Potassic-Ultrapotassic Mafic Rocks Delineate Two Lithospheric Mantle Blocks Beneath The Southern Peruvian Altiplano

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Potassic-ultrapotassic mafic rocks delineate two lithospheric

mantle blocks beneath the southern Peruvian Altiplano

G. Carlier* IRD, UR X199, 213, rue la Fayette, 75480 Paris, France, and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR
7160 (Minéralogie-Pétrologie) and MNHN, USM 201, 61, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
J.P. Lorand Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 7160 (Minéralogie-Pétrologie) and Muséum National d’Histoire
Naturelle, USM 201, 61, rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
J.P. Liégeois Isotope Geology, Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium
M. Fornari l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, UMR 6526 Géosciences Azur, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Parc Valrose, 06108 Nice cedex 02, France
P. Soler Laboratoire d’Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie, UMR 7617 CNRS/IRD/UPMC/MNHN, Mision en el Peru,
La Mariscala 115, San Isidro, Lima 18, Peru
V. Carlotto INGEMMET, Avenida Canada 1470, San Borja, Lima 41, Peru
J. Cárdenas Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Avenida de la Cultura, Cusco, Peru

ABSTRACT itory Table 1)1 reported along with key min-

The Altiplano of southern Peru displays a large spectrum of Cenozoic potassic (K) and eralogical features, a compilation of
ultrapotassic (UK) mafic rocks that delineate two deep lithospheric mantle blocks that radiometric ages (including seven new data;
have undergone different depletion and enrichment events. Phlogopite lamproites indicate Table 2 [see footnote 1]), and new Sr-Nd iso-
that the eastern Altiplano block is underlain by a metasomatized harzburgitic mantle of topic compositions for 20 samples (Table 3;
Paleoproterozoic to Archean age (depleted mantle age, TDM 5 1130–2485 Ma; «Nd 5 25.0 see footnote 1). Evolved rocks (MgO , 4
to 211.4; 87Sr/86Sri 5 0.7100–0.7159). Beneath the western Altiplano block, the presence wt%) containing plagioclase or K-feldspar
of a younger (TDM 5 837–1259 Ma; «Nd 5 10.6 to 26.3; 87Sr/86Sri 5 0.7048–0.7069) phenocrysts that indicate extensive fractional
metasomatized lherzolitic mantle is deduced from multiple occurrences of diopside-rich crystallization and minette samples that as-
K-UK lavas (leucitites, leucite-bearing tephrites, olivine, and diopside trachybasalts). A similated crustal materials and/or mixed with
third suite of young (,2 Ma) K-UK rocks outlines the active Cusco Vilcanota fault system peraluminous granites were not included in
separating the western and eastern Altiplano blocks; this third suite, composed of the present database because these petroge-
diopside-phlogopite lamproites and augite kersantites, minettes, and trachybasalts, sam- netic processes may have obscured mantle
pled a composite mantle source that probably included an asthenospheric component source characteristics (Carlier et al., 1997;
(TDM 5 612–864 Ma; «Nd 5 21.1 to 23.5; 87Sr/86Sri 5 0.7051–0.7062), in addition to Sandeman and Clark, 2004). Geochemical
lithospheric components inherited from the eastern and western Altiplano blocks. The data, coupled with petrographic observations,
spatial distribution of the south Peruvian K-UK magmatism suggests that K-UK melts suggest that at least two lithospheric blocks of
reached the surface through reuse of older translithospheric weakness zones extending at different age and composition exist beneath
least to the depth of magma generation. These latter were reactivated by a dextral tran- the south Peruvian Altiplano; that K and UK
spressional regime imposed on the two rigid lithospheric blocks by the Andean orogen. magmas obey general tectonic controls on a
regional scale; and that pre-Andean structures
Keywords: Altiplano, Peru, potassic-ultrapotassic rocks, lithospheric mantle. were reactivated during Cenozoic time.


INTRODUCTION In southern Peru, Cenozoic K-UK rocks are
In the eastern Altiplano, K-UK rocks are
Although mafic potassic (K) and ultrapotas- common within the Inner Arc domain of the
early Miocene (25–23 Ma) sanidine- and
sic (UK) rocks are, by volume, a small group, Andean orogen (Sandeman et al., 1995, 1997; orthopyroxene-phlogopite lamproites, and late
they are of great interest because their very Carlier et al., 1997; Carlier and Lorand, 1997, Miocene (7.5 Ma) olivine minettes (Table 2;
high concentrations of incompatible trace el- 2003; Sandeman and Clark, 2004). These are see footnote 1). Liquidus minerals are Ti-
ements are products of enrichment processes small (#50 km2) monogenic stocks, plugs, and Al-poor fluorophlogopite in sanidine-
that affect the subcontinental lithospheric necks, dikes, or volcanoes, all closely associ- phlogopite lamproites and olivine minettes,
mantle beneath cratonic and circum-cratonic ated with calc-alkaline felsic and shoshonitic and enstatite and augite in orthopyroxene-
areas (McKenzie and Bickle, 1988). Current volcanic and intrusive rocks. K-UK rocks and phlogopite lamproites (Carlier et al., 1997;
petrogenetic models suggest that K-UK mag- associated calc-alkaline and shoshonitic intru- Carlier and Lorand, 2003). Sanidine- and
mas are the earliest melts to be generated sions occur in three tectonic settings (Fig. 1): orthopyroxene-phlogopite lamproites are ul-
when the metasomatized lithospheric mantle along the still-active, NW-trending Cusco trapotassic (K2O/Na2O . 2), CaO poor (,4
beneath these areas undergoes heating and ex- Vilcanota fault system, which separates the wt%), and enriched in compatible transition
tension (Gibson et al., 1995; Peccerillo, 1999). Peruvian Altiplano into two structural blocks, elements (115–364 ppm Ni, 0.57 , Mg# ,
Thus, K-UK magmas can provide information the western and eastern Altiplano; along 0.73) (Fig. 2). Olivine minettes differ by hav-
on the composition and geometry of discrete NNW-trending magmatic lineaments within ing slightly higher CaO contents (5.5 wt%)
lithospheric mantle domains where surface ex- the eastern Altiplano; and along WNW- and much lower K2O/Na2O (0.8), likely re-
posures of mantle rocks or mantle xenoliths trending magmatic lineaments within the
are lacking. western Altiplano.
1GSA Data Repository item 2005116, Tables 1–

3, is available online at www.geosociety.org/pubs/

*Present address: Laboratoire de Minéralogie,
This paper presents major and trace element ft2005.htm, or on request from editing@
USM 201, MNHN, CP 52, 61, rue Buffon, 75005 data for 33 south Peruvian K-UK rock sam- geosociety.org or Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O.
Paris, France; e-mail: gabi@mnhn.fr. ples (including 27 new analyses; Data Repos- Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA.

q 2005 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or editing@geosociety.org.
Geology; July 2005; v. 33; no. 7; p. 601–604; doi: 10.1130/G21643.1; 4 figures; Data Repository item 2005116. 601
Figure 1. Structural sketch map and location of potassic-ultra potassic (K-UK), calc-alkaline,
and shoshonitic magmatic intrusions in southern Peruvian Altiplano (rock nomenclatures
after Woolley et al., 1996). 1—leucitites, leucite-bearing tephrites, phonotephrites, tephri-
phonolites, trachytes, theralites; 2—diopside trachybasalts; 3—olivine trachybasalts; 4— Figure 2. K2O vs. Na2O and CaO vs. TiO2
shoshonite suites; 5—metaluminous felsic intrusions; 6—diopside-sanidine-phlogopite plots discriminating different potassic
lamproites; 7—augite kersantites; 8—augite minettes; 9—augite trachybasalts; 10— (K) and ultrapotassic (UK) rocks of
high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic suites; 11—sanidine-phlogopite lamproites; 12— southern Peruvian Altiplano. (Symbols
orthopyroxene-phlogopite lamproites; 13—olivine minettes; 14—orthopyroxene minettes as in Figure 1.) Note that low K2O/N2O
and shoshonites; 15—peraluminous felsic intrusions. 14 and 15 are after Carlier et al. (1997), (<0.4) ratios of leucitites and leucite-
Sandeman et al. (1997), Carlier and Lorand (2003), Sandeman and Clark (2004), and unpub- bearing tephrites are ascribed to general
lished data. Straight lines indicate main magmatic lineaments. analcitization affecting leucite and glass,
feature commonly observed in this rock
type (i.e., Gibson et al., 1995; Cvetkovic
flecting the strong hydrothermal alteration of during the late Miocene (5–6 Ma), rare olivine et al., 2004).
the rocks. Both lamproites and minettes dis- trachybasalts (Table 2; see footnote 1). The
play similar incompatible trace element pat- liquidus (or near-liquidus) mineral is an Al (1–
terns characterized by very high large ion lith- 5 wt%) and Fe31 (2–5.wt%) rich diopside that nificantly younger than those of the eastern
ophile element (LILE) contents (BaPM # typically coexists with titanomagnetite. Com- Altiplano (Fig. 4B).
1200; UPM # 1000; the subscript PM indi- pared with the eastern Altiplano K-UK rocks, The K-UK rocks that occur proximal to the
cates primitive mantle normalized), a huge their bulk-rock compositions are characterized Cusco-Vilcanota fault system are Quaternary
positive Pb anomaly (PbPM/CePM 5 2.3– by higher CaO contents (8.5–11.7 wt%) for (0–2 Ma) in age (Table 3; see footnote 1).
10.9), strong light rare earth element (LREE) similar TiO2 (0.9–1.5 wt%) and Al2O3 con- These are diopside-sanidine-phlogopite lam-
enrichment (LaPM 5 107–153; LaPM/YbPM 5 tents (11.5–16 wt%) (Fig. 2). Other differenc- proites (Carlier and Lorand, 1997), augite mi-
21–30), and a marked negative Nb-Ta anom- es with eastern Altiplano K-UK bulk-rock nettes, kersantites, and trachybasalts (Fig. 1).
aly (NbPM/LaPM , 0.4) without a correspond- analyses include lower compatible transition The liquidus mineral in diopside-sanidine-
ing negative Zr-Hf anomaly (ZrPM/SmPM 5 phlogopite lamproites is an Al- and Ti-poor
element contents (except one olivine trachy-
0.9–1.3; Fig. 3). Such ratios are diagnostic diopside. Their whole-rock major element
basalt with 247 ppm Ni and 610 ppm Cr) and,
geochemical features of K-UK melts erupted compositions are characterized by K2O/Na2O
on average, lower incompatible trace element
in convergent margins with active subduction . 5, high TiO2 (1.9–2.7 wt%), and low Al2O3
contents (BaPM , 300; ThPM 5 30–100; LaPM
(i.e., Peccerillo, 1999; Conticelli et al., 2002; (,12.8 wt%) contents (Fig. 2). The other
Cvetkovic et al., 2004) or of the remelting of 5 27–165; LaPM/YbPM 5 6–40). Primitive rocks (kersantites, minettes, trachybasalts) dis-
such a source. Sr-Nd isotopic data define a mantle–normalized patterns display some fea- play Ti-poor and Al-rich augite as liquidus
trend toward an Rb-enriched reservoir («Nd 5 tures of subduction-related K-UK lavas (pos- mineral. Their major element compositions
28.5 to 211.4; 87Sr/86Sri 5 0.7103–0.7159) itive Ba, Sr, Pb anomalies coupled with strong are characterized by K2O/Na2O , 2 and in-
in an 87Sr/86Sri vs. «Nd diagram (Fig. 4A). All Nb, Ta, and very slight Zr, Hf negative anom- termediate CaO (6–8.5 wt%) contents for sim-
eastern Altiplano K-UK rocks yield old TDM alies; Fig. 3). Isotopic compositions plot with- ilar TiO2 and Al2O3 concentration ranges
(depleted mantle) model ages, ranging from in the enriched domain of the mantle array; compared with the potassic mafic rocks from
1130 to 2485 Ma (Fig. 4B). i.e., they are 87Sr/86Sr enriched relative to the the eastern Altiplano and western Altiplano
In the western Altiplano, K-UK magmas bulk silicate earth, although much less so than (Fig. 2). Diopside-sanidine-phlogopite lam-
erupted during the Oligocene (28–30 Ma), those of the eastern Altiplano samples (Fig. proites have low Ni (,100 ppm) and Mg#
producing leucitites, leucite-bearing tephrites, 4A). Likewise, TDM model ages (837–1241 (,0.57), similar to western Altiplano K-UK
theralites, and diopside trachybasalts, and, Ma) for the western Altiplano samples are sig- rocks, whereas the other potassic mafic rocks

602 GEOLOGY, July 2005

Figure 3. Incompatible el-
ement abundances nor-
malized to primitive man-
tle values. Normalizing
values after McDonough
and Sun (1995). Symbols
as in Figure 1.

Figure 4. A: «Nd vs. 87Sr/86Sri plot for K

(potassic) and UK (ultrapotassic) Peruvi-
an rocks. DM—depleted mantle; BSE—
bulk silicate earth; EM I and EM II—type
I and type II enriched mantle. B: Cumu-
lative probability of TDM model ages of
three domains. Curves were calculated
by Isoplot software (Ludwig, 1999). Sym-
bols as in Figure 1.

Altiplano and western Altiplano indicate that

the two mantle sources evolved separately for
a long time.
In the eastern Altiplano, phlogopite lampro-
have Ni contents and Mg# comparable to east- (e.g., Gibson et al., 1995). The regional com- ites crystallized from silica-saturated Ca- and
ern Altiplano phlogopite lamproites. However, positional variability of the Altiplano K-UK Al-poor reduced melts derived from carbon-
all are strongly enriched in LILE, with similar rocks cannot be accounted for by different de- bearing phlogopite-rich harzburgitic mantle
concentrations of BaPM (1000–2000), higher grees of contamination of these melts by the (Carlier et al., 1997; Carlier and Lorand, 2003,
LREE (LaPM 5 165–449; LaPM/YbPM 5 37– continental crust because contaminated sam- and references therein). An important contri-
110), and lower Rb, Th, and U contents than ples were not included herein, and because the bution of orthopyroxene in the melting assem-
the eastern Altiplano K-UK rocks (Table 1; low silica and very enriched incompatible el- blage is necessary to explain their high Si con-
see footnote 1). The primitive mantle– ement contents would have been erased by a tent; the presence of olivine accounts for their
normalized patterns for diopside-sanidine- crustal input. Likewise, the lack of consistent high Mg#s and high compatible transition el-
phlogopite lamproites display strong positive covariation trends between major elements ement contents. Harzburgitic lithologies char-
Ba anomalies, but lack negative high field acterize cratonic to pericratonic mantle (Poud-
(e.g., Ca), highly incompatible trace elements
strength element (HFSE) anomalies (NbPM/ jom Djomani et al., 2001), an observation
(e.g., Th, La/Yb), and radiogenic isotopes ex-
LaPM . 0.8; ZrPM/SmPM . 0.9). In contrast, clude any model that would explain the re-
supported by the old TDM model ages of east-
the patterns for kersantites, minettes, and ern Altiplano K-UK rocks (1130–2485 Ma,
gional space and time variability of the Alti-
trachybasalts display such anomalies (Fig. 3). Fig. 4B). Their Nd-Sr isotopic signature re-
plano K-UK rocks in terms of differing
Isotopic ratios, although more homogeneous quires an old 143Nd depletion, followed by Rb
degrees of partial melting of a unique and ho-
(«Nd 5 21.1 to 23.2, 87Sr/86Sri 5 0.7052– enrichment (Proterozoic or older in age). This
mogeneous mantle source. enrichment can be related to metasomatism
0.7062), are similar to those of the Western
Modern petrogenetic models involve two- having precipitated Ti-rich oxides in the lith-
Altiplano samples and plot within the 87Sr/
86Sr-enriched domain of the mantle array (Fig. stage processes in the mantle source of mafic ospheric mantle source of eastern Altiplano K-
K-UK melts: first, long-term major element UK rocks, as indicated by their trace element
4A). The K-UK rocks that occur proximal to
depletion by melt removal, and second, youn- signatures. In addition, variable contributions
the Cusco-Vilcanota fault system yield even
ger metasomatic enrichments in LILE and oth- from a volumetrically minor asthenospheric
younger TDM model ages (612–864 Ma) com-
pared with both eastern Altiplano and western er incompatible trace elements (McKenzie and component having a depleted mantle signature
Altiplano samples (Fig. 4B). Bickle, 1988; Peccerillo, 1999). Because they are needed to account for the wide spectrum
display the same characteristic petrogenetic of eastern Altiplano K-UK rocks in Figure 4A.
DISCUSSION features through time within each domain of A more oxidized, clinopyroxene-rich mantle
High (87Sr/86Sr)i and low «Nd, coupled with the Altiplano, the south Peruvian K-UK rocks source is necessary to account for the Ca-rich
high to extreme enrichment in incompatible are likely to have originated in two composi- western Altiplano K-UK rocks that systemati-
trace elements and high La/Yb ratios relative tionally distinct lithospheric mantle domains cally precipitated Fe31-rich clinopyroxene and
to primitive mantle, are characteristic features that have different metasomatic histories. Ti-magnetite. Derivation from wherlitic sources
of magmas dominated by melts from the en- Moreover, significant differences in 87Sr/86Sri with contribution of clinopyroxene in the melt-
riched subcontinental lithospheric mantle and «Nd between K-UK rocks of the eastern ing assemblage would account for the low

GEOLOGY, July 2005 603

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604 GEOLOGY, July 2005

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