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Configuration examples for SAP KBA 1994065 - SAP Sourcing logs for Application level issues

The default configuration of your Logging Categories (see References for defaults) for Category “E-
Sourcing” should look like this (i.e. Severity is “Info”) and does not need to be changed at all if asked
to provide SAP Sourcing application logs to SAP Sourcing Support

Figure 1: SAP Sourcing default Logging Categories configuration

SAP NW 7.3 Configuring Log Controllers at
or > Security Information > Security Guide > Auditing and logging >
Logging and Tracing > Configuring Log Controllers
Configuration examples for SAP KBA 1994065 - SAP Sourcing logs for Application level issues

The default configuration of your Tracing Locations (see References for defaults) for Category “E-
Sourcing” should look like this for “E-Sourcing” Locations “java”, “sql” and “startup” (i.e. Severity is
“Error”) and if asked to provide SAP Sourcing application logs to SAP Sourcing Support would need to
be changed as follows:

Figure 2: SAP Sourcing default Tracing Locations configuration

SAP NW 7.3 Configuring Log Controllers at
or > Security Information > Security Guide > Auditing and logging >
Logging and Tracing > Configuring Log Controllers
Configuration examples for SAP KBA 1994065 - SAP Sourcing logs for Application level issues

2) Debug logging and startup debug logging combined

a) Set the “Severity” for the “E-Sourcing > eso > java” & “E-Sourcing > eso > startup”
Locations to “Debug”

b) and use the “Copy to Subtree” button for the “E-Sourcing > eso > java” Location and
confirm its question with “OK”

c) Check if the descendants are properly set to Severity “Debug” in the “E-Sourcing > eso >
java” Location

d) after reproduction and capture of your issue revert said changes by clicking on the

and OK to reset the “E-Sourcing > eso > java” & “E-Sourcing > eso >
startup” Locations and descendants to Severity “Error” (as shown in the Figure 2: SAP
Sourcing default Tracing Locations configuration)

SAP NW 7.3 Configuring Log Controllers at
or > Security Information > Security Guide > Auditing and logging >
Logging and Tracing > Configuring Log Controllers

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