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I. Fill in the blanks:

i) ------------- is the standard unit of temperature.
ii) Heat always flows from a body at ---------- temperature to a body at ----------
iii) ---------- air is lighter than -------- air.
iv) __________ breeze flows during night.
v) Sea breeze flows from ________ towards _____________
vi) __________ coloured clothes are preferred during summers because they are good
_____________ of heat.
vii) Measure of degree of hotness is called______________ .
viii) A___________ thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of melting
ix) A ________ present in a clinical thermometer maintains the mercury level even
after the thermometer has been removed from the contact with the human body.
x) Wind blows from a region of _____________ pressure to a region of _______

II. Define the following:

i) Heat
ii) Wind
iii) Conduction
iv) Convection
v) Radiation

III. Distinguish between the following:

i) Clinical Thermometer and Laboratory thermometer.
ii) Land breeze and Sea Breeze.

IV. Answer the following:

i) How does a quilt keep us warm during winters?
ii) (a) Three identical jars A, B, C are painted blue, black and white respectively. All
the three are filled with same amount of water at room temperature and then
placed in sunlight for an hour. Will the water in the three jars be at the same
temperature after one hour? Why/ Why not?
(b) In the situation described above, arrange the jars in the ascending order of
their temperatures.
iii) Why is a room heater placed near the floor and not higher up?
iv) Why ventilators are placed near the roof in a room?
v) Why are metal spatulas provided with wooden handles?

V. Draw a labeled diagram of clinical thermometer.

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