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Context: This document outlines the last but very crucial capability of Vyakta’s capability matrix
measure, Pronunciation.

Objective: This document may be used by a coach, a client or any learner to understand about

 The need for Pronunciation in communication

 The meaning of Pronunciation
 How to Pronounce correctly

Why is Pronunciation needed?

Check these sentences out:

1. I love to slip for 8 hours

2. I love to sleep for 8 hours

In both the audio clips, the same sentence is being said by a person. The only difference is, in
the first Audio, the person has used a short sound (slip) in place of a long sound (sleep). And
that has changed the entire meaning of the sentence.

It is thus a common perception among people that if a person pronounces a word correctly, he
knows English, irrespective of him using any fancy word from the dictionary.

Thus pronunciation of the word correctly is of utmost importance.

What is it?

People come from various diversities. Their regional language has a lot of impact on how they
pronounce a word. Also, the way in which they perceive the meaning of a word also changes.
Thus, using the right way in which a language is pronounced helps the other person understand
that one knows English.

It also creates an impression in others eyes about your communication.

How do we use it?

You might have this question in your mind, “How do I understand what is the correct
pronunciation?” It is very hard to remember the sound. Hence, we have a tool which helps us in
writing the sounds like we write the letters in English.

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