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Hypothesis: The grass needs sunlight to photosynthesize

Aim: To determine the effect sunlight has on the ability of the grass to


Samples A,B & C 100ml measuring cylinder, 150ml beaker, 3 test tubes,
test tube holder, ethanol, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, gauze, 3 test tube
holders, iodine solution, dropper


Leave bucket on grass for 1 week then obtain 3 samples of grass, 2 from
under the bucket and around the bucket.

Label samples A, B and C respectively.

Measure 100ml of water using a 100ml measuring cylinder and pour water
into a 150ml beaker.

Place samples B and C into 2 separate test tubes and pour enough ethanol
to cover each leaf.

Set up Bunsen burner, tripod stand and gauze. Place beaker of water on
gauze and allow to boil.

Place both test tubes of ethanol into beaker of boiling water using test tube
holders and note any changes.

Remove test tubes and place into test tube holder. Remove sample B and C
and place on 2 separate white tiles.

Rinse each leaf with distilled water and add two drops of iodine solution
using a dropper.

Control: Sample A

Controlled Variable: Samples Used

Manipulated variable: Exposure to Sunlight

Responding Variable: Colour of leaves

Limitations: samples may not have been of the same size, varying amounts
of iodine solution were placed on samples.

Expected Results:
Sample A would have been yellow before and after experiment. Samples B
and C would have been green before experiment and changed to blue-black.


Sample C changed to blue black as the iodine reacted with starch present.
This indicates that it was able to photosynthesize. Sample B remained
yellow as there was no starch to react with the iodine solution. This
indicates that photosynthesis could not occur.

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