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D olore s Pa rk Works
9/27 /1 0 Community M e e ting Note s
Subje ct: RPD O utre a ch a nd Food Ve ndors in D P

Rob Lord, Dolores Park Works
Vicki Bell, Neighborhood Parks Council
Phil Ginsburg, Rec and Park
Nicole Avril, Rec and Park
Nick Kinsey, Rec and Park
Eric Anderson, Rec and Park
Caleb Zigas, La Cocina
Mike Hamm, Blue Bottle

Moderator: Crystal Vann Wallstrom, Dolores Park Works

Rob Lord Dolores Park Works: Don’t have a community park. We have a
destination park. We didn’t seem to have a group that focused on what would be
the highest priority for largest # of users. Examples include bathrooms and trash
bins. Crystal has done a lot of get portapotties out there on weekends.

We talked to vendors, community members about the food vendor issue and
realized there was not a lot of awareness, but a lot of concern. Our role is not to
take sides but to ensure that communication process between RPD and patrons
is improved.

Phil Ginsberg - General Manager of the RPD. This is an incredibly iconic park
and it’s an important part of my own life. Used to live on 19th. My daugher’s 1st
ride on the swings was in DP. His first volunteer effort was in Dolores Park with
Friends of Dolores Park. This park always has a special place in my heart.

Eric Anderson - Park Service Area Manager. Responsible for overall
maintenance of DP and other parks

Nicole Avril – Director of Partnerships and Resource Development. Her

role is profound. She carries the burden of generating the revenue for our
dept that keeps us avoid laying off critical staff.

I thought it was important to take a step back from has been a very “caffeinated”
conversation about food carts in DP and talk a little bit about the bigger picture
and why we are here:

Introductions continue:

Nick Kinsey, part of Nicole’s staff.

Commissioner Gloria Bonilla is here today.

Todd Rufo – from the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce


I know that there are mixed feelings about our proposal with respect to coffee
carts. I also know that amenities are a concern and are about profits.

We’ve heard you and we’re listening. Nicole’s team is a start-up. We’ve never
been in revenue business before. Never have we faced the challenge of really
being on our own in making parks sustainable.

There are people excited about having extra amenities and people concerned
about them. There one thing that unites us – our love for DP. DP is not just
loved in this neighborhood. It is loved over the city. In some ways, overloaded.

We think average might be 3,000 a day. 1.2 million patrons a year. To put that in
perspective – Golden Gate Park which is the 3 or 4 most visited park in U.S. gets
13 million visitors.

Here to say thank you to everyone that volunteers in our park, cares for the
park and to Crystal, Rob and Robert for Dolores Park Works…become a valued
and important partner…

[Talk about capital improvements in park…]

SF has been faced with unprecedented budget cuts and SFRPD has taken it on the
chin. While we all love our parks, from a city budgeting perspective, public safety
and health and human services will always come first.
This dept has faced $35 million in cuts over the last 5 years. Last year alone were
asked to cut $12.4 million out of our operating budget - a 20% cut to our general
fund subsidy. We have about $115 million operating budget from three primary
sources of funding:
1) Small set aside from prop tax for open space fund- intended to be used
for acquisition and development of open space, but is mainly used just to
2) Revenue that we earn, approx $27 million. We get it from the 49ers -
who we are scared to death are going to leave town, parking garages,
program fees, special events like Outside Lands, concessions, and real
estate – almost 1/3 of overall operating budget.
3) Remaining 1/3 is our general fund subsidy budget. And that has been cut
and cut and cut.

Important to think economics of this park. I think everyone agrees this park
could use some more support from RPD. (Nobody disagreed). RPD is about 200
gardeners short based on the acres that we have. We have over 4000 acres of
open space. We are short 60 custodians and 30 park patrols. On top of that we
have $1.7 billion of deferred maintenance needs. Pretty profound.

What it costs to operate DP $350,000 over a fiscal year. We spend $215,000 in

gardening (incl some overtime) and 2 full-time gardeners. Have a gardener
supervisor who has other parks and spends 1/5th of time at DP. Custodian who
spends 30% of their time, a custodian supervisor (part of their time). Park patrol -
you know park patrol is out here quite a bit. $70,000 of structural maintenance --
primarily irrigation and graffiti costs plus w/a few construction materials thrown
in and we’re about $350,000. If I had to apply that 20% budget cut of DP, that’s
$70,000. So pick your poison.

But we didn’t. We didn’t cut a thing from DP. You know why? Because we are
listening. We do know how loved and how used and how desperate this park is.
We didn’t cut a thing, even though we’ve had a 20% reduction across the board.

And of that $12.4 million in cuts, Nicole and her team have agreed to provide
$8.4 million in new revenue. Every dollar this dept raises is one less that we have
to cut. It’s a simple math problem folks.

Putting aside the question of whether this is actually a pleasing popular

opportunity. This is a big park. The schlep from 20th and church to 18th and
Dolores may be only 10 or 15 to us, but if you’ve got a toddler, that’s a ½ day’s
journey, folks. There’s a big picture here. These two concessions are expected to
raise this year: $60,000-70,000.

Question: Each?

A from Phil Ginsburg: No, combined. Conservative projections. But

that’s precisely the hole across the board that we were trying to fill with
this park. So that’s a little bit of a big picture. We have to 225 parks, 4000
acres of open space, 25 full service recreation centers, 42 clubhouses, 9
swimming pools - lot to manage.

Despite our missteps and about how we can do better at outreach, taking
a better approach to reaching out to local business and taking advantage of
great organizations such as Dolores Park Works, I ask you to take a look
at the big picture, not just because it’s what’s right for DP, but because it’s
what’s right for open space in the city.

Todd Ruffo: Thanks. With the office of economic and work force development
In 2007, the City completed 1st city-wide economic strategy. One thing focused
on was organizing the city’s economy. There are two big buckets:

1) Knowledge/export bucket - Exporting our ideas

2) The experience sector - you come to SF as local, regional, or int’l visitor -
tourism sector and biz that depend on - and that includes biggest chunk of city’s
economy. One of the conclusions: important to better expand oppt for visitors
to stay longer, spend more money and create more jobs for San Franciscans. We
think that having more activities and amenities in the park, more reasons to stay
and spend in the park is good for the neighborhood and businesses.

If you look at how neighborhoods exist today, they cluster together, even
competing businesses. We think ultimately it’s a good thing because brings more
people. The longer they stay there; they will ultimately patronize those
businesses. And this fits w/ cities overall goal of getting people to come and stay.

Examples of this all over the city and nationally, how mobile food vendors are a
part of this. They provide complementary services. Findings from Portland and
from Civic Center is that there might be increase in sales because of mobile

Office of Economic Workforce Development is working w/broader legislation on

mobile food vendors with Supervisor Dufty’s office w/mobile food vendors.

Phil Ginsburg: We really want this to work. If there are things that we can do,
that’s one of the great reasons the vendors are here. So they can hear from you.
I know there are going to be questions about the communication and process.
Clearly this is a learning experience for all of us, and we get the passion from this
neighborhood. I hope that by seeing the large number of staff our intent at being
here to talk this through more. This is a long-term relationship. We have a lot of
work to do together.

One strategy that would improve our communication, if you visit our website
there is a much better way to communicate with us. One thing to leave you with
is an information kiosk. Going to make sure that we have a new kiosk on this side
of the park. Got to leave. Thanks.

Nicholas Kinsey: Please sign in on our sign in sheet. About a year ago dept
undertook initiative to put vendors in public parks. We, with approval from the
commission, published an RFP for food vendors in parks. Over last year received
dozens of responses and literally hundreds of inquiries. Convened selection panel
of people from disparate backgrounds to receive the proposals. Ultimately chose
Blue Bottle and La Cocina. We have negotiated permits. Taken permits to our
commission for approval. Will be there 7 days a week, from roughly 10:30 am to
4:30 pm. Both located in 8x10 trailer. Next to clubhouse, picnic area -
reconfigure benches for la cocina trailer. Near the dumpster in the playground
area will be Blue Bottle’s trailer.

Question: Does “reconfigure” mean “take a way”?

A from Nick Kinsey: Reconfigure does not mean take away.

When we took this to commission, we heard concern about permitting Blue

Bottle to be too close to DP Café. We were given direction to Put bb food
vendors in southwest section of park. Difficult not too much asphalt, but we
worked w/our op team to come up with a position that we think complies with
our commission’s direction.

Important to note that these facilities leave at the end of the day and that these
permits are what is known as revocable permits. If it doesn’t work, can get them
out w/as little as 30 days.

There have been studies done that say that amenities and concessions are one of
the features that are most lacking in SF parks.

Another concession that was made was to limit Blue Bottle permit to two years.
Was originally 5 years before.
What does it mean to have them there? They:
• Will leave every day.
• Are required to pick up all trash w/in 100-foot radius.
• Are required to have own garbage cans for their refuse and to take it
offsite – not use onsite trash bins.

[Photos shown of 8x12 trailer]

La Cocina, discreetly branded. I would say attractive. Same for Blue Bottle. Their
trailer is not complete.

Nicole Avril: Talk a little about process. Personally apologize for not doing
better outreach. We presented to the commission in February and that was
about 2 weeks after I started. There was a process established, but I wasn’t very
familiar with it or the organizations involved. Should have done a better job of
getting to know you before going to the commission.

But we do want to have that discussion. Very interested in what you have to say.
Underestimated level of passion people would have around this initiative.
Permitted a number of carts in parks in this city and this is the first feedback
we’ve heard. That wasn’t thorough thinking on our part and we’re here now.

Putting this into law Oct 7th.

1) Will hold community meeting for:
a. Every initiative having to do w/this park – RFPs, RFIs RFQs.
b. Major event.
c. Every concession contemplated.
2) After the community meeting and we put out that initiative, will then invite
a community member to sit on the selection panel – an unbiased member
– that can speak for the community.
3) Then, we will come back to the community to present selection panel’s
selection prior to bringing it to the commission.

Also want to talk about ways will notify community. First - all our friends groups:
Dolores Park Works, clean safe green, Dolores Park Playground. If I’ve missed

Question: Dolores Park Dogs.

A from Nicole Avril: Okay, I’ll add that. We will give you ample time to
let you post on websites, send out specific email. Will work with you to
plan a meeting. Will post in all local newspapers: El Tecalote, Mission
Dispatch, Noe Valley Voice, Examiner, Chron, Mission Local.

Phil is also going to write a monthly column for papers. Posted in larger
papers, notifying supervisors for district 8 & 9. I’ll be contacting merchant
associations and park partners: NPC and NPT.

And on our website: Have an RSS feed and you can sign up and we can
push into out to you.

If I’ve missed anything:

Question & Answer Period:

Question: - I have a question and a concern. It’s all about people coming to the
park. The impact of people coming to the park. Leaving their trash. Urinating
everywhere and then going home. We’re stuck with this park. Now you want to
impact that with a vendor. I understand about this park. But what about our
neighborhood? We’re not the only park in the city.

A from Nick: Absolutely, this park has significant impact on neighbors.

this is an attempt to maintain the park despite the heavy use of the park.
Vendors will be responsible for their own trash and that within 100 feet.
There are a lot of people bring food and this is one way to address that.

Question: What about the impact on local businesses?

Nick: Studies have been done on food carts. They’ve found that the net
benefit is positive.

Statement: No, businesses downtown are complaining about vendors. Trucks.

People on sidewalks. I’m not trying to attack you

A from Nick: The city of Portland has taken the lead in promoting
mobile food vendors and some of the biggest supporters are the brick and
mortar stores surrounding them. Helps bring people in the stores.

Statement: But we don’t need more people

[Applause. Cries of Exactly]

Question: Is operation is 10:30 to 4:30 is minimum. It was 8:00-4:00.

Question: What is maximum?

A from Mike Hamm w/blue bottle coffee: Just moved to pearl st. 4-5
mos ago. Was here sat and saw big l behind 8,000 people. I want to be
that face that people recognize and interact with. So anyway…

Question: What’s max on hours?

A from Mike Hamm: Don’t know the marketplace. Not going to get
people on their way to work. Initially, 8:30 – 3:30.

Question: What is maximum? What is the permit allow?

A from Nick: 7am to dusk

Question: I have store on 18th and Church. I support mobile food vendors but
if this is successful how many other mobile food vendors into the park? And how
are you going to open this to other people in neighborhood so we can apply? I
would have loved to be part of that process.

A from Nicole: We will not bring any new w/o another meeting like this.
We do not anticipate putting another food vendor in the park.

But we do not anticipate put any new vendors in park. We’ll come back to
you. See what the impact is, what our budget is like…

We’d like to actually to invite someone to participate on the panel. When

the permits expire, and if it is working for everyone. It’s a rolling RFP, you
can apply whenever you want, and if the community wants another food
cart, then we’d certainly discuss that.

The RFP in on our website, there are other parks you could go into. The
section process happens quarterly.

A from Nick: We were going to have La Cocina bring in another food

cart, but we are going to see how this works and what your feedback is.
So you do have a voice. We have curtailed it to see how it impacts the
park as we think it will.

Crystal: Caleb, can you introduce La Cocina and tell us about your organization?
Caleb: I’d love to say hi

Statement: There are a lot of questions… We don’t want to hear them talk.
It’s been an hour and you haven’t heard our concerns. Your telling us what has
happened without any community input.

Crystal: I’m not with Rec and Parks, I’m with Dolores Park Works.

Statement: But you’re telling us that the decision has been made.

Crystal to Nicole: Can this permit be revoked?

[Shouting from audience.]

Vickie: What is the status of the permits that have been offered? What can be
done to retroactively address this? If no, what can we do as a community be
doing to be actively engaged in the process going forward?

A from Nicole: We have already adjusted our permits in response to

your concerns. We have taken this to the commission. The commission
has approved it. We would like to move forward with this initiative. Again,
I’d very much like to hear you concerns and figure out how we can
accommodate them. The permits we’ve made some changes, we can make
some more changes or we can even have a discussion with the vendors
right here and they can hear your concerns are and for instance we’re
talking about hours… We can take this feedback back and there are a lot
of opportunities for us to work with you to make this work out, but we’ve
already presented this to the commission.

Crystal: So they are not revocable?

A from Nicole: They are fully revocable.

Question: And one is for two and one is for five years?

A from Nicole: That is correct but as Phil says that for whatever reason,
they get 30 days notice.

Question: I know you are required to pick up the trash 100 feet radius around
you. Obviously the trash isn’t going to stay in that radius. So I’m wondering if you
have your own volunteers that would be willing to come out and help pick up
trash. Second, the bathroom situation. They don’t want to piss in my bush, but
there’s nothing for them. Are you or the city going to bring in the bathrooms?

A from Nicole: We are planning on renovating the park as you know

and it is part of that measure. The question is, how much more these
vendors will introduce. I’m not sure.

Statement: About $70,000 more.


A from Nicole: We are renovating bathrooms.

Question: Yeah, but these guys come first.

A from Nicole: It means we do not have to cut $70,000 from DP next


Question: Will the funds be used to buy more portapotties? Will the funds be
used on Dolores Park?

A from Nicole: We’ve tried to fundraise for portapotties. What these

guys will allow us to do is keep our gardeners

Question asked again: Will the funds be used to buy more portapotties? Will
the funds be used on Dolores Park?

A from Nicole: The funds will be used for structural maintenance; keep
the plumbing working, it will be used to keep our gardener on staff.

Question asked again: Will the money stay in Dolores Park?

A from Nicole: We don’t budget that way. It means that we do not have
to cut $70,000 from Dolores Park’s budget.

Question: I’m curious what these guys [vendors] are willing to do towards the
trash? You can’t do anything about the bathrooms obviously.

A from Nicole: I’ll answer that in a second, but I’d like to work with the
local merchants: most of the trash comes from our local merchants. I’d love to
work together as a community.

[Boos from the audience.]

Crystal: Dolores Park Works is working on a Leave No Trace campaign that
will address the trash in the park. It will involve working with the local
merchants. We are working on a full park program with the Center for Outdoor
Ethics. We are looking for volunteers. See Robert in the back if you want to

Nick: I would love to have Caleb make intro - he flew in early to attend this

[Push back from audience.]

Crystal: One of the purposes of this meeting was to bring to various people in
charge of this initiative together so they could speak to the community.

[Yay for Caleb from the audience.]

Caleb - thank you - appreciate your time. I’ve lived in city for 8 years, right by
this park. Think civic spirit in SF makes this park great. What I would like to say is
hello. We came here because we wanted the opportunity to talk. We’re a
nonprofit program. Work w/low income immigrant entrepreneurs launching food
businesses, offer shared kitchen, work w/40 vendors all ostensibly competing
w/each other.

Only chose 2 parks to go for. Parks w/ admittedly most opportunity. Help these
people get their businesses off the ground. A place where people will welcome
them. That’s what Dolores Park has always been about. Several people here are
driven biz owners, women, mothers. No one who runs biz and wants to make a
living, wants trash there. They have more incentive than anyone to pick up trash.

Rob Lord: I’d like to point out this meeting is not a referendum about these

Question: How loud is the generator? No smoking and no drinking in park. A

law but not enforced. Wine bottles and cigarette butts everywhere. If go on Tues
morning - why isn’t that enforced? That’s revenue. You’re talking about a
proposal here and we don’t know about enforcement.

Answer from Mike: The generator is the smallest and quietest one
available that they sell. Don’t know decibels, I’ll find it out for you.

Statement: Noise level in this neighborhood is horrendous. It’s like the airport.
There’s nothing I can do about it. I go to the park to get away from that. You
don’t want to see it. You don’t want to see a sign for someone’s coffee. It’s a
park. There are children. They should be seeing leaves and flowers. Not

Restatement of question from Vickie: trash, look of the trailers.

Answer from Nicole: We have about 50% of gardener’s time, 30% of

custodian and other staff and other staff that pick up the trash.

Answer from Eric Anderson: Ongoing battle. Enforcing smoking and

drinking. Did do some enforcement of that and the community objected.
Definitely some polarization there. Know that cigarettes and little bits of
stuff. Tried to make garbage more efficient by bringing cans to Dolores.
Leave no trace campaign should help with some of this.

Answer from Nick: We’ve found in our other parks are people who
complain most about trash are the concessionaires. Music concourse at
GG Park. Heavily visited and limited garbage. Only garbage is our
concessionaire. If 100-foot radius needs to be redefined would absolutely
work with community,

Crystal: Time check. 8:15, stay later?

[Yes from everyone]

Question/Statement from Executive Director of youth program:

Use park as much as possible. And hard to do that- so crowded now. Hard to
find space for kids. La Concina works w/ lot of same people that I work with –
immigrants, people who live in area. We have so many great businesses in this
area that have not heard of this process. Somebody that has gotten a lot of gigs
around the city is moving into our little area. My sense is - one is related in giving
back to community, and other feels more commercial. I think two years is too
long. I’d like to ask if we can reconsider and reevaluate the process.

Crystal: So what I think I’m hearing is that most of the issue is about one of the
vendors, not both.

Question/Statement from Executive Director of youth program:

Yes, one of them is vary related to our community and other one seems much
more commercial, but I could be wrong. We’ve gotten a lot of support from local
businesses and they were caught off guard.
Crystal: So you’re asking if the community process could be reopened for one
of the vendors?

Answer from Mike with BB: Since I seem to be alluded to….I have to
say, this is a shock to us as a company. We have a lot of integrity. We
offer better benefits to our employees than any service company. The
people that own and work for the company are local. If people want to
drive us out, we’re very happy to go. People should have all the
information. We haven’t been investing in local orgs because we haven’t
been there. It’s the first time I’ve heard of Dolores Park Works. I worked
for education nonprofits in West Oakland for 5 years. Know importance
of community, we can be intimidating as a company. I don’t know what it
is - our aesthetic maybe. But know that I’m approachable and we do give
money to orgs we care about. Education is the prime focus of our
philanthropic efforts.

Question/Statement from Executive Director of youth program:

A lot of the people who made this park a destination. Who built this community
around the park. We’re consulted and were left out.

Question: Too many people here in our park that we cannot accommodate.
Should accommodate people who are already there before drawing more. We’re
not there yet. [muffled, couldn’t hear.] We should work to accommodate the
people that come here before we add more.

Question: I’m going to sound like I’m defending these people, but they did say
that they screwed up. They gave a long list of things that they are going to do to
open this up next time. But we’ve kind of got to say, for now, that we’ve got
these two vendors.

Question: - Phil Ginsburg said $2 million go through park. Rolled out I bet if
you said “You can take back your park if you just give us $10.” That’s $12 million
for Dolores Park.

Nick: Crystal, how much has Dolores Park Works raised?

Answer from Crystal: Without doing any fundraising? About


Nick: We had concert this weekend, Now and Zen - 20,000

people out there. Free concert. Constant announcements on stage
to donate via text. And we collected $400. [Siren, can’t hear]

Rob Lord [muffled]: Is money raised going to go to immediate needs of DP.

All I’m hearing is that it is going into a general fund. If it did go into a fund for us,
would we be able to have a say in what it’s spent on. Done the math. 1.2 million
people averages out to $.30/person. [Muffled]

Answer from Nicole: A lot of parks are excited. Alamo square. Some
parks actually want vendors. If we do cuts, every park across the park gets
cut. We are using the money to fill a $12.1 million dollar budget cut. DP
will have a $70,000 cut if we do not raise this money. If you guys wanted
to raise funds, you could spend it any way you want it to.

Statement: Wish we’d had that kind of input. They were given that

Answer from Nicole: Through The same RFP process that was
published for over a year and published in many articles and food blogs.
Now if you guys wanted to raise money and spend it on the park. There
are several neighborhood associations that want to be the vendor in the
park. You can do that. You can spend it any way you want. As long as it’s

Statement: Can’t do it here for the next few years.

Answer from Nicole: Unless revoke a permit. Or you decide you want

Statement: Find it interesting that given that everyone is going to pee more
because of coffee - putting up more portapotties. I don’t want more portapotties.

There’s something parasitic about what you are doing. You are coming along and
saying “this is wonderful let’s use it for our benefit.” The impact of the crowds of
this park overpowers the infrastructure of what comm. Can take. Cant’ take any
more. The community is already saturated. And your proposal is predicated on
taking us more. Nothing you’ve said tonight makes me trust that you have really
thought through this proposal. We don’t need more clusters and your whole
operation is predicated on more clusters.

We don’t need more clustering. This is already a highly clustered community.

There are people in this room who have made this neighborhood. 10 years ago
this hood was declining. Garage repair places down the street. Then people made
this neighborhood out of food and coffee and a love for this park.

You think of this park as a small park. It’s not. The impact on this park plays out
on what is really 2 blocks and the amount of people that come into this
community overpowers what the infrastructure can handle.

Rob Lord: I don’t read newspapers. No one I know reads newspapers. Kevin
Montgomery posted story that was untrue - that park was going to close for two
years. I’ve seen your website, it’s 1.0. Blog page on RPD - non RSS-able.
Let me know if I’m geeking out here: Expect respectable -- One to many source
(website, emails, newsletters), a many to many source (forum).

I don’t like to hear through someone else. Like to hear it directly from RPD,
Dolores Park Works. There should be a many to many forum style community
where people can vote up and vote down ideas. Not that it isn’t lovely to be here
with all of you. This is a completely inefficient way of doing things.

Statement from Mike Hamm: We want to come in and enrich your

neighborhood. There’s already commerce in the park, which is illegal. I
think we are going to do nothing but good for biz of parks.

Crystal: We are not getting anywhere. What can we do to get to make this
work and what does that look like?

Statement: This is a decision that has been made. Can we move forward?
People keep saying how long lived here to maintain street cred, but - been on but
19th St - 17 years - I care about this park. I love this park. But it’s not our park.
It’s in our neighborhood, but it belongs to the city. We’re free to go to other
parks in the city too and people are welcome to come to this park. But you
sounds so exclusionary. Are we going to start IDing people? I love the park, but
it’s not ours. It belongs to the city, and they are doing what they can to keep and
improve the park. God, I sound like an apologist for the city, and I’m not - but
they’re doing what they can to maintain this park. La Cocina and BB are two of
the most ethical I can think of. God. Not like they’re bringing in Quiznos.

Statement: I pay taxes and the city works for us. They are our employees. If
you really want your words to be heard, you should go to the RPD commission
meeting, October 7 at 4PM. Everyone should know about it.

Statement: My apologies to you guys. You have been thrown under the bus.
Looking forward to working with you guys. Trust you more than park and rec.
That said, going off this performance from RPD, “m concerned we aren’t getting
enough value. I want to hear the specifics of the contract in terms of rent, lease,
percentage of sales.

From RPD and the Commissioner, maybe we can think about privatization a little
more. For $350k, I think that Dolores Park Works could do a bang up job at
managing this park than park and rec. Why not thinking bigger and not go for the
whole enchilada. These guys I trust. I think we’ve got a good basis for foundation
of management.

Answer from Nick: Industry average for brick and mortar – 6-7% for
rent - food cart rent is 12% -- almost double that. [Muffled] Very
competitive w/rents negotiated in other parks. Vastly preferable to what
feds have negotiated for Crissy Field and Aquatic Park. We feel confident
that we have done well in negotiating the rent.

Answer from Mike: Printed out statements from James and Caitlyn –
the mom and pop running this whole business. Very thorough answers
every question. He goes into that issues a bit more. He did not choose hti
opportunity based on what was going to make us money. We applied
because it was going to be charming. Want to say in his words - he did not
choose this based on what was going to make co more money. We found
this old converted horse trailer. Found guy who renovates airstreams. It’s
going to be gorgeous and subtle and hopefully blended into environment.
We’re not Starbucks. Simple operation. Doing it more because James
loves the city and is a sucker for an opportunity.

Statement: All agreed park is overrun. If we provide services w/in the park,
such as coffee ad food, they aren’t going to leave the park. Already 5 or 6 places
around the park where people can buy coffee. I realize that money can’t just be
pulled out of know where, so I wish we could hold off and work backwards and
think this thing through again before we take people out of the park. If we do
need a decision to be made, we should not have anything go forward in DP until
we have new bathrooms in.
And last - people who DO make coffee in hood? Make it as good as BB.

Crystal: When will you be ready to go into the park?

A from Nick: Blue Bottle is still finishing their cart, La Cocina is ready to
Crystal: Any one interested in trial since La Cocina since already ready to go? 15
hands go up.

Crystal: Seems like there are more No’s than Yeses until new bathrooms go in.

Rob: Just to be clear it’s not DPW’s decision.

Nick: No, it’s ultimately the commissions. Phil signs off on all things that go the

Caleb: Disappointed that this is happening now. We found about this as a public
process. No one called us. It is hard to be in this situation. I don’t want to go into
place where nobody wants us. It’s an exciting thing to be a part of a community.
And it’s a disconcerting thing to be made not a part of a community. It won’t last
if no one wants us. We’re ready to go. I feel like I’ve been through a lot of
process to be here from a business side, more than I would go through with
anyone else in my life.

Statement: But if its not you two - they’ll pick up two others. This is done.
Two people in the park.

Answer from Nicole: We need to raise $70k.

Question: What revenue do we generate now from all the events?

Answer from Nicole: Don’t know. I can get that for you.

[Discussion about size of events]

Statement: take 3 year old down to DP to play - getting 3 year old to leave to
get cup of coffee. As caretaker nice to be able to get coffee right there. Nice
when dog-sititing. I do appreciate the bathroom situation. I don’t think this is
something that is ongoing and attracting people to the park. I don’t think there
are people halfway across town that are going to be saying “I feel like Blue Bottle.
Let’s go to DP today. I know that I’m in the minority and I hope that I get home
safely, but I think this is a worthwhile experiment.”

Crystal: Three more questions and then at some point we need to figure out
what going to do.

Question: Will there be options to keep waste down - ceramic cups?

Answer from Caleb: Taking waste offsite is neither pleasant nor
exciting. In Portland success of mobile vendors has sparked biz that bring
and wash dishware. Very difficult to wash a dish in a mobile trailer.

Answer from Mike - Compostable cups. Trying to find compostable lids.

If getting espresso, we try to talk people into ceramic cups.

Statement: Parking lot across street from high school - Can’t it be opened and
spaces sold? 100 spaces - money from that parking lot would not only fund DP
but every park.

Wrapping Up
Rob Lord - click on forums - can continue this discussion.

Nicole - will contact you all directly about meetings and going forward.

Crystal - blog that publish almost dailly

Commission mtg oct 7 4pm room 416.

Communication channel

Closing from Rob: Understanding milestones and when community input is

expected. Postmortem - when do have discussion about this process and
how to improve it. Every single dollar that goes into DP stays in DP until
this crowd says hell yes, I love what rec and park is doing with dp. Think
this is

Caleb - still really excited about being in comm... eager to talk thank you
all for time and passion for the park. Hope you understand we’re as
committed to this project.

BB - on handouts gave out I’ll be here for a

little bit. And I live close by.

Vickie - thanks to everyone on panel. Want to express that Dolores Park

Works is completely volunteer run. Think is great time to have social
experiment. They are 501c3 fiscally sponsored organization. If you really
want to make sure park is taken care of - use their message board. Give
them money. There’s a bucket on way out.

BTW- Only $5 was donated, but a DPW spouse.  

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