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Community Church

Early Fall 2018

Faith Steps
We baptized 4 people at places in their
walks with God. But for each of them this
outward symbol was a significant step of
faith, a means by which they could
experience afresh the presence of God.
The Bible says,
“Rather, you must grow in the grace and
knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
In addition to such major leaps of faith,
what are the smaller steps you are taking
to grow in your knowledge of Jesus? Are
you taking advantage of His Word on a
regular basis? Are you gathering with
others who will sharpen you and give who
an opportunity to learn service?

Sundays Worship 9:30am

Sundays 10:45am Young Marrieds, Adults, Children’s Worship
Wednesday Youth / Kids / Women / Adults 6:30pm

Hannah Wed

Life Steps
Tuesdays this Fall FCC is offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace
University to assist families in getting debt free and learning
Biblical generosity. Wednesdays there are studies for all age Brian & Sheila
groups. Monthly there are groups in homes for Young Marrieds
and Empty Nesters. And of course Sundays have worship and
classes. Young or old, rich or poor, married or single, all of us are
called to grow and mature during our lives here below. As we move
through various life stages we may be tempted to coast, but there is
always more. God not only reveals more of Himself to us as we
press in, but He shares His heart for the world around us. The more
connected to Him we are, the more we will live like Jesus in the
world, as we learned from our 1 John study Sunday mornings. Stay
involved in life no matter what may come your way :-)
Pool Party

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley

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