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Sandrik Jonathan A.G 1, Sitompul Dania R 2, Permana Luckyta Ibna 3


Background : Dental caries is a disease of tooth tissue characterized by tissue

damage, starting from the tooth surface from enamel, dentin, then extending
towards the pulp. The prevalence of dental caries in 2007 that attacked Indonesia
reached 76.92%. Effects caused by dental caries one of which is able to disturb
the body image and also interfere with the concentration of children in learning
caused by pain due to caries in the teeth.
Objective : To know the influence of health education on mother knowledge
about prevention of dental caries in school age children (6-8 years) in SDN
Belitung Selatan 4 Class I, II, and III Banjarmasin in 2018.
Method : Type of pre-experimental study with one group pretest and post test
design. Sampling technique is non probability sampling type purposive sampling,
the number of samples is 25 housewives. Data analysis using univariate and
bivariate analysis with Wilcoxon sign rank test. The research instrument used
questionnaire with 15 items of knowledge.
Result : The category of knowledge level of the respondents after the health
education on prevention of dental caries increased 28% more precisely from 64%
when pretest to 92% when posttest whose category of knowledge level is good
from all respondents present.
Conclusion : There is an Influence of health education on mother knowledge
about prevention of dental caries in school age children (6-8 years) in SDN
Belitung Selatan 4 class I, II, and III Banjarmasin.

Keywords : Health Education, The level of knowledge, Prevention of Dental


Institute of Health Sciences of Suaka Insan Banjarmasin
Institute of Health Sciences of Suaka Insan Banjarmasin
Institute of Health Sciences of Suaka Insan Banjarmasin


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