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reflections on Shamanism
Petru I. Guset

Shamanism is a spiritual path and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to

connect with nature and all of creation. The essence of shamanism guides us on a
path to sustainable harmony with not only all humans, but with each and every
plant, animal, and spiritual entity, that is a part of our world. Shamanism stems from
nature itself. Shamanic practices tap into the powers of Mother Earth and are
derived from the simple truths of nature. Shamanism is not only concerned with the
health of the individual, but also with the health of the entire community; this
includes all people, plants, animals, and all of life.
We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything and every being have a
consciousness, and channels energy according to its capabilities. All matter,
including the physical body, is a gathering of universal energy. Our thoughts and
emotions are also a form of energy, and when in harmony with the living Universal
energy field, they become clear channels of divine harmony; the life force of the
Earth and cosmos flows through us smoothly and abundantly, guiding our evolution
as new perspectives are revealed, and advanced abilities are awakened within us.
These abilities include heightened creativity, extrasensory perception, and the
ability to bring about dramatic physical healing. The shaman learns to feel, sense,
and use this energy-consciousness without filtering or distorting it.
The energy-consciousness that flows through the shaman in ceremony
assists us in accepting our wounds and issues as they are and helps us to become
fully aware of their reasons for manifesting. We all experience pain at some point or
another and some experiences leave wounds that stay open even through many
lifetimes. By becoming aware of the patterns that keep these wounds open, we allow
them to heal naturally. Nothing needs to be undone or fixed, as our true nature is
whole and perfect. Allowance is the only thing needed to experience healing. The
shaman is gently pointing towards our darkest spots, our shadow self, and inviting
us to accept those aspects of ourselves that we don’t like, or feel separated from.
This way, we get to connect with our subconscious, where most of our true power
and magic resides. The energy-consciousness works with us so that we can bring
these subconscious aspects into our conscious experience of who and what we
really are. Through understanding the mystery of our Self we reach the mastery of
being whole.
Physical tissue at its deepest level is a gathering or concentration of
emotional energy. All physical life forms begin with a single emotional impulse. The
emotional energy is the framework for the physical body. We all build our own
unique emotional framework within our body, formed from both positive and
negative emotions. Stress, unaddressed traumas, and suppressed emotions build an
energetic framework containing disharmonious frequencies that affect the
integrity/tonicity of the biological fabric and interfere with the energy flow in our
being. For example, imagine the body as a guitar: the frequency of vibration of the
string change when we turn the tuning key. In the same manner, when the tonicity
or tension of the framework of the body changes, the frequency of vibration also
changes. When the emotional framework is off, the body becomes an out of tune
instrument. This alters the range of frequencies that the body can naturally channel.
An illness that does not respond to conventional treatment often indicates a
spiritual initiation process that leads to the disruption of normal life and withdrawal
from the ordinary life. The individual undergoes a period of physical, psychological,
and spiritual trial, where he must feel, understand, and integrate the most difficult
experiences of his life. By seeking answers to the mysteries of life and by turning
inward through meditation, new levels of awareness are reached. The individual
gains freedom from self-imposed restrictions and oppressive environments, which
can manifest as tension in the emotional framework network. He realizes that the
physical challenges, emotions, and people that cross his path, are all stimulants for
his own evolution, making him able to navigate life with more inner peace and trust
in the process. With less interference, the individual begins to channel universal life
force more freely and discover surprising abilities within. This transformation can
lead him to a higher purpose or destiny than previously imagined; he is given the
opportunity to heal himself and then share what he has learned. It can be argued
that the discovery and right use of our creative power is the main purpose of being
human. When we direct this power toward the progression of our skills, overcoming
personal challenges, and toward being helpful to each other, we assist the creative
evolution of the universe. This is when we become a shaman.
The shaman is like water, transforming himself to fit every possible situation
that manifests: ever evolving, flowing, and unfolding. He is a mirror without
distortions, in which we can see ourselves. The shaman does not offer quick fixes to
physical or psychological imbalances, and he does not offer a fast path to
enlightenment; he simply offers a journey within. When we reach and experience
the core, we begin to understand everything that happens around it. When we live
from our core, we can find true healing and empowerment.

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