Operaciones Unitarias

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The sixth consecutive Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Review is

presented on the following pages. Sixteen sections, the same ones ap-
pearing in our 1950 review, are represented in this appearance of the
annual feature.

The 1951 volunle of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry again will

carry in September and October, respectively, the fourth Unit Processes
and fifth Materials of Construction reviews. These also have become
established annual features of the publication since their first appear-
ance in 1948 and 1947.

Molecular Stills Used in Pilot Manufacture of Distilled Monoglycerides


ABSORPTION AND R. L. PIGFORD received his B.S. from Mississippi State College
HUMIDIFICATION (1938) and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (1940
41 and 1942, respectively). Until August 1947 he was with Du Pont,
Wilmington, Del., where he engaged in research and plant design
problems in the field of diffusional operations. Since September
1947 he has been chairman of the department of chemical engi-
neering at the Cniversity of Delaware.

ADSORPTI0N B. L. HARRIS (born in Savannah, Ga., 1917) received his B.E.

(1938) and Ph.D. (1941) in chemical engineering a t The Johns
Hoplcins University. A t present he is assistant professor of chemi-
cal engineering a t The Johns Hoplrins University and a consultant
in the Office of the Chief, Chemical Corps, U. S. Army. He is e
member of the American Chemical Society and associate member
of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

CENTRIFUGATION JAMES 0. MALONEY is head of the department of chemical engi-

neering and director of the Research Foundation a t the University
55 of Kansas. He was born in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1915, and received
his B.S.(Ch.E.) from the University of Illinois in 1936 and his M.S.
and Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State College in 1939 and 1941,
Maloney is a member of the American Chemical Society and the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

CRYSTALLIZATION C. S. GROVE, JR., professor of chemical engineering a t Syracuse

University, was born in Oneida, N. Y., in 1905. Grove holds the
following degrees: A.B., Lenoir Rhyne College, 1925; B.S. and
Ch.E., N. C. State College, 1928 and 1932; M.S., M.I.T., 1934; and
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1942. He is a member of the
American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engi-
neers, and American Society for Engineering Education.

JOSEPH B. GRAY (born in 1915 a t Annapolis, Rld.) teaches ehemi-

cal engineering a t Syracuse University. He received hi5 B.A. in
chemistry from St. John’s College (1936), and B.S. in gas engineer-
ing (1938) and Ph.D. in chemical engineering (1941) from The Johns
Hoplrins University. Gray is a member of the American Chemical
Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Sigma Xi,
Gamma Alpha, Phi Lambda Upsilon, and Alpha Chi Sigma.

HIGH TEMPERATURE T. J. WALSH obtained his B.Ch.E. (1939) and M.Ch.E. (1941) from
DISTILLATION Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Ph.D. (1948) from Case Insti-
63 tute of Technology, where he is associate professor of chemical engi-
neering. Walsh is coholder ( w i t h R. E. Burk) of U. S. patent
(assigned t o Standard Oil of Ohio) ‘$Apparatus for Liquid Con-
tracting for Fractionating, etc.” He is a consulting chemical
engineer and a member of Alpha Chi Sigma.
HIGH VACUUM I(. C. D. HICKMAN (born in London, 1896) studied a t the Royal
DISTILLATION College of Science and London University (B.S., Ph.D.). In 1950
68 Hickman, the inventor of the modern molecular still, received
a John Price Wetherill Medal for his work on molecular distillation,
particularly for his vitamin distillation work. He is a consultant
to Eastman Kodak Company and Arthur D. Little, Inc., and is a
member of the American Chemical Society.

DRYING SAMUEL J. FRIEDMAN joined the Du Pont staff in 1941. Much

of his time has been devoted to research and development work
70 in the fields of heat transfer and drying. He was born in Cleveland,
Ohio, in 1918 and educated a t Case Institute of Technology (B.S.
and M.S.). He is a licensed professional engineer and a member of
the American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

EVAPORATION W. L. BADGER, author of “Heat Transfer and Evaporation” and

coauthor of ‘(Inorganic Chemical Technology” and “Elements of
Chemical Engineering,” was born in Minneapolis in 1886. He at-
tended the University of Minnesota, M.S., 1909. Badger is a con-
sulting chemical engineer and a member of the American Chemical
Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Execu-
tive Committee on Heat Transfer of the National Research Council.

R. A. LINDSAY was born in Detroit in 1915; he attended the Uni-

versity of Michigan and obtained his B.S. in 1939 and M.S. in 1940.
Since 1941 he has worked with W. L. Badger on heat transfer and
evaporation at Dow Chemical Company and is now a t their main
office in Midland, Mich. With coauthors, Lindsay has published
several papers on heat transfer. He is a member of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers.

SOLVENT EXTRACTION ROBERT E. TREYBAL (born 1915, New York) is professor of

79 chemical engineering a t New York University. He received his
B.S.Ch.E. (1935)and M.S. (1936)from New York University and his
Ph.D. (1942)from Columbia University. Treybal has published the
results of many researches in extraction, and a book entitled
“Liquid Extraction” is in preparation. He is a member of the
American Chemical Society and Sigma Xi.

FILTRATION SHELBY A. MILLER was born in Louisville, Ky., in 1914. He re-

ceived degrees of B.S. from the University of Louisville in 1935,
and of Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1944. His present
position is professor of chemical engineering, University of Kansas.
Miller is a licensed professional engineer and a member of the
American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, and the American Society for Engineering Education.

FLUID DYNAMICS 3IAX LEVA (born 1913 near Ludwigshafen, Germany) is a con-
90 sulting chemical engineer. He studied a t the University of Cin-
cinnati (B.S.) and Carnegie Institute of Technology (M.S.). While
with the Bureau of Mines Leva directed research on fluid flow, heat
flow, and fluidization. He is a member of the American Chemical
Society, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and is a
registered professional engineer.

11UHRAY WEINTRAUB (born in New k’orli, 1918) received his l3.Y.

in chemical engineering from The Cooper Union Institute of
Technology. He spent four years with the chemical operations
rlirision of the Huntsville Arsenal and since 1945 has been engaged
in engineering research and process development with the Bureau
of htines. Weintraub is a memher of the American Chemical
Society and American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

HEAT TRANSFER GEOHGE T. SKAPERDAS (born in New York C i t y in 1914) studied

chemical engineering at McGill University (B.Eng., 1936) and at
99 RIassachusetts Institute of Technology (S.M., 1938 and Sc.D., 1940).
He is now working on process and equipment development and
design with The R.1. W. Kellogg Company, New York, N . Y. Slia-
perdas is a member of the American Chemical Society, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, and Sigma Xi.

BON EXCHANGE ROBERT ICLNIN (born in West New York, N. J., in 1918) recei.red
his B.S. (1939) and Ph.D. (1942) from Kutgers University. M e
102 supervises research and development of ion exchange resins for the
Resinous Product Division, Rohni & Haas Company. Kunin spent
two years as research chemist for TVA, a year a t Mellon Institute
on the Petroleum Refining Fellowship, and two years during the
war on the Manhattan Project a t Columbia University.

MATERIALSHANDLING ROBERT E. WRIGHT (born in Oconto, Wis., 1917) received his

B.S.3I.E. from the Cniversity of Wisconsin in 1940. Since then he
has been with Monsanto Chemical Company, working on design
and construction of chemical plants. Wright is a contributing
editor of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry on the subject
of materials handling. He is a memher of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers and is a registered professional engineer.

MIXING .J. IIENHY RL SHTON, professor of chemical engineering is

director of the department a t Illinois Institute of Technology and
director of research for Mixing Equipment Company, Rochester,
N. Y. He attended the University of Pennsylvania (B.S. and
Ph.D.). Rushton is the author of numerous scientific articles.
He is a member of the American Chemical Society, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, and Society of Chemical Industry.

SIZE REDUCTION LlNCOLN T. WORK (born 1898, Hartford, Conn.) received his A.B.,
Ch.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University. Early in
1949 Work resigned as director of research a t Metal & Thermit
Corporation to engage in private consulting work. He is a consult-
ing engineer and his offices are with Singmaster and Bre5er.
Work was chairman of the Division of Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry of the American Chemical Society for 1950.

Theoretical articles on absorption have appeared more frequently during the past year diffusion proportional to the relative
than reports of equipment performance) most of the useful performance data were presented at velocities of molecules, Wilke (97)
the American Chemical Society’s Symposium on Absorption and Extraction. Experimental showed that the appropriate average
and theoretical studies of molecular diffusion have been published frequently. diffusion coefficient for the diffusion
of a single component, A , through a
stagnant mixture of two or more

UBLISHED research in this field included a series of papers components is the harmonic mean of the diffusion coefficients of
.. given a t the Christmas Symposium on Absorption and Ex-
traction, held by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY’S Division
A with each of the stagnant components, weighed with respect to
the mole fraction of the A-free mixture. Methods for calculating
of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry in Columbus, Ohio. rates of simultaneous diffusion of two components through a
Papers on thgoretical subjects have been more numerous, how- third stagnant component have been available since the integra-
ever, than those dealing with operating characteristics of ab- tion of the kinetic equation by Gilliland (34). The resulting
sorbers. equations, though theoretically accurate, are nevertheless very
Existing performance data for cooling towers and humidifica- tedious to use for computation. Wilke (97) has proposed an ap-
tion equipment were summarized in the new, third edition of proximate method of handling this problem, which is much simpler
Perry’s “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook” (70) in a completely t o use and gives good agreement with the exact method.
revised section by Hillen, Carrier, and De Flon. Little attention Fairbanks and Wilke (87) measured the diffusion coefficients
is devoted to the theory of this equipment; the section is dis- of organic vapors through binary mixtures of inert gases. The
tinguished by the ease of application of data by means of align- experimental method is a new one and was suggested by Arnold’s
ment charts and graphs. A similar treatment is included in the ( 8 ) mathematical treatment of diffusion into a semi-infinite me-
new, twelfth edition of Kent’s (‘Mechanical Engineers’ Hand- dium. The effect of the ratio of the inert components in the
book” (79). Sections 8 and 10 of Perry’s book (70)are new and vapor on the diffusivity was experimentally in agreement with
present for the iirst time in a handbook a summary of the general the theory developed by Wilke (97) on the basis of the classical
principles of the several diffusional unit operations as well as an diffusion theory. New data were reported (42)for the diffusion
up-to-date summary of design methods and data applicable t o coefficients of water vapor through hydrogen-nitrogen mixtures.
absorbers. Birks and Bradley (7)determined the diffusion coefficient of
Van Krevelen (53) reviewed the subject of gas absorption in di-n-butyl phthalate in air, hydrogen, and Freon-12 by measuring
general, summarizing his own previously published data as well the rates of evaporation of small droplets. Bradley and Shellard
as some of the older American data. (9) made similar mwurementa in air for droplets of n-C16H3,,
n-C~,Hse, and n-ClsH38. The “wet-bulb depreasion” was deter-
mined in these testa by finding the air temperature a t which the
drops solidified. Diffusivities of about 40 organic vapors in air,
Hirschfelder, Bird, and Spotz (43)gave an excellent discussion carbon dioxide, O r hydrogen were compared (66)with the Gilli-
of the new formulas which they have developed for computing land formula, which required a small correction. Diffusion CO-
transport properties of gases and gas mixtures, including diffu- efficient8Of acetone, benzene, methanol, and carbon tetrachloride
sion coefficients. The simplest form of the gas kinetic theory was in air were d&~mined by a new method ($3).
based on the assumption of no forces acting between neighboring TrevoY and n h k a m e r (91) determined liquid-phase diffusion
molecules and led to an equation relating the diffusion coefficient coefficients for Pairs of hydrocarbons. Eyring’s and Einstein’s
t o the temperature, pressure, molecular weights, and molecular equations for diffusivity did not agree with data, but good agree-
sizes. The familiar formula of Gilliland (33) is a semiempirical ment was obtained with the empirical equations of Arnold ( 2 ) .
modification of these simplest theoretical results. Hirschfelder, Yang (99) gave a difficult mathematical treatment of the
et al. (43) have assumed that the repulsive and attractive forces kinetic theory of diffusion in gases and liquids.
between adjacent molecules correspond to potential energies Hartley and Crank ($9) discussed binary diffusion in liquids
x varying as the inverse twelfth and sixth powers of the distances when the diffuaivity varies with the concentration and there is
between centers, respectively, and have developed formulas in a change in VOhme on mixing. The net rate of transfer is the
which the simple 3/2 power of the absolute temperature is re- result of t ~ a n s f e rby Pure diffusion coupled with transfer due
placed by a tabulated function involving the interaction energy. to ~ m flow~ sof the whole solution. Similar problems in which
This quantity and the molecular size can be estimated from em- the diffusion coefficient is a function of concentration are con-
pirical equations. The formulas apply only t o pairs of nonpolar sidered mathematically by Crank and Henry (18). Calculated
gases. m e r e applicable, the value of D probably can be corn- Cams correspond to linear, exponential, and logarithmic relations
puted as accurately as it can be measured, a t least a t high tem- between D and concentration, and the results are generalized
peratures. Winter (98) has compared Hirschfelder’s equation in an approximate f d i o n to apply to any kind of relationship
with experimental data f r o q the literature and has concluded between these quantities. Jest (60)also discussed solutions of
that the agreement is good, with respect t o both actual values the differential equation for diffusion involving a concentration-
and the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient. dependent D,including cases involving transfer across a phase
Starting with Maxwell’s concept of a resistance to gaseous boundary.

The mathematical problem of the convective transfer of mass of turbulence from the normal level of about 4 to 24% caused the
khrough the boundary layer which forms on a smooth, flat plate rate of mass transfer to increase by as much as 50% at low
parallel to which a fluid flows was solved many years ago by Reynolds numbers and by smaller amounts a t larger Reynolds
Pohlhausen ( 7 I ) , but his results were limited to cases of vanish- numbers. In a Dutch investigation (24) a 50% increase in the
ingly small diffusion rates, because he assumed no influence of rate of evaporation of water from blotting paper into air was
*he diffusive mass transfer on the flow pattern inside the bound- found when 5% turbulence was present.
a r y layer. Eckert and Lieblein (26) have now calculated the Rossler (77) considered the transfer of heat from a hot gas to a
mutual influence of diffusion and convective flow on the velocity wet surface and developed an empirical equation for the influence
and partial pressure profiles in a gaseous boundary layer. The of mass transfer on the heat transfer coefficient. The result
thickness of the boundary layer was found to increase in propor- should be applicable to "film" or "sweat" cooling operations, as
tion to the square root of the distance from the leading edge, well as to webbulb measurements, and should be in agreement
just as when diffusion is absent, but the skin friction, the mass with the Drew-Colburn theory (96).
transfer coefficient, and the actual thickness of the boundary layer The influence of surface layers of paraffin oil and benzene on
are all affected by condensation on, or evaporation from, the the rate of absorption of oxygen by water was investigated (81).
surface. Sample calculations are given for the system water-air. Only the paraffi oil was found to reduce the absorption rate.
The results are limited in general to pairs of substances which I n order to explore the effect of the Schmidt group on mass
do not differ greatly in molecular weight. transfer in turbulent flow, data were obtained by Linton and
Pasquill (69) made an experimental study of turbulent transfer Sherwood (59) on the rate of solution in water of cast tubes,
of water vapor and heat in the lower atmosphere over level grass- cylinders, plates, and spheres of benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and
land. He concluded that when the temperature gradient corre- 2-naphthol. The diffusion coefficients of these solutes are so
sponds to neutral stability of the air the eddy diffusivities for small that the Schmidt numbers were in the range 900 to 2400.
momentum and mass are equal. The eddy thermometric diffu- The well-known Leveque equation was verified in the streamline
isivity was greater than the eddy diffusion coefficient in an unstable region for flow inside tubes and the empirical Chilton-Colburn
atmosphere (warmer a t ground level), but the two were equal relation was confirmed approximately in the turbulent range for
when the air was thermally stable. all the shapes. According to this relationship, the rate of mass
Davies (22) discussed the mathematical calculation of evapora- transfer is proportional to the 2/3 power of the diffusivity,
tion rates from a flat surface, above which the eddy diffusivity rather than to the f i s t power, vhich might be expected for these
has different values in the lateral and vertical directions. conditions if there were an undisturbed laminar film at the tube
wall. Following a suggestion of Lin (58),the authors pointed out
G A S SOLUBILITIES that the turbulent currents from the transition zone may prop-
agate sidewise into the laminar layer, causing the effective dif-
Solubilities of methane, ethylene, ethane, oxygen, and nitro-
fusivity there to be a little higher than expected. The effect
gen in water a t 25" * 0.1" C. were measured by h4orrison (66), would be very noticeable under the experimental conditions,
using a continuous-flow absorber rather than the batch absorp- where the laminar layer accounted for all the diffusional resist-
tion technique which has been used frequently since Ostwald
first introduced it many years ago. The continuous method gave
Rates of mass transfer in a wetted-wall apparatus operated
slightly lower solubilities than are reported in standard tables, both as a distillation column and as an absorber, were found (47)
but are believed by the author to be reliable. Culberson et al.
to be in agreement with the Chilton and Colburn modification of
(19) determined the solubility of ethane in water a t pressures to
Reynolds' analogy and were about 10 to 25% smaller than the
1200 pounds per square inch and temperatures from 100" to often quoted data of Gilliland and Sherwood (36). Samples of
840" F. the liquid reflux were taken at 1-foot intervals along the appara-
Data were reported for the solubility of chlorine in n-perfluoro- tus in order to permit estimation of local values of the height of a
heptane (SB),and oxygen in various organic liquids (75). Equilib-
transfer unit. These were found to depend on the liquid com-
rium vapor pressures of water over various aqueous salt solutions position in a peculiar way which was not explained, but which was
were discussed by Stokes (87) and by Carr ( I S ) for use in main- someffhat similar to an effect reported previously by Storrow
taining controlled humidities a t 25" and 90' C.
Accurate thermodynamic properties of dry and saturated air, (88).
Ternovskaya and BelopolskiI (90) showed experimentally,
including enthalpy, were summarized by Goff ( S 7 ) , acting for a using a wetted-wall column for absorbing sulfur dioxide in water,
committee of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating that the rate of absorption decreased when a surface-active agent
Engineers. The chemical potentials of the several constituents was dissolved in the water. The flow of pure water down the
were calculated a t zero pressure by statistical mechanical methods vertical surface occurred with waves on the surface, whereas no
and the equation of state for air was used to correct the zero- waves were present when sulfonated organic compounds were
pressure properties t o finite pressures. Calculations for water- dissolved in the water.
saturated air involved the interaction constants between dry air The temperature of small water drops was measured (48)as
and water vapor. At room temperature the enthalpy is now they evaporated into air. The drops hung from thermocouple
knotvn to a precision of *0.06%. Based on these thermodynamic
wires ranging in diameter from 127 to 24 microns; an extrapola-
data Xottage (67') constructed a humidity chart using an oblique tion was made to zero wire size to eliminate the influence of ther-
enthalpy scale and an absolute humidity scale as coordinates. mal conduction along the wire. The psychrometric constant for
The chart resembles others currently in use. a small drop is different from that for a wet thermometer bulb.
Higbie's data (41) on unsteady-state absorption of carbon di-
oxide by water were used by Danckwerts ( 9 0 ) in a new approach
New data were presented (62) on the rates of evaporation of to the kinetics of absorption. According to the data, the amount
liquids into gas streams having the normal degree of turbulence of carbon dioxide absorbed during the first few hundredths of a
and also into streams in which extra turbulence was promoted by second of contact was less than would be expected from the usual
forcing the gas through perforated plates. Without extra tur- diffusion theory, which assumes equilibrium at the interface.
bulence the values of the mass transfer j-factor mere found to Danckwerts (20) found that the data agree with kinetic theory if
agree remarkably well with data from the literature on mass i t is assumed that only 4 X 10-8 of the carbon dioxide molecules
transfer, heat transfer, and friction. A twofold change in the striking the liquid surface from the gas are absorbed, the re-
scale of turbulence had no effect, but an increase in the intensity mainder being reflected back into the gas. The reflection coeffi-

cient could not be determined accurately, however, owing to the columns. After comparing data taken with ammonia, acetone,
relatively large diffusional resistance in the liquid. methanol, and ethanol in the same column, Houston and Walker
(4.6)were not able to reach definite conclusions, though the effect
was approximated by the */a power of D a t water rates below 2000
pounds/(hour)(sq. feet). Other data (78) taken in the same
Tray Columns. Tray efficiencies for humidification of air and laboratory and published a t the same time show that the effect of
other cases of predominating gas-film resistance have been re- D on rates of vaporization of different liquids into air corresponds
ported previously, and efficiencies of trays in which both resist- to only the 0.15 power. Gaffney and Drew (SO) found that the
ances are significant were published by Walter and Sherwood exponent on the diffusivity should be 0.58 when organic solvents
(93)several years ago. New, more extensive data of the same or water are used to dissolve pellets of solid organic acids in packed
type have now been presented by Gerster, Colburn, Bonnet, towers. The exponent was firmly established in this case because
and Carmody (3,9),based on tests with a tray 13 inches in diam- of the large range of the Schmidt group covered (159 to 13,300).
eter having thirteen bubble caps 1.5 inches in diameter. Rates Fujita ($9) studied various literature data on packed columns
of desorption of oxygen gave the required information on the re- and came to the conclusion that molecular diffusion is of negli-
sistance of the liquid. Based on these single-film data, tray gible importance in the gas phase, owing to the intense turbulence
efficiencies were estimated for an extractive distillation column which is present. No attempt has been made to explain t h e
having trays of identical design and for distillation of methanol- discordant results obtained by the different investigators.
water mixtures in the extractive column. I n both cases satis- Mass transfer within the fluid stream which flows through a
factory agreement was obtained between prediction and experi- packed bed takes place by a turbulent mechanism, as brought
ment. It seems probable that further advances in the analysis out by an experimental study reported by Bernard and Wilhelm
* of tray efficiencies will be based on single-film data, which are (6). Diffusion from a point source located within the packing
usually easier to obtain and more directly connected with the was studied by measuring tbe rate of spread of carbon dioxide re-
mechanism of interphase transfer. leased into air or dye released into water. At low Reynolds
Dimensions of gas bubbles formed a t single orifices immersed numbers and for large packing particles, eddy diffusion was
in various liquids and their rates of rise have been measured by found to be influenced by the tube diameter and was produced
van Krevelen and Hoftijzer (64), who conclude that when the by eddies larger than the particles of packing. At higher flow
bubbles are formed separately their diameter is independent of rates, however, and for small ratios of packing size to tube
gas rate and proportional to the orifice diameter. At higher diameter the turbulence was interstitial in character, the scale
flow rates the bubbles leave the orifice so rapidly that they form being approximately proportional to the packing size and the!
chains in the liquid. Here the bubble diameters increase with intensity to the superficial velocity.
increasing flow rate and are independent of orifice size. Studies of over 500 cooling towers in the Pacific Coast and
Packed Columns. Additional mass transfer coefficients for mid-continent regions indicated that the presence of sodium
ammonia absorption in water were measured by Parsley, Mol- carbonate in the water was a primary factor in the delignification
stad, Cress, and Bauer (68), using ceramic drip-point grid pack- and consequent mechanical weakening of the wood packing,
ing. Gas-film coefficients calculated by subtracting liquid-film according to Blohm (8).
resistances, measured by desorbing oxygen from water, from the The Venturi scrubber is a relatively new device for removing
over-all resistances were more than twice as great as would be dusts from gases (14-16) by injecting water into the Venturi
expected from flow inside a smooth tube. The discrepancy was due throat, using the high-velocity gas for atomization. The Venturi
to the influence of entrance effects in the packing. For this pack- expansion section is attached to a cyclone, which collectsthe water
ing the gas-film coefficient was independent of the liquid flow droplets. New data were obtained ( 4 9 ) for the efficiency of
rate, possibly owing to the fact that the total area of the grids is sulfur dioxide absorption and humidification in experimental
wet, regardless of the liquid rate. equipment of this type. As many as 2 to 3 transfer units were
Rates of absorption of ethyl alcohol vapor from air in water obtained for dust collection, corresponding to 90% removal;
have been measured by Molstad and Parsley (64),using a column a t the same water and gas rates the number of transfer units for
filled with 1-inch rings, 1-inch saddles, or drip-point grids, all of sulfur dioxide absorption and for humidification were, respec-
ceramic material. The resistance was principally in the gas tively, 1.4 and 3.3 times greater. In each case the number of
phase, and the observed over-all coefficients for rings and saddles transfer units was proportional to the number of square feet of
support the current theory that the resistance to absorption can drop surface area produced per cubic foot of gas. The pressure
be predicted for an untried system from separate film coefficient drop required was greater than that not recovered across a Ven-
data for separate systems. Deviations from predicted behavior turi, owing to the momentum imparted to the liquid spray. One
a t low liquid rates were considered to result from differences in throat velocity head was required to accelerate approximately ti
the initial distribution on the packing. Data obtained with drip- gallons of water per thousand aubic feet of gas. .
point grids in the same apparatus were not so satisfactorily in Data were given by Remy (74) for the absorption of sulfuric
agreement with predictions; the over-all coefficient was found to acid fogs.
vary considerably with the liquid rate, whereas ammonia absorp Liquid-Filled Tanks. Shulman and Molstad (84) contributed
tion data had shown no such variation. a complete set of data for gas absorption and stripping in water-
2. Rates of evaporation of water into air in a small irrigated filled gas-bubble columns. The apparatus was operated counter-
packed column were measured by Weisman and Bonilla (94) and currently by forcing the gas through porous metal spargers in the
were compared with similar rates observed by Gamson, Thodos, bottom of the column. The bubbles rose through the descending
and Hougen ( 3 1 )and by Taecker and Hougen (as),using porous, water stream. At superficial gas velocities below 0.1 to 0.2
completely wetted packing pieces to find the fractional effective foot per second, true countercurrent action apparently was ob-
surface area of the irrigated packing. Only 4 t o 25% of the sur- tained, but a t higher velocities the liquid tended to mix vertically,
face was effective for mass transfer and 13 to 42% for simultane- having nearly the same composition throughout the vessel.
ous heat transfer. The dry part of the surface is capable of trans- Values of HOLranged from about 0.3 to 3 feet a t 15" C., indicat-
ferring heat but not mass. ing that the mass transfer efficiency of gas-bubble apparatus is
The effect of molecular diffusivity in the gas phase on the gas- equal in order of magnitude to that of packed towers. The
film transfer coefficient has been in doubt for packed towers pressure drop is far greater, however, owing mainly to the liquid
since 1940, when it was reported (83)that the effect was much head.
smaller than the 'J/8 power generally accepted for wetted-wall The mechanism of oxygen absorption by yeast and bacteria

dispersed in aerated nutrient broths in agitated vessels was noteworthy because this appears t o be one of the few experi-
analyzed for the first time by Hixson and Gaden (44) and by mental cases of truly controlling gas-film resistance.
Bartholomew, Karow, Sfat, and Wilhelm (6). The oxygen is Simultaneous diffusion and first-order irreversible chemical
transferred first across the interface separating gas bubbles and reaction in a semi-infinite liquid layer were considered mathe-
liquid, then diffuses through the liquid and into the clusters of matically by Danckwerts ($I), who showed that the rate of solu-
organisms, and finally is absorbed by the cells. The first of these tion depends both on the diffusion coefficient and on the reaction
steps had been investigated previously by Cooper, Fernstrom, and rate constant. For a very rapid reaction the liquid-film absorp-
Miller ( l 7 ) , whose results were extended and generally con- tion coefficient is shown to be independent of the time of exposure
firmed. The rate of absorption by the cells was independent of of the liquid surface to the gas and is given by k~ = d D 2 , where
the oxygen concentration a t the cell-liquid interface, provided DL is the liquid diffusion coefficient and k is the first-order re-
the concentration exceeded about gram mole of oxygen per action rate constant. When the chemical reaction involves a
ml. During a fermentation experiment lasting 75 hours in a second solute which is dissolved in the liquid and is depleted
5-liter vessel, the specific resistance of the cell-liquid interface appreciably by the reaction, the approximation of a pseudo-first-
increased gradually as the reaction proceeded. order reaction is not justifiable. An expression for the rate of
Pressure Drop and Flooding. Pressure drops accompanying solution w&s given by Danckwerts (11)for the case where the
single-phase fluid flow through packed beds were studied by rate of the chemical reaction is infinitely rapid and is controlled
Brownell et al. (IO). The authors’ new data on small clay saddles by the rate of diffusion. The result shows that in this case the
and rings as well as on smooth and rough metal saddles and on liquid-film coefficient is a linear function of the concentration of
glass beads, and previously published data on small tower pack- the dissolved reactant which is present initially in the liquid.
ings, were correlated with a maximum deviation of *24% and This result is in agreement with the experimental findings of
an average deviation of *6% from a single friction factor curve Stephens and Morris (86), and, except for a time factor, agrees
similar to that for flow inside smooth pipe. The method of allow- with the result of the steady-state zone theory of absorption and
ing for the influence of packing porosity differs from that em- reaction published by Hatta (40).
ployed in previous publications from the same laboratory ( I f ) The mechanism of absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous
and also from the methods in general use previously ( l a , 67, 78). alkaline solutions was discussed (38).
Rather than using a mathematical formula involving porosity, Reaction and simultaneous diffusion of chlorine into woo!
Brownell et al. chose to give charts showing correction factors fibers were studied experimentally by rllexander, Gough, and
which may be applied to the pipe Reynolds number and the Hudson ( 1).
friction factor. The correction factors are functions of the
porosity, but are otherwise independent of particle roughness. CALCULATION METHODS
Pressure drop data for laboratory packed distillation columns
2 inches in diameter and smaller, filled with wire helices and .4 very clever and appealing graphical method for calculating
operated a t total reflux, were analyzed by Reed and Fenske ( 7 3 ) the changes in air humidity and temperature in air conditioning
in terms of an equation similar to that of Carman ( 1 9 ) . equipment was presented by htickley ( 6 3 ) . The method eni-
I n a study of flooding phenomena in a 3.75-inch liquid-liquid ploys the specific enthalpy as a driving force acrms the gas film
extraction column filled with 0.5-inch Raschig rings Ballard and and is therefore dependent on the assumption that the interfacial
Piret (4)found that the superficial velocities of the dispersed areas for heat and mass transfer are equal, This is true for rc-
organic liquid phase through the continuous water phase a t which frigerated coil dehumidifiers, but apparently is not correct for
an increase in the size of the organic liquid droplets rising through packed columns (60,94). Mickley’s method is an extension of the
the packing was first observed could be correlated with the fluid “enthalpy potential” method originally proposed by Merkel ( 6 2 ) .
properties and packing dimensions. Previously published The new method permits the thermal resistance of the liquid
flooding velocities of packed absorbers were found to agree ex- layer, the metal surface, and the refrigerant fdm to be allowed for.
cellently with the correlation of liquid-liquid transition veloci- Conditions leading to the formation of fog in the gas phase are
ties, even though the fluid properties applicable in gas-liquid easily detected. The saturation curve need not be assumed to be
columns and in liquid-liquid columns have widely different straight, as required in certain other methods (79).
values. The calculation of transfer units for countercurrent packed
Flooding velocities for countercurrent flow of water and air columns is a simple matter when both the operating and the equi-
in a wetted-wall column were determined by Fradkov ( d B ) , who librium lines are straight, for in this case the average driving
investigated the effects of liquid rate, tube diameter, and gas force is the logarithmic mean. If either of the lines is curved,
pressure. A new formula was proposed ( 4 6 ) for calculating the the calculations must be made graphically, unless analytical
allowable vapor velocity in tray columns. methods are employed which assume certain mathematical equa-
tions for expressing the curvature of the lines. White (96) pub-
lished such a method, which is similar to one previously suggested
by Scheibel and Othmer (80) in that it assumes the portion of the
niggle and Tepe ( 7 6 ) studied the rate of absorption of chlorine equilibrium curve that lies underneath the operating line to be
from nitrogen-chlorine mixtures in aqueous ferrous sulfate in a represented by a parabola. By the new method the mean driving
tower 6 inches in diameter filled to a depth of 66 inches with 0.5- force is calculated from the terminal and the central driving forcw
inch ceramic Raschig rings, The solution selectively removes by means of a nomogram.
chlorine from a gas also containing carbon dioxide and is there- Tan Krevelen (59)rederived the familiar equation for composi-
fore consumed less rapidly than an alkaline solution, which would tion change of a gas flowing through a countercurrent paclced
absorb both chlorine and carbon dioxide. The rates were low, scrubber.
owing to the slowness of the liquid-phase reaction producing ferric The transient behavior of countercurrent tray-type absorbers
iron. T h e values of H O G varied directly with G and inversely and extractors was investigated mathematically by Lapidus and
with L0.66, as might be expected for a case of limiting liquid- Amundson ( 6 6 ) . Cross-flow operation was also studied. The
phase resistance. At comparable conditjons, rates of absorption results are complex, but illustrative calculations were given for a
in ferrous sulfate and in sodium carbonate were about equal. countercurrent absorber which is fed with a fat gas whose com-
T h e paper of Riggle and Tepe also contains previously unpub- position increases abruptly, changing from one steady value to
lished data of Vivian (96), for the absorption of chlorine in sodium another one. The time required following the sudden disturb-
hydroxide solutions in a packed tower. The data are especially ance for the equipment to come within 1%of ita new equilibrium

state corresponded to 2.5 changes in the total column holdup by (22) Davies, D. R., Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), A202, 96 (1950).
the liquid stream. (23) Deryagin, B. V., Prokhorov, P. S., and Malkina, A. D., Zhur.
Fiz. Khim. (U.S.S.R.), 24, 503 (1950).
(24) Dorsser, A. H. de H. van, bininper, H. A., and Meel, D. A. van,
MISCELLANEOUS Ingenieur (Utrecht), 61, No. 40, 25 (1949).
(25) Drew, T. B., and Colburn, A. P., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs.,
Weller and Steiner (95) measured the permeabilities of several 33, 197 (1937).
thin polymeric films to oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, (26) Eckert, E., and Lieblein, V., Forschung, 16, 33 (1949).
helium, and hydrogen, and concluded that the difference in the (27) Fairbanks, D. F., and Wilke, C. R., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 471
rates of permeation may in some cases justify the use of a multi- (1950).
(28) Fradkov, A. B., Zhur. Tech. Fiz., 17, 619 (1947).
stage process of this type. T h e large degree of thermodynamic (29) Fujita, S.,J. SOC.Chem. I n d . Japan, 44, Suppl. Binding, 255
irreversibility of the process makes the work required for pumping (1941).
the gas from stage to stage so great, however, that it would appear (30) Gaffney, B. J., and Drew, T. B., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 1120
unlikely that a fractional permeation process would be economi- (1950).
(31) Gamson, B. W., Thodos, G., and Hougen, 0. A,, Trans. Am.
cally attractive unless standard methods of separation are not Inst. Chem. Engrs., 39, 1 (1943).
‘ applicable. Rates of diffusion of organic vapors through poly- (32) Gerster, J. A., Colburn, A. P., Bonnet, W. E., and Carmody,
meric films were found to be greater when the polymer and the T. W., Chern. Eng.Progress, 45, 717 (1949).
vapor molecules are chemically similar (86). (33) Gilliland, E. R., IND. ENG.CHEM.,26, 681 (1934).
(34) Gilliland, E. R., Sherwood, T. K., “Absorption and Extraction,”
Rates of evaporation of water into air from fluidized particles of 1st ed., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937.
silica gel and activated alumina were measured by Kettering, (35) Gilliland, E. R., and Sherwood, T. K., IND.ENG,CHEM.,26,
Manderfield, and Smith (61). The resulting transfer coefficients 516 (1934).
were computed from calculated curves of water partial pressure (36) Gjaldbaek, J. C., and Hildebrand, J. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,72,
“ 609 (1950).
versus position in the bed, u p to the point where the gas became (37) Goff, J. A., Heating, Piping, A i r Conditioning, 21, No. 11, 118
saturated. The heat and mass transfer coefficients are much (1949).
smaller than those for single, isolated particles of the same diam- (38) Govinda Rau, M. A., and Chandrasekharan, K., Trans. Indian
eter. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 1, 120 (1947-48).
(39) Hartley, G. D., and Crank, J., Trans. Faraday SOC.,45, 801
The composition changes accompanying simultaneous evapora- (1949).
tion of both components of a binary liquid mixture were meas- (40) Hatta, S., Tech. Repts. T6haku I m p . Univ., 8, 1 (1928-29).
ured by Mornick (65) and compared with the previously pub- (41) Higbie, R., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 31, 365 (1935).
lished theory (8%). Excellent agreement was found. (42) Hippenmeyer, B., Z . angew. Physik, 1,549 (1949).
(43) Hirschfelder, J. O., Bird, R. B., and Spots, E. L., Trans. Am.
SOC.Mech. Engrs., 71,921 (1949).
NOMENCLATURE (44) Hixson, A. W., and Gaden, E. L., Jr., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42,
1792 (1950).
D = diffusion coefficient, or diffusivity, sq. feet per hour (45) Houston, R. W., and Walker, C. A,, Ibid., 42, 1105 (1950).
G = mass velocity of gas, pounds/(hour) (sq. foot) (46) Hwang, Pin-Wen, Bull. Chungking Inst. Ind. Research, No. 4
L = mass velocity of li uid, pounds/(hour) (sq. foot) (1948).
HOQ = height of an over-&% gas-phase transfer unit, feet (47) Jackson, M. L., and Ceaglske, N. H., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42,
HOL = height of an over-all liquid-phase transfer unit, feet 1188 (1950).
k~ = liquid-film absorption coefficient, pound mole/(hour) (48) Johnson, J. C., J . Applied Phys., 21, 22 (1950).
(sq. foot)(pound mole/cu. foot) (49) Johnstone, H. F., and Roberts, M. H., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41,
2417 (1949).
LITERATURE CITED (50) Josc W.: 2. Physik, 127, 163 (1950).
(51) Kettering, K. N., Manderfield, E. L., and Smith, J. M., Chem.
(1) Alexander, P., Cough, D., and Hudson, R. F., Trans. Faraday Eng. Progress, 46, 139 (1950).
SOC.,45, 1109 (1949). (52) Krevelen, D. W. van, Rec. trav. chim., 69, 503 (1950).
(2) Arnold, J. H., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 3937 (1930). (53) Krevelen, D. W. van, Research, 3, 106 (1950).
(3) Arnold, J. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 40, 361 (1944). (54) Krevelen, D. W. van, and Hoftijzer, P. J., Chem. Eng. Progress,
(4) Ballard, J. H., and Piret, E. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 1088 46, 29 (1950).
(1950). (55) Kuvshinskil, E. V., Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. (U.S.S.R.), 18, 909 (1948).
(5) Bartholomew, W. H., Karow, E. O., Sfat, M. R., and Wilhelm, (56) Lapidus, L., and Amundson, N. R., IND. ENG.CHEM..42, 1071
R. H., Ibid., 42, 1801 (1950). (1950).
(6) Bernard, R. A., and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, (57) Leva, M., Chem. Eng. Progress, 43, 549 (1947).
233 (1950). (58) Lin, C. C., Quart. Applied Math., 3, 293 (1946).
(7) Birks, J., and Bradley, R. S., Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), A198, (59) Linton, W. H., and Sherwood, T. K., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,
226 (1949). 258 (1950).
(8) Blohm, C. L., and Frazier, H. D., Oil Gas J., 48, No. 45, 72 (60) McAdsms, W. H., Pohlena, J. B., and St. John, R. C., Ibid.,
(1950). 45, 241 (1949).
(9) Bradley, R. S., and Shellard, A. D., Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), (61) Maisel, D. S,, and Sherwood, T. K., Ibid., 46, 131, 172 (1950).
A198, 239 (1949). (62) Merkel, F., 2.ges. Kalte-Id., 34,117 (1927).
(IO) Brownell, L. E., Dombrowski, H. S., and Dickey, C. A., Chem. (63) Mickley, H. S., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45, 739 (1949).
Eng. Progress, 46, 415 (1950). (64) Molstad, M. C., and Parsley, L. F., Jr., Ibid., 46, 20 (1950).
(11) Brownell, L. E., and Kats, D. L., Ibid., 43, 537 (1947). (65) Mornick, G. B., IND. ENG.CREM..41,2202 (1949).
(12) Carman, P. C., Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs. (London), 15, 150 (66) Morrison, T. J., and Billett, F., J. Chem. SOC.,1948, 2033.
(1947). (67) Nottage, H. B., Heating, Piping, A i r Conditioning, 22, No. 7,
Ir (13) Carr, D. S., and Harris, B. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, 2014 (1949). 121 (1950).
(14) Collins, T. T., Jr., Paper I n d . Paper World, 28, No. 5, 685; (68) Parsley, L. F., Molstad, M. C., Cress, H., and Bauer, L. G.,
No. 6, 890; No. 7, 984 (1947). Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,17 (1950).
(15) Collins, T. T., Jr., Seaborne, C. R., and Anthony, A. W., Jr., (69) Pasquill, F., Proc. Roy. SOC.,A202, 96 (1960).
Paper Trade J.,124, No. 23,45 (June 5, 1947). (70) Perry, J. H., “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 3rd ed., Sec-
(16) Comings, E. W., Adams, C. H., and Shippee, E. D., IND.ENG. tions 8, 10, 12, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
CHEM.,40, 74 (1948). (71) Pohlhausen, L., Z . angew. Math. u. Mech., 1, 252 (1921).
(17) Cooper, C. M., Fernstrom, G. A,, and Miller, S. A., Ibid., 36, (72) Purowsky, A. E.. and Dodge, B. F., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1112
504 (1944). (1950).
(18) Crank, J., and Henry, M. E., Trans. Faraday SOC.,45, 1119 (73) Reed, T. M., and Fenske, M. R., Ibid., 42, 654 (1950).
(1949). (74) Remy, H., Z . Ver. deut. Ing. Verfahrenslech., No. 2, 28 (1941).
(19) Culberson, 0. L., Horn, A. B., and McKetta, J. J., Jr., Am. (75) Reznikovski, M., Tarasova, e., and Dogadkin, B., J . Gen.
Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Tech. Pub. 2778; J. Petroleum Chem. (U.S.S.R.),20, 63 (1950).
Technol., 2, No. 1, l(1950). (76) Riggle, J. W., and Tepe, J. B., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42, 1036
(20) Danckwerts, P. V., Research, 2, 494 (1949). (1950).
(21) Danckwerts, P. V., Trans. Faraday Soc., 46 300 (1950). (77) Rossler, F., Natumuissenschaften, 35, 219 (1948).
(78) Rose, H. E., Proc. Inst. Mech. Enprs. (London), 153, 141 (1945). EKC. HEM,, 41, 2013
Stokes, R. H., and Robinson, R. A,, IND.
(79) Salisbury, J. K., Power Volume of “Kent’s Mechanical Engi- (1949).
neers’ Handbook,” 12th ed., pp. 9-20 to 9-30,12-82 to 12-84, Storrow, 3. A,, J . SOC.Chem. Ind., 66, 41, 73 (1937).
New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1950. Taecker, R. G., and Hougen, 0. A., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45,188
(80) Scheibel, E. G., and Othmer, D. F., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. (1949).
Engrs., 38, 339 (1942); IND. ENC.CHEM.,34, 1200 (1942). Ternovskaya, A. N., and Belopolskii, A. P., Zhur. Fiz. Khim.
(81) Schlapfer, P., Audykowski, T., and Bukowiecki, A., Schweiz. (U.S.S.R.), 24,43 (1950).
Arch. angew. W i s s . u. Tech., 15, 308 (1949). Trevoy, D. J., and Drickamer, H. G., J . Chem. Phys., 17, 1117
(82) Sherwood, T. K., “Absorption and Extraction,” p. 7, New Vi;ian, J. E., Sc.D. thesis in chemical engineering, Massachu-
York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. setts Institute of Technology, 1945.
(83) Sherwood, T. K., and Holloway, F. A. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Walter. J. F,, and Sherwood, T. K., IND.ESG. C H E X , 33, 493
Chem. Engrs., 36, 21 (1940). (1941).
(84) Shulman, H. L., and Molstad, M. C., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,42, Weisman, J., and Bonilla, C. F., Ibid., 42, 1099 (1950).
1058 (1950). Weller, S., and Steiner, W. A., J . Applied Phys., 21, 279 (1950).
(85) Simrel, V. R., and Hershberger, A,, Modern Plastics, 27, N o . 10. White, G. E., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 363 (1950).
97, 98, 100, 102, 150-2, 154, 156, 158 (1950). Wilke, C. R., Ibid., 46, 95 (1950).
(86) Stephens, E. J., and Morris, G. A., paper presented at the Winter, E. R. S., Trans. Faraday Soc., 46, 81 (1950).
Montreal meetinn American Institute of Chemical En& =.-
Yang, L. M.,Proc. Rou. SOC.(London), A198, 94, 471 (1949).
news, September 1949. RECH~IV ~D
November 6, 1950.


The Field of adsorption has been a very active one in all aspects. The trend toward increased preferential adsorption. Molecular
interest in the use of this tool for separation which was evidenced in previous years has con- structure was more important over
tinued and expanded. Lewis and co-workers have applied the concepts of relative volatility to silica gel than over carbon, and, in
reparation of hydrocarbons in binary and ternary gaseous separation. The reiative volatility of general, the greater the boiling point
any two compounds was found to be the same for a ternary system as for the binary system of difference of two liquids the greater
those components. Estimation of x y diagrams from pure gas isotherms is allowable for many was the relative volatility difference
systems. Chromatographic techniques have been utilized for separation of liquid mixtures of over both adsorbants. The data
gasoliner and gas oils, but no approach similar to that for the gases has been attempted. Liquid v, ere correlated by the equation
phase studies are considerably more difficult of interpretation than gas phase studies and as yet
there i s no method of correlating adsorption in the liquid phase which is as applicable for non- -&=1 hr‘
specific systems as the B.E.T. equation is for gases. Some few attempts to correlate liquid
studies b y this equation have not met with great success. The adsorption of high polymers
has been previously studied and presents about the same picture as other liquid phase work.
This has been extended by Tiselius and others to adsorption of colloidal particulates. A very where the h7 values refer t o the
large number of studies have been made on specific systems and preparation of adsorbants, moles of each component adsorbed
from the mixture and the primed
value refers to the capacities for

HERE has been a great deal more activity in the field of ad- the pure components. An empirical method was developed for
sorption this year than in previous years, as attested by the prediction of the adsorptive relative volatility over silica gel.
large number of references. The vast bulk of this work has For multicomponent mixtures the relative volatilities of any two
been, as usual, in physicochemical equilibrium studies and inter- components appear to be equal to the values obtained for the bi-
pretations of these by the standard isotherm equations, the nary mixture of these components. I n many cases, the N 1 us. Nz
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, Freundlich, and others. A large per- correlation coupled with t,he assumption of constant relative vola-
centage of this work has been liquid phase studies of removing tility yields satisfactory zy diagrams, allowing estimation of mix-
dyes or decolorizing liquids, as discussed below. However, sev- ture data from pure gas isotherms. Carbons of different adsorp-
eral articles this year are concerned with studies of a more tive capacities were found to yield essentially the same equilib-
strictly unit operations type and: in particular, the resolution of rium diagram for a given mixture.
mixtures. Some few have been concerned with the resolution of A review by Eagle and Scott on cyclic adsorption processes (88)
gaseous mixtures. underlines the great usefulness of the cyclic adsorption method for
The most fundamental approach to this subject has been made almost quantitative separation of aromatics and olefins from other
by Lewis and his eo-workers (181-186),who were concerned with compounds of varying feed stock. The optimum number and
hydrocarbon mixtures and the resolution of these over ac- size of adsorption columns were stated to be determined by the
tivated carbon and silica gel. They first determined the pure character of the feed, the desired purity of raffinates and extracts,
gas isotherm and found that for most of the gases there was good and economic considerations and construction. Studies were
reversibility and no hysteresis evident. Utilizing the various ad- made in a pilot plant on various charged stocks.
sorption equilibria, they studied the xy diagrams (vapor-adsorb- Two patents were issued to Brandt (36)and to Gilliland (111)
a t e equilibria) of binary gaseous mixtures of compounds of the for separation by adsorption in countercurrent flow using various
same number of carbon atoms as well as of some ternary systems. adsorbants, such as charcoal, activated alumina, and silica gel.
The factors of molecular weight, molecular structure, and liquid These closely parallel previous studies on the hypersorption
boiling point were found to be involved in the phenomenon of method.
(78) Rose, H. E., Proc. Inst. Mech. Enprs. (London), 153, 141 (1945). EKC. HEM,, 41, 2013
Stokes, R. H., and Robinson, R. A,, IND.
(79) Salisbury, J. K., Power Volume of “Kent’s Mechanical Engi- (1949).
neers’ Handbook,” 12th ed., pp. 9-20 to 9-30,12-82 to 12-84, Storrow, 3. A,, J . SOC.Chem. Ind., 66, 41, 73 (1937).
New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1950. Taecker, R. G., and Hougen, 0. A., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45,188
(80) Scheibel, E. G., and Othmer, D. F., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. (1949).
Engrs., 38, 339 (1942); IND. ENC.CHEM.,34, 1200 (1942). Ternovskaya, A. N., and Belopolskii, A. P., Zhur. Fiz. Khim.
(81) Schlapfer, P., Audykowski, T., and Bukowiecki, A., Schweiz. (U.S.S.R.), 24,43 (1950).
Arch. angew. W i s s . u. Tech., 15, 308 (1949). Trevoy, D. J., and Drickamer, H. G., J . Chem. Phys., 17, 1117
(82) Sherwood, T. K., “Absorption and Extraction,” p. 7, New Vi;ian, J. E., Sc.D. thesis in chemical engineering, Massachu-
York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1937. setts Institute of Technology, 1945.
(83) Sherwood, T. K., and Holloway, F. A. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Walter. J. F,, and Sherwood, T. K., IND.ESG. C H E X , 33, 493
Chem. Engrs., 36, 21 (1940). (1941).
(84) Shulman, H. L., and Molstad, M. C., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,42, Weisman, J., and Bonilla, C. F., Ibid., 42, 1099 (1950).
1058 (1950). Weller, S., and Steiner, W. A., J . Applied Phys., 21, 279 (1950).
(85) Simrel, V. R., and Hershberger, A,, Modern Plastics, 27, N o . 10. White, G. E., Chem. E n g . Progress, 46, 363 (1950).
97, 98, 100, 102, 150-2, 154, 156, 158 (1950). Wilke, C. R., Ibid., 46, 95 (1950).
(86) Stephens, E. J., and Morris, G. A., paper presented at the Winter, E. R. S., Trans. Faraday Soc., 46, 81 (1950).
Montreal meetinn American Institute of Chemical En& =.-
Yang, L. M.,Proc. Rou. SOC.(London), A198, 94, 471 (1949).
news, September 1949. RECH~IV ~D
November 6, 1950.


The Field of adsorption has been a very active one in all aspects. The trend toward increased preferential adsorption. Molecular
interest in the use of this tool for separation which was evidenced in previous years has con- structure was more important over
tinued and expanded. Lewis and co-workers have applied the concepts of relative volatility to silica gel than over carbon, and, in
reparation of hydrocarbons in binary and ternary gaseous separation. The reiative volatility of general, the greater the boiling point
any two compounds was found to be the same for a ternary system as for the binary system of difference of two liquids the greater
those components. Estimation of x y diagrams from pure gas isotherms is allowable for many was the relative volatility difference
systems. Chromatographic techniques have been utilized for separation of liquid mixtures of over both adsorbants. The data
gasoliner and gas oils, but no approach similar to that for the gases has been attempted. Liquid v, ere correlated by the equation
phase studies are considerably more difficult of interpretation than gas phase studies and as yet
there i s no method of correlating adsorption in the liquid phase which is as applicable for non- -&=1 hr‘
specific systems as the B.E.T. equation is for gases. Some few attempts to correlate liquid
studies b y this equation have not met with great success. The adsorption of high polymers
has been previously studied and presents about the same picture as other liquid phase work.
This has been extended by Tiselius and others to adsorption of colloidal particulates. A very where the h7 values refer t o the
large number of studies have been made on specific systems and preparation of adsorbants, moles of each component adsorbed
from the mixture and the primed
value refers to the capacities for

HERE has been a great deal more activity in the field of ad- the pure components. An empirical method was developed for
sorption this year than in previous years, as attested by the prediction of the adsorptive relative volatility over silica gel.
large number of references. The vast bulk of this work has For multicomponent mixtures the relative volatilities of any two
been, as usual, in physicochemical equilibrium studies and inter- components appear to be equal to the values obtained for the bi-
pretations of these by the standard isotherm equations, the nary mixture of these components. I n many cases, the N 1 us. Nz
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, Freundlich, and others. A large per- correlation coupled with t,he assumption of constant relative vola-
centage of this work has been liquid phase studies of removing tility yields satisfactory zy diagrams, allowing estimation of mix-
dyes or decolorizing liquids, as discussed below. However, sev- ture data from pure gas isotherms. Carbons of different adsorp-
eral articles this year are concerned with studies of a more tive capacities were found to yield essentially the same equilib-
strictly unit operations type and: in particular, the resolution of rium diagram for a given mixture.
mixtures. Some few have been concerned with the resolution of A review by Eagle and Scott on cyclic adsorption processes (88)
gaseous mixtures. underlines the great usefulness of the cyclic adsorption method for
The most fundamental approach to this subject has been made almost quantitative separation of aromatics and olefins from other
by Lewis and his eo-workers (181-186),who were concerned with compounds of varying feed stock. The optimum number and
hydrocarbon mixtures and the resolution of these over ac- size of adsorption columns were stated to be determined by the
tivated carbon and silica gel. They first determined the pure character of the feed, the desired purity of raffinates and extracts,
gas isotherm and found that for most of the gases there was good and economic considerations and construction. Studies were
reversibility and no hysteresis evident. Utilizing the various ad- made in a pilot plant on various charged stocks.
sorption equilibria, they studied the xy diagrams (vapor-adsorb- Two patents were issued to Brandt (36)and to Gilliland (111)
a t e equilibria) of binary gaseous mixtures of compounds of the for separation by adsorption in countercurrent flow using various
same number of carbon atoms as well as of some ternary systems. adsorbants, such as charcoal, activated alumina, and silica gel.
The factors of molecular weight, molecular structure, and liquid These closely parallel previous studies on the hypersorption
boiling point were found to be involved in the phenomenon of method.
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 42

The only other article on adsorption from binary mixtures of black by Smith and Beebe (279). Separation of propene and bu-
hydrocarbons concerns a study by two Russian authors (263)on tane was attempted but not obtained. Selective adsorption of
the separation of carbon dioxide, ethylene, or propene from air the two components was indicated.
over activated carbon. This is primarily a stripping operation
rather than a true separation of materials, both of which might be SURFACE AREA STUDIES
adsorbed. Adsorption has been used for numerous studies of surface area,
Gases other than hydrocarbons are represented by two studies. in line with the developments over the past several years. Car-
White and Schneider (606)studied the physical adsorption of oxy- bon black, silica gel, organic materials, salts, pigments, crystalline
gen-argon mixtures on silica gel a t 0". At this relatively high carbon, and carbide powders, as well as many other materials,
temperature, neither of the gases is adsorbed appreciably and the have been studied by various authors (16,16, 43, 168,266,313).
adsorption is essentially a linear function of the partial pressure. The use of adsorption as a tool for measuring surface area has
With the total adsorption so low, neither component is inhibited been compared by Arne11 (7) with the well known permeability
by the presence of the other, so that equilibrium is obtained for method. Good agreement was found for the modified Kozeny
both gases a t their respective relative partial pressures, no matter equation.
which of the gases &st came in contact with the surface. The The estimation of the surface area of powders from the tem-
quantitative separation of argon from small quantities of krypton perature dependence of the adsorption from solution has been in-
and xenon by multiple adsorption and desorption was measured vestigated by Hirst and Lancaster (140). Rideal and Trapnelt.
by Gerling and Baranovskaya (110). The work described by (248)utilized chemisorption of oxygen to estimate the surface
them was more truly separation of binary mixtures, in that the area of tungsten used in catalytic study. This was found to ghe
study was conducted from -80" to -120" C. The adsorption good agreement with the catalytic activity of the surface.
of the gases was stated to conform to the Freundlich equation and Joyner and eo-workers (160)have compared the pore volume
the adsorption conformed to Henry's law. Krypton was de- distributions between the nitrogen adsorption isotherm and the
sorbed with greater difficulty than argon; a method was worked mercury porosimeter. They have con6rmed their previous stud-
out, based on calculation and conbmed by experiment to sepa- ies, indicating that the pore volume distributions are in complete
rate argon from small quantities of krypton. The mixture was ad- agreement with the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller areas. Work on
sorbed a t - 100"C. and the adsorbed gases were desorbed and re- the adsorption of krypton on paint films has extended the tech-
adsorbed in stepwise adsorbers. By this procedure, the argon nique of adsorption to smaller total surface areas (309).
was recovered and the bulk of the krypton remained adsorbed. A rather large amount of work has been done on determining
Any xenon present remained with the krypton. the surface coverage of various molecules. The adsorption of
Selective adsorption, particularly in the liquid phase, by chro- nitrogen has been used in the past as a standard method of surface
matographic techniques was proposed by Hibshman (138)for the area determination by the adsorption technique, and this gas is
separation of is0 and normal paraffins, by Hansen and co-workers utilized wherever possible. For very small surfaces, krypton
(127)for the separation of zirconium and hafnium, and by Hopf adsorption has been used, and numerous articles have appeared at
(143) for Separation and purification of quinidine and quinine. various times, attempting t o correlate the adsorption of different
The utilization of this adsorptive technique for recovery of nitro- gases on the same surface. To date, this has been not too suc-
gen oxides by silica gel (98)and for separation of cracked gasolines cessful and recent studies do not change the picture appreciably.
(96) was discussed, as well as the separation of hydrocarbons b y A rather complete study was made by Livingston (188)on the
selective adsorption (116)and the analysis of distillates by frac- cross-sectional areas of various gas molecules for adsorption a t
tionation (18). temperatures ranging from -252 O C. t o room temperature. Cor-
Several reviews on the hypersorption process have appeared, in1 relations between studies on various surfaces by different
particular one by the early experimenters in this field, Berg and molecular species do not always agree with the data given by Liv-
co-workers (23). The removal of sulfur compounds from gas. ingston, but indicate rather that either the Harkins and Jura k
streams by hypersorption was discussed by Kehde and Chapin value or the surface area coverage assigned to a given molecular
(169). species will vary with the surface upon which it is adsorbed (129,
A number of tools and mathematical correlations have appeared 286).
during the past year, which have not been applied to the practical Studies on alumina by Russell and Cochran indicate better
problems involved in designing adsorbers but which it seems will agreement for stearic acid adsorption than for adsorption of
be applied in the future. These concern the theoretical princi- either nitrogen or butane (266, 266). A review by Dunaca has
ples of adsorption of gases by activated charcoal (114) for the compared the Harkins and Jura approach to the Brunauer-Em-
hypersorption of olefins, where in a physical mathematical study mett-Teller approach, according to the Anderson modification
the phenomena of the adsorption and capillary condensation in (84). He found that the Harkins constant, k , could be estimated
porous media are reviewed. Theoretical analysis of the frac- approximately from the Anderson constant and a given value for
tionating process of adsorption has been approached by Mair and the area occupied by an adsorbed molecule. A good method of
co-workers (201). determining the surface areas of a large number of solids to about
The mathematics of adsorption in fluidized beds has been dis- 20% accuracy was given, based on the assumption of a value for
cussed by Kasten and Amundson (166). As in the case of pre- the Anderson constant and the linearity of the P/P,vs. l / V plot
* vious mathematical studies, this theory applies only to equilib- over the range of P / P , from 0.25 to 0.75.
rium isotherms and to nonequilibrium cases that are linear and
Studies of the anomalous adsorption of helium a t liquid helium
reversible. I n general, the more complicated cases are not solv-
temperatures (10) by Band indicate that the high value of the
able by direct mathematical approach.
The redistribution of the adsorbate by diffusion within the bed volume of gas that will just fill the first monolayer a t its satura-
has been discussed by Ledoux (179) in terms of the usual dimen- tion density yielded by the ordinary Brunauer-Emmett-Teller
sionless variables, so that it is possible t o use these data to deter- plot are real and indicate that the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller the-
mine the diffusivities in other systems. The flow of gases through ory only requires generalization.
porous media has been studied by Takagi (279) and correlated A study of the adsorption of nonpolar gases and of water vapor
with the temperature rise of active charcoal on adsorption of on proteins by Benson and Ellis (29) indicated that reasonable
various organic solvent vapors. and fairly consistent values of surface areas and heats of adsorp-
The heat of adsorption, as related to the relative adsorbability tion were found, depending only on the state of subdivision of the
of gaseous hydrocarbons, was studied over silica gel and carbon protein powders. Adsorption of water, however, was immeas-

urably fast and the value of adsorption was independent of sur- tography was described by them, involving a proportional divi-
face area. der, which they have suggested be called “partogrid.” The
A study by Komarov, Drozdova, and Chernikova (166) on the met’hod involves a simple mechanical device for evaluating t,he
adsorption of nitrogen and butane on various solids indicated that separation coefficient.
the nitrogen adsorption was in all cases larger, as might be ex- Various uses for the separation of one material from another
pected, and that, in general, three fractions of the total surfaces have been dkcussed for bot’h inorganic and ionic systems (3,33,
exist: that rapidly accessible to butane, that slowly acceaible to 105, 107, 178, 281, 311) and organic systems (8, 38, 5’7, 63, i&,
butane, and that accessible to nitrogen but not to butane. 189,228,866,278,319).
Numerous studies have been made on the utilization of liquid The adsorption of particulates and proteins has been carried out.
phase adsorption to surface area determination and, according t o by this technique. Shepard and Tiselius (867) have discussed
the published accounts, with considerably greater success than t’he rhromatography of proteins as affected by salt concentration
that previously observed. The use of the iodine number (or and pH when adsorbed on silica gel. The problem of separat,ing
amount of iodine adsorbed) was found in two studies (21, 186) to subcellular part,iculates from the cytoplasm of cells was devel-
yield surface area values in complete agreement to those obtained oped by Riley, Woods, and Burk (849). The use of chronia-
using the low temperature adsorption of nitrogen or area calcu- tography to obtain adsorption isotherms was attempted by Nest-
lations from electron micrograph of carbon blacks. Stearic acid ler and Cassidy (WM), using the frontal-analysis technique in bi-
adsorption from solution was found to be simpler and to give good nary mixtures of fatty acid of low molecular weight,. The
agreement with nitrogen when the nitrogen molecular area was Freundlich isotherm Fvas found to hold for these materials over
calculated as 17.8sq. A If the nitrogen value is taken as 16.2 the range studied. The effect of the structure of the adsorhte
sq. A., a linear correlation in the results obtained gave 16.7 sq. A. on the adsorption was investigated by several workers. Hydro-
for the molecular coverage of the stearic acid molecule (25’5,266). gen bonding was found to be a factor, giving some rather anonxi-
The equilibrium and kinetics of liquid phase adsorption have lous results for certain hydroxy substituted compounds in prefer-
been discussed by Eagle and Scott (87). An approach to the use ence to others with slightly different structure (f44,%@).
of soap molecules from aqueous solutions was made, using sur- The adsorption on carbon of ketones with varying side chains
faces of graphite and polystyrene (60). was found to follow the rule that a decrease in the rate of movc-
Reviews of the use of surface area determinations by adsorp- ment of the ketone zone occurred with increasing mass of the side
tion techniques have been published by Emmett (89), Prettre chain. On silica gel and similar adsorbants, the reverse was
(,941),and Taylor (184). found to be true (271).
Similar relationships were found for the effect of the side chain
CHROMATOGRAPHY on the strength of adsorption with some primary aliphatic alco-
hols and amines by Monaghan, Moseley, and LeRosen (214).
Chromatographic techniques are interesting from a unit opera- This latter study also indicated irregularities in the effect of side
tions point of view, in that most of the work on separation of liq- chain on adsorption affinity. Naturally occurring phenolic sub-
uid phase components would be so indexed. There have been stances showed similar irregularities, although in general a
numerous studies on practical problems, particularly in the petro- straight line was obtained for the plot of the log of the function of
leum field, for both the separation and the analysis of complex the separation coefficient against the number of subst,ituent
mixtures. groups of any one kind (870).
The separation of cracked gasolines by this technique was Several articles appeared on the use of paper chromatography.
studied by Fink and co-workers (94, 96). Factors affecting the General articlcs were published by Gordon (116)and Clegg ( 5 2 ) ,
efficiency of the adsorption and the characteristics of the adsorb- and general considerations were discussed by Jones (149). An
ant and regeneration techniques were discussed recently. The interesting innovation was the use of alumina-impregnated filter
finer silica gels are found to give more efficient separations; the paper by some British authors (69). Automatic paper chronia-
disadvantages of the h e r silica gels are obviously those of tography was proposed by Muller and Clegg (216)and the kinet-
greater pressure drop and greater difficulty in separating from ics of paper chromatogram development was investigated, in
the fluid stream. In general, the adsorbing capacity of silica which the square of the radius of the colored zone on a paper disk
gel for olefins in the same range of molecular xeights de- chromatogram was found to be proportional to the development
creases in the order: cyclic. > branched-chain > straight- time for a given solvent or solute. Paper chromatography of
chain olefins. several substances was investigated, including a complete study
The chromatographic analysis of gas oils was investigated by on phenolic substances (93). The improvement and various
other Shell Oil chemists (63)and chromatographic analysis was discussions of the characteristics of different chromatographic ad-
extended to several other applications, including estimation of sorbants were mentioned in these studies and specifically by sev-
the hydrocarbons in primary tars by hot chromatography by eral other authors (154,156,867,196).
Vahrman (298), separation of chlorophylls by Wendel ( S o d ) , and General review articles on chromatography in several languages
analysis of hexachlorocyclohexane (104). A review of chromato- were published (148, 167, 194, 208, 277, 689, 508).
graphic analysis was published by Descamps (78). A plan was described for chromatographic separations on an in-
Improvements in the art of chromatography were mentioned in dustrial scale, utilizing a stationary radial chromatographic sep-
many of the studies, but several developments merit individual arator with an exchangeable inner container, containing the ad-
mention. A capillary-ascent test tube method was developed by sorbant. The general plant layout for this system was provided
Rockland and Dunn (261). An apparatus which records, on (195).
photographic paper, the changes in refractive power of a solution LIQUID PHASE ADSORPTION
leaving a filter us. the amount of solution was developed by
Hellstrom and Borgiel (132), who further indicated that difficul- The adsorption from liquid phase, either by the liquid surface
ties which arose in work using a commercial model were overcome itself or by solid surfaces, has been the subject of numerous inves-
and discussed the methods for so doing. A single apparatus for tigations. Previous work of Hansen, Fu, and Bartell (116),more
applying pressure and suction regulation to chromatographic col- completely published now, indicated that for sparingly soluble
umns was developed by Booth ($8). organic materials in aqueous solution the Brunauer-Emmett-
The term LLpartography” was proposed by Rockland and Dunn Teller equation of multimolecular adsorption holds fairly well.
(&52) for paper partition chromatography. A device for rapid The adsorption of electrolytes and the heats involved
and accurate reading of the separation values in paper chroma- therein have been measured by numerous investigators. The
adsorption of nickel and cobalt
from aqueous solutions by
manganese dioxide was meas-
ured, using the chloride and
nitrate solution. The adsorp-
tion was found to be cationic
and reversible and the anion
was not adsorbed. This was
advanced as an explanation of
the greater percenbge of nickel
oxide than of cobalt oxide in
the ores (98). The percentage
of adsorbed ions of z i w and
copper on calcium carbonate
was found to decrease as the
concentration increased. The
adsorption followed t h e
formula of Langmuir-Terrin.
Each adsorbed ion neutralized
various active centers of the
i absorbant. I n mixed solutions
of copper and zinc, the c o p
per diminishes the adsorption
of zinc to a degree to make
it negligible (42). The specific
adsorption isotherm of thio-
cyanate ion was estimated by
comparison with the adsorp-
tion of potassium chloride a t
the free surface of solution
(193). The specific adsorp-
tion of hydrogen ion a t the Adsorptive Dryer of 500-Cubic Foot Capacity
- -
free surface of solutions was
calculated by the same author and found to be nearly linear. ethyl stearate on various metal surfaces. No orientation was
Other studies were made on calcium hydroxide (85), numerous found on platinum, but on reactive metals, such as cadmium and
compounds of sodium (209), and many other materials (106, zinc, the diffraction pattern showed a change well above the melt-
119,968). ing point of stearic acid. Methyl stearate behaved similarly
Tiaelius and other authors have studied the adsorption of col- (260). Various other similar studies were made on both polar
loidal materials or the adsorption on colloidal materials in numer- and nonpolar organic compounds (%4,61,117,124).
QUS instances. The adsorption of sulfanilamide on silk fibroin The adsorption by clays and soil as related to the exchange
has been measured by Coulombre and Moore (W),and the en- capacity thereof has been rather thoroughly studied (70,106,108,
tropies of adsorption were found to be negligible. Sorption 119,197,,969)and applied to an interesting practical use wherein
isotherms of substantive dyes and humic acids by various gels in- the clay is mixed with a small amount of comminuted cellulosic
dicated the presence of sharp minima and maxima; depending material, such an wood flour; this material is extruded into
upon the water content of the adsorbant (165). small cylinders, and calcined to a content of low residual volatile
Passivation of iron was achieved with protein layers, particu- matter. The product is an adsorbant for oil, grease, water, and
larly solutions of gelatin, resulting in decreased attack of the iron other materials (197). Suggestions as to the use of clays for the
by sulfuric acid. Adsorptive passivation was found to be su- adsorption of vitamin B1 have been made by Sakurai and Hori
perior to parkerization (168). (259). In particular an approach has been made by Capon and
The adsorption of glutamic acid on aluminum oxide indicated co-workers (106)to the elucidation of the activity of the soil by
t h a t aluminum chloride is useful in increasing the adsorptive adsorptive technique involving exchange activities of cherno-
power (24'4.6). The Nobel lecture of Tiselius (288), on the use of zems.
adsorption analysis as a means for study of substances of high Of the numerous studies of adsorption of dyes, the effect of ad-
molecular weight and their decomposition products, has now been sorption on the rate of diffusion in gels merits mention because of
published (287). the postulate that there are active centers in the gel which immo-
There have been a large number of studies of adsorption from
bilize the diffusion in the gel. The result is that Fick's law is not
4 solution by various substrates. It would be impossible to survey
exactly valid, but the deviation could be related to pH (39).
these exhaustively, but mention of a few fields may be of interest.
The adsorption on metal or mineral surfaces of specifically ad- The adsorption of acid dyes on cellulose has been thermodp-
sorbed materials has been the subject of increasing interest. The namically evaluated by Peters and Vickerstaff (234).
theory of water-repellant films on solids formed by adsorption In an interesting piece of work by Dickey (74) a method has
was suggested by Cook and Nixon (68) for use in flotation studies. been reported for obtaining silica gels having specific adsorption
Physical and chemical adsorption of long-chain compounds on afEnities for certain azo dyes. The silica gel is prepared in the
metals was studied by radioactive technique and no reaction was presence of a particular dye and then as much of the dye as prac-
observed in any case of adsorption of high molecular weight alco- tical is removed by prolonged extraction. Gels prepared in this
hols on zinc, cadmium, copper, platjnuni, and gold. With stearic way were very much more powerful adsorbants for the particular
acid, however, the film reacted with zinc, cadmium, and copper dye used in their preparation than control gels.
W). As usual, there has been a great deal of activity in the adsorp-
Electron diffraction observations were made on adsorbed tion a t liquid-liquid and liquid-air interfaces. There is compara-
50 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY Vol. 43, No. 1

tively little practical significance to this work, but a great deal of ide. For birch charcoal the adsorption of dyes indicated that
theoretical interest. when large excesses of zinc chloride compared to organic material
When a dry powder is wetted by a liquid, a gas is evolved. This were used the resultant pores in the charcoal were accessible to
was quantitatively studied by KrasnovskiI and Gurevich (170), colloidal particles. Activation of sugar carbon by heat treatment
using various oxide samples for the adsorption of palmitic from 500" to 1100' C. was found to result in maximum adsorption
acids in toluene solutions. They stated the volume desorbed can at about 800" for organic acid of low molecular weight (186).
be used for characterizing the powder. When activated carbon was oxidized by boiling in nitric acid, a
One interesting technique in the study of adsorption from the high adsorption for hydrogen sulfide was obtained, in contrast to
liquid phase mentioned above-the use of radioactive tracer meth- unoxidized charcoal which did not adsorb the gas. The 10% ni-
ods for determining adsorption of very small quantities of high tric acid treatment was better in this respect than more concen-
molecular weight materials at interfaces-was further discussed trated solutions. Preliminary adsorption of hydrogen sulfide on
(109, 145). the oxidized carbon was found to raise its adsorption capacity for
benzene (291).
P R E P A R A T I O N AND PROPERTIES OF V A R I O U S A D S O R B A N T S Electron microscope studies (S42) of active carbon indicated
Chemically inert gel bas been prepared by Biget (28)by coagu- that the material was not uniform, as would be expected, and that
lating acetone solutions of cellulose acetate with aqueous solutions the dimensions of the visible pores increased when the total pore
of metallic perchlorates. Gels containing as little as 2y0 acetate volume was increased by longer heating.
were obtained. These were inert to solutions of p H 0 to 9, and Electron microscope studies of silica gels indicated that, in gen-
were unaffected by many organic substances. Those materials eral, they belong to one of three classes: a transparent gel which
which caused dehydration, hardening, or plasticizing of the gels bad no pores and was similar to quartz fragments, gels con-
rapidly destroyed them. sisting of crystals 500 to 1000 A. in size with pores between the
Barrer ( I S ) has prepared crystalline hydrogen zeolites by heat- particles of 160 to 600 A., and intermediate structures. These
ing the corresponding ammonium zeolites in oxygen. The hy- data agreed with adsorption data (248). The elastic properties of
drogen zeolites of mordenite and chabazite were found to be ex- silica gels were examined by Munro (618), who found that
cellent adsorbants and to take u p propane more rapidly than the Young's modulus was not independent of load and increased with
natural zeolites. the age of the gel, as well as the concentration. Increased tem-
The decolorizing efficiency of fuller's earth (196) was improved perature increased the modulus of acid gels, whereas alkali gels
by extruding the earth mixed with a small concentration of aque- showed a higher modulus a t room temperature and a lower elastic
ous sodium hydroxide and neutralizing the extruded material by recovery.
sufficient mineral acid to react with the alkaline reagent. The Modifications and production of silica and other gels have been
earths so treated were stable after repeated regeneration. the subject of numerous studies. A process and apparatus for
Montmorillonite was activated by treatment with sulfuric acid. continuous manufacture were described by Weir (303). Silica-
The specific surface tended toward a maximum and then de- alumina catalysts were prepared by mixing alumina trihydrate
creased as increasing amounts of aluminum, iron, and magnesium with silica sol containing an excess of sulfuric acid. The gel was
oxides were removed from the siliceous material. The surface soaked in ammonia to precipitate alumina in the body of the silica
areas were studied by both x-ray and gaseous adsorption tech- matrix (55). A similar catalyst was prepared by depositing on ac-
niques. When sodium montmorillonite was dried a t successively tivated alumina an organic compound capable of producing hy-
higher temperatures, the sample increased to a maximum area of drated silica when subjected t o heat (2.9'7). If the silica-alumina
90 square meters per gram when approximately half the water had sol has incorporated in it a small percentage of powder under 50
been removed. The area and water content then decreased to ap- microns in size and is fusible at 1000" F., a catalyst of greater par-
proximately 0 as the sample was dried a t successively higher tem- ticle strength isobtained ($IS),which can be subjected to more se-
peratures, in the range of from 300' t o 900" C. Calcium montmo- vere drying conditions.
rillonite reacted similarly, except that two maxima were ob- Preparation of gels by spraying tbe sodium silicate solution into
served (191, 192). Activation of bentonite and other clays con- a n agitated sulfuric acid solution a t relatively low temperatures
taining montmorillonite was reported by Hickey (134) to result in was developed by Archer and Dunn (6). In this method the gel
catalysts for hydrocarbon conversion, or in contact adsorbants for was allowed to age for some time before washing. Other methods
aqueous or organic impurities in oils and fats, or as decolorizing involving aging of the gel were developed by Ashley and Jaeger
agent for oils, sugar, and process waters. The use of hydrochloric (9) and Higuchi (135). High speed agitation of the sulfuric acid
acid or sulfuric acid was found to be preferable to mineral acid for solution used for precipitation o l the silica-alumina gel resulted in
activation. The maximum level of activation was achieved by controlled particle size (6).
removal of 20 to 45% of the lattice aluminum. For use as a cata- Hydration of gels which decrepitate in contact with liquid wa-
lyst, the treated clay was calcined a t 400' to 600" C. Bentonite ter can be accomplished by an addition of ice, allowing the mix-
and similar materials can be activated to remove considerably ture to stand for extended periods of time (4). Other general im-
more of the water content by partial drying and then extraction provements in silica and other gels have been put forth in produc-
with a water-soluble liquid such as ethyl alcohol (49). When tion (112, 17'7, 629), washing (66), drying (172, 394), and heat
bentonites are heated, the exchange capacity to lithium ions is treatment (997). Production of spherical gel materials has been
lost (141). Spherical particles of highly acid treated bentonites the subject of a number of publications (191,203, 904, 836-,998).
were prepared by mixing a finely powdered bentonite with alumina Forming of viscous inorganic sols into any desired shape-rods,
sol, dispersing the mixture in butanol, and agitating the disper- disks, or spheres-and hardening the resultant shapes by immer-
sion until the sol sets to the hydrogel, forming spherical particles sion in liquid ammonia or exposure to gaseous ammonia were de-
of alumina hydrogel and bentonite. veloped by Marisic and Griest (804). Molded active materials
The well known preparation of activated carbon by impregna- were prepared by coating pieces of refractory inert solids with
tion of the starting material with zinc chloride and subsequent wax and applying a layer of the wet, workable mass. On drying,
calcination has been studied by several authors (2, 78, 81). The a hard shell of the adsorptive material developed with a hard in-
yield, homogeneity and activity of the product were found to de- ner core (91).
pend on the uniformity of contact between the steam used for ac-
tivation and the carbon and on the temperature of the steam. The KINETICS OF A D S O R P T I O N
yield of carbon activated by zinc chloride was found to be consid- The kinetics of hydrogen adsorption on nickel was utilized b y
erably greater than that obtained in activation by carbon diox- Sadek and Taylor (868)in the study of nickel catalyBt prepara-

tions. Both physical adsorption and chemisorption were ob- Surface diffusion of adsorbed molecules of organic materials in
served and the different preparations adsorbed different relative silica gel and active carbons a t low temperature waa reported by
amounts by the two types. The data did not support an inter- Haul (ISO), utilizing a direct weighing method to measure the dif-
pretation based either on solubility of hydrogen in the lattice or on fusion. The ink bottle mechanism for hysteresis was stated a s
a n exothermic entry of hydrogen into the nickel lattice a t low being confirmed by a theoretical paper by Katz (157). A deter-
temperatures. The kinetics of desorption of hydrogen was stud- mination of the pore size distribution, by applying the ink bottle
ied by Cornault and by Keier and Roginskii (59, 160). If de- theory to previous data, yielded results compatible with expected
sorption was stopped before complete degassing and more hydro- values by statistical consideration.
gen was added, this was adsorbed more rapidly than during the Todes and Bondareva (290), making the assumption that ex-
primary adsorption, indicating that desorption does not appear perimental deviations from Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm are
to start from patches least active in adsorption on sugar charcoal, determined by heterogeneity of the surface and with disregarded
The adsorption of hydrogen on reduced copper was found to be interaction between adsorbed molecules, established integral
very slow and equilibrium was not reached after 66 hours (174). equations for the distribution function of portions of the surface
Methane was chemisorbed on a composite nickel-alumina-man- with values of adsorption coefficient. Solutions of these integral
ganese-kieselguhr catalyst and found to obey a simple Langmuir equations were sought by choosing empirical functions which
rate equation with desorption neglected (294). The desorption agreed best with experimental values. After a thorough-going
of the methane was not observed, but instead the evolved discussion of mathematical techniques for solving this type of
gas was hydrogen. Tbe rate of the hydrogen desorption did not equation, they stated a preference for Roginskii’s approximation,
result in a simple Langmuir equation, indicating surface hetero- and use of Taylor’s series after the first term.
.. geneity. Chemisorption of oxygen was used by Rideal and Trap-
ne11 (248) to estimate the surface area of tungsten used for chemi-
The Langmuir isotherm for localized unimolecular adsorption
was generalized by Hill (iS7-169), using statistical methods in or-
sorption studies of hydrogen. The equilibrium adsorption of der to discuss adsorption on a heterogeneous surface, with and
hydrogen was found to change very slowly with temperature and without interactions between adsorbed molecules. The configu-
pressure and to fit a Freundlich isotherm. The heats of adsorp- rational entropy and the nature of the phase changes on a random
tion were calculated by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The heterogeneous surface were discussed. The theory predicted, a t
observed decrease of heat of adsorption with coverage could not least for one special case, that condensation would occur in two
be accounted for on the basis of simple electrostatic dipole-dipole steps. The application of the thermodynamic methods enabled
repulsion. The thermodynamics of an adsorbate on an adsorb- thermodynamic functions to be calculated from the Brunauer-
a n t is discussed by Hill (133, giving particular attention to the Emmett-Teller statistical model.
heat of adsorption. It was found that the true equilibrium of ad-
sorbate was given by --( ”) fi = m2

sional spreading pressure. Hansen (125) derived the Clapeyron The large number of references published during the past year
equation thermodynamically as applied to calculation of heats of preclude complete discussion of individual studies of equilibrium
adsorption from adsorption isosteres and came to the conclusion data. For the convenience of persons interested in such studies,
that the derivation should be evaluated a t a constant number of a cross-index reference list follows.
adsorbed molecules per unit surface area of the solid rather than
Adsorbants of Major Interest. CHARCOAL.( 2 , 17, S6, 46, 48,
the usual isosteric evaluation. 76-79,81, 82, 88,1OS, 111, lis, 1S0, 161-165,181-186, 210, 220,
Cremer (64) explained deviations from the Langmuir a d s o r p 2S1, 2.92, 242,246, 2624 264, 271, 272,276,879, 280,286,295, SOO,
tion formula on the hypothesis that the surface had centers with 306).
different heats of adsorption. Adsorption begins a t centers of CARBON (other than charcoal). (9.8.15. 16. 19. 2i. SO. 76. 80.
high energy and the number of adsorption centers having a given 82, 88, 103,‘126, 151, 152, 160, 164,18h1186, $09; 810, 8i8,h 4 ;
heat has an exponential dependence upon the heat. This theory 2S5, 246,247, 261, 27S1291, 298, 896).
takes into account a factor characteristic of the disorder of the
surface and the degree of adsorbability of the substances adsorbed.
The number of active catalytic centers was found to increase ex-
ponentially with the heat of adsorption. GELSOTHERTHAN SILICA.(4,5,15,28,S6, S9,66,85, 87, 112,
Beebe and co-workers (16.9) measured the differential heats of 1S1,164,165, 172, 177, IOS, 204, 211,815,227, 829, 236,255,266,
adsorption of nitrogen and oxygen on titanium dioxide and calcu- 268, SOS).
lated the partial molal entropy of the adsorbed gas. The results CLAYS. (@, 70,108,119,1S4,1.61,191,192, 190,197,199, $00,
show that the partial molal entropy of the adsorbed gas is less 259, 274, 286).
than the partial molal entropy of the bulk three-dimensional liq- OXIDESOTHERTHAN GELS. (S8, 4 4 92, 99,109,140,155,164,
uid or solid phases a t coverages less than a monolayer, as defined 165,167,171,187,19O12S0, 244, 255-267,276,281, SOO, S14).
by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation, for all the systems in- METALS. (46, 90,117, 124, 128,129,152,162, i66,169,17S-
vestigated; a t coverages greater than a monolayer, the value a p 176, 198, 216, 2SS,848, 258,260,864).
proached the entropy of the three-dimensional liquid or solid. Adsorbates of Interest. NITROGEN. (15, 16, 9 2 , 43, 90, 97,
The entropy requirements of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller theory 129, 150, 158, 16S, 166,188, 192, 210, 233, 246,263, 255, 26‘1, 286,
so9, Sf s, S14).
were shown to be incompatible with the experimental evidence a t
coverages lesa than a monolayer. RAREGASES. (10, 97,99,110,158,188,190,210,J05, SO9,
818, 314).
Other heat of adsorption studies were made on silica gel (86,
872), on carbon (17,19,21012S1,2S2, 2S5,264, 261, B O ) , and on WATERVAPOR. (22, 40,41, 67, 77,97,129,142,164, 188,811,
226, WSS,2S8, 2@, 254,26S, 265, S06,515).
miscellaneous other solids (14, 62,178-176,198,211, SOi? 81s) for
various adsorbates. The adsorption of dissolved substances and HYDROCARBONS AND NONPOLAR ORGANIC VAPORS. (15,18,19,
%2,S8,89,51, 5.3, 59, 61, 6S, 69, 70, 78, 79, 85,87, 88, 95, IOS, 114,
vapors on liquid surfaces was examined by Gyani (18s). Systems 122,124, 126,129, 1S0, 1S5, 144, 162, 166,170,181, 182, 18s-185,
were chosen so as to have ideally homogeneous adsorbing surfaces. 188,201 , 21 9,225, 251,245, 25S, 255,256, 961,263,270, 272, 276,
I n many ca6es a very good agreement was found. The transitory 279,280, 286, 291, 294).
motion of the adsorbed molecules was confined rigidly to one POLAR ORGANIC VAPORS. (1, 25, S5, 58,51, 58, 60, 69, 80, 86,
91, 102, 1 W , 109, 117, 122, 124, 126, 129, 1S0, 144,168, 164, 165,
plane. Adsorption among some adsorbed molecules was indicated 187, 188, 210, 225, 2S1, 236, 244,250, 254, 261, 26S, 270, 276,280,
on the adsorption of some polar molecules on mercury. 291, 298).
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281, 272, 273, 279, 280, 295, 301, 513). 317-20 I194R).
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Ibid., 2,492,808 (Dec. 27, 1949). Roginskii, S. Z., and Yanovskii, hl. I., Zhur. Fiz. Khim., 24,
Matsunaga, Yoshiaki, Bull. Nagoya Inst. Technol., 1, 260-70 137-43 (1950).
(1949). Runov, A. D., Kiselev, A. V., Kiselev, V. F., and Alekseev, S.
Maxted, E. B., J . Chem. SOC.,1949, 1987-91. N., Ibid., 23, 1005-17 (1949).
Meister, H., Swiss Patent 237,380 (Aug. 1, 1945). Russell, A. S.,and Cochran, c. N., IND. ENG.Cmbr., 42,1332-5
Meng. K. H., E. S. Patent 2.487.574 (Nov. 8. 1949). (1950).
Merrill, R. C., and Getty, R., J . P h i s . & Colloid‘Chem., 54, Ibid., PP. 1336-40.
_. .. . (1950).
Millard, Ben, Cynarski, Jeanette, and Beebe, R. A,, “Calori-
Sacconi, Luigi, Xature, 164, 70-1 (1949).
Sadek, H., and Taylor, H. S., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,72, 1168-75
metric Heats of Adsorption of Nitrogen, Argon, and (1950).
Methanol on Several Carbon Pigments of Widely Different Sakurai and Hori, Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo), 22,
Physical Characteristics,” 117th Meeting Ax. CHEM.SOC., 760-8 (1943).
Houston, Tex., 1950. Sanders, J. V., Research (London), 2, 586-7 (1949).
Milligan, W. O., and Morgan, C. S., Jr., “Adsorption of Water Schaeffer, T.V. D., Polley, M. H., and Smith, W. R., J . Phys. &
Vapor on Ferric Oxide-Chromic Oxide Gels,” 117th Meet- Colloid Chem., 54, 227-39 (1950).
ing Ani. Cmm. SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950 Schroeder, W. A,, “Hydrogen Bonding and Relative Adsorption
Milligan, W. O., and Morgan, C. S.,Jr., “High Temperature Affinities of Certain Derivatives of Diphenylamine and N -
-4dsorption Apparatus,” 117th Meeting AM. CHEM. SOC., Ethylaniline on Salicylic Acid,” 117th Meeting AM. CHEM.
Houston, Tex., 1950. SOC., Houston, Tex.
Milliken, T. H., U. S. Patent 2,487,065 (Sov. 8, 1949). Seelioh, F., Monatsh., 79, 338-47 (1948).
-Monaghan, P. H., Moseley, P. B., and LeRosen, A. L., “Effect Shafrin, E. G., and Zisman, W. A., J . Colloid Sci., 4, 571-90
of the Side Chain on the Strength of Adsorption of Some (1949).
Primary Aliphatic Alcohols and Amines,” 117th Meeting Shapiro, I., and Kolthoff, I. M., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 776-82
- 4 ~CHEM.
. Sac., Houston, Tex., 1950. (1950).
Mostovetch, Nicolas, Compt. rend., 228, 1702-4 (1949). Shemyakin, F. A I . , and Mitselovskil, E. S.,Zhur. Anal. K h i m . ,
Mtiller, R. H., and Clegg, D. L., Anal. Chem., 21, 1123-5 3, 349-53 (1948).
(1949). Shepard, C . C., and Tiselius, A., Discussions Faraday SOC.,No.
Ibid., pp. 1429-30. 7, 275-85 (1949).
hIunro, L. A., McNab, J. G., and Ott, W. L., Can. J . Research, Shishniashviy, M. E., Isvest. A k a d . N a u k S.S.S.R., 1950, 169-
27B, 781-90 (1949). 77.
Murphree, E. V., U. S. Patent 2,515,134 (July 11, 1950). Sierra, F., and Monllor, E., Anales As. y quim. (Madrid), 41,
Nestler, F. H. M., and Cassidy, H. G., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 234-48 (1945).
680-9 (1950). Smith, E. C. B., and Westall, R. G., Biochim. et Biophys. Acta,
Ono, Syu,J. Chem. Phys., 18, 397 (1950). 4, 427-40 (1950) (in English).
Ono, Syu, M e m . Faculty Eng., K y u s h u Univ., 12, 1-8 (1950). Smith, E. D., and LeRosen, A. L., “Effect of Side Chain on
Ibid., pp. 9-19. Chromatographie Adsorption of Some Ketones on Carbon,”
Owen, J. J., U. S. Patent 2,475,984 (July 12, 1949). 117th Meeting AM. CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950.
Pal’velev, V. T., Doklady A k a d . N a u k S.S.S.R., 65, 875-8 Smith, W. R., and Beebe, R. A., IND.ENQ.C H E ~ 41, . , 1431-5
(1949). (1949).
Pamfilov, A. V., Devyatyhk, G. G., and Shirshova, L. V., Smith, W. R., and Schaeffer, W. D., Proc. 2nd Rubber Technol.
Zhur. Fiz. K h i m . , 24, 292-8 (1950). Conf. (London) 1948,403-13.
Pardee, W. A., and Elliott, G. E., U. S. Patent 2,493,896 (Jan. Standard Oil Development Co., Brit. Patent 590,252 (July 11,
10, 1950). 1947).
Partridgc, S. M., and Westall, R. G., Biochem. J., 44, 418-28 Starodubstev, S. V., Zhur. Eksptl. Teoret. Fiz., 19, 215-24
(1949). (1949).
Patrick, W. A., U. 8. Patent 2,503,168 (April 4,1950). Stengler, G., and Krenkler, K., Erdol u. Kohle, 3, 120-4 (1950).
Perchet, R., Genie civil, 126, 208-9 (1949). Strain, H. H., Frontiers in Chem. 8, (Frontiers in Colloid Chem-
Perreu, Jean, Compt. rend., 229, 195-7 (1949); 228, 1427-9 istry) 29-63 (1950).
(1949). Strain, H. H., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 1307-10 (1950).
Tbid., 230, 642-4 (1950). Takagi, Sadashige, J . Chem. SOC.J a p a n , 68, 5-6 (1947).
Perrot, M., and Arcaix, S., Ibid., 229, 1139-42 (1949). Tamaru, S., and Sato, K., Rev. Phys. Chem. J a p a n , Shinkichi
Peters. R. H.. and Vickerstaff.. T... Proc. Rou. SOC.(London). Horiba Commem. Vol., 1946, 1-5,
A192, 292-308 (1948). Tanaka, M., Ashizawa, T., and Shibata, M., Chem. Researches
Pierce, C., and Smith, R. N., J . Phys. & Colloid Chem., 54, 354- ( J a p a n ) , 5, Inorg. and Anal. Chem., 35-52 (1949).
64 (1950). Taylor, H. S., Adaances in Catalysis, 1, 1-26 (1948).
Pierce, J. A., U. S. Patent 2,506,316 (May 2, 1950). Taylor, H. S., Frontiers in Chem. 8, (Frontiers in Colloid Chem-
Pierce. J. A.. and Kimberlin, C. N.. Jr. (to Standard Oil De- istrv). 1-28 (1950).
velopment Co.), U. s. Patent 2,474,910 (July 5 , 1949). Taylor,”. S., i.ch&. p h w . , 47, 74-81 (1950).
Plank, C. J., Ibid., 2,499,680 (March 7, 1950) Teichner, S., Ibid., 47, 118-21 (1950).
Polak, Feliks, Roczniki Chem., 22, 181-90 (1948). Tendeloo, H. J. C., Mans, A. E., and deHoogh, G., V I I Congr.
Pouradier, J., and iibribat, M., Research (London), Suppl., intern. inds. agr., Paris, 2, 182-8 (1948) (in English).
Surface Chemistry 1949, 135-44 (in French, English sum- Tiselius, Arne, Naturwissenschaften, 37, 25-33 (1950).
mary). Tiselius, Arne, Prix Nobel, 1948, 102-21.
Prettre, Marcel, J . chim. phgs., 47, 99-103 (1950). Titov, E. M., Zavodskaya Lab., 13, 1359-64 (1947).
Radushkevich, L. V., and Lukyanovich, V. M., Zhur. Fiz. Todes, 0. &I.,and Bondareva, A. K., Zhur. Priklad. K h i m . ( J .
Khim., 24, 21-42 (1950). Applied Chem.), 21, 693-707 (1948).
Rao, K. S., Rao, M. B., Vasudevamurthy, A. R., and Rao B. S., Toropov, S. A., and Pylaev, A. V., Ibid., 22, 568-71 (1949).
Proc. Nall. Inst. Sci. India, 16, 1-4 (1950). Trapeznikov, A. A., Kolloid. Zhur., 12, 67-80 (1950).
Rauen, H. M., and Wolf, L., Z . physiol. Chem., 283, 233-42 Trillat, J. J., and Millet, J., J . recherches centre natl. recherche
(1948). sci. (Paris), 1950, No. 10, 32-5.
Ray, G. C., and Box, E. O., Jr., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1315-18 Troesch, A., J . chim. phys., 47, 145-7 (1950).
(1950). Ibid., pp. 148-56.
Reyerson, L. H., and Wertz, J. E., “Sorption of the Oxides of Trueblood, K. N., and Malmberg, E. W.,Anal. Chem., 21,
Nitrogen on Carbon Surfaces,” 23rd Colloid Symposium.
Reyerson, L. H., and Wertz, J. E., “Sorption Studies on the 1055-8 (1949).
Bromine-Graphite System,” 23rd Colloid Symposium. Utterback and Bergstrom, U. S. Patent 2,477,019 (July 26,
Rideal. E. K., and Trapnell, B. M. W., J . chim. phys., 47, 126- 1949).
38 (1950). Vahrman, hl., Nature, 165, 404-5 (1950).
Riley, Vernon, Woods, M. W., and Burk, Dean, “Chromatog- Vinogradov, G . V., and Borodulina, L. P., Zhur. Priklad. Khim.
raphyas an Approach to the Problemof Separating Subcellular ( J . Applied Chem.), 21, 249-50 (1948).
Particulates,” 117th Meeting AM. CHEW SOC., Houston, Vogt, H., Pharm. Zentralhalle, 87, 38-44 (1948).
Tex., 1950. Vol’kenshtein, F. F., Zhur. Fio. Khirn., 23, 917-30 (1949).
Robinson, D. A., and Mills, G. F., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41,22214 Weatherburn, A. S., Rose, G. R. F., and Bayley, C. H., Can. J .
(1949). Research, 27F, 179-93 (1949).
(303)Weir, H. M., U. S. Patent 2,485,249(Oct. 18, 1949). (311) Yang, J. T., and Haissinsky, M., Bull. SOC. chim. France, 1949,
(304) Wendel, K.,Planta, 37, 604-11 (1950). 540-7.
(305) White, L.,and Schneider, C. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,71,2945-6 (312) Zafir, M., Folia Pharm. ( T u r k e y ) , 1, No. 3, 29-31 (1949) (in
(1949). German).
(306)Wiig, E. O.,and Juhola, A. J., Ibid., 71,561-8 (1949). (313) Zettlemoyer, A. C., Chand, A., and Gamble, E., J. Am.
(307) Wilga, J., Mindler, A. G., and Gilwood, M. E., “Decolorieing Chem. Soc., 72, 2752-7 (1950).
Solutions by a Granular Synthetic Resin,” 117th Meeting (314) zettlemoyer, A. c.9Healey, F. H., and Fetsko, J. M., “Adsorp-
AM. CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950. tion of Gases on Cadmium Oxide,” 117th Meeting Ana.
(308) Williams, T.I., Anal. Chim. Acta, 2,635-48 (1948)(in English). CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950.
(309) Wolock, I., and Harris, B. L., IND. ENG.C H ~ M42, . , 1347-9 (315)zhdanovg s* Dokl&J Ahad* S*S-S*R*v681 99-102
(1950). (1949).
(310) Wustefeld, H., Arch. Metallcunde, 3, 223-4 (1949). RECEIVED
November 13, 1950.

CENTRIFUGATION ~ - - _ _ _ _

A marked improvement in the material available on centrifugation i s noted. Several in- flow relationships in a basket centri-
vestigations obtained sufficient data to permit a comparison of theory-with practice (77, 58). fuge has been presented by Burak and
A new textbook (76) on unit operations provides an improved treatrnent,of centrifugation. Con- Storrow (17). They pointed out t h e
tinuous centrifuges for handling solids and liquids have been combined with mixers to extract limitations of the equation suggested
castor oil, linseed oil, and soya oil from the ground seeds continuously (6). The First unclassified by Maloney (479, and developed
information on the separation of uranium isotopes using centrifuges has appeared (74). others suitable for experimental veri-
fication. I n their experimental study
they suspended maize starch particles

URING the past year several books appeared containing of about 12 microns in diameter in water and centrifuged them in
sections on centrifugation. The most voluminous treatment a perforated basket fitted with a fabric medium. A comparison of
occurs in Perry’s third edition of the “Chemical Engineers’ data on cakes of various thicknesses showed t h a t the starch was
Handbook” (SO). -Only minor changes have been made in this uniformly packed. The rate of passage of water through various
material since the first edition of 1934. The section might have thicknesses of previously deposited cake was not proportional
been improved by providing a bibliography on the subjeot, by to the square of the speed of rotation, as predicted by the theo-
including descriptions and performance data on the units for retical equations. The authors attempted, without success, to
continuously handling slurries, and by bringing the cost in- correlate the data by putting the deviations into the permeability
formation up to date. All of the information necessary is readily term. Then they made filtration studies on deposited filter cakes
available (27, 47-61, 68, 81). The discussion by Brown et al. and also on cakes first formed in the centrifuge and then carefully
(16) represents a marked improvement over those in earlier texts. inserted into the filter cell. Their results were somewhat confus-
These authors give, for the first time, an illustrated description ing and bear out the results of Wilcox (81),who was forced t o
of modern equipment, a discussion of the theoretical aspects of conclude that his filter-cell experiments did not give results com-
the subject, a bibliography, and some problems. But this dis- parable with those obtained in a centrifuge. I n such a study,
cussion, like those in all the other standard texts, might be im- some simplification might have been obtained by the employment
proved by the inclusion of illustrative examples and a comparison of carefully sized and incompressible materials, such as silica.
of calculated results with actual performance data. Such ex- German workers (14) reported descriptions and performance
amples and comparisons are furnished in relation to other opera- data on several centrifuges that were used for separating gaseous
tions b u t not for centrifugation. Golding (35) has published isotopes. Studies were conducted on xenon, krypton, selenium,
an adequate treatment of centrifuges for laboratory use. His and uranium isotopes. The rotors were of the tubular variety
discussion includes a number of illustrative examples exhibiting subdivided into from 1 to 10 chambers. The rotor diameters
the method for calculating; the time required for certain particles were as great as 12 cm. and the lengths were as great as 67 cm.
to be separated by centrifugal action; the relative centrifugal Speeds u p to 60,000 revolutions per minute were employed. In
force in test tube units; and the pressures developed in the the separation of UFc isotopes, the separation factors ranged
centrifuging tubes. The account could serve.as an introduction from 1.01 to 1.06.
to the field. Nichols and Bailey ( 6 4 ) have written extensively on An extensive study of the variables affecting the clarification
N the ultracentrifuge as a laboratory device. of sulfate liquors in a Bird continuous centrifuge has been re-
Review articles on the subject have continued t o appear. ported (68). The main value of this investigation to readers
They include a description of lubricating oil centrifuges together outside the paper industry lies in the proof that the performance
with operating instructions ( I O ) ; a review of applications of the of this machine is qualitatively predictable from theoretical
ultracentrifuge in research and practice (45); and a review (in considerations. Conclusions of general interest include: The
German) of American centrifugal practice and its developments percentage of solids in the liquor in the centrifuge increased
(63). rapidly above a certain feed rate; a decrease in the operating
temperature of the feed liquor from 195’ to 165” F. roughly
doubled the percentage of solids in the effluent; a marked in-
Noteworthy progress is being made in the development of crease in the percentage of solids in the effluent occurred if the
fundamental information in this field. Investigators are begin- feed liquor contained more than 10% of solids. Richardson and
ning t o study the variables affecting the performance of cen- Lyons (60)have obtained operating information on the dewater-
trifugal machines. One of the few theoretical treatments of the ing of coal in a Bird continuous unit (Figure 1). Because of the
(303)Weir, H. M., U. S. Patent 2,485,249(Oct. 18, 1949). (311) Yang, J. T., and Haissinsky, M., Bull. SOC. chim. France, 1949,
(304) Wendel, K.,Planta, 37, 604-11 (1950). 540-7.
(305) White, L.,and Schneider, C. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,71,2945-6 (312) Zafir, M., Folia Pharm. (Turkey), 1, No. 3, 29-31 (1949) (in
(1949). German).
(306)Wiig, E. O.,and Juhola, A. J., Ibid., 71,561-8 (1949). (313) Zettlemoyer, A. C., Chand, A., and Gamble, E., J. Am.
(307) Wilga, J., Mindler, A. G., and Gilwood, M. E., “Decolorieing Chem. Soc., 72, 2752-7 (1950).
Solutions by a Granular Synthetic Resin,” 117th Meeting (314) zettlemoyer, A. c.9Healey, F. H., and Fetsko, J. M., “Adsorp-
AM. CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950. tion of Gases on Cadmium Oxide,” 117th Meeting Ana.
(308) Williams, T.I., Anal. Chim. Acta, 2,635-48 (1948)(in English). CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950.
(309) Wolock, I., and Harris, B. L., IND. ENG.C H ~ M 42,. , 1347-9 (315)zhdanovg s* Dokl&J Ahad* S*S-S*R*v681 99-102
(1950). (1949).
(310) Wustefeld, H., Arch. Metallcunde, 3, 223-4 (1949). RECEIVED
November 13, 1950.

CENTRIFUGATION ~ - - _ _ _ _

A marked improvement in the material available on centrifugation i s noted. Several in- flow relationships in a basket centri-
vestigations obtained sufficient data to permit a comparison of theory-with practice (77, 58). fuge has been presented by Burak and
A new textbook (76) on unit operations providesan improved treatrnent,of centrifugation. Con- Storrow (17). They pointed out t h e
tinuous centrifuges for handling solids and liquids have been combined with mixers to extract limitations of the equation suggested
castor oil, linseed oil, and soya oil from the ground seeds continuously (6). The First unclassified by Maloney (479, and developed
information on the separation of uranium isotopes using centrifuges has appeared (74). others suitable for experimental veri-
fication. I n their experimental study
they suspended maize starch particles

URING the past year several books appeared containing of about 12 microns in diameter in water and centrifuged them in
sections on centrifugation. The most voluminous treatment a perforated basket fitted with a fabric medium. A comparison of
occurs in Perry’s third edition of the “Chemical Engineers’ data on cakes of various thicknesses showed t h a t the starch was
Handbook” (SO). -Only minor changes have been made in this uniformly packed. The rate of passage of water through various
material since the first edition of 1934. The section might have thicknesses of previously deposited cake was not proportional
been improved by providing a bibliography on the subjeot, by to the square of the speed of rotation, as predicted by the theo-
including descriptions and performance data on the units for retical equations. The authors attempted, without success, to
continuously handling slurries, and by bringing the cost in- correlate the data by putting the deviations into the permeability
formation up to date. All of the information necessary is readily term. Then they made filtration studies on deposited filter cakes
available (27, 47-61, 68, 81). The discussion by Brown et al. and also on cakes first formed in the centrifuge and then carefully
(16) represents a marked improvement over those in earlier texts. inserted into the filter cell. Their results were somewhat confus-
These authors give, for the first time, an illustrated description ing and bear out the results of Wilcox (81),who was forced t o
of modern equipment, a discussion of the theoretical aspects of conclude that his filter-cell experiments did not give results com-
the subject, a bibliography, and some problems. But this dis- parable with those obtained in a centrifuge. I n such a study,
cussion, like those in all the other standard texts, might be im- some simplification might have been obtained by the employment
proved by the inclusion of illustrative examples and a comparison of carefully sized and incompressible materials, such as silica.
of calculated results with actual performance data. Such ex- German workers (14) reported descriptions and performance
amples and comparisons are furnished in relation to other opera- data on several centrifuges that were used for separating gaseous
tions b u t not for centrifugation. Golding (35) has published isotopes. Studies were conducted on xenon, krypton, selenium,
an adequate treatment of centrifuges for laboratory use. His and uranium isotopes. The rotors were of the tubular variety
discussion includes a number of illustrative examples exhibiting subdivided into from 1 to 10 chambers. The rotor diameters
the method for calculating; the time required for certain particles were as great as 12 cm. and the lengths were as great as 67 cm.
to be separated by centrifugal action; the relative centrifugal Speeds u p to 60,000 revolutions per minute were employed. In
force in test tube units; and the pressures developed in the the separation of UFc isotopes, the separation factors ranged
centrifuging tubes. The account could serve.as an introduction from 1.01 to 1.06.
to the field. Nichols and Bailey (64)have written extensively on An extensive study of the variables affecting the clarification
N the ultracentrifuge as a laboratory device. of sulfate liquors in a Bird continuous centrifuge has been re-
Review articles on the subject have continued t o appear. ported (68). The main value of this investigation to readers
They include a description of lubricating oil centrifuges together outside the paper industry lies in the proof that the performance
with operating instructions ( I O ) ; a review of applications of the of this machine is qualitatively predictable from theoretical
ultracentrifuge in research and practice (45); and a review (in considerations. Conclusions of general interest include: The
German) of American centrifugal practice and its developments percentage of solids in the liquor in the centrifuge increased
(63). rapidly above a certain feed rate; a decrease in the operating
temperature of the feed liquor from 195’ to 165” F. roughly
doubled the percentage of solids in the effluent; a marked in-
Noteworthy progress is being made in the development of crease in the percentage of solids in the effluent occurred if the
fundamental information in this field. Investigators are begin- feed liquor contained more than 10% of solids. Richardson and
ning t o study the variables affecting the performance of cen- Lyons (60)have obtained operating information on the dewater-
trifugal machines. One of the few theoretical treatments of the ing of coal in a Bird continuous unit (Figure 1). Because of the

est to anyone confronted with a

similar problem.


The new equipment which has

come to the reviewer's attention
during the last year is listed in
Table I, together with the source
and the field of application.


K e x applications of centrifugal
equipment are listed in Table 11.
Some of them, however, deserve
special mention. A three-stage sol-
vent extraction process suitable for
recovering castor oil, linseed oil, or
soya oil has been developed, which
uses continuous Bird centrifuges to
separate the solids from the solvent
after they have been combined in
the mixers (6). The margarine,
lard, and other edible oil industries
are turning to centrifugal methods
as a solution to their separation
problems (20, 6 7 , 79). T h e
pharmaceutical houses are using
c e n t r i f u g e s m o r e and more in
Figure I. Bird Centrifugals for Dewatering Fine Coal after Washing production operations (66).
These epnbilugals handle feeds UP to 500 gallons per minute and coal up to 60 tons per hour

specific nature of the operation and of certain operational diffi- A technique for using centrifugal force for the filtration of
cultiw, only limited conclusions could be drawn. materials out of blood and plasma has been described (40). In
Quartz sands containing 8 to 10% moisture were successfully certain cases it is necessary t o maintain materials being centri-
dewatered in a sugar refinery centrifuge (82). As would be ex- fuged just above 32" F. A simple procedure for doing this hae
pected, the residual moisture decreased with the decreasing thick- been described (7%). I n determining the sedimentation con-
ness of the sand layer. It ranged from 2.2 to 2.8%. stants of materials by means of the ultracentrifuge, one must
Adler and Blanchard (1j made an analysis of the errors in- know the temperature of the solution. A device has been de-
herent in the Lamm scale method for the measurement of con- scribed which permits the determination of' the solution's tem-
centration gradients in the ultracentrifuge. They found that perature to within 0.1"C. (26). The application of centrifugal
under the condition usually applied, the Lamm formula gives a techniques to the separation of small quantities of material has
systematic error of about 1%. The theory of the separation of been reported by Feldman el al. (29). A new and versatile micro-
suspended particles in a supercentrifuge has been elaborated (71). centrifugation apparatus has been described ($6).
T h e effect of gradients of centrifugal force on the potential of Auxiliaries of interest to centrifuge users include: a plastic
siniple galvanic cells has been studied ( 4 6 ) ; in the experiment, cover ior a 40-inch centrifuge which permits the operator to
the method of making the electrical connections between the observe the filling operation and prevents spillage and spashing
rotating apparatus and the measuring equipment will be of inter- ( 7 ) ; an acrylic rotor for the Fisher-Stern ultracentrifuge (11);

Table 1. N e w Equipment Developments in Centrifugals

Name Application Manufacturer or Designer Reference
S-15 continuous centrifuge For relatively free-draining materials Baker Perkins, Inc. (46)
HS-24 universal centrifuge For filtering finely divided solids Baker Perkins, Iuc. (46)
Wort clarifier Brewing industry De Lava1 Separator Co. (62)
Beer clarifier Brewing industry De Lava1 Separator Co. (62)
Dorr Clone .4 separator employing a high velocity stream directed in Dorr C o .
a circular path to separate solids from liquids
Special basket For throwing down mercury in thermometers Fletcher Works, Inc.
Portable refrigerated Centrifuge For biological, pharmaceutical,. and other applications International Equipment Go. (8%
where temperature control IS important
R-8 laboratory unit Small unit for research and development work Memo Centrifugal Co.
Batch centrifugal clarifier Study of desliming operations prior to selection of Bird Sackett
continuous machine
PY-14 cylindrical Super-D-Cantor Continuous Separation of liquids from solids with good Sharples Corp.
liquid clarity
DV-2 controlled solids discharge Clarification of flnids containing solids (pineapple juice) Sharples Corp.
(21) Demmerle, R. L., et al.,IND.
Table 11.Applications of Centrifugal Equipment ENG. CREM., 42, 2-12
Manufacturing Procass Type of Unit Materials Separated Denhard, H. W., U. S.
Diammonium phosphate Perf orate basket Diammonium phosphate crystals Patent 2,490,421(Dee. 6,
Potassium salts Bird continuous KCI and KISO~crystals 1949).
Reagent grade chemicals Perforate basket BaCh Mgsor, Fe “4)2, Sod,
KIbc, NHnCsHrS,brH, CuCNS Dixon, A. G., private com-
Worts m u n i c a t i o n (October
Ground beans 1950).
Various colloida Druel, M., and Huit-Fidor.
Dextrose G., French Patent 933,500
Edible oils De Lava1 n:i
F-Actomyoinn Ultracentrifuge F-Actomyoin (April 22. 1948).
Lard Sharples tubular Lard Dubbs, C. A., Anal. Chem.,
Margarine Tubular unit Oil 21, 1273-6 (1949).
Melamine Perforate basket Melamine crystals Ecker, P. G., etal., Rev. Sci.
Pawr Hydroclone Forei n material from paper s t ock
Paper Tangential injector Dirt Jrom paper stock Instruments, 20, 799-801
Phloroglucinol Perforate basket Trinttrobenzene (1949).
Phloroglucinol Eckhardt, H., Chem. Eng.,
Phenol Bird Continuous Sodium sulfate crystals 54,NO. 5 , 121-3 (1947).
Phenol recovery Perforate basket Sodium phenolate Evans, H. C., and Winsor,
Proteina Uftracentrtfu a1 Protein muscle P. A., Proc. Inst. Sewage
Sugar Perforate bastet Sugar
Wool scouring ......... Grease P u r t & u t h (Enol.) 1949,
a Not a commercial operation. 365-70.
Feldman, I., et al., Anal.
C h m . , 22, 837-8 (1950).
” Flowers, A. F.,and Hull, S.
H.. in “Chemical Enei-
a spring for adjusting the belt tension on the Merco centrifuge neers’ Handbook,” 3rd ed., pp. 992-1013,New York, McGraG-
(9) (Figure 2); a new method of manufacturing the drip pan for Hill Book Co., 1950.
Foa, Mario, Ital. Patent 443,602 (Dee. 29, 1948).
the Sharples centrifuges (IS); and removable screen plates and Gerard, F., Bull. assoc. anciens 6tud. brass. univ. Louvain, 45,
wear plates for the McNally-Carpenter centrifugal dryer (8). 149-58 (1949).
Golding, H.B.,in “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Vol. 111,
RECENT PATENTS pp. 143-70, New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950.
Hessey, R. W. G., and Manning, R. N., Proc. Qzaemland SOC.
The recent patents issued are tabulated below: Sugar Cane Technol., 16,87-107 (1949).
Centrifugal apparatus for aerosol production (31 ) Hoover, M. M., Chem. Eng., 57,No.4,132-4 (1950).
Centrifugal concentration of latex ( 3 7 ) Industria mecannica moline ed affini, Ital. Patent 443,510
(Dec. 27, 1948).
Centrifugal foam breaker (66) Jones, E. P., U. S. Patent 2,475,141(July 5,1949).
Centrifugal ore concentrates (19) Kastens, M.L.,and Kaplan, J. F., IND. ENO.CHEM.,42,402-13
Centrifugal separator of entrained oil from steam (18) (1950).
Centrifugal separator for sour cream products (4.4) Kenyon, R. L., and Boehmer, N., Ibid., 42, 1446-55 (1950).
Latner, A. L.,and Slack, E. B., Nature, 165,530-1 (1950).
Centrifuge for clarification of wines and juices (36) Lindgren. H.O.,U. S. Patent 2,478,971(Aug. 16,1949).
Centrifuge for extruding fibers, particularly glass fibers (56) Lipecomb, G., U. S. Patent 2,506,882(May 9,1950).
Centrifuge for the purification of liquids (78) Loewe, H., PkurmaZie, 4, 416-24 (1949).
Centrifuge for washing paper pulp (4%) Lundal, I. J., U. 8.Patent 2,485,209(Oct. 18, 1949).
MacInnes, D.A,, and Ray, B. R., J . Am. C h m . Soc., 71,2987-92
Combined centrifugal and vacuum dryer of pharmaceutical (1949).
preparations (15 )
Continuous operation centrifuge ( 7 3 )
Extracting oil, etc., from soybeans ($4)
Foam breaker in the form of a basket centrifuge (28)
Multistage separation of starch tailings ( 7 4 )
Purifying sugar juice ( 4 1 )
Separation of aconitic acid from moIasses (3)
Vertical continuous centrifuge ( 7 7 )

(1) Adler, F. T.,and Blanchard, C. H., J . Phys. & Colloid Chem.,
53,803-10 (1949).
(2) Amberson, W. R., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 181,405-13 (1949).
(3) Ambler, J. A,, and Roberts, E. J., U. S. Patent 2,481,557(Sept.
13, 1949).
(4) Anon., Chem. Eng., 57,No. I, 168-71 (1950).
(5) Ibid., No. 6,p. 146.
(6) Anon., Chem. Inds., 64. 926-9 (1949).
(7) Ibid. 66. 266 (1950).
\ - I

i8) Ibid.: p. 580.

(9) Anon., Machine Design, 22,No.5,106 (1950).
(10)Anon., Marine Eng., 54,No.5, 66 (1949).
(11) Anon., Modern Plastics, 26,No. 4, 115 (1948).
(12) Anon., Product Eng., 21, No. 1, 100 (1950).
(13) Armstrong, T. R., private communication (October 1950).
(14) Beyerle, K.,et al., Chem. Ing. Tech., 21,331-4 (1949).
(15) Bierwirth, R. A., U. S. Patent 2,512,604(June 27, 1950).
(16) Brown, et al., “Unit Operations,” pp. 258-68, New York, John
Wiley & Sons, 1950.
(17) Burak, N., and Storrow, J. A,, J . SOC.Chem. Ind. ( L d o n ) ,
69,8-13 (1950).
(18) Campbell, J. A., U. S. Patent 2,511,967(June 20, 1950).
(19) Chisholm, G. G., Ibid., 2,502,704(April 4, 1950).
(20) Deatherage, F. E., FoodZnds., 21, 1749-52, 1894-5 (1949). Figure 2. N e w Design of Merco Centrifuge
(46) Mack, K. A., private communication (October 1950). (64) Sackett, E. L. H., Eng. Mining J., 151, No. 4, 79-80 (1950).
(47) Maloney, J. O., IND.E N G .CHEM.,38, 24-5, 37 (1946). (65) Seidel, K., Brauwelt, 4, 53-6 (1949).
(48) Ibid., 39, 16, 35 (1947). (66) Sharples, L. P., U. S. Patent 2,489,678 (Nov. 29, 1949).
(49) Ibid., 40, 8-9 (1948). (67) Shearon, W. H., Jr., IND.E K G .C m x , 42, 1266-78 (1950).
(50) Ibid., 41, 19-21 (1949). (68) Smith, J. C., Chem. Inds., 65, 357-64 (1949).
(51) Ibid., 42, 25-6 (1950). (69) Snellman, 0.. and Erodos, T., Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 3,
(52) Meystre, F. J., Jr., private communication (October 1950). 523-6 (1949).
(53) Miessner, H., Chemie Ing. Tech., 21, 409-12 (1949). (70) Sokolov, V. I., Kolloid. Zhur. 9, 447-9 (1947).
(54) Nichols, J. B., and Bailey, E. D., in “Technique of Organic (71) Sokolov, V. I . , Zawdskaya Lab., 14, 4 3 5 4 0 (1948).
Chemistry,” 2nd ed., Vol. I, pp. 621-730, New York, Inter- (72) Stocking, C. R., and Weier, T. E . , Science, 111, 520 (1950).
science Publishers, 1949. (73) Stolbovoi, F. K., Russ. Patent 69,430 (Oct. 31, 1947).
(55) Olive, T. R., Chem. Eng., 56, No. 10, 112-13 (1949). (74) Strezynski, G. J., U. S. Patent 2,488,747 (Nov. 22, 1949).
(56) Peyches, I., U. S. Patent 2,497,369 (Feb. 14, 1950). (75) Thompson, H. L., et al., IND. E K G .CHEM.,42, 2176-82 (1950).
(57) Pomeroy, H. H., private communication (October 1950). (76) Thompson, N. B., Sewage and Ind. Wastes, 22, 205-6 (1950).
(58) Reed, A. E., and Gillespie, W. F., Tech. Assoc. Pulp Paper Ind., (77) Vidman, A. I . , Russ. Patent 69,996 (Dec. 31, 1947).
32,529-34 (1949). (78) Wieland, C. W., Swiss Patent 238,684 (Kov. 16, 1945).
(59) Reynolds, V. L., Ibid., 32, 454, 457 (1949). (79) White, E . D., Food Inds., 22, 1538-41 (1950).
(60) Richardson, A. C., and Lyons, 0. R., Mining Eng., 187, 381-4 (80) White, W.A., Paper Trade J., 130, KO.4, 76, 78-83 (1950).
(1950). (81) Wilcox, A. C., University of Kansas, thesis, 1947.
(61) Rogge, R. H., IND.E N G .CHEM.,41, 2070-5 (1949). (82) Zhitomirskaya, E. Z., and Meitina, V. A., Stekol’naya i Keram.
(62) Rometsch, W. H., private communication (October 1950). Prom., 6, No. 8 , 15-16 (1949).
(63) Rostripenko, I. A., Sakharnaya Prom., 23, No. 2, 32-3 (1949). RECEIVED
October 24, 1950.


Few advances in theoretical correlation of crystallization phenomena have been reported theory and practice. It is stated
during the past year. Emphasis has been placed on the effects of additions, as chemical ions, that new nuclei may originate in situ
or physical treatments on both rate of crystallization and crystal habit. M u c h work has been in one or more of the following ways:
reported on oriented growth of crystals on other crystalline or amorphous surfaces. A new 1. By spontaneous n u c l e a t i o n
field of application of crystallization has been opened up b y the use of crystalline complexes from unseeded solution
2. By attrition of existing crystals
of urea and straight-chain hydrocarbons to separate straight-chain from branched and cyclic 3. By mechanical impact
hydrocarbons. Processes for growing piezoelectric crystals have been improved. When ethylene 4. By formation of new crystals
because of the inoculating influence
glycol and ethyl alcohol are added to aqueous solutions of sodium sulfate, the deposition of of crystals already present
solids on heating surfaces due to a lower solubility in water at higher temperature is avoided. 5. BY nucleation in restricting
zones c a k e d by local variations in th;
concentration of the solution

c RYSTALLIZATION processes have continued to receive

increased study and development. There have been
many investigations reported on the factors affecting the
growth of crystals and the mechanisms involved in this growth.
New techniques and improvements in industrial processes have
Umstatter and Hansen-Dannenitz (86) discuss the kinetics of
precrystalline phases in liquids. They state that the inner
friction of liquids is caused by the dispersion of transverse shear-
ing waves propagating perpendicular to the gliding planes.
The damping of these vibrations is proportional to the viscosity.
been described. However, a satisfactory broad theoretical treat- In case of nonperiodic damping the viscosity becomes infinitely
ment of crystallization has not been reported. high a t certain phases of the vibrations, and at these pointscrystal
nuclei form. This indicates that the future crystal systems are
N U C L E A T I O N AND RATE OF G R O W T H already preformed in the liquids, which are accordingly precrys-
The difficulty in formulating a complete theory describing talline systems rather than systems of complete disorder.
the rates of formation of nuclei and growth of crystals is well Becker (4) has discussed the kinetics of the formation of nuclei
expressed by Kirk and Othmer (47), who state: on the basis of the statistical theory of condensation. Turnbull
and Fisher (84) have derived an expression for the absolute rate
The mechanism of this process is very complex, as it involves
the phenomena of diffusion, formation of nuclei, and crystal of nucleation in condensed systems on the basis of a nucleation
growth, all of which can take place a t the same time. No exact theory. Bransom, Dunning, and Millard (9) further amplify the
numerical calculations of the rates of any of these can be made at theories of crystallization.
the present time so that, as a unit operation, crystallization is Van Hook and Bruno (88) have reported on nucleation and
still highly empirfical in its methods. Because of this lack of any
precise design calculations, the types of crystallizers have been crystal growth in sucrose solutions. The beginning of crystalliaa-
numerous. T o add to the designer’s difficulty, it is frequently tion in sirups may be represented by an equation of the form:
necessary t o produce crystals of a given shape, size, uniformity,
and state of agglomeration as well as purity. (0 -a)t = constant
However, the current status of crystallization theory and where 0 is the supersaturation, t is the time, and a is a constant,
practice is summarized in some detail by these authors. It was found that nucleation was not affected by stirring below a
Brown (IO) has pointed out that the problems concerning certain supersaturation; but, above this supersaturation, the
crystallization which are most frequently encountered deal with higher the concentration and the faster the stirring, the more
yields, purity, energy requirements, shape, size, and uniformity rapidly nucleation took place.
of the crystalline product, and rate of production of the desired Crystallization from nonaqueous solutions has been studied
crystals. Perry (61) has summarized in detail crystallization by Chatterji and Bose (WO), whose work shows that nonaqueous
(46) Mack, K. A., private communication (October 1950). (64) Sackett, E. L. H., Eng. Mining J., 151, No. 4, 79-80 (1950).
(47) Maloney, J. O., IND.ENG.CHEM.,38, 24-5, 37 (1946). (65) Seidel, K., Brauwelt, 4, 53-6 (1949).
(48) Ibid., 39, 16, 35 (1947). (66) Sharples, L. P., U. S. Patent 2,489,678 (Nov. 29, 1949).
(49) Ibid., 40, 8-9 (1948). (67) Shearon, W. H., Jr., IND.EKG.C m x , 42, 1266-78 (1950).
(50) Ibid., 41, 19-21 (1949). (68) Smith, J. C., Chem. Inds., 65, 357-64 (1949).
(51) Ibid., 42, 25-6 (1950). (69) Snellman, 0.. and Erodos, T., Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 3,
(52) Meystre, F. J., Jr., private communication (October 1950). 523-6 (1949).
(53) Miessner, H., Chemie Ing. Tech., 21, 409-12 (1949). (70) Sokolov, V. I., Kolloid. Zhur. 9, 447-9 (1947).
(54) Nichols, J. B., and Bailey, E. D., in “Technique of Organic (71) Sokolov, V. I . , Zawdskaya Lab., 14, 4 3 5 4 0 (1948).
Chemistry,” 2nd ed., Vol. I, pp. 621-730, New York, Inter- (72) Stocking, C. R., and Weier, T. E., Science, 111, 520 (1950).
science Publishers, 1949. (73) Stolbovoi, F. K., Russ. Patent 69,430 (Oct. 31, 1947).
(55) Olive, T. R., Chem. Eng., 56, No. 10, 112-13 (1949). (74) Strezynski, G. J., U. S. Patent 2,488,747 (Nov. 22, 1949).
(56) Peyches, I., U. S. Patent 2,497,369 (Feb. 14, 1950). (75) Thompson, H. L., et al., IND. EKG.CHEM.,42, 2176-82 (1950).
(57) Pomeroy, H. H., private communication (October 1950). (76) Thompson, N. B., Sewage and Ind. Wastes, 22, 205-6 (1950).
(58) Reed, A. E., and Gillespie, W. F., Tech. Assoc. Pulp Paper Ind., (77) Vidman, A. I., Russ. Patent 69,996 (Dec. 31, 1947).
32,529-34 (1949). (78) Wieland, C. W., Swiss Patent 238,684 (Kov. 16, 1945).
(59) Reynolds, V. L., Ibid., 32, 454, 457 (1949). (79) White, E . D., Food Inds., 22, 1538-41 (1950).
(60) Richardson, A. C., and Lyons, 0. R., Mining Eng., 187, 381-4 (80) White, W.A., Paper Trade J., 130, KO.4, 76, 78-83 (1950).
(1950). (81) Wilcox, A. C., University of Kansas, thesis, 1947.
(61) Rogge, R. H., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, 2070-5 (1949). (82) Zhitomirskaya, E. Z., and Meitina, V. A., Stekol’naya i Keram.
(62) Rometsch, W. H., private communication (October 1950). Prom., 6, No. 8 , 15-16 (1949).
(63) Rostripenko, I. A., Sakharnaya Prom., 23, No. 2, 32-3 (1949). RECEIVED
October 24, 1950.


Few advances in theoretical correlation of crystallization phenomena have been reported theory and practice. It is stated
during the past year. Emphasis has been placed on the effects of additions, as chemical ions, that new nuclei may originate in situ
or physical treatments on both rate of crystallization and crystal habit. M u c h work has been in one or more of the following ways:
reported on oriented growth of crystals on other crystalline or amorphous surfaces. A new 1. By spontaneous n u c l e a t i o n
field of application of crystallization has been opened up b y the use of crystalline complexes from unseeded solution
2. By attrition of existing crystals
of urea and straight-chain hydrocarbons to separate straight-chain from branched and cyclic 3. By mechanical impact
hydrocarbons. Processes for growing piezoelectric crystals have been improved. When ethylene 4. By formation of new crystals
because of the inoculating influence
glycol and ethyl alcohol are added to aqueous solutions of sodium sulfate, the deposition of of crystals already present
solids on heating surfaces due to a lower solubility in water at higher temperature is avoided. 5. BY nucleation in restricting
zones c a k e d by local variations in th;
concentration of the solution

c RYSTALLIZATION processes have continued to receive

increased study and development. There have been
many investigations reported on the factors affecting the
growth of crystals and the mechanisms involved in this growth.
New techniques and improvements in industrial processes have
Umstatter and Hansen-Dannenitz (86) discuss the kinetics of
precrystalline phases in liquids. They state that the inner
friction of liquids is caused by the dispersion of transverse shear-
ing waves propagating perpendicular to the gliding planes.
The damping of these vibrations is proportional to the viscosity.
been described. However, a satisfactory broad theoretical treat- In case of nonperiodic damping the viscosity becomes infinitely
ment of crystallization has not been reported. high a t certain phases of the vibrations, and at these pointscrystal
nuclei form. This indicates that the future crystal systems are
NUCLEATION AND RATE OF G R O W T H already preformed in the liquids, which are accordingly precrys-
The difficulty in formulating a complete theory describing talline systems rather than systems of complete disorder.
the rates of formation of nuclei and growth of crystals is well Becker (4) has discussed the kinetics of the formation of nuclei
expressed by Kirk and Othmer (47), who state: on the basis of the statistical theory of condensation. Turnbull
and Fisher (84) have derived an expression for the absolute rate
The mechanism of this process is very complex, as it involves
the phenomena of diffusion, formation of nuclei, and crystal of nucleation in condensed systems on the basis of a nucleation
growth, all of which can take place a t the same time. No exact theory. Bransom, Dunning, and Millard (9) further amplify the
numerical calculations of the rates of any of these can be made at theories of crystallization.
the present time so that, as a unit operation, crystallization is Van Hook and Bruno (88) have reported on nucleation and
still highly empirfical in its methods. Because of this lack of any
precise design calculations, the types of crystallizers have been crystal growth in sucrose solutions. The beginning of crystalliaa-
numerous. T o add to the designer’s difficulty, it is frequently tion in sirups may be represented by an equation of the form:
necessary t o produce crystals of a given shape, size, uniformity,
and state of agglomeration as well as purity. (0 -a)t = constant
However, the current status of crystallization theory and where 0 is the supersaturation, t is the time, and a is a constant,
practice is summarized in some detail by these authors. It was found that nucleation was not affected by stirring below a
Brown (IO) has pointed out that the problems concerning certain supersaturation; but, above this supersaturation, the
crystallization which are most frequently encountered deal with higher the concentration and the faster the stirring, the more
yields, purity, energy requirements, shape, size, and uniformity rapidly nucleation took place.
of the crystalline product, and rate of production of the desired Crystallization from nonaqueous solutions has been studied
crystals. Perry (61) has summarized in detail crystallization by Chatterji and Bose (WO), whose work shows that nonaqueous

solutions may be classified in the same way as aqueous solutions. The preparation of potassium chloride crystals with added
If the attraction between lattice-forming units is low, it is possible alkaline earth ions has been studied by Kelting and Witt (46).
that no nuclei will form, even though there is a large probability The concentration of bivalent ions in the crystal was found to
of molecular impacts. be much less than in the melt, decreasing in the order: strontium,
Kaishev (44) has reported studies on hexamethylenetetramine barium, and calcium for equal rates of growth and equal concen-
crystals to test the growth and disintegration mechanism of trations in the melt. Coarse, granular potassium chloride crys-
homopolar crystals. Ubbelohde (85) has presented a discussion tals can be prepared, according to Johnson and Suhr (4S),by
of the role of diffusion potentials in the growth of ionic crystals. cooling a saturated solution containing oxides or salts of iron,
Bunn and Emmett (IS) discuss layer formation on crystal faces as aluminum, thorium, zinc, bismuth, or lead.
growth takes place from solution. Jaffe (41) has patented a process for controlling the resistivity
A review of the kinetics of crystal growth has been prepared of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and other piezoelectric
by Thompson (80),who describes new work bearing on the ques- crystals by trace impurities. Barium and sulfate ions were found
tion of the reality of the Volmer layer, utilizing data obtained to be deleterious, while silicate ions, in moderation, were bene-
by interferometric methods. The crystallochemical theory of the ficial. Controlled growth inhibition in large scale crystallization
actual growth of crystals in electrolysis is discussed by Gorbunova has been reported by Jaffe and Kjellgren (42).
x and Dankov ($7) in a critical review containing 31 references.
Ono (57) has considered some precipitation phenomena un-
accountable for by an induction period, saturation, or other simple
factors. This is explained by a study of the chemical equilibrium
between crystals of various sizes. An equation is derived which
expresses the change of concentration as a time function. The
velocities of the formation of the nucleus and of the growth of
crystals are secondary and tertiary variables. Burton, Cabrera,
and Frank (16) have examined nucleation theory and crystal
growth with particular reference to the shape of the critical nu-
cleus. Discrepancy between observed and theoretical values is
reconciled by recognizing that the crystals that grow are not COURTESY RUSH DWELOPMEH~_OO.

perfect, but contain dislocations. Crystals in low supersatura-

tions do not grow without the presence of dislocations. Successive Stages of Seed Growth into Final Capped Seed
On the basis of Gibb’s postulate t h a t the equilibrium shape of
a crystal is that of minimum total surface free energy for a given Suzuki (76, 76) carried out experiments on the crystallization
volume, Wells (98) has derived the conditions governing the rela- of sucrose from solutions containing added manganous sulfate,
tive developments of cube and octahedron faces on a cubic crystal. which, reportedly, speeded the evaporation, gave colorless
For an equilibrated crystal, grown from a pure solution, the crystals, and prevented crystal film formation on the surface of
rate of growth normal t o a face is directly proportional to its the evaporating solution. The additive also increased the yield
surface free energy per unit area. and produced less colored and less viscous sirups. Similar
Burton and Cabrera (16) have discussed crystal growth and its experiments were carried out by Van Hook, Baril, and Maroney
relation to surface structure. The rates of growth of crystals (87). No effects on the crystallization behavior were found,
are said by Bunn and Emmett (14) to be related to concentration although inversion of the sucrose was inhibited.
gradients. Stabilization of the supersaturation of ca Icium carbonate solu-
Sorgato (70) has summarized work on crystallization of anhy- tions has been effected by Raistrick (68) by use of anion additives.
drous dextrose. A method of calculation of final crystallization Habit modification in crystals as a result of the introduction of
temperature to give maximum production per unit time, in proc- impurities during growth has been discussed by Buckley (11).
esses based on temperature gradients with no evaporation of Zerfoss (102) has listed the effects of foreign ions on a crystal
solvent, has been given by Martinez (61);cases of ferrous sulfate growing solution as increased ease of growth, decreased sponta-
and ferric chloride are cited as examples of the method. Tipson neous nucleation, and improved perfection on the basis of mor-
(82) has discussed the theory, scope, and methods of recrystalliza- phology, optics, and x-rays. The total effect of an additive ion ia
tion as applied to the separation and purification of organic dependent on its charge, size, and concentration. Butrhart and
compounds. Whetstone (17) have described the effect of dyes on the crystal
In a description of the structure of molecular compounds, habit of oxy- salts.
Powell (62) has prepared crystals of quinol at high pressures Coarse-grained sodium chloride may be produced by evaporat-
aontaining argon, krypton, and xenon. The rate of precipita- ing a brine free of calcium and magnesium but containing 1p,p.m.
tion of barium sulfate, when barium acetate is added t o a dilute of a quaternary ammonium compound, such as hexadecyltri-
solution of potassium sulfate, has been found by Duke, Bever, methyl ammonium bromide, according to a patent (23). Tilmans
and Diehl (29) to be dependent on various factors, such as number (81) has reported that an addition of increasing amounts of the
,of particles of barium sulfate per liter and the radii of the particles. ammonium salts of phosphoric, carbonic, sulfuric, hydrofluoric,
An equation for this rate was derived, on the assumption that ion nitric, or thiocyanic acids, the outward habit of crystals of am-
pairs are precursors of the crystals, that the number of particles monium chloride, growing from its saturated sblution, was changed
is set by the original concentrations of barium ions and sulfate from dendrites to rosettes, then t o plates, and finally to cubes.
ions, and that the particles grow a t the same rate. The results Iron-free aluminum sulfate may be prepared by the use of
obtained seem to justify these assumptions. ethyl alcohol as a precipitant, according to Gee, Cunningham,
and Heindl ($4,because the aluminum sulfate is insoluble in
EFFECTS OF ADDITIVES O N CRYSTAL G R O W T H ethyl alcohol, while the ferric sulfate is soluble.
Sprink and Sprink (72) have patented a process for shortening
Investigations have continued on the effects of chemical ions the time of reactions, such as crystallization, involving a physico-
and physical treatments on crystal habits and rates of crystalliza- chemical change, by applying an electrostatic field of about 1000
tion, Kolb and Comer (49) have reported results on the effects volts per meter to the system. Crystals of Rochelle and other
+of ions of gold, copper, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, and related salts are reported, by the Mitsubishi Electrical Instruments
manganese on the crystal habit of ammonium oxalate. Co. (62), to grow more rapidly from the nucleus when sonic or
60 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY VOl. 43, No. 1


Shop Assembly of Vacuum Crystallizer

supersonic waves are passed through the contaii ing bath. The added crystal than on the shape of the added crystal. Erlen-
action of a magnetic field on crystdlization of d-tartaric acid has meyer and Muller (30)have reported that paminobenzoic, p-
been studied by Blandin 6). aminosalicylic, salicylic, and benzoic acids align in diagonals on
Based on a study of the <:rowing of octahedral sodium chloride the 100 plane of sodium chloride crystals when sublimed in vacuo,
crystals under controlled surface tensions, Mario (50) has sug- while sulfanilamide aligns in parallel.
gested a relation between the surface tension of a mother liquor Willems and Giltges (98) have studied the oriented overgrow-th,
and the habit of the crystals obtained from it. by careful sublimation in vacuo, of hexa-substituted benzene
Kay (45)has prepared single crystals of barium titanate, which derivatives on zinc sulfide and sodium chloride. Neuhaus (66)
consist of multiply twinned tetragonal components with an has used cane sugar as the lattice carrier and has listed the dimen-
orientation very sensitive t o an externally applied pressure or an sions of the overgrowths of anthraquinone, alizarin, and other
electric field. The growth and solution of crystals under linear organic compounds. The structure and growth of lithium fluoride
pressure have been described by Correns (2%). Fordham (SI) and sodium chloride films on amorphous substrates have been
has studied the relative rates of growth of strained and unstrained investigated by Schule (68).
ammonium nitrate crystals.
Relatively few new data were published on the phase dia-
Work on oriented overgrowth of one crystal on another has grams of aqueous systems with crystalline solid phasee, Zhdanov
been receiving more attention in recent researches. Willems has presented equilibrium data for the systems:
(95) has published a review, with bibliography, dealing with the
KCI-KI-H,O (106)
chemical and physical conditions governing oriented growth of
two compounds in crystal form. Misfitting monolayers and NaCI--n’aI-H20 (104)
oriented overgrowth have been discussed by Frank and Van der and KC1---KBr--KI--H~O (108)
Merwe (38).
The system sodium oxide-silica-water has received mme
About seventy pairs of organic compounds were tested by
attention by Baker and Jue (3)and Wills (99). Morgan and
Brandstatter (8). All organic compounds which form molecular
Walker (64)have studied the phase relations of the system, sodium
compounds with another compound give oriented crystallization.
acetate-sodium hydroxide-water, for use in recrystallizing sodium
Willems (96) has reported the oriented growth of hexaethylben-
acetate from sodium hydroxide solutions.
zene on anthracene and of phenanthrene on hexaethylbeneene.
These are the first reported cases of hydrocarbon on hydrocarbon
growth. Deicha (%4),working on the oriented overgrowth of
alkali halides on mica, has proposed a structural interpretation of The crystallization process has continued to grow in importance
the phenomenon. and in the scope of its application in the manufacture of chemi-
lieuhaus (56) has stated that the nature of the binding forces cals, piezoelectric crystals, optical crystals, synthetic gems, and
in oriented overgrowth of organic substances on inorganic carrier other substances. Further applications of crystallization have
lattices involves a polar center rather than a hydrogen bridge. been made t o the separation of various substances. Many of
Willems (97) has shown that the oriented growth of organic com- the papers and patents concerned with these applications describe
pounds depends more on the chemical bond between carrier and improvements in methods of crystallization or new techniques.

The techniques of growing large single crystals have continued

to receive attention. Such crystals are used for their piezoelectric
or their optical properties, and in some cases as synthetic jewels.
A general description of methods of growth and of uses of these
crystals is presented in Fortune (32).
The growing of quartz crystals weighing up to 1 pound is
described by Walker and Beuhler (12, 91). In this process a
Red crystal is suspended in an aqueous solution of sodium carbon-
ate and silica contained in an iron bomb. I n the lower part of the
bomb are placed pieces of broken quartz, which dissolve and
deposit on the growing crystal as the result of a 10' to 20' C.
temperature gradient between the bottom and top resulting from
heating the bomb in a furnace a t 380' t o 400' C. Similar proc-
esses for growing quartz have been reported by other workers
(78, 79).
The methods used in growing calcium fluoride (fluorite) and
lithium fluoride for optical applications are described by Stock-
barger (73, 74). Equipment used for growing large anthracene
crystals is described by Hluchan (38).
The growth of piezoelectric crystals is discussed in papers by
Robinson (66) and Holden (39, 40). Tournier (83)describes the
use of ultrasonics a8 an aid in the growth of large crystals.
Chapelle (19) describes a method of growing ammonium phos-
phate, in which water is evaporated from a part of the surface of COURTESY WESTERN ELECTRIC GO.
the solution, condensed, and returned to the solution through a
sintered-glass crucible filled with feed crystals. Synthetic Piezoelectric Crystals Mounted on Growing Rack
About to Be Harvested in Electronics Shop
A new application of crystallization has been made to the
separation of n-alkanes from branches and cyclic hydrocarbons.
Zimmerschied, Dinerstein, Weitkamp, and Marschner (106)
have reported that urea forms crystalline complexes with According to Svanoe (77), however, anhydrous sodium sulfate
n-alkanes but not with branched and cyclic hydrocarbons. This can be crystallized successfully from aqueous solutions without
process, which has been oalled extractive crystallization, is dis- deposits on the heating surfaces. He describes a commercial
cussed further by Weil (92). multiple-effect vacuum crystallizer which is producing anhydrous
According to Alexander ( I ) , crystallization can be used to con- sodium sulfate in each effect as a by-product.
centrate the aqueous hydrogen fluoride solutions (35 to 45% Crystallization is used not only as a means of obtaining a solid
hydrogen fluoride) that are recovered from alkylation of low crystalline material from a solution, but also to separate one solid
boiling olefins. The solution is cooled to between -55' and substance from another when the two substances have different
-69" C. which results in the formation of a crystalline complex solubilities. There are a number of new applications of such a
of hydrogen fluoride and water. The complex is distilled to ob- process of fractional crystallization.
tain anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. The separation of fatty substances by fractional crystallization
Numerous improvements in processes for making crystalline from acetone is described in a patent by Gee (36). Fractions are
materials are described in patents and in several papers. A proc- obtained by cooling the acetone solution of the oil until a solid
ess for making diammonium phosphate by feeding anhydrous phase is formed. When this solid is filtered off, the solution is
ammonia into a saturated solution of ammonium dihydrogen cooled further t o form another solid fraction. This process is
phosphate is the subject of a British patent (63). A technique repeated to obtain additional fractions as desired. Soybean,
for growing large ammonium sulfate crystals is claimed in a corn, palm, coconut, rapeseed, walnut, and sardine oils have been
patent by Schulte (67). Cohen, Henry, Skolnik, and Smith treated in this way.
(21) describe a means of growing crystals of nitroguanidine in Assarsson ( 2 ) describes a process for separating potassium and
the form of long hollow needles. Processes described for other sodium chlorides by the addition of a calcium chloride solution.
substances include ammonium alum (60),calcium nitrate (255), The result of a fractional separation of salts from a calcium chlo-
copper iron sulfate (It?), magnesium hydroxide (367, potassium ride brine is described by Dodonov, Eferova, and Kolosova (28).
chlorate (la)), dextrose ( ? I ) , fructose (69), and strontium In a study of the composition of linseed oil ( 6 ) ,fractional crystal-
peroxide (69). lization of brominated oil is used as a supplement to spectro-
Vener and Thompson (89) have used the addition of an organic graphic and chromatographic analysis.
precipitant to effect crystallization of anhydrous sodium sulfate Other improvements in techniques of making crystalline mate-
in laboratory sized equipment. I n this process a saturated rials are concerned primarily with the equipment or apparatus
1 aqueous solution of sodium sulfate was added continuously to an used. A crystallization tank for making purified dehydrochloric
electrically heated vessel containing the organic precipitant a t the acid crystals is described by Klobusitsky (48). Bouttier ( 7 )
boiling point of the mixture. Crystals of sodium sulfate are describes an apparatus for growing crystals of nitric acid and its
formed as the mixture of solvents boils off. When high concen- hydrates. A Dutch patent (26) describes a means of agitating
trations of ethylene glycol were used, i t was found that the a solution in which nuclei and small crystals, formed when the
deposition of sodium sulfate on the heating surfaces was avoided. solution is cooled by an externally cooled wall, are dissolved by
In water solutions of sodium sulfate such deposits result from the directing the flow into a slightly warmer region of the solution.
decreased solubility of anhydrous sodium sulfate as the tempera- A rotating kiln type of crystallizer in which baffles dump super-
ture increases. It was found also that the form of the crystals was saturated solution through cold air is described in an Italian
changed from light fluffy material like glass wool when no agita- patent (27). The use of infrared lamps for regulating tempera-
tion was used to hard uniform crystals when rapid agitation was ture in a crystallizing vessel is claimed in a Swisa patent (68).
used. A similar effect of agitation was observed when ethyl Ridsdale (64)describes an apparatus in which crystals are grown
alcohol was used as salting-out agent. in an ascending current of solution which passes upward through

sections of progressively increasing area. These sections effect a (47) Kirk, R. E., and Othmer, D. F., “Encyclopedia of Chemical
size separation of the crystals formed. An apparatus for frac- Technology,” Vol. 4, pp. 619-36, 637-62, New York, Inter-
science Encyclopedia, Inc., 1950.
tional crystallization in a vacuum using glass laboratory equip- (48) Klobusitsky, D. V., Monatsh., 81, 129 (1950).
ment is described by Scheraga and Manes (66). Werkspoor (49) Kolb, H. J., and Comer, J. J., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,68,719 (1946).
(94) describes a method of cleaning the cooling surfaces of contin- (50) Mario, Milone, Proc. Intern. Cong. Pure and Applied Chem.
(London), 11, 237 (1947).
uous crystallizers using heated scrapers. An apparatus for pre- (51) Martinez, N. L., Rep. ind. yfabril (Mudrid),1949, 482.
paring and preserving a crystalline sugar paste with a uniform (52) Mitsubishi Electrical Instruments Co., Japan. Patent 155,066
size of nucleus is discussed by Vostokov and Zhilenko (90). (Feb. 19, 1943).
Yarmolinskil (101) describes a device for spraying water on low (53) Monsanto Chemical Co., Brit. Patent 636,035 (April 19, 1950).
grade massecuites discharged from vacuum pans, The purpose (54) Morgan, R. A., and Walker, R. D., IND.ENG.CHEM.,37, 1186
of this spraying is to dissolve “false” grains. (65) Neuhaus, A., Neues Jahrb. Minera.1. Geol. Monatsh., 19438,
(56) Neuhaus, A , , 2.ElekProchem., 52, 178 (1948).
(57) Ono, Shu, Technol. Repts. Kyushu I m p . Univ., 18, 191 (1943).
(1) Alexander, Cruzan, U. S. Patent 2,458,044 (Jan. 4, 1949). (58) “Patelhold” Patent-verwertungs and Electro-Holding A.-G.,
(2) Assarsson, G. O., Swed. Patent 127,676 (March 21, 1950). Swiss Patent 255,958 (Feb. 1, 1949).
(3) Baker, C. L., and Jue, L. R., J . Phys. and Colloid Chem., 54, (59) Pavlik, A., Brit. Patent 637,172 (May 17, 1950).
299 (1950). (60) Peer, E. S., U. S. Patent 2,467,271 (April 12, 1949).
(4) Becker, R., Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949, No. 5, 55. (61) Perry, J. H., “Chemical Engineer’s Handbook,” 3rd ed.,
(5) Blandin, Jean, Compt. rend., 229, 1075 (1949). pp. 1050-72, K’ew York, hfcGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
(6) Boekenoogen, N. A., Verfkroniek, 19,41, 51 (1946). (62) Powell, H. M., European Scientific Notes (Office of Naval Re-
(7) Bouttier, Leon, Compt. rend., 228, 1419 (1949). search), 4, No. 5, 81 (1950).
(8) Brandstatter, Maria, Mikrochemie ver. Miki ochim. Acta, 44, (63) Raistrick, B., Discussions Faraday Soc., 1949, No. 5, 234.
142 (1942). (64) Ridsdale, J. W., Brit. Patent 624,125 (May 27, 1949).
(9) Bransom, S. H., Dunning, W.J., and Millard, B., Discussions (65) Robinson, A. E., Discussions Faraday Soc., 1949, No. 5,315.
Faraday SOC.,1949, No. 5, 53. (66) Scheraga, H. A., and Manes, hl., Anal. Chem., 21, 1581 (1949).
(10) Brown, G. G., “Unit Operations,” pp. 493-502, New York, (67) Schulte, E. V., Brit. Patent 615,641 (Jan. 10, 1949).
John Wiley & Sons, 1950. (68) Schulz, L. G., J . Chem. Phys., 17, 1153 (1949).
(11) Buckley, H. E., Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949, No. 5, 243. (69) Shigetaro, Ueki, Japan. Patent 161,985 (Feb. 22, 1944).
(12) Buehler, E., and Walker, A. C., Sci. Monthly, 69, 148 (1949). (70) Sorgato, I., Chimira e industria, 31, 43 (1949).
(13) Bunn, C. W., and Emmett, H., Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949, (71) Sorgato, I., and Ferdinando, M., I n d . saccar. ital., 42, 142
No. 5, 119. (1949).
(14) Ibid., p. 132. (72) Sprink, L., and Sprink, M.,French Patent 866,491 (Aug. 14,
(15) Burton, W. K., and Cabrera, N., Ibid., 1949, No. 5, 33. 1941).
(73) Stockbarper. D. C . , Discussions Farndap Soc., 1949, So. 5,
. . Burton. W. K.. Cabrera, K., and Frank, F. C., Nature, 163, 398
116) 294.
(17) Butchart, A,, and Whetstone, J., Discussions Faraday SOC., (74) I b i d , p . 299.
1949, 254. (75) Susuki, K., J. SOC.Chem. I n d . Japa?.. 47, 450 (1944).
(18) Catto, A. R., Ital. Patent 433,842 (April 24, 1948). (76) Ibid., p. 519.
(19) Chappelle, Jean, Compt. rend., 229, 61 (1949). (77) Svanoe, Hans, Struthers Wells Corp., Warren, Pa., private
(20) Chatterji. A. C., and Bose, A. N., J . Indian Chem. SOC., 26, communication, Sept. 13, 1950.
94 (1949). (78) Swinncrton, A. C., Owen, G. E., and Corwin, J. F., Discussions
(21) Cohen, Joseph, Henry, R. A., Skolnik, Sol, and Smith, G. B. L., Faraday Soc., 1949, No. 5, 172.
Science, 111, 278 (1950). (79) Thomas, L. A., Wooster, Nora, and Wooster, W. A., Ibid.,
(22) Correns, C. W., Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949, No. 5,267. 1949, No. 5,341.
(23) Crooks, D. A,, Scott, T. R., and Imperial Chemical Industries, (80) Thompson, G. P., Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),61,403 (1948).
Ltd., Brit. Patent 617,137 (Feb. 1, 1949). (81) Tilmans, Yu. Ya., Z h w . Obshchei Khirn. ( J . Gen. Chem.),
(24) Deicha. G.. Nature. 164. 68 (1949). 18, 1752 (1948).
i25j Directie van de Staatsmijnen in Limburg, Dutch Patent 62,998 (82) Tipson, R. S., Anal. Chem., 22, 628 (1950).
(April 15, 1949). (83) Tournier, M., French Patent 935,743 (June 29, 1948).
(26) Ibid., 65,772 (May 15, 1950). (84) Turnbull, D., and Fisher, J. C., J . Chem. Phps., 17, 71 (1949).
(27) Ditta Ing. Ciani & Co., Ital. Patent 439,238 (Sept. 22, 1948). (85) Ubbelohde, A. R.. Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949, No. 5, 180.
(86) Umstatter, H., and Hansen-Dannewitz, I., Kolloid-Z., 110,
(28) Dodonov, Ya. Ya., Eferova, L. V., and Kolosova, V. S., Dok- 208 (1948).
lady Akad., N a u k S.S.S.R., 63,301 (1948). (87) Van Hook, A., Baril, 0. L., and Maroney, T., Sugar, 44, No. 12,
(29) Duke, F. R., Bever, R. J., and Diehl, H., lowa State J . Sci., 23, 44, 48 (1949).
297, 300 (1949). (88) Van Hook, A., and Bruno, A. J., Discussions Faraday SOC.,
(30) Erlenmeyer, H., and Muller, M., IieEv. C h i n . Acta, 32, 17 1949, No. 5, 112.
(1949). (89) Vener, R. E., and Thompson, A. R., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 464
(31) Fordham, S., Discussions Faraday Soc., 1949, No. 5, 117. (1950).
(32) Fortune, 52, 95-104 (August 1950). (90) Vostokov, A. I., and Zhilenko, V. D., Sakharnaya Prom., 22,
(33) Frank, F. C., and Van der Merwe, J. H., Proc. Roy. SOC.(Lon- No. 4,22 (1945).
don), A198, 216 (1949). (91) Walker, A. C., and Buehler, E., IND.ENG.CHEW,42, 1369
(34) Gee, E. A., Cunningham, m7. K., and Heindl, R. A., IND.ENG. (1950).
CHEM.,39, 1178 (1947). (92) Weil, B. H., Petroleum Processing, 5, 99 (1960).
(35) Gee, W. P., U. S. Patent 2,450,235 (Sept. 28, 1948). (93) Wells, A. F., Phil. Mag., 37, 605 (1946).
(36) Gilpin, W. C., Brit. Patent 635,781 (April 19, 1950). (94) Werkspoor, N. V., Dutch Patent 63,332 (June 15, 1949).
(37) Gorbunova, K. M., and Dankov, P. D., Uspekhi Khim., 17, 710 (95) Willems, J., Naturwissenschaften, 32, 324 (1944).
(1945). (96) Ibid., 35, 375 (1945).
(97) Ibid., 36, 373 (1949).
(38) Hluchan, S. A., Instrument Society of America Conference, (98) Wllems, J., and Giltges, A., Ibid., 33, 345 (1946).
Buffalo, N. Y.,Sept. 18, 1950, Paper 50-1-2. (99) Wills, J. H., J . Phys. and Colloid Chem., 54, 304 (1950).
(39) Holden, A. N., Discussions Faraday Soc., 1949, No. 5,312. (100) Winkler, W., Osterr. Apoth-Ztg., 2, 334 (1948).
(40) Holden, A. N., U. S. Patent 2,484,829 (Oct. 18, 1949). (101) Yarmolinskii, M. B., Sakharnapa Prom., 23, No. 5, 31 (1949).
(41) Jaffe, Hans, Ibid., 2,449,484 (Sept. 14, 1948). (102) Zerfoss, S., Ceram. A g e , 54, 293 (1949).
. r

1949, No: 5,319.- -

(421 Jaffe. Hans. and Xielleren. B. R. F.. Discussions Faradaw Soc... (103) Zhdanov, A. K., Zhur. Obshchei K h i m . (J.Gen. Chem.), 18,
554 (1948).
. . Johnson. A. K., and Suhr, H. B., U. S. Patent 2,470,822 (Mas. - (104) Zhdanov, A. K., and Admenkova, V., Ib;d., 18,251 (1948).
24, 1949). (105) Zhdanov, A. K., and Kovalinko, N., Ibid., 18, 559 (1948).
(44)Kaishev, R., Annuaire univ. Sofia, Facult6 phys.-math., 43, 99 (106) Zimmerschied, W. J., Dinerstein, R. A. Weitkamp. A. W.,
(1946-47). and Marsohner, R. F., IND. EKG.CREM.,42, 1300 (1950).
(45) Kay, H. F., Acta Cryst., 1, 229 (1948).
(46) Kelting, H., and Witt, H., 2.Physik, 126, 697 (1949). RECEIVED
October 17,1950.

The most important development of 1 9 5 0 in the field of high temperature distillation was This equation also represents the dits
the publication of the first group of books incorporating t h i theoretical concepts of nonideal of Rosanoff and Easley (89),which
distillations and bubble tray hydraulics. M o r e books are expected in 1951. Industrial does not cover the entire range of
x installations continued to expand using conventional distillation equipment. The trend in this compostiion.
field is to reduce costs b y improved mechanical features and assembly techniques. Equilibria The acetic acid-formic acid system
data continued to occupy. the interests of many academic groups. and the water-Freon-12 system have
vapors that deviate greatly from
ideality. The deviations must be

ISTILLATION theory and practice made fairly large steps considered in theoretical evaluation of these systems.
forward during the last decade. Until the advances are Suitable as test mixtures for vacuum columns are the systems
made part of the basic knowledge of a large group of prac- n-decane-trans-decalin, tetradecane-1-hexadecene, and toluene-
ticing engineers, further advances will come more slowly. Thus, octane. The former may be analyzed by refractive index
the incorporation of the newer developments into textbooks and and is suitable for columns having as many as 34 theoretical
handbooks is a desirable and necessary part of the growth of the plates a t 50 mm. of mercury. Also interesting is the increase in
science. this system’s relative volatility from 1.19 a t 50 mm. of mercury
Several books featuring the newer aspects of distillation were to 1.30 a t 1 atmosphere pressure.
promised during 1950. Four of these had been published at the Vapor-liquid equilibria in the presence of a nonvolatile soluble
time this review was prepared. These books make available to compound is reported for the systems ethanol-water-potassium
the student many techniques of distillation that were formerly nitrate, and acetic acid-water-calcium chloride. The results
available only in scattered journals. may be anticipated on the basis of vapor pressure lowering by a
The section on distillation in the third edition of “Chemical En- dissolved salt. With proper salt concentrations it is possible to
gineers Handbook” (76) is greatly expanded over the section in reverse the normal volatility characteristics of a pair of liquids
the earlier editions. Included in the expanded material is a dis- (39).
cussion of azeotropic and extractive distillations and a good table Azeotropes are of interest because knowledge of the composition
of azeotropes. Efficiency data for both plate and packed col- and boiling point of an azeotrope permits estimation of the equilib-
umns are useful and well presented. Calculations based on ma- ria data for a system when these data are not available. Lecat
terial balances are discussed. However, the discussion omits ref-
erence to calculations based on enthalpy balances and does not
point out the advantages that can be obtained by use of this type Table I. Equilibria Data
of balance when studying nonideal systems. Literature
The text “Unit Operations,” which has resulted from the system Cited
combined efforts of Brown and co-workers a t Michigan (8) de- 1. Acetia acid-formic acid
2. Benzene-carbon tetrachloride
velops the enthalpy calculations very well and stresses the rela- 3. Toluene-ethylene dichloride
4. Methane-propane
tionships existing among the unit operations in which mixtures 5. Propane-benzene
are separated into fractions. Bubble-tray hydraulics are also 6. Propene-1-butene
7. Tetradecane-1-hexadecane
well described in this text. 8. Toluene-octane
9. n-Decane-trona-decalin
“Laboratory Fractional Distillation,” by Carney (11) will be 10. Methanol-benzene
helpful for anyone who has the problem of operating or evaluating 11. -carbon tetrachloride
laboratory distillations. Many false ideas exist as to what may 12. -n-heptane
- be expected of laboratory distillations. This book will help dispel
15. Ethanol-benzene
those ideas and is filling a definite gap in the distillation literature. 16. -cyclohexane
The second edition of Kirschbaum (66) is announced from Ber- 17. -methylcyclohexane
18. %-pentane
lin. An English translation of the f i s t edition was made avail- 19. 4etraethylsilane

. able, and it is hoped that this practice will be repeated.

BASIC DATA 23. Propanol-benzene
24. Water-Freon-12
25. -furfural
The basic data for distillation calculations are the vapor-liquid 26. -acetaldehyde
equilibria for the system to be distilled. Data were reported dur- 27. -ethylene oxide
28. -ethylene glycol
ing the year for the systems listed in Table I. The conditions un- 29. -2-methyl-3-butyn-2-01
30. -2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone
der which these data were determined vary greatly, and all data
31. Pro anol-carbon tetrachloride
are not equally useful. Most data are in the form of phase compo- 32. Cyoyohexylc yclohexane-cyclohex ylbensene
sition diagrams although the data for the water-ethylene oxide 33. n-Pentaforane-n-pentane
34. 1-Butanol-water
system are in the form of an enthalpy-composition diagram. 35. Acetone-methanol-water
36. Methane-butane-decane
The relative volatility, a,a t 760 mm. of mercuky for the ben- 37. Methyl ethyl ketone-heptane-toluene
zene-carbon tetrachloride system may be related to the mole 38. Ethanol-water-potassium nitrate
39. Acetic acid-water-calcium chloride
fraction CClr, z,by a linear equation, CY = 1.203 - 0.002032.
(64, 66) reporh over 400 additional azeotropic systems many of flexibility of operation. Simpler construction and field erection of
which contain an alcohol. Denyer et al. (26) report azeotropes equipment is helping to keep the cost of new equipment within
formed between thiols and paraffins or naphthenes. Azeotropes reasonable limits. For some time prefabricated trays have been
between acetonitrile and paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, and ben- available for large towers. I n addition, it is now possible to pur-
zene or toluene are reported by Bishop et al. (6). chase "cartridge" type trays for installation in smaller diameter
Equilibrium constant charts for light hydrocarbons are pre- towers. These trays with diameters from 12 to 42 inches are in-
sented by Smith and Smith (99). These may be used for calcu- serted into a smooth shell from the end and are complete with
lating equilibria data for petroleum systems. spacers, downcomers, and handles for assembly and removal.
Estiniation of equilibria data from total pressure data by a By eliminating the difficulties associated with assembling a bub-
graphical integration of the Duhem-Margules equation for non- ble-cap tower through small nianholes or handhole or the need
ideal systems is proposed by Orlicek (73). Use of other equilibria for nunierous flanges on small towers, the cartridge trays shift
data is suggested by Wood (120) as a means of estimating the va- the economic point of balance betw-een bubble-cap and packed
por-liquid data. If the system is reasonably ideal and the boiling towers to favor use of bubble caps in smaller tovers more fre-
points of the compounds do not vary more than a few degrees, quently than was true earlier. White (114) describes another
relative volatility may be used as a means of calculating the va- type bubble cap which permit's assenibly of trays in a t'ower by
por-liquid data. Two equations for determining the relative one man instead of the two usually required,
volatility are proposed by Haldenwanger (48). One is for non- A packing reported suitable for use in towers up to 4 feet in
polar and the other for polar mixtures. An alignment chart for diameter is described by Scofield (96). Featuring low pressure
the same service is offered by Frishe (38). drop and a height equivalent to a theoretical plate of 1 to 2 feet,
Nonideal systems cannot be successfully correlated by thc rela- the packing consists of multilayers of crimped metal lath.
tive volatility approach, and other techniques must be used. Design of bubble-cap trays is the subject of a series of articles
Othiner and Ten Eyck (74) propose that azeotropic system data just starting by Davies ($4). The &st article of the series is con-
be correlated by plotting as straight lines on logarithmic paper the cerned with the loading of the trays and the mechanical details
partial pressures, composition of either phase, or the activity coef- of the design.
ficient against the total pressure. A plot. using a temperature Drainage through weep holes is correlated by Huitt et al. (49).
scale derived from thc vapor pressure of a reference substance Holes below 0.25 inch in diameter do not drain the plates com-
may also be used. More theoretical is a theory of vapor pressures pletely. Drainage through larger holes may be calculated from
of liquids using only the van der Waals' forces which is presented the orifice equation. However, a t low Reynolds nunibere, the
by Wall and Stent (110). This theory permits the prediction of orifice coefficient is a variable, and an empirical equation is used
the composition a t which azeotropes form. An alternate theory, to correlate the data. Screen-skirted bubble caps are recom-
proposed by Kuhn and Rfassini (62), indicates that an azeotrope mended for towers operating a t low vapor rates by Zenz ( 2 2 4 ) .
will be formed when the difference in the boiling points of the pure The operation of these caps is influenced greatly by the proper-
components is less than the heat of mixing divided by 5.4. ties of the liquid. This reduces the utilit'y of the screen-skirted
All thermodynamic data on vaporizable substances are poten- caps.
tially useful in distillation studies. Many articles with this type Pictures and flow diagram of the '4rmour plant €or distilling
information appear each year. Only a few that seem to have im- crude fatty acids and nitriles are featured by Potts and McBride
mediate interest to distillation students are mentioned here. (78). Other notes on indust'rial distillation procesJes me: Form-
Among these are a summary of the status of thermodynamics in aldehyde and Z,&butanedione are found in the overhead from the
the petroleum industry by Sage (94)and the continuation of the aldehyde tower of a continuous ethanol still (121). Tar distilla-
series on applications of thermodynamics t o hydrocarbon process- tion practice in England is reported by Curtis (23). The aging
ing by Edmister (29). A method for determining the thermody- period of rum may be shortened and the quality of the product
namic consistency of vapor-liquid data is offered by Steinhauser controlled by fractionation of the crude rum to eliminate the
and White (102) and another by Gilmont et al. (42). The latter light ends and fusel oil. The process described by Arroyo (5)
article also includes a method of determining activity coefficients appears to be an azeotropic distillation with water as thc aaeo-
from relative volatility. trope former,
Latent heats of vaporization of binary mixtures were st,udied Testing of commercial fractionators is frequently complicated
by Plewes (77). These data may be calculated from the reduced because the units cannot be taken off stream for the test period.
temperature and the reduced pressure using an equation proposed Gelus et al. (40)describe the techniques of the testing plant, e q u i p
by Klein (66). An accuracy of 10% is claimed for the correla- ment producing a dimethylcyclopentane from a petroleum
tion. Chu et al. (14) present a study of the effect of structure on naphtha for use in the production of toluene. Analysis of the
the latent heat of paraffis. streams was by precise fractional distillation. As expected in an
Bubble-plate efficiency is usually correlated with the viscosity extractive distillation process, the over-all tray efficiency is about
of the liquid on the plate. The viscosity may be correlated with 35%.
the critical constants with an accuracy of about 10%. A nomo- The efficiency of plate columns was also studied by Williams
graph for this correlation is presented by Grunberg and Nissan e l al. (117). The conclusion reached after studying eight binary
(47). systems is that correlation with the product of relative volatility
and viscosit'y is satisfactory a t reflux ratios up to 1.5, However
INDUSTRIAL DISTILLATIONS a t high reflux ratios another variable appears to be present.
The efficiency of columns as measured by a test system appears to
Industrially the year was notable for the amount of construc- be independent of the number of components present of molccular
tion involving distillation towers. Outstanding among the new weight and type similar to the test mixture (65).
equipment is the 49,000-barrel-per-day vacuum pipe still installed On fract'ionators making close separations, tower top tempera-
a t the Bayway refinery of the Esso Standard Oil Company. De- ture is not an accurate measure of the purity of the overhead
scribed by Naugle (70), this still is 93 feet high and has a diameter product. Under these conditions it is customary to measure the
of 27 feet. The flash zone of the still operates a t a temperature temperature a t some other point in the tower and use this as a
of 775" F. and a pressure of 65 mm. of mercury. Williams and control guide. Uitti (107) has determined the effect on the frac-
Xaugle (118) claim that through a combination of vacuum dis- tionator operation of the location of the control point as the feed
tillation and other refining processes the refiner may expect an composition varies. In some cases it' is better to use some other
increased yield of higher octane number gasoline and greater property of the product for analysis and control. Th0ma.s et al.
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 65

(104) describe a simplified automatic and continuously recording

flow refractometer which may be used for this purpose.

No outstanding developments were made in the theory of dis-
tillation during this year. At the present time the theory appears
to be well defined and is advancing through slight changes and
modifications in details. Eduljee (38) shows that entrainment in
bubble-cap trays may be correlated in terms of the vapor density
and slot velocity. He also points out that entrainment up to 10%
has a negligible effect on tray efficiency. Rose et aE. (91) present
evidence that increase in holdup is not necessarily detrimental to
the sharpness of separation in a batch distillation. Rather a criti-
cal reflux ratio exists below which increase in holdup actually im-
proves the separation. Lloyd (66) compares batch and continy-
x ous stills for a given separation. His conclusion is that a continu-
ous still will give more efficient use of a particular still column than
batch still use of the same column.
A theorem of Schreinemakers is refuted by Redlich and Kister
(85). TheQeorem states that if two impurities exist in an almost
pure component, one of the impurities may be removed by distilla-
tion with greater ease than the other. A mathematical proof ia
offered showing that i t is possible that both impurities may be
equally difficult to remove.
Of interest from a theoretical viewpoint are the diffusion coef-
ficients of the components being distilled in both the vapor and
liquid phases. Trevoy and Drickamer (106) studied the diffu-
sion of paraffins into liquid benzene. The results agree with theo-
retical predictions. Wilke (116) and Fairbanks and Wilke (34)
report the results of a study to determine the average diffusion co-
efficient of a component into a multicomponent gas mixture.
Gerster et al. (41) successfully related plate efficiencies to the
separate vapor and liquid resistances. Convenient methods for
combining film resistances to predict the plate efficiency are pro-
posed. Cartridge-Type Bubble-Cap Tray, 19.5-Inch Diameter
One- and two-directional mass transfer in a wetted-wall col-
umn are compared by Jackson and Ceaglske (61). Both are en- sary to make a given separation with the r e h x ratio when the
tirely similar. The j~ correlation is adequate for both types of minimum number of theoretical plates and the minimum reflux
mass transfer. Some indication is found that the composition ratio necessary for the same separation are known. Donne11 and
has an effect on the mass transfer. The area of contact in bubble Cooper (87) claim a better correlation between plates and vapor
contactors was studied by van Krevelen and Hoftijaer (61). Two rates. Their results are clear, but some difficulty was experienced
cases are reported: (a) single bubbles a t low gas rates have diam- in attempting to check the development of their curve, 1.
eters independent of the flow rate and proportional to the cube Calculation of the minimum reflux ratio for multicomponent
root of the orifice diameter; (b) chain flow bubbles a t high gas mixtures is seldom exact. Shiras et al. (97) point out that the
rates have diameters independent of the orifice diameter and a conditions existing in the column a t the minimum reflux ratio
function of the flow rate. Weisman and Bonilla (118) propose depend on whether only two components are distributed between
equations for evaluating mass transfer area in packed columns. the products or more than two components are distributed.
Yu and Coull (193) distinguish between adiabatic and nonadia- Rigorous solutions are possible for the first condition only. With
batic distillations. The process of nonadiabatic distillation is de- the second condition plate-to-plate calculations must be used for
veloped as a thermodynamic operation. the solution of the general problem where the relative volatility
and the molal reflux vary. May (67) presents a precise solution
of the problem where the relative volatility and the reflux ratio
Calculations for multicomponent mixtures are mainly based on are constant.
the equations of Underwood (109). These equations assume a Calculation of the number of required plates for multicompo-
constant relative volatility and a constant molal reflux rate. A nent mixtures by a graphical method is described by Coulson and
4 numerical example of previously derived equations is also given by Fyffe (98). The method amounts to setting up a pseudoequilib-
Underwood (108). The same equations are rearranged t o permit rium curve for the key components. This curve is developed by
the use of determinants by Alder and Hanson (1). Murdoch (69) making a plate-to-plate calculation a t total reflux.
defines “doublet separations” as those with only two distributed Batch column operation with appreciable holdup is calculated
Components. Equations for doublet separations are relatively by Rose et al. (90). The resulting calculated curves are compared
simple. with experimental curves. Similarity between the families of
Graphical solutions*to the number of transfer units is indicated curves justify the work of the plate-to-plate calculations. Chu
by White (116). The approach used here amounts to replacing (13) applies Smoker’s equation to similar batch column calcula-
the equilibrium curve with the arc of a parabola whose extension tions.
does not necessarily pass through the origin of the coordinate dia- A method of making flash equilibrium calculations is proposed
gram. The chart presented is based on the assumption of a by Montross (68). Flash equilibrium curves may be calculated
straight operating line. Yu and Coull (199)give a graphical cor- from the true boiling point curve by a method proposed by Oka-
relation for the variation of the number of theoretical plates neces- moto and van Winkle (72). This method differs from previous

Stills for determining vapor-liquid equilibria are

described in several articles. Rieder and Thomp-
son (86) present data on the equilibria relations of
the ethanol-water system as measured in a
Gillespie still. The data show slightly less separa-
tion at low alcohol concentrations than values
previously published. A slight modification of the
still is suggested. Smith and Bonner (100) de-
scribe a still for partially miscible liquids. Pearce
and Gerster (76) describe a technique for evaluat-
ing vapor-liquid equilibria from boiling points
measured a t k e d temperatures. Feller and
McDonald (56) describe a technique and apparatus
for determining dew points and bubble points for
binary systems that areliquid a t room temperature.
Laboratory still columns ranging in diameter
from 2.5 to 12 inches are described by Carpenter
and Helwig (12). Another two-column fully
automatic unit is described bv French (57). . ,
Prehbricated Bubble-Cap Tray, IO-Foot Diameter This column, which contains 100 theoretical plates,
is claimed to have separated a cut containing 89%
thiophene from crude coke oven benzene. The
methods for achieving the same result in that the compressibility still is used to reduce the time needed for a distillation b y elim-
of the gas is considered. The reverse calculation, predicting the inating the period of total reflux operation a t night.
true boiling point curve from the flash vaporization curve, is con- A semimicrocolumn capable of fractionating 20 ml. of liquid
sidered by Edmister and Bowman (SO), who also propose a with an efficiency of twelve theoretical plates is described by
method of estimating the flash vaporization curve (31). Rumpf Dixon (26). Operation of a Podbielniak Hyd-Robot column
(93) points out that distillations of crude oils may be plotted as at rates as high as 100 ml. per minute with little contamination
straight lines if the reciprocal of the absolute temperature is of one fraction by another is found possible by Starr et al. (101).
plotted against a probability distribution function. A high rate of approach to equilibrium is reported by Irlin and
Mechanical computations are helpful Then used within the lim- Bruns (60) for a rotating tube glass column, 5 or 6 minutes being
its of their development. B nomograph for solving the van Laar sufficient to establish equilibrium.
equations is offered by Chu and Tung (16). Aslide rule for evaluat- Electrical equipment suitable for Engler distillations is de-
ing the vapor-liquid equilibria data from relative volatility is illus- scribed by Cooper and Medcalf (21). An internal-type immersion
trated by Chu et al. (15). Weil (112) tells of a news release from heater is the essential element of this still.
Northwestern University describing the use of their electronic An Alnico magnet, used to operate the distributor for a sample
computer to solve multicomponent distillation problems when collector suitable for vacuum columns, is described by Rock and
the relative volatility and the reflux ratio vary. Janz (88). Control of still-head pressures during an isothermal
distillation is achieved by use of the mercury manometer thermo-
stat developed by Booth and Jarry ( 7 ) .
Microdistillation equipment includes an isothermal distilla-
The packing recommended by Scofield (96) for use in industrial tion-diffusion unit (54)and a simplified reflux still for the deter-
size columns was mentioned above. Koch and van Raay (57) de- mination of iodine (105).
scribe a modification of Stedman packing in which the lower por-
tion of the packing has a raised edge whose diameter is slightly
greater than the diameter of the column into which the packing is
to be placed. The efficiency of the packing is less than that Improved equipment for the automatic distillation of water
claimed for Stedman packing but column assembly is easier. is reported by Reynolds and Swanson (85) and Nickels (71).
Watson (111)indicates that double gauze packings are 35% more Scale corrosion of sea water distillation equipment may be re-
efficient than single gauze packings of the same shape. The test duced by circulating the brine through a layer of a stabilizing
mixture used in this study was 3% ethanol in water. contact material placed in a separate compartment. Langelier
The effect of vacuum operation on the efficiency of packed col- et al. (63) report that the operating cycle of this type equipment
umns was studied by Berg and Popovac (5) and by Struck and may be extended to 1000 hours by this change. Kolarow (58)
Kinney (103). Both articles report little variation in efficiency reports that an electrostatic precipitator with a potential of 50
with pressures between 10 mm. of mercury and 1 atmosphere. kilovolts will reduce the carry-over of dust with the vapor in a
The effect of channeling on efficiency was studied by Jalota and water distillation, thus improving the purity of the distilled
Nandi (52). Further effects of hydrodynamics in packed col- water.
umns are reported by Reed and Fenske (84). The effects of phase
densities on the flood point are discussed. A Z E O T R O P I C AND EXTRACTIVE D I S T I L L A T I O N

The calculations associated with azeotropic and extractive

distillations are reviewed by Colburn (18). The low efficiencies
Analytical procedures involving distillation are reviewed by associated with extractive distillations are attributed to the
Rose (92)in the second “Annual Review of Analytical Chemis- resistance of the liquid film. The efficiency of columns separating
try.” C4 hydrocarbons by extractive distillation with furfural is re-
An improved apparatus for measuring boiling points at at- ported by Grohse et al. (46).
mospheric pressure is described by Eblin (68)and s tensimeter Purification of the extractive distillation solvent is necessary
still for measuring vapor pressures in the range from 0.02 to 10 in the continuous extractive distillation of xylenes from hydro-
mm. of mercury by Ratchford and Rehberg (80). carbons with nitrobenzene. Woerner (119) proposes distillation
of 10 to 20% of the circulating solvent to remove gum formed (41) Gerster, J. A., Colburn, A. P., Bonnet, W. E., and Carmody,
T. W.,Zhid., 45,716 (1949).
and accumulated during the distillation. (42) Gilmont, R., Weinman, E. A., Kramer, F., Miller, E., Hash-
Azeotropic batch distillation may be used to increase the re- mall, F., and Othmer, D. F., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,42, 120
covery of the bottoms product if the effect found by Berg et al. (1950).
(4) is general. The percentage recovery of bottoms product (43) Glanville, J. W., Sage, B. H., and Lacey, W. N., Zbid., 42, 508
found with five different systems seems to be independent of the (44) Goff, G. H., Farrington, P. S., and Sage, B. H., Ihid., 42, 735
charge composition and is greater than the recovery by non- (1950).
azeotropic distillation. (45) Griswold, J., and Wong, S. Y., presented a t Minneapolis Meet-
ing, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs. (September 1950).
RADIANT ENERGY (46) Grohse, E. W., McCartney, R. F., Hauer, H. J., Gerster, J. A.,
* and Colburn, A. P., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45,725 (1949).
The use of selective absorption of radiant energy to separate (47) Grunberg, L., and Nissan, A. H., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 885
components having the same vapor pressure is proposed by (48) Haldenwanger, H., Chemie-Ing.-Tech., 22, 8 (1950).
Schlesman (95). Separation of methyl ethyl ketone from iso- (49) Huitt, J. L., Zeigenhain, W. C., Fowler, F. C., and Huntington,
propyl alcohol is described as an example. R. L., Petroleum Refiner,28, No. 11, 143 (1949).
(50) Irlin, A. L., and Bruns, B. P., Zhur. Anal. Khim., 5,44 (1950).
LITERATURE CITED (51) Jackson, M. L., and Ceaglske, N. H., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42,
1188 (1950).
(1) Alder, B. J., and Hanson, D. N., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 48 (52) Jalota, P. L., and Nandi, 5. K., Trans. Zndian Znst. Chem. En-
(1950). grs., 1, 53 (1947).
(2) Alpert, N. L., and Elving, P. J., IND.ENG. CHEM.,41, 2864 (53) Kincannon, C. B., and Manning, E., Jr., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,
(1949). 1386 (1950).
(3) Arroyo, R.; Sugar, 44, No. 7,34 (1949). (54) Kirk, P. L., Anal. Chem., 22, 611 (1950).
(4) Berg, L., Carpenter, H. C., and Daly, J. B., Chem. Eng. Prog- (55) Kirschbaum, E., “Destillier und Rektifziertechnik,” Zweite
ress, 46, 283 (1950). Auflage, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1950.
(5) Berg, L., and Popovac, D. O., Zhid., 45,683 (1949). (56) Klein, V. A,, Chem. Eng.Progress, 45, 675 (1949).
(6) Bishop, R. B.. and Denton, W. I., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42, 883 (57) Koch, H., and van Raay, H., Chemie-Zng.-Tech., 22, 172 (1950).
(1950). (58) Kolarow, N., Ostew. Chem.-Ztg., 50, 180 (1949).
(7) Booth, H. S., and Jarry, R. L., Anal. Chem., 21, 1416 (1949). (59) Kretechner, C. B.,and Wiebe, R., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,71, 1793
(8) Brown, G. G., and Associates, “Unit Operations,” New York, (1949).
N. Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1950. (60) Zbid., p. 3176.
(9) Bushmakin, I. N., and Voeikova, E. D., Zhur. Obshchei Khim., (61) Krevelen, D. W. van, and Hoftijzer, P. J., Chem. Eng. Progress,
19. 1615 (1949). 46, 29 (1950).
(IO) Carley, J. F., and Bertelsen, L. W., IND. ENQ. CHEM.,41, (62) Kuhn, W., and Massini, P., Helv. Chim. Acta, 33,737 (1950).
2806 (1949). (63) Langelier, W. F., Caldwell, D. H., and Lawrence, W. B., IND.
(11) Carney, ‘ T. P., “Laboratory Fractional Distillation,” New ENG.CBEM.,42, 126 (1950).
York, N. Y., The Maomillan Co., 1950. (64) Lecat, M., Ann. SOC. sci. Bruxelles, 63, 111 (1949).
(12) Carpenter, J. K., and Helwig, R. W., IND. ENG.CHEM..42, (65) Lecat, M., Bull. classes&, Acad. i o y . Belg., 35,484 (1949).
571 (1950). (66) Lloyd, L. E., Petroleum Refiner,29, No. 2, 135 (1950).
(13) Chu, J. C., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,215 (1950). (67) May, J. A., IND. ENG.CHEM.,41,2775 (1949).
(14) Chu, J. C., Dmytryszyn, M., Moder, J. J., and Overbeck, R. C., (68) Montross, C. F., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 105 (1950).
IND. ENQ.CHEM.,41, 131 (1949). (69) Murdoch, P. G., Zbid., 46, 36 (1950).
(15) Chu, J. C., Robinson, W. D., and Doll, D. P., Chem. Eng., 57, (70) Naugle, J. M., Petroleum Processing, 4, 1346 (1949).
No. 1, 108 (1950). (71)Nickels, J. E., J. Chem. Education, 26, 533 (1949).
(16) Chu, J. C., and Tung, C. C., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,44 (1950). (72) Okamoto, K. K., and van Winkle, M., Petroleum Refiner, 29,
(17) Chu. J. C., and Yang. W. J., IND. ENG.CHEM..42.373 (1950). No. 1, 91 (1950).
(18) Colburn, A. P., Can.-Chem. Process I d s . , 34,298 (April’l950j. (73) Orlicek, A. F., Osterr. Chem.-Ztg., 50, 86 (1949).
(19) Coles, K. F., and Popper, F., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42, 1434 (1950). (74) Othmer, D. F., and Ten Eyck, E. H., Jr., END. ENO.CHEW.,41,
(20) Conner, A. Z., Elving, P. J., Benischeck, J., Tobias, P. E., and 2897 (1949).
Steingiser, S., Ibid., 42, 106 (1950). (75) Pearce, E. J., and Gerster, J. A., Zbid., 42, 1418 (1950).
(21) Cooper, H. B. H., and Medcalf, E. C., Anal. Chem., 22, 587 (76) Perry, J. H., editor-in-chief, “Chemical Engineers Hand-
(1950). book,” 3rd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Coo,1950.
(22) Coulson, J. M., and Fyffe, W. J. H., Znd. Chemist, 25, 543 (77) Plewes, A. C., Chem. in Canada,2, No. 5, 19 (1950).
(1949). (78) Potts, R. H., and McBride, G. W., Chem. Eng., 57, No. 2, 124
(23) Curtis, A. L., Trans. Znst. Chem. Engrs. (London), 25, 122 (imw.
(1947). (79) Raimuiien, R. R., and van WinkIe, M., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,
(24) Davies, J. A,, Petroleum Refiner,29, No. 8,93 (1950). 2121 (1950).
(25) Denyer, R. L., Fidler, F. A., and Lowry, R. A,, IND.ENG. (80) Ratchford, W. P., and Rehberg, C. E., Anal. Chem., 21, 1417
CBEM.,41, 2727 (1949). (1949).
(26) Dixon, 0. G., J . SOC.Chem. Ind. (London),68,299 (1949). (81) Reamer,“. H., Fiskin, J. M., and Sage, B. H., IND.ENQ.
(27) Donnell, J. W., and Cooper, C. M., Chem. Eng., 57, No. 6, 121 CHEM.,41, 2871 (1949).
(1950). (82) Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H., and Lacey, W. N., Zbid., 42, 534
(28) Eblin, L. P., J. Chem. Education, 27,67 (1950). ,-
(1 --m-,.
(29) Edmister, W. C., Petroleum Refiner, 28, No. 9, 95; No. 10, (83) Redlich, O., and Kister, A. T., J . Chem. Phys., 18, 1108 (1950).
143; No. 11, 149; No. 12,140 (1949). (84) Reed, T. M., and Fenske, M. R., IND. ENG. CIIEM., 42, 654
(30) Edmister, W. C., and Bowman, J. R., presented a t Houston (1950).
Meeting, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs. (February 1950). (85) Reynolds, J. G., and Swansoh, B. IT7.,Anat. Chem., 21, 1396
(31) Edmister, W. C., and Bowman, J. R., presented at Minneapo-
lis Meeting, Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs. (September 1950).
~ - ,
(86) Rieder, R. M., and Thompson, A. R., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41,
(32) Eduljee, H. E., Trans. Znst. Chem. Engrs. (London),24, 128 2905 (1949).
(1946). (87) Ihid., 42,379 (1950).
(33) Elsey, H. M., and Flowers, L. C., Refrig. Eng., 57, 153 (1949). (88) Rock, E. J., and Janz, G. J., Anal. Chem.,22,626 (1950).
(34) Fairbanks, D. F., and Wilke, C. R., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 471 (89) Rosanoff, M. A., and Easley, C. W., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,31, 953
(1950). (1909).
(35) Feller, M., and MoDonald, H. J., Anal. Chem., 22,338 (1950). (90) Rose, A., Johnson, R. C., and Williams, T. J., IND.ENG.
(36) Fenske, M. R., Myers, H. S., and Quiggle, D., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,42, 2145 (1950).
CHEM.,42, 649 (1950). (91) Rose, A., Williams, T. J., and Prevost, C., Ibzii., 42, 1876
(37) French, K. H. V.,Gas World, 130 (3381) Coking Sec., 65 (1949). (1950).
(38) Frishe, W. C., Petroleum Refiner,29, No. 1, 137 (1950). (92) Rose, Arthur, Anal. Chem., 22,59 (1950).
(39) Garwin, L., and Hutchison, K. E., IND. ENQ. CHEM.,42, 727 (93) Rumpf, K. K., Era62 u. Kohle, 3,21 (1950).
(1950). (94) Sage, B. H., IND. ENQ.CBEM.,42,631 (1950).
(40) Gelus, E., Marple. S., Jr., and Manning, E., Jr., Chem Eng. (95) Schlesman, C. H., U. 5. Patent 2,455,812 (Dec. 7,1948).
Progress, 45, 002 (1949). (96) Scofield, R. c., Chem. Eng. PTOgTe8S,46,405 (1950).
(97) Shiraa, R. N., Hanson, D. K , , and Gibson, C. H., IND.EZTG. (109) Underwood, -4. J V., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, 2844 (1949).
CHEM.,42, 871 (1950). (110) Wall, F. T., and Stent, G. S., J . Chem. Phus., 17, 1112 (1949).
(98) Simons, J. H., and Dunlap, R. D., J . Chem. Phgs., 18, 335 (111) Watson, H. E., Ind. Chemzst, 25, 503 (1949).
(1950). (112) Weil, B. H., PetroZellnzProcessing,5 , 13 (1950).
(99) Smith, K. A., and Smith, R . B., Petroleum Processing, 4, 1355 (113) Weisman, J., and Bonilla, C . F.. IND.ENG.CHem. 42, 1099
(1949). (1950).
(100) Smith, T. E., and Bonnex, R. F., IND.ENG.& E x , 41, 2567 (114) White, B. C., U.S. Patent 2,488,249 (Nov. 15,1949).
f 1949). (115) White, G. E., Chern. Eng. Progiess, 46, 363 (1950).
(101) Starr, E’., Jr., Anderson, J. P., and Davidson, V. &I., Anal (116) Wilke, C. R., Ibid., 46, 95 (1950).
Chem., 21, 1197 (1949). (117) Williams, G. C., Stigger, 1;. K., and Sichoia, J. H., Ibid., 46, 7
(102) Steinhauser, H. H., and White, R. E , IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, (1950).
2912 (1949). (118) Williams, R. K . , and Kaugle. J. &I., Gil Gas .I., 48,S o . 46, 241
(103) Struck, R. T., and Kinney, C . R . , Ibid.,42,77 (1950). (1950).
(104) Thomas, G . R., O’Konski, C. T., and Hurd, C . D., 9 7 m l . Ciiem., (119) Woerner, R. C., U. S.Patent 2,494.274 (Jan. 10, 1950).
22, 1221 (1950), (120) Wood, S.E., IND.E m . CHEX, 42, 660 (1950).
(105) Thomas, J. W., Shinn, L. A , , Wiaenian, H. G., and Moore, I,. ‘4.. (121) Yamada, S.,Oganai, S., and Chuno, T.. J . SOC.Brewin47 Japan,
Ibid., 22, 726 (1950). 43, 37 (1948).
(108) Trevoy, D. J., and Drickamer, H. G., J . Chem. Phys.. 17, t 117 (122) Yu, K. T., and C o d , J., Clteni. Eng. Progress, 46, 89 (1950).
(1949). (123) Yu, K. T., and Coull, J., J . Inst. Petroleum, 35,770 (1949).
(107) Uitti, K. D., Petroleum Processing. 5 , 41 (1950). (124) Zenz, F. A,, PetToZezim Refiner,29, No. 6, 103 (1960).
(10s) Underwood, A. J. V., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45, fi09 (1949). RECEII.
X D Ortober 17, 1950.


- __ _ _ ~ - __- -. - -__-_

T h e two outstanding events of the year in high vacuum distillation were the introduction of (this still and the previous one
molecularly distilled monoglycerides of fatty acids and the continued industrial expansion of use grooved evaporating sutfaces,
fruit juice dehydration b y removal of water vapor at low temperatures. A pilot plant single strikitlglg reminiscent of the re-
stage and a research multistage falling Rlm still were also described. viewer’s own early labors) is oper-
ated with residual pressures in thP
micron range. Both papers pre-
ONOGLYCERIDES, custom-tailored by molecular dis- sent a wealth of authentic operating data.
tillation to fit special requirements, have emerged from Assigned to the Socony Vacuum Oil Company, a patent issued
Embree’s laboratory a t Distillation Products Industries to Schlesman and Fawcett (42)describes a short-path still in which
into large supply during 1950. Glycerol, reacted with un- the evaporating surlace is heated by radiation selectively ah-
saturated fatty acids ( 2 2 ) has found favor in the baking indus- sorbed by the “wanted” molecule. Schlesman offers an inter-
try, where the purified monoesters are said to possess “light- esting modification (4f)wherein energy of radio frequency is used
ening” qualities unexpectedly enhanced by the absence of di- to prevent condensation of a constituent of a mixture. Examples
esters (41). Produced as a heart cut from the crude reaction of compounds which can be separated in this manner range from
miuture, the monoesters are one of the few main products (in phenyl nitrite to tryptane. Although not strictly in the prov-
contrast with stripping cuts and vitamins) obtained in quantity ince of this review, the effect of sound waves on attainment
by molecular distillation. of equilibrium in packed columns (9) may be compared with
Vacuum dehydration has continued its phenomenal expansion. the above. A variant of the hot-cold still should also receive
In 1950, upwards of 120,000,000 gallons of fruit juices are said notice ( 1 3 ) .
by Morse to have been concentrated, four to one, for freeze Laboratory high vacuum distillation has advanced more in
canning, This evaporation (If, 29, SI, @), which is done a t techniques and application than in design A complete falling-
8 t o 12 mm. of mercury. involved the total removal of some 180 film installation (36) for drug research is generically a descendant
billion cubic feet of vapor. Steam ejection, single and multiple of the Quackenbush and Stembock design with stirred evaporator.
effect, heat pump cycles employing ammonia compressors (30) Stills for small samples, milligrams (8) t o a few grams ( 3 7 ) have
and combinations thereof have performed the transfer of water made their long-awaited appearance. The well known (pre-
from juice to condensate. I n addition to orange, lemon, pine- 1939) glass falling-film installation offered by Schott and Genos-
apple, grape, and apple juices (5-7, f b , 49) an important new- sen has been redesigned (39) to permit recirculation of residue.
comer is a soluble coffee (6, 6, 11, 19,43, 45), which is being pro- comparable to the operation of a cyclic-batch still.
duced at a water-vapor pressure of about 1 mm. and a residual Madorskg and associates have continued their noteworthy
air atmosphere of less than 30 microns. Here indeed is an ex- researches in high vacuum chemistry, pyrolysis, and distillation.
tension of megavacuums into the true high vacuum field. Of particular interest is a 10-column falling-film still (25)with the
Items of news in industrial short-path distillation are few, columns arranged side by side on the bench and interconnected
but they show two significant trends: on the one hand to de- by magnetic pumps which combine and recirculate residues and
glamorize and on the other to explore new fundamental phe- distillates in appropriate directions. That such an assembly can
nomena. Spence (47) describes a falling-film still of pilot plant be operated a t all, in mutual balance, is a tribute to operative
capacity, to be operated a t relatively high saturation pressures skill, but the cost has been high:
and without benefit of condensation pump. Dioctyl phthalate To keep the system in balance it is necessary to have the same
can be distilled with a feed rate of 370 pounds per hour to yield pumping rate for all columns and to evaporate exactly half the
a water-white distillate, 85 to 60 A.Ph.A. color; a still with a liquids. The evaporating rate is more difficult to control: in
order to blanket any deviation from conditions of balance the
rapacity of 1. ton an hour is projected. A falling-film evaporator evaporating rates were adjusted to a little over 5OVo of the amount
by Benner and DiNardo (2) with tubular, remote condense1 of liquid pumped into the crown of each column. I n experi-
(97) Shiraa, R. N., Hanson, D. K , , and Gibson, C. H., IND.EZTG. (109) Underwood, -4. J V., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, 2844 (1949).
CHEM.,42, 871 (1950). (110) Wall, F. T., and Stent, G. S., J . Chem. Phus., 17, 1112 (1949).
(98) Simons, J. H., and Dunlap, R. D., J . Chem. Phgs., 18, 335 (111) Watson, H. E., Ind. Chemzst, 25, 503 (1949).
(1950). (112) Weil, B. H., PetroZellnzProcessing,5 , 13 (1950).
(99) Smith, K. A., and Smith, R . B., Petroleum Processing, 4, 1355 (113) Weisman, J., and Bonilla, C . F.. IND.ENG.CHem. 42, 1099
(1949). (1950).
(100) Smith, T. E., and Bonnex, R. F., IND.ENG.& E x , 41, 2567 (114) White, B. C., U.S. Patent 2,488,249 (Nov. 15,1949).
f 1949). (115) White, G. E., Chern. Eng. Progiess, 46, 363 (1950).
(101) Starr, E’., Jr., Anderson, J. P., and Davidson, V. &I., Anal (116) Wilke, C. R., Ibid., 46, 95 (1950).
Chem., 21, 1197 (1949). (117) Williams, G. C., Stigger, 1;. K., and Sichoia, J. H., Ibid., 46, 7
(102) Steinhauser, H. H., and White, R. E , IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, (1950).
2912 (1949). (118) Williams, R. K . , and Kaugle. J. &I., Gil Gas .I., 48,S o . 46, 241
(103) Struck, R. T., and Kinney, C . R . , Ibid.,42,77 (1950). (1950).
(104) Thomas, G . R., O’Konski, C. T., and Hurd, C . D., 9 7 m l . Ciiem., (119) Woerner, R. C., U. S.Patent 2,494.274 (Jan. 10, 1950).
22, 1221 (1950), (120) Wood, S.E., IND.E m . CHEX, 42, 660 (1950).
(105) Thomas, J. W., Shinn, L. A , , Wiaenian, H. G., and Moore, I,. ‘4.. (121) Yamada, S.,Oganai, S., and Chuno, T.. J . SOC.Brewin47 Japan,
Ibid., 22, 726 (1950). 43, 37 (1948).
(108) Trevoy, D. J., and Drickamer, H. G., J . Chem. Phys.. 17, t 117 (122) Yu, K. T., and C o d , J., Clteni. Eng. Progress, 46, 89 (1950).
(1949). (123) Yu, K. T., and Coull, J., J . Inst. Petroleum, 35,770 (1949).
(107) Uitti, K . D . , Petroleum Processing. 5 , 41 (1950). (124) Zenz, F. A,, PetToZezim Refiner,29, No. 6, 103 (1960).
(10s) Underwood, A. J. V., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45, fi09 (1949). RECEII.
X D Ortober 17, 1950.


- __ _ _ ~ - __- -. - -__-_

T h e two outstanding events of the year in high vacuum distillation were the introduction of (this still and the previous one
molecularly distilled monoglycerides of fatty acids and the continued industrial expansion of use grooved evaporating sutfaces,
fruit juice dehydration b y removal of water vapor at low temperatures. A pilot plant single strikitlglg reminiscent of the re-
stage and a research multistage falling Rlm still were also described. viewer’s own early labors) is oper-
ated with residual pressures in thP
micron range. Both papers pre-
ONOGLYCERIDES, custom-tailored by molecular dis- sent a wealth of authentic operating data.
tillation to fit special requirements, have emerged from Assigned to the Socony Vacuum Oil Company, a patent issued
Embree’s laboratory a t Distillation Products Industries to Schlesman and Fawcett (42)describes a short-path still in which
into large supply during 1950. Glycerol, reacted with un- the evaporating surlace is heated by radiation selectively ah-
saturated fatty acids ( 2 2 ) has found favor in the baking indus- sorbed by the “wanted” molecule. Schlesman offers an inter-
try, where the purified monoesters are said to possess “light- esting modification (4f)wherein energy of radio frequency is used
ening” qualities unexpectedly enhanced by the absence of di- to prevent condensation of a constituent of a mixture. Examples
esters (41). Produced as a heart cut from the crude reaction of compounds which can be separated in this manner range from
miuture, the monoesters are one of the few main products (in phenyl nitrite to tryptane. Although not strictly in the prov-
contrast with stripping cuts and vitamins) obtained in quantity ince of this review, the effect of sound waves on attainment
by molecular distillation. of equilibrium in packed columns (9) may be compared with
Vacuum dehydration has continued its phenomenal expansion. the above. A variant of the hot-cold still should also receive
In 1950, upwards of 120,000,000 gallons of fruit juices are said notice ( 1 3 ) .
by Morse to have been concentrated, four to one, for freeze Laboratory high vacuum distillation has advanced more in
canning, This evaporation (If, 29, SI, @), which is done a t techniques and application than in design A complete falling-
8 t o 12 mm. of mercury. involved the total removal of some 180 film installation (36) for drug research is generically a descendant
billion cubic feet of vapor. Steam ejection, single and multiple of the Quackenbush and Stembock design with stirred evaporator.
effect, heat pump cycles employing ammonia compressors (30) Stills for small samples, milligrams (8) t o a few grams ( 3 7 ) have
and combinations thereof have performed the transfer of water made their long-awaited appearance. The well known (pre-
from juice to condensate. I n addition to orange, lemon, pine- 1939) glass falling-film installation offered by Schott and Genos-
apple, grape, and apple juices (5-7, f b , 49) an important new- sen has been redesigned (39) to permit recirculation of residue.
comer is a soluble coffee (6, 6, 11, 19,43, 45), which is being pro- comparable to the operation of a cyclic-batch still.
duced at a water-vapor pressure of about 1 mm. and a residual Madorskg and associates have continued their noteworthy
air atmosphere of less than 30 microns. Here indeed is an ex- researches in high vacuum chemistry, pyrolysis, and distillation.
tension of megavacuums into the true high vacuum field. Of particular interest is a 10-column falling-film still (25)with the
Items of news in industrial short-path distillation are few, columns arranged side by side on the bench and interconnected
but they show two significant trends: on the one hand to de- by magnetic pumps which combine and recirculate residues and
glamorize and on the other to explore new fundamental phe- distillates in appropriate directions. That such an assembly can
nomena. Spence (47) describes a falling-film still of pilot plant be operated a t all, in mutual balance, is a tribute to operative
capacity, to be operated a t relatively high saturation pressures skill, but the cost has been high:
and without benefit of condensation pump. Dioctyl phthalate To keep the system in balance it is necessary to have the same
can be distilled with a feed rate of 370 pounds per hour to yield pumping rate for all columns and to evaporate exactly half the
a water-white distillate, 85 to 60 A.Ph.A. color; a still with a liquids. The evaporating rate is more difficult to control: in
order to blanket any deviation from conditions of balance the
rapacity of 1. ton an hour is projected. A falling-film evaporator evaporating rates were adjusted to a little over 5OVo of the amount
by Benner and DiNardo (2) with tubular, remote condense1 of liquid pumped into the crown of each column. I n experi-

mental tests with a binary mixture, the ten-column molecular nals. Descriptions of advanced vacuum engineering (38) con-
still gave at e uilibrium a se aration of the two constituents tinue to be released by government agencies.
equivalent to %out thirteen tteoretical plates. The operation
was continuous lasting several weeks at a time and requiring very LITERATURE CITED
little attention.
(1) Azelband. M. A.. Reu. Sci. Inst.. 21, 511-13 (1950).
Benner, F. C., and DiNardo, A., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,42, 1930-4
Madorsky (86) and Wsterman et al. (60) have severally de- .----,
Blasco, E., and Miranda, L., Anales real SOC. espair. fis y quim,
scribed spring balance evaporative stills for microanalysis.
Madorsky’s experiments (84) with the fission of hydrocarbon 46A,69-75 (1950).
Bradley, R. S., and Shellard, A. D., Trans. Faraday SOC.,45,
chains by heat show that macromolecules break a t random until 501-7 (1949).
a fragment can escape by evaporation. Business Week, 62 (Feb. 4,1950).
Turning now t o studies with the molecular still, a complete Ibid.., 37 ..
- (Ami1 29. 1950).

Chem. Eng. News, 27,3880 (1948).

account of distillation of tocopherol-bearing oils is offered by Chin, H. S.,J . Chem. Eng. China, 15,28-33 (1948).
Green and Watt (16). Using the cyclic-batch still of Hickman, Coffin, C. C.,and Funt, B. L., J . Phys. & Colloid Chem., 53,
the elimination techniques of Embree and Hickman, and much 891-4 (1949).
of the data of Baxter, Rawlings, and associates, they succeed in Diminick, Glen L. (to Radio Corp. of America), U. S. Patent
.. pointing to the disturbing fact that the elimination maximum 2,482,329(Sept. 20, 1949).
Fortune, 40, 121 (September 1949).
of the mixed tocopherols occurs at quite different temperatures Food I d . , 68-70 (July 1949).
according to the oil of origin. Your reviewer accepts this as a fact Goldsbarry, A. W. (to Pure Oil Co. of Ohio), U. S. Patent
with which future research must cope. It is curious, however, 2,477,595(Mar. 10, 1948).
that the authors, who are so well informed in the field, should Golumbic, Calvin, Anal. Chem., 22, 579-85(1950).
A, Green, J., and Watt, P. R., J . Sci. Food and Agri., 1, 157-62
advance the statement that such work involves chemical concen- (1950).
tration of tocopherols either before or after molecular distillation Groszkowski, Janusz, Nature, 164,886-7 (1949).
and that there has been little or no reference t o the practical Gulbrauser, E. A., and Andrew, K. F., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41,
aspects of large scale tocopherol concentration. To correct the 2762 (1949).
Guldner, W. G., and Beach, A. L., Anal. Chem., 22, 366-7
record, it should be pointed out that hundreds of tons of raw (1850).
vegetable oils have been stripped in commercial routine and the Hellier, E.G.,Food I d a . , 21, 1191-3 (1949).
strippings redistilled in molecular vacuums to 20 to 50% tocopher- Hickman. K. C. D., and Weissler, L. (to Distillation Products,
ols without chemical intervention, Together with the concentra- Inc.), U. S. Patent 2,486,540(Nov. 1, 1949).
Khurt, N. H., and Welch, E. A,, J . Am. Oil Chemists SOC.,27,
tion of deodorizer sludge, these operations constitute a sizable 344-6 (1950).
industry. A patent issued this year (go), assigned to Distillation Khurt, N. H.,Welch, E. A., and Kovarik, F. J., Ibid., 27,310-
Products Industries, describes the conversion of 7- t o a-to- 13 (1950).
copherol, a process which should not be without influence on the McGeary, R. K.,Stanley, J. X., and Yensen, T. D., Trans.
Am. Soo. Metals, Preprint No. 10 (1949).
natural resources of “potent” vitamin E. Madorsky, 6. L., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 40, 417-
The sum total of knowledge of vapor pressures of phlegmatic 25 (1948).
liquids, including phthalate esters, plasticizers and glycerides, Ibid., 44, 135-9 (1950).
has been increased by two excellent papers by Perry et al. (34, Madorsky, S. L., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 21,393-4 (1950).
Masch, L. W., Chem. Eng. Tech., 22, 141-6 (1950).
36). The pendulum tensimeter, redesigned for use with an air Meers, J. T.,and Parduo, L. A., Phys. Rev., 74,119 (1948).
box instead of the previously used oversized and dangerous oil Morse, R.S.,Chemistry & Industry, 1948,13-19.
bath, has provided the data. The accuracy of individual points Ibid., p, 14.
has suffered slightly but unimportantly, considering that many Morse, R. S.,IND.ENG.CHEM.,39,1064 (September 1947).
Natl. Nuclear Energy Ser., Div. I, 1, “Vacuum Equipment
of the substances measured could not be of pedigree purity. As and Techniques” (1949).
an orienting gesture, the work will prove invaluable. Nichols, Peter L., Anal. Chem., 22,915-18 (1950).
Concerning the theory of molecular distillation and compu- Perry, E. H., and Weber, W. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,71, 3726-
tations necessary as a base for advance in devices for self-managed 30 (1949).
Perry, E. H., Weber, W. H., and Danbert, B. F., Ibid., 71,
multiple stills (molecular fractionation), the reviewer cannot but 3720-6 (1949).
be impressed with the analogy between the distribution curves Prignar, M., Wilt, W. A., and Nachod, F. C., Anal. Chem., 22,
for multiple series solvent extractions and the molecular elimi- 1065-6 (1950).
nation curves. Papers by Nichols (SS),Tipson (48),and Golum- Roper, J. N., Jr., Ibid., 21, 1575 (1949).
Sakurai, Toshio, J . J a p a n Chem., extra edition No. 1, 83-98
bic ( 1 4 ) will repay study, together with one by Bradley and (May 1949); No. 2,98 (July 1949).
Shellard ( 4 ) which bears more directly on unit distillations. Santiago, E. B., and Gonyales-Montes, L. M., I o n , 9,273-82
Some prominence was given to vacuum coating of metals and . ~ - ~

glasses in the last review, but this year a statement that prog- Ibid., pp. 338-51.
Schlesman, Charleton H. (to Socony Vacuum Oil Co.), U. 5.
rem (10, 18) is toward bigger and better rather than novelty Patent 2,455,812(Dec. 7, 1948).
will suffice. Instrumentation includes two minor modifications Ibid., 2,486,684(Nov. 1, 1949).
of the McLeod gage (1,16) and an improved Knudsen (88, &). Schroeder, A. L., and Schwarz, H. W., Chem. Eng. Progress,
Considerable activity is noted in setups for measuring the gases 45, No. 6,370-6 (June 1949).
4 Schwartz, C. M., and Lavender, R., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 19,
evolved from vacuum fusion (17,83), and vacuum fusion itself 814 (1948).
finds expanded application. The device of the year in vacuum Schwarz, H. W., IND. ENQ.CEEM.,40,2028 (1948).
aids which, if not new is certainly not well enough known, is a Schwarz, H. W., and Penn, F. E., Ibid., 40, 938-44 (1948).
valve for placing two mechanical vacuum pumps 6rst in parallel Spenoe, LeRoy U.,Ibid., 42,1926-9 (1950).
Tipson, R. Stewart, Anal. Chem., 22,628-36 (1950).
and then in series as high vacuum is attained (3). Reviews are W a l l St. Journal (Nov. 29, 1949).
less in evidence (H); exceptions are two lengthy illustrated ac- Waterman, H.I., Rec. trao. chim., 68,939-44 (1949).
counts (@, 4 4 ) of molecular distillation (38,40)in foreign jour- REC~;IVED
October 28, 1950.

Literature in the field of drying was not lacking in quantity during the past year, but the tech- drying was limited in the textile in-
nical information content was somewhat lower than in previous years. Infrared drying was still dustry and was not adaptable to wool
popular as a subject. The combination of infrared with sublimation drying has stimulated further processing. Infrared applications in
work in the field of low temperature drying. Spray drying also appears to be becoming en- the rubber industry were outlined by
trenched in the process industries. Interest in dielectric drying is waning except for specialized Budig (IS). Applications of infrared
applications. The fundamentals and art of drying textiles are receiving increasing attention. drying of foods (69),paper (Ire),
Unfortunately, however, the basic knowledge required to estimate the drying rates and their plywood and lumber (l81), and
influencing factors in a large number of the commonly used dryers i s still lacking. The literature ceramics (48) were reported,
during the past year offered little for the engineer along this line. Hanvey (76) described the a p
plication of infrared energy furnished
by infrared bulbs to the drying of

HREE books having general discussions ot the theory and ap- high-cost ore concentrates in a screw conveyer. Uses of infrared
paratus used for drying m‘ere published during the past year. ovens for laboratory and analytical work were reported (11,77).
Razous (141) revised his “ThBorie e t Pratique du a c h a g e Monnier and Besso (124) found that many reagents and precipi-
Industriel” for the fifth edition. Many dryers not ordinarily tates unstable to ordinary oven drying could be dried satis-
used in the United States were described. Weissberger (178) factorily with infrared energy.
included an elementary chapter on drying in his “Technique Spray Drying. If literature is any criterion, spray drying is
of Organic Chemistry.” An up-to-date review of United States finding increasing use in the process industries. Extensive treat-
drying equipment and practice was prepared by Marshall and ment of this method of drying can be found in the work of Seltzer
Friedman (117). Drying theory for all types of dryers was re- and Settelmeyer (16S), who summarized the spray-drying art as
viewed, and descriptions, design information, and cost data for applied to the food industry, gave detailed descriptions of
most of the common dryers were presented. most of the common spray dryers, and reported valuable operat-
Maleady (114) reviewed forced convection ovens commonly ing information and know-how. This represents the best modern
used in process engineering and listed some of the design details treatise on spray drying available.
which should be considered. Recently developed ovens and Quantitative information on spray drying was presented by
kilns were described by Uihlein (170). A cursory review of some Folger et al. (66),who analyzed data obtained in a tower and a
of the modern types of dryers was published (26). The National Bowen spray dryer. They reported heat-transfer coefficients
Fire Protection Association has specified new standards for Class ranging from 4 to 10 B.t.u./(hour) (cu. feet of dryer volume)
A ovens and furnaces (198). (” F.) for this equipment when drying sulfite waste liquor. The
Infrared Drying. Although infrared drying was the subject of validity of their use of a log-mean temperature difference is
much discussion during the past year, Garber and Tiller (61) questionable, however. Smith (169) outlined a general classi-
presented the only outstanding contribution to the technology of fication for spray dryers as well as commenting on dryer and
this method of drying. They presented equations and graphs atomizer design and dryer operation. A new laboratory spray
for calculating the time-temperature relationships of the top, dryer was announced (97). Settelmeyer (164) reported on an air
middle, and bottom of low thermal conductivity slabs, such as sweeper which materially aided the operation of spray dryers
wood, irradiated with infrared energy. These equations were on some food products.
extensions of the usual unsteady-state heating equations, sui& May (119) described a centrifugal disk atomizer driven by an
ably modified to take into account radiation to the surface as air turbine which could be operated to produce droplets of very
well as convection from the surface. Horgan (84) and Landfer- uniform size. The flow patterns of liquids leaving high-speed
mann (98) briefly reviewed the principles of infrared heating rotating cups were investigated by Hinze and Milborn (88).
and drying, Uses for gas-fired radiant panels were outlined by They found three distinct flow rbgimes, and listed some drop-
Hess (79). size analyses of the sprays.
Drying of finishes is still the largest use for radiant heating. Butler (19) reviewed current practice in apray drying calcium-
The factors influencing the choice between convection and radiant base sulfite liquor, while Gol’denberg (67) reported on the drying
heating are still being delineated with particular emphasis on of sulfate solutions in essentially a spray diyer operating a t 2
gas-radiant heating which can utilize convection heat in the atmospheres’ pressure, Spray drying of washing powders was
products of combustion (49). General reviews of theory, advocated (8,161) and Porter (189) reported the use of ultrasonic
particularly applicable to lacquer and paint drying, were pre- energy as an aid to spray drying soap. Information was also
sented by Brugel (12) and Tetrel (166). Mew (190) reviewed available on the spray drying of urea and melamine resine (136),
some German developments, Herbig (78) compared induction, wheat gluten (108), milk (89), and clay slip ($1).
high-frequency, and infrared drying of paints and enamels. Sublimation Drying. The most extensive work on sublimation
Lohausen (107) found the drying time of lacquers was propor- drying (removal of moisture from a frozen material by sublima-
tional to the thickness of the lacquer, the specific heat of the tion) published during the past year was by Floerdorf (64). Thia
lacquer carrier, and its reflectivity. Several specialized applica- book contains an excellent review of the applications, techniques,
tions to paint drying were described (96,199,146). and equipment used for sublimation drying. However, the
Rapid drying of hides by infrared was reported by Ddribdr6 (41) small amount of quantitative engineering information i t con-
and Franwschi (68). Kuepper (97) described infrared drying of tains is not always accurate. General reviews of sublimation
molding cores, The use of infrared in the textile industry, drying were also made available (18, 96).
particularly for boosting existing capacity, was described by M e (47’) presented an excellent analysis of the physical
Korner (94). Schneider (150)concluded that the use of infrared phenomena of drying by sublimation and reported carefully per-
January 1951 INDUSTRIAL A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 71

formed experimental data to substantiate his analysis. Evapora-

tion rates were measured for ice in which were embedded copper
filings to decrease its thermal resistance. The rate of evaporation
could be expressed as a function of the mean air pressure of the
system, the difference in vapor presmre between the evaporating
surface and the condenser, and the diffusivity and density of
water vapor. This method was used to analyze data on the
sublimation drying of green peas (48). Higher than ordinary
rates of drying were used without impairment of final quality,
A new method of heating materials during sublimation drying
(24, 28) consists of applying radiant energy to the bottom of a
frozen mass through a tray bottom transparent to infrared
rays. By utilizing this method, drying rates two to five times
greater than those ordinarily encountered were obtained without
melting of the frozen material. The process of “dehydro-
- freezing,” a combination of drying followed by freezing, was
also described (108). Typical applicstions of sublimation drying
to storage battery plates and gelatin (123) and drugs (28) were
High-Frequency Drying. Work reported on this method of
d drying, which depends upon generation of heat within the ma-
terial to be dried from dielectric losses when the material is placed
in a high-frequency electrical field, continues to indicate that its
most promising use is for drying bulky materials. Busat,h (17)
has briefly reviewed some of the possible applications of high-
frequency drying.
Foundry cores are particularly susceptible to economical high-
frequency drying. Kuepper (97) compared its use for cores
with other more conventional drvine ” - methods. TvDical
” _ Dro-
duction installations of high-frequency core drying were de- Freeze-Drying Unit
scribed by Dawson (S9),Griffith (71), and Hillman (81). Appli-
cations to the drying of textiles (in bulk or oake form) (116),
moisture to be removed arid the diameter oi the coal particles.
ceramic materials such as brick and tile (9), and paint films (78)
Bainbridge (6) explained the Fleissner process for drying coal,
were also reported.
Drying in Kilns. Drying is often accomplished in kilns, al- which consists in treating it with high-pressure steam followed
though they are usually thought of aa calcining or roasting equip- by rapid release of the steam pressure. Factors were listed which
ment. The general principles of heat transfer in this equipment should be considered in the design and operation of a large plant.
may be expected to be the same for drying as for the other opera-
tions. The transmission of heat in rotary kilns was discussed a t
length by Anselm ( 1 ) . Jaspers reported on the heat distribution Drying of Textiles. Few new fundamental studies on the dry-
in the combustion zones of kilns (87) and the transmission of ing of textiles were reported during the past year. Perhaps the
heat from the hot gases to the solid materials (88). One method best experimental work in this field was the investigation of the
of calculating over-all heat quantities in lime kiln installatione reliability of several electrical moisture meters reported by Whit-
was outlined by Gibbs (66). Methods of calculating heat losses well et al. (17~2,180). Most electrical meters were found re-
from rotary kilns were presented by Guye (73) and Matouschek liable, provided they were calibrated a t the use temperature for
(118). The operation of an indirect-fired rotary kiln was the material being tested.
described by Gibaldo (64). Several descriptive articles on typi- Several descriptions of moisture meters baaed on measuring
cal rotary kiln installations are available (22, 104, 182, 138,188, the dielectric constant of textiles were available (14, 62, 176).
172). Coles (80)discussed how a meter of this type could be used for
Miscellaneous Drying Methods. The results of several years of automatic control. Mahlo (110, 111) and Dirks (48) gave
vapor drying of railway ties, as described by Burpee (16), general descriptions of moisture meters for the textile industry.
+ indicated that thio method of drying wood was less expensive Haller (74) cautioned that moisture content of textiles must be
than other methods and resulted in a marked reduction in ma- carefully controlled for best printing and recommended that
terial losses. Expansion of existing vapor drying systems was electrical moisture meters be used to control the moisture con-
reported (60). The use of fluidized-bed techniques for drying tent of textiles leaving the dryer prior to the printing operation.
as developed by the Dorr Co. was reported (26). Counselman The general principles of automatic control in the textile industry
* (32) claimed that for granular materials this method of drying were outlined by Walter (176). Textile sheet guiding in drying
might give better control and lower costs than more conven- machines was described by Ullrich (171).
tional dryers. Lauer et al. (99, 100) made an extensive study of the drying of
Tamblyn (166) described “flash drying” of bark in detail. A viscose fibers. They found that cross-linking bonds were formed
new automatic level control for a double-drum dryer was de- during the drying process. This phenomenon could be either
scribed by Fox (67). reversible or irreversible, depending upon the drying conditions.
A new method of drying fruit, in which it is subjected to a Increasing drying temperatures gave decreasing swelling values
vacuum of a few millimeters of mercury and sprayed with hot and poor dye receptivity. Schaeffer (148) studied the behavior
vegetable oil, was reported (66). The resultant fruit is puffed of cellulosic fibers in drying. He found that temperatures ex-
and has a moisture content of ‘2% or less and an oil content rang- ceeding 80” C. caused physical and chemical changes to the
ing up to 20%. The drying of coal by immersion in hot oil was fibers. Wet neutral fibers could be dried a t 100’ C. and cotton
reported by Burr et al. (16). Equations were presented for calcu- a t 120’ C. without fiber damage. Small traces of alkali reduced
lating the drying time required as a function of fraction of the permissible maximum drying temperature to 65” C.
Thomas (168) presented a good picture of trends in textile for determining the moisture content of leathers. Infrared dry-
drying and a comparison of the relative efficiency of several ing of leather was reported (41, 68).
different drying methods. Schneider (149) also summarized the Drying of Finishes. Other than the articles on infrared drying
textile drying art and gave detailed descriptions of a number of of paints and lacquers (12, 49, 78. 96, 107, 120, 188, 146, 1/36),
different textile dryers with a brief discussion on the theory of little was reported on the drying of finishes. The Shell Evapo-
their operation. Manschke (115) outlined a sound method rometer was described by Curtis et aE. (35). Evaporation rates
whereby the operation of installed textile dryers can be evalu- measured with this instrument indicated that atmospheric
ated. Principles involved in the drying of textiles by hot air humidity, nature of film support, and chemical constitution of
were discussed by Net2 (189) for batch and continuous dryers of the solvents and solute8 had a much greater effect on the evapora-
various types. Elementary fundamentals of drying as applied tion rate from thin films than from bulk liquids. A similar in-
to textiles were outlined by Fleming (65). Even more ele- vestigation employing another, more sensitive device waa de-
mentary was the discussion by Laurie (101). scribed by Rudd and Tysall (145). GrenebDelide ( 7 0 ) de-
The development and use of nozzles to promote heat transfer scribed a much less elaborate and probably less accurate ap-
in tenter, festoon, and fixed-roll dryers for textiles were reviewed
paratus. A method of evaluating drying based on the set, dust-
by Friedemann (60). School (151) described dryers applicable to
free, tack-free, solid, and hard states was proposed by Arzens and
the handling of print goods. Spooner (168) discussed the
Nijveld (8). Greenawald and Gort ( 6 9 ) reported on the effect
operating principles of dryers used in the wool industry. Franz
( 5 9 ) described the types of dryers applicable to the woolen in- of temperature, humidity, air flow circulation, light, film thick-
dustry and some of their operating principles. Some applications ness, soaking of dryers, resins, and pigments, and solvents on the
of infrared drying (94, 150) and high-frequency drying (116) in drying time to a tack-free state for a number of different coating
the textile industry were discussed. materials.
Klingenberg ( 9 3 ) discussed the use of hot air, steam-heated Drying of Foodstuffs. Consumer opposition to dried foods,
cylinders, infrared, and high-frequency energy for slashing. with some exceptions, is reflected in the much fewer investiga-
Jones (90) believed that cylinder slashing had some advantages tions reported last year as contrasted to three or four years ago,
over hot air slashing, particularly if air was passed rapidly over Barry ( 6 ) reviewed the literature on the processes and equipment
the cylinder (Shirley accelerated drying device). Methods of usually employed for food drying. Sybel (164) also presented a
improving cylinder dryer operation were outlined by Hicks ( 8 0 ) . summary of the art. Infrared drying for food was reviewed by
Some difficulties encountered in print drying were reported Finzi ( 5 2 )
( 1 6 7 ) . Bergdolt (7) discussed the drying and forming of women’s The best fundamental work on food drying was presented by
hose. Earle and Ceaglske ( 4 6 ) , who studied the factors causing check-
Drying of Ceramic Materials. In addition to the descriptive ing of macaroni. They found that moisture stresses during
articles on infrared ( 4 Z ) and high-frequency drying (9), a few drying mexe much larger than thermal stresses; checking of dried
other articles on the drying of ceramic materials appeared. macaroni might even be expected from relatively large changes
Wride (189) recommended rapid drying with low-humidity air in the relative humidity of the air surrounding the dried product.
until the free moisture content of the ware is just above the Hummel ( 8 5 ) reported on the principles of drying and the types
shrinkage limit, then slow drying through the critical range of of dryers used for drying spaghetti dough.
moisture content, and finally rapid finish drying. Laurin (102) The development and application of a number of different
presented an extensive review of the theory and practice of dry-
ing ceramics. The principles involved in drying ceramics were dryers for hay and grains were reviewed by Darling (37). Hlynka
outlined by Robinson (143). Drying equipment for clay was et a2. (83) compared ten different electrical meters for detprmining
described by Coulhon (SI). Watts (177) and Garve (63)de- the moisture content of wheat. Resistance meters seemed to be
scribed several types of ceramic dryers. Bailly ( 4 ) reported on slightly more reliable than dielectric meters Bose and Majumder
some new developments in firing and drying. General principles ( 1 0 ) reported on the optimum conditions for the drum-drying of
and methods of saving fuel in firing ceramic ware were reported o n date-tree juice. Flow diagrams for the handling of whey in
by Letort (105). batch tray dryer, combined twin- and double-drum dryers,
Drying of Paper. Milnes (181) outlined the heat-transfer combined spray, pneumatic conveying, and rotary dryers mere
mechanisms in cylinder dryers and discussed in detail several presented by Stringer ( 1 6 5 ) .
different condensate and air-removal systems. The need for more Drying of Miscellaneous Materials. Deahl et al. ( 4 0 ) studied
fundamental data on paper drying was pointed out by Mont- more than 1000 samples of official drugs, chemicals, and reagents
gomery ( 1 M ) in a discussion of the causes of poor paper drying. to establish the proper drying conditions. Vacuum drying a t
Smith (160) ascribed the cockling and curling of paper to strains either normal or elevated temperatures could be used satisfac-
set up in the paper during drying. A new dryer for glazed torily for almost all materials. Oven drying a t 105” C. was
paper was reported (51). Murphy and Davis (127) described a satisfactory for most. Rumpelt (147) described the use of
double-arch dryer employing impinging air jets for drying paper vacuum tray, multiple-band, and conveying-screen dryers for
coated with photographic emulsion a t speeds up to 1000 feet per dyes and pigments. The advantages of using reoirculation in
minute. Use of infrared for boosting existing paper machini. dryers for foundry molds were stressed by Rigaut and Ulmer
capacity was recommended by Van Kampen ( 1 7 4 ) . (142). Bachle (5) made an exhaustive study of the influences
Drying of Leather. Roddy et al. (144)concluded that there was of temperature, film thicknese, humidity, air velocity, and com-
little significant difference in the properties of leather dried by position on the drying of latex films. Ueno and Imade (169) de-
pasting and leather dried by toggling or hanging. I n a study of termined the rate of drying of soaps when in the form of chips,
the curing of goatskins, Lloyd et al. (106) found that rapid drying cubes, pyramids, spheres, and cylinders. Per unit of surface the
tended to produce a leather more greasy and susceptible to rate of drying decreased, as might be expected, in the order of:
greater rehydration than slow drying. Cox and Roddy (3s) spheres, cylinders, cubes, pyramids. Zilske (184) discussed the
studied paste-drying of leather and found that the tendency of effect of the cooling and drying processes on the final quality of
leather to atick during drying was more a function of the condi- toilet soaps. Healey (76) outlined some of the more common ink
tion of the leather grain eurface than the type or concentration drying problems. A device called the “dryograph,” used for de-
of the pasting agent. Increased fat in the leather decreased ad- termining the drying time of printing inks, was described by
hesion. Kremen (96) described the use of an electrical meter Carman (go).
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 73
M O I S T U R E EFFECTS AND M O V E M E N T O'Brien and Stutzman (135) measured the evaporation rate of
Moisture Equilibria. The rate and extent of drying during the water, acetone, n-propyl alcohol, benzene, and toluene into
final stages of moisture removal frequently depend on the air from a pan suspended in a square duct. They found that a
equilibrium moisture relationships of the material being dried. j-factor-Reynolds number plot would correlate the data. The
Dole and Faller (44) investigated the equilibrium moisture of evaporation rate of water from pans of different sizes into air was
eleven different synthetic linear polymers. The adsorption of reported by Yamamoto (183). He subtracted the evaporation
water vapor by casein was studied by Green (68),who found that caused by natural convection from the total evaporation rate to
the method of drying had some effect on the equilibrium moisture obtain a corrected forced-convection evaporation coefficient.
at low relative humidities. Jacobi (86) found that untreated His data agree with other meteorological data which are in sub-
wool which was easily wettable and extracted wool which was stantial agreement with the data of Maisel and Sherwood (112).
hydrophobic had about the same equilibrium moisture relation- Shikher et al. (166) studied the evaporation rata into air of
ships despite their difference in wettability. Guthrie (7@ re- solvents containing paraffi. Although a small fraction of
ported that small changes of relative humidity result in changes paraffi (0.12%) did not lower the vapor pressure, it was effective
in moisture regain which stay within the normal sorption- in reducing the evaporation rate by a factor of 10 to 50. The
desorption hysteresis loop for cotton. The moisture regain iso- concentration of para& required to reduce the evaporation rate
therms of collagen, commercial hide powder, and several vege- corresponded exactly to the solubility of p a r a 5 in the eolvent.
table- and chrome-tanned leathers were determined a t three dif- Davies (38)derived equations for evaporation from rectangular
ferent temperatures by Kanagy (91). Free energies, heata of pans or lakes into air, taking into account lateral diffusion of the
adsorption, entropy, and surface areas were calculated data. water vapor in the air as well as vertical diffusion. A mathe-
Ranby and Grinberg (140) determined the 20" C. sorption iso- matical analysis of the transfer of matter from a plane surface
* into a laminar boundary layer of gas surrounding it was preeented
therms for water vapor on hydrocellulose and on cellulose micelles
of different origins. Methods of drying jute to evaluate its regain by Eckert and Lieblein (46). They indicated"that, if the partial
moisture were investigated by Macmillan and Mukherjee (109) pressure difference for mass transfer is large, the rate cannot be
Moisture Movement. Before moisture can be removed from a calculated by analogy from heat transfer. Claims have often
material, it must first get to the surface of that material. The been made that increased humidity in the drying gas will increase
process whereby this movement occurs is, therefore, important, the drying rate from materials that tend to form a skin when
Pfalzner (137) found that, when a total pressure differential was drying. This has been attributed to increased permeability of
set up across a wood membrane, water vapor would pass through the skin at higher humidities. Crank (34) has proved mathe-
the membrane ten times as rapidly as when the same pressure in matically that this is impossible because the increase in permea-
the form of partial vapor pressure of water was set up across the bility cannot possibly be great enough to compensate for the re-
membrane with equal total pressures on the two sides. An ex- duced rate caused by the loss in humidity driving force.
tensive study of the rnechaniam of water vapor permeability of Psychrometry. Nottage (134) has prepared a new psychro-
Jeather was reported by Kanagy and Vickers (92). Above 20% metric chart. Goff (68) presented the h a 1 report of the working
relative humidity, the permeability increased markedly, indicat- subcommittee of the International Joint Committee on Psychro-
ing that pure gaseous diffusion was not the complete mechanism metric Data, whioh consisted primarily of definition of terms and
of transfer. No11 (131)determined the water-vapor permeability agreements on constants, It appears to define the adiabatie
of a number of different materials, including papers, rubber, foils, saturation temperature incorrectly as the wet-bulb temperature.
and fabrics. The permeability of polymeric films to water vapor Johnson (89)measured the surface temperature of evaporating
(173), organic vapors (1579, and gases (168) was reported. The small drops of water. Confirnation was obtained of Fuchs's
gas permeabilities were so low compared to the vapor perme- theory that the temperature is determined by the difference be-
abilities that it was concluded that vapor transmission must be tween the ambient air density and the saturated vapor density
accompanied by a condensation phenomenon (168). Schultz of an evaporating drop.
et ul. (162)measured the permeability of pectinate films to water
vapor and found the usual variation with relative humidity. CONCLUSIONS
Newns (130) summarized the experimental methods which have
been used to measure water vapor permeability and outlined the There is still a severe need for accurate operating data on plant
inherent sources of error in each. Zwolinski, Eyring, and Reeae drying equipment. Published information is usually too in-
(186)presented a novel, detailed mathematical analysis of the complete to permit compariuon with theoretical performance OP
process of diffusion through membranes. They considered dif- with performance of other equipment. There is also a need for
fundamental studies on more common dryers, such as drum,
fusion to be a aeries of molecular jumps from one equilibrium
position to another governed by a rate constant. vacuum-rotary, pneumatic conveying, and spray dryers. The
literature of the past year was ineffective in relieving these needs.
Signer and Roth (156) measured the rate of evaporation of
water from wicks made of different textile fibers. The rate did
not seem to be affected by the moisture absorption of the indi-
vidual fibers. Anselm, Wilhelm, Radex Rundschau, 1950, 3-61.
Morrison et ul. (126) carried out experiments to determine Arzens, R., and Nijveld, W. J., Chhim. peintures, 13, 172-82
the minimum vertical thermal gradient required to set up con- (1950).
Bachle, O., Kautachuk u. Cummi, 2, 337-43 (1949).
vection in liquids entrapped in porous media. Bailly, L., Ceram. Age, 55, 168-72 (1950).
Drying and Evaporation Rates. A number of experimental in- Bainbridge, J. R.,Mining Research, S. Australian Dept. Mines,
vestigations of evaporation rates were reported during the past No. 87, 46-61 (1949).
Barry, T. H., Food, 19, 139-42, 183-6 (1950).
year. Maisel and Sherwood (112)investigated the evaporation Bergdolt, A., Textil-Prazis, 5, 6 2 4 (1950).
rate of water into air from plane surfaces, cylinders, spheres, and Bergsoe, C., Soap and Sanit. Chemicals, 25, 73 (&May1949).
disks; water into carbon dioxide and helium from cylinders; Bodin, V., Ind. cmam., 1948, No. 392,22936,
Bose, A. N., and Majumder, A. C., Food Technol., 4, 54-6
and benzene and carbon tetrachloride into air from spheres. (1960).
Their results confirmed data of earlier investigators. I n another Brock, R.B., Chemistry &Industry, No. 22,299-302 (1947).
study (113) they investigated the effect of artificially induced Brugel, W., Farbe u. Lack, 56, No. 2, 47-54 (1950).
Budig, K. H., Kautschuk u. Gummi, 2, No. 7, 213-16 (1949).
turbulence on the rate of evaporation and found that evapora- Bunch, D. S., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 39,369-70 (May 29, 1950).
tion rates could be substantially increased by this technique, Burpee, C. M., R y . Age, 128, 793-6 (April 22, 1950).
(16) Burr, A. C., Oppelt, W. H., and Kamps, T. W., Proc. N.Dakota (80) Hicks, T. G., Textile World, 100, No. 2, 149, 151 (1950).
Acad. Sei., 2, 32-6 (1949). (81) Hillman, V. E., Iron A g e , 163, No. 5, 116-21 (1949).
(17) Busath, H., Kunstseide u. Zellwolle, 27, No. 9,319-23 (1949). (82) Hinze, J. O., and hlilborn, H., J . Applied Mechanics, 17, 145-
(18) Business Week, 1950, No. 1078, 37, 39,42, 44. 53 (1950).
(19) Butler. R. T., Pulp Paper Mag. Can., 50, No. 11, 108-21 (83) Hlynka, I., Martens, V.,and Anderson, J. A , , Can. J . Research,
(1949). 27F, 382-97 (1949).
(20) Carman, Everett, iim. Ink Maker, 27, No. 4, 30, 31, 59 (1949). (84) Horgan, M. O’C., Fuel Econ. Rev., 28, 63-8 (1949).
(21) Carothers, T. E., Ceram. Ind., 54, KO.6,101-2, 120 (1950). (85) Hummel, C., Schweiz. Bauztg., 67, No. 35, 472-6 (1949).
(22) Cement & Lime Mfr., 22, S o . 6,105-9 (1949). (86) Jacobi, O., Kolloid-Z., 114, 88-103 (1949).
(23) Chambers, M. A., and Nelson, J. W., J . Amer. Pharm. Assoc., (87) Jaspers, M. J. M., Rev. mathiaux construction trav. pub., Ed. C ,
39,323-6 (1950). NO.410,373-8 (1949).
(24) Chem. A g e , 62,780 (1950). (88) Ibid., No. 411, 421-5.
(26) Ibid., pp. 398-400. (89) Johnson, J. C., J . Applied Phys., 21, 22-3 (1950).
(26) Chem. Eng., 57, No. 6, 110 (1950). (90) Jones, E. H., Textile Inst. J., 40, 907 (1949).
(271 Chem.
\-.I - Inds.. 65. S o . 5. 778-80 (1949).
, I (91) Kanagy, J. R., J . A m . Leather Chemists’ Assoc., 45, 12-41
(28) Ibid., 66, No. 4, 572 (i950). (1950).
(29) Chem. Trade J.,127, S o . 3299, 459 (1950). (92) Kanagy, J. R., and Vickers, R. A.. Ibid., 45, 211-42 (1950).
(30) Coles. R. V.,Electronics, 22, No. 11,82-6 (1949) (93) Klingenberg, G., TextiGPrazis, 5,37-40 (1950).
(31j Coulhon, A., Ind. ceram., 1948, No. 374, 207-10; NO. 375, (94) Korner, H., Ibid., 5, 67-9 (1950).
203-4: NO. 377, 241-4 (1947); SO.383, 3 2 4 ; NO. 384, (95) Kremen, S. S., J . Am. Leather Chemists’ Assoc., 44, 774-83
58-60; NO.386, 1066,108; NO.387, 133-4. (1949).
(32) Counselman, T. B., Eng. Mining J., 151, No. 3, 84-5 (1950). (96) Krupp, P. H., I n d . Finishing, 26, No. 4, 20, 23-4, 26, 28
(33) Cox, W. R., and Roddy, W. T., J . Am. Leather Chemists’ Assoc., (1950).
45,27G85 (1950). (97) Kuepper, J., Neue Cfiesserei, 2, No. 3, 78-85 (1949).
(34) Crank, J., Proc. Phys. Soc.. 63B, Pt. 7, No. 367, 484-91 (1950). (98) Landfermann, C. A., Chem. Ing. Tech., 22, No. 1, 5-7 (1950).
(36) Curtis, R. J., Scheibli, J. R., and Bradley, T. F., Anal. Chem., (99) Lauer, K., etal., Kolloid-Z., 116, 31-3 (1950).
22, 638-45 (1960). (100) Lauer, K., Bezner, O., and Dobberstein, O., Ibid., 116, 28-31
(36) Daniels, G. W., Proc. Ins!. Refrig. (London), 44, 147-70 (laj0).
(1947-1948). (101) Laurie, K. S., J . Soc. Dyers Colourists, 66, 225-9 (1950).
. . Darling, C. S., Ind. Heating Engr., 11, No. 50, 212-14 (1949):
(371 (102) Laurin, Fernand, I d . ceran., 1948, S o . 382, 6-8; N o . 383,
12.NO.51.22-6: SO. 52.62-6: NO.53,81-4 (1950). 24-6; NO. 384, 51-3; NO. 385, 78-80; SO.386, 99-101
(38) Davies, D. R., Quart. J . Mech. Applied Mnth.,‘3 ( l ) , 51-63, No. 388, 146-150: Nos. 389/390, 183-4.
64-73 (1950). (103) Legault, R. E., and Talburt, W. F., Refrig. Eng., 57, 1175-7
(39) Dawson, J., Irdn Age, 165, No. 18,90-3 (1950). (1949).
(40) Deahl, N. L., Powers, J. L., and Green, M. W., Bull. Natl. (104) Lenhart, W.B., Rock Products, 52, No. 2, 88-90 (1949).
F m u l a r y C m m . , 16, 153-204 (1948). (105) Letort, Yves, Ind. ceram., 1948, No. 385, 68-74.
(41) DQribBrB,M., Bull. assoc. franc. chimistes id.cuir., 11, 177-86 (106) Lloyd, D. J., Humphreys, F. E., and Pankhurst, K. G. A . , J .
(1949). SOC.Leather Trades’ Chemists, 33, 216-33 (1949).
(42) DBribBrB, M., I d . ceram., 1948, No. 393,259-61. (107) Lohausen, K. A., Metalloberjlache, 2, 257-61 (1948).
(43) Dirks, R., Textil-Praxis, 5,51-4 (1950). (108) Lusena, C. V., and Adams, G. A.. Cereal Chem., 27, 186-8
(44)Dole, Malcolm, and Faller, I. L., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 414-19 (1950).
(1950). (109) Maomillan, W. G., and Mukherjee, R. R., Fibres, 11, 173-81
(46) Earle, P. L., and Ceaglske, N. H., Cereal Chem., 26, 267-86 (1950).
(1949). (110) Mahlo, H., TeztiGPrazis, 5,73-6 (1950).
(46) Eckert, E., and Lieblein, V.. Forschung, 16, 33-42 (1949). (111) Mahlo, H., and Thym, K., Ibid., 5. 176-80 (1950).
(47) Ede, A. J., J . Soc. Chem. I n d . (London),68, 330-2 (1949). (112) Maisel, D. S.,and Sherwood, T. K., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,
(48) Ibid., pp. 336-40. 131-8 (1950).
Ekctrophting, 2, S o . 7, 449-65 (1949). (113) Ihid., pp. 172-5.
Elec. World, 133,21 (May 15, 1960). (114) Maleady, N. R., Ind. Heating, 17, No. 1, 105-6, 108, 110, 112,
Engineer, 189, No, 4917,487 (1950). 114-5 (1950).
Finzi, E., Alimenti, 5,14-16 (1949). (115) Manschke, W., TextiGPraxis, 5, 44-6 (1950).
Fleming, M. T., Textile J . Australia, 23, 1014, 1032 (1949). (116) Mansmann, E., Ibid., 5,69-72 (1950).
Floadorf, E. W., “Freeze-Drying,’’ New York, Reinhold Pub- (117) Marshall, W.R., and Friedman, S. J., “Chemicai Engineers’
lishing Corp., 1949. Handbook,” J. H. Perry, ed., 3rd ed., section 13, S e w York,
Folger, H. H., Herbolzheimer, F., Stinchfield, R. M., and Jen- McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
neea, L. O., Tappi, 32, 389-93 (1949). (118) Matouschek, F., Reu. mdteriaux construction trav. pub., Ed. C,
Food Inds., 22, 1203 (1950). NO.401,43-6 (1949).
Fox, H. H., Chem. Eng., 57, No. 9, 122 (1950). (119) May. K. R., J . Applied Phys., 20, 932-8 (1949).
Franceschi, Rodolfo, and Cuoio, Pelli, Mat. concianti, 25, 3 8 4 0 (120) Mers, A., We-rkstofle u. Korrosion, 1, 263-5 (1950).
(1949). (121) hlilnes, Albert, Paper Trade J., 129, No. 3, 37-41 (1949).
Franz, F., Textil-Praxis, 5, 54-8 (1950). (122) Miskella, W. J., Ind. Finishing, 26, No. 3, 10-2, 17-18, 20, 22
Friedemann, R., Ibid., 5, 54-8 (1950). (1950).
Garber, H. J., and Tiller, F. M., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 456-63 (123) ModernInd., 19, No. 6, 99 (1950).
(1960). (124) Monnier, D., and Besso, Z . , Helv. Chim. Acta, 32, 1870-1
Garland, T., Indian Textile J., 59,876-8 (1949). (1949).
Garve, T. W., Ceram. A g e , 55, No. 1, 27-8,85-7, 154-5 (1950). (125) Montgomery, A. E., Tappi, 33, S o . 5,64A, 66A, 68A (1950).
Gibaldo, F., Rock Products, 52, No. 9, 63-4 (1949). (126) Morrison, H. L., Rogers, F. T., and Horton, C. W., J . Applied
Gibbs, Ralph, Paper I n d . &Paper World, 31, 1070-3 (1949). Phus., 20, 1027-9 (1949).
Goff, J. A., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 71, 903-13 (1949). (127) Murphy, E. K., and Davis, H. G., Paper I n d . and Paper World.
Gol’denberg, L. G., Stekol’naya i Keram. Prom., 4, N o . 4, 3-6 31, 596-9, 607 (1949).
(1947). (128) Natl. Fire Protection Assoc., Advance Reports, 54th Annual
Green, R. W., Proc. Roy. SOC.New Zealand, 77, 313-17 (1949). Meeting, May 15 to 18, 1950, “Report of Committee o n
Greenawald, F. S., and Gort, W. J., Oficial Digest Federation Ovens and Furnaces,” pp. 197-263.
Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, 1950, No. 307, 560-73 (129) Nets, H., TestiGPraxis, 5, 11-15 (1950).
(1950). (130) Newns, A. C., Shirely Inst. Memoirs, 24, 27-66 (June 1950).
Grenet-Delisle, C., Peintures, pigments, vernis, 26, No. 7, 270-3 (131) Noll, A., Wochbl. Papierfahr., 77, 287-99 (1949).
(1950). (132) Nordberg, B., Rock Products, 52, No. 6, 96-9, 128 (1949).
Griffith, B., Western Metals, 7, S o . 8, 26-9 (1949). (133) Ibid., 52, N0.8,127-31,172 (1949).
Guthrie, J. C., J . TextileInst., 41, No. 3, T124-5 (1950). (134) Nottage, H. B., Heating, Piping A i r Conditioning, 22, No. 7,
Guye, F., Ruder Rundschau, 1949, 172-6. 121-8 (1950).
Haller, R., Ciba Rev., 7, 2835-6 (1949). (135) O’Brien, L. J., and Stutaman, L. F., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42,
Hanvey, J. T., Jr., Eng. Mining J., 150, No. 9,82-3 (1949). 1181-7 (1950).
Healey, A. C., Am. I n k Maker, 27, No. 12,26-8,51 (1949). (136) O’Connor, J. A., Chem. Eng., 56, No. 12,88-91 (1949).
Henke, L. K., J . Chem. Educution, 26,512-13 (1949). (137) Pfalzner, P. M., Can. J . Research, 28A, 389-410 (1950).
Herbig, Wolfgang, Farbe u. Lack, 55, 367-9 (1949). (138) P i t & Quarru, 42, No. 1,92-5 (1949).
He=, F. O., Am. Cas J., 172, No. 2,16-18,42-3 (1950). (139) Porter, R. W., Chem. Eng., 55, No. 3, 115 (1948).
Ranby, B. G., and Grinberg, B., Compt. rend., 230, 1402-4 Sybel, H. v., Z. Ver. deut. Ing., Verfahrenstech., No. 3, 59-62
(1950). (1941).
Razous, P., “ThBorie et Pratique du SBchage Industriel,” 5th Tamblyn, W. G., P u l p Paper Mag. Can., 50, No. 12, 101-7
ed., Paris, H.Dunod, 1949. (1949).
Rigaut, P., and Ulmer, G., Fonderie, 38,1491-3 (1949). Tetrel, R., Rev. prod. chim., 53, No. 3-4, 26-7, 9,31, 33: No.
Robinson, R. R., J . Can. Ceram. SOC.,18,35-9 (1949). 5-6,48-51(1950).
Roddy, W. T., Jacobs, J., and Jansing, J., J . Am. Leather Chem- Textile Age, 14,No.1, 104-6, 108-12 (1950).
ists’ ASSOC.,
44,308-20 (1949). Thomas, F. W., J . SOC.Dyers Colourists, 65,478-83 (1949).
Rudd, H. W., and Tysall, L. A., J . Oil Colour Chemists’ Assoc., Ueno, Seiichi, and Imade, Hiroshi, J . Nippon Oil Technol. SOC.,
32, 546-63 (1949). 2,No.1, 1-4 (1948).
Rudolph, W., Ind. Finishing, 26, No. 4, 30-2, 34, 37-8, 40 Uihlein, Z. H., Chem.-Ztg., 74,No. 28,388-93(1950).
(1950). Ullrich, E.,Tezti,?-Praxis, 5,130-3 (1950).
Rumpelt, H., Farbe u. Lack, 55,271-4 (1949). Utley, H. F.,Pit & Quarry, 41,No. 5,1046 (1948).
Schaeffer, A., Textil-Praxis, 5,3-6 (1950). Vandoni, R., and Boivin, M., Mem. sewices chim. Qtal. (Paris),
Schneider. J., Kunstseide und Zellwolle, 28,264-78 (1950). 33,239-46(1947).
Schneider, J., Melliand Textilber., 31,No. 4,2846 (1950). Van Kampen, G. R., Paper Trade J., 128,No. 14,26-7 (1949).
School,K.,TextiLPraxis, 5,32 (1950). Varley, J., Am. DyestuffReptr., 39,367-8 (May 29,1950).
Schultz, T.H.,Miers, J. C., Owens, H. S.,and Maclay, W. D., Walter, L.,Tertile-Mfr., 75,No. 894,282-4 (1949).
J . Phys. & Colloid Chem., 53,1320-30(1949). Watts, A.J. C., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 49,No. 2,43-55,55-7
Seltzer. E.. and Settelmever. J. T.. “Advances in Food Re- (1950).
search,” Vol. 11, “Spray Drying of Foods.” pp. 399-520, Weissberger, A., “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Vol. 111,
New York, Academic Press, 1949. New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950.
Settelmeyer, J. T., Food Inds., 22,272,376, 378 (1950). Whitewell, J. C., Bowen, C. F., and Toner, R. K., Textile Re-
Shikher, A. G..Shikher. M. G., and Petrova, N. Ya., Zhur. search J., 26,400-9 (1950).
Priklad. Khirn., 22,947-51 (1949). Whitwell, J. C., and Toner, R. K., Ibid., 19, No. 11, 755-8
Signer, R., and Roth, M.,Makromol. Chem., 3,281-5 (1949). (1949).
Simril, V. L.,and Hershberger, A.,Modern Plastics, 27,No. 10, Woodcock, R.W., Elec. World, 132,100 (Nov. 5,1949).
97,98,100,102,150-2,154,156,158 (1950). Wride, W. J.,Iowa State Coll. J . Sci., 24,122-4 (1949).
Ibid., 27,NO.11, 95-6,98,100,102 (1950). Yamamoto, Gi-ichi, Trans. Am. Oeophys. Union, 31, No. 3,
Smith, D. A.,Chem. Eng. Progress, 45,703-7(1949). 349-56 (1950).
Smith, S. F., Paper-Makers (London), 119, 185-8, 190-2 Zilske, Heinz, Seifen-~Ze-Fette-Wachse, 76, 89-93, 111-13
(1950). (1950).
Soap Sanit. Chemicals, 26, No. 9,61-2 (1950). Zwolinski, B.J., Eyring, Henry, and Reese, C. E., J . Phys. &
Spooner, W. W., Ind. Heating Engr., 12,No. 52,50-2 (1950). Colloid Chem., 53,1426-53 (1949).
Stringer, W. E.,Food Inds., 21,892-5 (1949). RECEIVED
October 30, 1950.

AS has been true in the past several years, there is but little advance in the past year in the In the long-tube vertical evapo-
theory of evaporation or the design and operation of evaporators. There is evidence of in- rator i t is probably necessary to con-
creased interest in the range of film boiling, whereas in the past the major emphasis has been sider three zones within the tube
in the nucleate boiling range. This interest i s probably due to evaporation problems arising instead of two as previously thought
in jet engines and atomic energy work, where it is necessary to cool from a very high tem- of: a nonboiling section, a boiling
perature level. The most prolific source of published information on evaporators continues to section with subsequent recondensa-
be the paper industry, and if one i s to judge by the amount of work reported, the problem of tion, and a true boiling section in-
scale in sulfite waste evaporators is the most important stumbling block in the field of evaporation. stead of the simpler assumption of
The use of evaporation as a tool to secure ion-free water and to recover values from dilute nonboiling and boiling sections. This
solutions continues to decline in favor of ion exchange. Such work as presented b y Prescott (37) section of boiling and subsequent con-
and others is evidence of this. Furthermore, the possibility exists that ion exchange may sup- densation was shown to have a heat
plant in some instances both formation of the solution and its concentration. In theory it is transfer coefficient exceeding those
possible with the proper exchange resins to take a dilute salt solution and convert it into a predicted by any standard formula
concentrated caustic solution. The food and pharmaceutical industries continue to apply for liquid heating. In many in-
evaporation technique learned in the heavy chemicals field. The illustration shows a unit for vestigations of heat transfer coeffi-
concentrating a heat-sensitive product in these fields. cients in evaporators, the so-called
“nonboiling” section has revealedsuch
c coefficients. In some recent work

ROBABLY the most important recent contribution to the on Dowtherm boilers, coefficientsin the liquid preheating section
understanding of evaporation problems is that of McAdams were found to be much higher than those expected. In view of
et al. (966). This paper presents a very thorough investiga- McAdam’s work it i s certain that surface boiling was encountered.
tion of the physical phenomenon of heating liquids, where the heat It had been thought previously that the known information on
transfer area temperature exceeds the boiling point of the liquid physical property was inaccurate, and the cause of the lack of
under the pressure existing at the surface. The investigation was correlation between the experiment and the calculated data.
performed with the use of high heat flux by means of a hot wire to The authors in this paper report a heat flux in the neighborhood of
liquid inside a vertical glass tube. It was noted and observed 2,000,000 B.t.u. per square foot. As the liquid was subcooled
with high speed photography that vapor formed a t the surface below the boiling point the heat flux was higher. Increasing the
subsequently was recondensed in the body of the Iiquid. It is velocity with other conditions remaining constant did not change
obvious that in every natural circulation evaporator this situation the temperature difference a t which the boiling occurred, but did
must occur in some section of the heating area. increase the maximum heat flux obtained.
Ranby, B. G., and Grinberg, B., Compt. rend., 230, 1402-4 Sybel, H. v., Z. Ver. deut. Ing., Verfahrenstech., No. 3, 59-62
(1950). (1941).
Razous, P., “ThBorie et Pratique du SBchage Industriel,” 5th Tamblyn, W. G., P u l p Paper Mag. Can., 50, No. 12, 101-7
ed., Paris, H.Dunod, 1949. (1949).
Rigaut, P., and Ulmer, G., Fonderie, 38,1491-3 (1949). Tetrel, R., Rev. prod. chim., 53, No. 3-4, 26-7, 9,31, 33: No.
Robinson, R. R., J . Can. Ceram. SOC.,18,35-9 (1949). 5-6,48-51(1950).
Roddy, W. T., Jacobs, J., and Jansing, J., J . Am. Leather Chem- Textile Age, 14,No.1, 104-6, 108-12 (1950).
ists’ ASSOC.,
44,308-20 (1949). Thomas, F. W., J . SOC.Dyers Colourists, 65,478-83 (1949).
Rudd, H. W., and Tysall, L. A., J . Oil Colour Chemists’ Assoc., Ueno, Seiichi, and Imade, Hiroshi, J . Nippon Oil Technol. SOC.,
32, 546-63 (1949). 2,No.1, 1-4 (1948).
Rudolph, W., Ind. Finishing, 26, No. 4, 30-2, 34, 37-8, 40 Uihlein, Z. H., Chem.-Ztg., 74,No. 28,388-93(1950).
(1950). Ullrich, E.,Tezti,?-Praxis, 5,130-3 (1950).
Rumpelt, H., Farbe u. Lack, 55,271-4 (1949). Utley, H. F.,Pit & Quarry, 41,No. 5,1046 (1948).
Schaeffer, A., Textil-Praxis, 5,3-6 (1950). Vandoni, R., and Boivin, M., Mem. sewices chim. Qtal. (Paris),
Schneider. J., Kunstseide und Zellwolle, 28,264-78 (1950). 33,239-46(1947).
Schneider, J., Melliand Textilber., 31,No. 4,2846 (1950). Van Kampen, G. R., Paper Trade J., 128,No. 14,26-7 (1949).
School, K.,TextiLPraxis, 5,32 (1950). Varley, J., Am. DyestuffReptr., 39,367-8 (May 29,1950).
Schultz, T.H.,Miers, J. C., Owens, H. S.,and Maclay, W. D., Walter, L.,Tertile-Mfr., 75,No. 894,282-4 (1949).
J . Phys. & Colloid Chem., 53,1320-30(1949). Watts, A.J. C., Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 49,No. 2,43-55,55-7
Seltzer. E.. and Settelmever. J. T.. “Advances in Food Re- (1950).
search,” Vol. 11, “Spray Drying of Foods.” pp. 399-520, Weissberger, A., “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Vol. 111,
New York, Academic Press, 1949. New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950.
Settelmeyer, J. T., Food Inds., 22,272,376, 378 (1950). Whitewell, J. C., Bowen, C. F., and Toner, R. K., Textile Re-
Shikher, A. G..Shikher. M. G., and Petrova, N. Ya., Zhur. search J., 26,400-9 (1950).
Priklad. Khirn., 22,947-51 (1949). Whitwell, J. C., and Toner, R. K., Ibid., 19, No. 11, 755-8
Signer, R., and Roth, M.,Makromol. Chem., 3,281-5 (1949). (1949).
Simril, V. L.,and Hershberger, A.,Modern Plastics, 27,No. 10, Woodcock, R.W., Elec. World, 132,100 (Nov. 5,1949).
97,98,100,102,150-2,154,156,158 (1950). Wride, W. J.,Iowa State Coll. J . Sci., 24,122-4 (1949).
Ibid., 27,NO.11, 95-6,98,100,102 (1950). Yamamoto, Gi-ichi, Trans. Am. Oeophys. Union, 31, No. 3,
Smith, D. A.,Chem. Eng. Progress, 45,703-7(1949). 349-56 (1950).
Smith, S. F., Paper-Makers (London), 119, 185-8, 190-2 Zilske, Heinz, Seifen-~Ze-Fette-Wachse, 76, 89-93, 111-13
(1950). (1950).
Soap Sanit. Chemicals, 26, No. 9,61-2 (1950). Zwolinski, B.J., Eyring, Henry, and Reese, C. E., J . Phys. &
Spooner, W. W., Ind. Heating Engr., 12,No. 52,50-2 (1950). Colloid Chem., 53,1426-53 (1949).
Stringer, W. E.,Food Inds., 21,892-5 (1949). RECEIVED
October 30, 1950.

AS has been true in the past several years, there is but little advance in the past year in the In the long-tube vertical evapo-
theory of evaporation or the design and operation of evaporators. There is evidence of in- rator i t is probably necessary to con-
creased interest in the range of film boiling, whereas in the past the major emphasis has been sider three zones within the tube
in the nucleate boiling range. This interest i s probably due to evaporation problems arising instead of two as previously thought
in jet engines and atomic energy work, where it is necessary to cool from a very high tem- of: a nonboiling section, a boiling
perature level. The most prolific source of published information on evaporators continues to section with subsequent recondensa-
be the paper industry, and if one i s to judge by the amount of work reported, the problem of tion, and a true boiling section in-
scale in sulfite waste evaporators is the most important stumbling block in the field of evaporation. stead of the simpler assumption of
The use of evaporation as a tool to secure ion-free water and to recover values from dilute nonboiling and boiling sections. This
solutions continues to decline in favor of ion exchange. Such work as presented b y Prescott (37) section of boiling and subsequent con-
and others is evidence of this. Furthermore, the possibility exists that ion exchange may sup- densation was shown to have a heat
plant in some instances both formation of the solution and its concentration. In theory it is transfer coefficient exceeding those
possible with the proper exchange resins to take a dilute salt solution and convert it into a predicted by any standard formula
concentrated caustic solution. The food and pharmaceutical industries continue to apply for liquid heating. In many in-
evaporation technique learned in the heavy chemicals field. The illustration shows a unit for vestigations of heat transfer coeffi-
concentrating a heat-sensitive product in these fields. cients in evaporators, the so-called
“nonboiling”section has revealedsuch
c coefficients. In some recent work

ROBABLY the most important recent contribution to the on Dowtherm boilers, coefficientsin the liquid preheating section
understanding of evaporation problems is that of McAdams were found to be much higher than those expected. In view of
et al. (966). This paper presents a very thorough investiga- McAdam’s work it i s certain that surface boiling was encountered.
tion of the physical phenomenon of heating liquids, where the heat It had been thought previously that the known information on
transfer area temperature exceeds the boiling point of the liquid physical property was inaccurate, and the cause of the lack of
under the pressure existing a t the surface. The investigation was correlation between the experiment and the calculated data.
performed with the use of high heat flux by means of a hot wire to The authors in this paper report a heat flux in the neighborhood of
liquid inside a vertical glass tube. It was noted and observed 2,000,000 B.t.u. per square foot. As the liquid was subcooled
with high speed photography that vapor formed a t the surface below the boiling point the heat flux was higher. Increasing the
subsequently was recondensed in the body of the Iiquid. It is velocity with other conditions remaining constant did not change
obvious that in every natural circulation evaporator this situation the temperature difference a t which the boiling occurred, but did
must occur in some section of the heating area. increase the maximum heat flux obtained.

Xeuville (36)reportfi on a mathematical formula for multiple- effect of noncondensable gases OD steam film coefficients. This
effect evaporators based on the observed fact that with equal areas problem is particularly important in multiple-effect evaporators,
and no vapor removal from any of the effects the pressure dif- where the steam source is often under a vacuum and complete air
ference between effects is always the same. The evaporation in exclusion is impossible. It is shown that the decrease in coeffi-
each effect is shown to be proportional to the pressure difference. cient is considerably greater than the percentage of nonrondens-
This formula is limited in scope, as heat effects introduced by feed able present.
conditions can make a considerable difference in the evaporation McAdams (66) lectures on the present-day level of our knowl-
ratio between effects. Vedrilla (44) presents a simple formula edge of heat transfer, including evaporation. He shows that
and illustrates its application for chemical processes by calculating as a liquid is heated for evaporation it is first heated by natural
the heat losses and capacities of an evaporator and other chemical convection and the coefficient is proportional t o the temperature
equipment. difference to the five-fourths pon-er. Secondly heat is transferred
The coefficient encountered in film boiling from a horizontal by nucleate boiling where vapor bubbles are formed on the
tube is given by Bromley (?), who undertook the work to solve heating surface and are displaced with liquid In this range the
problems arising in the design of jet engines where the tempera- heat flow varies as the temperature difference to the nth pon-er,
ture difference exceeds the critical for nucleate boiling. The film where n ranges from 3 to 4. Next, i t is transferred where part of
is described as continuous with ripples of varying thickness along the surface is continuously covered by vapor. Fourth is transfer
the length of the tube. Variation in film thickness also occurs to vapor, where the surface is completely covered by vapor and
with time a t k e d point on the area. This results in a coefficient heat is transferred by conduction and radiation through the vapor
that is higher than would be predicted if the film were of uniform film to the liquid. Lastly, it is transferred where the area is a t a
thickness. The result can be compared to a finned tube, in that high enough temperature so that radiation controls the rate of
the phase boundary between the vapor and the liquid is extended, heat transfer. It is pointed out that one of the conventional
The metal surface is important, but much less so than in nucleate problems yet to be completely investigated is the pressure drop
boiling. It is shown that liquid-vapor surface tension is an and heat transfer rate in natural-circulation evaporators. One of
important factor in the size of the critical heat flux, as is the total the stumbling blocks in this investigation is the fact that it is
pressure on the system. Bromley presents a formula for stable impossible to separate completely the various methods of transfer
film boiling along with experimental data. that occur in this type of evaporator. Even in a simple unit like
Fatica and Kata (16) report on dropwise condensation and a a natural evaporator heat transfer occurs by natural convection,
formula for predicting it. This matter is of considerable interest boiling with subsequent condensation, and eventually by nucleate
in the design of forced-circulation and long-tube vertical evapora- boiling.
tors where it is often possible to obtain boiling coefficients Instruments and controls for paper-industry evaporators are
exceeding the steam-film coefficient. A discussion of the effect discussed by Murphy (81) I t is shown that by the proper
of surface roughness indicates that the commercially available operation of the evaporators a considerable increase in the recov-
surfaces are generally so rough as to forbid the possibility of any- ery of chemical values can be realized. Malikov (29) shows a
thing but film condensation, because of the many peaks presented control method for a sugar plant where all of the process is syn-
and their relation to the contact angle b e h e e n the surface and chronized with the evaporator operation. A complete discussion
liquid condensate. of instruments and their use, including control of salt concentra-
Maisel and Sherwood ($7, 68) present data on the evaporation tion in evaporators, is presented by Broadhurst et al. (6).
of various liquids into turbulent gas streams. They cover evapo- Among the several papers covering the handling of sulfite
ration from planes, cylinders, spheres, and disks. TTlater evapo- waste liquors is one by Samuelson (39) who presents data on the
ration was investigated irom ail surfaces into air Water into precipitation of calcium sulfate and the type of hydrate formed.
carbon diovide and helium, benzene into air, and carbon tetra- The minimum solubility occurs a t a p H of 3.5, as shown by graphs
chloride into air were investigated from cylinders. The effect of and tables. The amount of calrium sulfate precipitated increases
velocity, shape, liquid properties, and pas properties is presented with higher temperatures, and seeding with fine crystals increases
and the correlation of mass and heat transfer is shown. the rate of precipitation. The amount of total solids present has
Boiling coefficients from iinned tubes are reported by Zieman little effect on the amount or rate of precipitation. Laboratory
and Katz (48). The tubes investigated had an area ratio of 2.4 work was checked on a plant unit showing less scale with neutral
to 1 and the heat flux per lineal unit is shown to be 1 4 to 2 0 liquor than was experienced with acid liquor. Examination of
times as great as with a smooth tube Data are shown for hexane the crystals by x-ray revealed that anhydrite material is pre-
and isobutane. The nork revealed that the problem of con- cipitated a t 130" C. and above, and the hemihydrate from 100" to
densate removal from the inside of the tube was of extreme im- 130' C. Nyman (33) discusses the treatment of sulfite waste
portance. When the %foot tube was tilted to a total of 2 inches liquor by adjusting the pH to 6 to 6.5 with sodium carbonate.
the over-all coefficient increased by 8%. Partial condensation This is reported to form a suspension of calcium sulfite which is
of the steam was used to investigate the sweeping effect of steam coprecipitated with calcium sulfate and results in a scale that can
velocity on condensate removal. Inlet steam velocities up to 40 be easily removed with acid. Butler (9) reviews 51 references on
feet per second gave over-all coefficients of 500, a t 240 feet per the evaporation and burning of calcium-base sulfite liquors.
second the coefficient was 750, and at 300 and above it was 900. Grewin and Lindberg (18)disclose a method of scale removal by
.4 short tube of 0.65 foot, compared to 3 feet, gave a coefficient of alternating the steam and liquor flow every 30 hours. The steam
1000 a t a nominal inlet steam velocity is mixed with sulfur dioxide from the liquor and the condensate
Witzig, Penney, and Cyphers ( 4 6 )present data on the evapora- removes the scale.
tion of Freon-12 from inside of a copper tube, 0.305 inch in inside The evaporation of su!fite liquor has always been a serious
diameter. The effect of flow rate, oil contamination] and tem- problem because of the presence of large amounts of calcium
perature difference was investigated. The results show that sulfate. Several companies in Sweden are now evaporating
temperature difference has a big effect, while evaporation tem- sulfite liquors with one or the other of two relatively new processes.
perature, flow rate, and oil contamination are of decreasing im- The RosenbIad (24,38) system uses a plate-type heating element
portance. The problem of evaporating organic liquids is consid- in which the even-numbered passages are used for liquor and the
ered by Klein (22), who presents a formula for estimating the odd-numbered passages for the heating steam. After a certain
latent heat, relating it to the critical state. Data are presented number of hours, by an ingenious arrangement of valves, the flow
for many liquids and the formula is shown to give results which is switched so that the liquor goes through the odd-numbered
compare well with experimental data. Berman ( 4 ) shows the passages, and the steam goes through the even-numbered passages.

The condensate dissolves off the calcium sulfate scale. This

system has been installed in four mills.
The Ramen system, which has not been described in the litera-
ture, is based on the fact that the solubility of calcium sulfate in
sulfite liquors is very much higher at room temperatures than in
pure water. The system uses an evaporator with a considerable
number of effects. The liquor is concentrated first in the lowest
temperature effects, where the solubility is greater and the liquor
does not reach saturation at these temperatures. The liquor is
then heated by the direct injection of first effect vapors to such a
temperature that a considerable amount of calcium sulfate i s
thrown down. This liquor is then evaporated in intermediate
effects, still below the saturation of calcium sulfate. It is then
heated again by the direct injection of high pressure steam, to
such a temperature that most of the calcium sulfate remaining is
- thrown down, and then evaporated in the first effects of the mul-
tiple. By such a cycle, the evaporator bodies proper are always
operating below the saturation point of calcium sulfate; the
reheating where calcium sulfate is precipitated i s done in appara-
* tus in which scale does not form because the heat does not pass
through a heating surface; and the calcium sulfate is thus thrown
out as insoluble anhydrite, whose rate of solution is so slow that it
does not redissolve appreciably during the time the liquor is in the
evaporator. This system is installed, with variations, in four
mills in Sweden. Some mills use falling-film, long-tube evapora-
tors with forced circulation, but a t present these installations are
considered obsolete, because they require very frequent cleaning
to remove calcium sulfate scale.
A system similar to the Rosenblad is presented by Franklin
and Goddard (17), using steam pressures from 200 t o 250 pounds
per square inch gage. The vapor from the evaporators can be
used to generate low-pressure steam for other plant uses. They COURTe8Y SWENSON EVAPORATOR 00.

suggest the use of three heaters alternately, with one being cleaned Compound Triple-Effect Long-Tube Vertical Evaporator
with acid condensate from the low-pressure steam generator a t all for Heat-Sensitive Food Products
times. The unit described discharges a 60% solids products
and the economics of the operation are presented. A similar The liquor sludge had overloaded the pump and it was necessary
high-temperature evaporator for sulfite waste liquors is presented to shut down. The evaporator was about 90% clean and the
liquor contained 14% solids.
by Aspegren ( 1 ) . Brauns (6) discusses a proposed sextuple-
effect evaporator for high-temperature operation Superheated John (20)discusses mechanical tube cleaners and illustrates the
steam a t 240' C. is added t o the third effect to remove sulfate better known types. The compression-type sea water evaporator
A diagram is shown along with heat and material balances for and scale removal with sodium bisulfate and hydrochloric acid
a unit to concentrate a feed containing 10.9 to 50% solids. An are discussed by Campobasso and Latham (IO). The unit is ca-
electrically heated evaporator for sulfite waste liquor is re- pable of handling 200 to 300 gallons per square foot before cleaning
ported by Beath and Hill (3). In the ha1 pilot plant design the is required, and the use of chemical treatment will avoid the need
liquor flows through a perforated grounded electrode, past a for mechanical cleaning. It is reported that vacuum operation
high-voltage electrode, through a second grounded electrode, and at 150" F. offers the possibility of avoiding scale entirely. Pich-
past a valve into a vapor release space. Power input waR regu- ardo and Romero (36) report on the history of the addition of
lated by the steam bubble formation in the electrode chamber and tetraphosphoglucosate for the control of scale in sugar evapora-
the liquor concentration controlled by feed and withdrawal rates. tors A 6% solution in water is added a t the rate of 205 ml. per
I n the pilot plant voltage was varied from 700 to 1000 with the hour to evaporator feed and a like amount into the body of the
power a t 65 kw. Operat,ion of the unit a t 150 pounds per square fourth effect. This treatment decreased the steam consumption
- inch gage caused 10% decomposition of the solids in the feed. and reduced the down time from 2.29 to 0.9770. Hopper (19)
This increased the heating value of the product, but made the also discusses the use of tetraphosphoglucosate in a commercial
solution viscous and difficult to handle. unit. He reports that at the end of 6 weeks' operation the unit's
Collins ( 1 1 ) discusses the scale and slime problem in water efficiency had dropped to 90 to 95%, whereas without treatment
evaporators. The discussion following the paper describes a for a similar period t8heefficiency was only 75 to 80%. After the
brine evaporator holding 50,000 gallons. run with treated liquor there was very little scale except in the
bottom of the third and fourth effects. Montgomery (30) uses
The brine contains calcium sulfate, which resulted in a scale Nalco number 918 a t the rate of 0.0031 to 0.025 pound per ton
0.5 to 0.75 inch thick which was so hard that the turbine cut
through the tubes rather than the scale. Chemcal treatment of juice to decrease scale formation. Such scale as is formed is
with 50% caustic was used. Neither lime nor sodium sulfate is easily removed. The treatment gives best results when used in
soluble in 50% caustic. During treatment the unit was kept at the third effect as well as in the feed liquor.
230' F. for 5 days with the liquor circulated continuously. At Petaold (36) presents graphs for the steam consumption of
the end of 3 days the caustic concentration had dropped from
49.6 to 47.6% and the suspended lime and sodium sulfate gave thermocompression evaporators. Vapor jet compressor data are
a magma density of 15%. This slurry was removed and the unit used along with an enthalpy-entropy diagram to derive the infor-
recharged with fresh caustic solution. Intermediate inspection mation. Performance data for commercial equipment are
revealed no improvement in the appearance of the deposit. After shown to verify the theory presented. A review of the principles
2 more days the caustic concentration had dropped t o 45.4%, it
and use of the heat pump is presented by Peter (34),who covers
was evaporated to 48.270, and fresh 50 caustic was added.
After another 1.75 days the concentration ad dropped to 46.9%. recompression cycles for heat interchange and evaporation.
In practice it is possible to obtain more than 4000 kg.-cal. equiva- Collins, L. F., Ibid., 71, 871-4 (1949).
lents for heating and more than 20,000 for evaporation per kilo- Cook, L. H., and Rosenbloom, W. J., U. S. Patent 2,489,703
(Nov. 29, 1949).
watt-hour input. As a rule of thumb it is suggested that the heat Ebert, H., Chem. Tech., 1, 19-23 (1949).
pump becomes economical when the cost of 1 kw.-hr. of electric Elgee, H., Craig, D., and Russell, J. K., Pulp h Paper Mag.
energy is not more than 0.5 lrg. of coal in the case of its use in heat Can., 51, No. 3, 178-89 (1950).
exchange and not more than 1 kg. of good coal in the case of an Esoher Wyss Maschinenfabriken A,-G., Swiss Patent 262,257
(Sept. 16, 1949).
evaporation process. Landorff (83) discusses the use of vapor Fatica, N., and Kata, D. Lo,Chem. Eng. Progress, 45, 661-74
thermocompression in sugar refineries. A Swiss patent (16) (1949).
discloses a method of operating the boiling pans completely and Franklin, J. N., and Goddard, H. O., P u l p h Paper Mag. Can.,
the evaporators partly by thermocompression. A plant is 51, NO.3, 139-46 (1950).
Grewin, F. mi., and Lindberg, S. G., U. S. Patent 2,490,750
described and the heat balance is shown. (Dec. 6, 1949).
The use of thermocompression in the evaporation of sulfite Hopper, L. A., Repts. Hawaiian Sugar Technol., 8th Ann. RIeet-
waste liquor is presented by Elgee et al. ( 1 4 ) , who report that 4 ing, 1949, 85-6.
hours' cleaning with acid condensate after 20 hours' operation John, A., Trans. Am. SOC. Mech. Engrs., 71, 825-9 (1949).
Klein, V. A., Chem. Eng. Progress, 45, 675-6 (1949).
keeps the unit in good condition and that no less scale is encoun- Kleinert, Th., and Pospischill, F., Mitt. Chem. Forsch.-Inst.
tered if the feed is preheated, The use of foam inhibitors made the I n d . Osterr., 2, 45-8 (1948).
scale easier to remove. Thewritersreport their pilot plant required Landorff, B., Sucr. belge, 68, 312-14 (1949).
22 kw.-hr. per 1000 pounds of evaporation. I n commercial oper- Lockman, C. J., U. S. Patent 2,488,598 (Nov. 22, 1949).
McAdams, W. H., Chenr. Eng. Progress, 46, 121-30 (1950).
ation they estimate 106 kw.-hr. will be required per ton of 50% McAdams, W. H., Kennel, W. E., Minden, C. S., Carl, R.,
solids recovered from a 10%feed. Smith (40)reports on a similar Picornell, P. &I., and Dew, J. E., IND. Exa. CEIEM.,41, 1945-
unit requiring 160 kw.-hr. per 1000 gallons of evaporation. He 53 (1949).
states that a commercial unit should not require more than 111 Maisel, D. S., and Sherwood, T. K., Chem. E n y . Progress, 46,
131-8 (1950).
kw.-hr. per 1000 gallons of evaporation or 107 kw.-hr. per ton of Ibid., pp. 172-5.
50% solids recovered from a 10% feed, The steam required for Malikov, A. D., L7.S.S.R. Patent 69,613 (h-ov. 30, 1947).
1000 gallons of evaporation would amount to 1520 pounds per ton Montgomery, J. W.,Repts. Hawaiian Sugar Technol., 8th Ann,
of 50% solids. Meeting, 1949, 83-4.
Murphy, E. A., Paper Trade J., 129, No. 5, 23-26 (1949).
The corrosion of lead linings in rayon spin-bath evaporators is Neuville, P., V I I Congr. Intern. Ind. AUT.Paris, 1, Pt. 2, 15-16
discussed by Kleinert and Pospischill (89). This problem is (1948).
ascribed to electrochemical effects caused by lack of homogeneity Nyman, C. H., U. S. Patent 2,484,046 (Oct. 11, 1949).
in the lining and by local concentration differences in the bath Peter, R., Chimia (Switz.), 3, 114-18 (1949).
Petzold, M., Chem. Ing. Tech., 22, 147-50 (1950).
liquor being evaporated, as well as depolarization of hydrogen in Pichardo, G. -V., and Romero, J. J. L., M e m . asoc. le'cnicos
the lead by contact with air (seam leaks). Corrosion is enhanced azucur. Cuba, 22, 187-92 (1948).
by recrystallization of the lead, forming cracks, and by sulfur Prescott, W. G., Brit. Patent 630,979 (1949).
attack at g a i n boundaries. Beamer and Fuqua (2) describe a Rosenblad, C., P u l p h Paper Mag. Can., 51, No. 5 , 85-94
method of lining sulfuric acid concentrators by coating with Samuelson, O., Saenslc Papperstidn, 52, 283-9 (1949).
carbon. This is accomplished by filling the unit with dilute acid Smith, H. L., Jr., P u l p & Paper Mag. Can., 50, No. 9, 84-6
containing organic material and heating for several hours. The (1949).
evaporation of hydrocyanic acid is disclosed by Cook and Rosen- Szekely, G., U. S. Patent 2,472,992 (June 14, 1949).
Teohochemie A.-G., Swiss Patent 249,100 (March 16, 1948)
bloom (18). The unit operates under a vacuum with a hydrogen Trub, I. A., Sakhar Prom., 22, No. 11, 36-9 (1948).
cyanide vapor removed by a liquid-operated eductor. The re- Vedrilla, St., Mitt. Chem. Forsch.-Inst.-Ind. Osterr., 3, 6 G 7 0
moval of sulfate from a mineral containing magnesium is dis- (1949).
closed by Burke, Smith, and Manning (8). The salt Is dissolved Ibid.. DD. 117-20.
Wita'ig,*W.F.. Penney, G. TT., and Cyphers, J. 8 . ,Rejrig. Eng.,
and evaporated until 2MgS0,.K2S04 is crystallized. When fur- 56, 153-7 (1948).
ther evaporated until MgSOI.Ht0 can be removed, the product is Zellner, H., Osterr. Chem.-Ztg., 50, 97-100 (1949).
suitable for use as cell feed. Szekely (41) reveals an apparatus Zieman, 11'. E., and Katz. D. L.. Petroleum Refiner. 26, h-0. 8.
for the evaporation of special pharmaceutical liquids. Zellner 78-82 (1947).
( 4 7 ) describes a piece of laboratory equipment for both evapora- RECBIVED
Sovernber 16, 1950.
tion and distillation. A multipurpose unit suitable €orthe evapo-
ration of foaming liquids is disclosed by Techochemie A.-G. (42).
Vedrilla (46) presents data on the dimensioning of evaporators,
and Ebert (IS) covers vacuum technique in laboratory evapora-
tions. Trub (a) reviews the types of evaporators and methods
of evaporation used in Russian sugar factories.
(1) Aspegren, J. A., Swed. Patent 124,414 (March 22, 1949).
(2) Beamer, C. M., and Fuqua, M. C., U. S. Patent 2,478,680 (Aug.
9, 1949).
(3) Beath, L. R., and Hill, H. S., P u l p & Paper Mag. Can., 50, No.
8, 89-94 (1949).
(4) Berman, L. D., Chem. Zentr., 1947, 11, 779-80.
(5) Brauns, O., Svensk Papperstidn., 50, No. 11B, 61-2 (1947).
(6) Broadhurst, J. W., Broderick, T. C., Foster, A. W., and Wheel-
don, G. E., J . Inst. Elec. Engrs. (London),u, 94, 79-90
(7) Bromley, L. A,, C h m . Eng. Progress, 46, 221-7 (1950).
(8) Burke, W. E., Smith, W. A., and Manning, P. D. V., U. 5.
Patent 2,479,001 (Aug. 16, 1949).
(9) Butler, 1%'. T., P u l p & PapeT Mag. Can., 50, No. 11, 108-21
(10) Campobasso, J. J., and Latham, A., Jr., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech.
EngTs., 71, 837-8 (1949).

Reports of active work in liquid-liquid extraction have increased in numbers considerably The distribution of methanol be-
during the past year. M a n y new ternary phase equilibria have been determined, and there tween water and nitrobenzene (181);
was much interest in the distribution characteristics of metallic compounds between selective of nicotine between water and kero-
solvents. A n increased number of studies have been made in the field of fractional extraction sene from 5 ” to 98’ C. (81); of oxalic
with double solvent systems, from the mathematical as well as from the process point of view, and succinic acids between water
Relatively few new equipment types have been proposed, but extensive laboratory investiga- and amyl alcohol ( 4 ) ; of acetic acid
tions of the operating characteristics of conventional equipment, such as packed and spray and acetone between xyIene and
towers, were reported. In the field of extraction processes, several new plants for vegetable water, and acetic acid between
and mineral oil extractions have been described, but relatively few new solvents for these methyl isobutyl ketone and water
materials were proposed. There was special interest in the selective separation of aromatics (160); and of diethylamine between
from hydrocarbon mixtures, penicillin from fermentation broths, and the continuous hydrolysis water and toluene from 20” to
of fats, In the nerd of solid-liquid extraction, now approaches to the calculations of counter- 58’ C. (110, 175) have been re-
current decantation, and extensive studies of the mechanism of leaching have appeared. The ported.
processes of extraction of oils from seeds, tannin from barks, and alumina from bauxite received Considerable work was done on
special attention, and several new designs for beet sugar diffusion batteries were proposed. the distribution of metallic com-
pounds between organic solventa
and water. Comprehensive studies

DVANCES in liquid-liquid extraction during the past year of the partition between aqueous hydrochloric acid and
have been considerable, stimulated to a large extent by the isopropyl ether have been made for ferric chloride (63,118) and
Absorption and Extraction Symposium of the Division of gallium chloride (113); in both cases, three liquid phases are
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry of the AMERICAN CHEMI- formed a t certain concentrations. Distribution studies of the
CAL SOCIETYin December 1949. Although no startling new nitrates of metals likely to contaminate uranium indicated that
techniques or applications have been reported, contributions uranyl nitrate can readily be purified by water extraction of its
to the understanding of the basic mechanisms of the unit operation ether solutions ( 5 ) . Distribution of rare earth nitrates between
have been most significant. water and hexanol show the increased extractability into the
Several very thorough reviews have appeared. Elgin’s recent alcohol which occurs with increased atomic number of the metal
comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the subject (48) has (163). Study of the distribution of metal complexes indicates
been supplemented by his annual review in the present series the separability of zirconium and hafnium by extraction (95, 7 7 ) ;
(43). Craig has reviewed laboratory techniques (87, 88) and the partition of the cupferates 6f iron (144), copper, molyb-
analytical applications (86). denum, and uranium (50) between chloroform and water were
studied in detail.
The miscibility of binary liquid mixtures of chlorex with w
octane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane ( 1 70>, the Ct to Cs aliphatic
Table I gives new systems for which substantially complete alcohols, and with halohydrocarbons (169) has been studied, and
liquid equilibrium data have been accumulated. Smith (157) two-phase diagrams for ethylene-chlorohydrin-cyclohexane are
has compiled a complete listing for ternary and quaternary sys- reported (79). The effect of various additives on the miscibility
tems for which a t least two tie lines are known, and Smith (156) of benzene and water was investigated (139). Hildebrand has
has discussed the significance of “solutropy,” the comparatively made ZI thermodynamic study of the solubilities of water and
rare phenomenon of reversal of selectivity in ternary liquid sys- hydrocarbons in general (76), whereas Brodin (16) related mis-
tems. Two liquid phases were observed in the system ethanol- cibility to compressibilities. Domadia and Kane (36) show that
water-potassium nitrate (140). the lower the aniline point of certain petroleum derivatives, the
A large number of distribution data have been reported, only higher is their miscibility with castor oil. Booth and Everson
a portion of which can be mentioned here. Golumbic and co- (19)have studied the extraordinary solubility of a variety of
workers have continued their study of the distribution of phenols compounds in hydrotropic solutions, which is of potential inter-
between cyclohexane and water (125). Golumbic has further est in extraction, and Francis (49) has compiled an extensive
studied the distribution of polycyclic aromatic compounds be- table and bibliography of critical solution temperatures.
. tween aqueous ethanol and cyclohexane (59), and has demon-
strated the usefulness of this solvent combination for separating
Herington ( 7 2 ) has developed methods for testing the consist-
ency of data for two-phase ternary systems, and has established
these compounds according to chemical type. The extraction of
guides for the choice of separating agents useful in both extractive
a variety of aliphatic and aromatic sulfur compounds from hep-
distillation and solvent extraction. An outline for the calcula-
tane with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride has been studied by
tion of ternary equilibria, with allowance for the temperature
Lien et al. ( 9 4 ) , who found this solvent to be variously effective
depending on the nature of the distributed solute. Collander dependence of activity coefficients, was provided by Wood (182)
(94)studied the contributions of various structural groups and which should be most useful in predicting extraction equilibria.
hydrogen bonding t o the distribution coefficients for some 200 Practical methods for estimating distribution coefficients were
organic compounds between ether and water. Marvel and demonstrated by Scheibel (148).
Richards (103) have shown that the relative effectiveness of a A large number of diffusivity measurements have been made
number of organic solvents is the same for extracting various which cannot be outlined here. The fundamental studies of
mono- and polybasic acids from water and have confirmed dis- Crank and eo-workers (89, 66) on the effect of concentration on
tribution measurements with experimental fractional extractions. liquid diffusivities is of general interest, however.
BUBBLES, DROPS, E M U L S I O N S oxalic and succinic acids with water and butanol in 2- and 19-
The rate of fall of small mercury drops in viscous liquids was stage laboratory apparatus. Piret and co-workers considered
found to depend on the distance between coneecutive drops and continuous flow stirred-tank reactor systems, both for steady-
the presence of surface active agents which reduce tangential state (41) and transient (104) operation. Both of these studies
motion in the drop surface (6). Hayworth and Treybal ( 6 8 ) are applicable to extraction systems of the discrete-stage type.
studied the size and uniformity of liquid drops forming in an Sayre (146) has proposed a new graphical representation of
immiscible liquid from simple nozzles as influenced by the quaternary systems in two dimensions by which separation prob-
physical properties of the liquids, nozzle diameter, and flow rate of lems can be conveniently solved.
dispersed liquid. They developed an empirical relation with
which t o predict drop sizes. The rate of extraction from isolated EQUIPMENT
drops rising or falling in a liquid medium, as affected by circula- Comparatively few new equipment types have been described.
tion currents developed in the drops, was investigated mathe- Van Dijck (33,120) has proposed a discrete-stage type comprising
matically by Kronig and Brink (89). Licht and Conway (93) alternate mixers and settlers installed in a nearly horizontal tube,
postulated t h a t extraction from drops in spray extraction towers with the mixer sections provided with agitators mounted on a
occurs during drop formation, during rise or fall of the drops, common spindle. A new mixer for treating light oils with sulfuric
and during their coalescence into the liquid layer at the end of the acid is described by Goldman (68),and Scheibel's agitated, packed
tower. By means of an ingenious device they were able to isolate column has been patented (149). A variety of wetted-wall
these effects for single drops; they found t h a t over-all transfer column, in which the light liquid enters the bottom of a rapidly
coefficients increased with decreased drop size during drop forma- rotating cylinder and rises to the top in a thin film on the vessel
tion and were substantially independent of drop size during the wall, is discussed by Hertzberg (74). I n this apparatus, the heavy
falling period. liquid is sprayed into the vessel, penetrates the film of light liquid,
The use of substances which promote formation of water-in- and also leaves a t the top.
oil emulsions, such as some metallic soaps, was proposed as a The relative lack of new equipment types is compensated for
means of preventing emulsions in the solvent refining of mineral by the excellent description of existing commercial units by
~ i l s(19.8). D r y powdered soda ash resolves emulsions formed Morello and Poffenberger (111). I n this comprehensive review,
during the water washing of aromatic nitrocompounds (1?1), all types of commercial extractors are classified, and a compila-
and chlorophyll similarly assists in the chloroform extraction of tion is made of the performance characteristics of all actual in-
alkaline solutions of alkaloid drugs (40). Separation of liquid stallations for which the authors could obtain significant informa-
dispersions can be carried out in a bundle of horizontal or inclined tion. Many of these data are made available here for the first
tubes, with one of the liquids escaping through openings in the time.
walls of the tubes (119); the use of silicone-treated mineral wool Several new laboratory devices have been devised (51,63, 05,
as a coalescing medium was suggested ( 7 3 ) . 118, 138, i71,177).


Diacussionsof the accepted methodsof calculatingthe number of Extraction Rates. Considerable attention was given t o the
stages required for simple extraction flow sheets were given by rates of extraction in continuously operated laboratory towers.
Jodra (81) and Naudet (115); special applications to the fat Laddha and Smith ( g o ) , using a 2-inch diameter column as a
industry were emphasized by the latter. Rometsch (142) simi- spray tower, as well as with l/h- or */,-inch ring packing, investi-
larly considered continuous countercurrent fractional extraction gated the individual film mass transfer resistances in the systems
or the separation of mixtures by the use of two immiscible isobutyraldehyde-water and pentanol-water. The height of a
solvents, and experimentally demonstrated determination of the transfer unit (H.T.U.) for the dispersed phase was found to be
effective distribution coefficients of several systems. Asselin substantially constant with changing rates of flow of either con-
and Comings (4) studied this type of extraction also and in addi- tinhous or dispersed liquids. End effects in the spray tower
tion derived a graphical means of determining the number of extraction of ferric chloride from aqueous hydrochloric acid by
stages required when reflux is returned at either end of the ex- isopropyl ether were determined by Geankoplis and Hixson
traction plant. In such systems, reflux is not necessarily as (53). An internal sampling device was employed with a 1.45-
effective as with analogous processes in distillation. These inch diameter tower to investigate concentration gradients, and
authors demonstrated the correctness of their methods by sepa- contrary to previous experience the entire end effect was pro-
rating oxalic and succinic acids using water and amyl alcohol as duced a t the continuous phase inlet. Morello and Beckmann
solvents and neodymium and thorium nitrates with the same sol- (110) extracted diethylamine from water with toluene in a 1.375-
vents in the presence of ammonium thiocyanate in a laboratory inch column packed with 4-mm. glass beads at three tempera-
apparatus containing five stages of the mixer-settler type. tures, the toluene dispersed. H.T.U. for the water film was sub-
Several studies have been made of unsteady-state extraction. stantially zero and t h a t for the toluene film decreased with in-
Lapidus and Amundson (91) presented a mathematical considera- crease in temperature; empirical relationships involving tempera-
tion of transient and unsteady-state operation of both counter- ture and Schmidt number were developed. Temperature waa
current extraction and multiple extraction with fresh solvent. similarly found to be an important variable in the rate of extrac-
Equations were derived permitting the computation of the varia- tion of nicotine from water by kerosene in measurements of
tion of compositions with time which can be used, for example, H.T.U. in a 1.875-inch tower packed with 1/4- or saddles
t o calculate the time required to return to equilibrium when varia- and a/s- or 1/2-inch rings by Clrtffey et al. ($1). The extraction
tions in the feed occur. An extensive mathematical study of of benzoic acid from benzene by water in the presence of surface-
what occurs when a fixed quantity of solute mixture is injected active agents which lower the interfacial tension was studied by
suddenly into countercurrently flowing solvents was made by Chu, Taylor, and Levy ($0). Over-all values of H.T.U. were
Johnson and Talbot (82). They concluded t h a t the most consistently lowered by highly active agents, but minima were
favorable separation of two solutes present in equal proportions, observed in the variation with concentration of weak agents. A
when introduced centrally into the extraction cascade, will occur few experimental runs in a 4-inch column packed with 1/2-inch
when the ratio of the solvent feed rates is the inverse of the geo- rings were reported by Clegg and Bearse ($2) in the extraction of
metric mean of the distribution coefficients, as in steady-state thiodiacetic acid from a water solution containing sodium salts by
operation. This was verified by the experimental separation of methyl ethyl ketone.
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 81

Stage efficiencies in a 1-inch diameter agitated packed column

for the separation of ethanol from water by the double-solvent Table 1. Liquid Equilibrium Data for Systems of Three or More
systems glycol-o-xylene and glycol-methyllt-amy1 ketone range Components
from 10 to 100% as the packed height varies from 1 to 8 inches, Temperature, Literature
System c. Cited
as reported by Scheibel (14.8). Mixing sections were l/&nch Ammonia-sodium-sodium iodide Various (SO, f66)
long, and agitator speed 2250 r.p.m. Scheibel proposed the Ammonia-potassium-potassium iodide -31, -33 (80)
Aniline-water, with
economical recovery of anhydrous ethanol from its dilute aqueous Benzene
solutions by these processes using glycol-ketone solvents for the n-Heptane
recovery of the pure product or glycol-xylene for the recovery of Cod liver oil-ethanol-free fatty acids
Cod liver oil-ethanol-nonsaponifiables
a denatured alcohol. Scheibel and Karr (160),using a similar Cod liver oil-methanol-free fatty acids
column but of 12-inch diameter, extracted the solutes, acetone, Cod liver oil-methanol-nonsaponifiables
and acetic acid with the solvent pairs, water-methyl isobutyl Dioxane-water-magnesium chloride
Ethanol-water, with
ketone and water-o-xylene. Stage efficiencies, which were re- Ethyl acetate
ported over a wide range of flow rates and agitator speeds, may Potassium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
reach 100% and the throughput a t flooding was found to be Hake-liver oil-ethanol-free fatty acids
Hake-liver oil-methanol-free fatty acids
several times as great as that in a 1-inch column. Hake-liver oil-methanol-nonsaponifiables
Perforated-plate columns were studied by Pyle et al. (I$'?), Methanol-water, with
who extracted acetic acid from water with ether in an 8.63-inch EgZ&me-p-cresol
diameter column. Perforation size seemed to influence the Hexadecane-p-tert-butylphenol
extraction rates relatively li,ttle, but a high percentage of hole Hexadeoane-methylnaphthalene
* area was advantageous. For high flow capacities, downspouts Methylnaphthalene-p-lert-butylphenol
should be flush with the plate from which they lead the continuous Methylnaphthalene-p-cresol-2,2,4-
phase. The thickness of the coalesced layers of dispersed liquid trimethylpentane 35
Methylnaphthalene-2-naphthol 35
underneath the plates was related to the pressure drops in the Methylnaphthalene-phenol 25, 35
system, and orifice coefficients for the perforations were reported. trimethylpentane
Flow Capacities. Breckenfeld and Wilke (14) investigated Phenol
X lene
flooding in a 2.6inch tower packed with 1/4-inch carbon rings Metgylnaphthalene-p-cresol-water
Palm oil-methanol-free fatty acids
and '/rinch saddles, using a variety of liquid pairs as a means of n-Propanol-n-propyl acetate-water
varying the pertinent liquid physical properties. For the first Thiodiacetic acid-2-butanone-salt solution
(HnO, NaCl, NazSOd
time interfacial tension was introduced into the resulting empirical
correlations for flooding. Ballard and Piret ('9, on the other
hand, used columns of 2.03- and 3.75-inch diameters, with l/4- and
l/Tinch ring packing. A variety of liquids was used with water, propane for the fractionation of vegetable and fish oils into frac-
and the latter preferentially wet the '/*inch rings. For water tions separately comprising color bodies, drying oils, edible oils,
dispersed, flooding as observed by others occurred, but for water and vitamin concentrates. Mattikow reviewed the use of liquid
as the continuous phase a new phenomenon-transition below propane as a degumming solvent for fatty oils (106), and Moore
flooding rates to a flow regime involving considerable coalescence has given a very complete description of a large commercial
-was encountered, and major attention was paid to this. A installation for the decolorization of tallow with this solvent
correlation which agrees with gas-liquid flooding rates was (109). General process descriptions of furfural and propane
offered. refining of vegetable oils were given by Steinbock (160).
A most promising approach to flooding problems in spray The continuous hydrolysis of fats (fatrsplitting) by counter-
columns was presented by Elgin and Foust ( 4 4 , who proposed current contact with water at high temperatures is in part an
that the same basic relationship exists as for solid particles falling extraction operation, Mills and McClain (107) provided basic
through a countercurrently flowing liquid. The velocity of data for the splitting of tallow and coconut oil from measurements
individual drops a t flooding is related to the dispersed phase hold- in a batch autoclave. Ittner (78) and Brown (17) provided de-
up, and these authors show that the holdup data obtained with tailed descriptions of equipment for the continuous process, and
fluidized beds of solids are applicable to the estimation of spray Seaman (164) reviewed recent developments. Kenyon et al.
tower flooding rates, if no more specific data are a t hand, (86) reviewed the industrial fat processes generally, including the
continuous splitting process; a complete industrial installation is
LIQUID EXTRACTION PROCESSES described by Potts and McBride (133).
Petroleum. In the field of conventional solvent refining,
Oils and Fats. Methanol was proposed as an extraction Terres (164) reviewed theoretical considerations and presented
solvent for removal of palm fatty acids from the neutral oil (109), data on the extraction of Iraq and mixed-base oils with liquid
whereas ethanol was found to be more selective in the similar sulfur dioxide and the mixed solvents, benzene-sulfur dioxide
purification of fish-liver oils (141). Both solvents were further and phenol-chlorex. Kalichevsky (83) described the standard
investigated for the removal of nonsaponifiables from cod- and processes generally. Reeves and Hardin (139) reported studies
* hake-liver oils (80). Investigation of the systems involving in the three-stage extraction of several mid-continent and coastal
cottonseed oil, oleic acid, hexane, water, and isopropyl alcohol led distillate lubricating stocks and showed that a temperature gra-
to the development of a process for separating cottonseed mis- dient of 30" to 40" F. between extract and raffiate has an insig-
cella into purified oil and a mixture of fatty acids and other non- nificant effect on product yield and quality. Washing the ex-
glyceride substances (66). Laboratory fractional extraction of tract from a propane refining process with extract from which the
soybean oil with hexane-furfural and hexane-nitroparaffin sol- solvent has been removed, with maintenance of a temperature
vents rtssisted in leading Dutton et al. to the conclusion that this gradient, is said to produce improved carbon residue (121).
oil does not follow the common conception of even glyceride dis- Liquid butane was found to behave somewhat similarly t o propane
tribution (39). Technical monoglycerides can be purified from in asphalt extraction (169). Solvent removal of paraffin wax
38.9 to 80% monoglyceride by the double solvents, hexane with from oils with a large number of solvents was studied by Kr6ger
aqueous methanol or ethanol (46). Esters of the higher fatty and Luther (88). Weber (174)surveyed lubricant relining ca-
acids and monohydric alcohols can be prepared by direct counter- pacities by company, revealing a trend toward larger plants, and
current contact (48). Palmer (128) proposed the use of liquid several descriptions of new industrial installations have been

made-propane deasphalting and phenol extraction (166,167), mineral oil (66); halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons from those
furfural extraction (92), and Duo-Sol treating ( 1 ) . containing no halogen with furfural, ethanol. and water (147);
The separation of aromatics from petroleum products has ethyl ether from impurities with aqueous sodium bisulfite (34);
received increased attention. Obergfell ( l a d ) reviewed the recent concentrated or even anhydrous hydrogen fluoride from water
improvements in the Edeleanu process for treating light distillates by oyclo-olefins such as cyclohexene ( 1 9 ) ; various organic com-
and recommended its application to catalytic cracking recycle pounds produced in the Fischer-Tropsch process (18); water from
stocks to increase capacity. The Baytown Ordnance Works tetrahydrofuran by glycerol (15); organic acids from each other
processes for the manufacture and the separation of aromatics by fractional extraction (172); m- and p-cresols from each other
by liquid sulfur dioxide were described by Marshall (100). by aqueous caustic soda and benzene (173); wax from cachaza
Extraction of wax-free lubricants with sulfur dioxide-benzene for by heptane in a liquid-liquid process (162); metallic lead from tin
production of soft resins from the extracted aromatics was sug- by molten stannous chloride (10); americium from some rare
gested (114). Medcalf et al. (106) suggested dicyanoethylamine earth metals in aqueous hydroxamic acid with chloroform (165);
for extracting naphthalene and its homologs from petroleum zirconium from hafnium in aqueous hydrogen chloride with ben-
products. The separation of toluene from hydroformed naphtha zene-trifluoroacetylacetone (161); neptunium from impurities
with water (6) and aqueous solutions of ammonia and ethylene with ether (47); and various rare earth nitrates from each other
glycol (3) were studied in detail by Arnold and Coghlan The with several solvents (11). A review of liquid-liquid extraction
glycol gave the best process. Hepp (71) suggested extracting processes for waste sulfite liquor was made by McLaughlin
olefins from aromatics with liquid aluminum chloride-hydrocar- (98)*
bon complex. Extraction in Analysis. Analytical applications were reviewed
Details of the Mercapsol process for sweetening gasolines with by Craig (26). Quantitative analysis of organic acids by ex-
aqueous caustic containing naphthenic acid and cresol were tration wag studied comprehensively by Tsai and Fu (168).
described (136), and the desirability of eliminating oxygen and Other applications include the determination of uranium (96,
gum-forming substances from mercaptan extraction processes was 153) and other metals (55),water in hydrocarbons (64),mercap-
pointed out (163). Cleanup of caustic solutions following tans in refinery caustic solutions (84),acetic acid in the presence
mercaptan removal can be carried out by extraction with aromatic of hydrochloric acid (127), and penicillin (13, 70).
nitrogen bases (9). Sweetening with aqueous caustic methanol
sweetens gasoline more effectively than hypochlorite solutions LEACHING
(57),and hydrogen sulfide can be removed with 80% aqueous di- Fundamental Studies. Theoretical equations for countercur-
ethanolamine (56). rent leaching have been derived (225). -4simplified approach t o
Hydrocarbons from alkylation processes containing less than countercurrent decantation calculations resulted from the use
1% hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen sulfide can be freed selec- of a volumetric rather than a weight basis in a study by Mastin
tively of the fluoride by extraction with aqueous sodium fluoride (61g); Grosberg has developed methods of dealing with constant
(85). After extraction of petroleum sulfonates with aqueous and varying underflow and nonequilibrium conditions (198).
isopropyl alcohol, the solvent can be freed of inorganic salts and The mechanism of leaching as applied to vegetable seeds in-
concentrated by extraction with 20 to 40% aqueous sodium aul- volves diffusion, dialysis, and solution of the solute, according to
fate (23). Details of the extraction of butadiene from hydro- Karnofsky (608). A continuation of this extensive study devel-
carbon mixtures with ammoniacal copper acetate solution and the oped the hypothesis t h a t the rate of solution of oil is dependent
recovery of the diolefin xere given bv Wilson (178); aqueous mainly on the soaking time rather than concentration of the
solutions of cuprous salts containing amines such as methylamine leaching solution ( I @ ) ,and also considered the effect of particle
and pyridine effectively separate olefin mixtures such as 1-pentene size on the rate of leaching (189). -4general kinetic treatment
from isoprene and Zpentene (45). showing the relationship between the rate of leaching and the
Manufactured Gas Processes. A preferred method for re- individual rates of the diffusion, chemical reaction, or other
covery of pyridine involves its extraction from crude light oil processes has been attempted (222). Gaffney and Drew (196)
v i t h aqueous sulfuric acid, whereby 95 t o 98yo recovery is ob- measured the rate of solution of pellets of organic acids in a fixed
tained (117). Phenols extracted from t a r oil with methanol are bed when leached by various solvents and established the
superior to caustic-extracted products and the costs are less, influence of flow rates and diffusion coefficients. The use of
according t o Dierichs (32). Prutton and eo-workers (135) pre- transparent models of diffusion battery cells provided means for
sented extensive data for new solvents for the removal of tar studying flow patterns in such equipment (221).
acids. Priestley reviewed new developments in the dephenoliza- Vegetable Oil Processes. Several new types of apparatus
tion of ammoniacal liquor by butyl acetate and benzene extrac- particularly suitable for oil-seed leaching have been proposed
tion (134). (184,199,204,919, 228, ass), and details of the Rotocel extractor
Pharmaceuticals. Liquid extraction continues to be a n im- as installed in 76- and 250-ton-per-day installations have been
portant operation in this field. The propane extraction of vita- described (206, 210). A general review of such processes was
mins A and D from fish oils was described in detail by Diclcinson prepared by Cofield (190). Recycling results in solvent econo-
et al. (31). Material of high vitamin E activity may be pro- mies in the isopropyl alcohol extraction of cottonseed (200);
duced from tocopherols extracted from soybean oil with meth- pre-extraction of cottonseed with alcohol (232) or soap in meth-
anol, ethanol, or furfural (75). Much work on penicillin ex- anol (220)removes undesirable color bodies and fatty acids which
traction was reported (8, 35, 37, 99, 129, 131, 143, 159, 161, 179, then do not contaminate the oil. A detailed laboratory study of
180); other drug products such as antimycin A (38), circulin the extraction of soybean oil by trichloroethylene as well as de-
(116), aspergillic acid (60),antihistamines (54), and digitalis (87) scriptions of a commercial plant were given by Sweeney and co-
have received attention. workers (229, 230). The extraction of sesame oil (183) and of a
Miscellaneous Processes. Typical of the diverse separations vitamin B concentrate from rice bran (213) were studied, and a
t h a t have received attention are the following: vanillin from general review listing properties of common commercial oil-seed
alkaline liquor solutions with tert-butanol (146); acetic acid from solvents was prepared by McInnes ( 6 l f ) .
water by various solvents (126); glycerol from fermentation Miscellaneous Processes. Various improvements in the de-
concentrates by isopropyl alcohol (108) ; hydrocarbons from sign of diffusion battery equipment (191, 192, 195, 197, 608) and
organic nitrites by methanol solutions of calcium chloride (97); methods of operation (193, 616) have been proposed. One
caffeine from coffee extracts with water, ether, and chloroform apparatus utilizes continuous countercurrent flow of beet chips
(69);ketones from their mixtures with aqueous alcohol by whit? and extracting solution (194). The use of methanol as a solvent

in the leaching of sugar cane was proposed by Othmer and Luley Dutton, H. J., Lancaster, C. R., and Brekke, 0. L., J . Am.
Oil Chemists’ SOC.,27,25 (1950).
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D. 713.New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
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Thompson et al. (831) and a new process was proposed (827). Feuge, R. O., and Gros, A. T., J . Am. Oil Chemists’ SOC.,27,
117 (1950).
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~D 11, 1950.


N e w contributions to filtration theory include an analysis of continuous vacuum filtration and a given remains one of the most useful
study of the resistance identified with the initial stages of cake formation. Equipment advances in existence. The material on filter
have been mostly in the nature of improvements: Among them are a compact high-capacity mediums has been brought u p to
porous-metal element, a cake sluicing mechanism for precoat filters, and a tilting Alter press. date and several new filters have
Dyne1 and Hastelloy filter fabrics now are commercially available, and a new fiber, Terylene, been added to those described.
looks promising as a filter medium material. Rotary vacuum filters have been evaluated for a The chapter on filtration (2%) in
variety of applications: petroleum dewaxing, sewage sludge dewatering, paper pulp recovery, the new textbook on unit operations
and oil-waste emulsion breaking. A paper on whisky clarification excellently typifies the prepared by University of Michigan
correct approach to filter selection. Interesting data are reported also on viscose filterability and chemical engineers is well written.
on the refining of metals b y filtration of solid constituents from molten metal suspensions. A More than half the chapter is de-
number of outstanding reviews of filtration theory, equipment, and methods bring the occasional voted to mathematical correlating re-
user of filters generally up to date for the first time in several years. lationships, which include not only
the conventional Poiseuille-Darcy

c o n s t a n t- p r e s su r e and constant-
ONVENTIONAL filtration-the separation of undissolved rate equations (written explicitly in terms of cake porosity)
solids from liquids by methods other than centrifugation, but the recent Brownell-Kats attack from the standpoint of a
sedimentation, and adsorption-was the subject of more modified Fanning group including particle and cake character-
publications in the Year ending October 1950 than in m Y of istics. The reader is prepared for the latter approach by two
several immediately preceding years. This review attempts to preceding chapters (91) devoted to the Brownell-Katz method.
,* cover those of particular value to the chemical process industries Fifteen problems at the end of the chapter illustrate filterdesign
and includes uncritical citation of many (although by no means calou]ations. The description of equipment is brief and includes
all) of the patents which have been issued. AS in only the best known types of filters; i t is supplemented, how-
previous tmnual reviews Of this series, the scope gas ever, with a number of clear, chosen photographs and draw-
clarification, centrifugal and sedimentary separation, adsorptive
* ings.
percolation, and biofiltration.
A superior summary of filtration in the laboratory is presented
GENERAL REVIEWS (43) in a new reference book of organic chemical technique. The
Those intereskd in unit have welcomed several new extensive theoretical review and the thorough analysis of the
books devoted to this field. Three are general and include problems posed by various instances of filtration make this
filtration in their coverage. chapter valuable to the engineer and plant supervisor as well as
The long-awaited third edition of Perry’s “Handbook” carries to the chemist and laboratory technician.
a section on filtration (76) which is the same in arrangement and, I n the periodical literature, Heertjes (66) has prepared a n ex-
to considerable extent, in content as that of previous editions. cellent review of the methods of correlating and analyzing filtra-
The unfortunate interval between copy deadline and publication tion data and of the nature of specific cake resistance. Authori-
date prevented the inclusion of the most recent advances in tative and complete, clear and concise, i t is unequaled in the
theory; but the summary of theoretical and empirical equations filtration literature. Friedel (66) has given a qualitative dis-
(201) Hoak, R. D.,and Coull, J., Chem. Eng. Progrees, 46,158 (1950). (221) Pluhacek, R., and Slavicek, E., Lis& Cukronur. 65, 125 (1949).
(202) Xarnofsky, G.,Chem. Eng., 57,No. 8,108 (1950). (2221 Rotinyan, A. L.,and Drozdov, B V., Zhur. Obshchei Khim.,
(203) Xarnofsky, G.,J . Am. Oil Chemists’Soc., 26,664(1949). 19. 1843_
-., _ (1949).
~ .
\ - - - - I -

(204) Encaide, C.R., U. 8. Patent 2,491,116(Dea. 13,1949). (223) St. Clair, H. W., and Blue, D. D., U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept.
(206)Klose, A. A.,et al., IND.ENO.C H ~ M42,. , 387 (1960). Inwest. 4535 (1949).
(206) Krchma, I. J., and Schaumann, H. H. (to Du Pont Co.), (224) Skow, M. L., and Conley, J. E., Ibid., 4649 (1950).
U. 8.Patent 2,502,327(March 28, 1960). (225) Slavicek. E.,Listu Cukrmar. 65,89 (1949).
(207) Kurth, E. F.,Hubbard, J. R., and Gekelea, M., Leather and (226) Snow, E. A., and Bailey, L. F., J. Am. Leather Chemists’
Shoes, 118,No. 20,22 (1949). Assoc., 44,737 (1949).
(208) Lemoine, J. L., French Patent 940,159 (Dec. 6,1948). (227)Societe des cimenta franpais, Brit. Patent 632,079 (Nov. 16,
(209) Logan, V. R., U. 8. Patent 2,453,633(Nov. 9,1948). (1949).
(210) McCubbin, K., and Ritz, G . J., Chem, I d s . , 66,354(1950). (228) Sweeney, 0.R.,and Arnold, L. K. (to Iowa State College
(211) McInnes, C.A., Am.Paint J., 34,No. 30,86(1960). Research Foundation), U. S. Patents 2,497,700 (Feb. 14,
(212) Mastin, M. G.,C h a . Eng., 57,No. 1, 100 (1950). 1950) and 2,501,880(March 28,1950).
(213) Mernke, W. W.,Holland, B. R., and Harris, W. D., J. Am. (229) Sweeney, 0.R.,and Arnold, L. K., J. Am. OiE Chemists’ Soc.,
Oil Chemists’ Soc., 26,532 (1949). 26 697 (1949).
(214) Mukherjee, S.,and Gupta, M. L. S., J . PTW.Inst. Chemists (230)Sweeney, 0.R.,‘Arnold, L. K., and Hollowell, E. G.,Iowa
(India), 21,45 (1949). State Coll. Exptl. Sta., Bull. 165 (1949).
(215) Naudet, L., In&. agr. et aliment, 66,107(1949). (231)Thompson, M. R.,McLeod, H. M., and Skow, M. L., U. S.
(218) Ode, W. H.,and Selwig, W. A., IND. ENQ. CHSM., 42, 131 Bur. Mines, Rept. Invest. 4528 (1949).
(1950). (232)Trottman, C., U. S. Patent 2,489.599(Nov. 29,1949).
(217) Othmer, D.F.,and Luley, A. H., Food, 18,81 (1949); Sugar, (233) Watson, Thomas S. (to Huebach Mfg. Co.), Ibid., 2,501,460
44, No. 7,26 (1949). (March 21, 1950).
(218)Paovna. Arnold. U.9.Patent 2.485.841 (Oct. 25. 1949). (234)Wittig, R.,Chem.-lag.-Tech., 22,81 (1950).
(219) Pascal, M. W. (to Sherwin-Williams Co..), U. S.’Patent 2,505,- (235) Yuan, H., Xuo, F., and Huang, Y . , Science and Technol.
139 (April 25, 1950). (China), 2,21 (1949).
(220)Perez, A. (to Phillips Petroleum Co.), Ibid., 2,485,916(Oct. 25,
1949). R E C E I VOctober
~D 11, 1950.


N e w contributions to filtration theory include an analysis of continuous vacuum filtration and a given remains one of the most useful
study of the resistance identified with the initial stages of cake formation. Equipment advances in existence. The material on filter
have been mostly in the nature of improvements: Among them are a compact high-capacity mediums has been brought u p to
porous-metal element, a cake sluicing mechanism for precoat filters, and a tilting Alter press. date and several new filters have
Dyne1 and Hastelloy filter fabrics now are commercially available, and a new fiber, Terylene, been added to those described.
looks promising as a filter medium material. Rotary vacuum filters have been evaluated for a The chapter on filtration (2%) in
variety of applications: petroleum dewaxing, sewage sludge dewatering, paper pulp recovery, the new textbook on unit operations
and oil-waste emulsion breaking. A paper on whisky clarification excellently typifies the prepared by University of Michigan
correct approach to filter selection. Interesting data are reported also on viscose filterability and chemical engineers is well written.
on the refining of metals b y filtration of solid constituents from molten metal suspensions. A More than half the chapter is de-
number of outstanding reviews of filtration theory, equipment, and methods bring the occasional voted to mathematical correlating re-
user of filters generally up to date for the first time in several years. lationships, which include not only
the conventional Poiseuille-Darcy

c o n s t a n t- p r e s su r e and constant-
ONVENTIONAL filtration-the separation of undissolved rate equations (written explicitly in terms of cake porosity)
solids from liquids by methods other than centrifugation, but the recent Brownell-Kats attack from the standpoint of a
sedimentation, and adsorption-was the subject of more modified Fanning group including particle and cake character-
publications in the Year ending October 1950 than in m Y of istics. The reader is prepared for the latter approach by two
several immediately preceding years. This review attempts to preceding chapters (91) devoted to the Brownell-Katz method.
,* cover those of particular value to the chemical process industries Fifteen problems at the end of the chapter illustrate filterdesign
and includes uncritical citation of many (although by no means calou]ations. The description of equipment is brief and includes
all) of the patents which have been issued. AS in only the best known types of filters; i t is supplemented, how-
previous tmnual reviews Of this series, the scope gas ever, with a number of clear, chosen photographs and draw-
clarification, centrifugal and sedimentary separation, adsorptive
* ings.
percolation, and biofiltration.
A superior summary of filtration in the laboratory is presented
GENERAL REVIEWS (43) in a new reference book of organic chemical technique. The
Those intereskd in unit have welcomed several new extensive theoretical review and the thorough analysis of the
books devoted to this field. Three are general and include problems posed by various instances of filtration make this
filtration in their coverage. chapter valuable to the engineer and plant supervisor as well as
The long-awaited third edition of Perry’s “Handbook” carries to the chemist and laboratory technician.
a section on filtration (76) which is the same in arrangement and, I n the periodical literature, Heertjes (66) has prepared an ex-
to considerable extent, in content as that of previous editions. cellent review of the methods of correlating and analyzing filtra-
The unfortunate interval between copy deadline and publication tion data and of the nature of specific cake resistance. Authori-
date prevented the inclusion of the most recent advances in tative and complete, clear and concise, i t is unequaled in the
theory; but the summary of theoretical and empirical equations filtration literature. Friedel (66) has given a qualitative dis-

cussion of hypotheses concerning the role of surface phenomena pendently studied the same problem, but apparently interpreted
and adsorptive forces in medium plugging and filter-aid action. his results in a different manner. Because this reviewer only
In addition to a very brief summary of recent advances (33), recently became aware of Ishikawa’s work and has not yet ob-
two papers have dealt with industrial filters and their selection tained a copy of his paper, he cannot report on it until a later time.
and performance. Miller’s descriptive review (102) includes a Burak and Storrom (27) pursued the analogy proposed by
discussion of clarifying as well as cake filters and lists most of Maloney (96) between centrifugation and filtration. They
found the resistance of a centrifugally deposited cake to be con-
siderably different from that of a cake of the same material de-
posited in ordinary filtration. Maloney (97) has given a more
extensive review of their work.
The so-called “filtration effect,” believed by some to be re-
sponsible for part of the resistance identified mith filter mediums,
is the subject of two Russian papers (87, 109).

Claude (42) has described the vertical-leaf precoat pressure
filter and discussed briefly its use in American plants for filtering
water, oil and varnish, and general chemicals. The advantages
and some of the limitations of this type of filter have been sum-
marized by one of its manufacturers (%’), a firm which has re-
cently offered a new type of oscillating and reciprocating mani-
fold for rapid flushing of the cake from the leaves (40). A filter
press that can be tilted to combine the advantages of vertical
and horizontal frame positions is now manufactured by an
American company (34), and a continuous pressure filter has
been invented in Russia (15). Tessmer (134) has proposed an
improved drainage surface for a pulp-cell filter press. Krack-
Pilot Plant Rotary Vacuum Filter Iauer (89) patented a “stirring screen” to protect the filter
medium in a horizontal pressure filter during mechanical removal
the United Statesmanufacturers of filtration equipment. h.Iiess- of cake. Two patents deal with the modification of granular-
bed filter shells: One (101) describes an improved false bottom
ner (100) has summarized important performance and price data
for the past several years; most of his information is derived for drainage, and the other (148) suggests compartmentiaing the
from the American literature. tank to permit a lower water flow rate for satisfactory back-
One of the manufacturers of rotary vacuum drum filters has
issued a new catalog (53) which describes the construction and
Further attempts have been made to characterize the action of operation of this type of machine; the same firm offers for rental
rotary vacuum filters. Mondria (103) succeeded in analyzing a a flexible semiworks model of its filter (S8). A patent (58) has
continuous filtration process a t constant pressure to arrive a t been issued covering a vacuum disk filter design which involves
relationships which will permit easier prediction of the effects of tangentially bounded sectors, a shape which results in more
drum speed and cloth blinding on filtration rate. His equations effective use of the filter area. -4novel vacuum filter comprising a
obviate the necessity of the abRolute evaluation of eake resistance band of discrete filter cells is the subject of a Dutch patent (145).
and filter-medium resistance. The data they require for cloth Among new items of clarifying equipment are a compact pack-
blinding will be difficult to obtain, but the drum-speed data are age unit comprising a filter cartridge of small holdup volume and
easily available and may be simulated by use of a teat leaf. a pump (41), and an edge filter, the slots of which are formed by
Reeves (117) considered the operation of washing a rotary-filter meshing teeth a t the peripheries of two coaxial disks (1). Other
cake and derived expressions for the maximum amount of wash contributions to the field of clarifying equipment are principally
which can be applied under various conditions of solvent dilution in the form of patented improvements to filter element design.
and filtrate recirculation. Implicit in his analysis are the as- The most interesting of these are Micro hIetallic’s Surfamax and
sumptions of negligible filter medium resistance and simple dis- Gravitain elements (35, 99), assemblies of coaxial disks, the
placement of filtrate by wash liquor. He concluded that re- conical surfaces of which are of porous stainless steel. Strass-
circulation of part of the filtrate may improve washing effective- heim (131) also has developed a porous-metal element, formed
ness (with a viscous prefilt), but will do so at the expense of filter from corrugated porous sheet, Other inventions include a felt-
capacity. Brownell’s earlier work is applied in an additional covered polishing element (%), a zigzag paper or cloth element
paper (24) to the problem of prediction of air rate and tempera- and a screen support for i t (20),and a cartridge element with a
ture required for a top-feed vacuum filter-dryer. The porosity, settling trap in its core for the collection of heavy suspended
permeability, and “residual saturation” of the a t e r cake must be particles (11). Two patents (30,79) describe movable elements
known for the calculation to be made. Camp and Phillips (28) which are shifted automatically into a flushing position when
conducted a careful experimental investigation of the perform- cleaning is required.
ance of a pilot plant precoat vacuum drum filter in the treatment This reviewer’s attention has been directed to several foreign
of water-in41 emulsions and sludges, which shows the effect of a patents whose content is unknown but whose titles indicate that
number of variables on vacuum filter operation. they describe filtration equipment. The subjects treated are:
Heertjes and Haas (67) reported an investigation of the re- a concentric filter bag ( 4 4 , a filter for liquids (llS), an apparatm
sistance of a filter fabric and of the initial layer of solids de- for filtering distillates (96), an industrial vacuum filter (110),
posited upon it. The resistance of the initial solid layer, they a drum-type filter with a continuously renewed filtering surface
found, is importantly affected by the concentration of the slurry (@), an improved scraper for removing fibrous cake from a drum
from which i t is deposited, and may have the characteristics of filter (l14), a filter having multiple elements and automatic
complete-blocking filter-medium filtration, of cake filtration, or application of wash liquor (81), and a device for washing filtering
of any condition between these extremes. Ishikawa (76) inde- areas of filter presses (150).
METHODS AND APPLICATIONS clarification stages involved The process industries well might
The detailed investigation by Samuelson and his co-workers take its approach as a model in intelligent evaluation of equip-
of the filtering properties of viscose spinning solution has con- ment. Bastone and Babcock (9) have investigated the factors
tinued (198-130). These authors now conclude (199) that the affecting the washing of sugar liquor from a bone-char filter.
clogging of secondary filters is caused by gel particles extruded Hoover (68) has devised an ingenious method of solid-liquid
through the &st filter rather than by agglomeration of dispersed separation that is in essence a filtration for which the filter
material after filtration. According to Kleinert and Moessmer medium is a mass of solid particles suspended in a liquid.
(86),the gel which clogs filters is highly polymerized cellulose.
The filterability of difficultly filterable viscose is improved by WATER, SEWAGE, AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES
the addition of certain wetting agents (198), and is apparently
independent of the presence of small amounts of calcium silicate The processing of water and wastes, if not the chief concern of
precipitated from impurities in pulp and in mercerizing liquor the chemical process engineer, is for him an insistent problem.
(130). Wehrung (144) has commented on the importance of ade- For this reason and because the filtration difficulties encountered
quate filters t o minimize spinning interruption; filtration is not often are similar to those met in orthodox chemical processing,
enough, however, because afterprecipitation of solute in the warm representative portions of the literature on the physical filtration
spinnerette can occur. Various arrangements of filters in series of water and sewage are included in this review.
and in parallel have been devised to allow servicing without Rapid sand filters continue to be the most popular type for
interruption of the spinning solution stream (14, G). Vosters water clarification. Further data from Chicago’s well publicized
(142), objecting to the usual procedure for determining viscose plant (10)and detailed data from Groton (61) have been re-
filterability, proposed an alternative constant-rate method. ported. New installations are being made regularly for in-
* The use of rotary vacuum filters by the petroleum industry in dustrial (6)as well as for municipal water plants, and in some
solvent dewaxing processes is spreading. Kalichevsky (80) and instances anthracite is preferred over sand as the medium (69).
Reeves ( 117) have discussed optimum operating conditions for The use of rapid sand filters to prepare water for the rayon and
such filters. Slack wax sweating can be eliminated advanta- beverage industries has been mentioned (66). Installations to
geously in favor of the use of a new ingenious continuous pressure provide industrial water in Germany (12) and in Russia (86)
filter, according to Weber (143). The filtration of lubricating have been described. Ullrich (137) has discussed generally the
oil in situ is vital for the protection of machines, as emphasized design and maintenance of rapid sand filters.
by Vokes (140). A recent investigation (6) showed the reduc- Tankard (132) has summarized difficulties encountered in
tion in machine wear resulting from the installation of partial- (but not necessarily peculiar to) pressure filter operation for
flow or full-flow filters in the lubrication system. If heavy-duty water clarification. Lane and Smith (91) found an anthracite
oil is being used, however, the filter must be selected carefully pressure filter satisfactory for removing colloidal clay from water
to minimize the adsorptive removal of detergent from the oil; if activated silica pretreatment was used; their work emphasizes
cellulose, cotton, and clay filters are particular offenders in this the importance of prefilt condition to the succem of filtration.
respect (3). Kipp (84), on the other hand, has proved the value Robinson (193) has outlined the procedure for cleaning fouled
of continuous by-pass filtration of transformer oil through an filter beds with chemical solvents, notably hydrochloric acid.
adsorbant to prolong oil life and inhibit sludge formation. Boucher (17) invented an unusual gravity water filter in the form
The role of filtration in good electroplating practice has been of a rotating cylinder whose surface is the filter medium-finely
discussed by Faint (61)and by Carr (99). Filtration may be woven wire (aperture dimension no greater than 10 microns).
effected by external filters (99)or by cloth or paper diaphragms More and more sewage disposal plants are turning to vacuum
within the plating cell (94,136). drum filters for sludge dewatering (126). Certain mechanical
Filters used t o thicken or dewater paper stock have been features and corrosion problems identified with their use were dis-
described by several authors. Two new vacuum thickeners cussed by Flood (64). Operating data, including filter capacity
(4, 120) and one new continuous gravity filter (19) have been re- and cake moisture .content, have been reported from many dif-
ported for this use. Kassing (82) has pointed out that paper- ferent plants (77,83, 161). Mick (98) found that spray-washing
making itself is essentially an application of filtration and should the filter medium is instrumental in prolonging its life and that
be guided by the principles of this operation. there is an optimum interval between washings, even when the
Filtration has long played an important part in wet metal- filter is so modified that the cloth can be washed without inter-
lurgy. Woolf and Bethune (149) have given a detailed descrip- rupting the filtration. Richter (191)stated that the cord filter
tion of the Burt filter, a rotating batch pressure filter, and of its (a drum on which overlapping cords, which are the filter medium,
use in zinc leaching. Ross (124) wrote of the performance of are continuously wound and unwound) is superior to a con-
rotary vacuum filters in handling difficultly filterable cyanide ventional drum filter for sludge dewatering. Treated sewage
pulp, and proposed a definition of washing efficiency. Bryant effluent may be clarified by passage through a slow sand filter
(26) reported a cobalt refining process involving the filtration of (141).
precipitated metal salts. Somewhat newer is the use of filters The paper industry’s problem of recovering fiber loss, eliminat-
to refine molten metals by the removal of a crystallized phase. ing stream nuisance, and minimizing water make-up can be re-
A great deal of the pioneering experimentation on this operation duced by clarification of white-water through sedimentation,
was done in Germany before and during World War I1 and has flotation, or filtration. These three techniques have been com-
pared and discussed (49, 69). A new vacuum filter, the Wac0
been documented by Reinacher (118,119). St. Clair (197) has
filter, is effective for white-water clarification (16). It consists
summarized the PBL report (119) and some additional similar
of a cylindrical drum over which an endless screen belt, carrying a
work done in Canada. precoat of fiber, travels (104). Alternatively, the white-water
Miscellaneous industrial applications of filtration described in can be clarified by coagulation and sedimentation , followed by
the recent literature include the straining of paint and varnish the polishing of the supernatant in a precoat plate-and-frame
(88), the reduction of the bacterial count in milk by precoat press (47). The settled sludge can be dewatered successfully by
filtration (74), the sterilization of beer by filtration through pulp an ordinary vacuum drum filter (60).
sheet in a presterilized filter (lor), and the clarification of The processing of wastes from an oil refinery involves the
whisky (64). The latter reference is the report of a careful, separation of oil-water emulsions which are stabilized by the
thorough plant study, the object of which was to determine the presence of fine solids. Recent studies indicate that both water-
most effective and economical type of filter for each of the three in-oil (28) and oil-in-water (69,146) emulsions can be broken
88 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY Vol. 43, No. 1

and the suspended dirt removed by the uae of rotary vacuum been disclosed by Versa1 and Kruppe ( I S Q ) ,and tt method of clean-
precoat filters. Experimental data have been reported for a ing such an element by use of a fused organic salt has been
pilot plant filter in each type of application. recommended by Budde and Potempa (96). Nikonorov (105)
advised the replacement of paper by a sintered-glass element in
FILTER M E D I U M S phosphorus determinations (105). Hueckel and Pietsch (71)
Three useful summaries of the physical and chemical properties have given directions for the production of a collodion membrane
of synthetic fibers now available have appeared within the year for ultrafiltration.
( I S , 69, 70). They suggest two additional candidates as ma- Laboratory procedures published which importantly involve
terial for filter fabrics: the polyester of ethylene glycol and filtration include the analysis of water for iron by hydroxide
terephthalic acid (called Terylene by I.C.I., Delvon by Du precipitation and filtration on a membrane filter ( 7 ) and the
Pont), a chemically inert, extremely strong fiber; and poly- rapid determination of silica in water by precipitating i t a t such
ethylene (made by Du Pont and by I.C.I.), also chemically inert. a p H as to make it readily filterable (111). Ospenson (108) re-
The latter is less likely to succeed because it is available only in ported that certain surface-active agents ndl prevent the “crawl-
ing” of nickel dimethylglyoxime precipitates and therefore will
monofils, from which satisfactory fabric is difficult to produce
accelerate the filtration and washing of this material.
(70). Filter cloths made from Dyne1 (Vinyon-N staple, Carbide
& Carbon Chemicals Corp.) are now available and are said to
be superior because they not only are chemically resistant but CONCLUSION
possess a softness and body which enable them to seal a press The appearance of a number of up-to-date reviews and sum-
against leakage (36). Nylon is now used not only in filter fabrics maries of useful theory, commercially available equipment, and
but as a re-enforcing fiber in papermaking felts (63, 116). Acid- established methods puts the user of filters in his best position
resistant filter fabrics also are made from nitrated cotton (106) for perhaps a decade. While these general references constitute
and from Hastelloy B and C (Sa). probably the most outstanding feature of the filtration literature
New bulk mediums that have been proposed are cellulosic of the past year, the period has been exceptional also in that it
sponge (8) and a bulk of parallel sheets of resin-bonded cellu- has produced several signififioant contributions to the further de-
losic tissue, about 240 per inch of thickness, through which the velopment of filtration theory and data interpretation. Equally
filtrate may pass parallel to the sheets (158). Additions to the gratifying has been the publication of a few quantitative, de-
family of rigid porous mediums are Oilite stainless steel element8 tailed reports from the process industry on the performance and
(Sg), available in a variety of shapes and porosities, and a pressed selection of filters. These important new papers have all come
agglomerate of spheres of synthetic resin, directions for the from universities or from users of filtration equipment; it i s
preparation of which have been provided by Gebert (57). hoped that in the future more contributions from the designers
Riddick (198) has presented a summary of specifications for and manufacturers of filters will take their place beside those
filter sand. from other sources.

Diatomaceous silica is still the most popular filter aid. An in- LITERATURE CITED
dustrial bulletin explains its use in water filtration (78), and a Algemeene Kunstzijde Unie N.V., Dutch Patent 64,709 (Oct.
British patent describes its application in gold and silver cyanide 15, 1949).
metallurgy (78). Pernoux (111) examined diatoms with the Anon., LabOTatOTy, 20, No. 1 , 2 2 (1950).
Anon., Petroleum (London), 11, 206 (1948).
electron microscope and found the pore diameter to be 0.5 micron. Anon., Svensk Pappemtidn., 53, 14-15 (1950).
After treatment with hot 5% aqueous sodium carbonate, shown Anon., World’s Paper Trade Rev., 132, No. 15, Tech. Suppl.,
by Teichner (1%) to attack the silica appreciably. the pores were 86-8 (1949).
Automobile Engr., 38, 15-20 (1948): 39, 12 (1949).
somewhat enlarged. Baier, C. R., Wasser, Vom, 17, 93-102 (1949).
Claude (41) emphasized the use of fibrous material, such as Banigan, T. F., and White, W. D., Can. Patent 458,964 (Aug.
cellulose, as filter aids. Finely ground bagasse has been used to 16, 1949).
improve the filtration of mud from sugar cane juice (55, 147). Bastone, H. J., and Babcock, A. B., Proc. Tech. Session Bone
Char, 1949,149-64.
Fibrous cellulose filter aids have been described by two 6rms that Baylis. J. R.. J . Am. Water W o r k s Assoc., 42, 687-700 (1950).
market them (13, 7 3 ) . Becker, 0. A., U.S. Patent 2,481,489 (Sept. 13, 1949).
Two special filter aids have been described: diatomaceous earth Belan, F. I., Stal, 8, 822-6 (1948).
or bentonite coated with a vinyl resin (60), and insoluble in- Bendigo, C. W., and Scott, R. C., Tertile World. 99, No. 9, 111-
30 (1949).
organic salt crystals to assist the filtration of viscous liquids Birsch, E. T., and Silcox, W. D., U. S. Patent 2,454,124 (Nov.
(116). 16, 1948).
Bobrik, I. P., and Parfenov, E. G., Russ. Patent 69,593 (Oct.
31, 1947).
Improved apparatus and methods for vacuum filtration in the Bolin, G., Svensk Papperstidn., 52, 214-16 (1949).
laboratory have been proposed. These include adapters to per- Boucher, P. L., U. S. Patent 2,462,604 (Feb. 22, 1949).
Bretherick, L., Chemistry & Industry, 1949, 268.
mit the use of ordinary funnels and flasks for vacuum filtration Breyfogle, R. H., Can. Patent 463,622 (March 14, 1950); U. S.
(go), to prevent spattering at the funnel discharge (91), to ob- Patent 2,476,131 (July 12, 1949).
viate the necessity of a rubber or cork stopper in the filter flask Brixius, J. K., U. S. Patent 2,479.722 (.4ug. 23, 1949).
Brown, G. G., et al., “Unit Operations,” Chap. 16-17, New
by the substitution of a grease-sealed glass plate (93), and to York, John Wiley & Sons, 1950.
allow the ready interchange of receivers between 0.5 ounce and Ibid., Chap. 18.
5 quarts in capacity (1.35). An improved Biichner funnel with a Brown Co., New York, “Solka-Floc ns Filter Bid,” undtited.
removable bottom plate (2) and a filter flask modified to elimi- Brownell, L. E., and Crosier, H. E., Chena. Eng., 56, No, 10,
124-7, 170 (1949).
nate the side arm in favor of a grommeted hole (18) have been Bryant, P. S., Inst. M i n i n g Met., Symposium o n fiefining N o n -
proposed. Rothman (115) has constructed an all-glass ap- Ferrous MetaZa, 1949, 259-79.
paratus for filtering and dispensing solutions in a closed system. Budde, W. M., and Potempa, S. J., Anal. Chent., 22, 1072
Dubbs (46) has developed an apparatus in which an astounding (1 950).
Burak, N., and St,orrow,J. A,, J . SOC.Chem. I n d . (London), 69,
number of operations-among them, filtration-can be accom- 8-13 (1950).
pliahed without the sample’s being removed. Camp, E. Q., and Phillips, C., OiZ Gas J.. 48, No. 46, 214-15,
A method of constructing a sintered-glass filtering element has 341, 343-5 (1950).
(29) Cam, K.L., Finish, 7,NO.5,29-30 (1950). (89) Kracklauer, A. C., U. s. Patent 2,460,423(Feb. 1,1949).
(30) Carrier, W. W., U. S. Patent 2,480,320(Aug. 30,1949). (90) KrejEI, R., Chem. Listy, 33,382 (1939).
(31) Chaffey, R. H., Ibid., 2,510,378(June 6,1950). (91) Lane, M., and Smith, L. G., J . New Enol. Water Works Assoc.,
(32) Chem. Eng., 56,No. 10,136(1949). 63,209-20 (1949).
(33) Ibid., No. 11, p. 109. (92) Liang, Shu-Chuan, J.Chinese Chem. SOC.,16,14-15 (1949).
(34)Ibid., 57,No. 1, 138 (1950); Chem. Inds., 66,96(1950). (93) Longuet, P.,Rec. materiaus construction trav. publ., Ed. C ,
(35) Chem. Eng., 57,No. 6,152 (1950); Chem. Inds., 66,900 (1950). NO.400,13-16 (1949).
(36) Chem. Eng., 57, No. 7, 160, 162 (1950); Chem. Inds., 67, 102 (94) McCahan, R. H., MacKinnon, C. E., and Swalheim, D. A.,
(1950). Proc. Am. Electroplaters’ SOC.,35,203-13 (1948).
(37) Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,No. 2,27A (1950). (95) Majosi, K.,Hung. Patent 139,662 (July 15, 1949).
(38) Chem. Inds., 65,619(1949); Sewage W w k s Eng., 20,520(1949). (96) Maloney, J. O.,IND.ENQ.CHEW,38, 24-5, 37 (1946).
(39) Chem. Inds., 65,776(1949). (97)Ibid.. 43. 55 (1951).
(40)Ibid., p. 937; FoodInds., 22,106 (1950). (98j Mick, K. L.,. Sewage Works Eng., 20, 73-4 (1949); Sewage
(41) Chem. Inds., 65,937-8 (1949). Works J., 21,334-9 (1949).
(42)Claude, R., Chimie & industrie, 64,48-51 (1950). (99) Micro Metallic Corp., Brooklyn, N. Y., “Surfamax SMX Fil-
(43)Cummins, A. B., in A. Weissberger’s “Technique of Organic ters with Porous Stainless Steel Elements,” undated,
Chemistry,” Vol. 3, Chap. 6, New York, Interscience Pub- (100) Miessner, H., Chem. Ing. Tech., 21,409-12 (1949).
lishers, 1950. (101) Miller, G.,U. S. Patent 2,499,325(Feb. 28,1950).
(44) Danil’tsev, V. A., Russ. Patent 69,259(Sept. 30,1947). (102)Miller, S.A., Chem. Inds., 66,38-48 (1950).
(45) Davidson, H.O.,U. S. Patent 2,469,293(May 3,1949). (103) Mondria, H., Applied Sci. Research, A2, 165-83 (1950).
(46) Dubbs, C. A,, Anal. Chem., 21,1273-6 (1949). (104) Nesbitt, W. P.,P u l p & Paper M a g , Can., 51, No. 4, 82-5
(47)Ehemann, G. C.,Burnett, L. K., and Waddell, J. C., P u l p & (1950).
Paper Mag. Can., 51,No. 7,107-11 (1950). (105) Nikonorov, K. V., Zhur. Anal. Khim., 5,124 (1950).
(48) EllilB, K. L., Swed. Patent 126,303(Oct. 4,1949). (106) Oeda, H., and Mizuta, A., Japan. Patent 175,430(Dec. 27,1947).
. (49) Emes, Papierfabr. Wochbl. Papierfabr., 78,176-8 (1950).
(50) Erspamer, A. S.,and Rice, W. D., IND.
(107)Osgood, G.,Brewers’ GuiZdJ., 36,No. 424,41-60 (1950).
(108) Ospenaon, J. N., Acta Chem. Scand., 3,630-8 (1949).
(109)Ovchinnikov, L. N., and Maksenkov, V. G., Bull. m a d . sci.
(51) Faint, H.W., Finish, 7,No. 6,25-6,64 (1950). U.R.S.S., St. g60l., 1949,NO.3,82-94.
(52) Faulconer, F. M., McCann, D. L., and Bedell, H. L., Pefroleum (110) Pajetta, R., and Turati, V., Ital. Patent 436,961 (June 18,
Engr., 21C,No. 12,26-32 (1949). 1948).
(53) Filtration Engineers. Inc., Newark, N. J., “FE Rotary (111)Pernoux, E., Compt. rend., 228,1646-7 (1949).
Vacuum Filters,” Bull. 103 (1949). (112) Proskuryakova, G. F.,Zavodskaya Lab., 16,364-5 (1950).
(54) Flood, F. L., Sewagelnd. Wastes, 22,307-14 (1950). (113) Puech, E.,French Patent 940,201(Dec. 7,1948).
(55) Freeman, L., U.S. Patent 2,500,065(March 7,1950). (114)Pustynskii, A. K.,Russ. Patent 69,570(Oct. 31,1947).
(56) Friedel, F. A., Chem. Ing. Tech., 21,382-3 (1949). (115)Reed, H. G.,and Beasley, J. K., U. S. Patent 2,494,143(Jan,
(57)Gebert, A.,Swiss Patent 263,031 (Nov. 1,1949). 10, 1950).
(58)Genter, A.L., U. S. Patent 2,464,223(March 15,1949). (116)Rees, E.A., and Dahlberg. H., Paper Trade J., 130, 21 (1950).
(59) Georgia, F. R., J . Am. Water W o r k s ASSOC.,41,1047-52 (1949); (117)Reeves, E. J., Petroleum Processing, 4, 885-6 (1949); Petro-
Water & Sewage Works, 97,223-8 (1950). leum Refiner, 26,532-3 (1947).
(60) Goetz, A., U. S. Patent 2,508,602(May 23,1950). (118) Reinacher, G.,Metal Ind. (London), 75, 183-7, 211-13 (1949).
(61) Greenleaf, A. C., J. New Eng. Water Works Assoc., 64,97-106 (119) Reinacher, G.,Office of Technical Services, U. S. Dept. Com-
(1950). merce, Rept. PBL 74341,FIAT Reel G-295,Frames 3105-29.
(62) Gustafsson, K.F., Svensk Papperstidn., 52,210-13 (1949). (120)Richter, J. C. F. C., Can. Patent 452,267(Nov. 2, 1948); U. 5.
(63) Hall, E. H., U. S. Patent 2,506,667(May 9,1950). Patent 2,510,254(June 6,1950).
(64) Harmer, D.M.,Kolachov, P. J., Smith, L. A., and Willkie, H. (121)Richter, P. O.,SewageInd. Wastes, 22,994-6 (1950).
F., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46,203-8(1950). (122) Riddick, T. M., Water & Sewage Works, 97, No. 5, R76-7
(65) Haywood, R. W., Jr., and Wells, B. H., J. Am. Water Works (1950).
Assoc., 41,856-64 (1949). (123) Robinson, B. P.,Southern P u l p Paper J., 13, No. 7, 42, 44
(66)Heertjes, P. M., Research (London),3,254-9 (1950). (1950).
(67) Heertjes, P. M., and Haas, H. v. d., Reo. trav. chim., 68,361-83 (124) Ross,R. H., Deco Trefoil, 14,No. 2,7-22 (1950).
(1949). (125) Rothman, S.,Anal. Chem., 22,367 (1950).
(68) Hoover, C. O.,U. S. Patent 2,472,976(June 14,1949). (126) Rudolfs, W., et al., SewageInd. Wastes, 22,613-14 (1950).
(69) Horst, W. P.t., Chem. Inds., 66,521-6 (1950). (127)St. Clair, H. W., U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Invest. 4614 (1949).
(70) HONlett, F., J. TextileInst., 41,P124-31 (1950). (128)Samuelson, O.,Svensk K e m . Tid., 61,227-34 (1949).
(71) Hueckel, W., and Pietsch, H., Suomen Kemistilehti, 22B, 1-7 (129)Samuelson, O.,Svensk Papperstidn., 52,465-73(1949).
(1949). (130) Samuelson, O.,and Jansen, H., Ibid., 52,448-50 (1949).
(72) Huntington, Heberlein and Co., Brit. Patent 633,203 (Dec. 12, (131) Strassheim, F. W., U. S. Patent 2,463,825(March 8,1949).
1949). (132) Tankard, E.E.,J . New Enol. Water W o r k s Assoc., 64,299-300
(73) Industrial Chemical Sales Division, West Virginia Pulp and Pa- (1950).
per Co., New York, “Polycel Purified Wood Cellulose,” (133) Teichner, S.,Compt. rend., 228,1644-6 (1949).
1948. (134) Tessmer, R. G.,U. 8. Patent 2,508,976(May 23,1950).
(74) Ingelsent, H., and Storrow, J. A., Food, 19,25-6 (1950). (135) Thom, A. S.,Pharm. J., 164,225 (1950).
(75) Irvin, D.F., and Bellas, H. W.. in J. H. Perry’s “Chemical En- (136) Thurber. A. E..U. S. Patent 2.487.399 (Nov. 8.1949).
gineera’ Handbook,” 3rd ed., pp. 964-92, New York, Ma- (137) Ullrich, A. H.,’Water & Sewage Works; 96,381-4 (1949); 97,
Graw-Hill Book Co., 1950. NO. 6,R73-5 (1950).
(76) Ishikawa, H., Waseda Applied Chem. Soc. Bull., 19, 51-69 (138)Valente, J. E.,and Wink, K. R., Can. Patent 459,852(Sept. 20,
(1 942). 1a m i
(77) Jepson, C., and Greene, G., City of Manchester (England), (139) Verzal, A. I., and Kruppe, G. A., Zavodskaya Lab., 15, 126
Rivers Dep., Rept. 55 (1948). (1949).
(78) Johns-Manville Celite Division, New York, “Celite Diatoma- (140) Vokes, C. G., Trans. SOC. Engrs. (London), 1948, 91-117;
0 oeous Earth Powder for Economical Filtration of Water,” Diesel Ry. Traction, 1948,No. 192,96-7.
undated. (141) Vosloo, P. B. B., Inst. Sewage Purif., J . and Proc., 1947,Part
(79) Jokel. W.. U.8. Patent 2.475.968 (Julv 12.1949). T-, -”-

(80) Kalichevsky, V. A., Petroleum Processing, 4 , 1468 (1949). (142)Vosters, H.L., Svensk Papperstidn., 53,29-34,59-64 (1950). .
(81) Kantelius, K. E.H., Swed. Patent 126,731(Nov. 22,1949). (143)Weber, G., OiE Gas J.,47,No. 37,89-90,92-3 (1949).
(82) Kassing, B. L., Paper Ind. and Paper World, 32,430-3 (1950); (144)Wehrung, A., Kunstseide u. Zellwolle, 28,84-7 (1950).
Paper M i l l News, 73,No. 25,9-10, 18 (1950);Paper Trade (145) Werkspoor, N. V., Dutch Patent 65,104(Jan. 16,1950).
J.,130, NO.24,874 (1950). (146) Weston, R. F., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,607-12 (1950).
(83) Keefer, C. E.,Sewage Works J.,21,554-76 (1949). (147)Whalley, T.G., Proc. Queensland SOC.Sugar Cane Technol., 16,
(84) Kipp, E. M., Lubrication Eng., 4,122-4 (1948). 109-20 (1949).
(85) Kleinert, T., and Moessmer, V., Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg, 51, 29-32 (148) Woods, C. W., U. S. Patent 2,459,353(Jan. 18,1949).
(1950). (149)Woolf, W. G.,and Bethune, A. Y., M i n i n g Eng., 187, 585-90
(86) Klyachko, V.A., Stal., 8,818-22 (1948). (1950).
(87) Korzhinskii, D. S.,Bull. m a d . sci. U.R.S.S., S b . gdool., 1947,No. (150)Yakimov, A. F., Russ. Patent 69,990(Dec. 31,1947).
2,35-48. (151) Zack, S. I.,SewageInd. Wastes, 22,975-94(1950).
(88) Kraoklauer, A. C., Finish, 7,No. 4,2&6,73 (1950). October 30, 1850.


This article reviews the literature on most phases of fluid dynamics which has appeared between profile for turbulent flow in smooth
October 1949 and September 1950, with numerous references to material published earlier pipes by assuming that shearing stress
in foreign journals. Major emphasis has been placed on subjects usually covered in engineering is a specified function of density, ra-
curricula. Of particular interest has been the increased appearance OF European sources which diaI velocity gradient, and a “mean
were mainly concerned with reviewing developments made i n the United States during recent free path of eddies.” Ross and
years. Readers interested i n Flow through apparatus will Find the review papers by WolFe, Robertson (267) verified experimen-
Jaeschke, and Hahnemann OF interest. Engineers and designers of piping should find the book tally that the velocity profile in the
by Friend and Samoiloff of great help. Other papers on resistance through piping and fittings turbulent boundary layer can be de-
were contributed by Foxhall, Pigott, Leys, and Martin. To students OF dimensional analysis termined from a knowledge of the
the paper by M u r p h y should b e of value. Excellent papers on heat Flow and friction through shear stress.
tube bundles and various types of baff’ed and unbaffled heat exchangers were due to Bergelin An analysis of oil flow through
e t a / , Donohue, Kuehne, and Schultz. Students interested in flow OF gas bubbles through trunk lines was made by Anclei son (4).
liquid columns will find the papers by Shepherd, V a n Krevelen, Pattle, Spells and Bakowski, An approach was suggested for esti-
and Verschoor of general orienting value. Lubin presented new data on flow through a packed mating flow capacity, making allow-
column 24 inches i n diameter and Rose and Rizk extended their earlier pressure drop studies. ance for the pressure effect on the
A most informative paper on the measurement of the extent of wetted area i n a Raschig ring b e d oil viscosity. A practical papcr on
was contributed by Weisman and Bonilla. The hypersorption process was well described by pressure loss through sinuous pipe was
Berg e t a/., and Wilhelm and co-workers contributed significantly toward a better understanding contributed by Foxhall (104). The
OF turbulent diffusion i n packed beds. Breckenfield and W i l k e and Ballard and Piret were calculation method utilizes the con-
concerned with liquid-liquid Flow i n packed columns and an interesting correlation for liquid cept of equivalent pipe length as
vapor flow through distillation columns was proposed by Reed and Fenske. In the field of applied to 180” bends. Pressure drop
fluidization the most comprehensive paper i s probably that of Reis. Elgin and Foust demon- in round pipe was the subject of a
strated the basic similarity between droplet flow through spray towers and fluidization phe- book by Friend and Samoiloff (106).
nomena. Dotson e t a/. suggested a method For measuring the relative proportion of solids and Since the book contains a large num-
gas i n any particular place in a fluidized bed. Kettenring e t a/. and Jolley discussed internal ber of excellent charta for the rapid
heat transfer i n the Fluidized bed. Design engineers will find the papers b y Sandaker e t a/. solution of pressure drop and pipe
dealing with design OF high pressure piping and by Karassik, discussing characteristics of pumps, sizing problems, it should be of
generally of value. great value to design and oper-
ating engineers. Luss (192) wrote
on pumping costs and head losses

HE literature on most phases of fluid dynamics which has in pipes, estimated by the formulas of Manning and Kutter.
appeared since the 1949 review, together with numerous Harding and Mort (129) proposed charts which were based
references to material published earlier in foreign journals is on the Hardy-Gross method for solution of flow problems.
presented here. Themajor emphasis is on subjects usually covered Folquier (100) discussed flow distribution in pipe networks on the
in engineering curricula. Of particular interest has been the in- basis of Kirchhoff’s l a w , an analysis similar to that of Fair and
creased appearance of European sources which were mainly con- Hatch. Davis (78) gave a nomograph for estimating pressure
cerned with reviewing developments made in the United States drop in lines carrying fibrous suspensions, such as are met in
during recent years. paper manufacture. Other papers covering reviews of pressure
drop calculations in various forms were contributed by Buthod
FLOW T H R O U G H A P P A R A T U S (69),Biard (40),Renauldon (241), Dutoit (87),and Seiferth and
Friction. A series of three comprehensive reviews on various Krueger ($73). Various nomographs for calculating quantity
aspects of pipe flow were contributed by Wolfe (336). I n the of flow ( 1 4 , sizing of steam lines, and Reynolds number were
first paper, he derived the flow equation using dimensional analy- proposed by Gibbons (111)and Arnold (17). Pigott (229) wrote
sis, and elaborated on various correlations of the pipe friction on pressure loss in tubing and fittings. He emphasized that losses
factor. I n the second paper, velocity distribution in circular in rough fittings were composed of a true bending loss component
conduits and surface roughness was reviewed, while the third to be superposed on the loss due to roughness. As the most
paper dealt mainly with Prandtl’s generalized roughness function. reliable method of evaluation, he recommended the equivalent
A brief paper describing energy losses in pipe lines (10) also pipe-length method. Losses through various types of elbows
reviewed friction loss and pipe surface roughness in water con- and influence of change of sectional and branching losses were
duits. An examination of effect and magnitude of the dynamic discussed by Leys (186). Practical considerations in interpreta-
forces in turbulent flow on individual pipe wall protrusions was tion of commonly used formulas for estimating resistance in pipe
made by Einstein and El-Samni (90) and significant lift forces bends, obstructions, and fittings were proposed by Martin (196).
were observed. Jaeschke (151), similar to Wolfe, reviewed the Fluid Flow and Heat Flow. A condensed informative pres-
more recent advances in flow through pipes with emphasis on entation of dimensional analysis wm presented by Murphy
evaluation of the friction factor and effect of surface roughness. ($09). It deals with definition of concepts, basic methods, elimi-
A similar review covering pipe flow and other topics was given nation of trial and error calculations, and the subject of simi-
by Hahnemann (126). Maurer (201)made an entropy analysis of larity. Another comprehensive presentation of the principles of
incompressible fluids through smooth cylindrical tubes and dimensional analysis was given by Martinot-Lagarde (198). It
showed t h a t the critical Reynolds number (limit of laminar flow) stressed application to a variety of flow problems, such as ships,
is 1440. Prandtl (233)derived the equation defining the velocity pipes, and compressible viscous fluids. Other discussions of
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 91

dimensional analysis and dimensional similitude were contributed no generalized correlation was achieved. A review in thia field
by Ciborowski (63)and Craya (74). Bergelin e l al. (56) continued was given by Shepherd (276). Van Krevelen and Hoftijzer (177)
their investigations into heat and fluid flow through tube bundles. reported new measurements and observations on bubble passage
They studied effects of tube spacing and diameter on pressure through liquid columns. Pattle (221) presented a paper on aera-
drop and heat transfer. Using a variety of pattern settings, they tion of liquids. He was concerned with solution rates of gases
reported the highest heat transfer coefficients when the smallest and how these are influenced by the distribution device, as well
tubes were on the smallest pitch. Pressure drops were correlated as the mechanics of bubble release from porous aerating devices
best by a modification of the Chilton-Genereaux method, wherein and the effect of the presence of organic substances on bubble size
volumetric equivalent diameters were used. Donohue (88) and bubble release from the pores. Spells and Bakowski (884)
discussed heat transfer and pressure drop in heat exchangers investigated the mechanism of bubble release from single slots
carrying various types of baffles. In general, for equal flows submerged in water, and Verschoor (316)examined the mechanics
disk-and-doughnut type b d e s gave better heat transfer coeffi- of the passage of swarms of bubbles through liquid columns.
cients than segmental baffles. Pressure drops, when reported in Drop formation from nozzles in two-liquid phase systems was
the form of friction factor plots, scattered much more than com- investigated by Hayworth and Treybal (133).
parable heat transfer data. This was attributed to the fact that Packed Beds. An extensive study of flow through a tower
pressure drop is proportional to the square of mass velocity as of %inch diameter was made by Lubin (190). Using a wide
compared to the 0.6 power for heat transfer. A brief discussion variety of Raschig rings and Berl saddles these packings were
of laminar and turbulent flow in heat exchangers was also given investigated under dry as well as irrigated conditions with water
by Kuehne (178). Schultz (267) showed how the Reynolds and sugar solutions as the liquid phase. Empirical equations for
analogy can be used in heat exchanger design. Thompson (801) gas pressure drop through rings and saddles were presented and
suggested a graphical method, also based on the Reynolds’ comparisons of the new data with correlations of other investiga-
analogy, to correlate variables involved in heat transfer to a gas tors were also made. The irrigated tower data are in accordance
moving a t high velocity through a passage. Businger (68) made with the data of Tillson, reported for similar conditions in a
an analysis of heat exchanger economics on the basis of a compari- 20-inch diameter tower. Observing also flooding and holdup
$on of Nusselt numbers and pipe friction factors. data, Lubin suggested an improved flooding correlation for
Two-Phase Flow. Two-phase flow problems arise in all rings and saddles, using a variable exponent on the liquid vis-
engineering fields. Owing to this wide and general distribution cosity and taking into account the free space reduction due to
and the many aspects involved, little fundamental progress has liquid holdup. h o t h e r comprehensive flow study using air and a
been made toward achieving generalized engineering correlations. wide variety of packing materials ranging jn shape from spheres
Liquid-gas and liquid-liquid flow through packed coIumns, most to nails was reported by Rose and Rizk (866). The correlating
common in chemical engineering practice, is probably best under- equation, partly derived through dimensional analysis, was
stood and this subject has been covered in greater detail under claimed to apply to voidages up t o 90%. The correlation con-
packed beds. I n this section some of the less understood appli- tains an empirical shape factor which is of an additive nature and
cations of this field will be covered. comprises primarily the ratio of the maximum and minimum
Pressure drop data observed in the field, pertaining to simul- length dimensions of the particles. Coulson ( 7 3 ) investigated
taneous gas and oil flow through a %inch pipe line, were compared flow through granular beds further with particular emphasis on
satisfactorily by Van Wingen (312) to values estimated with the effect of shape and voids in the streamline range. After a thor-
correlations of Martinelli and co-workers. Gilmour (118) esti- ough review of the classical developments, Couslon concluded
mated gas-oil ratios for oil wells flowing through surface chokes that more general formulations are required for describing ade-
or beans. The problem of handling pressure drop in long gas and quately the flow through nonspherical beds. Brownell et al. (64)
steam pipes involving phase changes was handled by Baer (21). chose to revise the correlation of Brownell and Kata. The effect
Experimental data on the simultaneous flow of air-water and of surface roughness on pressure drop in turbulent flow was dis-
steam-water mixtures through glass and brass tubes were ob- missed on the basis of data with so-called “roughened” metal
tained by Widell (330). The data did not agree with the measure- saddle bodies. Sokolovskir (282) discussed equations for flow
ments of Martinelli, and a correlation was suggested where the through porous mediums and proposed a modification of D’Arcy’s
ratio of the pressure drop of the mixture to that of the gas alone law that allows for turbulent flow. Fox (108)investigated the on-
was related to friction factors. More experimental work on air- set of turbukence in packed beds. Working with perfect spheres
water flow was reported by Kosterin (174): The resistance as well as irregular shapes, such as marble chips, it was concluded
coefficient when related to the liquid-gas ratio passed through that shape imperfections have little effect on onset of turbulence.
a maximum as the latter decreased. The range of data was char- For perfect spheres the critical modified Reynolds number was
acterized by the Froude number range 0.1 to 1000, and velocities equal to about 24, whereas for the chips it waa near 8. A
P were above 10 feet per second. Keulegan (163) investigated flow study of effective area in packed spherical and ring beds wa+s
of liquids over each other which are ordinarily miscible. He made by Weisman and Bonilla (386). Measuring absorption
found that mixing begins a t a critical relative velocity which is a capacity data for the air-water system, a comparison of the
function of viscosities, densities, and density difference. Data Coefficients with the data of Taecker and Hougen pertaining to
on flow of Freon 12 and sulfur dioxide through capillaries were totally wetted particles disclosed that in heat transfer only ap-
collected by Marcy (I%), and a method for calculating capillary proximately 50% of the total packing area was effective. The
iength in adiabatic expansion was given. data were roughly in agreement with the direct measurements of
Subjects related to two-phase flow is the motion of send by wind Mayo and Grimley, but were essentially lower than the values
a n d in river beds. Papers on this and similar topics were written suggested by van Krevelen. Arthur et al. (20) studied air flow
by Kawamura (169),Labaye (180), and Kurihara (179). Data on through a layer of granules. The data could be correlated by the
flow of dust-iaden air through nozzles, and estimation of particle Kozeny equation; flow distribution measurements revealed higher
size therein were reported by Barth (29). Probably related to values near the Verne)!wall than in the core. Flow of heteroge-
two-phase flow is the work of Jones (166),which describes use of neous fluid mixtures through porous mediums was discussed
the Venturi scrubber for removal of dusts and fumes from gases. by Brinkman (68). The basis of discussion was the work
Spencer et al. (286) studied the compactness and frictional forces of Muskat. A description of the hypersorption process for
in powders acted on by limited fluid forces. separation of gases and liquids was presented by Berg et al. (85)
Passage of gas bubbles through liquid columns is an example in which unit assembly as well as individual unit details were
of two-phase flow which has wide applications and where as yet given. Munroe and Amundson (208) presented a mathematical

treatment of the problem of heat flow b e t w e n fluids and a moving particle diameter as well as solids density. Further expansion
bed of solids. A study of turbulent diffusion in beds of packed data of sands and glass powders in water, collected by Verschoor
solids was reported by Bernard and Wilhelm (57‘). Extensive (515), seemed t o indicate that, the ordinary laws that apply t o
data were obtained on the diffusion of a methylene blue solution flow through fixed packed beds are not strictly applicable t o
into water as well as carbon dioxide into air. Turbulent diffu- expanded columns, if the voidage is essentially in excess of 80%.
sion was significantly influenced by gross wall-generated eddies, I n a series of three comprehensive papers, Reis (240) reviewed
Singer and Wilhelm (279) studied heat flow through packed beds, many of the fundamental aspects, particularly those advanced in
and also attempted to ascertain the importance of turbulent dif- the United States. H e also described a photoelectric method
fusivity of the fluid in its relation to heat transfer. The effect of of analysis for studying density changes and the general uniform-
thermal gradients in fluids passing through porous mediums upon ity of the fluidized column and he presented a statistical approach
convection currents was investigated by Morrison et al. (205). A as to mechanism. Elgin and Foust (91) investigated the flow
paper of a somewhat different character was contributed by mechanics in spray towers and were able t o present their d a i s
Schwertz (269). The specific surface of sintered glass as measured in a form closely related to the fluidization correlations of Wil-
by adsorption studies was compared to that obtained by gas pene- helm and Kwauk. An entirely mathematical treatment of
tration. The adsorption method gave somewhat higher values adsorption in fluidized beds was given by Kasten and Amundson
of surface area, indicating the presence of pits and pores in the (168). I n their development of theory they resorted to the sim-
material which were not ordinarily available to gas flow through plification that the solids are uniform, porous, spherical particleb
the material. Other papers on flow through sand filters, soils, A method for measuring the relative porportion of solids and gas
and porous mediums, as encountered in oil reservoirs, were con- in a fluidized column JTas reported by Dotson et al. (86). Working
tributed by Grantham el al. (180), Klyachko (169), Van Everdin- with the coal-air system, changes in the dielectric constant of the
gen (311), and Van Deemter (510). column were found useful for this purpose. An alignment chart
A few papers appeared on liquid-liquid and liquid-vapor flow by Weintraub and Leva (585)permitted estimation of the onset
through packed columns. Breckenfield and Wilke (51) experi- of fluidization and solution of pressure drop problems for viscou,
mented with various sizes of rings, saddles, and spheres, and a flow through Lyed beds. An alignment chart by Gary (108)
rather broad selection of fluids. They suggested two correlation allowed prediction of space velocities in catalytic cracking units.
methods. In the Srst method the ratio of the velocities of the Rates of heat transfer and mass transfer withjn fluidized beds
continuous and discontinuous phases was related to a grouping were reported by Kettenring et al. (Is$),as well as by Jolley (154).
of system properties, whereas in the second method the sum of the Kettenring et al. worked with silica gel and activated alumina
square roots of the velocities was related to a somewhat different particles, ranging from 48 to 14 mesh. Working in the dense
grouping of variables. A good generalization for all packings phase with no net particle motion both heat transfer as well as
resulted when packing factors similar to those used in flooding mass transfer coefficients were reported to be only a fraction of
and loading work were included. Ballard and Piret ($5)made a that e.xpected in h e d beds under comparable particle size and
similar investigation with small rings. A “transition point” was flow conditions. Jolley, on the other hand, worked with coal
defined as that condition beyond which flow increase of the con- particles ranging from 1/,6 inch to subsieve sizes and reported
tinuous phase causes flooding or other changes in the flow pat- fluidized coefficients several times in excess of fixed bed data.
tern. A proposed generalized correlation is somewhat similar to It is possible that the discrepancy is related to the mode of d e k i -
t h a t of Breckenfield and Wilke. Main differences are that a tion of the temperature driving force. While Kettenring et al.
fluid density ratio was involved along with the velocity ratio assumed that the solids temperature in the bed was unchanged
and the packing factors entered the grouping of variables dif- along the vertical axis of the column and obtained the driving
ferently. An interesting approach to the problem of liquid- force from this value, and the gas temperature by means of
vapor flow through packed distillation columns was given by graphical integration, Jolley actually measured the rate of heat
Reed and Fenske (857). Using dimensional analysis an equation transfer calorimetrically by dipping metal blocks into fluidized as
of the Kozeny-Carman type was derived in which the column well as fixed beds, thus eliminating the need for measuring the
voidage was corrected by subtracting the liquid holdup. Working driving force.
with a wide variety of liquids and packings such as wire helices, Problems pertaining to pneumatic transport are related to
rings, and saddles the random scatter of the data, though appre- dilute phase fluidization. Korn (173) gave a brief review of air-
ciable, indicated the fundamental soundness of the approach. solids flow in pipes, presenting empirical correlations of pressure
I n a study of gas-liquid contacting in bubble columns by Shulman loss, friction factor, and specific solids loading factor. A paper
and Molstad (278) which mainly intended to measure the on the same subject, but of a theoretical nature, was given by
H.T.U. for this type of equipment with the gas entering the Wagon (523). Similarly, B paper by Bhandari (59) described
column through porous metal disks, limited gas flow pressure drop effect of drag and turbulence of flowing water on material trans-
data through such plates were given with the plates wet. A tower port in horizontal channels.
packing test study on Raschig rings, Prym rings, star bodies, Process. A review of fluidization applications to the oil and
spools, and Berl saddles was made by Schumacher (268). A gas industry, based mainly on practice in the United States was
new tower packing intended as a fractionating tower packing was given by Hancock (128). He also proposes a generalized correla-
described by Scofield (270). The packing has the shape of tion of data, based essentially on the resistance encountered when
corrugated trays of multilayer expanded metal lath. Packing spherical particles fall through fluids. Additional applications
factors were very much smaller than those of conventional were reported by Ellis (92). Williamson and Garside (334)
ceramic packings and the resulting flow capacities were corre- discussed the purification of coal gas by using a fluidized iron
spondingly higher. oxide bed. Madson (194) suggested using the fluidized technique
for purifying town gas in order to prevent hardening of the tower
charge and minimizing back pressure. Coal gasification data,
During the last year significant contributions were made on using carbon dioxide at 785 to 985’ C. and atmospheric pressure,
fundamentals of fluidization as well as along process development were reported by Novella (218)and data were reported in general
lines. (9) on such processes as the Lurgi process, Koppers dust gasifica-
Fundamental. A comprehensive review of basic work in the tion, and Winkler process, using noncoking coals. An interesting
United States was given by Wilhelm (552). New data in labora- gasification study, though not in the fluidized state, was reported
tory equipment were presented by Ciborowski (66) and the mini- by Perry et al. (,9,94). Using a vortex-type combustion chamber,
mum flow for fluidization was believed proportional both t o carbon convelaion and operational limits were closely related to
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 93
uniformity and distribution of coal in the machine. Kia-Ting, Robinson (264) showed that a modification of Einstein’s
Wang (166)applied fluidization to coal carbonization and claimed viscosity equation described the behavior of suspensions of 10-
t h a t under his particular condition, carbonization proceeded at a t o 30-micron glass spheres in six different liquids up to concentra-
good rate at 350’ C., a temperature well below conventional tions of 65% by volume. Ballantyne (24)and Alfrey and Rode-
values. Process data on the fluidized hydrogenation of Wyoming wald (8) studied the thixotropic behavior of bentonite suspen-
coals under only 1000 pounds per square inch, which is substan- sions.
tially lower than pressures used in European practice, were re- The complexity of the viscosity phenomenon is reflected in the
ported by Clark et al. (64). A description of a fluidized pilot plant numerous types of viscometers presented in current literature.
with operating data for the purpose of distilling oil from Alberta D e Bruyne (81) describes a viscometer for thick liquids; Stock
bituminous sands a t about 500” C. was described by Gishler (298) describes one for very mobile liquids. Daniel (77) con-
(115)and Peterson and Gishler (886). A process for obtaining structed a viscometer for low temperatures, Fokeev (@), one for
thiophene from hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide was described high pressures. Two papers (11, 506) described convenient
by Conary e t al. (66),carbonization of red wood (8)and a fluid- industrial methods of viscosity measurement. Two groups of
ized-type furnace were described (13); Counselman (73)reviewed investigators (66, 806) used flow through capillaries for highly
fluidized solids ore roasting practices. viscous greases.
The rotary-type viscometer received a considerable amount of
VlSCOSlM attention. Roscoe (866)studied the flow of viscous fluids around
The importancse of the viscosity function in estimation of fluid the plane paddle of such an instrument. Three other papers
flow creates constant interest in the evaluation, prediction, and (18,49, 887) described forms of rotating viscometers in which
proper use of viscosity values. The large number of fluids for different types of electrical systems provide the driving and meas-
1) which viscosity is now known to be a function of rate of stress uring force. Perhaps one of the best types of viscometer for non-
has focused attention on such “non-Newtonian” fluids. Two Newtonian liquids is described by Egginbotham (137). He
books by Reiner (638, 239) describe the basic analysis necessary rotated a flat plate and measured the force necessary t o prevent
for understanding the flow of complex fluids. Kirkwood, Buff, motion of a cone whose tip rests on the center of the plate. The
and Green (167) present a statistical mechanical theory of trans- fluid under study is between the cone and plate. Even for non-
port processes. Rivlin (260)attempted to find, from kinematic Newtonian fluids, a simple relation exists between the applied
and dynamic considerations, the most general equations govern- force and the apparent viscosity, because in this system the rate
ing the motion of non-Newtonian fluids and then (84.9) applied of shear of the fluid, and hence the shearing stress, is constant.
his equations to flow through a tube of circular cross section.
Fromm (107)calculated the laminar flow of a fluid for which the
stress was a simple function of rate of strain; Shchipanov (876)
developed formulas for rate of flow and pressure distribution in The methods and problems of flow measurements received
tubes and annuli, allowing for point-to-point variation in both considerable attention during the past year, with the major por-
viscosity and limiting shear stress of the fluid. Van Olphen tion going, as usual, t o the orifice meter and its modifications.
($13) analyzed the pressure drops through various components Valby (309) and Taylor (899) gave elementary discussions of
of the drilling mud c i r c u i t i . e . , annulus of casing, drill bit, etc. the principles of orifice metering. Jacobson (149) and Martin
$haw (274) pointed out that until a more thorough knowledge (197) reviewed the practical aspects of orifice meter calculations
of viscosity variation is obtained, viscosities should be measured and Arnold (18)presented a nomographic aid. Constance (68)
at pumping velocities. The pumping of highly viscous materials gave a brief discussion of the related problem of estimation of free
is discussed by Worcester (338). discharge rates of water from orifices.
The viscosity-temperature relationship is the subject of study Linden and Othmer (188) studied flows through orifices of
by Goettner (117, 118) who found fault with the present vis- l / t ~o a/le-inch diameter. Collacott (66) measured discharge
cosity index, and by Sanderson (869)who developed a new index coefficients through chamfered orifices and nozzles and showed
of viscosity-temperature variation. Donovan (84) presented a that the best angle of chamfer was a function of the flow rate.
nomograph for the viscosity-temperature relationship for petro- Stringer (894) discussed the metering of liquid fuel flow and the
leum oils, and Hennenhoefer (134) reported data for lubricating accuracy of orifice meters. Folsom (101)investigated the various
oils at very low temperatures. dimensional parameters of nozzle flowmeters, while Beitler and
Keyes (164) made a critical survey of recent work on the vis- Masson (33) measured coefficients for eccentric and segmental
cosity of steam. More complex fluids reported on included orifices. Belcher and Ingram (S4) discussed capillary orifices as
pulping waste liquors (170),caustic solutions (814), and cement- wide range flowmeters. Finniecombe (97) and Perry (2%)
water pastes (124). The fact that the mechanics of even “simple” both discussed gas flow in the critical range.
fluids is not well understood is shown by the number of papers The development and application of the variable area (rotam-
(181, 168, 139,186,333) published on the estimation of the vis- eter) type of flowmeter was discussed by Bourne and Wunderle
cosity of gas and liquid mixtures. Rivlin (861) made a mathe- (48), Krause (1761, Hoffman (I@), Hicks (136), and Fritzsche
matical analysis of the motion of a molecule relative t o its center (106). Hartzell(131) made a thorough study of the fundamentals

. of gravity when situated in a given force field, and showed that

the flow properties of solutions of macromolecules are a function
of interatomic forces and orientation within the molecule. Pan-
of the basic weir formula, while Stancati (288) discussed the
various types of weirs in use with their respective discharge
equations. The theory of the hot wire anemometer was the
chenov (218) derived a n expression for viscosity of a liquid in subject of two thorough papers by Kovasznay (176) and by
terms of molecular radius, latent heat of evaporation, and other Corrsin (70), while Middlebrook and Piret (808) described some
measurable properties. of the techniques involved in the use of this device. Thrasher
Other attempts t o solve some of the mysteries of the forces and Binder (302)showed t h a t the proper position of the static
creating viscosity in fluids included the study of high polymer hole of the Pitot tube is a function of the velocity when the fluid
solutions. Hermans (136)studied cellulose nitrate solutions. is a gas of Mach number greater than 0.25. Goudy and Colvin
Ferry and co-workers (96) studied energy absorption from two (119) described s device similar to multiple Pitot tubes which,
different types of sources. Mason and co-workers (800)measured without moving parts, gives both velocity and direction of gas
the viscous response of solutions to ultrasonic frequencies. Fox flow. Other papers describing modifications of the Pitot tube
and Flory (103)paid special attention to the discontinuities in were those by Stoll(893), First and Silverman (98), and Girerd and
properties of polystyrenes when going from liquid t o glass. Guienne (114).
Burwell et al. ( 6 7 ) described the use of wet test meters for gas pulses, resulting from reciprocating compressor action. Voorhees
flow measurements. Three other papers (id?‘, 266, 344) dis- (321) described construction of a pump for feeding fluidized
cussed the measurement of small flows in the laboratory. catalyst masses into reactors, maintained under pressure.
Practical problems in meter applications were the subject of a Design factors required for pumps to handle efficiently highly
number of reports. Parsons (220) described the problems en- viscous fluids were stressed by Riester (848). Wright (341) re-
countered in metering oxygen. Work (339) discussed the me- ported on basic facts related t o proper selection of pumps. A
chanical characteristics of ring balance-type meters. The effect most comprehensive survey of centrifugal pumps, their construc-
of oscillations in metered systems is considered by Kito (168), tion, performance, auxiliaries, etc. was given by Karassik (167).
Yates (3&), Cuenod (76),Schaaf and Cyr (860),andTaback (296). Construction of constant feed laboratory pumps and a diffusion-
‘ The latter author points out the possible deleterious effect type machine was described by Brain et al. (60) and Harrington
when the lines transmitting the pressures to the instruments (150). Various other papers on turbines and compressors were
have natural resonating frequencies close to that of the system contributed by Walti (324), Pantell (619), Martinuzzi (199),
oscillations. Other aspects of flow metering, industrial appli- Smith ($go), Kohl (I%‘), and Richter (246).
cations and flow controlling, were covered by other writers (67, Cavitation. Accelerated cavitation tests were described by
110, i62,193,811). Rheingans (243), using a vibratory-type accelerated cavitation
New instruments described include a mass-rate flowmeter (ago), machine. Pfleiderer (228) pointed out that pumps and water
a torsion balance (93),a thermal anemometer ( I S $ ) , a subsurface turbines operate most economically when their speed is just below
oil-well flowmeter (291 ), and three types of electronic pressure cavitation speed and he also emphasized how this limiting speed
change detectors (19, 79, 80) capable of high speed of response. is related to construction features of the machines. The growth
and collapse of cavitation bubbles were investigated by Plesset
MECHANICAL (230). Vogelpohl(818) reported on foam formation in oils caused
Piping. A very large number of papers have appeared on by cavitation. Petracchi (227’)is of the opinion that the destruc-
piping. Many of these were concerned with purely mechanical tive nature of cavitation is not caused directly by the resulting
features and economic analyses and, although related t o fluid mechanical stresses, but rather by the corrosive action, primarily
flow, the subject matter was frequently too removed from the electrical, which the mechanical stresses set up. He suggested,
primary purpose of this review t o be included in great detail. therefore, a possibility of protection by cathodic coupling.
Sandaker, Markovits, and Bredtschneider (658) reported on Other papers related to cavitation were contributed by Birkhoff
high pressure piping (10,300 pounds per square inch), as is used and Caywood (44), Gawn ( l o g ) , and Daily (76).
in coal hydrogenation work. The authors have described con-
struction of such elements as joints, fittings, and valves. Expan- MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL ASPECTS
sion joints and their proper use were also the subject of a paper by Mathematicians and aerodynamicists have published a consid-
Wolosewick (337). Miller (208) wrote on the effect of external erable amount of work which is of interest t o chemical engineers.
and internal loading on stresses and size of pipe. Other papers The following section is a survey, not a thorough review, of the
on methods and designs of supports for piping for wide applica- many fields investigated by these two groups of scientists.
tions were contributed by Soronen (883), Blick (46),York ( 3 4 3 ) , General. Schlichting (864) presented an article on the
and Bridge (62). theory of turbulence. Sears (272) discussed flow in the transonic
A note on the relative merits of gate and globe valves, when range-Le., in the velocity range close to that of sound. Von
used as throttle valves was sent in by Reynolds (242). On the Neumann and Richtmeyer (319) simplified the differential
basis of simple circuit diagrams, Pellettere (223) discussed sizing equations of hydrodynamics so that they became amenable to
and selection of control valves. numerical integration for conditions of supersonic Aow. Prim
A displacement method based on the injection of aqueous ( 2 3 4 ) showed that a streamline pattern uniquely describes a
ammonia a t a definite point into a line and observing the rate of flow-i.e., all flows described by a given set of streamlines have
travel downstream was suggested by Wright (340)for measuring simply proportional velocity fields. Schafer and Tollmein
gas flow rate. In a similar method of measurement (16) the salt (266) integrated the flow equations in a simple form. Rebesin
injection was suggested for water caprying lines. Specifications and Johnson (236) analyzed the effect of friction a t high velocities
appeared (6, 7) on stoneware pipes and fittings as well as specific on the flow equations due to changes in temperature and, conse-
data pertaining to lead pipe, such as chemical composition, wall quently, in other properties of the field, while Eggers (89) and
thickness, and metal grain details. Millsaps ( 2 0 4 ) studied the effect on supersonic flow of deviations
A review of piping in chemical plants waa given by Waeser from the ideal gas laws. Supersonic flow patterns against various
(322),and general design conditions of a transcontinental line were boundaries were studied by Schaefer (26f),Hudimoto (1,459,
given by Ricketts (247). Methods of cleaning the surface of Kawamura (160),Barry and co-workers (87), and Allen ( 3 ) .
pipe prior t o coating with bitumen were reported by Mudd (807); Three groups of investigators (210, 835, 253) reported on the
Stephens (290) described an exTansible fluid-actuated pipe-line related problem of high speed flow into ducts, such as jet air in-
cleaner. Whalley ( 3 6 8 )and Stegner (289)reviewed principles and take. Howarth ( f d l ) , Cap (60), and Bannister and Mucklow
practices of protection of lines by cathodic means. Cost figures (26) investigated unsteady flow in different aspects of supersonic
and economic analyses were given by Fernandino (96) and and high subsonic flow.
Dickson (82). Boundary Layer. When a fluid and solid have high relative
pumps and Compressors. Many papers have appeared velocities, the properties and behavior of the layer of fluid ad-
which deal with construction and operation of machines for fluid jacent to the surface have a most important influence on the
handling. Since many of these types are probably covered under forces acting between the fluid and solid.
‘%faterials Handling” in this Unit Operations Review, only a few The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (N.A.C.A.)
papers will be mentioned here which more directly involve funda- ( 2 6 6 ) has published a translation of a series of lectures given in
mental considerations. 1941 by Schlichting on the theory of this “boundary layer”’ in
Beck et al. (31) developed a bellows-type pump for handling both laminar and turbulent flow. The paper presents a com-
gases up to 500 pounds per square inch. By using an oil system, prehensive, if somewhat dated, study of the subject. Another
a counterbalancing pressure is maintained on the outside of the N.A.C.A. translation ( 1 4 6 ) presents an involved mathematical
bellows. A review of the development of centrifugal pumps, study of the laminar boundary layer and a method of plotting
especially in Germany, was given by Huebner (144). Baird and velocity profiles. Trilling (806) developed approximate solutions
Bechtold ( 2 2 )wrote on the generation and nature of gas-pressure of the differential equations for a boundary layer with arbitrary

pressure and suction distribution, while Wieghardt (331 ) carried valve closing. Kerr, Kessler, and Gamet (161) discussed the
out an experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layers. influence of fluid compressibility and Ludwig (191), the effect of
Another interesting analysis by Goertler (116)of the flow patterns pipe-line friction on the same problem.
of a laminar boundary layer along a plate of periodic wave surface Flow through geometrically more complex channels was inves-
showed t h a t under some conditions the drag on such a surface tigated by Taylor (196) who made some interesting analyses of
may be less than t h a t for a plane surface. flow through a swirl chamber spray nozzle, Binnie and Davidson
Jets. The dynamics of jet flow from orifices was studied from ( 4 2 ) who studied the whirlpool formed when liquid flows by
several viewpoints. gravity through an orifice in the bottom of a large reservoir and
Viand (317) analyzed flow from ram-jets in the practical terms also the jet emerging from it, and Kirkham (166) who analyzed
of static pressure, thrust, and fuel consumption. Pack (216) the flow into discontinuities in an impermeable tube laid hori-
made a theoretical study, with some experimental verification of zontally in the ground below a water table. Sretenskif (687) dis-
the “wave length” of small fluctuations in a uniform supersonic cussed the period of the annular waves formed in a fluid rotating
jet as a function of mean velocity. Corrsin and Uberoi ( 7 1 ) in a circular cylinder of infinite depth. The hydrodynamics of oil
investigated turbulence levels, temperature fluctuations, and films in bearings is involved in papers by Barwell and Milne (50),
temperature-velocity correlations on a heated turbulent air jet. Roach (962), and Cope (69), while Balje ( 2 3 ) uses aerodynamics
The mixing of jets with the surrounding air was studied in terms to compute the efficiencies and characteristics of radial compres-
of local gas velocities by Chapman (61), Squire (286), Hinze sors and turbines.
and Zijnen (I%), and Pai (217), while Bershader and Pai ( 3 8 ) Laboratory Equipment. Many of the difficulties involved in
studied the same phenomenon in terms of local density variation. the study of flow patterns and of high velocity flow are derived
Flow around Objects. Mathematical and experimental from the lack of instruments capable of making the necessary
* study of the flow around objects immersed in a fluid was under- measurements. Solutions of these difficulties are frequently com-
taken by a number of investigators. plex, but also occasionally ingeniously simple.
Whitham (329) developed a theory of supersonic flow past a Taylor (300) described the N.A.C.A. method of visualizing air
body of revolution sufficiently far from the axis that the linear flow patterns by injecting finely divided balsa wood, while
approximations used by others no longer hold. He presented Hagerty (115)utilized an optical property of glycerol-water solu-
equations for the shocks formed and also developed a theory for tions to study viscous fluid flow problems. Ducker (86) describes
slender bodies which is presumably valid at all distances from the a graphic method for local pressure determination in nonbranch-
axis. ing gas lines. Bleakney and Taub (4.6) describe the shock tube-a
Tomotika rand Aoi (303) studied flow patterns, pressure drag, simple device for creating and studying plane shock waves. Two
and viscous drag of a viscous fluid around a sphere and a circular articles (6,187)describe wind tunnel equipment, and a n article by
cylinder, while Shiffman (277)and Birkhoff (43) both undertook Poritsky and co-workers (181) describes various methods of
the study of the drag produced by the cavity formed behind an studying two-dimensional and axially symmetrical compressible
obstacle immersed in a flowing incompressible fluid. flow. Ivey (148) presents a mechanical analogy for flows in the
Flow around a multiplicity of objects was analyzed by Snedden hypersonic range (velocities five or more times greater than t h a t
and Fulton (281) for the case of two spheres in series within a of sound), while Becker ( 3 2 ) gives a brief review of N.A.C.A.
stream of perfect incompressible fluid, Ackerett and Rott (1) work on hypersonic speeds, flow visualization at pressures below
for air flowing at sonic velocities through an unstaggered grating which schlieren techniques fail, and unsteady flows. Two other
of symmetrical profiles, and LoitsyankiI (189)for compressible papers describe schlieren equipment. The first (16) gives an ele-
flow over a cascade of profiles at subsonic velocities. Tyler mentary description of the General Electric Company’s inte-
(308)‘describes several different available theoretical methods for grated schlieren light source, and the other (166) describes a
calculation of two-dimensional flow past cascades of air foils. sharp-focusing schlieren source which permits study in different
Study of somewhat more complex systems was made by Taylor planes parallel to the flow.
(197) for air flow through a porous plate; Taylor and Batchelor Miscellaneous. High velocity flow in open channels waa the
(298) studied the effect of wire gauze on turbulence reduction in a subject of a symposium by Ippen et al. (147). Gas flow in pipe
gas stream and on damping of small disturbances superimposed on lines and deviations from ideal behavior were discussed by Owen
a uniform flow. (216). Gundersen (193) wrote on flow measurement methods in
Flow through Channels. Flow through simpler paths has particular and summation of two or more flows. A theoretical
not been neglected either. Starting with Mikuradse’s clmsical discussion of the use of models for solution of problems in fluid
data, Legendre (184) derived a velocity distribution equation dynamics was given by Barth (28). In a series of two papers
somewhat similar to t h a t of von KhrmBn, but more complex, and Burrows (66) described the logarithmic vector charts of Eiffel
representing the original data more closely at the wall and axis. and discussed application t o flow of liquids in full pipe lines.
Tomotika and Hasimoto (304)made a mathematical analysis of Hubbard (149)proposed use of the electrical analogy method in
gas flow through an axially symmetric nozzle. Falkovich (94) fluid mechanics research. Leaf and Atchison (183)have outlined
also studied nozzle flow, more specifically in th,e velocity range of how colloidal clay solutions can be used in gas flow studies. Air
transition from subsonic to supersonic. investigation of drainage of bubble cap columns was reported by
. Pekeris (222) studied the damping and propagation of small
disturbances in laminar flow of fluid between parallel fixed walls
while Laufer (182) made detailed measurements of velocity
Huitt et al. (14.6); a theoretical paper discussing Bernoulli’s
theorem in relation t o viscous compressible flow was contributed
by Truesdell (307); Witty (336)wrote on gas flow in vacuum
fluctuations, correlations, and microscales throughout a turbulent systems; and Joffe (163) discussed storage capacity in long
channel and its laminar sublayer. Flow over weirs took on an natural gas pipe lines.
international aspect with studies of three different phases by Rhodebush (24.4) wrote on dynamics of gas flow with emphasis
Vedernikov (ais),Veronese (SIC), and Lamoen (181). Gilmore,. on supersonic motion and shock waves. A mathematical discus-
Plesset, and Crossley (111) showed the resemblance between hy- sion of flow through cylindrical reactors where, by means of eddy
draulic jump equations and shock equations and discussed the diffusivity, the residence time was calculated, was contributed by
analogy method for the study of shocks. Bosworth (47).
Unsteady flow of liquids through circular conduits resulting in Books by Binder (41), Scott-Blair (271), Prandtl (232),
“water-hammer” is also reported on. Dvukhsherstov (88) Richardson (245),Schlag (263),Kochin (171),and Jaeger (150)on
investigated the effect of elasticity and shape of the conduit on fluid mechanics, dynamics of real fluids, and hydro- and aerody-
pressure and speed of propagation of the shock caused by rapid namics appeared.
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Rivlin, R.S.,Trans. Faraday Soc., 45,Part 8,739-48(1949). (305)T r i m W.M.. Chem. Ena.. 57,No. 5.158-7 (1950).
Roach. A. E.. Mech. Ena.. 71.293-6 (1949). (306) Trifiing, L., J ; Aeronaut.-Sci.,’l7,335 (June 1950).
Roberts, H. ’E., and Laiigtry, B. D., J : Aeronaut. Sci., 17, (307)Truesdell, C., Phya. Rev., 77,No. 4, 535-6 (1950).
429-35 (1950). (308) Tyler, R. A,, Natl. Res. Council Canad. Aeronaut., Note AN-4
Robinson, J. V., J . Phys. & Colloid Chem., 53,1042-56 (1949). (1 949).
Roscoe, R., Phil. Mag., 40,338-51 (1949). (309) Valby, E., Instruments, 23,517-18(1950).
Rose, H.E., and Rizk, A. h4. A., Proc. Inst. Mech. E n p a . (310)Van Deemter, J. J., Applied Sci. Research, A2, No. 1, 33-63
(London), 160,493-503,504-11 (1949). (1949).
Ross, D., and Robertson, J. M., J . Applied Phus., 21,557-61 (311) Van Everdingen, A. F., and Hurst, W.,A m . Inat. MPn. M e t .
(1 950). Engrs., Tech. Pub. 2732, Petroleum Technol., 1, 305-6
Sandaker, J. H., hlarkovits, J. A., and Bredtschneider, K. B., (1949).
Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., 72,365-72 (May 1950). (312)Van Wingen, N., Wodd Oil, 129,KO.7, 156-8 (1949).
Sanderson, R. T., Lubrzcation Eng., 5,283-7 (1949). (313)Vedernikov, J. J., Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 59,KO.3,
Schaaf, S. A., and Cyr, R. R., J . Applied Phus., 20,No. 9, 447-50 (1948).
860-3 (1949). (314)Veronese, L4.,Energia Elett., 25,638-41 (1948).
Schaefer, M.,Hdqrs. Air Mat. Comm. Dayton, Transl. F-TS- (315)Verschoor, H., Applied S c i . Research, A2, No. 2, 155-61
1203-1A (1949). (1950).
Schafer, M., and Tollmein, W., Natl. Adv. Comm. Aeronaut., (316)T’erschoor, H., Trans. Inst. Chem. Engr. (London), Advance
Tech. Memo. 1243 (1949). copy 42-6(Feb. 14,1950).
Schlag, A., “Conduit Flow of Liquids, Gases, and Vapors,” (317)Viand, L., Rec. Aeronaut. Paris, 8,53-62 (March/April 1949).
254 pp., Paris, Dunod, 1949. (318) Vogelpohl, G.,Forsch. Gebieta Ingeniaurw., 16,No. 4,109-12
Schlichtina. H.. Forsch. Gebiete Inaenieurw.. 16, No. 3,65-78 (1 949/50).
(1949/&). (319)Von h’eumann. J.. and Richtmever. ~, R. D... J . Amdied
-- Phvs.. 21,
Schliohting, H., Natl. -4dv. Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. Memo. 232-7 (1950). ‘
1217. 1218 i i l ~ r i 1949).
l (320)Von Vugt. F. C. L.. Inaenieur. 62,KO.8 , 01-OU (February
(266) Sohnacky, J. E:, 6hem. Eng., 56,No. 7,117-18 (1949). 1950);
(267) Schultz, B. H., Applied Sci. Research, Al, No. 5-6,387-416 (321) Voorhees, V., U. S. Patent 2,495,152 (Jan. 17,1950).
(1949). (322)U‘aeser, B., Chem. Ing. TechnoZ., 21,461-3(1949).
(268) Schumacher, R., Erdtil u. Kohle, 2,501-8 (1949). (323)Wagon, H., 2. Ver. deut. Ing., 92,No. 21,577-80 (July 1950).
(269) Schwertz, F. A., J . Applied Phus., 20,1070-75 (1949). (324)Walti, O.,Techn. Rundschau, Sulzer, No. 2, 13-24 (1949).
(270) Scofield, R.C., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, No. 8,405-14(1950). (325) Weintraub, M., and Leva, M,, Chem. Eng., 57,No. 1, 110-13
(271) Scott-Blair, G. W., “A Survey of General and Applied Rhe- (1950).
ology,” 2nd ed. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1949. (326)Weisman, J., and Bonilla, C. F., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,1099-
(272) Sears, W. R., J . Applied Phvs., 21,No.8,771-8 (1950). 1105 (1950).
(273) Seiferth, R., and Krueger, W.,2. Ver. deut. Ing., 92,8 (March (327)Weisz, P. B., U. S.Patent 2,485,424 (Oct. 18,1949).
1950). (328)Whalley, W.C.R., J . Inst. Petroleum, 35,705-33 (1949).
(274) Shaw, A. M., Chem. Eng., 57,No. 1, 116-17 (1950). . Whitham. G. B.. Proc. Row. SOC.(London). A201 KO.1084,
(275) Shchipanov, P. K., Colloid. J . (U.S.S.R.), 12, 363-8 (Septem- 89-109 (1950).‘
ber-October 1949). (330)Widell. T.. Znaen. Vetensk. Akad.. Tidsk. Tekn. Forsk., 20,
(276) Shepherd, F.B., I d . Chemist, 26,160-2 (April 1950). No. 2,60-74(1949).
(277) Shiffman, M., Commun. Applied Math., 2,1-11 (March 1949). (331) Wieghardt, K., 2. Angew. Math. Mech., 25/27,145-59 (1947).
(278) Shulman, H.L.,and Molstad, M. C., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, (332)Wilhelm, R. H., Research, 3,No. 4,159-65 (1950).
1058-70 (1950). (333)Wilke, C. R., J . Chem. Phys., 18,517-19(1950).
(279) Singer, E.,and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, (334)Williamson, R. H.,and Garside, J. E., Gas WorEd, 130,
NO.7,343-57(1950). 1999-2001 (1949); 131,119-25(1950).

(335)Witty, R., J . Sci. Instruments, 26, No. 9, 316 (September (341)Wright, R. E.,IND.ENCI. CHEM.,42,81A-82A(July 1950).
1949). (342) Yates, c. F., Gus Age, 104,25-30 (Dec. 22,1949).
(336)Wolfe, 0.. Oil Gas J., 48, 189, 191-5 (Oct. 6, 1949); 91-4 (343) York, J. E.,Heating and Ventilating, 47, No. 5, 57-60 (1950);
(Oct. 13,1949);94-5 (Oct. 20,1949). NO.6,92-4(1950).
(337) Wolosewick, F.E.,PelroEeum Refiner, 29,No.5, 146-50 (1950). (344) Young, 3. W., Millet, H. M., and Pierce, A. G., Petroleum
(338)Worcester, W. E.,Ibid., 29,No.2,115-21 (1950). Eng., 22B,45,48,51 (February 1950).
(339)Work, C.W., Ibicl., 29,No. 8,89-90 (1950). RECEIVED November 1, 1950. Published by permission of Director, Bureau
(340)Wright, J. C.,OiE Gas J., 48,99,101,102-3(March 16,1950). of Mines, Washington, D. C .


The last review period was marked by the appearance of an increased number of books on treated thoroughly, and illustrative
heat transfer and also b y a number of excellent general papers treating various theoretical examples are included.
aspects of heat transfer and other transfer processes, and the similarities between them. Un- Heat transfer work, stimulated by
classified work associated with various phases of the nuclear energy effort appeared in sub- the atomic energy program, was pre-
stantial amount and much information was also added to the literature in the fields of con- sented in at least three unclassified
vection, boiling, condensatlon, conduction, industrial applications, and thermometry. publications. In a paper illustrated
with many examples related t o
nuclear energy, Bonilla (10) pre-

HE significant recent advances in heat transfer have been sented a concise review of the principles of steady state and
reviewed and analyzed by McAdams (60) ; he also indicated transient conduction, followed by convection and considera-
the fields in which further developments are needed. A tions of pressure drop. A series of lectures sponsored by
study of the theory of turbulence and its applications to fluid NEPA (Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft) was com-
friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer has been presented by piled by Cowen (19). The subjects covered were: elements of
Sherwood (78). The similarities of these three transfer processes heat transfer by Stoever; high-density heat fluxrto water by
were illustrated by the simple interrelationships of experimental McAdams; calculation of conduction by Dusinberre; measure-
data, except for the case of fluid friction when skin friction is but ment of changing temperature by Hawkins; recovery factors bv
a small portion of total drag. A psychrometric study, including Emmons; pressure drop in commercial exchangers by Short;
theory and test data for “wet bulbs” made of volatile solids, was velocity gradient at a tube wall by Miller; boiling water by
presented by Bedingfield and Drew (6). Maisel and Sherwood Scorah; equipment by Coons; network analyzers by Bubb;
(63)measured evaporation rates of liquids from planes, cylinders, heat transfer to granular materials by Pigford; solar radiation by
spheres, and disks into a turbulent flow of air. In both of these Marco; infrared radiation by Garber; gravitational diffusion
investigations good agreement was obtained between heat and by Rouse; heat transfer a t sonic velocities by Keenan; thermo-
mass transfer. Ruhemann (69) investigated transfer of heat dynamics of flow by Shapiro; radiation by Hottel; condensation
and matter in an ammonia absorber, and in the case of fiuidized by Colburn; fixed bed converters by Wilhelm; aircraft exchangers
beds, Kettenring, Manderfield, and Smith (48) measured heat by Valerino; boiling under pressure by Bonilla; finned tubes by
transfer and diffusion coefficients between air and alumina or Katz; alloys by Freeman; tubular exchangers by Bergelin;
silica powder, presenting heat transfer coefficientscalculated from recirculating atmosphere furnaces by Siebert; fundamental con-
a temperature difference integrated against bed depth. The heat siderations by Boelter; molten metals by Martinelli; and seg-
transfer coefficients were found to increase more rapidly with mentally baffled shell and tube exchangers by Tinker. Though
mass velocity in fluidized beds than has been observed with fixed some of these papers have been published elsewhere, other im-
beds. portant data are available for the first time in this compilation.
A book by Kern (@), specifically directed to heat transfer appli- A handbook on liquid metals by Lyon (69) reflects the possible
cations in the process industries and characterized by the inclusion use of liquid metals as heat transfer fluids where the extremely
of numerous, fully worked-out design problems, particularly for the high heat transfer rates of liquid metals would be important.
petroleum industry, has been published. Dusinberre (24) has
discussed the application of numerical methods to the solution of CONVECTION
conduction problems for which analytical solutions for steady
and transient flow become too unwieldy for general engineering Local heat trangfer coefficients for superheating steam were
* use. A general study of thermal insulation was provided by determined by McAdams, Kennel, and Addoms (61) for several
Wilkes (sa), and an expanded, second edition of the book by sections of an electrically heated vertical annulus (0.25 and 0.382
Jakob and Hawkins (38)on elements of heat transfer and insula- inch in diameter and 12.3 inches long). The wide range of condi-
tion has been issued. An “Introduction to the Transfer of tions studied included pressures froni 115 to 3500 pounds per
Heat and Mass” was published by Eckert (66)and a book on heat square inch absolute, temperatures from 430’ to 1000° F., and
and temperature measurement by Weber (81) is available. An temperature differences of 100’ to 620’ F. The data were corre-
English book on heat transfer by Fishenden and Saundera (97) lated in terms of Nusselt, Prandtl, and Reynolds numbers, and
and a German book by Kiihne (61) dealing with the fundamentals length t o diameter ratio, using the equivalent diameter and
of calculation of surface requirements in heat exchangers have properties a t the film temperature. With new thermal conduc-
been published. Although not listed in these reviews when the tivities of steam, the maximum deviation of 212 points from the
“Heat Transfer Notes” first appeared, attention is drawn to resulting correlation was 17%. More data from the comprehen-
this extensive book of lecture notes that was prepared for graduate sive program for coefficients through tube banks became available
instruction by Boelter et al. (9). Theoretical considerations are in a paper by Bergelin et al. (7). The present results showed that,

(335)Witty, R., J . Sci. Instruments, 26, No. 9, 316 (September (341)Wright, R. E.,IND.ENCI. CHEM.,42,81A-82A(July 1950).
1949). (342) Yates, c. F., Gus Age, 104,25-30 (Dec. 22,1949).
(336)Wolfe, 0.. Oil Gas J., 48, 189, 191-5 (Oct. 6, 1949); 91-4 (343) York, J. E.,Heating and Ventilating, 47, No. 5, 57-60 (1950);
(Oct. 13,1949);94-5 (Oct. 20,1949). NO.6,92-4(1950).
(337) Wolosewick, F.E.,PelroEeum Refiner,29,No.5, 146-50 (1950). (344) Young, 3. W., Millet, H. M., and Pierce, A. G., Petroleum
(338)Worcester, W. E.,Ibid., 29,No.2,115-21 (1950). Eng., 22B,45,48,51 (February 1950).
(339)Work, C.W., Ibicl., 29,No. 8,89-90 (1950). RECEIVED November 1, 1950. Published by permission of Director, Bureau
(340)Wright, J. C.,OiE Gas J., 48,99,101,102-3(March 16,1950). of Mines, Washington, D. C .


The last review period was marked b y the appearance of an increased number of books on treated thoroughly, and illustrative
heat transfer and also b y a number of excellent general papers treating various theoretical examples are included.
aspects of heat transfer and other transfer processes, and the similarities between them. Un- Heat transfer work, stimulated by
classified work associated with various phases of the nuclear energy effort appeared in sub- the atomic energy program, was pre-
stantial amount and much information was also added to the literature in the fields of con- sented in at least three unclassified
vection, boiling, condensatlon, conduction, industrial applications, and thermometry. publications. In a paper illustrated
with many examples related t o
nuclear energy, Bonilla (10) pre-

HE significant recent advances in heat transfer have been sented a concise review of the principles of steady state and
reviewed and analyzed by McAdams (60) ; he also indicated transient conduction, followed by convection and considera-
the fields in which further developments are needed. A tions of pressure drop. A series of lectures sponsored by
study of the theory of turbulence and its applications to fluid NEPA (Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft) was com-
friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer has been presented by piled by Cowen (19). The subjects covered were: elements of
Sherwood (78). The similarities of these three transfer processes heat transfer by Stoever; high-density heat fluxrto water by
were illustrated by the simple interrelationships of experimental McAdams; calculation of conduction by Dusinberre; measure-
data, except for the case of fluid friction when skin friction is but ment of changing temperature by Hawkins; recovery factors bv
a small portion of total drag. A psychrometric study, including Emmons; pressure drop in commercial exchangers by Short;
theory and test data for “wet bulbs” made of volatile solids, was velocity gradient at a tube wall by Miller; boiling water by
presented by Bedingfield and Drew (6). Maisel and Sherwood Scorah; equipment by Coons; network analyzers by Bubb;
(63) measured evaporation rates of liquids from planes, cylinders, heat transfer to granular materials by Pigford; solar radiation by
spheres, and disks into a turbulent flow of air. In both of these Marco; infrared radiation by Garber; gravitational diffusion
investigations good agreement was obtained between heat and by Rouse; heat transfer a t sonic velocities by Keenan; thermo-
mass transfer. Ruhemann (69) investigated transfer of heat dynamics of flow by Shapiro; radiation by Hottel; condensation
and matter in an ammonia absorber, and in the case of fiuidized by Colburn; fixed bed converters by Wilhelm; aircraft exchangers
beds, Kettenring, Manderfield, and Smith (48) measured heat by Valerino; boiling under pressure by Bonilla; finned tubes by
transfer and diffusion coefficients between air and alumina or Katz; alloys by Freeman; tubular exchangers by Bergelin;
silica powder, presenting heat transfer coefficientscalculated from recirculating atmosphere furnaces by Siebert; fundamental con-
a temperature difference integrated against bed depth. The heat siderations by Boelter; molten metals by Martinelli; and seg-
transfer coefficients were found to increase more rapidly with mentally baffled shell and tube exchangers by Tinker. Though
mass velocity in fluidized beds than has been observed with fixed some of these papers have been published elsewhere, other im-
beds. portant data are available for the first time in this compilation.
A book by Kern (@), specifically directed to heat transfer appli- A handbook on liquid metals by Lyon (69) reflects the possible
cations in the process industries and characterized by the inclusion use of liquid metals as heat transfer fluids where the extremely
of numerous, fully worked-out design problems, particularly for the high heat transfer rates of liquid metals would be important.
petroleum industry, has been published. Dusinberre (24) has
discussed the application of numerical methods to the solution of CONVECTION
conduction problems for which analytical solutions for steady
and transient flow become too unwieldy for general engineering Local heat trangfer coefficients for superheating steam were
* use. A general study of thermal insulation was provided by determined by McAdams, Kennel, and Addoms (61) for several
Wilkes (sa), and an expanded, second edition of the book by sections of an electrically heated vertical annulus (0.25 and 0.382
Jakob and Hawkins (38)on elements of heat transfer and insula- inch in diameter and 12.3 inches long). The wide range of condi-
tion has been issued. An “Introduction to the Transfer of tions studied included pressures froni 115 to 3500 pounds per
Heat and Mass” was published by Eckert (66)and a book on heat square inch absolute, temperatures from 430’ to 1000° F., and
and temperature measurement by Weber (81) is available. An temperature differences of 100’ to 620’ F. The data were corre-
English book on heat transfer by Fishenden and Saundera (97) lated in terms of Nusselt, Prandtl, and Reynolds numbers, and
and a German book by Kiihne (61) dealing with the fundamentals length t o diameter ratio, using the equivalent diameter and
of calculation of surface requirements in heat exchangers have properties a t the film temperature. With new thermal conduc-
been published. Although not listed in these reviews when the tivities of steam, the maximum deviation of 212 points from the
“Heat Transfer Notes” first appeared, attention is drawn to resulting correlation was 17%. More data from the comprehen-
this extensive book of lecture notes that was prepared for graduate sive program for coefficients through tube banks became available
instruction by Boelter et al. (9). Theoretical considerations are in a paper by Bergelin et al. (7). The present results showed that,
at a given pumping power loss, heat transfer decreased with pitch lyzed the possible reduction of aerodynamic heating by injection
and with tube diameter, and that the highest coefficients are ob- of coolant into the boundary layer (sweat cooling), and Jakob
tained with the smaller tubes and tube pitches in staggered ar- et aZ. (39) studied heat transfer from an air jet to a plate simulatc
rangements. Though a volumetric equivalent diameter appeared ing aircraft windshield icing,
useful in correlating heat transfer and pressure drop data, no Middlebrook and Piret (64) described the elimination of elec-
final correlations were presented in this paper. A more empirical trolysis in hot wire anemometry applied to water.
analysis of shell-side coefficient, based on literature data, was pre-
sented by Donohue (9@, who found that the coefficient could be BOILING
correlated satisfactorily using the geometric mean of a cross-flow
Larson et al. (63) presented some data on the effect of a spiral
and longitudinal-flow mass velocity between baffles and through turbulence promoter on the evaporation of Freon-12 inside hori-
baffle openings, respectively, for baffled shells. A correlation of
zontal tubes. The effect of additional turbulence on boiling was
available heat transfer data was also presented for unbaffled
also studied by Haselden and Peters (33), who boiled liquid
ahells, and pressure drop correlations were included for both types
oxygen and nitrogen from horizontal and vertical tubes. The
of shells.
boiling coefficient was observed to rise rapidly with temperature
Another presentation of data on heat transfer to water at
difference, and mechanical agitation increased the coefficient
high rates with and without surface boiling was offered by Kreith
a t low temperature differences; however, this increase became
and Summerfield ( & I ) , who reported that temperature difference
smaller as temperature difference increased, disappearing at a
between the mall and the saturation temperature, rather than the
temperature difference of 7 ” F.
bulk temperature of the fluid was an important correlating vari-
Bromley (19)presented a theory and supporting experimental
able. In another paper (49)the same authors presented further data for film boiling from a horizontal tube in the stable fiIm
data on surface boiling for aniline saturated with water and for
range a t temperature differences much greater than the critical
dry butyl alcohol. Though not conclusively demonstrated, it value. These conditions, which normally are avoided in process
appeared that surface boiling, and the resulting high coefficients, work, do provide stability for increases in heat removal because,
occur when the surface temperature exceeds the bubble point of
even a t high fluxes, the flux increases with temperature difference.
the liquid. It was also observed that after the onset of surface
Such stability is absent in nuclear boiling close to the critical
boiling, heat flux was an additional variable affecting pressure temperature difference, where a small temperature difference in-
drop. crease may cause vapor binding and a sharp decrease in heat
Analytical papers were presented by Seban (71) on heat trans- removal.
fer for a turbulent flow of fluid between parallel walls, and by The effect of surface tension in boiling heat transfer was studied
Harrison and Menke (38),who made use of the data of Xikuradse by Morgan et al. (65) Scaling of evaporator surfaces was studied
in setting u p a theory for heat transfer to liquid metals flowing in by Langelier et al. (59) for sea water distillation, and by Vener and
channels heated asymmetrically. Thompson (79) for evaporation of aodium sulfate solutions.
Heat transfer of interest in fixed-bed reactors was studied in
three papera. Singer and Wilhelm (74) set up a four-step mecha- CONDENSATION
nism for heat transfer from a gas to the walls of a packed tube.
It was assumed that heat would flow to the tube wall by con- Haselden and Prosad (34) condensed oxygen and nitrogen on
duction in the fluid phase, by particle-contact transfer, by solid- the outside of small vertical tubea and got data that agreed well
to-fluid transfer, and by fluid transport. The appropriate rela- with the Nusselt equation. Preliminary results on mixtures of
tionships were derived and they were checked against experi- oxygen and nitrogen, after an allowance for temperature drop in
mental data. Good agreement was obtained. Verschoor and the vapor film next to the condensate layer, were found to lie
Schuit (SO)obtained data for steam heating of air in a vertical between the data for the pure components. Guter (SI) con-
tube packed with glass spheres, steel and lead balls, pumice, and densed nitrogen inside small vertical tubes and found t h a t upward
cylindrical terrana pellets. One run was also made xith hydro- flow of vapor into a single condensing tube resulted in sharply
gen. The data were correlated on the basis of an equivalent limited coefficients when free vapor entry into the tube was
conductivity of fluid in the empty tube, and a Reynolds number blocked by condensate held up in the tube. This could be avoided
was calculated using a “diameter” equal to the volume per unit by downward vapor flow, which was also obtained by operating
of partide surface. In general, these Dutch results agreed well tubes in parallel with the top ends opening into one common
with available American data. Heat exchange in packed re- space.
actors was analyzed mathematically by Munro and Amundson Fatica and Katz (26) presented an analytical paper on dropwise
(67). condensation and Silver (73) studied cooling of gases with con-
Heat transfer in agitated, jacketed cast iron vessels was densation of contained water. Gloyer (30)presented a detailed
investigated by Brown et al. ( 1 4 ) ; Inglesent and Storrow (37‘) empirical design procedure for condensers in petroleum applica-
presented data on the coefficients from a coil to unstirred water. tions and for coolers in compressor stage cooling service.
Heat transfer and pressure drop data were presented by itIc-
Mahon et al. (66) for a new type of heat exchanger which was CONDUCTION
developed for low temperature service. This exchanger is com- New thermal conductivity data were presented by Keyes
posed of perforated aluminum plate8 held together with neoprene (M) for steam up to 150 atmospheres, and by Keyes and Sandell
gaskets. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient varied (46)for steam and nitrogen up to the same pressure. These new
with Reynolds number raised to an index between 0.9 and 1.14. data were somewhat lower than recent Russian data in the case
Ahsmann and Kronig (I) reported that the convection heai of steam, but agreement was better for nitrogen. Lindsay and
transfer coefficient between an axial wire and a tube was increased Bromley (66)presented a correlation for the thermal conductivity
by the imposition of an electric field. of gas mixtures, and Beatty et al. (4) reported a rapid, rigorous,
Stalder et al. (76) and Wimbrow (85) measured temperature unsteady-state method of determining thermal conductivity
recovery factors for a flat plate and for bodies of revolution, data for homogeneous materials. British specifications and
respectively, a t supersonic speeds. Heat transfer measurements recommendations ( l a ) on thermal insulating materials between
a t supersonic velocities were made by Scherrer and Gowen (70) 200° and 450’ F. were published, and Prim et al. (68) studied
for a 20’ cone and by Wimbrow and Scherrer (86) on a body of conductivity of fixed beds of powders experimentally and found
revolution based on a parabola. Both investigations agreed with that the conductivity dropped as the pressure of hydrogen, air,
theoretical predictions for cones. Klunker and Ivey (46) ana- or carbon dioxide was decreased to 0.1 mm. of mercury.

The theory of heat transfer t o surfaces buried in the earth, as (4) Beatty, I(.O., Armstrong, A. A., and Schoenborn, E. M., IND.
in heat-pump applications, was discussed by Ingersoll e2 aZ. ($6) ENQ.CHEM.,42, 1527 (1950).
(5) Bedingfield, C. H., and Drew, T. B., Zbid.,42,1164 (1950).
and the problem of radiant heating from tubes embedded in slabs (6) Bergelin, 0. P., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 71, 871 (1949).
was studied on the “analogger” by Kayan (Q), and also by (7) Bereelin. 0. P.. Brown. G. A.. Hull. H. L.. and Sullivan. F. W..
Bridgers (11). , --,- - -
A numerical method for steady-state conduction through a Bethon, H. E., Z b k , 71, 855 (1949).
Boelter, L. M. K., Cherry, V. H., Johnson, H. A., and Marti-
wall, based on first satisfying boundary conditions and then nelli. R. C.. “Heat Transfer Notes,” Berkeley and Los
checking the internal flow pattern, was illustrated by Lutz Angeles, Univ. of California Press, 1946.
(68). Bonilla, C. F., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tech. Inform.
Div., M-4476 (1949).
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Bridgers, F. H., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 72, 341 (1950).
British Standards Inst:, London, S.W. 1, Brit. Standard 1588
I n the low temperature field, a system for cooling and purify- (1949).
ing partially dried air to liquefaction temperatures, using periodic Bromley, L. A., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 221 (1950).
thawing cycles in duplicate exchangers, was described by Craw- Brown, R. W., Scott, R., and Toyne, C., Trans. A m . Inst.
ford (do), and a perforated plate exchanger for reversing ex- Chem. Engrs., 25, 181 (1947).
Butler, R . C., and McCurdy, W. N., Jr., Trans. A m . SOC.Mech.
changer use was discussed by Williams (84). Reference may also Engrs., 71, 843 (1949).
be made to a n older paper by Hausen (86),who presented a Campobasso, J . J., and Latham, A., Jr., Ibid., 71, 837,(1949).
mathematical study and experimental data for regenerators Carbon, M. W., Kutsch, H. J., and Hawkins, G. A., Zbid.,
used in air liquefaction service. 72, 655 (1950).
Corfield, G., Gus,26, No. 2, 19 (1950).
For higher temperature service, London and Kays (66) pre- Cowen, D., “Heat Transfer Lectures,” NEPA Division, Fair-
c sented a discussion on the use of compact, plate-& extended child Engine and Airplane Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn.
surfaces for gas turbine regenerators, and Dinan (81) reported Crawford, D. B., C h a . Eng. Progress, 46,74 (1950).
heat transfer and flow friction data for plate and louvered fin Dinan, J. J., “Report on Investigation of Basic Heat Transfer
and Flow Friction Data for Gas Turbine Plant Regenerator
surfaces and plate and pin-fin surfaces for gas turbines suitable Surfaces,” U. S. Naval Eng. Expt. Sta., Annapolis, Md.,
for naval shipboard installation. Heat exchange equipment for June 24, 1948.
a 5000-kw. gas turbine generator was described by Fusner (88); Donohue, D.A., IND. ENG.CREM.,41,2499 (1949).
Trumpler et al. (77) discussed some advantages for cooling in- Dougherty, P. F., and Brooks, C. H., Trans. Am. Sac. Mech.
Engrs., 71, 839 (1949).
corporated into a centrifugal compressor. Dusinberre, G. M . , “Numerical Analysis of Heat Flow,” New
In the case of the more usual process exchangers, a new edition York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1949.
of the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers’ Eckert. E.. “Introduction to the Transfer of Heat and Mass,”
Association was published (78). I n a comprehensive symposium New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
on the problem of fouling of industrial exchange equipment, Fatica, N., and Katz, D. L., Chem. Eng Progress, 45, 661 (1949).
(27) Fishenden, M., and Saunders, 0. A., “An Introduction to
John (40) described mechanical cleaning and Loucks and Heat Transfer,” London, Oxford University Press, 1950.
Groom (67) described chemical cleaning of fouled exchangers. (28) Fusner, G. R., Mech. Eng., 72,316 (1950).
Discussions were presented by Dougherty and Brooks (23) for (29) Garber, H. J., and Tiller, F. M., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42, 456
cleaning tubular heat exchangers, by Butler and McCurdy (16) (30) Gloyer, W., Ibid., 42, 1361 (1950).
for refinery exchangers, and by Weiland et al. (82) for unfired (31) Guter, M., Inst. Chem. Engrs, and Low Temp. Group of the
heat exchangers. Scale formation and control in compression Phys. SOC.(London),Advance Copy, Nov. 8,1949.
distillation of sea water was studied by Campobasso and (32) Harrison, W. B., and Menke, J. R., Trans. Am. SOC.Meck.
Engrs., 71, 797 (1949).
Latham (16),and fouling of marine heat exchangers was de- (33) Haselden, G. G., and Peters, J. I., Inst. Chem. Engrs. and Lou,
scribed by Bethon (8). The symposium included a panel dis- Temp. Group of the Phys. SOC. (London), Advance copy,
cussion led by Bergelin (6). Nov. 8, 1949.
Laughrey et al. (64) described designs of paste preheaters and (34) Haselden, G. G., and Prosad, S., Ibid., Nov. 8 , 1949.
(35) Hausen, H., 2. Ver. deut. Ing., Verfuhrenstech.,1942, 31.
exchangers in a demonstration coal hydrogenation plant and (36) Ingersoll, L. R., Adler, F. T., Plass, H. J., and Ingersoll, A. C.,
Bearer et al. (8) presented results of tests of ceramic pebbles Healing, Piping, Air Conditioning, 22, N o . 5, 113 (1950).
to determine suitability for pebble heater service. Typical of a (37) Indesent, H., and Storrow, J. A., Ind. Chemist, 26, 313 (1950).
number of recent German papers is one by Kuhne (60) in which (38) Jakob, Max, and Hawkins, G . A., “Elements of Heat Transfer
and Insulation,” 2nd ed., New York, John Wiley & Sone, 1950.
methods of evaluatjng heat exchangers are set up. Garber and (39) Jakob, M., Rose, R. L., and Spielman, M., Trans. Am. SOC,
Tiller (29)reported further work on infrared heating and Cor- Mech. Engrs., 72, 859 (1950).
firld (18) reviewed various heat transfer fluids. (40) John, A,, Ibid., 71, 825 (1949).
(41) Kasan, C. F., Heating, . Pipino,
. Air Conditioning, 22, No. 5,
123 (1950).
(42) Kern, D. Q., “Process Heat Transfer,” New York, McGraw-
Morgan and Danforth (66) described and tested thermo- Hill Rook Co.. 1950.
(43) Kettenring, K. N., Manderfield, E. L., and Smith, J. M.,
couples using tungsten, tantalum, and molybdenum for service Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 139 (1950).
up t o 3000”C., and Allen and Hrtmm (2)reported on a pyrometer (44) Keyes, F. G., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,72,433 (1950).
- for measuring total temperature in low density gas streams.
Experimental data were obtained by Carbon et al. (17) €or the re-
(45) Keyes. F. G.. and Sandell. D. J., Trans. Am. SOC.Nech. Engrs.,
72, 767 (1950).
(46) Klunker, E. B., and Ivey, H. R., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aero-
sponse of fine wire thermocoupIes in air, and Kolomiets and naut., Tech. Note 1987 (December 1949).
Scheftel (47) proposed the use of a semiconductor, such as (47) Kolomiets, B. T., and Soheftel, I . T., Zhur. Tekh. Fiz., 17,:1106
uranium oxide, in resistance thermometry. Smith (76) pre- (1947).
sented a paper on heat conduction errors in temperature measure- (48) Kreith, F., and Summerfield, M . , Trans. A m . SOC.Mech. Engrs.,
71, 805 (1949).
ments using wells. (49) Ibid., 72, 869 (1950).
LITERATURE CITED (50) Kuhne, H., Chmie-Ing.-Tech., 22, 168 (1950).
(51) Ktihne, H., “Die Grundlagen, der Berechnung von Oberflllcher-
(1) Ahsmann, G., and Kronig, R., Applied Sci. Research, A2, 235 Warmeaustauschern,” Gottingen, Vandenhoech and R u p >
(1950). recht, 1949.
(2) Allen, S., and Hamm, J. R., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 72, (52) Langelier, W. F., Caldwell, D. H., Lawrence, W. B., and Spauld.
851 (1950). ing, C. H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 126 (1950).
(3) Bearer, L. C., Findlay, R. A., and Goins, R. R., Petroleum (53) Larson, R. L., Quaint, G. W., and Bryan, W . L., Refrig. Eng.,
Refiner, 28, No. 12, 104 (1949). 57. 1193 (1949).
102 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY Vol. 43, No. 1

(54) Laughrey, P. TI’., Gwillim, W. I., Schappert, H., and Marko- (70) Scherrer, R., and Gowen, F. E.. Natl. Advisory Comm. Aero-
vits, J. A., Trans. Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs.. 72, 385 (1950). naut., Tech. N o t e 2087 (May 1950).
(55) Lindsay, A. I,., and Bromley, L. A,, IND. END..CHEM.,42, (71) Seban, R. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., 72, 789 (1950).
1508 (1950). (72) Sherwood, T. K., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 2077 (1950).
(56) London, A. L., and Kays, W. M., Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., (73) Silver, L., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 25, 30 (1947).
72, 611 (1950). (74) Singer, E., and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 343
(57) Loucks, C . hf., and Groom, C. H., Ibid., 71, 831 (1949). (1950).
(58) Lutz, O., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. Memorandum (75) Smith, L. E., Trans. Am. Soc. iMech. Engrs., 72, 71 (1950).
1280 (April 1950). (76) Stalder, J. R., Rubesin, M. W.,and Tendeland, T., Satl.
(59) Lyon, R. X . , “Liquid Metals Handbook,” Department of Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. N o t e 2077 (June 1950).
Navy and Atomic Energy Commission, 1950. (77) Trumpler, W. E., Frederick, R. TV., and Trumpler, T’. R.,
(60) McAdams, TV. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 121 (1950). Trans. Am. Soc. iMech. Engrs., 72, 797 (1950).
(61) McAdams, W-.H., Kennel, W. E., and Addoms, J. N., Trans. (78) Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers’ Assoc., “T.E.M.A. Stand-
Am. SOC.Mech. Engrs., 72, 421 (1950). ards,” New York, 1949.
(62) McMahon, H. O., Rowen, R. J., and Bleyle, G. A., Jr., Ibid., (79) Vener, R. E., and Thompson, A. R., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 464
72, 623 (1950). (1950).
(63) Maisel, D. S., and Sherwood, T. K., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, (80) Verschoor, H., and Schuit, G. C. A, Applied Sci. Research, A2,
131 (1950). 97 (1950).
(64) bliddlebrook, G. B., and Piret, E. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, (81) Weber, R. L., “Heat and Temperature AMeasurement,” New
1511 (1950). York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1950.
(65) Morgan, A. I., Bromley, L. -1..a n d TYilke, C. R., Ibid., 41, 2767 (82) Weiland, J. H., hfcCay, R. C., and Barnes, J. E., Trans. A m .
(1949). Soc. Mech. Engrs., 71, 849 (1949).
(66) Morgan, F. H., and Danforth, W. E., J . Applicd Phgs., 21, (83) TVilkes, G. B., “Heat Insulation,” New York, John ’Wiley Bi
112 (1950). Sons, 1950.
(67) Munro. W. D.. and Amundson, N. R.. IND.ENG. CHEM., (84) Williams, R., Jr., Chet/b. Knq., 56, No. 12, 104 (1949).
(85) W5mbrow. W7. R., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut.. Tech.
. I

42, 1481 (1950).

(68) Prins, J. A., Schenk, J., and Schram, A. J. G. L., Physica, 16,
Note 1975 (October 1949).
(86) Wimbrow, W’. R., and Scherrer, R., Ibid., 2148 (August 1950).
379 (1950).
(69) Ruhemann, M., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 25, 158 (1947). REOEIVED
October 25, 1950.

EXCHANGE .________


During the past three years, interest in ion exchange applications outside the water condi- erties. These materials have opened
tioning field has increased markedly, largely through the introduction of durable, high capacity many new fields of application to
resins having a wide range of properties. Various investigators have attempted to explain the newly recognized unit opera-
the mechanism of ion exchange without developing as yet a universally accepted theory. tion, ion exchange. There is scarcely
Studies have included the application of ion exchange in water softening, such as its use in a field of chemistry and chemical
removing residual hardness from the effluent of a hot lime-soda process. The use of ion ex- engineering that has not found this
change in deionizing photographic wash water, in the production of formaldehyde, in the unit operation of interest.
recovery of milk products, and in the sugar, ceramics, and beverage industries has received
attention. Ion exchange permits the separation of rare earth metals, amino acids, ribonu- REVIEWS
cleotides, and fission products and may also serve as an analytical tool and as a catalyst.
Biological applications include sodium reduction therapy, the treatment of ulcers, and the
During the year, several note-
reduction of the acute toxicity of atropine.
worthy reviews on ion exchange
have appeared that are of con-
siderable interest from both an in-

REVIEW of the developments made in the field of ion ex- dustrial and an academic point of view. Of general interest
change during the past year takes on an added significance are the review of Myers (3?),Nachod (209), Lundberg ( l 7 9 ) ,anti
in that the year 1950 marks the hundredth anniversary of Rabek (836). Of particular importance to the water-conditioning
the f i s t publications of Thompson and Way, two English agri- field are the review of Kahler and Wantz (154), Siebel ($70),
cultural chemists generally considered the discoverers of t’he Fleisher (96), and Hertz (131). Summaries of applications in the
phenomenon of ion exchange. It is of considerable interest a t various industries have been prepared by Austerneil (12, 13),
this time to trace the attention given to this unit operation over Demmerle (69),Futlerknecht (102), Wesly (304), and Cerriia
the past years. Although the importance of a unit operation may (45). I n England, an editor (187) presented a review of recrnt
be measured in terms of tons of chemicals produced, dollar value developments in ion exchange rpsins and techniques. A most
of production, or size of installations involved, another significant interesting popularized review of ion exchange has been prr-
measure of interest or importance of a unit operation is its wide- sented in the Corrosion Reporter. (61), an industrial house organ,
spread utility. A measure of interest can be determined therefore including an excellent discussion of the historical background of
b y the number of publications in this field and b y the distribution ion exchange. Although the above reviews and summaries over-
of these publications in the various industries. lap considerably, they indicate conclusively the coming of age o f
The results of a study of this nature are summarized in Figure 1. ion exchange as a widely useful unit operation.
Although the data need very little explanation, two striking
points are the relatively large increase in interest during the past THEORY
3 years and the widespread interest during this period in applica-
tions outside of the water-conditioning field. These developments Contributions t o the elucidation of the theory of ion exchaiige
are a direct result of the commercial development of high capacity have been many; however, a unified theory has not been univer-
and durable ion exchange materials having a wide range of prop- sally accepted as yet. Davis ( 6 4 4 6 ) has developed further his
102 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY Vol. 43, No. 1

(54) Laughrey, P. TI’., Gwillim, W. I., Schappert, H., and Marko- (70) Scherrer, R., and Gowen, F. E.. Natl. Advisory Comm. Aero-
vits, J. A., Trans. A m . SOC.Mech. Engrs.. 72, 385 (1950). naut., Tech. N o t e 2087 (May 1950).
(55) Lindsay, A. I,., and Bromley, L. A,, IND. END..CHEM.,42, (71) Seban, R. A., Trans. A m . Soc. Mech. Engrs., 72, 789 (1950).
1508 (1950). (72) Sherwood, T. K., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 2077 (1950).
(56) London, A. L., and Kays, W. M., Trans. A m . Soc. Mech. Engrs., (73) Silver, L., Trans. A m . Inst. Chem. Engrs., 25, 30 (1947).
72, 611 (1950). (74) Singer, E., and Wilhelm, R. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 343
(57) Loucks, C . hf., and Groom, C. H., Ibid., 71, 831 (1949). (1950).
(58) Lutz, O., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. Memorandum (75) Smith, L. E., Trans. Am. Soc. iMech. Engrs., 72, 71 (1950).
1280 (April 1950). (76) Stalder, J. R., Rubesin, M. W.,and Tendeland, T., Satl.
(59) Lyon, R. X . , “Liquid Metals Handbook,” Department of Advisory Comm. Aeronaut., Tech. N o t e 2077 (June 1950).
Navy and Atomic Energy Commission, 1950. (77) Trumpler, W. E., Frederick, R. TV., and Trumpler, T’. R.,
(60) McAdams, TV. H., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 121 (1950). Trans. A m . Soc. iMech. Engrs., 72, 797 (1950).
(61) McAdams, W-.H., Kennel, W. E., and Addoms, J. N., Trans. (78) Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers’ Assoc., “T.E.M.A. Stand-
A m . SOC.Mech. Engrs., 72, 421 (1950). ards,” New York, 1949.
(62) McMahon, H. O., Rowen, R. J., and Bleyle, G. A., Jr., Ibid., (79) Vener, R. E., and Thompson, A. R., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 464
72, 623 (1950). (1950).
(63) Maisel, D. S., and Sherwood, T. K., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, (80) Verschoor, H., and Schuit, G. C. A, Applied Sci. Research, A2,
131 (1950). 97 (1950).
(64) bliddlebrook, G. B., and Piret, E. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, (81) Weber, R. L., “Heat and Temperature AMeasurement,” New
1511 (1950). York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1950.
(65) Morgan, A. I., Bromley, L. -1..a n d TYilke, C. R., Ibid., 41, 2767 (82) Weiland, J. H., hfcCay, R. C., and Barnes, J. E., Trans. A m .
(1949). Soc. Mech. Engrs., 71, 849 (1949).
(66) Morgan, F. H., and Danforth, W. E., J . Applicd Phgs., 21, (83) TVilkes, G. B., “Heat Insulation,” New York, John ’Wiley Bi
112 (1950). Sons, 1950.
(67) Munro. W. D.. and Amundson, N. R.. IND.ENG. CHEM., (84) Williams, R., Jr., Chet/b. Knq., 56, No. 12, 104 (1949).
. I

42, 1481 (1950). (85) W5mbrow. W7. R., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronaut.. Tech.
(68) Prins, J. A., Schenk, J., and Schram, A. J. G. L., Physica, 16, Note 1975 (October 1949).
(86) Wimbrow, W’. R., and Scherrer, R., Ibid., 2148 (August 1950).
379 (1950).
(69) Ruhemann, M., Trans. A m . Inst. Chem. Engrs., 25, 158 (1947). REOEIVED
October 25, 1950.

EXCHANGE .________


During the past three years, interest in ion exchange applications outside the water condi- erties. These materials have opened
tioning field has increased markedly, largely through the introduction of durable, high capacity many new fields of application to
resins having a wide range of properties. Various investigators have attempted to explain the newly recognized unit opera-
the mechanism of ion exchange without developing as yet a universally accepted theory. tion, ion exchange. There is scarcely
Studies have included the application of ion exchange in water softening, such as its use in a field of chemistry and chemical
removing residual hardness from the effluent of a hot lime-soda process. The use of ion ex- engineering that has not found this
change in deionizing photographic wash water, in the production of formaldehyde, in the unit operation of interest.
recovery of milk products, and in the sugar, ceramics, and beverage industries has received
attention. Ion exchange permits the separation of rare earth metals, amino acids, ribonu- REVIEWS
cleotides, and fission products and may also serve as an analytical tool and as a catalyst.
Biological applications include sodium reduction therapy, the treatment of ulcers, and the
During the year, several note-
reduction of the acute toxicity of atropine.
worthy reviews on ion exchange
have appeared t h a t are of con-
siderable interest from both an in-

REVIEW of the developments made in the field of ion ex- dustrial and an academic point of view. Of general interest
change during the past year takes on an added significance are the review of Myers (3?),Nachod (209), Lundberg ( l 7 9 ) ,anti
in that the year 1950 marks the hundredth anniversary of Rabek (836). Of particular importance to the water-conditioning
the f i s t publications of Thompson and Way, two English agri- field are the review of Kahler and Wantz (154), Siebel ($70),
cultural chemists generally considered the discoverers of t’he Fleisher (96), and Hertz (131). Summaries of applications in the
phenomenon of ion exchange. It is of considerable interest a t various industries have been prepared by Austerneil (12, 13),
this time t o trace the attention given t o this unit operation over Demmerle (69),Futlerknecht (102), Wesly (304), and Cerriia
the past years. Although the importance of a unit operation may (45). I n England, an editor (187) presented a review of recrnt
be measured in terms of tons of chemicals produced, dollar value developments in ion exchange rpsins and techniques. A most
of production, or size of installations involved, another significant interesting popularized review of ion exchange has been prr-
measure of interest or importance of a unit operation is its wide- sented in the Corrosion Reporter. (61), an industrial house organ,
spread utility. A measure of interest can be determined therefore including an excellent discussion of the historical background of
b y the number of publications in this field and b y the distribution ion exchange. Although the above reviews and summaries over-
of these publications in the various industries. lap considerably, they indicate conclusively the coming of age o f
The results of a study of this nature are summarized in Figure 1. ion exchange as a widely useful unit operation.
Although the data need very little explanation, two striking
points are the relatively large increase in interest during the past THEORY
3 years and the widespread interest during this period in applica-
tions outside of the water-conditioning field. These developments Contributions t o the elucidation of the theory of ion exchaiige
are a direct result of the commercial development of high capacity have been many; however, a unified theory has not been univer-
and durable ion exchange materials having a wide range of prop- sally accepted as yet. Davis ( 6 4 4 6 ) has developed further his

theoretical equilibrium equation by statistical thermodynamics DO

and has extended his theory to irregular systems and to systems
containing polyvalent ions. Krishnamoorthy and Overstreet
(162-165) have found their data on silicates and ion exchange ?O
resins to fit this theory very well. Ekedahl, Hogfeldt, and
Sillen (89, 135, 136) have attempted to apply the Gibbs-Duhem
equation t o their cation exchange equilibrium data, assuming the 30
exchanger to behave as a solid solution, and have calculated the
activities of the components of the resin phase. Other ion ex-
change equilibria data and formulations have been presented by 70

Bhatnagar (dS), Bishop (25), Duncan and Lister (84), Gregor

(112, lis),Hamada (123), Mayer (192),and Miller (197). Char-
acterizations of ion exchangers by means of acid-base neutraliza-
tion curves have been carried out by Topp and Pepper (293) and
Gupta (116, 117) on a number of exchanger types. A complete
characterization of a strongly basic anion exchange resin has been
presented by Bauman and Wheaton (21, 306). 3
Considerations on the elucidation of the theory of chromatog-
raphy have been presented by Glueckauf (110), Amundsen (5), IO -

and Gapon (103, 104) along with supporting data. Further

data t o support the ionic sieve effect in ion exchange materials
have been presented by Barrer (19, 20), Richardson (246), and 30
Kunin and Myers (170). Further advances in the theory of ionic
and ion exchange membranes have been made by Chatterjee and
Marshall (467, Eriksson (91),Flood and Benson (97),Jenny, Niel- ?O

sen, Coleman, and Williams (147),Juda and McRae (161),Kress-

man (16i), Sollner (274),Wyllie and Patnode @ I S ) , and Zhukov
(310). The data obtained by Huizenga, Grieger, and Wall (140)
and Kuhn, Hargitay, Katchalsky, and Eisenberg (167) on poly-
acrylic acid systems have been helpful in explaining tho mechanism
and behavior of carboxylic acid-type cation exchange resins. A 0

kinetic study of isotopic exchange reactions in heterogeneous

systems has led to an equation which fails for reactions t h a t are Figure I, Distribution of Ion Exchange Publications 1907
to 1950
diffusion-controlled in the solid phase (214). Ion exchange sys-
tems involving insoluble precipitates have been studied by Grig- (168). The corrosiveness of water in water conditioning has
orov and Tarshis (116) and Wiklander (309). An interesting been reviewed by Haase (111)and the status of fluorides in waters
study on the thermal decomposition of the ammonium salt of ion has been reviewed by Faber (94).
exchangers has been presented by Malquori and d e h g e l i s (186).
Exchange equilibria in silicates have been studied further by DEIONIZATION
Borland and Reitemeier ( 3 4 , Davydov and Lisovina (67), Although over a decade old, the deionization of water by ion
Eaton (85),Mortland and Gieseking (i?O4), and Wiklander (308). exchange remains one of the most intriguing phases of ion ex-
Ion exchange and other ionic equilibria have been studied for change operations. Recent developments in this phase of the unit
‘various fabrics, protein, and cellular substances by several investi- operation have proved the technique to be a significant rival t o
gators (33, 38, 43, 77, 90, 154, 185, 191, 192, 245, 279). distillation. However, a close comparison of the two unit opera-
tions, ion exchange deionization and distillation, indicates t h a t
WATER SOFTENING the two unit operations will supplement each other in many in-
stances and t h a t the nature of the application will ascertain the
The water softening installation a t Los Angeles has been more suitable method of purification to be chosen. The two
described by Aultman (11), and a comparison has been made of modes of operation do not yield the same results. I n certain
the performance of the inorganic gel zeolites and the polystyrene instances, deionization by ion exchange can yield a much higher
resinous exchanger in this plant by Streicher and Bowers (282). purity than distillation; in other cases, distillation is the preferred
An interesting application of ion exchange in water softening has method.
been the removal of residual hardness from the effluent of a hot Two large scale deionization units for industries have been
lime-soda process using a polystyrene-type cation exchanger. reported (48, 256). Yoder, Webb, and Baumeister (314, 315)
This application has been described by Page and Wantz (220) have compared the technical and economic aspects of ionization

. and Lindsay, Wirth, and Durinski (176). A review of recent

German developments in ion exchange softening has been made by
evaporation and have concluded t h a t in most cases deionization is
to be preferred. Further studies on the removal of silica during
Reichelt (239, 240). The need for water softening ion exchange deionization have been reported by Calise and Lane (40) and
Operations in several industries has been reviewed by Miedendorp Jukkola and Roberts (162). Studies (49, 169, $00) on the mixed
(196), Hewlett (IS$), Hammerschmidt ( 1 2 4 , and Davis (63). bed or monobed deionization method have shown the method to
The use of sea water as a regenerant has been discussed by Lind- be practical on a large engineering scale; the new technique has
say (175),and the softening of sea water by ion exchange has been been preferred to the conventional mode of deionization in
studied by Juda, Kasper, and Potter (149). An economic survey many instances. Production of water having a quality of
of ion exchange softening and other ion exchange’ operations has 20,000,000 ohms on an industrial scale has been achieved by
been evaluated critically by Monet (208). Anionic softening this technique. Improvements in regeneration techniques of the
and total softening have been studied by Kunin and Klaas (168). ion exchange resins have been reported by Appelquest (7),
The effect of chlorine on exchanger beds and the sterilization of Calise (39), Gilwood and Calmon ( l o g ) , Kortschak, Gill, and
water softening exchange beds has been studied by Braithwaite, Payne (169),Mindler and Gilwood ( d o l ) , Roberts (80, 247),
D’Amico, and Thompson (36), and Klumb, Marks, and Wilson and Sard (263, 864). Of considerable interest is the tech-

nique oi Juda, Katz, and Rosenberg (150) on the use of lime to RECOVERY AND PURIFICATION
regenerate both weak and strong base anion exchangers. Fur- The use of ion exchange in the recovery and purification of solu-
ther work has been reported (264,291) on the deionization of sea tions and water supplies containing various metals has been
water and brackish water. The deionization or dealkalization studied by Bloodgood and Strickland (28), Costa (62), Imhoff
ot water for the beverage industry has been considered by Hall (I@), Mindler, Gilwood, and Saunders (do%),Placak and Morton
(122), Salac (250), Waroway (298), and Zarow (318). Gregor (832), and others (227, 834). Employing ion exchange, Apple-
and Sherman (114) have found deionization of interest for photo- zweig (8)and Xukherjee (205)haverecoveredalkaloids from plant
graphic wash water. Phelps (231) has considered the deioniza- extracts. Antibiotic purification by ion exchange has also re-
tion of water used in ceramic slip casting, and Whittaker (307) has ceived considerable attention (15, 99, 174). Inulin (211) and
proposed the use of deionization for clay slurries in ceramic quinolinic acid (127) have been studied with the aid of ion ex-
applications. Eisman, Kull, and Mayer (88) have found the change. The use of ion exchange in the alcoholic beverage indus-
deionized water obtained immediately after regeneration to be t r y is becoming of considerable interest (12, 14, 106, 200, 208,
sterile or nearly so. 151, 256). I n other food industries, various organic substances
The use of deionization in the various phases of sugar refining are being recovered by ion exchange (95, 157,213, 628, 230,268).
is still receiving considerable attention. Barghi (18), Dickinson Yorston (316, 317) employing a strong base anion exchanger has
( 7 4 , Jacobs and Rawlings ( 1 4 4 , Michener, Fitch, and Roberts recovered sugars from sulfite waste liquors.
(195), Rinehart (246), Sawyer (255), and others (184) have
reported on various phases of ion exchange operation in beet PREPARATIONS
sugar refining. Henry and Clifcorn (128), Rogge (248), Taylor
(288),and others (217, 271) have studied deionization in dextrose I n recent years, ion exchange has become useful on both a
purification. Further studies on the use of ion exchange in sugar laboratory and industrial scale for preparing various compounds.
have been reported by Austerweil ( 1 4 , Gayle (107), Haagensen Blanco and Perkinson (26) have prepared gallium citrate. Hy-
(110), Williams (310). and others (1-3, 215, 219, 266, 280). drogen peroxide has been prepared from sodium peroxide by
Deionization in the recovery of milk products has been studied Campbell and Lefson (42), using a cation exchanger. Rhode-
by Gehrke and Almy (108) and Garrett (105). A palatable bev- hamel, McCormick, and Kern (244) have prepared the free base
erage has been prepared from forage crops with the aid of deion- of dihydrostreptomycin with a strong base anion exchanger.
ization (111). A large scale deionization plant for producing Klement (156), Van Wazer (295),and Baker, Loev, and McCutch-
formaldehyde has been described by Pope (233). The use of eon (16) have used ion exchange for preparing the various complex
deionization in purifying glycerol has been described by Reents inorganic acids. Devlin, hIcNabb, and Hazel (72) have prepared
and Kahler (169, 138) and a British patent (4). vanadium pentoxide sols with a cation exchanger. A simple
lecture demonstration on the use of ion exchange in preparative
SEPARATIONS chemistry has been described by Keyas (155).
Ion exchange continues to play an extremely important role in
the separation of ionic constituents. The technique has become a ANALYTICAL APPLICATIONS
common tool to the biochemist and the inorganic chemist inter- As an analytical tool, ion exchange has become firmly en-
ested in the rare elements. Partridge and his co-workers (221- trenched in analytical chemistry. Cohn and his co-workers
226), Cleaver and Cassidy (51), and others (194, 207, 269,305) (44, 66), Consden and Gordon (59, 60), and others (31, 78,
have employed ion exchange in the separation 01 the amino 100, 148,166,258,275) have employed ion exchange in the analysis
acids. Cohn and his co-workers (53-58) and Loring, Luthy, of amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins, antibiotics, etc. Gustav-
Bortner, and Levy (178) have found ion exchange most helpful son (118, 119), Foreman, Thompson, and Tolliday (98), and
in the separation of the ribonucleotides. Cohn and Carter (58) Kubelka (166) have studied the nature of chrome liquors with ion
have separated the adenosine polyphosphates and Cohen and exchange techniques. The use of ion exchange in determining
McNair-Scott (53) have separated pentose phosphate from 6- total salt concentrations has been investigated by several workers
phosphogluconate with a strong base anion exchanger. Ion (92, 93, 133, 172, 192). Schubert and his eo-workers (259-263)
exchange has been suggested for the purification of streptomycin have continued their studies on the use of ion exchange for obtain-
by Henshall, Primavesi, and Short (129) and by St. John, Flick, ing activities and dissociation constants. Methods for deter-
and Tepe (249). mining ion exchange capacities of inorganic and organic ion
The use of ion exchange in the separation of the new and rare exchangers have been reported recently (145, 190). A procedure
elements is becoming common (9, 50, 212). Dickel (73) has for the determination of sodium and potassium using ion exchange
compared the ion exchange technique for isotope separation with has been reported by Beukenkamp and Rieman (22), and a
the electromagnetic, chemical exchange, distillation, and electro- procedure for determining arsenic in insecticides has been de-
chemical methods and has concluded that ion exchange is advan- scribed by Odencrantz and Rieman (218). A method for deter-
tageous from an apparatus viewpoint but is slow. Berkelium, mining the excess of phosphates in boiler water has been devised
americium, and curium have been separated and isolated by by Edelshtein and Petatskil (86). Ion exchange procedures for
Seaborg and his co-workers (266, $81, 289) using ion exchange determining molybdenum in alloys (294) and nickel and copper
resins. Huffman and Oswalt (139) have separated promethium (180) have been reported. An ion exchange procedure for the
and europium on a strong base anion exchanger. The hafnium analysis of atmospheric precipitation has been devised by Egner
and zirconium separation has been studied by Hansen and el al. (87). Samuelson (262)has analyzed Graham’s salt with the
Gunnar (165), Huffman and Lilly (138), and Kraus and Moors aid of an anion exchanger. Further studies on the use of ion
(160). Rare earth separations have been studied further with exchange techniques in analytical chemistry have been reported
ion exchange by Jeng-Tsong (146) and by Spedding and co- by Djurfeldt and Samuelson (75). Indicator dyed ion exchange
workers (276-278). Kraus and Moore have separated proactin- resin columns have been employed by Idler (142), Scarritt,
ium on a strong base anion exchanger. Atteberry, Larson, and Senger, and Ballje (257), and Weiss (302). ’
Boyd (10) have studied fission product separations and have
separated the halogens successfully. The ferrocyanide-ferricy-
anide separation has been accomplished by Cobble and Adamson
(52) on an anion exchange resin. The recovery of radioactive Various ion exchange compositions have appeared in the litera-
phosphorus has been aided by the use of an ion exchange technique ture, in particular, the patent literature. Andersen (6), Bircher
(38). (2Q), Boyer (35), D a y ( 6 3 , Furushiro (101), Nagasawa and

Nagase (NO), and Thurston (290) described the synthesis of (4) Ibid., 633,343(Dec. 12,1949).
several sulfonic acid exchangers. Calmon (41) has described (5) Amundsen, N.,J . Phys. and Colloid. Chem., 54,812 (1950).
( 6 ) Andersen, C. C . . Kul. Norske Videnskab. Selskabs, Forh., 22,
the preparation of an aluminum silicate used in 8ea water desalt- No. 18,70 (1949);
ing. Dudley (81-83), Herman (130), Sussman (286), and othere (7) Appelquest, A., U. S. Patent 2,515,581(1950).
(216, 273, 283) have described the synthesis of several anion (8) Applezweig, N., Ibid., 2,509,051(May 23,1950).
(9) Armagnac, A. P., Popular Science, 155,140 (1949).
exchange resins. The preparation of a pectate exchanger has (10)Atteberry, R. W., Larson, Q.V., and Boyd, G. E., Division of
been described by Walsh and Adams (297). A granular phenolic Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOC., Chicago,
resin having decolorizing properties has been described (47). Ill., 1950.
The conversion of a n anion exchanger to a n oxygen remover has (11)Aultman. W. W.. Water & Sewaue Works, 19,456 (1949).
Austerweil. G.. Nueva id.au&(Madrid). 4.271 (19491.
been accomplished by Mills and Dickinson (198, 199) by impreg- Austerweil; G.’, PTOC.Intern. C k g r . Pure and Applied Chem.,
nating an anion exchanger with cuprous chloride. Banks and 11, 323 (1947).
Barnes (17) claim the formation of a germicidal agent by treating Austerweil, G., 7th Congr. intern. ind. agr. Paris, 1, parts
an anion exchanger with silver. An antifouling paint composi- 3/4,22 (1948).
Ayerst, McKenna, and Harrison, Brit. Patent 638,664(1950).
tion has been prepared by Holmes (137) by incorporating the Baker, L. C. W., Loev, B., and McCutcheon, T. P., J . Am.
copper or mercury salt of a cation exchanger. Chem. SOL. 72. 2374 (1950).“
Banks, R. hi., and Barnes,‘ R. B., U. S. Patent 2,500,113
CATALYSIS (March 7, 1950).
Barghi, M.. Ind. smear. ital., 42,78 (1949).
The kinetics of the inversion of sucrose by sulfonic and car- Barrer, R.M., Discussions Faraday SOC.,1949,No.7,135.
boxylic acid cation exchange resins have been studied by Mariani Barrer. R. M.. Quarterlv Revs., 3,293 (1949).
Bauman, W., and Wheaton, R., Division of Colloid Chemistry,
(188, 189) and Bodamer and Kunin (29). The catalytic proper- 117th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOC., Houston, Tex., 1950.
ties of a strong base anion exchanger for aldol condensations have Beukenkamp, J., and Rieman, W., Anal. Chem., 22, 582
been described by Meno (193). Dolnick and Potash (76) have (1950).
found a n acid cation exchanger to be effective as a catalyst for Bhatnagar, M.S.,J. SOC.Ind. Research Inclia, 6B,No. 12,185
the conversion of acetaldehyde to paraldehyde. Leum and Bircher, J. R.,U. S. Patent 2,435,352(1950).
Macuga, and Kreps (173) have reported that an acid cation Bishop, J., J . Phys. and Collozti Chem., 54,697 (1950).
exchanger catalyzes the production of an aliphatic ether from iso- Blanco, R. E., and Perkinson, J. D., Jr., Division of Biological
olefins and alcohols. The acid properties and exchange properties Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM. CHEWSOC., Chicago. Ill.,
of several inorganic catalysts have been described (30, 296). Block, R. J., U. S. Patent 2,501,927(1950).
Bloodgood, D., and Strickland, A,, Water & Sewage Works,
Bodamer, G., and Kinin, R., Civision of Colloid Chemistry,
Continued studies on the use of anion exchangers for the treat- 118th Meeting AM. CHEM.SOC., Chicago, Ill., 1950.
ment of ulcers have been made by Weiss, Espansal, and Weiss Bodkin, E. A., and Johnson, J. M., U. S. Patent 2,480,627
(Aug. 30, 1949).
(305) and Wirts, Rehfass, Delserone, and Wass (311). Sullivan Bonner, D., and Wasserman, E., J . Biol. Chem., 185,69 (1950).
. and Martin (285)have found the use of ion exchange resins to be Booth, A. H., Can. J. Research, 27B,933 (1949).
of use in decreasing the acute toxicity of atropine. Segal, Miller, Borgin, K.,and Stamm, A. S., J . Phys. and Colloid Chem.,
and Morton (267) have suggested the use of the quinine salt of a 54, 772 (1950).
Borland, S. W., and Reitemeier, R. F., Soil Sci., 69,251 (1950).
carboxylic acid cation exchanger for the determination of gastric Boyer, R.F.,U. S. Patent 2,500,149(March 14,1950).
acidity without intubation. Heming, Flanagan, and Sax (126) Braithwaite, D. G.,D’Amico, J. S., and Thompson, M. T.,
and McChesney and co-workers (183, 184) have reported the use IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42,312(1950).
of cation exchange resins for sodium reduction therapy. Block Burk, R. E., and Grummitt, D., “Frontiers in Colloid Chem-
istry,” Vol. VIII, New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950
(27) has suggested the use of a n acid salt of a weak base anion Burstall, F. H.,Davies, G. R., Linstead, R. P., and Wells,
exchange resin as an anti-irritation powder. Larsen (17‘1) has R. A., J. Chem. SOC.,1950,516.
described the preparation of the ephedrine salt of a cation ex- Calise, V. J . , 10th Water Conference, Engineering Society of
changer as a prolonged action vasoconstrictor. Western Pennsylvania, 1949.
Calise, V. J., and Lane, M., IND. ENG.CHEM.,41,2554 (1949).
Lo Grippo (177),Muller (,%‘06),and Zwart Voorspuij (3.91)have Calmon, C., U.S. Patent 2,512,053(June 20,1950).
employed ion exchange resins in the purification of viruses. The Campbell, D. J., and Lefson, E. F., Ibid., 2,497,810(Feb. 14,
use of ion exchange resins in the treatment of blood has been 1950).
described by De Nicola and Rosti (70, 71), Hussey et al. (141), Campbell, J. R., and Skilling, W. J., J . SOC.Chem. Ind., 69,
153 (1950).
and Reid and Jones (241, 242). The adsorption of plutonium in Carter, C. E.,and Cohn, W. E., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,72, 2604
bone appews to be dependent upon ion exchange (260). The (1950)
importance o f ion exchange in the growth of organisms and in Cernia, E., Materie plastiche, 15,154 (1949).
fermentation processes has been discussed by Snell and Schweiger Chatterjee, B., and Marshall, C. E., J . Phys. and Colloid.
Chem., 54,671 (1950).
(272),Woodard, Snell, and Nicholls (312), and Webb (299). ChPm. Eng. News, 27,2108 (1949).
Chem. Inds., 66,682 (1950).
APPARATUS Chem. Proressing, 13,49 (1950).
i Ibid., p. 54.
A movable-bed chamber technique apparatus for ion exchange Cleaver, C. S., and Cassidy, H. G., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72,
has been devised by Lynam and Weil (182). A plant scale radial 1147 (1950).
chromatographic apparatus has been described by Weil and Ly- Cobble, J. W., and Adamson, A. W., Ibid., 72,2276 (1950).
Cohen, S. J., and McNair,-Scott, D. B., Science, 111, 543 (1950).
nam (182, 301). An ion exchange dialyzing apparatus has been Cohn, W. E., Division of Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting
patented by Zender (319). Other improvements in ion exchange AM. CHEM.SOC., Chicago, I11 , 1950.
design have been described by Rasch (237), Swenson (287), and Cohn, W. E., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,72,1471 (1950).
others (79, 229). Ibid., p. 2811,
Cohn, W. E., and Carter, C. E., Ibid., 72,2606 (1950).
(58) Ibid., p. 4273.
LITERATURE CITED (59) Consden, R.,and Gordon, A. H., Biochem. J.,46,8 (1950).
(1) Abrams, I. M., and Dickinson, B. N., IND.
ENO. CHEM.,41, (60) Consden, R., Gordon, A. H., and Martin, A. S. P., Ibid.,
2531 (1949). 44, 548 (1949).
(2) Almy, E. F., and Garrett, 0. F., Can. Patent 465,161 (1950). (61) Corrosion Reporter, 5, No. 1 (1950).
(3) American Cyanamid Co., Brit. Patent 628,748(Sept. 5, 1949). (62) Costa, R.L.,IND. EN@. CHEM.,42,308(1950).

Davis, J. B., Brewers Digest, 25, 50 (1950). (126) Heming, A. E., Flanagan, T. L., and Sax, M. I?., Division of
Davis, L. E., J . ColloidSci., 5 , 71 (1950). Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM.CHEXSoc., Chicago,
Ibid., p. 107. Ill., 1950.
Davis, L. E., and Rible, J. M., Ibid., 5, 81 (1950). (127) Henderson, L. M., and H. M. Hirsoh, J . B i d . Chem., 181,667
Davydov, A. T., and Lisovina, G . AM.,Kolloid. Zhur., 1 1 , (1949).
308 (1949). (128) Henry, R. E., and Clifcorn, L. E., IXD. ENG.CHEM.,41, 1427
Day, H. M., U. S.Patent 2,497,054 (Feb. 7, 1950). (1949).
Demmerle. R. L.. IND. ENG.CHEM..42, 10A (February 1950). (129) Henshall, T., Primavesi, G., and Short, J. F., Brit. Patent
De Nicola, P., 'and Rosti, P., Boll. ist. 'sieroterap. milan., 625,146 (1949).
27, 180 (1948). (130) Herman, D. F.. U. S.Patent 2,510,108 (Aug. 27, 1947).
De Nicola, P., and Rosti, P., Boll. SOC. ifal. b i d . spsr., 24, (131) Hertz, D. B., Chem. Inds., 60, 512 (1950).
1308 (1949). (132) Hewlett, A. W., Sugar, 45, 32 (1950).
Devlin, J. A., and McNabb, W., J . Franklin Inst., 248, 251 (133) Hilfiger, J. P., Chim. anal., 31,226 (1949).
(1949). (134) Hoffpauir, C., and Guthrie, J., Textile ResearchJ.,20,617 (1950)
Dickel, G., Angew. Chem., 62, 112 (1959). (135) Hogfeldt, E.. Ekedahl, E., and Sillen, L., Acta Chem. Scand.,
Dickinson, B. N., Sugar, 45, 28 (1950). 4, 828 11950).
Djurfeldt, R., and Samuelson, A , , Acta Chem. Scand., 4, 165 (136) Ibid., p. 823.
(1950). (137) Holmes, E. L., Brit. Patent 630,534 (Oct. 14, 1949).
Dolnick. A. A., and Potash, hf., U Patent 2,479,559 (Aug. (138) Huffman, E., and Lilly, R. C., J . Am.Chem.Soc., 71,4147 (1949).
23, 1949). (139) Huffman, E., and Osmalt, R., Ibid., 72, 3323 (1950).
Donovan, R., and Larose, P., Cun. J . Resenrch, 27, 879 (1949'. (140) Huiezenga, J., Grieger, P., and Wall, F. T., Ibid., 72, 2636
Dorey, H., Mason, E., and Xeiss, D., Anal. Chem., 22, 1038 (1950).
(1950). (141) Hussey, C. J., Quick, A. J., Stefanini, M., Consolaaio, C. F.,
Dorr Co., Brit. Patent 633,385 (Dcc. 12, 1949). and Sargent, F., J . Bid. Chem., 184, 105 (1950).
Ibid., 641,962 (Aug. 23, 1950). (142) Idler, D. R., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 71, 3854 (1949).
Dudley, J. R., Can. Patent 461,231 (1950). (143) Imhoff, W. G., Wire and Wire Products, 24,1040 (1949).
Dudley, J. R., U. S. Patent 2,485,485 (Oct. 18, 1949). (144) Jacobs, R. T., and Rawlings, F., IND.ENG.CHEM.,41, 2769
Ibid., 2,521,664 (Sept. 5, 1950). (1949).
Duncan, J. F., and Lister, B. A . S., J . Chcm. SOC.,1949, 3285. (145) J . Am. Water Works Assoc., 42,489 (1950).
Eaton, F., Soil Sci., 69, 123 (1950). (146) Jeng-Tsong, Y., Anal.Chim. Acta, 4 , 59 (1950).
Edelshtein, S.,and Petatskii, V., Zaaodskaya Lab., 15, 850 (147) Jenny, H., Nielsen, T., Coleman, N., and Villiams, D., Science,
(1949). 112, 164 (1950).
Egner, H., Eriksson, E., and Emanuelsson, A . , Kgl. La,,!- 1148) Jindra, A,, J . Pharm. Pharmacol., 1, 87 (1949).
brulx-Hogskol. Ann., 16, 593 (1949). (149) Juda, R., Kasper, A. A., and Potter, 1%'. D., Division of Colloid
Eisman, P. C., Kull, F. C., and Afayer, R. L., J . A m . Phorin. Chemistry, 118thMeetingAx. CHEM.Soc.. Chicago, Ill., 1950.
Assoc., 38, 85 (1949). (150) Juda, \V.,Katz, W. E., and Rosenberg, N. T\'., Division of
Ekedahl. E., Hogfeldt, E., and Sillen, L., Acta Cheni. Scand., Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM. CHEM.Soc., Chi-
4, 556 (1950). cago, Ill., 1950.
Elod, E., and Frohlich, N. G., Melliand Tertilbw., 12,579 (1949). (151) Juda, W., and McRae, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72,1044 (1950).
Eriksson, E., Kgl. Lantbruks-Htigskol. Ann., 16, 420 (1949). (162). Jukkola, W.,and Roberts, E., U. S. Patent 2,504,695 (April
Erler, K., 2. anal. Chem., 129, 209 (1949). 18, 1950).
Ibid., 131, 106 (1950). (153) Kahler, F., Chem. Eng., 57, No. 7, 109 (1950).
Faber, H. A., Wafer & Sewage Works, 19, 465 (1950). (154) Kahler, F., and Wants, J., Finish, 7, 23 (1950).
Felton, G., Food Technol., 3, 40 (1949). (155) Keyas, G., Bull. soc. chim. France. 1949, 883.
Fleisher, H., J . Am. Soc. A'aval Engr., 61, 845 (1949). (156) Klement, R., 2. anorg. Chem., 260, 267 11949).
Flood, E. A,, and Benson, G. C.. Can. J . Resrnrch, 27, 988 (157) Xlose, A . A , Stark, J. R., pur vi^. G. G.. Peat, J., and Fevold,
(1949). H. J., INTI.ENG.CHEX.,42, 3'77 (1950).
Foreman, G., Thompson, P. V., and Tolliday. J.. J . A m (158) Klumb, G. H., Marks, H. C., and Wilson, C., J. A m . V a t e ~
Leather Chemists Assoc., 45, 378 (1950). Works Assoc.. 41, 933 (1949).
Fortune, W. B., McCormick, S.L., Rhodehamel, H. W.,and (159) Kortschak, H. P., Gill, R. F., and Payne, J. H., IND.ENG.
Stefaniak, J. J.. IXD. ENG.CHEM.,42, 191 (1950). CHEM.,41, 1406 (1949).
Fujiwara, M., and Shimizer. H., A n d . Chem., 21, 1009 (1949). (160) Kraus, K. A., and Moore, G. E., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 4293
Furushiro, K., J . SOC.Org. S y n . Chem. Japan,7 , 21 (1949). (1950).
Futlerkneoht, A . , I n d . Chem., 36, 219 (1949). (161) Xressman, T. R. E., Nature, 165, 568 (1950).
Gapon, E., and Gapon, T., Zhur. Obshchci Khim., 19, 1627(1949). (162) Krishnamoorthy, C., and Overstreet, R., Sciefice, 111, 231.
Gapon, T. B., and Gapon. E. N., Zhur. Anal. Khim., 4, 131 (1950).
(1949). (163) Krishnamoorthy, C., and Overstreet, R., SoilSci. 68,307 (1949).
Garrett, Proc. 13th ! :wn. Dairy Gong., 3, 49 (1949). (164) Ibid., 69, 41 (1950).
Gause, R. H., U. 6. Pat,ent 2,500,171 (March 14, 1950). (165) Ihid., p. 87.
Gayle, F. L.. Ibid., 2,496,244 (Jan. 31, 1950). 1166) Kubelka, V., Tech. Hlklka K o i e l u i s k d , 24, 97 (1949).
Gehrke, C.W., andAlmy, E. F., Science, 110, 556 (1949). (167) Kuhn, \V., Hargitay. B., Xatchalsky, A., and Eisenberg, H..
Gilwood, hT. E., and Calmon, C., S i n t h Proc. Eng. .Soc. West. Nafure, 165, 814 (1950).
Penn. (in press). (168) Kunin, R., and Klaas, R. B., Division of Colloid Chemistry,
Glueckauf, E., J . Chem. SOC.,1949, 3280. 118th Meeting AM.CHEY.Soc., Chicago, Ill., 1950.
Graham. W.R.. Kohler. G . 0.. and Frve. E. E.. U. S. Patent (169) Kunin, R., and McGarvey, F. X., Division of Water, Sewage,
2,453:634 (1949). and Sanitation Chemistry, 117th Meeting AM. CHEM.
Gregor, H. P., Divisions of Colloid Chemistry and Hlgh SOC., Detroit, Mich., 1950.
Polymer Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM. CHEY. SOC., (170) Kunin, R., and Myers, R. J., Discussions Faraday Soc., No. 7
Chicago, I11 , 1950. 114 (1949).
(113) Gregor, H. P., and Citarel, L , Division of Colloid Chemistry, (171) Larsen, D., U. 6 . Patent 2,498,687 (1950).
118th Meeting AM.CHEM.Soc., Chicago, Ill., 1950. (172) Lee, H., J . SOC.Leather Tra4es' Chemists, 34, 150 (1950).
(114) Gregor. H. P.. and Sherman, N. N., J . SOC. MotionPictureEngr.,
53, 183 (1949). . , Leum. L. N.. hlacuga. S. J.. and Kreos. S . I.. U. S. Patent
(115) Grigorov, 0. N., and Tarshis, A., I<olloid Zhur., 11, 390 (1949). 2,480,940 (Sept. 6,1949).
(116) Gupta, S. L., Science and Culture, 14, 539 (1949). (174) Lewis, J. C., and Jansen, E. F., Ibid., 2,495,743 (Jan. 31, 1950).
(117) Ibid., 15, 325 (1950). (175) Lindsay, F. K., J . Am. R'ater Works Assoc., 42, 75 (1950).
(118) Gustavson, K., J . Am. Leather Chemists' Assoc., 45, 536 (1950). (176) Lindsay, F. K., Wirth, L. F., and Durinski, A. M., Division of
(119) Gustavson. K., J . Intern. Soc. Leather Trades Chemists, 34, Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM.CHEWSoc., Chicago.
259 (1950). Ill., 1950.
(120) Haagensen, E. A . , U. S. Patent 2,482,765 (Sept. 27, 1949). (177) Lo Grippo, G. A., Proc. SOC. E x p t l . Bid. Med., 74, 208 (1950).
(121) Haase, L. W., Arch. Metallicunde, 3, 114 11949). (178) Loring, H. S., Luthy, N., Bortner, H., and Levy, L., J . Am.
(122) Hall, J. R., FoodInds., 22, 61 (1950). Chem. SOC.,72, 2811 (1950).
(123) Hamada, H., J . Japan.Chem., 2, 83 (1949). (179) Lundberg, L., Dansk Tids. Farm., 23, 227 (1949).
(124) Hammerschmidt, E. G., Prtrolrum Engineer, 22, D-77 (1950). (180) Lur'e, Y., and Filippova, N. A,, Zaaodskaya Lab., 15,771 (1949).
(125) Hansen, R. S., and Cunnai, K., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,71, 4168 (181) Lynam, C. G., and Weil, H., Mfg. C h e w k f ,21, 195 (1950).
(1949). (182) Ibid., p. 260.
McChesney, E. W., and McAuliff, J. P., Am. J . Physiol., Rogge, R., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,41,2070 (1949).
160, 264 (1950). St. John, C. V., Flick, D. E., and Tepe, J. B., Abstracts,
McChesney, E. W., Nachod, F. C., and Tainter, M. L., Divi- 118th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOC.,p, 18B.
sion of Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM. CHEM. Salac, V., Congr. Intern. Ind. Ferment., pp. 514-25 (1947).
SOC., Chicago, Ill., 1950. Samuelson, H., Swed. Patent 125,443 (1949).
McGrew, F., and Schneider, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 72, 2547 Samuelson, O., Svensk Kem. Tid., 61, 76 (1949).
(1950). Sard, B. A., Brit. Patent 624,884 (Oct. 29,1946).
Malquori, A., and deAngelis, G., Ann. chim. applicata, 38, Ibid., 637,279 (Feb. 15, 1949).
469 (1948). Sawver. F. G.. IND. ENC.CHEM..41. 12 (1949). '
Manufacturing Chemist, 21, 204 (1950). Scaiduia, G., k v . nit. enal., 3,177 (1950)'.
Mariani, E., Ann. chim. applicata, 39, 283 (1949). Scarritt, D. R., Senger, D. R., and Ballje, E. J., Division of
Zbid., 40, 1 (1950). Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOP..Chicago,
Martinez, F., Inform. quim. anal., 4, 1 (1950). Ill., 1950.
Massart, L., and VanDer Stock, J., Nature, 165, 852 (1950). Schramm, G., and Primosigh, J., 2. phys. Chem., 282, 271
Mrtyer, S. W., J . Am. Chem. SOC., 72,2292 (1950). (1947).
Meno, Keihei, preprint, J . Chem. SOC.Japan (1950). Schubert, J., Division of Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting
Merck & Co., Brit. Patent 637,592 (1950). AM. CHEM.SOC., Chicago, Ill., 1950.
Michener, J. W., Fitch, B., and Roberts, E. J., IND.ENC. Schubert, J., Finkel, M. P., White, M. R., and Hirch, G. M.,
CHEM.,42, 643 (1950). J . Biol. Chem., 182, 635 (1950).
Miedendorp, H., Rayon and Syn. Textiles, 31,85 (1950). Schubert, J., and Lindenbaum, A., Abstracts of papers pre-
Miller. H. S..Division of Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meeting, - sented a t 188th Meeting AM. CHEM.SOC., p. 7C, 1950.
AM.CHEM.SOC., Chicago, Ill., 1950. Schubert. J.. and Richter J.. J . Colloid. Sci.. 5. 376 (1950).
Mills, G., U. S. Patent 2,515,609 (1950). Schubert, J.', Russell, E., and Myers, L., J . biol. Chek., 185,
Mills, G., andDickinson, B. N., IND.ENG.C H E M . ,2842
~ ~ , (1949). 387 (1950).
Mindler, A,, Food Terhnol., 3, 43 (1949). Science News Letter, 38 (Jan. 21, 1950).
Mindler, A. B., and Gilwood, M. E., Seventh Proc. Eng. SOC. Ibid.. 51 (Jan. 28, 1950).
West. Penn. (1949). Sea&ave&mith,'H., and Cruess, W. V., Wines and Vines,
Mindler, A. B., Gilwood, M. E., and Saunders, G. H., Division 31. 29 (1950).
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cago, Ill., 1950. Biol. Med., 74, 218 (1950).
Monet, G. P.. Chem. Eng., 57, No. 3, 106 (1950). Shawcross, R., U. S. Patent 2,522,140 (Sept. 12, 1950).
Mortland, M. M., and Gieseking, J. E., Soil Sci., 68, 391 Sheehan, J. C., and Bolhofer, W. A., J . Am. Chem. Soc.,
(1949). 72, 2466 (1950).
Mukherjee, S., and Gapta, M. L. S., J . Proc. Znst. Chemists Siebel, F. P., Brewers Digest, 25, 45 (1950).
(India), 21, 45 (1949). Smith, C. E., and Olson, E. K., U. S. Patent 2,490,716 (Dec.
Muller, R. H., Proc. SOC.Exptl. Biol. Med., 73, 239 (1950). 6, 1949).
Muntz, J. A., J . Biol. Chem., 182, 489 (1950). Snell, R. L., and Schweiger,L.B.,Zbid., 2,492,867 (Dec.27,1949).
Myers, W. H., U. S. Patent 2,482,862 (Sept. 27, 1949).
Nachod, F. C., Sei. Monthly, 70, 189 (1950). Sooi6te l'aux. des Chemins de Fer, Brit. Patent 632,936 (Dec. 5,
Nagasawa, F., and Nagase, T., Japan. Patent 174,296 (Dec. 1949).
16, 1946). Sollner, K., J . Electrochem. Soe., 97, 139C (1950).
Nagase, T., and Quda, S., Ibid., 174,275 (Dee. 10, 1946). Soodak, M., Pircio, A., and Cerecedo, L. R., J . Biol. Chem.,
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Nichol, G. B., U. S. Patent 2,494,257 (Jan. 10, 1950). Spedding, F., Fulmer, E., Butler, T., and Powell, S., J . A m .
Norris, T., J . Phys. and Colloid Chem., 54, 777 (1950). Chem. SOC.,72, 2349 (1950).
N. V. Centrale Surker Maat., Brit. Patent 630,900 (1950). Spedding, F., Fulmer, E., Powell, J., and Butler, R., Zbid.,
N. V. W. A. Scholten's Aardappelmeelfabrieken, Dutch Patent 72, 2354 (1950).
64,871 (1949). Spedding, F., Fulmer, E., Powell, J., Butler, T., and Yaffe,
Oct. Maat. Act., Zbid., 64,732 (Nov. 15, 1949). I. S., Division of Paper Colloid Chemistry, 118th Meet-
Odencrantz, J., and Rieman, W., Anal. Chem., 22, 1066 (1950). ing AM.CHEM.SOC., Chicago, Ill., 1950.
Oplatka, G., Meztigazdasctg 6s Ipar, 2, No. 6, 1 (1948). Steinhardt, J., and Zaiser, E. M., J . Biol. Chem., 183, 789
Page, C. N., and Wantz, J. F., Power, 94, 104 (1950). (1950).
Partridge, S. M., Biochem. J., 44, 521 (1949). Stevens, A. H., Brit. Patent 633,552 (Dee. 19,1949).
Ibid., 45, 459 (1949).
Partridge, 5. M., Chemistry and Industry, 20, 383 (1950). Street, K., and Seaborg, G., J . A m . Chem. Soc., 72, 2790
Partridge, S. M., and Brimley, R. C., Biochem. J., 44, 513 (1950).
(1949). Streicher, L., and Bowers, A. E., J . Am. Water Works Assoc.,
Partridge, S. M., Brimley, R. C., and Pepper, K., Ibid., 46, 42, 81 (1950). '
334 (1950). Stroh, G., U. 5.Patent 2,515,142 (July 11, 1950).
Partridge, S. M., and Westall, R. G., Ibid., 44, 418 (1949). Sugar, 45, No. 3,/25 (1950).
Permutit Co., Brit. Patent 626,882 (July 22, 1949). Sullivan, M. J., and Martin, G . ,Am. J . Pharm., 122, 48 (1950).
Ibid., 627,702 (Aug. 15, 1949). Sussman, S., U. S. Patent 2,518,956 (1950).
Ibid., 638,956 (1950). Swenson, W. R., Ibid., 2,517,051 (1950).
Ibid., 641,786 (Aug. 23, 1950). Taylor, R. L., Chem. Inds., 64, 932 (1949).
Phelps, G., Am. Ceram. SOC.Bull., 29, 55 (1950). Thompson, S. G., Cunningham, B. B., and Seaborg, G . T.,
Placak, 0. R., and Morton, R. S., J . Am. Water Works Assoc., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,72,2798 (1950).
42, 135 (1950). Thurston, J. T., Can. Patent 461,228 (1950).
Pope, L. B., Chem. Eng., 57, No. 1, 102 (1950). Tiger, H. L., U. S. Patent 2,494,784 (Jan. 17, 1950).
Prescott, W. G., Brit. Patent 630,979 (1950). Tolliday, J., Thompson, G., and Forman, G., J . SOC.Leather
Process Inds. Quart., 12, 10 (1950). Trade8 Chemists, 34, 221 (1950).
Rabek, T., Przemysl Chem., 27,678 (1948). Topp, N. E., and Pepper, K. W., J . Chem. SOC.,1949,3299.
Rasch, C., U. S. Patent 2,514,415 (July 11, 1950).
Reents, A. C., and Kahler, F. H., Division of Colloid Chemistry, Usatenko, Y., and Datsenko, O., Zavodskaya Lab., 15, 779
118th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOC.,Chicago, Ill., 1950. (1 949).
Reichelt, H., Chem. Ing. Tech., 22, 290 (1950). (295) Van Wazer, J. R., and Besmertnuk, E., J . Phys. and Colloid
Reichelt, H., Chem. Tech., 1, 28 (1949). Chem., 54, 89 (1950).
Reid, A. F., and Jones, F., Am. J . Clin. Path., 19,lO (1949). (296) Walling, C., J . A m . Chem. SOC.,72, 1164 (1950).
Reid, A. F., and Jones, F., Division of Colloid Chemistry, (297) Walsh, C. L., and Adams, B. A,, Brit. Patent 641,918 (Sept.
118th Meeting AM.CHEM.SOC.,Chicago, Ill., 1950. 23, 1950).
Remington, W. R., and Gladding, E. K., J . Am. Chem. SOC., (298) Waroway, R. R., Brewers Digest, 24, 111 (1949).
72, 2553 (1950). (299) Webb, M., J . SOC.Chem. Znd., 68,319 (1949).
Rhodehamel, H. W., Jr., McCormick, S. L., and Kern, S. F., (300) Weber, G., Oil and Gas J., 49, 67 (1950).
Science, 111, 233 (1950). (301) Weil, G., Can. Chem. Process Ind., 33, 956 (1949).
Richardson, R. W., Nature, 164,916 (1949). (302) Weiss, D. E., Nature, 166, 66 (1950).
Rinehart, T. M., U. S. Patent 2,477,206 (July 26, 1949). (303) Weiss, S., Espansal, R., and Weiss, J., Rev. Gastroenkrol.,
Roberts, E. J , Ibid., 2,484,647 (Oct. 11, 1949). 16, 501 (1949).
108 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E-RI N G C H E M I S T R Y Vol. 43, No. 1
(304) Wesly, W., iMeZliand Textilber., 31, 62 (1950). - - 7

(305) Westall, R. G., J . Sci. Food and Agr., 1, 191 (1950).

(306) Wheaton, R., and Bauman, W , Division of Colloid Chem- 14 (1950).
istry 117th Meeting AM. CXEM.Soc., Houston, Tex. W. L., and Baumeister. T.. Trans. A m .
(307) Whittaker, H., U. 8. Patent 2,500,727 (1950). SOC.Mech. Engr., 72, 491 (1950).
(308) Wiklander, L., Kgl. Lanfbruks-Hogskol. Ann., 16, 670 (1949). (316) Yorston, F. H., P u l p h Paper Mag. Canada, 50, 108 (1949).
(309) Wiklander, L., Soil Sci., 69, 261 (1950). (317) Ibid., p. 111.
(310) TVilliams, K. T., Potter, E. F., Revenue, A., and Scurzi, W., (318) Zarow, A., U. S.Patent 2,520,189 (Bug. 29, 1950).
J . Assoc. Ofic.Agr. Chemasts, 32, 698 (1949). (319) Zender, J., Ibid., 2,502,614 (April 4, 1950).
(311) Wirts, C., Rehfass, hl., Delsetone, B., and Wass, B., J. Clin. (320) Zhukov, I., and Brods Koyaya, N. T., Kolloid Zhur., 11,
Inyesf.,29. 37 (1950). 332 (1949).
(312) Woodard, J. C., Snell, K. L., and Kicholls, R. S., U. S. Patent (321) Zwart Voorspuij,A. J . , E'xpwirnentia, 5, 474 (1949).
2,492,173 (Dec. 27, 1949). RECEIVDD
October 14. 19.50

___ ~- - __ ~______ ____~ ~


I n 1950 a number OF new devices were introduced which gave the chemical industry new t o o k electric pump unit eliminates stuffing
for the more efficient handling of materials. In addition to new devices, most manufacturers boxes, seals, couplings, and shaft
introduced new models with increased work capacity, improved efficiency, or other design im- wear, and the pump can be installed
provements. The trend toward the use of machinery to replace labor was so marked that in any position ( 2 ) . A trash pump
writers onee again began to think about the effect of technological advances up3n employment. for liquids that would clog an or-
dinary impeller pump is also new.
The impeller of this pump is bladeless
HE annual review in past years has noted the increased at- (see Figure 1). I t is said that hard-boiled eggs can pass through
tention being given to this field. During 1950 the develop- the pump whole and even apples and oranges can be handled with-
ments in the materials handling field continued at a n out bruising (8). Another pump has a new idea for automatic
accelerated rate. priming: a variable-capacity vane-type positive displacement
A number of new devices of particular interest were intro- pump mounted on the same shaft as the centrifugal impeller.
duced during the year When the piping system is filled with liquid, the priming pump
shifts to a neutral position and stops pumping (IO). Another type
of self-priming centrifugal pump, introduced during 1950, is said to
have high efficiency during the pumping stage. There is no re-
circulation after priming is completed and no bulky priming
reservoir is required. The pump is simple, yet it is said to have
the priming ability of positive displacement pumps (11).
A new pump is a v d a h l e for transmitting semisolids through a


Figure 1. Bladeless Impeller for Trash Pump


PUMPS.Several new types of pumps became available during

the year. One is a new centrifugal pump that is driven by a
rotor-impeller hermetically sealed in the pump housing. This

1 Present address, Chemstrand Corp., 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd., Phila-

delphia 3, Pa. Figure 2. Two-Stage Packaged Compressor
108 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E-RI N G C H E M I S T R Y Vol. 43, No. 1
(304) Wesly, W., iMeZliand Textilber., 31, 62 (1950). - - 7

(305) Westall, R. G., J . Sci. Food and Agr., 1, 191 (1950).

(306) Wheaton, R., and Bauman, W , Division of Colloid Chem- 14 (1950).
istry 117th Meeting AM. CXEM.Soc., Houston, Tex. W. L., and Baumeister. T.. Trans. A m .
(307) Whittaker, H., U. 8. Patent 2,500,727 (1950). SOC.Mech. Engr., 72, 491 (1950).
(308) Wiklander, L., Kgl. Lanfbruks-Hogskol. Ann., 16, 670 (1949). (316) Yorston, F. H., P u l p h Paper Mag. Canada, 50, 108 (1949).
(309) Wiklander, L., Soil Sci., 69, 261 (1950). (317) Ibid., p. 111.
(310) TVilliams, K. T., Potter, E. F., Revenue, A., and Scurzi, W., (318) Zarow, A., U. S.Patent 2,520,189 (Bug. 29, 1950).
J . Assoc. Ofic.Agr. Chemasts, 32, 698 (1949). (319) Zender, J., Ibid., 2,502,614 (April 4, 1950).
(311) Wirts, C., Rehfass, hl., Delsetone, B., and Wass, B., J. Clin. (320) Zhukov, I., and Brods Koyaya, N. T., Kolloid Zhur., 11,
Inyesf.,29. 37 (1950). 332 (1949).
(312) Woodard, J. C., Snell, K. L., and Kicholls, R. S., U. S. Patent (321) Zwart Voorspuij, A. J . , E'xpwirnentia, 5, 474 (1949).
2,492,173 (Dec. 27, 1949). RECEIVDD
October 14. 19.50

___ ~- - __ ~______ ____~ ~


I n 1950 a number OF new devices were introduced which gave the chemical industry new took electric pump unit eliminates stuffing
for the more efficient handling of materials. In addition to new devices, most manufacturers boxes, seals, couplings, and shaft
introduced new models with increased work capacity, improved efficiency, or other design im- wear, and the pump can be installed
provements. The trend toward the use of machinery to replace labor was so marked that in any position ( 2 ) . A trash pump
writers onee again began to think about the effect of technological advances up3n employment. for liquids that would clog an or-
dinary impeller pump is also new.
The impeller of this pump is bladeless
HE annual review in past years has noted the increased at- (see Figure 1). I t is said that hard-boiled eggs can pass through
tention being given to this field. During 1950 the develop- the pump whole and even apples and oranges can be handled with-
ments in the materials handling field continued at an out bruising (8). Another pump has a new idea for automatic
accelerated rate. priming: a variable-capacity vane-type positive displacement
A number of new devices of particular interest were intro- pump mounted on the same shaft as the centrifugal impeller.
duced during the year When the piping system is filled with liquid, the priming pump
shifts to a neutral position and stops pumping (IO). Another type
of self-priming centrifugal pump, introduced during 1950, is said to
have high efficiency during the pumping stage. There is no re-
circulation after priming is completed and no bulky priming
reservoir is required. The pump is simple, yet it is said to have
the priming ability of positive displacement pumps (11).
A new pump is a v d a h l e for transmitting semisolids through a


Figure 1. Bladeless Impeller for Trash Pump


PUMPS.Several new types of pumps became available during

the year. One is a new centrifugal pump that is driven by a
rotor-impeller hermetically sealed in the pump housing. This

1 Present address, Chemstrand Corp., 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd., Phila-

delphia 3, Pa. Figure 2. Two-Stage Packaged Compressor

pipe. It is said that any mate-

rial which has a viscosity suffi-
cient to permit flow through a
pipe can be handled by this
pump (27). A precisely cali-
brated pump has been de-
veloped for delivering 3 to 725
ml. per hour a t pressures up to
1000 pounds per sqdare inch.
The liquid end construction is
stainless steel and the packing
is normally Teflon. Such a
pump should find use in adding
small quantities of chemicals
or vitamins to a main product
stream (3). Another interest-
ing chemical feed pump will
feed 3.38 gallons per hour
against a pressure of 30,000
pounds per square inch (3).
COMPRESSORS. An entirely Figure 3. Mechanical Vibration Conveyer
new design for electric'driven
compressors has been developed
which is notable for its simplicity and compactness (14). The for the return of the empty pallets. Another examiner
compressor has only two main air connections, the intake and recommended approval of the petition of fifteen large midwestern
the discharge, and the intercooler is built into the frame of the truckers for an average rate of one half of fourth class on return
compressor. The air flow from the first stage through the in- shipments of pallets, platforms, and skids @ I ) . These are note-
tercooler to the second stage is accomplished by air passages worthy developments because, if special rate schedules for return
incorporated in the compressor frame. Advantages of the new shipments of pallets become general, the economics of palletized
design are elimination of exterior piping, simplified installation, shipping is greatly improved.
and reduced floor space requirements. Aside from the unique A Swedish manufacturer has developed a new method of pallet
general design, the new compressor is said to have a number of design. Nails fastening the deck boards are locked to the
important design refinements. The machine is basically a two- stringers by a simple method which is remarkably effective. It is
stage, 80-to 125-pound-per-square-inch air compressor (Figure 2). said that the force required to break the fastening is great enough
A new oil ejector vacuum pumping unit, designated by the either to split the wood or t o exceed the yield point of the nail
manufacturer as KB-300 (6),has been introduced for pumping (20).
to atmospheric pressure large volumes of gas or air from the The Engineering Societies Library has published a comprehen-
pressure range of 10 to 300 microns, The new unit is built to sive bibliography of 114 references covering all aspects of the sub-
handle water vapor and corrosive materials; it is said to have ject of pallets, including design and construction of the different
high pumping speeds in the 50- to 500-micron pressure range, and types, the handling of various materials on pallets, the savings
below pressures of 200 microns to have more speed than ten large achieved in materials handling, and details of presentrday applica-
mechanical pumps (rated a t 100 cubic feet per minute) in parallel. tions in individual plants in a large number of industries
One of the advantages claimed for this vacuum pump is the low (6).
operating cost compared with other pumping methods. TRUCKS.Most manufacturers developed new and improved
A small portable intensifier has been made available which can fork lift trucks, but there were no unique ideas announced in
produce UP to 23,000 pounds per square inch hydrostatic pressure 1950. There is evidence of keen competition in this field, because
from an air supply pressure of
90 pounds per square inch.
The unit is compactly mounted
on rubber tires and is equipped
ready to work within a few
.. minutes (4). This intensifier
can be used in pressure testing
of boilers and piping, and
destruction tests in labora-
. tories.


The great limitation of pal-

letized shipments has been the
aost of freight on return ship-
ments of the empty pallets.
Recently, an Interstate Com-
merce Commission examiner
recommended that the com- COURTESY G E N E R A L A M E R I C A N TRANSPORTATION CORP.
mission approve a proposal
for a preferential freight rate Figure 4. Trans-Flo Car for Bulk Handling

for operation a t full capacity of 52,000,000 tons per year (18, 69).
BCLKHANDLING. Two new types of weatherproof truck trail-
ers have been developed for bulk handling: one for granular and
powdered materials and the other for handling pulverized mate-
rials. The latter design incorporates the -4ir-Slide aeration prin-
ciple and hydraulic elevation of the trailer body for speedy dis-
rharge of materials ( I d ) .
A new railroad car has been designed for the sanitary and effi-
cient bulk transportation of dry, granular, or powdered commodi-
ties such as flour, plastics, and chemicals (see Figure 4). The
Trans-Flo car is essentially a covered hopper-type car, but it
differs from the standard covered hopper car in that it is com-
posed of two large compartments each having six sets of hopper-
type bottoms, The compartments can be made of either stainless
steel or high tensile low alloy steel (9). The Trans-Flo car is
unloaded pneumatically in an operation that can be performed by
one man in less than 4 hours. It should find application for
commodities where sanitation, infestation, or high packaging
costs are problems.
Another approach to the bulk handling of materials is the
recently developed Tote Bin, an aluminum container for handling
about 4000 pounds of material. This cantainer is about thr size
o f a conventional pallet and can be handled like a pallet load (31).
Figure 5. Liquid Hydrogen Container Still another approach to bulk handling of materials is the
Return-0-tainer. I n effect, this is a collapsible steel box which
can be lined to be vapor- or moistureproof, if desired. The con-
all manufacturers of fork lift trucks now have substantially the tainer can be emptied with a specially designed dumping device.
same attachments for the special handling of materials, the me- When emptied, it folds down to about one-quarter size and it can
chanical features are highly refined, and the fork trucks are taking then be returned and re-used ( 7 ) .
on an amazing degree of similarity. During 1950, an increasing number of chemicals were moved
A tiny bulldozer, weighing only 800 pounds, has been developed by multicargo ocean-going tankers. Warren summarizes the
for small jobs and service in close quarters (16). It has a 5-hp., current status of ocean shipping of chemicals (SO).
air-cooled motor, and can be equipped with a bucket lift, dozer
blade, or snow blade assembly. The normal scoop capacity is
560 pounds of wet sand (4.5 cubic feet).
CONVEYERS.Two manufacturers (16, 68) have announced Much attention was given during 1950 to the use of polyethyl-
new mechanical vibration conveyers which are said to operate at ene in various forms for packaging. As a result of the wide-
large power savings because of operation at positive resonance spread use of polyethylene containers, a number of new machines
(natural frequency). The design of these conveyers isolates have been developed for automatically making, filling, and sealing
vibration within the machine itself, so that the supporting struc- polyethylene bags.
tures need only be designed to carry the dead weight of the equip- One manufacturer (1) has started a new method for shipping
ment and its material load. It is said that abrasive wear on the paper bags. The bags are built up on disposable, flat packed,
decks is negligible, owing to hopping action of the material. paper boards t o give a unit load 48 X 48 inches. The bags are
Vibrating conveyers will convey hot, abrasive, or corrosive compressed in a specially designed press, and steel strapping is
materials in granular, pulverized, or lump form, as well as boxes fastenrd while the bags are still under pressure. The pressurized
and packages. The trough can be enclosed to protect the mate- packing is said to result in storage space savings of as much as
rial or prevent the escape of dust. One type uses spring bars 50%. The palletized unit load greatly reduces handling cost and
(Figure 3); the other type uses coil springs. time.
A n interesting new self-centering roller called the Lorig A new bag packer has been developed for packing ground
aligner has been announced. A load dropped in any position on chemicals which have characteristics similar to flour. The unit
a roller conveyer with Lorig aligners will gradually work itself consists of a screw-type feeder, an automatic scale, a packer, and a
to the center line of the conveyer as it rolls along. The load conveyer, all of which operate together automatically to permit
will stay centered without guide rails even around curves or with one man to handle four 100-pound bags per minute. In spite of
the conveyer a t a slight tilt. If used with a belt conveyer, the the high output, the manufacturer claims consistent weighing
Lorig aligners will hold the belt in the center without the use of accuracy for 80% of the bags, with none of the remainder varying
guiding devices, resulting in elimination of edge wear and fewer more than 2 to 4 ounces from the true weight (W6).
idlers (19, 22). Liquid hydrogen and liquid helium have been laboratory rari-
Gerald Von Stroh, director of the Coal Mining Industries ties because of lack of a good means for handling and storing.
mining development program, indicates that the f i s t test of a A patented new liquid hydrogen container is now available for
stainless steel conveyer belt was successful (17). Although steel this purpose (see Figure 5 ) . The container is made of three con-
has been used in conveyer belts for some time, this is believed centric copper spheres. The inner and outer spheres form a
to be the first use of stainless steel. If the present development conventional vacuum flask with the facing interior surfaces
work on stainless steel conveyer belts is successful, such conveyers polished to a mirrorlike fmish. Between them is placed a third
might find important application in the chemical industry. sphere highly polished on both sides which acts as a radiation
There is considerable interest in a proposed belt conveyer shield. This shield is attached to the inner sphere of a smaller
system to transport coal and iron ore approximately 130 miles side flask containing liquid nitrogen. By cooling the main con-
from East Liverpool to Lorain, Ohio, with spurs to serve Youngs- tainer to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, the evaporation
town and Cleveland. The estimated cost of this proposed con- losses of liquid hydrogen or helium are reduced to a negligible
veyer is $210,000,000. The c*onveyerwould require 250,000 hp. minimum ( I S ) .
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 111

Filling machines are now available for free-flowing and non- (5) Distillation Products Industries, Division of Eastman Kodak
free-flowing products in which rapid and dustless filling is ob- Co., Rochester 3,N. Y., literature on KB-300 vacuum pump.
(6) Engineering Societies Library, 29 West 39th St., New York 18,
tained by applying a controlled vacuum to the containers being N. Y., “Bibliography on Pallets Used in Modern Materials
filled. Large machines operating on this principle fill as many Handling,” 1949.
as 300 containers per minute with high accuracy, but small (7) Fab-Weld Corp., Pickwick and Richmond Sts., Philadelphia
machines are also made for filling limited production items (24). 34,Pa., unnumbered bulletin on Return-o-tainer.
(8) Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 600 South Michigan Ave., Chicago 5,
During 1950, i t seems that all types of materials handling de- Ill., BUZZ. 5400 K-1.
vices were improved, even the wheelbarrow. William Gemien- (9) General American Transportation Corp., 135 South LaSalle
hardt, a member of the staff of the New York University College St., Chicago 90,Ill., literature and unnumbered bulletins on
of Engineering, has designed a new wheelbarrow with an ingenious Trans-Flo car.
Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co., West Springfield, Mass., Bull. P-463.
wheel suspension which permits a loaded wheelbarrow to ride Goulds Pumps, Inc., Seneca Falls, N. Y., Bull. 636-1.
over a 4-inch curb with relative ease (25). Gramm Trailer Corp., Delphos, Ohio, bulletins on bottom
Purdue University and the American Materials Handling hopper dump trailor and Air-Slide trailer.
Society sponsored the Second Annual Materials Handling Con- Hofman Laboratories, 216 Wright St., Newark 5, N. J., unnum-
bered bulletins on liquid helium container.
ference at Lafayette, Ind., in February 1950. This conference i s Inpersoll-Rand Co., 11Broadway, New York 4, N. Y., Bull. 3150.
only one of many evidences of the increased attention being given Jeffrey Mfg. Co., 909 North Fourth St., Columbus 16, Ohio,
to materials handling. unnumbered bulletin on mechanioal vibration conveyer.
In spite of increased use of new and better materials handling Mead Specialties Co., Inc., 4114 North Knox Ave., Chicago
41,Ill., literature on baby btdldoeer.
equipment, great improvements can still be made in the actual Mech. Eng., 71, No. 10,848 (1949).
handling of materials. Perlman (93) says that only 3 hours of Iba‘d., 72, No. 7, 583 (1950).
a the average freight car’s day are spent in over-the-road movement, Ibid., 72,No. 10, 821 (1950).
while 21 hours are spent in terminal detention. He sags that by Modern MuterTiuls Handling, 5, No. 9, 36 (1950).
Ibid., No. 10, 16 (1950).
adding 4 minutes per day to each car’s over-the-road movement, Ibid., pp. 38, 39.
the nation’s car inventory could be increased by $100,000,000. Perlman, A. E., Mech. E n g . , 72, No. 8, 641 (1950).
This is only one of examples that could be cited to show the Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., Quincy 71, Mass., unnumbered
great potential field for better handling methods and equipment. bulletin on Vacuflow fillers.
Power Generution, 54, No. 6 (1950).
Richardson Scale Co., Clifton, N. J., Bull. 3449.
LITERATURE CITED Roto-Flo Pump Corp., 2608 West Ruby Ave., Milwaukee 9,
Wis., bulletins.
( I ) Arkell & Smiths, Canajoherie, N. Y . , personal communication to Stephens Adamson Mfn. Co., Aurora, Ill., Bull. 849.
author. Von Thaden, H., Mech; Eng., 72,No. 7, 549-51 (1950).
(2) Atlantic Pump Corp., P.O. 6751, Philadelphia 32, Pa., unnum- Warren, R. F., Chem. Engr., 57, No. 1, 118-19 (1950).
bered bulletin on Hermetik pump. Wright, R. E., IND.ENG.CHEM., 42,79A (June 1950).
(3) CIiem. Eng. 28, 3346 (1950).
(4) CooperRessemer Corp,, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, bulletin on intensifier. RECEIVED October 16, 1950.


During the past year a large number of articles have appeared on agitation and mixing. There Morello and Poffcnberger (24) pub-
has been considerable activity along experimental lines, and important engineering perform- lished an authoritative survey of com-
ance data have been reported. Several articles give equipment performance data, both mercial extraction equipment which
from the standpoint of power characteristics and process applications. Discussions have ap- includes performance characteristics
peared which relate fundamental fluid mechanics theory to mixing. The most significant and of several in which mixers are used.
valuable work available to date on mixing applied to fermentation (a gas-liquid-solid mix- A review of various methods re-
ing operation) has been published. ported in the literature for assessing
the performance of mixers has been
prepared by Black (4).

H E previous annual review of developments in mixing
was published in the January 1950 issue of INDUSTRIAL AND

- ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (31) and it brought references u p

to the date of October 1949. An annual survey of new equip-
Extensive data have been published by Rushton, Costich, and
Everett (34) to establish basic mixing impeller characteristics.
ment, as announced by equipment manufacturers, was published The fluid mechanical basis for power correlations is developed and
in Chemical Industries (8). shown to be an accurate basis for the correlation and interpreta-
A description of present theory and practice in mixing appears tion of performance of the common types of mixing impellers,
in “Technique of Organic Chemistry” (33). Special attention is Data are correlated for impellers from 3 to 48 inches in diameter
directed to the proper use of mixers in organic chemical research. for tanks 8.5 to 96 inches in diameter, and for fluids with viscosi-
The new edition of “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook’’ (39) oon- ties of from 1to 40,000 centipoises. From these data it is possible
tains a section on mixing. It includes most of the material of the to predict power consumption for the majority of mixers in ex-
previous editions to which have been added very brief summaries perimental and industrial use. The significance of power charac-
of some of the recent literature. eristics to proper use of impellers and tank fittings is pointed out.
A list of applications for various types of mixers has been pub- A technique is outlined whereby the operating characteristics of
lished by Lyons (18). any impeller in any tank arrangement and fluid can be found by
1 Also director of research, Mixing Equipment Co., Rbchester. N. Y. only a few experimental runs made a t significant conditions.
January 1951 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY 111

Filling machines are now available for free-flowing and non- (5) Distillation Products Industries, Division of Eastman Kodak
free-flowing products in which rapid and dustless filling is ob- Co., Rochester 3,N. Y., literature on KB-300 vacuum pump.
(6) Engineering Societies Library, 29 West 39th St., New York 18,
tained by applying a controlled vacuum to the containers being N. Y., “Bibliography on Pallets Used in Modern Materials
filled. Large machines operating on this principle fill as many Handling,” 1949.
as 300 containers per minute with high accuracy, but small (7) Fab-Weld Corp., Pickwick and Richmond Sts., Philadelphia
machines are also made for filling limited production items (24). 34,Pa., unnumbered bulletin on Return-o-tainer.
(8) Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 600 South Michigan Ave., Chicago 5,
During 1950, i t seems that all types of materials handling de- Ill., BUZZ. 5400 K-1.
vices were improved, even the wheelbarrow. William Gemien- (9) General American Transportation Corp., 135 South LaSalle
hardt, a member of the staff of the New York University College St., Chicago 90,Ill., literature and unnumbered bulletins on
of Engineering, has designed a new wheelbarrow with an ingenious Trans-Flo car.
Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co., West Springfield, Mass., Bull. P-463.
wheel suspension which permits a loaded wheelbarrow to ride Goulds Pumps, Inc., Seneca Falls, N. Y., Bull. 636-1.
over a 4-inch curb with relative ease (25). Gramm Trailer Corp., Delphos, Ohio, bulletins on bottom
Purdue University and the American Materials Handling hopper dump trailor and Air-Slide trailer.
Society sponsored the Second Annual Materials Handling Con- Hofman Laboratories, 216 Wright St., Newark 5, N. J., unnum-
bered bulletins on liquid helium container.
ference at Lafayette, Ind., in February 1950. This conference i s Inpersoll-Rand Co., 11Broadway, New York 4, N. Y., Bull. 3150.
only one of many evidences of the increased attention being given Jeffrey Mfg. Co., 909 North Fourth St., Columbus 16, Ohio,
to materials handling. unnumbered bulletin on mechanioal vibration conveyer.
In spite of increased use of new and better materials handling Mead Specialties Co., Inc., 4114 North Knox Ave., Chicago
41,Ill., literature on baby btdldoeer.
equipment, great improvements can still be made in the actual Mech. Eng., 71, No. 10,848 (1949).
handling of materials. Perlman (93) says that only 3 hours of Iba‘d., 72, No. 7, 583 (1950).
a the average freight car’s day are spent in over-the-road movement, Ibid., 72,No. 10, 821 (1950).
while 21 hours are spent in terminal detention. He sags that by Modern MuterTiuls Handling, 5, No. 9, 36 (1950).
Ibid., No. 10, 16 (1950).
adding 4 minutes per day t o each car’s over-the-road movement, Ibid., pp. 38, 39.
the nation’s car inventory could be increased by $100,000,000. Perlman, A. E., Mech. E n g . , 72, No. 8, 641 (1950).
This is only one of examples t h a t could be cited to show the Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., Quincy 71, Mass., unnumbered
great potential field for better handling methods and equipment. bulletin on Vacuflow fillers.
Power Generution, 54, No. 6 (1950).
Richardson Scale Co., Clifton, N. J., Bull. 3449.
LITERATURE CITED Roto-Flo Pump Corp., 2608 West Ruby Ave., Milwaukee 9,
Wis., bulletins.
( I ) Arkell & Smiths, Canajoherie, N. Y . , personal communicationto Stephens Adamson Mfn. Co., Aurora, Ill., Bull. 849.
author. Von Thaden, H., Mech; Eng., 72,No. 7, 549-51 (1950).
(2) Atlantic Pump Corp., P.O. 6751, Philadelphia 32, Pa., unnum- Warren, R. F., Chem. Engr., 57, No. 1, 118-19 (1950).
bered bulletin on Hermetik pump. Wright, R. E., IND.ENG.CHEM., 42,79A (June 1950).
(3) CIiem. Eng. 28, 3346 (1950).
(4) CooperRessemer Corp,, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, bulletin on intensifier. RECEIVED October 16, 1950.


During the past year a large number of articles have appeared on agitation and mixing. There Morello and Poffcnberger (24) pub-
has been considerable activity along experimental lines, and important engineering perform- lished a n authoritative survey of com-
ance data have been reported. Several articles give equipment performance data, both mercial extraction equipment which
from the standpoint of power characteristics and process applications. Discussions have ap- includes performance characteristics
peared which relate fundamental fluid mechanics theory to mixing. The most significant and of several in which mixers are used.
valuable work available to date on mixing applied to fermentation (a gas-liquid-solid mix- A review of various methods re-
ing operation) has been published. ported in the literature for assessing
the performance of mixers has been
prepared by Black (4).

H E previous annual review of developments in mixing
was published in the January 1950 issue of INDUSTRIAL AND

- ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (31) and it brought references u p

to the date of October 1949. An annual survey of new equip-
Extensive data have been published by Rushton, Costich, and
Everett (34) to establish basic mixing impeller characteristics.
ment, as announced by equipment manufacturers, was published The fluid mechanical basis for power correlations is developed and
in Chemical Industries (8). shown to be an accurate basis for the correlation and interpreta-
A description of present theory and practice in mixing appears tion of performance of the common types of mixing impellers,
in “Technique of Organic Chemistry” (33). Special attention is D a t a are correlated for impellers from 3 to 48 inches in diameter
directed to the proper use of mixers in organic chemical research. for tanks 8.5 to 96 inches in diameter, and for fluids with viscosi-
The new edition of “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook’’ (39) oon- ties of from 1to 40,000 centipoises. From these data it is possible
tains a section on mixing. It includes most of the material of the to predict power consumption for the majority of mixers in ex-
previous editions t o which have been added very brief summaries perimental and industrial use. The significance of power charac-
of some of the recent literature. eristics to proper use of impellers and tank fittings is pointed out.
A list of applications for various types of mixers has been pub- A technique is outlined whereby the operating characteristics of
lished by Lyons (18). any impeller in any tank arrangement and fluid can be found by
1 Also director of research, Mixing Equipment Co., Rbchester. N. Y. only a few experimental runs made a t significant conditions.

O’Connell and Mack (27) published power characteristics data Three recent articles (7, 9, 20) on the mixing of solid particles
o n simple paddle mixers (2, 4,and 6 flat blades) in “fully baffled are of interest in leading to a better understanding of liquid as
tanks.” The data can also be correlated conveniently by the well as of solids mixing.
method of Rushton, Costich, and Everett; these data make very Maitra and Coulson (9, 90) discuss experiments with solids de-
useful additions to the constants and exponent values which are signed to test theory which has previously been used in liquid
summarized in Tables IX and X of the Rushton et al. article (34). mixing processes. They were particularly interested in detrr-
For those who prefer to use an alignment chart rather than a mining the degree of dispersion and the rate a t which the disper-
slide rule for calculating the Reynolds number for mixing, a sion can be achieved in a mixing op-ration. Bv using solids they
small chart has been published by Schneider (36). were able to start and stop a mixing operation a t will and thereby
to make progressive sampling and analysis in a more accurate
N E W MIXERS way than is convenient in fluid mixing. Their results check the
A description has been given for a pendulum- or shaker-type fist-order rate equation. The results should be directly applica-
agitator which is useful as a high pressure autoclave (23) Poiver ble to drum- or tumbler-type mixers. The authors also discuss
requirements are given. The article also gives a very brief re- some of the similarities and differences betaeen liquid mixing and
view of power requirements to rotate Peveral types of impellers. the mixing of solid particles.
A tabulation of some power requirements and their relation to Buslik ( 7 ) has investigated the deviation in size in random
effectiveness in several process applications is given by 1Iagnus- samples of granular solids of known size distribution. X relation
son (19). was developed between the standard deviation and size distribu-
A rotating drum-type mixer for handling high viscosity liquids tion and was s h o r n to be applicable t o a study of the rate of mix-
is described briefly by Fesenko (13). ing of solids of nonuniform size. Mixing is discussed from a sta-
Merz (22) describes two impellers and states that they may be tistical distribution viewpoint. The results are directly useful in
used t o enhance solution processes. The radial blade turbine has specifying sampling techniques. The statistical theory and data
holes drilled in the disk and blades; the propeller has stabilizer are probably applicable to liquid mixing ratrs when liquid or
fins cast on the blades (like the stabilizer fins used in this coun- solid aggregates are present in a continuous liquid phase.
Jackson (16) has designed a new blade shape for a propeller C O N T I N U O U S F L O W SYSTEMS
which is intended to chop and cut solids and aggregates in addi- There has been need of a better understanding of mixing in ves-
tion to creating the fluid motion required for mixing. sels where fluid flow is continuous. 1Iason and Piret (21) have
THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF M I X I N G developed mathematical equations to account for the concentra-
tion changes which occur in continuously stirred tank reactor sys-
An article by Fossett and Prosser (14) on the application of free
tems during transient periods of operation. Eldridge and Piret
jets to the mixing of fluids in bulk reports significant and impor-
(12) developed equations for the effect of the mixer on reactions
tant data on model tests and on large tank blending operations. which occur in a series of continuous flow reaction vessels. Ex-
Performance was determined for free jets of liquid used to mix
perimental data are given to show the validity of the theoretical
liquid in large cylindrical tanks. The time required to achieve equations. These articles provide a sound theoretical basis to
blending of gasoline in large storage tanks was measured in scale account for the effect of changes in operating conditions and for
models and full size tanks, wherein the mixing was accomplished
the effect of starting and stopping the operation in a series of re-
by one or more jets of liquid. The principles developed should actors. They showed in the experimental work that a first-order
be applicable to side-entering propeller mixers which are in wide chemical reaction in a series of from one t o five reactors could be
u4e for such blending operations. The data give blending times predicted as to degree of completion on the basis of the theoretical
for various light and heavy oils. Sufficient data are given to cal- equations. Also, the rate constants were shown to be related t o
culate power requirements for many conditions of operation. power input. Power input was accounted for both by t h a t due to
Several examples to illustrate the application of the data are the rotating paddle impellers and by that due to the continuouslv
worked out, and the theory developed enables prediction of per- flowing feed. The experimental work was done in baffled reactor
formance in the largest tanks used (144 feet in diameter, 33 feet vessels and under conditions which are reproducible in large scale
high). equipment. Therefore, the results are useful for fundamental
A short article by Bershader and Pai (3) describes a technique scale-up data.
for measurement of flox and density distribution in the turbulent Johnson and Talbot (17) described an experiment using a series
jet of a fluid in supersonic flow. This article is of theoretical in- of nineteen mixers and settlers in series to study the distribution
terest because the principles of jet flow are applicable to mixing of oxalic and succinic acid between water and butyl alcohol. The
and are aiding in a better understanding of the relation of fluid work was done in small laboratory glassware. An equation for
motion and mixing. the operation was developed and corresponds to one of those
A discussion of some applications of fluid mechanics theory to given by Eldridge and Piret ( 1 2 ) .
mixing was presented by Rushton (32) a t the 1949 Conference on
Industrial Hydraulics. Data are presented which show the con-
ditions necessary t o produce the same flow patterns and similar
dynamic conditions in mixing tanks of two or more different Fermentation. Bartholomew and co-workers (1, 2 ) have
sizes. The basic fluid dynamic theory is presented whereby presented a comprehensive study of application of turbine-type
scale-up to large size mixing equipment from pilot plant studies mixers to fermentation (penicillin and streptomycin). They de-
can be made. scribe a laboratory-pilot plant fermentor with a mixer, baffles,
Serner (37) presented a discussion of an “effective radius of and air-inlet. Engineering data for scale-up to larger size can be
agitation” in viscous liquid mixing. Some arbitrary assumptions obtained from such equipment. The important control variables
are made, after which data are calculated and presented in a have been studied. The authors ( I , $ ) state that other laboratory
chart purported to show the power input necessary to achieve a fermentors that have been described are unsatisfactory because
given flow turbulence at various effective radii for different vis- they are radically different from conventional large scale fer-
cosity fluids. There are no experimental data or fluid mechanics mentors] and thus the data obtained are not suitable for transla-
principles cited to justify the assumed flow patterns which are tion t o large scale. This is a n observation of utmost importance,
postulated. The author states that factors of safety must be and the authors are the f i s t t o have published results of experi-
applied in practical application of his ideas. mental work in fermentation (gas-liquid mixing) using mixing

pilot plant” or standard con-

verter had a capacity of 30
liters. The position of im-
peller, angle of blades, and
position of baffle do not cor-
respond to prevalent large scale
commercial practice, or t o con-
ditions normally considered
best for mixing or best for
scale-up data. Results for fer-
mentation were satisfactory
and the effect of air flow and
impeller speed were evaluated.
It is doubtful whether the
results can be translated to
large scale operation.
The production of circulin
was studied (26) in small scale
and in 100-gallon fermentors.
The fermentors are described,
turbine agitators were used,
but no relations are reported
for variations in impeller speed
or for variations in air flow.
Riboflavin produced by fer-
mentation was described (29)
for pilot plant operations on
two sizes. Aeration and agita-
tion (two speeds) were studied
along with other bio-variables.
One fermentor was equipped
Microbiological Pilot Plant Fermentors with a side entering propeller
agitator. Air wm introduced
through porous stones and a
techniques found to be most effective in large size fermentors. pipe-cross sparger. The other fermentors were equipped with
The science of mixing will gain markedly when small scale experi- top entering propeller agitators. The agitation used is not nor-
mentation is carried out under mixing conditions which are mally considered to be good for gas-liquid contacting, No
known to be optimum in larger scale equipment (33); Bartholo- power data are reported and no holdup data are given, so that
mew et al. give ample justification t o this point of view. a comparison cannot be made with fermentors of conventional
A theory is presented (g) for oxygen absorption by suspended types like those used by Bartholomew et al.
mycelia in aerated nutrient broth, which is complete and in ac- Petty, in a short article on fermentation (88),states that the
cord with modern chemical engineering principles. Experiments horsepower input by a mixer for fermentation varies from 0.3 t o
were performed to isolate various steps in the process, and the re- 2.0 hp. per 100 gallons. Unfortunately no mention is made of
sults clarify the concept of the mechanism of deep tank fermenta- size of equipment or other engineering variables.
tion. Data are given for rates of the several controlling steps in
the process. The effect of agitation was measured in terms of EXTRACTION AND OTHER PROCESSES
power, impeller size, and speed. The data are applicable for
scale-up purposes, and show the optimum conditions for the im- There are many types of continuous liquid-liquid extraction
portant fermentation variables. equipment, and mixing impellers are an integral part of some of
In addition to the articles just mentioned, there were six others them (24). One type which has been developed recently by
dealing with fermentation in which mixers of various types were Scheibel has been used for the extraction of acetic acid from
used. None of them give data suitable for engineering purposes methyl isobutyl ketone-water pair, and the reverse (36). The
as is the case for the work of Bartholomew et al. However, they performance data for a 12-inch diameter column are given. The
are of interest for various reasons and are mentioned here briefly. vertical column consists of alternate packed and open sections;
Hixson and Gaden (16) experimented with oxygen transfer in flat paddle-type impellers are rotated in the middle of each of the
submerged fermentation, They measured rates of transfer in a three unpacked sections. The object of the arrangement is to
fermentor of small diameter and without baffles. It is doubtful disperse one liquid in a secondary immiscible liquid by means of
that the data can be projected to large scale because dynamic simi- the mixing impeller, and then to coalesce the drops as they pass
larity cannot be achieved in a larger tank without baffles or their through the packed section. Thus the unit simulates the ordi-
equivalent. The data are in substantial agreement with the the- nary mixer-settler technique for liquid-liquid extraction. Contact
ory developed by the authors and by Bartholomew et al. stage efficiencies have been measured for various throughput rates
Brown and Peterson reported on penicillin fermentation in a and for various impeller speeds. It was found that there is an op-
Waldhof fermentor (6) and in a turbine-type fermentor of uncon- timum impeller speed for highest stage efficiency. High flows of
ventional design (6). The Waldhof fermentor is the type used liquids could be handled and some runs were achieved a t ef-
in some German fermentation work, No power or other data ficiencies of over 90%. Runs were also reported for other liquid
suitable for large scale design are given. Comparison was made pairs. These are the f i s t data reported in terms of engineering
with this unconventional fermentor (6) and it was concluded that variables for this type of mixer-settler-contactor .
the yields were slightly higher than in the standard fermentor, Hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis operations were discussed
“but the difference may not be significant.” The so-called “semi- by O’Boyle (26), and he gives a description and drawings for sev-

era1 large scale hydrogenators using mixing impellers to distribute Fesenko, N. G., Zavodskaya Lab., 15, 1396 (1949).
gas, mix the liquid, and transfer heat. Fossett, H., and Prosser, L. E., J . Inst. Mech. Eng., 160, No. 2 ,
224, 240, 245 (1949).
Dwyer and co-workers ( 1 0 , 1 1 ) report results of their studies on Hixson, A. W., and Gaden, E. L., Jr., IND.ENQ.CHEW.,42,
the desorption of unreacted isoprene from synthetic rubber latex. 1792 (1950).
They show the effect of mixing variables on the desorption r a k . Jackson, W.H., Chem. Eng., 57, 132 (1950).
A propeller was used, deeply submerged in a small cylindrical Johnson, J. D. A., and Talbot, A., 1 ~ a b t T e 164,
. 1054 (1949)
Lyons, E. J., Chem. Inds., 65, 517 (1949).
vessel. The data are indicative of the effect of mixing in large Masmusson. Karl. Iua. 20. 90 (1949).
scale reactors. Maytra, N. X., And Coulson,‘ J. M., J. I m p . Coll. Chem. Eng.
L A B O R A T O R Y STIRRERS SOC.,4, 135 (1948).
Mason, D. R., and Piret, E. L., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 817 (1950).
A number of types of small glass and metal impellers useful for Merz, O., Chemie-Ing.-Tech., 21, 99 (1949).
laboratory experimentation are shown in “Technique of Organic Mohle. Walter. Zbid.. 21. 335 (1949).
Chemistry” (35). Morello, Y. S., and Poffenberger, iY., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1021
(1 950),
Potter and Kummerow (SO) described a mixer suitable for use Nelson, R. A., DeBoer, C., and DeVries, W. €Ibid.,
I., 42, 1259
with compressed air as the driving mechanism. Air is led from a (1950).
hub out through arms and discharged as in a pin wheel to give ro- O’Boyle, C. J., Ibid., 42, 1705 (1950).
tary motion to a shaft attached to the hub. O’Connell, F. P., and Mack, D. E., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 358
A small stirrer drive for use in a glass-enclosed system has been Petty, R. D., Chem. Inds., 66, 184 (1950).
detailed by Tolbert, Dauben, and Rpid (38). The armature of a Pfeifer, V. F., Tanner, F. W., Jr., Vojnovich, C., and Traufler,
small induction motor is mounted in a glass cylinder attached to a D. H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,1776 (1950).
ground joint flask fitting. Potter, G. D., and Kummerow, F. A., Science, 110, 592 (1949).
Rushton, J. H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 74 (1950).
LITERATURE CITED Rushton, J. H., Proc. Natl. Conf. I n d . Hgdraulics, 111, 119
Bartholomew, W. H., Karow, E. O., and Sfat, M. R., IND.ENG. (1949).
CHEM.,42, 1827 (1950).
Rushton, J. H., in “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Weis-
Bartholomew, W. H., Karonr, E. O., Sfat, M. R., and Wilhelm. berger, ed., 1-01. 111, chap. 3, New York, Interscience Pub-
R. H., Ibid., 42, 1810 (1950). lishers, 1950.
Bershader, D., and Psi, S.I., J . AppEied Phys., 21, 616 (1950). Rushton, J. H., Costich, E. W., and Everett, H. J., Chem. Eng.
Black, C. R., J . I m p . CoZZ. Chem. Eng. Soc., 4, 111 (1948). Prowess. 46. 395. 467 11950).
Brown, W. E., and Peterson, W. H., IND.ENG.CHEX.,42, 1769 (35) Scheibel, E. G., and Karr, A. E., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42, 1048
(1 w,n\. (1950).
(36) Schneidcr, Robert W., Chem. Eng., 56, S o . 5, 157 (1949).
\ _ _ _ _ , _

Ibid., p. 1823.
(37) Serner, H. E., Ibid., 57, 128 (1950).
Buslik, David. A.S.T.M. Bull. 165. 66 (1950). (38) Tolbert, B. M., Dauben, William G., and Reid, James C., Anal.
Chem. Inds., 67, 275 (1950).
Chem., 21, 1014 (1949).
Coulson, J. M., and Maitra, N. X., Ind. Chemist, 26, 55 (1950). (39) Valetine, K. S., and TvIacLein, G., in section 17, “Chemical
Dwyer, 0. E., and Baumann, J. B.,IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1230 Engineers’ Handbook,” Perry, ed., New York, McGraw-Hill
(1950). Book Co., 1950.
Dwyer, 0. E., and Burke, L. T., Ibid., 42, 1240 (1950).
Eldridge, J. W., and Piret. E. L., Chenz. Eng. Progress, 46, 290
(1950). RECEIVED
October 24, 1950.

420 L E X I N G T O N A V E . , N E W Y O R K 17, N. Y .

Last year’s report on crushing and grinding indicated intensified work in this field and the from a preprint; but the papers and
past year has shown maturing results. Practically all the areas discussed in recent years are discussion have just been published
marked b y progress in technical publications. Books and symposia contribute markedly. and reviewed (66). Fischer (38) de-
Dalla Valle is developing a micromeritics laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology, votes a 69-page chapter to particle
and Allis-Chalmers Corp. has a basic industries research laboratory with a complete pilot scale size, covering size, its distribution, a
plant for crushing, grinding, and concentration tests, University of Minnesota workers and detailed discussion of methods of
others are getting to the hard core of the fundamentals of grinding. There is renewed activity measurement, tinting strength, over-
in jet grinding. Among developments in grinding media is the announcement of a cylindrical size particles, and data on many
ball grinding medium of superior hardness and weight. materials. The AMERICANCIIEMI-
CAL SOCIETY’S Christmas 1950 Sym-
posium under the Division of Indus-
HE report last year ( 6 7 ) indicated that work in this field had trial and Engintering Chemistry is on the subject of aerosols,

T been intensified, and this past year has shown maturing

results. Practically all t h e areas which have been dis-
cussed in recent years are marked by some progress in technical
publications, and some of the more striking of these are sum-
and one session is devoted t o particle size measurement (63).
Laboratory announcements have been made. Dalla Valle is
developing a micromeritics laboratory a t the Georgia Institute
of Technology ( 1 9 ) . Allis-Chalmers Corp., Milwaukee ( d ) ,
marized here. has a basic industries research laboratory to give engineering
Books or symposia contribute markedly. The 1950 edition of information to guide in designing more efficient plants. It has a
Perry’s “Handbook of Chemical Engineering” (51) contains a complete pilot scale plant for crushing, grinding, and concentra-
section on size reduction (KO. 16) which is a complete revision tion tests.
by C. E. Berry. While plentiful in data, it gives new emphasis There is renewed activity in jet grinding. The R. T. Vander-
to principles. A symposium was held in Britain in 1947 on bilt plant for grinding large quantities of talc to fine sires is now
methods and applications of particle size This was revieMed operatingat Gouverneur, S Y. ( 1 % ) .

era1 large scale hydrogenators using mixing impellers to distribute Fesenko, N. G., Zavodskaya Lab., 15, 1396 (1949).
gas, mix the liquid, and transfer heat. Fossett, H., and Prosser, L. E., J . Inst. Mech. Eng., 160, No. 2 ,
224, 240, 245 (1949).
Dwyer and co-workers ( 1 0 , 1 1 ) report results of their studies on Hixson, A. W., and Gaden, E. L., Jr., IND.ENQ.CHEW.,42,
the desorption of unreacted isoprene from synthetic rubber latex. 1792 (1950).
They show the effect of mixing variables on the desorption r a k . Jackson, W.H., Chem. Eng., 57, 132 (1950).
A propeller was used, deeply submerged in a small cylindrical Johnson, J. D. A., and Talbot, A., 1 ~ a b t T e 164,
. 1054 (1949)
Lyons, E. J., Chem. Inds., 65, 517 (1949).
vessel. The data are indicative of the effect of mixing in large Masmusson. Karl. Iua. 20. 90 (1949).
scale reactors. Maytra, N. X., And Coulson,‘ J. M., J. I m p . Coll. Chem. Eng.
L A B O R A T O R Y STIRRERS SOC.,4, 135 (1948).
Mason, D. R., and Piret, E. L., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 817 (1950).
A number of types of small glass and metal impellers useful for Merz, O., Chemie-Ing.-Tech., 21, 99 (1949).
laboratory experimentation are shown in “Technique of Organic Mohle. Walter. Zbid.. 21. 335 (1949).
Chemistry” (35). Morello, Y. S., and Poffenberger, iY., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1021
(1 950),
Potter and Kummerow (SO) described a mixer suitable for use Nelson, R. A., DeBoer, C., and DeVries, W. €Ibid.,
I., 42, 1259
with compressed air as the driving mechanism. Air is led from a (1950).
hub out through arms and discharged as in a pin wheel to give ro- O’Boyle, C. J., Ibid., 42, 1705 (1950).
tary motion to a shaft attached to the hub. O’Connell, F. P., and Mack, D. E., Chem. Eng. Progress, 46, 358
A small stirrer drive for use in a glass-enclosed system has been Petty, R. D., Chem. Inds., 66, 184 (1950).
detailed by Tolbert, Dauben, and Rpid (38). The armature of a Pfeifer, V. F., Tanner, F. W., Jr., Vojnovich, C., and Traufler,
small induction motor is mounted in a glass cylinder attached to a D. H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,1776 (1950).
ground joint flask fitting. Potter, G. D., and Kummerow, F. A., Science, 110, 592 (1949).
Rushton, J. H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 74 (1950).
LITERATURE CITED Rushton, J. H., Proc. Natl. Conf. I n d . Hgdraulics, 111, 119
Bartholomew, W. H., Karow, E. O., and Sfat, M. R., IND.ENG. (1949).
CHEM.,42, 1827 (1950).
Rushton, J. H., in “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Weis-
Bartholomew, W. H., Karonr, E. O., Sfat, M. R., and Wilhelm. berger, ed., 1-01. 111, chap. 3, New York, Interscience Pub-
R. H., Ibid., 42, 1810 (1950). lishers, 1950.
Bershader, D., and Psi, S.I., J . AppEied Phys., 21, 616 (1950). Rushton, J. H., Costich, E. W., and Everett, H. J., Chem. Eng.
Black, C. R., J . I m p . CoZZ. Chem. Eng. Soc., 4, 111 (1948). Prowess. 46. 395. 467 11950).
Brown, W. E., and Peterson, W. H., IND.ENG.CHEX.,42, 1769 (35) Scheibel, E. G., and Karr, A. E., IND.ENG. CHEM.,42, 1048
(1 w,n\. (1950).
(36) Schneidcr, Robert W., Chem. Eng., 56, S o . 5, 157 (1949).
\ _ _ _ _ , _

Ibid., p. 1823.
(37) Serner, H. E., Ibid., 57, 128 (1950).
Buslik, David. A.S.T.M. Bull. 165. 66 (1950). (38) Tolbert, B. M., Dauben, William G., and Reid, James C., Anal.
Chem. Inds., 67, 275 (1950).
Chem., 21, 1014 (1949).
Coulson, J. M., and Maitra, N. X., Ind. Chemist, 26, 55 (1950). (39) Valetine, K. S., and TvIacLein, G., in section 17, “Chemical
Dwyer, 0. E., and Baumann, J. B.,IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 1230 Engineers’ Handbook,” Perry, ed., New York, McGraw-Hill
(1950). Book Co., 1950.
Dwyer, 0. E., and Burke, L. T., Ibid., 42, 1240 (1950).
Eldridge, J. W., and Piret. E. L., Chenz. Eng. Progress, 46, 290
(1950). RECEIVED
October 24, 1950.

420 L E X I N G T O N A V E . , N E W Y O R K 17, N. Y .

Last year’s report on crushing and grinding indicated intensified work in this field and the from a preprint; but the papers and
past year has shown maturing results. Practically all the areas discussed in recent years are discussion have just been published
marked b y progress in technical publications. Books and symposia contribute markedly. and reviewed (66). Fischer (38) de-
Dalla V a l l e is developing a micromeritics laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology, votes a 69-page chapter to particle
and Allis-Chalmers Corp. has a basic industries research laboratory with a complete pilot scale size, covering size, its distribution, a
plant for crushing, grinding, and concentration tests, University of Minnesota workers and detailed discussion of methods of
others are getting to the hard core of the fundamentals of grinding. There is renewed activity measurement, tinting strength, over-
in jet grinding. A m o n g developments in grinding media is the announcement of a cylindrical size particles, and data on many
ball grinding medium of superior hardness and weight. materials. The AMERICANCIIEMI-
CAL SOCIETY’S Christmas 1950 Sym-
posium under the Division of Indus-
HE report last year ( 6 7 ) indicated that work in this field had trial and Engintering Chemistry is on the subject of aerosols,

T been intensified, and this past year has shown maturing

results. Practically all the areas which have been dis-
cussed in recent years are marked by some progress in technical
publications, and some of the more striking of these are sum-
and one session is devoted to particle size measurement (63).
Laboratory announcements have been made. Dalla Valle is
developing a micromeritics laboratory a t the Georgia Institute
of Technology ( 1 9 ) . Allis-Chalmers Corp., Milwaukee ( d ) ,
marized here. has a basic industries research laboratory to give engineering
Books or symposia contribute markedly. The 1950 edition of information to guide in designing more efficient plants. It has a
Perry’s “Handbook of Chemical Engineering” (51) contains a complete pilot scale plant for crushing, grinding, and concentra-
section on size reduction (KO. 16) which is a complete revision tion tests.
by C. E. Berry. While plentiful in data, it gives new emphasis There is renewed activity in jet grinding. The R. T. Vander-
to principles. A symposium was held in Britain in 1947 on bilt plant for grinding large quantities of talc to fine sires is now
methods and applications of particle size This was revieMed operatingat Gouverneur, S Y. ( 1 % ) .


Among developments in grinding media is the announcement Adams, Johnson, and Piret (1) have, in the series on energy-
of the U. S, Stoneware Co. of a new cylindrical ball grinding new surface relationships, shown the impact crushing character-
medium of superior hardness and weight (17). istics of sodium chloride, relating permeability and surface area
measurements. The low crushing efficiency confirms earlier
PARTICLE SIZE work. They find for impact that energy versus new surface is
not a straight line. They offer x-ray evidence of plastic deforma-
Brocard (11) has published a comprehensive treatment in tion. The third part of that series by Johnson, Axelson, and
French, and other examples of foreign work are of interest (49, Piret (39) shows application of gas adsorption measurements in
67). Specific developments, as with the light or the electron the crushing of quartz. The drop weight method here too gives
microscope, are reported. Polystyrene “billiard balls” were a curved relation for energy input to new surface, but with slow
announced as a measuring instrument (18). The property of compression it is a straight line. Correlation of permeability
polystyrene to form uniform stable emulsions of definite particle and adsorption is good, the adsorption values being consistently
size is utilized for calibration or comparison. Jellinek (38), in double those from the permeability test.
giving mathematical treatment to the size frequency distribution Von Szantho (64) has shown value for surface agents in fine
of emulsions, used the microscopic count method. Sharpe (60) wet grinding. With the right concentration of agent, the sur-
has endeavored to simplify the operation of the electron micro- face per unit of energy is more than doubled. Agents are selec-‘
scope by devising a graticule for use in particle size analysis. tive on complex ores. Podszus (62), in attacking fundamentals
Working with radioactive aerosols, Leary and FitzGibbon (44) in the mill, considers control of flow directions and a rapid suc-
employ a radioautograph for determination of particle size. cession of impacts essential to optimum operation.
Haultain (36) has simplified his classifying device, known as the The usual announcements of new equipment (20, 41) have
Infrasizer, and now announces a new one where the number of been made. Many of these are small modifications, often of
cones have been reduced from seven t o two. The report indi- great importance to the plant operator. Others are significant
cates that glass spheres have been split quickly and accurately in starting new trends. Noteworthy in that regard are de-
a t 25 microns. velopments in sonics. A review (13) of sonic precipitation of
Rose (66, 66) discusses the limitations of the light extinction smoke fumes and dust particles gives technical data on size and
method for particle size. He has designed a rough instrument amplitude ratio. St. Clair (68) discussed agglomeration of
for the measurement of light extinction and light scattering. smoke, fog, or dust particles by sonic waves. Danser and Neu-
This, combined with sedimentation, is used for determination of mann (24) discussed systems, while Danser (23) discussed their
size distribution. He 6nds consistently satisfactory results using use in removing &e particles from processing exhaust gases.
dark-colored ilmenite and light-colored zircon sand, and he is now This may become an important factor relating t9 aerosols from
working toward an instrument for accurate measurement of size. grinding processes. Smith and Stafford (62) have reported the
The scattering index is about 6 for sizes below 5 microns, as re- A. D. Little development of the paper-asbestos filter for the Army,
quired by Rayleigh’s law, and it drops rapidly to a level of 2 which combines low pressure drop with effective filtration.
a t larger sizes, as required by the laws of geometric optics. Dorrco (16) has shown marked progress with the Dorrclone sepa-
Bardwell and Sivertz (7) use the Debye-Einstein equation for rator, €or fractionation and collection. It (14) has also an-
determining size of small dielectric particles of latex. A Beck- nounced a hydro-oscillator for classification, which, by keeping
man spectrophotometer was used for turbidity measurements, oversize mobile, gives better classification.
and a Zeiss dipping refractometer was used for refractive index There is activity in air-jet mills. The processing of talc, now
measurements. Eberspaecher (28) reports a direct graphic de- in operation (33), gives finest grade of 0.8-micron average di-
termination of particle size from the half width of x-ray inter- ameter. The Wheeler mill (19)is described with reference to
ference patterns. high capacities and fine sizes with some drying in its operation.
Sane et al. (69) consider the correction factor of the Kelly tube, Andrews and Speirs ( 4 ) received a patent on a jet pulverizer and
which is caused by movement of fluid from the capillary, worthy dryer.
of attention, and, by means of an overflow and tilting arrangement Ball mill grinding media, always a problem, have received more
in which they give careful attention to measuring the angle of than the usual attention. The U. S. Stoneware Co. (21) an-
inclination, they claim good results without the necessity for nounces a new shape and type of ball, which is 75 to 80% heavier
this correction. than porcelain and much harder. The development of a cylindri-
Adsorption methods have been the subject of considerable cal shape which does not readily deteriorate to spherical gives an
work. Loebenstein and Deitz (46) offer a simplified technique action tending toward that of a rod mill. Marked improvement
for determination of surface area by adsorption of nitrogen. in wear resistance, and less contamination coupled with improve-
Bartell and Dodd ( 9 ) report on surface areas of crystalline carbon ment in mill performance, are indicated. Nordquist and Moeller
- and carbide powders as measured by the adsorption of nitrogen.
Lauterbach et al. (45) present specific surface determinations of
uranium dusts by low-temperature adsorption of ethane. Smith
(48) and Knight and Dyrenforth (42) have studied ball wear.
The latter, using different balls and ores, confirm an earlier finding
of Devany and Coghill that mill wear is proportional to mill
and Hurley (61) calculate particle size of carbon blacks from power rather than tonnage throughout. Payne and Steinebache
adsorption of fatty acids,
(60)report on casting grinding balls continuously.
Performance of mills has had scrutiny. Anselm ( 6 ) reports on
grinding cement in a three-chamber mill, showing the relation of
The theory of reducing action has been advanced by,several charge ball size and weight to performance. White (66) reports
researches. Axelson and Piret (6) have subjected single par- on the conical trunnion overflow and cylindrical grate mills in
ticles of crystalline quartz to fracture under slow compression. copper operations. Myers and Lewis (47) give a progress report
Energy concentration a t fracture ranges widely between 0.3 and on grinding a t the Tennessee Copper Co.
44.6 kg.-cm. per gram, with the most probable value as 1 kg.-cm. Other developments are: Andersen ( 3 ) on crushing plant, de-
per gram. These authors apply a simple statistical attack to sign; Djingheuzian (26) with a review; Herz (37) in perspective
experimental data to get size distribution qualities, energy, and of milling operations; .the John T. Dyer Quarry Co. (65) on
efficiency for ’primary crushing conditions. Efficiencies range operation of a portable mill; Pulva Corp. (16) with its swing
from 1.7 to 26.5%, with the best value about 10. With this type hammer twin-screw feed for pigments, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs,
of penetrating analysis, the contrasting concepts of Kick us. and the like; Craiglow (22) on the electric heating of screens to
Rittinger should find their true places. avoid clogging; the largest deep frame jaw crusher (64); double
116 INDUSTRIAL AND E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y Vol. 43, No. 1

impeller breakers with dual impact action (30); and ten ways to (20) Chem. Inds., 67, KO. 2, 278-9, 280, 284-5 (1950).
cut grinding costs (39). (21) Chem. Processing, p. 23 (September 1950).
(22) Craiglow, G. W., Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 29,27-9 (January 1950).
APPLICATIONS (23) Danser, H. TV., Jr., Oil and Gas J., 4 8 , 5 0 (March 9, 1950).
(24) Danser, H. W.. and Neumann, E. P., IXD.ENG.CHEM.,41,
A few specific industrial applications remain to be cited. Fine 2439-42 (1949).
(31)shows how graded glass sand is prepared by grinding and (25) Davidson, H. S., Oficiul Digest, Federution Paint &: Varnish
classification. Studies in grinding cement in a cylindrical mill Production Clubs, 309, 753-66 (October 1950).
are reported from Japan (40). Agreement with the Rosin- (26) Djingheuzian, Truns. Can. Inst. Mining Met., 52, 555-67 (1949),
Rammler equation is claimed. Decrease in grinding efficiency Bull. 450.
a t elevated temperatures is attributed to changes in the gypsum (27) Doubleday, D., and Barkman, A , Oficial Digest, Federation
and other elements. It is noted that gypsum is ground to the Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, 307, 598-608 (August
fiyer sizes, about one half of the total quantity being below 5 1950).
microns. (28) Eberspaecher, O., 2. Elektrochem., 53,398-400 (December 1950).
Tiranglen (68) shows the effect of overvoltage, cathode film, (29) Eng. Mining J., 150, 106-7 (November 1949).
and hydroxide formation a t the cathode as it relates to electro- 130) Ibid., 151,141 (February. 1950).
deposited metal powders, deposited either a t size or in brittle form Fine, M. M., iGining Eng., 187, T 385-90 (March 1950).
with subsequent grinding. Fischer, E. K., “Colloidal Dispersions,” New York, John Wiley
The paint industry has contributed more than its usual number & Sons, 1950.
of papers in this field. Barkman (8) reviews equipment and Gillingham, W. P., Compressed Air Mag., 55, 32-7 (February
methods for making paints, including rolls, ball mills, and chol- 1950).
loid mills. Doubleday and Barlman (27) employ the Hegman Harris, B. L., and Wolock, I., Oficial Digest Federation Paint &
grind gage as a means of evaluating mill o eration. Bern- Varnish Production Clu,bs, 308, 645-8 (September 1950).
stein (10) discloses a roller type of applicator g r a fineness of Ibid.,309, 750-2 (October 1950).
grind gage, and with it, studies the progress of the grind and eval- Haultain, H. E. T., Trans. Can. Inst. Mining Met., 53, 128---31
uates dis ersion on the three-roll mill. Moore (46) indicates that (1950).
jet-mille8 pigments are available at practical prices. Pigments Here, X., Mining Congr. .I., 36,44-6 (February 1950).
are chiefly of the iron oxide type, except for silica. The sixteen (Jellinek,H. H . G., J . SOC.Chem. Ind., 69, Yo. 8,225-9 (1950).
materials generally show top sizes in the 5- to 10-micron range, in Johnson, J. F., Axelson, J., and Piret, E. I,., Chem. Eng. Progress,
comparison with normal pigments running to two or three times 45. 708-15 11949).
that limit. Dispersible agglomerates show greater reduction J . Japan. Ceram. Assoc., 51, No. 604, 206-13, KO.605, 280-5,
than do straight grinds, as is t,o be expected. Drying in the mill 1co. 606, 352-4 11943).
gives superior qualities in plastics, rubber, cement colors, wall Kanowits, S.H., Chem. Inds., 65, 528-9 (1949).
paper, and paints, the other advantages being greater color value Knight. C . H., and Dyrenforth, D., Quart. C o b . SchooZ Mines,
and ease of dispersion. Davidson (65) endeavors to correlate 45, 25-32 (October 1950).
the electron microscope with color and working properties. Lauterbach. I<. E.. et ul.. .I. Franklin Inst.. 250. 13-24 (1950).
He compares the electron microscope for this with the visible, to I.eary, J. A , and FitzGibbon, F. J., C. S. Atomic Energy Com-
the expected disadvantage of the latter. Tinting strength, oil mission. AECD-2791 (June 7, 1949).
absorption, mass tone, shape, and dispersion are compared. Loebenstein, W.T., and Deitz, 5’ R., J Chem. Phus., 17, 1004-5
Harris and Wolock (34, 35) have studied the permeability and (1949).
porosity of paint films. The critical pigment volume concentra- Moore, C . IT,, Oficinl Digest Federation Paint & Varnish
t.ion and surface as well as general shape characteristics were in- Produelion Clubs, 304, 373-80 (May 1950).
terrelated. The critical volume pigment concentration is clearly Myers, a. F., and Lewis. F. M.,Mining Eng., 187, 707-11
critical. (1950).
Altogether there is healthy activity in the field, and progress of Xordquist, D. E.. and Moeller. J. E., Ibid., 187, T 712--14
a substantial nature is being made. (June 1950).
S . V. de Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, Dutch, 64, 989
LITERATURE CITED (Dec. 15, 1949).
Payne, P. AI., and Steinebache, F. G., Foundry, 78, 70-3 (March
(1) Adams, J. T., Jr., Johnson, J. F., and Piret, E. L., Chem. Eng. 1950).
Progress, 45, X o . 11, 655-60 (1949). Perry, J. H., “Handbook of Chemical Engineering,” New
(2) Allis-Chalmers h‘lanufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., “Basic York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950.
Industries, Research and Testin.: Facilities.” Podszus, E., Arch. MetaZlkunde, 3,414-22 (December 1949).
, Eng. Mining J., 150, 94-6 (October 1949). Rock Products, 52, 104-5 (October 1949).
(4) Andrews, N. H., and Bpeirs, .J. I,.,U. S. Patent 2,494,153 Ibid., 52, 83 (December 1949).
(Jan. 10, 1950). Rose, H. E., Engineering, 169, 350-1 (March 31, 1950), 405-8
(5) Anselm, W., Zement, Kallz, Gips, 3, KO. 1, 16-17 (1950). (April 14, 1950).
(6) Axelson, J. W., and Piret, E. I,., IND.ENG.CHEM.,42, 665-70 Rose, H. E., J . Soc. Chem. Ind., 69, No. 9,266-72 (1950).
(1950). Rossi, C., Proc. Intern. Congr. Pure and Applied Chem. (London),
(7) Bardwell, J., and Siverte, C., Can. , J . Research, 25B, No. 3, 11, 609-20 (1947).
255-65 (1947). St. Clair, H. W., IND. ESG. CHEM.,41, 2434-8 (1949).
(8) Barkman, A., Oficial Digest, Federation Paint &: Varnish. Sane, S. C., et al., Anal. Chem., 22, 617-18 (1950).
Production Clubs, 308, 630-44 (September 1950). Sharpe, J. W., J . Sci. Instruments, 26, 308 (1949).
(9) Bartell, F. E., and Dodd, C. G.. J . Phys. and Colloid Chem., Smith, H. A., and Hurley, R. B., J . Phgs. and Colloid Chem.,
54, 114-28 (1950). 53, 1409-16 (1949).
(10) Bernstein, I. &I., IND.ESG. CHEM,,42, 908-16 (1950). Smith, W. J., and Stafford, E., Chem. Eng., 57, 105 (August
(11) Brocard, J., Centres d’Etudes et de Recherches de 1’Industrie 1950).
des Liants Hydrauliques, Paris, Tech. Pub. 20 (January 1950). Symposium on Dispersions in Gases, IXD.EN@.CHEM. (June
(12) Chem. Eng., 57, No. 2, 142 (1950). 1951).
(13) Ibid., 57, NO.10, 116-19 (1950). Saantho, E. von, Z . Errebergbau und iMetallh.iittenw., 2 , 353-60
(14) Chem. Eng. News, 28,1869 (1950). (December 1949).
(15) Ibid., p. 1950. White, J., Mining Eng., 187, T96-7 (January 1950).
(16) X d . , p. 2196. Work, L. T., Chem. Eng. News, 28, 3724 (1950).
(17) Ibid., p. 3250. Work, L. T., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42, 26-8 (1950).
(18) Ibid., pp. 3504-5. Wranglen, G., J . Electrochem. SOC.,97, No. 11, 353-60 (1950).
(19) Chem. Inds., 65, 542 (1949); Mining Eng., 187, T 369-73
(March 1950). RECEIVED
Sovember 16, 1950.


Reprints of this and earlier Unit Operations reviews may be purchased for 50 cents each from the
Reprint Department, American Chemical Society, 11 5 5 Sixteeenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C.
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