Crimson Messenger 8/31/2018

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box 448 New Palestine, IN 46163

Crimson m essenger
Friday, August 31, 2018 • New Palestine High School • Volume 84, Issue 1

New school brings a new beginning

Emma Nobbe
News editor
After a two month summer vacation full
of transition for the Southern Hancock school
staff the New Palestine Junior High was
reopened and the old Doe Creek building was
converted into the New Palestine Intermediate
school. The New Palestine Junior High logo on the new basketball court at the school. Photo by Emma Nobbe
Over the summer the staff in many of the
made over the summer, staff also had gaps to husband who is also a new teacher at NPI. “This year’s eighth graders have expressed
schools shifted to new schools in hopes of
fill such as the new position for the NPI princi- “I am very excited to be working with my how much more “confusing” the layout NPJH
relieving the pressure placed on overcrowded
pal, filled by former teacher Vincent Meo. students. I love middle school aged children is to the layout of NPI. They feel it’s a bit more
elementary schools, and on August sixth of
Meo was a teacher for 19 years before be- and I love science, so it makes for a great com- of a maze than the long, straight halls of NPI,”
2018 the schools opened their doors in hopes
coming an administrator and was an assistant bo,” Sevier said. Nobbe said.
that the students would have an amazing start
principal at New Palestine Elementary for The teachers at NPI and NPJH have all However, after a week of school Nobbe
in the new schools.
three years before becoming the principal for begun to settle into the new schools. Over the believes that the students are beginning to
“I hope that each student has a wonderful
NPI. Now he is excited for what is to come this summer, teachers, like Melanie Nobbe from understand the layout of the school better and
experience at NPI. I want all of our students to
year. NPJH, spent days planning and preparing their are becoming more confident as they walk the
have a positive educational experience. I want
“Things are really going well here at NPI. rooms for incoming students. halls.
our students to have the opportunity to learn
We are all getting familiar with each other and “Between packing in the old classroom to Now, with everyone settling into a new
in a positive, safe environment.” Vincent Meo,
really to getting to know our students. We had unpacking and organizing in the new one, I’d year teachers and staff across New Palestine
principal at New Palestine Junior High said.
an excellent first week,” Meo said. estimate about 50 hours or more were spent in are looking forward to the numerous activities
Over the summer there were many transi-
Along with Meo, there have been a few new preparation,” Nobbe said. provided by the schools. In fact, Sevier is even
tions made throughout the schools including
teachers introduced into the new buildings in- Mostly, everyone has settled in nicely, hoping to start coaching eventually.
the establishment of the new New Palestine
cluding Heather Sevier, the new seventh grade and the students and NPI and NPJH have all “I am looking forward to all the amazing
Junior High and the renamed New Palestine
science teacher at NPJH. Sevier came to NPJH started to get a grasp on their new situations, sporting events in our schools. I’m already
Intermediate. Now, the new NPJH houses the
after in the Jacksonville, Florida Duval County although it seemed that some of the NPJH signed up to collect tickets and work conces-
seventh and eighth grades and NPI holds the
school systems, and is excited to be apart of struggled to find their way in the new school sion stands. I’d love to coach at some point as
fifth and sixth grades.
the Southern Hancock schools along with her at fist. well.” Sevier said.
Along with the major transitions that were

Inside Field
More reimagined
on seniors’ Chloe Dillon
Sports writer
requirements As many people have already noticed, over
the summer Kelso Stadium and Shepler field

to graduate received dramatic renovations.

The school board, in June, approved the

on Page 2
$857,652 in renovations. Along with a very
bright new turf job, the school added more
bathrooms and concession areas.
The bright red and green colors of Shepler
Field might catch you off guard if you have not

Review of yet seen these renovations. This was the top

priority of this project.

Ready Panic!
Not only will it cut down on costs of
keeping up a grass field, but it will also prevent
muddy athletes on wet days.

At The Disco’s
The colors and designs in the middle of the
field and the end zones are very aesthetically
pleasing as well.

new album Another one of the main goal of turfing the

field is to improve it not only for the football

on Page 3
program, but also for other sports.
Turf and grass are two very different sur-
faces, so players are having to adapt to playing
on this field.
Junior Dawson Eastes said, “I love the new

Meet our new

field. It is so much easier to play on because it’s
soft so it doesn’t hurt as much to run on.”
The football team, soccer team, physical

Staff on Page education classes and marching band will all

benefit from these improvements.

The facility is currently only used for about
90 to 100 hours every year. Al Cooper, the ath-
letic director of New Palestine High School, is
hoping the school can increase this to around
1,200 hours each year.

The addition to the bathrooms should
increase flow by 400 percent. This way people
can enjoy the game instead of having to wait

Robin” Review in line.

Overall, the additions and renovations to

on Page 5
the field and stadium at New Palestine High
School will make games and other events that
Debi and Denise Kelso Look on as Kelso Stadium is rededicated. Photo
much more enjoyable for the whole town.
by Anna Spellman
2 News August 31, 2018
Page design by: Emma Nobbe

Is this the end of finals at NPHS?

Catrina Lambert
Opinion editor
For the first year in New Palestine
High School, finals are no longer
mandatory for teachers to give.
Instead, teachers can choose
whether to give a final exam, give a
project, or anything else they might
want, but it doesn’t necessarily count
as 20 percent of your grade.
Some teachers may enjoy this
since its less for them to grade and
being able to be more creative with
their finals, and most students will
like not having to cram so much
at the end of the semester, but, as
always, everyone shares different
English teacher Kent Gish says he
doesn’t mind this.
“I’m fine with not having finals.
Teachers can still give a big test and
figure it into the nine-weeks grade,
but it just won’t officially be a ‘final.’
That’s a good compromise. I do
think there is some merit in giving
a final, but if it turns into something
that only hurts students, then it isn’t
good,” Gish said.
“Finals also took up a lot of time,
which will now be available to do
other activities. If we consider all the
options, I think we can get the best of
both worlds.”
Since it is an option for teachers
to give finals, whether it’s an exam or
a project. Since it’s a teachers choice, Shelby Hall will use a mix of final exams and projects in her classes. Photo by Tegan Ankney / Crimson Messenger
what they do will vary depending on
the course and teacher. Gish said. ways,” Hall said. of projects and gives teachers the SAT,ISTEP, and less chance to give
“I will be giving finals this year. However, Hall said there is some “By eliminating the weighted opportunity to extend instruction your grade a strong boost if you need
In a couple of courses, they will misinformation involving this new score for finals, it does allow the into that final week.” it,” Gish said.
complete a research project and policy. opportunity for teachers to grade Gish also speculated on some of But in the end, this is the first
the other course will take an actual “It will be an adjustment and I students very much like they do in the positives and negatives of the year NPHS is doing this, so it’s hard
exam. This will not be much different think there are some misconcep- college. The phrase or idea that finals situation. to draw any conclusions for now.
than normal, except in how it applies tions about what “no finals” actually are “not required” misconstrues the “On one hand, there’s less stress “Like much of life - change can be
to the grade,” social studies teacher means. In reality, it just removes actual goal of this new grading poli- on students, an easier time grading challenging, and we’d like to control
Shelby Hall said. the 20 percent weight on the final cy. Most, if not all, teachers will still since the big test can be given a little everything, but we can’t. So, let’s try
“My classes lend themselves to and allows for the teacher to assess be giving some sort of final project earlier, and more options for a final it and see what we think. We may
projects or papers anyway, so I’ve students and apply it to the cumula- or exam in order to assess student assessment. On the other, there’s like it better, and if we don’t, who
not really given a ‘final’ for the last tive grade in a more balanced way. learning and accomplishments less opportunity to practice and says we can’t go back to finals? I like
few years. I’ll be doing pretty much This also allows teachers the freedom throughout the semester. Eliminating hone high-stakes test taking skills trying something new because you
what I’ve done the last few years,” to end the semester in a variety of finals week allows for the completion that happen on tests like the ACT, never know until you try,” Gish said.

NPHS unveils new exit

interview requirements UPCOMING EVENTS
Ellie Harris counts as “college and career

Editor in chief
The second of these opportu-
nities is to show “employability
Sept. 5: Picture day
Graduation requirements for skills” by completing a Senior Exit
New Palestine High School’s 2018- Interview on April 17.
“These exit interviews will be
2019 seniors will be more complex
than ever before. In previous years,
the only requirements to graduate
more like a job interview than ever
before,” assistant principal Adam
Sept. 19: Half Day
Barton said.
were to pass the
state’s ISTEP test, “These exit in- Because of the
recent decision to
and to complete
all class credits. terviews will be remove finals from
Sept. 21: Homecoming
class criterion,
Now, if a stu-
dent doesn’t meet more like a job in- students who
complete an exit
those require-
ments, there are terview than ever interview will not
still multiple ways
they can graduate. before.”
be exempt from
class but may
participate in a
Oct. 3: No school
The first of
these is to pass Adam Barton Senior Community
all classes, have assistant principalService Day and a
Graduation Walk
a GPA of 2.0
or higher and
pass the ASVAB test instead of the
at the elementaries
and junior high schools during the
Oct. 8-12: Fall break
ISTEP+ test. The Armed Services last week of school instead of going
Vocational Aptitude Battery or the to classes.
ASVAB test serves as a substitute More information on senior exit
for the ISTEP test because the interviews will be afforded after
ability to serve in the armed forces Christmas break.
August 31, 2018
Page design by: Catrina Lambert Opinion 3

Buses line up at the NPHS entrance. Photo by Jake Kelle

Young students invade buses

they’re always rude. They yell at the other, causing more of a cluster of
Gary DeRome bus driver nonstop, they stand the people trying to get to the buses, and
Opnion writer whole ride, and they’re just disre-
spectful, entitled, brats,” Manning
irritating people.
The new system for buses is that
The 2018-2019 school year said. a few buses park at the high school,
has started off with an unpopular Also arriving with the youngsters and the high school students get on
change. With the opening of New is a much longer bus route, since the bus and ride to NPI. Then, the
Palestine Intermediate School, fifth the buses have many more stops at fifth and sixth graders get on the
and sixth graders have been added to houses than they did last year. buses, followed by the seventh and
the New Palestine High School and NPHS sophomore John Dowden eighth graders coming from NPHJ.
New Palestine Junior High bus route. has to wait much longer than he used “If there was one thing I could
Since fifth and sixth graders are to, and it is bothering both him and change one thing about the new
less mature, students have taken a his bus. route, it would be how the buses are
disliking to them. “First, it is slow, almost like a set up at the intermediate school.
Personally, I am completely sloth. It takes sometimes an hour The way they’re set up now with all
against the changes. The younger to 30 minutes extra than it needs the buses facing each other, is pure
students are all much louder, and to. They are all really loud, they get chaos,” Manning said.
they disturb the silence, especially in in the way, there are way too many Overall I am in complete agree-
the mornings. stops, and the bus driver is always ment with the reservations that many
Locked gates at NPHS. Photo by Jake Kelle NPHS sophomore Benjamin yelling at them. We are packed in like hold.
Manning is not a fan of these chang- sardines, but the smaller kids have to Fifth and sixth graders have really

Drop-off changes es at all.

“Riding the bus with the fifth and
sixth graders is a major annoyance.
They think they’re all high and
scoot in and we all get our own seats,
which is nice,” Dowden said.
Finally, the school district also
changed the bus lineups at New Pal-
stirred up how things are tradition-
ally done.
From having peace and quiet in
the mornings, most high school stu-

mark new year mighty just because they’re in the estine Intermediate School. Instead dents can all agree - this year is going
new school and they act as such. of all of the buses being lined up in a to be rough on the bus.
They’re loud and obnoxious and straight line, the buses now face each

Gary DeRome
Panic! At the Disco’s
anything. I think parents in the
morning are starting to figure out
Opnion writer which entrance is the easiest to get
in and out of. We are having some

unsatisfactory album
Starting off the 2018-2019 trouble in the afternoon with the
school year at New Palestine High buses trying to get out that way
School, a change was made to the with all the traffic so we may have
way that parents drop their children to make some adjustments,” Barton
off: the gates were closed so parents
could only come in through the en-
said. Ellie Harris ter-
“The lyrical content of the
trance to U.S. 52 or from the south
Changes still were to come,
though, as one week later, the buses
Editor in chief native project seems like a celebra-
side of the school lot. started going out on U.S. 52 in the
Adam Barton, assistant principal rock tion of lead Brendon Urie’s
evenings to keep a smooth flow of
at NPHS, helped spearhead this band Panic! At the Disco, releases their
change, and was willing to open up
traffic, instead of going out through
the Gem Road entrance has buses first full-length album since 2015’s Death
own narcissism”
on why this change was made.
The closing of the gates prevents
had previously done.
of a Bachelor. This is the first album Ellie Harris
“The buses have not impacted
traffic from moving all the way the closed gates. The buses have without bassist Dallon Weekes, leaving trends of rap music from the early 2010’s.
through the school’s parking lot
“Mainly student safety in the
been parked outside the pool, and lead Brendon Urie as the only remaining The concept is interesting, but it’s so nar-
now they’re parked outside the
parking lot, the number of people original member. The album seems to be row that a lot of the songs sound the same.
that use us as a through street, or “The reason for that is when we an attempt at a continuation of the band’s “Roaring 20’s” is one of the only good
they run through here at the admin
lot, or they go through NPE or go
put them outside the cafeteria we previous retro-infused album, but the con- songs on the whole album. It accurately
can take them straight out onto 52
through NPE and out,” Barton said. cept is unorganized. executes the concept of the album lyrically
and they turn right, they don’t hit
“They need to slow down be- a railroad track because they go The lyrical content of the project seems and musically. The song uses a syncopat-
cause of the number of people going
through the parking lot. So what
over the bridge, and they don’t hit a like a celebration of lead Brendon Urie’s ed take on shaker-rhythms and squealing
traffic light,” Barton said.
we’ve done by closing those gates, own narcissism. With songs like “Silver trumpets of the jazz trends of the 1920’s.
“So we’ve made it a quicker trip
we’ve kind of simplified the two to the next stop at the intermedi- Lining,” “Look Ma I Made It,” and “Dying “One of the Drunks” is another one of the
drop off zones. You have a loop that
you go through for one drop-off, so
ate. So putting them there takes a in LA,” Urie must believe that he is now better songs, but it strays from the concept-
lot of stress off of the back lot, the
now it’s not people making people immortalized with other musical icons. there are brass elements, but they don’t
admin lot, because you had buses
stuff up and dropping people off and students trying to go out the However, the project’s repetitive lyrics do cohesively fit into a vintage theme.
wherever,” Barton continued.
Personally, I support this
same way. So now we’ve separated little to continue the artistry that got him All in all, while the album by itself isn’t
that, and the buses go out one way
change. It has been utter chaos due the notoriety he won’t let us forget about. bad enough to be intolerable but for a
and the students can go out another
to students and buses alike trying way. But as far as gates, no, nothing Musically, the album is a sorry re- Panic album, it doesn’t stack up to the rich
to exit on to U.S. 52. The students
would have to wait for what seems
is changed.” placement for the band’s project that was conceptual projects of the band’s past. For
Overall, I think that the bus
like an eternity to get onto the road. previously their worst, “Too Weird To veteran Panic fans, the album is a disap-
routes have finally been figured out.
Notably, this might have caused Students can get home quicker on Live, Too Young To Die.” Poorly executed pointment, for newer fans it could be an
some confusion among parents and
students alike.
the both the buses and cars, which mixes of vintage sounding brass cuts find exciting change of pace.
is a great thing, since everyone
“We haven’t as far as people themselves cut into the orchestral-trap
wants to get home quickly.
talking to the school, I’ve not heard
4 Feature Page design by: Rosemarie Born
August 31, 2018

A new year brings new teachers

Rachel Purnell teacher this semester and
Feature writer I hope to have her as my
teacher next semester as
It’s back to school time and well,”
that means the students are Hart has been a good
finding the new teachers we addition to this new school
welcomed to New Palestine year and has been a great art
over the summer. New Pales- teacher so far this year. She is
tine has many new teachers also very excited to see when
this year and one of those is this year takes her.
Megan Hart “I am so
the new art “So far the stu- happy to
teacher. be teach-
“As the new dents have been ing at New
school year amazing in creating Palestine
has begun I this year.
have gotten
art and I can’t wait I love the
to meet many to see what they are students
new teachers and the Art teacher Megan Hart English teacher Audra Bolt
and one of the
capable of.” staff and
teachers I have so far this
had the plea- Megan Hart year has
sure to meet Art teacher been great.
is our new art I can’t wait
teacher, Mrs. to see what
Hart. She is very nice and fun- other things this year brings
ny from what I can tell so far,” for my class,” Hart said.
math teacher Lisa Hardin said. This school year should be
New Palestine lost many very successful with all of the
teachers over the summer but new teachers and input and
they have also gained many all of the existing teachers and
new, great teachers. their expertists.
“I have Mrs. Hart as my “So far the students have
art teacher this year and she been amazing in creating art
is such a great teacher. She is and I can’t wait to see what
very hands on and very nice they are capable of and what
when anyone needs anything. this year will bring in regard
I can’t wait to have her as a to their art,” Hart said. Math teacher Kristen Barclay Math teacher Mary Balmes-Fenwick.
Photos by Sydni Wilson

Summer changes teachers curriculum

Jennifer Richardson for their other purposes than just for writing in
different apps. So, he tries to teach his students
News editor how to do different things on their computers like
math equations, excel, coding, and other things.
During the summer of 2018, the teachers at He does this so that they will be able to progress
New Palestine High School met up and talked more in college and in the future.
about what they’re going to do for the 2018-2019 “You have to have some fairly decent back-
school year. The meeting ended with some of the ground in mathematics to do well in computer
teachers changing the classes they will teach this science because computer science is basically
year. using computers to solve problems and if you
One of those teachers that changed what don’t have a basic understanding of how to solve
they’re teaching is Mark Blachly. Blachly who had problems using a computer to help you is going to
taught physics and integrated physics. He is now be a tough fall. I mean, I think if you’re competent
teaching AP physics, early college physics, and AP and fluent in algebra 1 and geometry then you’re
computer science for the 2018-2019 school year. ready to take computer science, but you don’t
“I always ask my kids after they go to college need calculus or anything,” Blachly said.
what was I doing well? What was really useful How he set up his class is that his students
and what was some holes in your education? The will use their computers as a way of showing how
things kids tell me that were useful was when I they do equations that they’re required to do. In
taught them how to use (Microsoft) Excel or do order to be in any of his classes the students need
simulations,” Blachly said. to have some background of how to do math in
Blachly asks his past students a lot of different order for them to follow along with the lessons.
questions to see if he needs to change how he’s “Every high school in Indiana is going to have
teaching or what he’s teaching. to offer computer science at some point. The leg-
“I’m teaching an AP computer science. It’s a islature recognized the need for kids to have some
computer science course that will get kids AP exposure to computer science, and the principles
credit and there’s two computer science courses. course is nice, because it’s for people who are
One is called the principles course which is a going to become computer programmers. So, if
broad overview of computers, computers in soci- you’re going into biology, medicine, or anything
ety, and some coding and the other course is just science related or economics or real estate you’re
coding,” Blachly said. going to use computers as ways to solve problems,
He believes teaching a lot of different types of and understanding how that works is important,”
courses will give his students a good background Blachly said.
in science, math, and working with computers. By Due to most of the schools around the United
taking college classes he believes that it will help States being mostly internet based for how the
prepare his students for their future. students complete their lessons has made it so
“So, I think moving out of high school and there’s a demand for the schools to teach different
into college you have to have some experience computer classes. This has made it so that students
using computers as more than just typewriters and are able to learn more things about what they are
document delivery devices. You have to somehow studying and are able to learn a different way of
harness their computing power to solve problems doing something for their lessons. Teacher Mark Blachly stands in his classroom after after answering a student’s ques-
and be able to do something,” Blachly said. tion during his physics class Aug. 17. Blachly teaches AP physics, dual credit physics
He believes computers should be used more and AP computer science this year. Photo by: Tegan Ankney / Crimson Messenger.
August 31, 2018
Page design by: Rosemarie Born Feature 5

Students of the issue

Alec Wagner Abbey Landis
Show choir, marching band Musical, theater

How do you manage Why do you enjoy the-

school, band and show ater?
choir? It’s very inclusive to people,
and it’s just a nice community.
Calendars and lists.
Plus I get to do what I love.
That’s how I get through What are you excited
life. about this year?
What are you excited Show choir competitions,
about this year? and just the year in gener-
Making a lot of new al. It’s going to be a roller
friends. coaster.
Photos by Tegan Ankney

NPHS student life

NPHS students enjoy the season’s first football game vs. Kokomo Aug. 17. . Photos by Anna Spellman / Avalon staff
6 Feature/Review August 31, 2018
Page design by: Charlie Spegal

Governor’s Christopher
Work Ethic
Certificate Robin returns
Rosemarie Born
Christopher is older, but still
has hints of the original charac-
Feature editor ter. He is more mature, so he no

post-high Disney released its newest movie,

Christopher Robin, which is now in
longer acts like a child. This made
the feeling of nostalgia disappear
a little bit knowing that the young
school theaters. Played by Ewan McGre-
gor, Christopher Robin has grown
older and left Winnie the Pooh and
boy is now a man, but that was

Pooh lives up to the original car-
friends.He now has a family, which toon animation. He’s still the little
includes his wife, Evelyn Robin, old bear who wears his red shirt.
played by Hayley Atwell, and his Also, he still loses focus easily with
daughter, Madeline Robin, played by
Ellie Harris Bronte Carmichael.
even the slightest notion of honey or
a balloon.
Editor in chief Christopher Robin gets a job at a
luggage company named, Winslow
The rest of the group stills looks
and sounds like the cartoons. They
New Palestine High School’s Luggages and gets caught up in his wear the same clothes and act the
2018-2019 seniors will have a new job. His family plans a weekend same way, some excited and some
opportunity that might help ensure away before his daughter goes off to sad.
jobs to graduates. The Governor’s school, his plans change when work Liking Winnie the Pooh as
Work Ethic Certificate is an opportu- needs him to cut cost and work all a young child made this movie
nity afforded to seniors who demon- weekend. Walking home from work, exciting. You can finally imagine the
strate the nine areas of academic and he meets Pooh. characters in real life, instead of only
work ethic competency. Pooh stays with him and makes knowing them as animation.
Teachers will determine whether him see what he’s losing. He shows It is rumored that some people
or not the applicant has the subjec- Christopher Robin that he needs to think these characters are scary in
tive criterion: persistence, respect- focus on his family, not his job. real life, but hearing them speak and
fulness, initiative, dependability, On the journey with the group act like they did in the cartoon made
and efficiency. Teacher will then are the dreaded woozles and hef- them adorable.
sign stating that the student has met falumps. These scary beast show Getting Christopher Robin and
the requirements. Four additional Christopher who he really is. Winnie the Pooh back was a joy to
objective competencies: GPA, atten- Having the characters look all. Moviegoers finally can see that
dance, discipline, and service will be real instead of cartoon animation getting older happens and people
obtained from the student manage- makes the story even more realistic. lose things.
ment system to indicate competency Thinking of Christopher Robin in So, take an adventure back to the
in measurable areas. real life, makes viewers relate more younger years, and go see Christo- Photo Proveded by :
To qualify for the objective com- to his problems, thus making the pher Robin.
petencies, students must do the fol- movie better.
lowing: have a GPA of 2.0 or higher,

A look inside the NPHS

have an attendance rate of fewer than
four days of absence and has fewer
than four tardies, have 1 or fewer
discipline referrals, and complete a
minimum of 6 hours of school or
community service.

student section
According to the senior meeting
during lab B on Aug 24, over 500
Indiana employers across every
major industry support the GWEC
Potential incentives include a
guaranteed job interview at employ-
ers that support the GWEC program,

Photos provided
a 10 percent increase base pay,
professional seminars, and tuition

by Anna Spellman
“This program is for everyone,”
assistant principal Adam Barton said.
Students who apply and meet all
requirements will not have to do any
additional work to be eligible for the
Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate.
“This is not just a participation
ribbon,” Barton said,

incentives (of
the GWEC)
include a
guaranteed job
interview at
employers that
support the
GWEC program,
a 10% increase
base pay,
seminars, and
August 31, 2018
Page design by: CM staff Sponsors 7


Informing and piquing
The NPHS Avalon staff is working hard to preserve the memories of 2018-19. A yearbook the interest of the NPHS
community with accurate
is a great way to remember this year and your time in high school. No keepsake preserves, and relevant information
and brings back, memories quite like a yearbook. There’s only ONE chance to ensure you
have this timeless keepsake, and that’s to order this year’s book in advance. You can reserve Editor in chief:
yours NOW for $50 - a $25 savings off the full price. Ellie Harris
News editor:
Two ways to order Emma Nobbe
Online: (code 22769) Feature editor:
In-person: Room 3210 (make checks to NPHS) Rosemarie Born
If you haven’t picked up your 2017-18 yearbook yet, you can do so in Mr. Smith’s room Opinion editor:
3204 or 3210 Catrina Lambert
Staff: Tegan
Get a glimpse of the yearbook by checking out the outstanding work of our Avalon staff. Ankney, Gary
DeRome Chloe
Dillon, Jake
The Kelle, Rachel
NPHS Purnell, Jennifer
cheerteam Richardson, Charlie
performs Spegal
during the Faculty adviser:
season Andrew Smith
The Crimson
football Messenger is
game published periodically
against Ko- in print and weekly
komo. Pho- online at crimson.
to by Taylor and is distributed
Roberts. to all students, staff,
and faculty of New
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Zach Neligh scores against Kokomo. English teacher Caroline Clayton helps a stu- of the Community
Photo by Anna Spellman. dent. Photo by Emma Stayton School Corporation
of Southern Hancock
County, its faculty, staff
DRAGON SPORTS PLANNER or administration.
Football Boys tennis Boys soccer Volleyball
The Crimson
F 8/31: at Yorktown, 7:30 p.m. Tu 9/4: at Whiteland, 4:30 p.m. S 9/1: at Yorktown, 10 a.m. W 9/5: Lutheran, 5:30 p.m. Messenger is a
F 9/7: at Mt. Vernon, 7:30 p.m. W 9/5: Lawrence C., 5 p.m. Tu 9/4: New Castle, 5:30 p.m. S 9/8: at Greenwood Inv., 9 a.m. member of The Indiana
F 9/14: at Pendleton Hts., 7:30 p.m. S 9/8: County at NP, 9 a.m. Th 9/6: at Shelbyville, 5:30 p.m. Tu 9/11: Delta, 6 p.m. High School Press
F 9/21: Greenfield-C., 7:30 p.m. M 9/10: Pendleton Hts., 4:30 p.m. Tu 9/11: Greenwood, 5:30 p.m. Th 9/13: Pendleton Hts., 6 p.m.
F 9/28: at Shelbyville, 7:30 p.m. Tu 9/11: Tech, 4:30 p.m. Th 9/13: Greenfield-C., 5:30 p.m. M 9/17: at Mooresville, 5:30 p.m. Association
F 10/5: at New Castle, 7:30 p.m. W 9/12: New Castle, 4:30 p.m. S 9/15: Delta, noon Th 9/20: at New Castle, 6 p.m. The Crimson
F 10/12: Delta, 7:30 p.m. Th 9/13: at Triton C., 4:30 p.m. Tu 9/18: Center Grove, 5:30 p.m. S 9/22: New Palestine Inv., 9 a.m. Messenger staff
Cross country Girls golf Girls soccer M 9/24: Franklin Central, 5:30 p.m.
S 9/1: at Marion Inv., 9 a.m. (IWU) Tu 9/4: at HSE/Wfld, 4:15 p.m. S 9/1: Franklin Central, 9 a.m. Tu 9/25: Yorktown, 5:30 p.m.
applies journalistic
S 9/8: at Whiteland Inv., 8:30 a.m. W 9/5: Richmond, 5 p.m. W 9/5: Mt. Vernon, 5:30 p.m. Th 9/27: at Triton Central, 5:30 p.m. integrity to all its
S 9/15: at Westfield Inv., 9 a.m. Th 9/6: Shelbyville, 5 p.m. S 9/8: Roncalli, 9 a.m. S 9/29: at Richmond Inv., 9 a.m. publications and
Tu 9/18: County at NP, 5 p.m.
S 9/22: at Shelbyville Inv., 8:30 a.m.
S 9/8: HHC at Fall Creek, 1 p.m.
M 9/10: at Pendlton Hts., 4 p.m.
W 9/12: Greenfield-C., 5:30 p.m.
S 9/15: at Delta, 11 a.m.
M 10/1: Noblesville, 5:30 p.m.
Tu 10/2: Shelbyville, 6 p.m.
apologizes for any
S 9/29: HHC at Delta, 10 a.m. Tu 9/11: Mt. Vernon, 4:30 p.m. M 9/17: at Franklin, 5:30 p.m. Th 10/4: at Mt. Vernon, 5:30 p.m. errors.
S 10/6: Sectional W 9/12: at Rushville, 4 p.m. W 9/19: Pendleton Hts., 5:30 p.m.
8 Sports August 31, 2018
Page design by: Jennifer Richardson

DRAGONUPDATE Dragons start strong in football

Girls soccer Boys soccer
The Dragon girls soccer team The Dragon boys soccer team
has started the season with a won its opener 3-1 against Warren
4-1 record, with wins over Perry Central.
Meridian (7-0), Triton Central NP was 1-3 at publication time.
(9-1), Southport (6-0) and New Zach Martin has scored three
Castle (3-0). NP is ranked 15th in goals for the Dragons.
Class 2A. They host New Castle at 5:30
Olivia Lambdin led the team p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4 in their next
with five goals in the first five home game.

games, including a three-goal hat
trick against Southport. Maddy
Miller and Edin Hurst have scored The Dragon volleyball team
four goals each. started the season 6-1 at publica-
The Dragons have a busy week tion time, having won five of their
upcoming, starting with a Satur- six matches in straight sets.
day, Sept. 1 home game against Lydia Jones has three dou-
Franklin Central at 9 a.m. They ble-doubles to begin the season
host Mt. Vernon Sept. 5. and has 99 kills in seven matches.
Rylie Sturgeon leads the team with
Cross country 80 digs. Sydney Robertson has 216
The Dragon cross country assists.
teams have had two good meets to The Dragons are next in action
start the season. Wednesday, Sept. 5 at home Photo by Jake Kelle / Crimson Messenger
Both teams finished third at against Lutheran.
mo Wildkats on Aug. 17, win- New Palestine has made a
the Aug. 23 Pendleton Heights
Arabian Roundup. Drew Austin Girls golf Charlie Spegal ning 77-0. Kokomo was the state couple new updates on the Kelso
(seventh) and Josh Collins (12th) The Dragon golf team has had a Sports writer runner-up in 2017 and has a new Stadium. New Palestine has
led the Dragon boys. The Dragon strong start to the season, opening head coach. added a new turf field. There is
girls had three top-10 finishers - the year 4-1 in dual and triangular The New Palestine Dragons On Aug. 24, the Dragons beat a Dragon logo on the middle of
Kendall Mann (fourth), Victoria matches. football team has won 47 consecu- the Center Grove Trojans 31-9. the field. In the north end zone,
Crowder (eighth) and Brenna In two invitationals, the Drag- tive regular season games, starting New Palestine only had seven it says New Palestine and in the
Shaw (ninth). ons placed third. Annaliese Fox 2-0 this season. seniors last season so that means south end zone it says Dragons.
The Dragons compete Saturday, was the medalist in the Conners- Since head coach, Kyle Ralph lots of the starters from last season New Palestine is also building
Sept. 1 in the Marion Invitational. ville Invitational with a 71, and
has taken over, the Dragons have is returning for both sides of the a new concession stand on the
also helped pace a victory over
Boys tennis Fishers with an under-par 35. Izzy
not lost a conference game. The
Dragons open conference play
ball. The offensive side of the ball
will be lead by senior Zach Neligh
home side of the stadium. At the
back of the north end zone, New
The Dragon boys tennis team Gray has been a consistent No. 2
opened the season 3-1, beating scorer for the Dragons. tonight at Yorktown the first of and on the defensive side of the Palestine has added bleachers that
Franklin, Triton Central and The Dragons are next in action three straight road games. They ball will be lead my senior Luke seat 1,000 fans. With all of these
Greenfield-Central. Matthew True, Tuesday at Prairie View against return home Sept. 21 to face Ely. new updates, the Kelso Stadium is
Carson Gavin and Dane Reid/Ben Hamilton Southeastern and Greenfield-Central. Neligh threw for 267 yards in one of the nicest stadiums around.
Blachly are all 3-1. Westfield. They are home Sept. 5 The Dragons started the season the season’s first two games. Ely Although the concession stand is
The Dragons host the NP Invi- against Richmond at Hawk’s Tail. off with great competition which led the Dragons in tackles against not completely done yet, it should
tational Saturday, Sept. 1. will make them a better team. Kokomo. Maxen Hook had 18 be done very soon.
The Dragons played the Koko- tackles against Center Grove.

Athletes of the Issue

Zach Martin Annaliese Fox
Boys Soccer Golf

Zach scored two goals to play with also so I haven’t Annaliese shot 71 to win the helps a lot.”
in the Dragons’ opener, a 3-1 had much difficulty with it.” Connersville Invitational by What are you looking for-
win over Warren Central. What are you looking for- five strokes ward to this year?
ward to this season? How do you plan to get “Going to state. Last year, my
How are you dealing with “Just playing with all the better as the season progress- first year going to state, I tied
all the new people on the guys, they’re fun. And coach es, how do you want to push for 13th. I think we have a good
soccer team? (Justin) Sass is also a great yourself? chance to compete as a team.
“It’s been easy because all dude and I just want to have “I practice a lot. I have a swing I’d like to try to go as a team this
the new guys are pretty fun to fun with all the players on the coach who always pushes me year. I think it would be a really
farther and farther. My father good achievement if we did.”
hang out with, and they’re fun team.”
pushes me a lot so I think that

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