekly wages in Rs. of 60 workers in a factory
manufacturing plastic
products :
23,49,51,64,72,92,56,37,50,42,35, gg,77,65,39,52,4g,@,49,57,41,72,62,49,32,54,
67,46,55, 50, 92,44,7-5, 56, -51, 63, 59, 6g, 53,42,7-5, g-5, 6g, .5.5, 52,45, 42:,57" iO"
51"46, 5 I,
-50, 16, 62, 56, 54,40,55, 71.
(i) Ijorm a frequency distributio,, urking the lowest interval as l0-20.
(ii) Compute mode and median of above dara.
(b) 1-ltelbllowing table gives the number of computer keyboards assemhled at an clectronic company
lbr a sample of 24 days :
45 52 48 4t 56 46 66 44
56 48 46 53 54 47 53 43
55 M 47 49 50 .51 52 44
Prepare a fiequency distribution table and lind mean, median and mode
of these data.
{G.N.D.U., BCA.rr, 200q
lHints. (a) Class f Class f
10_20 I 50_60 2t
20-30 2 60-70 9
30-40 70-80
40_s0 13 80_90 4.1
10. From the data given below find mode, (using grouping methoi)
Age No. of persons Age No. ofpersons
20-25 50 4045 150
25-30 70 45-50 t20
30-35 80 -50-.55 70
3-s-40 180 5-5-60 80
11. C.alculate modal value liom the following data :
Income (tts.) (less thzur) 100 200 30C 400 500 600
No. ofpersons 8 ZZ 35 60 67 70
Computer Oriented Numeric.a! Methods & Sfof isticol Technique-.

l. 27, 2. Mode is a|sent, 3. (a) 64, 4. X = 3'56, Med. = 3, Mode = 3, 5. 52'86, 6,97'5,7.21.67 ,
8. (l) Merl. = 44.63,1r{orle = 40.67, (ii) Mode = 13.33, Med. = 1[1.84, (iji) Mode = 31, Med. =32'5,
9. (a) Mode = 54, Med. = 54'76,10.42'5, f 1. 340.

$7.4. Bimodal Series-Estimation of Mode from Mean and Median

'l'he technique discussed in previous section of finding mode fails in case of Bimodal series ( The series .utU -

which has two equal rnaximum fiequencies is called Bimodal series as shown in diagrarn below) :
For moderately asymmetrical distribution, there usually exists
Y a
relationship among mean, median and mode. The mean, median and
moile will have identical values for symmetrical distribution. But if the o
distribution is skewed (moderately), tlte mean, median ard mode will f

pull apart. If the distribution tails off towards higher values, the mean ILo
and rnedian will be greater than the motle, if it tails towards lower valuss,
the moclc rvill be greater than either of the other two measures, In other
wordsfortrro<Ieratelyasymmetricaldistribrrtionmean,medianandmode Mode Mode x
are related as Marks
Mode = Mean - 3(Mean - Median)
=3Median-2Mean "'(I)
It is known as empirical relationship between mean, median and mode. Wlten series is bimodal, the
value of mode catt be determincd by the empirical relationship.
Ill. 14. From the following data of weight of 122 persons determine the ntodal weight.
Weight (in No. of persons Weight (in lbs.) No. of persons
100-110 4 140-150 33

110-120 6 150-160 l7
120-130 2{) 160-170 8

130-140 32 170-180 2
Sol.It is not possible to hnd modal class by inspection. So we prepale a grouping table
Grouping Thble for calculating Mode
Weight No. ofpersons ilI IV VI

100-u0 4l
1 ro-r2o . I 26

120-130 ,o
trl 58
r3o-140 32

140-1.s0 .. ,NI
rso-l6o t7 )
160-170 t
I ,a)
170-l8o z)
Measrres of Centrol TendencY

te distributitltt
a,d quartiles tiom trre following data

l:e relationshiP 1. c*lcurate mean, lnode, median

Marks Not' of stur)ents Marks No' of students

0-10 2 40-50 35

.-:"iuned bY this 10-20 18 50{'}0 20

20-30 30 60-70 6

30-40 45 70-80 4
eaJe is 30'6 and (Q:) of the tbllowing data :

mode, meclitrn, lower quartile (Qr) and upper qua'tiles

P.U., BCA2013) 2. I:in6
Wages 0-10 10-20 20-30 3&40 40-50

No. of workers 22
38 46 35 20

3.Calculatemean,mediauandmodefromdatagivenbelow: 25
10 15 20 30
Mid value 5
15 25 30 15 10
firequcncy 5 c'f
EequencY curve' [Hints. Mid t'alne Cluss f
ode with the helP s 5 2'5J'5 5

10 1'5-12'5 15 20

1-5 l2'5-r'1'5 25 45

ght lines to those 20 17'5-22'5 30 75

c of the ad-ioining
25 22'5-27'5 15 90

30 2'7'5-32'5 10 1001
rmode indicated
^ lE''
= size of -50th item which lies ilr l7'5-22'5ciass
Mitl = s\z,eof 1
the data givcn bctow :
4. (a) Calculate mean, meclian and mode from
Marks No. of students Marks
No' of *udents

ro-25 6 55-70 26

2540 20 70-85 3

40-.s5 44 85-100 1

Marks : 0-20 2(-/,0 40-60 60-80

3 17 27 20 9
I'tequencY : clepots in a certirin territory'
of profit (in 000,s) earned by
5. Given below is tlre distribution
tind the modal value'
Profit No. of Book Profit
No. of Book
I DePots
a370x Bebw 10 0 Relow 60

Below 70 83
llelow 20 -5

Below 80 91
Below 30 14
llelow 90 94
Ilelow 40 27
- ,::dal series.
Below 50 48
Flere mode is ill deirned' we use empirical relation']
Conryuter oriented Numericol Methods & statisticar rechnig,es
- 6. Irind mcan, rnode and median of ilre following data llis"; !
: 14. Draw a
Wages No. of workers Wages No. of workers

above 0 650 above 40 300

('F -

above l0 -500 above -50 Z7S

above 20 425 above 60 250
above 30 375 above 70 100 It
4 ---
7. C'ompute Mode from the following data:
, Marks No, of students Marks 15.ltorn f'; ;
No. of srudents
above 0 150 above -50 0
above l0 t40
above 60 30 :-
above 20 100 above 70 I4
above 30 80 above 80 0 .:-
above 40 80 'lhe r': --
[Hints. It is bimodal series, find rnean, median anct then use Mocle 3 Median 16.
lhe \ 3- -:
- 2 Mean.l =
8. Amend Cla,c13:
the following table and locate the mode fiom the amended
Size FreEtency Size FreEtency Size Freqgency
f I
lO-l.s t0 20=]0 25 40 and 40
t6-t7.5 15 30-3-5 28 onwards
17.5-20 t7 3540 30
[Hints. Take the ctasses 10-20. 20-30,30-40,40_-501 1.! =Tl'i
9. Calculate mode from the following data:
Value Frequency Value L-requency Value Frequency 4. G) Irca
(4 328 20_29 664 50_59 a
378 = 39-z]
5_9 350 30_39 .598 60_69 244 ii. rao' l'
10-19 720 4049 524
IHints. Class T Class f Ctass f s?-5- F
-0.5-9.5 678 t9.5-29.5 6& 39.5_49..5 524 (f) ril
9.5-19.s 720 29.5-39.5 598 49.5_59.5 378 existiqgits
59.5-69.-5 2M (ia Nd
l0' In a moderately asymmetrical series, the value of arithmetic mean and mode are
20 and 16
respectively. Find Median s7-c
ll' In a moderately asymmetrical distribution mocle and mean are 32.1
and 35.4 resp. Find median. Mcrn
Does this relationship hold good for a symmetrical distribution ? (0(}
12. l1rc monthly profit in rupees of.l00 shops is distribute<l as follows cufluldilt
(ii| r
Profit per .rhop No. of shops shop No. of shops
profit per
0-100 t2 300_400 20 mosttili
100-200 18 400-s00 t7
(iio I
200-300 27 50M00 6
(i') (
f)raw a ltistogram of the data aml hence find the mcxlal value. Check
this valuc by clirect calculation.
13. calculatc modal value fiorn the following data by graphic their clr
method :
Its. 100 ZOO 300 400 500
Income (less than) (ti)
No. ofpersons I 22 35 60 67 70
of ther
Centrol TendencY
Meosures o I

class Frequency Size class

0-10 5 50-60 10

10-20 ll 60-70 8

20-30 19 70-80 6
3G40 2t 80-90 3

40-50 16 90-100 I
15. Irrom the data given below calculate mode.
Also construct a histogram and locatc modc'
Value Frecluency Value FrequencY

0-5 328 20-25 598

-5-10 350 25-30 524

10-15 720 30-35 378
15-20 6(4 35-40 244
.lhe known to be 33'-50 and 34 rcspectivcly' Find
16. median and mode of the following distribution are
: \{edian the values offi,fa,fs.
: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
.f:4t6hhfs64 [?. a., B c-A.rl, 2003 (S)]
GivenZf = 250.

1.X = 37'3125,Med.=36'67,Mocle=35'485' Qr-26'67'Qz=47'14'2'V=24'565'
24.457,Mode= 24'24l,Qt= 14'8'Qr=34'21'
3' X = 18'25' Med' = 18'33' \{6ds = 18'24'

M.; 6' Med'

frfoOe = 50'04, tlrousanrl, = 36'6'l '
4. (o) Med. = 4g.lg, = 42.95, ivlode = +g.0, S.
13. 340, 14. 32.9, 15. l7 '29

$7.5. ProPerties of Mode

existing item. large or
is not affected by the presence of cxtremely
(ii) Not affected by large or small items. Mode
small items.
r 20 and 16
$7.6. Merits and Demerits of
Merits. The tbllowing are merits of mode :
fud median. the help of histograrn' ogives or
(i) calculated graphically. Mode can be calculatcd graphically with
cannot be determined graphically'
cumulative frequency curve, where as mean
greatest conccntration' is the average
(ii) Average most typical. 'I"he mode being located at thc point of
most typical of the disfiibution'
(iii) Easy to understand' Mode can be easily understood'
inspection only' in rnany cases'
(iv) calcutated by inspection. Morle can be calculated bV
their class limits. not bc actual value
value oI data, where aS mean and median may
(vi) Actual values. Mode is tlle actual
of the variable.

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