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Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174

Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines (DVM2016)

Calculation of vibration of pipeline bundle with damping support

made of MR material
S.A. Bezborodov, A.M. Ulanov*
Samara National Research University, 34 Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia


Wire damping materials (such as Metal Rubber, MR) are used widely for protection of pipelines against vibration. A calculation
method for bundle of arbitrary shape pipelines with damping supports made of MR material by finite element method ANSYS
software is developed. The method takes into account complexity of pipelines shape, interaction of pipelines vibration in the
bundle, multi-axial linear and torsion stiffness and damping of nipple supports. A constant damping coefficient is obtained by
calculation-experimental method from vibration of one pipeline. The method allows obtaining amplitude of pipelines vibration
and stress in them. Calculation results are proved by experiment. Errors of natural frequencies are less than 7 %, thus it is
possible to use this method for practical application: placement of pipeline supports and design of these supports parameters. It
allows reducing a large experimental work of measurement a stress in pipelines during pipeline systems design.
2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Ltd. This
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing
( committee of the international conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of
Machines. under responsibility of the organizing committee of the international conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines

Keywords: Pipeline, bundle, vibration, damping, support, MR material, Finite Element Method

1. Introduction

Contemporary engines and machines include a large number of pipelines. Group damping of pipeline bundles
allows simplifying of structure and reduction of support mass. Damping dry friction supports are used widely for
protection of pipelines against vibration. These supports often use a damping material made of pressed wire, such as
MR (Metal Rubber) [1, 2]. MR material is manufactured by cold pressing of wire spiral. It has high damping, large
strength, and high ability to work in aggressive media. Analogous wire damping materials are “metal-flex”, “spring

Corresponding author: tel. +79171417335,

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the international conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines
170 S.A. Bezborodov and A.M. Ulanov / Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174

cushion” [3, 4], “wire mesh damper” [5]. However MR material (as all other materials made of pressed wire) has
non-linear properties [6], its stiffness and energy dissipation coefficient depend on deformation amplitude and
preliminary static deformation Q. However calculation methods for pipeline vibration in a present time are linear
previously, they don’t take into account a complexity of pipeline shape, consider a pipeline as straight or bended
beam. They don’t take into account a joint vibration of some pipelines in the bundle too [7 – 10]. A maximal
complexity of calculation method in present time is a pipeline as some branches [11]. The calculation methods in
present time take into account a damping in liquid into the pipeline but not a damping in supports. On this reason
these methods allow obtaining of pipeline resonance frequencies but don’t allow obtaining of stress in the pipeline,
or they give only relative distribution of stress in the pipeline instead its absolute value [12]. The aim of the present
research is developing of calculation model for pipeline bundle which allows calculation of own frequencies and
displacements of pipelines connected by group support with damping elements made of MR material. It would be
possible to find a placement and characteristics of damping supports by calculation on a base of this model. It
allows to reduce significantly a time and expenditure for design of pipeline systems.

2. Researched object and calculation model

As researched object two pipelines made of titanium alloy was chosen. They have outer diameter 6.2·10-3 m,
inner diameter 4·10-3 m and complex 3D shape. Both ends of pipelines have nipple supports as a model of pipeline
connection with engine units. In a middle part of pipelines the support with a wideness 11·10-3 m is installed. Two
damping elements made of MR material are placer in this support. Nipple supports are connected with angles and
vibration stand (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Pipeline bundle with damping support on vibration stand TIRA

The calculation model is obtained in ANSYS software (Figure 2). A software was developed for modal and
harmonic calculation of two pipelines with nipple supports on its ends and group support with damping elements in
the middle part. Pipelines are modeled by elastic two-node finite element Pipe16. Nipple supports and damping
support are modeled by finite element Combin14, mass of group support is modeled by finite element Mass 21.
Characteristics of MR material (stiffness С and energy dissipation coefficient Ψ) are calculated by equations
obtained from static experiment with thin plates made of MR material. The plates have different thickness Н (from
1.15·10-3 to 3.45·10-3 m), density ρ (from 1115 to 2028 kg/m3), relative preliminary static deformation εQ=Q/H
(from 0.087 to 0.268), wire diameter dW (from 0.09·10-3 to 0.12·10-3 m) [13]. Stiffness of damping elements made of
MR material in the present experiment was 181000 N/m, energy dissipation coefficient Ψ = 1.3. Parameters of MR
material for this element are presented in Table 1.
S.A. Bezborodov and A.M. Ulanov / Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174 171

Fig. 2. Finite element model of pipeline bundle

Table 1. Parameters of damping element made of MR material

Free outer Diameter of hole Relative static Density of MR
Wire diameter Pipeline
Thickness, 10-3 m diameter of in the support, preliminary
dW, 10-3 m diameter, 10-3 m material ρ, kg/m3
system, 10-3 m 10-3 m deformation εQ
0.09 2.3 10.8 9.8 6.2 0.22 1217

Fequency and amplitude of pipeline vibration depend significantly on stiffness and energy dissipation coefficient
not only in damping support but in nipple supports too. Characteristics of nipple supports are included in the model
as stiffness for displacement, stiffness for rotation and energy dissipation coefficient. Stiffness for displacement was
obtained experimentally for nipple support by applying of force to place of connection of pipeline and nipple
support. Its value is С0 = 1111000 N/m. Stiffness of nipple support for rotation obtained from research [14] as 1000
N/radian around axis in a plane perpendicular to pipeline axis and 150 N/radian around the pipeline axis. Energy
dissipation coefficient for nipple support Ψ = 0.14 was obtained experimentally by vibration amplification
coefficient of resonance for a pipeline without damping support.
Because deformation of Mr element with little thickness has little influence on frequencies and amplitudes of
pipeline vibration, the stiffness and energy dissipation coefficient of damping support were assumed as constant for
harmonic analysis. Because finite element Combin14 uses viscous friction, a transformation from dry friction energy
dissipation coefficient Ψ to equivalent viscous damping coefficient Cv is obtained by equality of hysteretic loops
area by equation
 C
Cv 
(here ω is frequency of vibration) [15].
To obtain in harmonic analysis the real amplitudes of vibration it is necessary to assign a correct constant
damping coefficient. To find it a calculation-experimental method is proposed.
Experimental part of this method is obtaining of vibration amplitude in specific point of reference during
vibration of one pipeline only. A sensor of vibration is placed on the pipeline and modeled as a concentrated mass.
Pipeline supports have stiff connection with a table of vibration stand. During experiment a resonance vibration of
pipeline for first mode is obtained. Vertical displacement of the point of reference of the pipeline for amplitude of
table of vibration stand equal 0.012·10-3 m is presented on Figure 3. Vertical amplitude of pipeline vibration in the
point of reference is 0.385·10-3 m.
To find the damping coefficient the calculation research was used. The aim of this calculation is obtaining of
value of damping coefficient for which the calculated vibration amplitude and experimental vibration amplitude
coincide. An influence of constant damping coefficient value on vibration amplitude on the point of reference of the
pipeline is presented in Table 2.
172 S.A. Bezborodov and A.M. Ulanov / Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174

Fig. 3. Vertical (direction of Z axis) displacement of pipeline on vibration stand

Table 2. Influence of constant damping coefficient on vibration amplitude on the point of reference of pipeline
Value of constant damping coefficient
DMPRAT 0 0.001 0.0075 0.01 0.1
Calculated amplitude, 10 m 11.2 2.33 0.383 0.291 0.037

It is seen from Table 2 that experimental and calculated amplitudes are near to each other for damping coefficient
value 0.0075. This value was used in the model for harmonic calculation of pipeline bundle.

3. Experimental research

Vibration stand TIRA was used for experimental research of pipeline bundle vibration (Figure 1). To obtain a
displacement of pipelines near resonance a range of excited frequencies ±5 Hz near resonance frequency was set on
vibration stand control system. Acceleration of table of vibration stand was 40 m/s2.
Non-contact system ARAMIS was used for measurement of pipeline bundle vibration. This system has two high-
speed cameras which obtain simultaneous pictures of object. Comparison of sequency of pictures allows to find 3D
shape of obgect and its deformation and displacement.
To obtain amplitude of table of vibration stand a bold was installed on the table. For ARAMIS measurement a
coordinate system was placed on a head of bolt in its motionless position. Thus during work of vibration stand an
amplitude of bolt head displacement (equal to amplitude of movement of table of vibration stand) on resonance
frequency was 0.036·10-3 m. This value was used in harmonic analysis by ANSYS software as amplitude of excited
load. Amplitudes of vibration of pipeline bundle measured near damping support by ARAMIS and calculated by
ANSYS are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Displacements of pipeline bundle measured by ARAMIS and calculated by ANSYS for different directions
Vertical ∆,% Horizontal ∆,%

Amplitude of support vibration, 10-3 m 1.01 1.25 19.2 0.37 0.774 52.2
Amplitude of No 1 pipeline vibration 0.94 1.17 19.7 0.31 0.675 54
near support, 10-3 m
Amplitude of No 2 pipeline vibration 1.02 1.225 16.7 0.4 0.725 44.8
near support, 10-3 m
For example, displacement of No 1 pipeline in vertical direction (Z axis) near support is presented on Figure 4.
S.A. Bezborodov and A.M. Ulanov / Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174 173

Fig. 4. Displacement of No 1 pipeline for Z axis direction near the damping support

Difference of amplitudes is 17-20 % for vertical direction and 45-54 % for horizontal one. It is possible to
explain this difference by different nut tightening for nipple connection of one pipeline and pipeline bundle,
different stress of assembling in the pipelines. Mass of vibration sensor during experiment with one pipeline may be
source of any mistake too. However in the present time there are no any calculated results about displacement of
pipelines with complex shape and pipeline bundles at all. Information about it and about stress in pipelines is
obtained by large experimental work. Thus it is possible to consider the model developed in the present paper as
practically useful for preliminary calculation of displacement of pipelines and calculation of stress in pipelines by
ANSYS software.
Error for frequencies is significantly less. Comparison of experimentally obtained (by laser vibrometer) and
calculated own frequencies of pipeline bundle with damping support is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Comparison of experimentally obtained and calculated own frequencies of pipeline bundle
Laser vibrometer ANSYS Error, %
Own frequencies, Hz 176.6 187.2 6.0
221.9 237.4 7.0
369 351 4.9

It is seen from Table 4, that error of own frequencies calculation is less than 7 %, it is enough for practice.
Because the model takes into account characteristics of MR damping elements, the developed model is useful for
design of pipeline systems, for obtaining of placement and characteristics of supports by calculation.
For an improvement of the developed model a future detail research of stiffness and damping in nipple supports
and influence of assembling stress is necessary.


Thus a calculation method for bundle of arbitrary shape pipelines with damping supports by finite element
software is developed. The method takes into account complexity of pipelines shape, interaction of pipelines
vibration in the bundle, multi-axial linear and torsion stiffness and damping of nipple supports. Calculation results
are proved by experiment. Errors of natural frequencies are less than 7 %, thus it is possible to use this method for
practical application: placement of pipeline supports and design of these supports parameters. The method allows
174 S.A. Bezborodov and A.M. Ulanov / Procedia Engineering 176 (2017) 169 – 174

obtaining amplitude of pipelines vibration and stress in them. However a future research of damping coefficient for
the bundle of pipelines and stress in pipelines is necessary.


This work was supported by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in the framework
of the implementation of the Program of increasing the competitiveness of SSAU among the world’s leading
scientific and educational centers for 2013-2020 years.


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