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From: Jim Williams, Public Policy Polling

To: Interested Parties

Subject: Arizona Governors Race Continues to be a Tossup

Date: 09-03-18

A new Public Policy Polling survey of Arizona voters finds the Governors race continues to be a
tossup, with 44% of voters choosing Republican Doug Ducey, 43% choosing Democrat David
Garcia, and 13% of voters undecided. The race is largely unchanged from a January PPP poll that
showed a similar 1-point margin, with Garcia at 43% and Ducey at 42% in that poll.

Key findings from the survey include:

- Ducey’s approval rating remains underwater, with 42% of voters approving of his job as
Governor while 45% disapprove.

- President Trump also holds a net negative approval rating in the state, with just 44%
approving of the job he is doing as President while 50% disapprove.

- Garcia may still have room to grow – a plurality of voters (37%) say they don’t know
enough about him to form an opinion of him. Garcia currently has the support of 74% of
Democrats while Ducey has the support of 78% of Republicans.

- 57% of voters say they’re “very excited” to vote in November – and 52% of them
disapprove of President Trump compared to just 47% who say they approve of him.

- Garcia leads Ducey among Independents (46/36), women (45/41), and Hispanic/Latino
voters (52/22). Also, 15% of undecided independents voted for Clinton in the 2016

Public Policy Polling interviewed 554 Arizona voters on August 30th and 31st. The survey’s
margin of error is +/-4.2%. This research was conducted on behalf of Garcia for Governor.

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