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Group Members: Amilbahar, Seannekate Date of Experiment: August 22, 2018

Bacallan, Kip Date of Submission: August 29, 2018

Basa, Leo
Llaneta, Wendell L.

Experiment 1
Calibration of Bomb Calorimeter

I. Objective
To calibrate a bomb calorimeter by determining its heat capacity.

II. Introduction

III. Methodology
A. Laboratory Preparations
In preparation for the experiment, necessary materials were secured such as
laboratory gowns, timer, towel/tissue paper, aluminum foil, scissors, and ruler.
Other important materials such as bomb calorimeter set-up, thermometer, distilled
water, beakers, pail, watch glass, forceps, platinum fuse wire, pellet press, and benzoic
acid were already provided in the laboratory.

B. Preparation of Benzoic Acid Sample

Approximately 0.5 grams of benzoic acid was weighed using the analytical
balance. Two samples were weighed, one for each trial. Actual weights of the benzoic
acid samples were 0.5029 g and 0.5120 g for the first and second trial, respectively. The
samples were then pelletized using the pellet press. Pelletizing of the benzoic acid
sample was done in a way such that the crumbs present are minimal. The pellets should
be placed inside the desiccator if not yet in use during the experiment proper to keep it
away from moisture.
The pelletized sample was then placed in the steel capsule previously weighed.
The capsule with the pellet was weighed. Data recorded for this step must include the
weight of the sample, the weight of the steel capsule and the weight of the steel capsule
containing the pelletized sample.

C. Water Preparation
A 2-liter distilled water was placed in a pail. The distilled water’s temperature
was measured first. Since the distilled water at ambient temperature is slightly above
25°C, cooling of the distilled water to approximately 25°C was done only by
submerging the ice pack and stirring the distilled water with it. The actual temperatures
of the water used for the dewar are 23.2°C and 24.62°C for trial 1 and trial 2,

D. Attaching the Ignition

After the pelletized samples were prepared, two pieces of 10-cm platinum fuse
wire were cut and weighed. Actual weights of the wires are 0.0164 g and 0.0165 g for
trial 1 and trial 2, respectively. The bomb head was set on the support stand and the
steel capsule containing the sample was placed in the capsule holder of the bomb head.
With the help of forceps, the fuse was then fastened to the two electrodes of the bomb
head and bent so that it touches the sample. The fuse should not touch the steel capsule.
Proper setup of the fuse to the electrodes is shown in the figures below.

Figure 1. Fastening of the platinum fuse Figure 2. Placing of the sample

wire in the electrodes of the bomb head

(Source: Experiment 1: “Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter,” 2010)

E. Preparing the Calorimeter Set-Up

Taking care to keep the setup of the bomb head intact and the fuse in contact with
the benzoic acid sample, the bomb head was then removed from the support stand and
was placed inside the bomb cylinder.
After placing the bomb head into the bomb cylinder, the screw cap was set firmly
and the oxygen and gas release valves were closed. The hose from the oxygen tank was
connected to the bomb. With the aid of the laboratory assistant, the oxygen control
valve was slowly opened immediately after opening the oxygen tank valve, allowing the
bomb to fill with oxygen. The pressure reading was measured in the gauge to make sure
that the pressure inside the bomb will not exceed 40 atm (590 psig). When the desired
pressure was reached, the oxygen control valve was closed and then the oxygen tank
valve. The bomb was then carefully submerged in the calorimeter. Observation on the
bubble formation was noted. The two ignition wires were then attached to the terminal
sockets of the bomb head and the screws at the calorimeter cover were secured to close
the calorimeter.

F. Pre-firing the Bomb Calorimeter

The bomb calorimeter was closed and the thermometer attached to the top of the
calorimeter was lowered in order to read the temperature. The initial temperature was
recorded and the stirrer was turned on. The temperature was recorded every 30 seconds
for 6 minutes.

G. Firing the Bomb Calorimeter

After 6 minutes, the ignition button was pressed for 1-2 seconds in order to
initiate combustion of the sample. The temperature was recorded for every 30 seconds
in the succeeding 12 minutes after firing. After the data was gathered at the 12th minute,
the stirrer was then automatically turned off. The calorimeter was opened and the bomb
was taken out of the calorimeter. The bomb was then taken outside of the laboratory, to
a safe, open place, and the oxygen valve was opened to release the excess oxygen and
relieve the bomb of the residual gas pressure. The bomb was taken back to the
laboratory. The bomb head was taken out of the bomb and the capsule was inspected for
the formation of soot. The interior of the bomb was also inspected for the presence of
moisture. The capsule was then weighed together with the soot formed. The unburnt
fuse was also weighed and recorded. All data gathered are recorded and all observations
were noted. The bomb and the capsule were washed as preparation for the next trial.

H. Trial 2
All procedures were repeated for the second trial. All necessary data gathered
from the experiment were systematically tabulated for the interpretation of results.

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