Environmental Governance Programme

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Integrating Environment and Human Rights into the Governance of the Mining Sector


The Swedish Environmental Using the nexus between the
Protection Agency (Swedish EPA) environment and human rights as a
and the United Nations lens, the EGP supports governments
Development Programme (UNDP) to integrate environment and
jointly launched the human rights into the governance of
Environmental Governance the mining sector.
Programme (EGP) for Sustainable
Natural Resource Management, We support the strengthening of
focusing on the mining sector, in capacities of ministries of mining,
2014. environment and other national and
local stakeholders, including national
It draws upon the combined human rights institutions, to ensure
governance, environmental and that human rights are at the core of
extractive sector expertise of the the design, implementation, and
two agencies and their partners. monitoring of policies and regulatory
The EGP is fully funded by the frameworks relevant to the mining
Swedish International sector.
Development Cooperation Agency
(Sida) from 2014 through June 2019. In this way, the EGP helps countries
to operationalize Principle 10 of the
WHERE WE WORK Rio Declaration and meet their
The EGP provides targeted support national commitments under global
to four countries: Colombia, Kenya, environmental agreements and
Mongolia, and Mozambique. The international human rights
programme also works at the frameworks while accelerating
global and regional level to progress towards the Sustainable
strengthen knowledge sharing and Development Goals (SDGs). 
the exchange of innovative policy
approaches within and across
countries and regions.
Connect countries to the expertise
needed to tackle complex challenges and
leverage new opportunities in the
environmental governance of the mining
Facilitate global, regional and country
knowledge exchange through:
- peer-to-peer learning events between the
Swedish EPA and national government
- the GOXI.org on-line Community of
Practice platform; and
- webinars and other South-South
learning opportunities.
Conduct diagnostics that inform policy
reforms and help to integrate
environment, gender, human rights and
rule-of-law in mining governance.
Strengthen inter-ministerial and cross-
sectoral coordination mechanisms that
recognize the roles of different authorities
involved in governing the mining sector.
Facilitate and strengthen in-country
platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue
and engagement. 
Synthesize and share country experiences
and global expertise through technical
studies and guidance notes on cutting-
edge issues of environmental governance
of the mining sector. 
In Mongolia, two landmark studies on the rule-of-law and legality in the governance of mining were conducted, which
have informed the drafting of stronger mining laws and regulations:  the Law of Offences, the Mineral Law, the
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation, and the Environmental Monitoring Plan Regulation. These are
expected to strengthen environmental protection in the mining sector for affected communities across the country.

In Colombia, an assessment of the degree to which government institutions adhere to procedural rights related to the
environment has been conducted. The assessment is now being replicated in five new regions, with the results to be
used to inform the country’s future strategy for the Environmental Management of the Colombian Mining Energy
Sector and an early warning system.  

In Mozambique, a compendium of Good Practices for Women and Mining in Mozambique that highlight challenges
and opportunities for women in mining was developed jointly with UN Women. In collaboration with OXFAM, a training
on Free Prior and Informed Consent was conducted for civil society members from across four regional provinces.

In Kenya, for the first time, a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of the mining sector has been
conducted. The process of the SESA has been as important as its recommendations:  A cross-sector coordination
mechanism with representatives from the ministries of mining and environment, civil society organizations, and the
national human rights commission was created to oversee the work, and its members have become advocates for more
integrated policymaking in the mining sector.

Global Guide - Extracting Good Practices: a comprehensive and user-friendly guide for governments and partners on
how to integrate environment and human rights into the governance of the mining sector.

Mining Governance Assessment - Rule of Law in Public Administration: User-friendly and adaptive governance
assessment on the application of procedural rights in the environmental governance of the mining sector.

Webinars: 15 webinars with more than 1,000 participants from over 100 countries.

Advocacy and Awareness Raising: Organization of global events to advance the right to a clean and healthy
environment and sharing of good practices for mainstreaming biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human rights in the
mining sector, including to inform the Conference of the Parties for the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Mining, if managed well, can contribute to
sustainable development, including in the
least developed countries and fragile states.
However, mining can also cause great
environmental and social harm.

As the demand for metals and minerals

continues to grow - including to advance
durable growth and green technologies
required for a low-carbon future - and as
mineral extraction moves into ever more
remote and environmentally pristine areas,
greater efforts are needed to protect human
rights and the biodiversity and ecosystems on
which local communities and society more
broadly depend.

Protecting the environment from the direct

and indirect impacts of mining is integral to
the full enjoyment of a wide range of human
rights, including life and health. At the same
time, human rights, including procedural rights
for participation in decision-making, and
access to information and redress, are needed
for the protection of the environment.

When local communities are able to learn

about and participate in decisions that affect
them, they can in turn help to ensure that
those decisions consider their knowledge and
needs for a healthy environment and
sustainable livelihoods.
Partnerships are at the heart of our Our partners include UN Women, UN
UNDP Bureau for Policy and
work. At the country level, we work Environment, UNITAR, the World
Programme Support, New York 
with key government partners Bank, the Folke Bernadotte Academy,
including ministries of mining and the Intergovernmental Forum for
environment, national environmental Mining, Minerals Metals and
Focal points: 
protection agencies, oversight bodies Sustainable Development, the
and national human rights International Institute for Sustainable
commissions, and civil society. Development, and Swedbio at the
Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Swedish Environmental
We also work closely with our UN and
Protection Agency, Stockholm
non-UN partners to achieve our
common objectives. 
Focal point:

Photo credits
Cover: © Friends of Earth International, Guatemala            Pages 3 and 4: © iStock.com/Obradovic 
Page 5: © visitcostarica.com    Page 6: © UNDP Kenya/Blerina Gjeka Page 7:© iStock.com/Obradovic 

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