Factors Affecting The Punctuality of Oro Site Senior High School Students

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A Research Proposal

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Qualitative Research

Rutesa A. Adornado

Subject Teacher

Oro Site Senior High School

Legazpi City

General Academic Strand

Section A

Group 2

March 2017




Table of Contents............................................................................ii

List of figures..................................................................................iv


1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
Statement of the art.........................................................................2
Objectives of the study...................................................................2
Scope and limitation.......................................................................3
Significance of the study................................................................3
Definition of terms.........................................................................5


Related Studies..............................................................................9
Theories in chronic tardiness........................................................12
Synthesis of the study....................................................................13
Research gap..................................................................................15

Theoretical framework..................................................................16
Conceptual framework..................................................................19
Definition of terms........................................................................22

3. METHODOLOGY.......................................................................24
Research design............................................................................24
Population ....................................................................................25
Sampling Procedure......................................................................25
Source of Data...............................................................................26
Research Instrument......................................................................26
Data Gathering...............................................................................27
Definition of terms........................................................................28


List of Figure

Theoretical Paradigm of the Study..........................................................18

Conceptual Paradigm of the Study..........................................................21


Chapter 1


This study examines the punctuality of a student in Oro Site Senior High School;

using these studies by Hellman (2003) the researcher will know the factors and reasons

why students are always late in class , one of this reason is that they are stuck in traffic ,

the researcher will identify what are the effects in students that are late in class especially

to the academic performance of a students in class, according to a survey conducted by

Accountemps some indicates that students tend to be late on a certain subject since they

dislikes there on time subject , and some students attend their classes late because they

waking up late in the morning , which can also be contribute to late night activities like

social networking , watching movies and television shows. Allerton (1996) shows factors

that contribute to a late habit, time management and sometimes being late of student is

not also about the actions of them, the heavy traffics, the teachers, the surroundings and

policies may also serve as influence to the tardiness of students.

This kind of problem became habitual to the students and has a significant impact on

their performance in school and base on Cain, Joy Duckett (1996) provides suggestions

on how to control chronic lateness. The researcher intends to isolate the primary reasons

of tardiness in school. The tardiness of a student’s consumed his/her learning time as well

as disturbs other students and teachers. The tardy students are threat to the social and

maybe those students are one of the less productive members of the society.


This study will be guided by three research questions. By this it will help and

guide the researchers to know and understand the purpose of the study.

1. Why do the respondents come to school late?

2. Is their tardiness a major offense to school policies?
3. What can be done to address he tardiness of the students?


The researchers will present three objectives that will strengthen this study. This

study aims to know the reason behind why students are always late in class. Here are the

lists of objectives.

1. To know and understand the reasons why do respondents come to

school late.
2. To present a solution on how to solve the problems on tardiness.
3. To know the impact of tardiness on students’ general performance.


The point of this research was to survey and to know the perception of the

selected Senior high school students towards the common factors affecting the habitual

tardiness and punctuality its primary concentration is bounded to the selected senior high

school students of Oro Site the survey respondents consisted of some of the student who

experience being tardy at school. This study only examines the Oro Site Senior High

School students which have a 271 population and we take 5 students as a sample size.


It is important to know the significance of the study in having a research for us to

have knowledge about it. This study will help us to understand and give solution to the

factors in both home and school that will contribute greatly to the development of a

student’s attitude toward tardiness. This study aims to explore and find out the factors that

affect the punctuality of students.

Students – that they will be more aware of the consequences of being tardy, and

the solutions to lessen this kind of behaviour so they have this knowledge to overcome


Teachers – they will have the idea what to do to the students who are coming late

in school and what policies and consequences they will give to those students who keep

on doing that kind of behaviour.

Parents – that may increase their interaction and discussion with their children and

are more responsive and sensitive to their children’s social, emotion and intellectual

development. They are more likely to help and encourage their children’s.

Community – the advance knowledge about tardiness , this will ensure less

students going to school late , less failing grades and less unproductive students so in the

next couple years there’s a high possibility that many student will finish their studies and

have a good future and the number of unemployment in the community will be lessen.

School – To develop self discipline. It also serves as a preparation when you level

up your career in the future. Always on time makes you updated in every activities.

DepEd – can monitor the performances and also the actions of the studied

students that were listed as the late comers in the said school.


Factors – a circumstances, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Influence –the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of

someone or something, or the effect itself.

Late night Activity – is used to describe events, especially entertainments that happen late

in the evening or late at night.

Perception – the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something trough the sense.

Policy –a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party,

business, or individual.

Punctuality – is the characteristics of being able to complete a required task or fulfil an

obligation before or at a previously designated time.

Significant – having or expressing a meaning; indicative; suggestive.



Allerton, Haidee//Training & Development; Dec96, Vol. 50 Issue 12, p7

Hellman, Paul// Hudson Valley Business Journal; 4/21/2003, Vol. 14 Issue 8, p20

Cain, Joy Duckett// Heart & Soul; Apr/May96, Issue 14, p74
Chapter II



According to the Global Post, arriving to school and classes on time is important,

but sometimes even the most punctual student find they are running behind schedule.

Teachers chooses to handle tardiness could depend on several factors. First, many schools

have policies for lateness that state the penalties for being late in class. Example, those

students who are late in class would have a penalty like when a student have these

instance of tardiness will call their parents or guardians, or a school give limit time to

those late student but if that student could not follow this limitation, they will not going

to attend on the first class that cause to lose participation points the first subject.

It is important to keep tardiness to a minimum because students who habitually

arrive late in class are disruptive. If a student came late in class, there are tendency that

he/she will miss the lessons or performance output especially on first class. The effects of

tardiness are both disruptive and inconsiderate. Teachers should have a strict policy in

place to deal through with their policy when necessary.

Due to the fact that tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students

nowadays the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional
policy that addressed late students these must be defined sanctions and penalties for late

students. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to

think that being late is just alright since even the authorities persons are doing it. They

should as well teach it and integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on

lateness or tardiness does not start and end with the school. It must begin with the parents

of the students and the government must take part as well.

Some school have already started finding solutions that would effectively

minimize and/ or eliminate tardiness among students. Frequently, parents, educators and

even government leaders express concern over the continuing violence, as well as the

breakdown of discipline within our schools (cited by Bouiter , 2004 ). One of the

solutions made by some schools is implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take

steps in approaching the students and parents for them to solve the problem. Students

under the interdisciplinary program exhibited more positive behaviours from students not

from the curriculum. Interdisciplinary students showed less absences and tardiness as

well as higher grades these taught the students better, goal-setting, decision making skills

and time management. In return, students under these behaviour modification programs

yielded less tardiness and higher grades.

Punctuality is one of the virtues beyond reproach. Much at the time and wealth

will be saved if this virtue will be carried out to the system of every responsible citizen.

Oreene (1963) attempted to determine if a significant difference existed between students

having favourable and unfavourable attendance records and whether absenteeism varied
significantly between economically advantaged and disadvantaged school communities.

Punctuality will encompass all of the positive action in all aspects. Though it was less

appreciated in other situation like productively against punctuality, none the less it is still

very vital in situation that needed it most. This study will determine the factors affecting

students in their daily routine during school days. Always and often times was being

tardy in the flag ceremony, in attending classes after recess time, in the morning and

during the first period in the afternoon. There are observed instances that during their

transfer of room in their specialization subjects and other activities that needs outdoor

activities. They are behind schedule in attending to it. This problem had accumulated

from tolerable to habitual state and t has a significant impact in their performance at

school. Duke and Meckel (1980) studied the California High Schools and five

organizational variables potentially related to student’s attendance. Most of the class had

been believed to be influenced by their peers and will be embedded n their mind pattern

until college and ultimately to the vacation and adventures in life. Other students had just

the difficulty in optimizing their time as their subject related activities grows in bulk. To

figure it out, students set aside their precedence too study and learn thus the proponent if

this research had to find out. Moreover, the researchers intention is to isolate the primary

reasons of tardiness and proactive. Intervention will be executed so as to curtail if it will

not utterly do away with the quandaries.

Alexander Rusell Jr. Of Atlanta University Center (1990) upon making their study

they found out that many academic and behavioural problems at school by tardiness. In

addition, there were problems with a lack of money from parents. Transpiration was also


a factor of student tardiness in this situation. The purpose of their study was to know the

difference between chronically tardy and non-tardy student. Their study examines the

factors affecting the tardiness of the students. Base on their study and the sample size

they got out of 30 teachers attitude. They recommended workshop to enhance positive

teacher. This study strongly suggested through its findings that family environment or

home environment has a great impact on student’s achievements. This also said that

families action have a strong impact chronically tardy students. They also conclude that

the presence of both parents in the home will increase a student’s chances in maintaining

a good school attendance record. Based on this fact that non-tardy students, had a father

present in the home and the chronically tardy students, did not have a father present in the


Studies conducted by the U.9 Department of Education on truancy which is

connected with tardiness, show that school attendance and tardiness are major factors.

When it comes to school success and student behaviour, school relates to other outcomes

as follows. Students who are frequently tardy have lower rates. Chronic tardiness in

elementary and middle school is associated with failure in high school. A national study

reported higher rates of absenteeism and tardiness for drop outs. Teachers surveyed for

the National Centre for education statistics 2007 Indicators of school Crime and Safety,
reported that students who are frequently tardy have higher rates of suspension and other

disciplinary actions. Students who are frequently tardy to school are more apt to have

attendance and tardiness problems when entering rage workplace.


At the program level, assessing maybe done by comparing data collected at

program intake, at later intervals and or at text between participation and non –

participation .It is also meaningful to compare results for the current cohert (those who

entered the program at the same time in the current year) which those of previous

cohert/examine data obtained from previous years or quarter on the same cohert, by urban


A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to “determine if school

tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness”. It provides a lot of literature that observes

correlations and factors affecting a student’s tardiness. As cited by Weade the 3rd most

common cause for the failure of a student’s is “excessive tardiness and unexcused

absences”(Ligon and Jackson 1998)”Inconsistency of school rules”(Britt,1998)and

situations such as “croweled halls ,limited opportunities for social interaction ,Irrelevant

course content and teachers Indifference”(Damico Etal ,1990) are also factors that affects

a student’s attendance and punctuality .As mentioned by Weade personal values

,financial security and lack of parental guidance (Payne ,2001) as well as family

background (Featherstone Etal ,1992)Influence tardiness and absences of students

Many studies have shown the reasons and the factors that may contribute to the

tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned of reasons of tardy students was waking up
late in the morning, which can also be attributed to late night activities such as social

networking, watching movies and televisions shows, as well as untimely academic and

domestic errands .As proven by several studies, sometimes It’s not also the act of the


student that leads to his/her tardiness. The heavy traffic, the teachers, the schools

surroundings and policies may also serve as Influence to the tardiness of students.


Compulsive tardiness ends friendships, sours love affairs and demolishes careers.

Often there’s no one reason for continually failing to be time, but several overlapping

motives. Some of them are complex, lurking in the murky caverns of a person’s psyche.

Sometimes tardiness is a learned pattern of behaviour. “If we were late, we were just late.

No one stood around huffing and puffing about it.”

Deserved or not, women hold the reputation of being late more often than men.

Consider the stereotype of the teen-age daughter entrenched in her bedroom, applying

makeup. This part of the feminine mystique may be rooted in the historical inequality of

the sexes, some psychologists theorize. People, whether they’re aware of it or not, often

delay being near of their anxiety. That’s why even ambitious people will come to school

late. “They may harbour fear about their performance on their capacity to achieve what

they’re striving for.”

Jacob Kounin (1977) the founder of the Classroom Management Theory states

that there must be something a teacher could do to prevent news behaviour in the first
place which would lead to more effective classroom management . The researchers

believe that in order for a teacher to have an effecting connection between management

and teaching, they’re needed to have a good lesson management.



This synthesis of the state-of-the-art shows the differences and similarities of the

related literature and studies. And it also shows the relationship of it to this study. As a

researcher, students are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that they

must do. A researcher find a possible effects about tardiness of students in our studies and

literature it include factor that dictates the quality of performance of a students, the

punctuality they is getting to school on time or being tardy. Researcher prove that

tardiness of students happened in real life situation , because of this problem researchers

find a solution to prevent and to minimize the tardiness issues among students , they can

also predict the things that possible happen to every students being late.

As cited by Nakpodia and Dafioyhor (2011) lateness can be defined as the

situation where an individual arrive after the proper scheduled or visual time. Lateness

describe as a term to defined people getting tardy. Nowadays, many of the students are

late because of some reason such as financial problem, transportation, location, including

the family problem. According to the study that the researcher conducted , Family

problem is one of the factor that may affect the punctuality of a student’s but it’s not the

only problem can cause tardiness and punctuality of a student’s but also the disruptive
behaviour of a students in the school where student can’t able to perform well his/her

academic performance.

Base on our studies and related literature about tardiness of students this study

will determine the factors affecting students in their daily routine during school days.


Researcher’s studies and literature have some similarities and differences which

are studies have significance to understand the main reason why students getting late it

stated the punctuality of being tardy of every student. The most dominant to control for

being tardy is to stop doing such things which affected to their studies. Tardiness of a

student’s describes the factors associated with student’s lateness and behaviour.

Researcher stated in their study that it is important to keep tardiness to a minimum

because students who habitually arrive late to class are disruptive , when students arrives

to a class after lecture has already started the teacher is forced to either stop lecturing.

The studies and literature have an impact in the topic of the study, because it

discuss about the effect and reasons of being tardy. This study can help the researcher to

have idea and knowledge to its study and also help to understand and can give solution

about this problem. Studies and literature have both limitations and ideas about being late

and both of this studies and literature are important to conduct more reason and solutions

to control being tardy. It have a different between this , because study is already discover

by other researcher while the literature is shown that even if passed century still apply to

the next generation and it is useful to other researcher but usually researcher not find

more ultimate correct answers to a question.

This study aimed to systematically review studies that investigate factors

associated with student’s lateness behaviour and dealing strategies. The papers and

reports were analyzed and organized according to the definitions of lateness and various

factors associated with student’s lateness behaviour. Researcher indicate the dealing with


disruptive behaviour in the classroom is one of the most challenging aspects of being a

professor and the study recommended further investigations and analysis could be

beneficial to obtain a complete vision of pattern of lateness behaviour and coping

strategies for students.


There are some researchers that already conducted research about the punctuality

of a student. The reasons and causes why some students arrived late in school. So in this

study, the researcher will apply the thoughts of the parents of late students. This study

will know the reaction of these parents why their children is late. What are the strategies

and actions to motivate their children to come early to school? And what will be the

effect to their children if this kind of attitude cannot be lesser. It will also examine the

effect of this in their academic performance in school and how it will affect the social life

of the student.

One of this is family problem. Where a student become a rebel on his/her parents

because of lack of attention and guide so a student didn’t care to their study. They think

that there is a no purpose to be early and present in class. And sometimes, some parents

already know that their children are late and it is okay for them as much as their children
come to school every day. In this case, lots of parents asking why their children have

failing grades. Having the new technology in our society helps the students and workers

to make their activities faster; especially in school but having computers and cell phones


has bad effects, because by using the social media they sleep late at night so they wake up

late in the morning. The social media is one of the reasons why do some students arrive

late in school. This study could be able to benefit teachers and the tardy student

themselves they will able to find out what are the cause and effects , this might have not

only the tardy student but also his or her classmate and teachers.


The first theory is decision theory which is the study of the reasoning underlying

agent’s choices. The phrase “decision theory” itself was used in 1950 by Erich Leo

Lehmann. Decision Theory can be broken into two branches, the normative decision

theory which gives advice on how to make the best decision and the descriptive decision

theory which analyzes how existing, possibly irrational agents actually make decisions.

This theory is related to the study because students have their own decision

whether they will come early in the class or they will arrive late. Decision Theory can

motivate the students to make the best decision for their own sake.

The second theory that the researcher conducted is the Theory of Constraints. This

theory of constraints is an overall management philosophy introduced by Eliyahu.

Geeddratt in his 1984 book titled the Goal. It is also a management paradigm that views

any manageable system as being limited in achieving more of its goals by a very small

number of constraints.


The theory of Constraints is also related to the study. There are factors that affect the

punctuality of students such as too much use of social media, family problem and

transportation or financial problem. These factors are constraints for the students who are

always arrive late in school.

The two theories that the researcher conducted can help the study to minimize or

lessen the students who are always late in class because these theories motivated the

students to make their best decision that can improve their performances in school.

Decision Theory and Theory of Constraints explain the relationship between the studies

of the researchers.

The Theoretical Paradigm is given on the next page.






Being late of a
Students in their

- Think for the best decision

- Perform well in class
- Avoid too much use of
social media
- Time management



This framework criticizes and conceptualizes the reasons why the students or

respondents come to school late to help the researcher to determine if tardiness can be

one of the major offenses on school policies. The researchers address the actions and

attitude of the students to understand the performances that they do in their school. This

research aims to know the factors that may affect the performances of a student in their

school, community or even in their houses.

There are factors that affect the punctuality of students and these factors are the

reasons why do the respondents or students come to school late. Some students are

always late in class because of financial problem, transportation or location, too much use

of social media, time management problem and the teachers’ attitude.

Tardiness is one of the major of offense to school policies, because tardiness on

the school is a major students are always late, working to improve being on time should

be one of students goals, Regular attendance at school is essential for a student’s success,

it is impossible to recover the time lost from a missed day and the more a student misses

the farther they fail behind. Students should need to keep parents and guardians informed.
Alert them whenever their child is absent in case the students has skipped school without

them knowing.

Tardiness is a habit or one of the behaviour of the students. Tardiness can be

address if all the students know how to manage their time and practice doing more

pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks


instead of more urgent ones, times putting off impending tasks to a later time,

Researchers plan to address the tardiness of the students by conducting a seminar to

enhance positive teachers student interaction to improve students perception to teachers.

Gives parenting workshop for the parents of those indentified as always late.

The Conceptual Paradigm is given on the next page.


- Financial Problem
STUDENTS - Transportation
- Location
- Too much use of social media
- Time management
- Teachers Attitude

Improval Attendance and Punctuality Performance

- Communication system that will inform the parents about

their child.
- Conduct a seminar about teacher-student relation
- Make an activities that can motivate students
- Gives award to those people who came early
- Parental workshop for parents



Authoritative – commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and

Chronically – describe people who have a long-time habit, behaviour, or tendency.
Disruptive – causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its

usual way.
Firm – having steady but not excessive power or strength; showing resolute

determination and strength of character.

Habitually – by way of habit; customarily.
Impact – A qualitative measure for how much effect something will have over

time. Usually refers to how shocking, thought provoking or memorable some

given items is (or likely to be).

Inconsiderate –without thought or consideration for others; thoughtless.
Modification – the making of a limited change in something; the limiting of a

Penalties – a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.
Tendency – an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behaviour.


Dinkes, R., Forrest Cataldi, E., Lin-Kelly, W. (2007). Indicators of

SchoolCrime and Safety: 2007. NCES Publication No. 2008021.

Ekstrom, Ruth, Goertz, M., Pollack, J., & Rock, D. (1986). Who Drops Out

of High School and Why? Findings from a National Study. Teachers College Record

Volume 87 Number 3, p. 356-373

Russell, Alexander Jr., "Factors affecting chronologically tardy students in a

selected elementary school of the DeKalb County school system" (1990). ETD Collection

for AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. 2186.

Lehmann, E.L.; Scheffé, H. (1950). “ Completeness, similar regions, and

unbiased estimation. I.” Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics 10 (4): 305–340.

MR39201. JSTOR 25048038 -- (from E. L. Lehmann? I don't have convenient access to

article on JSTOR. If you do, and can confirm, please cite as such. Alternatively, delete

mention of his first use.

International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research vol.

2(4).pp-58-61 April 2011 Available

Chapter III



Ethnography is a qualitative design; where the researchers explain about shared

learn patterns of values, behaviour, beliefs and language of a culture shared by a group of

people. This research adopts the ethnographic because it also explains or shows about the

behaviour of the students in their school. Based in the researchers our study that was

about the tardiness of the students, the researcher chooses ethnography.

This type of research design will guide the researchers study to make it clear and

understanding it includes the behaviour of the students such as tardiness and absenteeism.

Ethnography is related to the study because if students/respondents love their own beliefs

of value it is also the same into their performance where they habitually wake up late in

the morning it is difficult to change because of their daily habits.


In statistics, a population is a set of similar items/events which is of interest for

some question / experiment. Statistical population is a complete set of items that share at

least one property in common that is the subject of a statistical analysis. Oro Site Senior

High School has a population of 279 enrolled students. Among this population, 54 out of

279 are students who are in the list of late comers at February to March. The researchers

randomly select 5 students out of 54.


The researchers apply simple random sampling because of a subset of

individual (a sample) we choose from a larger set (a population) such that each

individual have the same probability of being chosen. Researcher uses simple random

sampling because it is an unbiased surveying technique. Unbiased random selection

of individuals is important so that if a large number of samples were drawn the

average sample would accurately represent the population.


This study examines the factors why students are always late in their class the

Oro Site Senior High School have 279 enrolled students and 54of them were listed as

late comers from February to March. We conducted an interview for those students

that randomly selected. The researcher aims to grasp the behaviour and the reason

why the respondents were late. The researcher will write the name of the late students

on a separate paper. The researcher shuffles the paper and then draws five names.


The researchers apply both primary and secondary. The researchers apply the

secondary in first they conducted the research such as the studies and literature review

that they used to their studies. And when the research has that information about the

studies the researcher used also the primary to conduct an interview and observation to

those students who always arrived late in school. These sources will be the guide of the

researchers to make their study more significance in others. These sources can also help

the study to be successful in gathering information about the tardiness of the students.


Research will be use an interview, observation and survey to gather information about the

tardiness of the students in their class. The researcher will conduct an interview for those

students who are always late. This will guide the researcher to know about the reasons

and factors that are affecting the student’s performances. The researcher must prepare the

questions in advance and be punctual and organized.

The researcher will also conduct observation to get information by the act of

careful watching and listening to the person who the researcher needs to observe. Using

observation as researcher instrument it will help the researcher to observe the behaviour

of those students who are always late in class. In having observation to those students

who are always late in class will the researcher to know about their behaviour in school.

To gather more information about the study, the researcher also conduct survey

to the students by asking a question from the chosen student who is always arrive late in

class can contribute to the researcher because of their answers or reason why they are

always late. It is the same in having interview because researcher must prepare questions

in advance and be organized.


First the researcher had an idea to conduct an interview or observation in the

following students who were late. Second the researchers use the data from the guard’s

list to find out the students who were late from February to March. Third the researchers

observed the list of tardy students and choose to use the method of sampling procedure.

The researchers used the simple random sampling. Then the researcher prepared

questioners to conduct an interview to late comers of Oro Site Senior High School

students that were drawn from the list of late comers. After this, the researcher analyzed

the answers these said students. The researcher examines the gather data and

differentiates the reasons that may affect the performances each student. And lastly, the

researcher found the exact answer to the questions about that affect the punctuality of the

students in Oro Site Senior High School, and these matter the researchers indicated

recommendations that can solve problems about tardiness.



Absenteeism – the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good


Behaviour – the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Ethnography – the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and


Statistics – the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large

quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a

representative sample.

Unbiased – showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial.



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Salant, Priscilla, I. Dillman, and A. Don. How to conduct your own survey. No.

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