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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

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Predicting the Performance of VOC Condensers

Stephen M. Hall

To cite this article: Stephen M. Hall (1990) Predicting the Performance of VOC
Condensers, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 40:3, 404-407, DOI:

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Published online: 06 Mar 2012.

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Predicting the Performance
of VOC Condensers
Stephen M. Hall
Life Sciences, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are commonly released from process vents and equipment
leaks. These discharges are a threat to the environment, and cost manufacturers millions of
dollars in added raw material costs. For these reasons, one may be confronted with the task of
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evaluating alternatives for reducing VOC emissions from a process plant.

There are two basic approaches for reducing VOC emissions: a) changing the process, or b)
installing control equipment.
Methods for changing the process include replacing highly volatile solvents with less
volatile ones, making piping changes to reduce the number of vents, tightening the process to
eliminate open tanks and leaks, altering process temperature and pressure conditions, etc.
Equipment that is applicable to VOC emission control includes incineration, carbon
adsorption, scrubbing and condensation.
This article addresses the application of condensers to process vents. A computer
spreadsheet model is described, providing a quick screening which indicates whether a vent
condenser might be a viable option for controlling emissions. The template provides, for each
of a range of condensing temperatures, estimates for the amount of VOC that will be
condensed, the condenser size and the tons of refrigeration required.

Organic vapors are routinely condensed in the chemical pro- stream from a distillation column. This stream is 100 per-
cess industries. Equipment ranging from distillation col- cent VOC at its boiling point. If the vapor pipe were sudden-
umns to dry cleaning machines incorporate condensers to ly enclosed at each end, trapping the VOC at one atmosphere
eliminate the vast majority of emissions from those unit pressure, then cooled to some lower temperature, the VOC
operations. But the type of VOC emissions that are com- would condense and the vapor space would go to a partial
monly collected in ductwork using elephant trunks and oth- vacuum condition. At equilibrium, the vapor space pressure
er air pickup devices—often called "fugitive" emissions— would be equal to the vapor pressure of the liquid at the
are tricky to control using condensation. Similarly, process lowered temperature.
vents containing large quantities of non-condensibles, such Returning to the distillation column example, the vapor in
as air, behave poorly. the overhead pipe reaches the condenser and is cooled to
The reason condensers are sometimes a poor choice is that some lower temperature. As VOC is condensed, a partial
fugitive emissions, from an open tank for example, are mixed vacuum wants to form. But now, if the condenser is vented to
with large quantities of air. Condensing VOCs from air is the atmosphere, air is admitted to bring the total pressure to
much different than condensing essentially pure vapor atmospheric. There remains in the vapor some VOC, the
streams. In a condenser that is operated at atmospheric amount of which is proportionate to the vapor pressure of
pressure, where there is a large quantity of air, only VOCs the VOC at the condensing temperature divided by the total
that are present in excess of their saturation concentrations pressure; this is the saturation concentration of the VOC in
can be condensed. VOCs below the saturation concentra- air. The reason that very little VOC is vented through the
tions are swept through the condenser by the air stream; as vent pipe to atmosphere is that the condenser operates un-
will be shown, this can be a very significant quantity. der equilibrium. As fresh VOC enters as vapor, an equal
amount is condensed and sent back to the column as liquid.
Condensers Work Well on Certain Vents The material balance is closed so there is no driving force to
send VOC out the vent pipe.
On the other hand, with process vents that are essentially
pure VOC, condensers can eliminate most of the emission.
Here's why. Consider a source of VOC, such as the top vapor Copyright 1990—Air & Waste Management Association

404 J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc.

Non-condensibles Change the Balance Table I. Recommended outlet gas temperatures.8
Alter the example by introducing non-condensible air into (i) —25° C when condensing VOC of vapor pressure greater than
the vapor stream to the condenser. The air is pushed through 40 kPa (5.8 psia)b
the condenser, and takes VOC with it because, as was just (ii) —15° C when condensing VOC of vapor pressure greater than
shown, there will be some VOC left uncondensed. The air 20 kPa (2.9 psia)
sweeping through the condenser becomes the driving force (iii) 0° C when condensing VOC of vapor pressure greater than
to send VOC out the vent pipe. So the challenge in designing 10 kPa (1.5 psia)
this type of condenser is to minimize the volume of air and
minimize the partial pressure of VOC by minimizing the (iv) 10° C when condensing VOC of vapor pressure greater than
7 kPa (1.0 psia)
temperature. However, there is an economic tradeoff (lower
temperatures result in higher refrigeration requirements), as (v) 25° C when condensing VOC of vapor pressure greater than
the spreadsheet template makes clear. 3.5 kPa (0.5 psia)
In 1978, the EPA published guidelines that suggested cer- a
EPA OAQPS Guideline Series, Control of Volatile Organic Emis-
tain condenser outlet gas temperatures, depending on the sions from Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products,
vapor pressure of the condensing VOC (see Table I). Howev- EPA-450, 2-78-029, December 1978.
er, the guidelines fail to account for molecular weight or Vapor pressures as measured at 20° C.
initial concentration (i.e. non-condensible flow rate) each of
which has great bearing on how much VOC is condensed.

Predict Saturation Concentrations

densation is expected to occur. However, if the initial con-
Raoult's law predicts the mole fraction of components in centration is low, perhaps below the saturation temperature
the gas phase above an ideal liquid. For a pure liquid A, with at the cold temperature, little or no condensation will be
air at atmospheric pressure above it, Raoult's law says the expected.
composition of the gas phase above the liquid will be:
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Mole Fraction A = (Vapor Pressure of A)/(Total Pressure) Process Description

Mole Fraction Air = 1 - Mole Fraction A The spreadsheet template is modeled after a process such
This is the saturation composition. If more of component as the one depicted in Figure 1. Volatile organics (VOC) are
A is present than the saturation composition, then conden- released from process equipment, and collected by a hood or
sation is expected to occur. fume pickup. An exhaust fan directs the VOCs, together
Each compound in an ideal gas mixture will occupy identi- with the dilution air, through a condenser. Cold heat trans-
cal molar volumes. One pound-mole of component A will fer fluid (HTF) condenses VOCs for recovery and reduction
occupy 359 cubic feet at standard conditions (760 mm Hg of emission to the atmosphere.
pressure, 0° C temperature), as will one pound-mole of com-
ponent B, one pound-mole of nitrogen and one pound-mole Calculation Method
of oxygen. However, the mass of each component's mole is
proportional to the molecular weights of the materials. The model assumes ideal behavior to predict the satura-
Therefore, higher molecular weight materials have higher tion composition of the gas at various temperatures. Vapor
mass per unit volume. This leads to the conclusion that of pressure and total pressure are used along with Raoult's law
two compounds with equal vapor pressures, the one with the and molecular weight for the prediction. The user inputs the
higher molecular weight will have a higher saturation con- actual composition of the gas. By difference, actual composi-
centration in terms of mass. So, if it is desired to reduce VOC tion minus saturation composition, the amount of VOC con-
emissions by condensation, the emission of the higher molec- densed is computed. Of course, if the actual concentration of
ular weight material will be more difficult to reduce to a VOC is below the predicted saturation concentration then
certain absolute value (in weight units). no condensation will occur.
The EPA guidelines fail to account for initial concentra- Let's walk through the model's computations. See the
tion (i.e. non-condensible flow rate) of the vapor, before spreadsheet output "Theoretical emission from vent con-
cooling. If the concentration is much higher than the satura- denser," (Figure 2) for Row and Column references.
tion concentration at the cold condensing temperature, con- Rows 4 through 9. The engineer determines the total flow
rate into the fan (point 1 in Figure 1) in units of standard
cubic feet per minute (scfxn). The total quantity of VOC that
is picked up is estimated in units of pounds per hour (also at
point 1). The name of the VOC, or a representative com-
pound, is input into the model.
HTF Supply Vent to Atmos.
Columns A and B. A series of temperatures are selected,
corresponding to a possible range of exhaust temperatures
(at point 2, after the condenser). For each temperature, the
theoretical vapor pressure for the VOC is calculated using
the Antoine equation:

where A, B and C are the Antoine coefficients for the VOC,

e Condensed VOC
and t is the temperature. The Antoine coefficients (and
molecular weight and heat of vaporization properties) are
found in a chemical data section of the template; entries
tTTtt HTF Return should be constructed for the compounds most often en-
countered. Data are tabulated in the literature for many
substances (see R. C. Reid, J. M. Prausnitz, and T. K. Sher-
wood, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 3rd edition,
Figure 1. System sketch. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977).

March 1990 Volume 40, No. 3 405

CONTROL TECHNOLOGY gas stream is used to compute the amount required to cool
from the inlet temperature to the outlet temperature. For
this part, the entire gas stream is assumed to be air with a
heat capacity of 0.25. Then, the heat of vaporization of the
Column C. Assuming a total absolute pressure of 760 mm VOC is used, together with the predicted condensation
Hg, and using Raoult's law, the saturation concentration of amount, to compute the heat transferred during the phase
the VOC in air, at each temperature, is predicted. change. The two components are summed to arrive at a total
Columns D, E and F. The actual concentration of the VOC
is calculated from the initial data. By difference (actual- U is estimated by the engineer. Experience with condens-
saturation concentrations), the amount that can be con- ers provides a range of U values that are normally encoun-
densed is calculated. Note that if the initial concentration is tered. See Table 10-10 in Perry's Chemical Engineers'
less than the saturation concentration, nothing will be con- Handbook (6th ed.) for typical values. When cooling air
densed. streams at atmospheric pressure, Design U values of 10 to 50
are suggested. Since this model is meant as a screening tool,
the inaccuracy of guessing U is unlikely to affect the conclu-
Condenser Size and Heat Load Approximated sions drawn from the results. But for comparison, the exam-
Columns H and I. Having calculated the amount of VOC ple problem was run on a commercial heat transfer program;
condensed, and knowing the inlet and outlet temperatures the rigorously calculated U was very close to the U of 20 that
for the condenser, rough approximations for the condenser is assumed in the example spreadsheet calculation.
size and heat load can be made. The model makes use of the For the log-mean temperature difference, assumptions are
general heat transfer equation: made with respect to the temperature of the heat transfer
fluid, then the log-mean AT is calculated directly. The inlet
Q = UAAT temperature of the HTF is assumed to be 10° F colder than
where Q is the amount of heat transferred (Btu/hr), U is the the condensing temperature. Further, it is assumed that
overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-sq.ft.-° F), A is the there is a 5° F approach, so the HTF undergoes a 5° F change
in temperature. Thus, all four temperatures are known and
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area of the heat transfer surface (sq.ft.) and AT is the log-

mean temperature difference between the air stream and the the log-mean AT is easy to calculate:
heat transfer fluid (° F).
Rearranging: (7\ - T4) - (T2 - T3)
Q is estimated in two pieces. First, the heat capacity of the

A B C D E F G H 1 J
4 Ethyl Alcohol
7 Exhaust Rate.t h«fnr« finnrifl riser, scfm .. 4 800
8 Operating Hours ner Year . 1,000
9 Uncontrolled Solvent Emission. Ib/hr 2,100
1 0 Temperature at r.nnriflnsflr I nlflt den C 30
1 1 Assumed Heat Transfer Coefficient, Btu/hr-sq.ft.-degF 20
1 2
1 3
1 4 Condenser Predicted Predicted Calculated Condensed Emitted Yearly Estimated Estimated
1 5 Temperature Vapor Pressure Sat. Amount Uncontrolled Emission Condenser Sz Refrigeration
1 6 deqC mmHg Ib/lb air Ib/lb air Ib/hr Ib/hr Ib/yr sq. ft. tons
1 7 -40 0 0.0008 0.096 2083.5 16.5 16,542 1,592 125
1 8 -30 1 0.0021 0.096 2054.8 45.2 45,188 1,628 115
19 -20 2 0.0051 0.096 1987.9 112.1 112,110 1,660 104
20 -15 4 0.0078 0.096 1928.9 171.1 171,113 1,670 98
21 -10 6 0.0117 0.096 1843.7 256.3 256,322 1,669 91
22 -5 8 0.0172 0.096 1722.6 377.4 377,434 1,651 83
23 0 12 0.0249 0.096 1552.8 547.2 547,172 1,602 74
24 5 17 0.0356 0.096 1317.8 782.2 782,181 1,500 62
25 10 23 0.0503 0.096 995.7 1104.3 1,104,272 1,309 48
26 15 32 0.0703 0.096 557.8 1542.2 1,542,220 957 30
27 20 44 0.0973 0.096 0.0 2100.0 2,100,000 335 9
28 25 59 0.1337 0.096 0.0 2100.0 2,100,000 220 4
29 30 78 0.1828 0.096 0.0 2100.0 2,100,000 0 0
30 35 103 0.2495 0.096 0.0 2100.0 2,100,000 0 0
Figure 2. Theoretical emission from vent condenser.

406 J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc.

Limitations The intermediate calculations section is used to break the
more complex calculations into digestible pieces. This area
The effect of water vapor in the air stream is neglected. At of the template is not printed out. For example, it contains
very low condensing temperatures, water will condense and the log mean temperature difference calculation.
freeze. This is more of a practical problem than a failure of The chemical data section is a lookup table containing the
the model. Freezers and dehumidifiers deal with it by peri- Antoine coefficients, molecular weight and heat of vaporiza-
odically warming their coils above the freezing point to shed tion for a variety of compounds. The user need only enter the
themselves of ice. In a real installation, it may make sense to name of a compound contained in the table; the template
install desiccant beds or condensers in series, at successively model retrieves the appropriate properties for use in the
lower temperatures, to gradually rid the air stream of water calculations.
vapor as well as VOC.
Only one VOC is allowed in the model; when more than Conclusions
one compound is present, it is necessary to use a representa-
tive compound in the calculations. Spreadsheet programs are useful for performing a wide
variety of engineering calculations. They offer many advan-
Example tages over stand-alone software (e.g. software written in
BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN or C) including: ease of use,
A granulated pharmaceutical intermediate is dried in a flexibility, low cost and computer compatibility.
fluid bed dryer. The exhaust fan is rated at 4,800 scfm Vent gas condensation is an excellent application for solu-
capacity. It is estimated that 2,100 lb/h of ethyl alcohol are tion by spreadsheet template. The problem is easily modeled
evaporated from the product, at a temperature of 30° C. The (no iterative calculations), is dependent on several indepen-
dryer operates 1,000 hours per year. dent variables and begs for comparing "what i f scenarios.
The data are input into the spreadsheet template. It is Furthermore, rigorous solutions, typically obtained from
seen that, to obtain 90 percent recovery of the ethyl alcohol, complex programs running on timesharing computers, are
the exhaust gas must be cooled to approximately minus 15 very expensive. The spreadsheet provides a quick screening;
degrees C; 98 tons of refrigeration are required. The yearly if the results are positive, the costly rigorous solution can be
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emission to atmosphere would be about 170,000 lb of ethyl pursued more confidently.


Computer System Requirements

The spreadsheet template described can be constructed

using the most popular spreadsheet programs: Excel, Lotus
1-2-3, Quattro, VP-Planner Plus, SuperCalc, Wingz, etc.
The main difference between them is how the physical prop-
erty lookup function is handled: Excel looks for the closest Stephen M. Hall is a project manager for Life Sciences,
match to the compound name that is entered whereas Lotus Inc., 1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. The author
requires an exact match. will provide a disk to readers, with the complete condensa-
There are three distinct areas on the template: input/ tion template, for $10. Send to Stephen Hall, P.O. Box 309,
output section, intermediate calculations and chemical data Voorhees, NJ 08043. Specify Excel (for Macintosh) or Lotus
1-2-3 (for PC compatible). Data for approximately 100 com-
section. pounds are included in the templates. This paper was sub-
The input/output section contains the user's inputs and mitted for peer review on August 14,1989. The revised manu-
the primary calculated outputs as described and depicted in script was received October 26,1989.
this article.

DOE Selects Thirteen New Projects nessee Valley Authority and other future sponsors to dem-
onstrate "gas suspension absorption," an advanced tech-
In Clean Coal Technology Round 3 nique for removing sulfur pollutants from the flue gas of coal
combustion. The project would take place at the Shawnee
Fossil Plant, in Paducah, KY. Information contact: Richard
The U.S. Department of Energy on December 21 selected Rubio, Sales Manager, AirPol Inc., 32 Henry Street, Teter-
13 Clean Coal Technology projects, adding more than $1.3 boro, NJ 07608, (201) 288-7070.
billion in advanced "showcase" ventures to the nation's ef- Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA, and
forts to fight acid rain and improve air quality. Dakota Gasification Company, Beulah, ND—The two firms
The 13 projects picked by the Department will join 27 will install an advanced process for making methanol at the
other active clean coal ventures selected in two earlier com- nation's largest commercial coal-to-gas complex, the Great
petitions, conducted in 1986 and 1988. In all, the Clean Coal Plains Coal Gasification Plant in Beulah, ND. The process,
Technology Program now has projects underway or planned termed "liquid phase methanol synthesis," will use a portion
in 19 states. of the gas produced by the Great Plains facility to produce
The new projects are: 500 tons per day of methanol. Information contact: W. R.
AirPol Inc., Teterboro, NJ—AirPol will join with its par- Brown, Manager, Syngas Conversion Systems, Air Products
ent company, FLS miljo of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Ten- & Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA 18195, (215) 481-7584.

March 1990 Volume 40, No. 3 407

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