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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Date: Time: Start: 12:00PM

3/4 R 11/9/18
Finish: 1:00PM
Key Learning Area: Lesson Topic:
Geography Exploring the needs of Animals that call wildlife parks home.
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
Students have previously touched base on what animals need to survive. Their last lesson was based on what a dolphin needs to survive.
Students have prior knowledge of native Australian Animals.

Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Assessment:

One or two only. Please note the Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of Strategies which will be used to assess
syllabus reference number AND write outcome(s). Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, learners’ attainment of learning
out in full. specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be outcomes. Should be linked to each
used as headings. learning indicator.
- Examines features and
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
characteristics of places and - Ss collaboratively create a concept map
environments (GE2.1) - Identify the importance of natural vegetation to animals based on Featherdale wildlife park.
and the functioning of their environment.
- T is constantly moving around checking
- Acquires and communicates - Identify features of an Australian animal’s habitat. on the progress of groups, offering
geographical information using feedback and help if required.
geographical tools for inquiry

Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Brainstorming website-
Ss move around the classroom is small Youtube Clip-
groups Images, ipad, laptops, geography books and pen.

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Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
(What is Taught): (mins) (How it is taught)

Ss and T gather on the floor. Brainstorming website
The T questions the students if the remember where they are Youtube clip
going tomorrow. Featherdale Wildlife Park.
T then questions the students what they think they will see at
Brainstorm- the wildlife park on their excursion.
Kangaroos, Koalas, Birds, Owls, 15 One Ss with their hands raised is asked to speak at a time.
enclosures, Habitats, snakes etc. minutes The Ss responses are recorded using
Ss the watch a youtube clip about the park is shown to the
(This brainstorm will be added to once the class.
return from the wildlife park) Following the clip the T then asks students if they have
anything else to the brainstorm.
T questions students if the remember from there last lesson
what do dolphins need in order to survive? Focusing on food,
10 water, shelter etc.
minutes Once Ss have answered this question.
The T shows the class an image of a dolphin’s habitat made of Please see Appendix 1.
craft items.
T explains that along with looking and meeting the native
Australian animals tomorrow. T has a mission for the students
to complete once they return to school.
This mission is to recreate a native Australian animal that calls
the park home enclosure. They are to build the enclosure
using craft items to address the needs of the animal.
T splits the class into mixed ability groups of 3-4.
25 Each group then gather together and begin researching native Ipad/ laptop
Ss are to begin to research what their minutes animals that live at the park.
animals needs in order to survive. Groups are asked to decide on what animal enclosure they will
be investigating on their excursion.
Students may begin to gain knowledge about their animal’s Geography Book
needs. Ss may like to record these points.
T roams the classroom during this time to assist each group
with finding an animal.

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Ss return to the floor. One group at a time moves to the
Each group is asked to share what animal enclosure they will floor.
Bag contains- be recreating after their excursion.
A charged Ipad, paper, pens, During this time, a student from each group is asked to pack
10 their groups “Excursion Investigation Bag”
minutes In closing T shows the class some images of signs around the See appendix 2
park that may help them develop an understanding of what
their native animal needs in order to survive.
(add further pages as required)

Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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