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Founding members. Name, legal form, location, duration, and purpose of the Heritage.

Article 1
The name of the Association

Cultural Association name is "FLOWER POWER" and was founded in 2013 by decision of
founding members that the first meeting of Constitution, they decided the establishment and
functioning of the Association.

Article 3
Legal Status

The cultural association "FLOWER POWER", is constituted as a Romanian legal person, based
on the principle of full economic independence, autonomy and decision making.
The Association is constituted on the basis of free consent of the founding members, the
Romanian legal person governed by private law, without patrimonial purpose, non-
governmental, non-profit, apolitical and independent with the name reserved for the proof of the
availability of the name with the number of 01 120760. 02.13, issued by the Ministry of Justice-
Department Communication and Public Relations. The Association is educational, social,
cultural, scientific and humanitarian.

The Association will work in all situations, in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance of
26 31.01.2000 Government approved, as amended and supplemented by law No. 246/2005,
concerning associations and foundations, as well as other legal provisions in Romania.

The Association has a header, stamp and bank accounts.

Use of the names and logo Association is restricted and limited to its members, not being
allowed to use them by third organizations or individuals, without the consent of the Association

The founding members of the Association of FLOWER POWER are:

Ana Ioana Iordan
Andreea Bibiri
Anca Roxana Constantin

Article 4
The Association Headquarters

The Association's headquarters is situated in str. Grigore Ionescu, BL. T60, SC. 1, et 2, AP. 7,
Bucharest, sector 2.
The Association may establish branches in other towns in the country and abroad.
The Association can join organizations in the country and abroad.
Article 5
Operating time

The Association is set up for a indefinite period.

Article 6

Starting capital of the Association is the sum of 750 RON, cash contribution of the members.
Money funds will be deposited directly into bank accounts, in RON or foreign currency of the
Patrimony of the Association will be enhanced through:
an annual subscription to members;
a voluntary Contribution of the Association members, other individuals or legal entities,
institutions, bodies or organisations;
donations and grants;
a specific activity of the objects and other sources of internal or external funding, in accordance
with the law.
Association may include assets and other material assets whose use will be made exclusively for
the attainment of the Association.

Art. 7
The aim of the Association

The purpose of the "FLOWER POWER" is to conduct, support and promote artistic and
educational activities in the field of theatrical and other artistic fields, to promote young talents
in the field of theatrical and artistic, to create the necessary communication at national and
international level with professional non-governmental structures with common or similar
purposes, to facilitate and support communication with artists and teachers from countries of the
European Union and not onlyto become a principal vector in the communication between
pedagogical and artistic young movement of Romania and the Romanian State institutions, to
propose and carry out extensive projects in the field of artistic and artistic-specific pedagogy,
activities to promote tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism, culture and cultural activities, as well
as to European citizenship and democracy, at the local, national, european and international

Article 8
The objectives of the Association
In order to achieve the purpose stated, "FLOWER POWER" proposes the following activities:

Promoting moral and cultural values, traditions and universal;

Encouraging cultural cooperation actions;
Actions to promote sustainable tourism and protecting the environment and nature;
The media coverage and presentation, areas with tourist and cultural potential;
Conducting environmental activities;
Promotion and information measures to increase public awareness of the opportunities in the
new european context;
Shares of educating young people through art and culture, organizing courses, seminars and
other events;
Working with various individuals, local governments, other institutions and governmental
organizations, non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad, for the implementation
of projects of common interest, initiating and carrying out programmes to support the activities
of local public administration institutions and initiate advocacy campaigns that result in
strengthening the link between government bodies and civil society;
Improving the quality of life in Europe through the promotion of sustained cooperation between
the organizations of the various Member States of the u. s;
Promotion of interpersonal communication, educating and informing civil society conducting
charity and volunteerism;
The involvement of young people and adults in civic activities of Community interest;
Involvement in local community projects, in partnership with public authorities and non-
governmental organizations in the country and abroad, to support the implementation of
educational projects designed to develop the spirit of action of young people;
Organization of meetings, training courses, scientific seminars, symposia, festivals, public
debates, organizing marches, public events, according to the law;
The completion and publishing of books, periodicals, leaflets, posters, brochures, computer
software, movies and other information materials;
The development of economic activities in order to own self-supporting;
Conducting studies, research and programs for the development of formal and non formal
education of young people and adults, offering new opportunities for integrating the individual's
educational, cultural, community and professional, in collaboration with different institutions:
universities, colleges, schools, school inspectorates, regional directorates of culture, houses of
culture, popular universities, prisons, or other institutions, NGOs, etc.;
Facilitating exchanges of experience between natural or legal persons who have common
The promotion and development of tourism and culture-specific programs in schools, high
schools, universities;
Drafting, editing and dissemination of materials and courses with methodological and statistical
character, in different branches of education, training and information;
Support people from the ethnic minorities, religious, racial, aimed at their integration into
society, through educational programs, cultural and educational promotion of open dialogue with
local communities, respecting the rights and specific features of each individual, striving to
reduce interethnic tensions, inter-denominational, eliminating xenophobic trends and anti-
The development and drafting of programmes and the provision of advisory services in the fields
of Economics, marketing, management, tourism, agricultural, commercial, labour market, etc.;
Implementation of specific programs and projects of environmental protection, reducing
pollution, protecting wildlife and ecosystems in distress, promoting methods of intervention;
Supporting the efforts of the construction, redevelopment, modernisation and equipment of
earlier cultural, social or otherwise, for the purpose of carrying within them with activities aimed
at educational, cultural, economic, humanitarian, charitable, social or formative;
Organizing programs and promotional campaigns on the involvement of civil society in the
process sociatăţii the territorial administrative level of local and county councils;
Organizing campaigns and programmes on human rights, children, women and other persons in
Carries out the programs and campaigns to promote health, a healthy way of life and methods of
prevention and control of communicable diseases, combating the consumption of hallucinogenic
and narcotic substances, providing expert advice;
Activities to promote the principles and values of the community, the criteria for membership of
the pos-Romania into the European Union, accelerating the pace of implementation of the acquis
communautaire in all areas of activity and creating a dialogue between society and bodies
competent in this field;
The Organization of fundraising programs;
Organizing cultural events, symposiums, scientific, radio-TV subordinate objectives;
The Association can provide any activity permitted by law from which it can obtain benefits in
order to ensure autoînfiinţării, as well as attract other sources of funding to achieve the

Association members, rights and duties

Article 9
Active membership

a) founding members are represented by the initiative group which participates in the founding of
the Association and listed as active members until the expiry or earlier if the number of members
of the Association will exceed 100 members;
b) can become an active member of the Association of any person who pays the registration fee;
c) active membership is not transferable or cesionabilă;
d) request to accede active members shall be approved by the Governing Board;
(e)) where the Board rejects an application for registration, it may be reviewed, at the request of
the interested party, to the next General Assembly of the Association;
f) on the proposal of the Governing Board, the general meeting may grant the title of honorary
member personalities in the country and abroad through the work done to bring their promotion
and achievement of the aim and objectives of the Association;
g) honorary members will have only consultative in the law governing board or the General

Article 10
Rights arising from membership

a) active members are entitled to attend the General meetings of the Association, to elect and to
be elected to the governing bodies and the control of the Association, to discuss issues and take
part in debates;
b) to participate in the events organised by the Association, both at home and abroad;
c) to receive any information regarding the Association's activity;
d) using means of Association materials in activities developed in its interest;
s) to have access to the work, publications and documentary materials available to the
f) to take advantage of all the conditions offered for information and training.

Article 11
Obligations arising from Active membership

to) comply with the Statute of the Association and to act in accordance with the purpose and
spirit of the legislation;
(b)) to support the Association in organizing and conducting its aciunilor;
c) to pay the registration fee to the Association and the annual membership fee, under penalty of
the suspension.

Article 12
The loss of active membership

Membership of the Association is lost in one of the following situations:

Death or incapacity);
b) Exclusion by decision of the General Assembly;
c) withdrawal, according to the law, on its own initiative, after communication to the Board of
Directors in the legal term.

Organization and operation of the Association

Article 13
The managing bodies of the Association:
Its governing bodies are:

a) the General Assembly, which represent the totality of the members of the Association and has
the competence to fix general policy and strategy, the choice of the other governing organs and
control of economic activity of the Association;
b) Governing Board, which is the executive body of the Association and exercise the leadership
between two meetings;
c) President, who exercises leadership of the Association and to represent it in dealings with third
parties as part of the Governing Board.

Article 14
Duties of the General Assembly

to approve the amendment of articles of incorporation) and status;

b) sets out the strategies and objectives of the Association;
c) approves the budget of income and expenditure account and balance sheet;
d) establishes and may modify the amount of the minimum contribution to the Heritage
Association members;
e) Decides on the exclusion from the Association of members who commit breaches of the terms
of reference and financial discipline;
f) election and revocation of the members of the Governing Board;
g) election and revocation of the auditor/Audit Committee;
h) analyze and approve programmes of activity of the Association;
i) approve the setting up of subsidiaries proposed by the Governing Board;
j) Examines and approves the work of the Governing Board and to the Auditor, or, where
appropriate, the members of the Audit Committee;
k) Approves the Association, membership of bodies or similar programs, in the country or
abroad, if acesetea fitness for purpose of the Association or the separation or interruption of links
with bodies whose activities result in prejudicing the interests of the Association;
l) Appoint honorary members and Honorary Chairman;
m) take measures to ensure the dissolution and liquidation of the Association, as well as the
establishment of destination of the goods remaining after liquidation.

Article 15
The convening of the General Assembly

a) the General Assembly shall be convened) in ordinary session, once a year, at the start, by the
end of the second, and for special occasions it can be convened extraordinarily, whenever and
wherever it is needed.
b) Convening shall be made by the President, Vice President, replacing the Governing Board, the
Commission of audit/Auditor, or one-fourth of the number of members of the Association.
c) Convening the General Assembly is completed convocator with the agenda, which will be
displayed on the notice board for announcements and Communications Association, at its head
office and, where applicable, by electronic means or by publication in a local newspaper at least
seven working days before the date of the General Assembly.
d) the General Assembly, in the presence of legal work personally or through a delegate shall,
by meeting a minimum of two thirds of all members.
e) if the general meeting does not meet the statutory number of participants, it is postponed
f) The recall of the General Assembly will be done with the performance of the same formalities
as convened. In the case of reconvocare general meeting is held with the number of members
g) Formalities are in charge of a team, appointed by the Governing Board and, in the case of such
a collective nedesemnării in charge of the Secretary of the Association.
the work of the General Assembly) are led by the Chairman or, in his absence, by one of the
substitutes, which will be able to designate the person or the team responsible for drafting the
report on the conduct of its work.
the General Assembly shall Judgments) will be adopted by simple majority vote of those present
and are binding on all members of the Association.

Article 16
Duties of the Governing Board

a) the General Assembly can appoint the Governing Board under the Act governing the
Organization and functioning of associations and foundations.
b) the Governing Board shall ensure the implementation of decisions of the General Assembly,
stock management association and meets its policy, consisting of a minimum of three members
and may be completed up to 21 members, elected for a period of four years and are reeligibili. It
can be made up of persons outside the Association, up to a maximum of one quarter of its
c) Governing Board is chosen during the first general meeting and shall consist of a minimum of
three members: the President, Vice President and a Secretary.
d) the President, the Vice-President and) the Secretary of the Executive Board are elected for an
indefinite period and nominated for this purpose in the Act of incorporation of the Association.
e) replacement of persons who perform these functions will be made only by the General
Assembly in the event of impossibility of performance of duties by reason of death, illness or
serious misconduct relating to violation of the bylaws of the Association. All of these situations
will be appreciated by the General Assembly which will be able to take a decision on these
issues with the votes of three-fourths of the total number of its members, except for death, when
it will hold an extraordinary general meeting for the election of another person in the functions
performed by the deceased person.
f) the Governing Board may delegate some of its members for solving problems of operative
Association leadership Executive Committee. it will be comprised of the directors of divisions,
Chief Accountant and administrator of the Association. The President or in his absence, the
Vice-President will lead the Executive Steering Committee meetings, their duties being
determined by the Governing Board through job descriptions.

The Governing Board shall have the following duties:

to Submit to the General Assembly) activity reports, annual reports before the General Assembly
on the activities of the Association and heritage management or whenever it is necessary, in
Extraordinary General meeting;
b) administers the patrimony of the association according to the intended purpose;
c) designs and submit to the General Assembly vote on the stage and sets the goals and priorities
of the tasks performed;
d) Presents to the General Assembly the report on the period prior to the implementation of the
budget of revenue and expenditure and the draft programmes of the Association;
e) lays down the conditions under which expenditure can be made at the expense of the
Association and shall approve the amount thereof for each action or objective;
f) meets and other duties, within the scope of the powers of the General Assembly, between its
sessions, in order to ensure the operative and in good conditions of activity of the Association,
and they are reviewed and approved by the General Assembly;
g) take action and sets out for the preparation of documents, records and other record-keeping
activity of the Association, its assets, inventory, movement of goods, or other values;
h) Designates substitute Secretary in case of lack thereof, in the person of one of the members of
the Council;
i) Conclude legal acts in the name and on behalf of the Association;
j) Approves the structure of paid staff, working rules and their indemnities, and other forms of
k) solves the applications of new members;
l) is responsible for the use of donations in the country or abroad, in relation to written or verbal
option of natural or legal persons who grant;

Article 17
Convening of the Board of Directors

The Governing Board meets monthly, or whenever the need arises. The Council is convened by
its Chairman or its predecessor, the Auditor/auditing Commission or Secretary.
The Governing Board operates offices in the presence of at least three members. In the case of
increasing the number of members of the Executive Board over three, it works with the presence
of two thirds of the First Governing Board of the Association "FLOWER POWER" consists of
founding members nominated with these functions, as follows from the Act of incorporation of
the Association, namely:

Anca Constantin-Chairman
Mircea Gheorghiu-Vice President
Melania Coman- Executive Manager

Article 18.
Powers Of The President

The President represents the Association in dealings with third parties and is responsible for the
management and coordination of operational activities of the Association, compliance with laws,
regulations and decisions of the General Assembly.

The President may delegate part of its responsibility to other members of the Board of Directors.
He is elected for a period of three years.
In case of unavailability of the President, a Vice-President designated by him shall take place.

The Chairman of the Governing Board shall have the following duties:

a) represents the Association in relationship to other natural or legal persons, and judicial bodies;
b) shall convene the Governing Board and the Executive Management Committee;
c) Signed the documents generating rights and obligations for the Association;
d) leads meetings of the Governing Board and of the Executive Board when participating in
s) Proposes/called with the proper personnel Secretary;
f) Conclude contracts of employment of employees of the Association, in compliance with the
labour legislation in force;
g) meets other tasks laid down by the Governing Board or the General Assembly.

Article 19
Duties of the Vice President

a) participates in meetings of the Governing Board;

b) helps the President in carrying out his duties;
c) Replaces the President in his duties when he is missing;
d) Performs the tasks entrusted to the President, the Governing Board or the Assembly

Article 20
Duties of the Executive Director

Duties of the Secretary of the Board of Directors are:

a) Called/propose together with the President or his substitute personnel in your device;
b) coordinates and seeks to comply with the decisions of the Governing Board, signing alongside
President documents generating rights and obligations for the Association;
c) Directs and controls the work of staff from your device;
d) Develops materials for meetings of the Governing Board and the General Assembly, aims at
sharing their time;
e) meets the work of publication in the Official Gazette of the annual balance sheet and the
revenue and expenditure budget within 30 days of their approval by the General Assembly;
f) meets the formalities necessary for the vineyard and convening the General Assembly;
g) is the "mouthpiece" of the Governing Board and its President in relations with other
institutions, with State, local authorities or Central Government, organs or governmental
organizations or non-governmental, international and domestic, with legal and physical persons,
within the limits laid down by the Governing Board, the Chairman or his substitute;
h) cares for the keeping of all documents, books and records of the Association;
i) Governing Board will draw up half-yearly and annual reports will make reports before the
General Assembly, regarding the Association's activity and management of the heritage.
i) Governing Board will draw up half-yearly and annual reports will make reports before the
General Assembly, regarding the Association's activity and management of the heritage.

Article 21
Tasks of the auditor/Audit Committee

If the Association is under no obligation to appoint a trustee, each of the partners who is not a
member of the Board of Directors may exercise the right of control.
In the event that the number of members is greater than 15, the Association's internal financial
control is assured by the censor.
When the Association has more than 100 members registered up to the date of the meeting of the
General Assembly, the financial control shall be exercised by a Committee of Censors.
The auditing Commission consists of three members, one of whom is the President, elected by
the general meeting for a period of five years and may be re-elected.

Auditor/auditing Commission shall have the following duties:

a) verifies that the given patrimony of the Association;

b) controls the financial activity of the Association, and the results are brought to the attention of
the Executive Board whenever needed and submit reports required by the annual;
c) will draw up a report which will be presented before the General Assembly, on the occasion of
the annual general meeting for the minutes of the Governing Board.
d) Prepares reports and submit them to the General Assembly;
e) may participate in the meetings of the Governing Board, without the right to vote;
f) meets any other duties prescribed by statute, law or established by the General Assembly.
g) Auditing Commission will be always in an odd number of members, the majority of which is
made up of associates. Board members may not be censors.
h) at least one of the reviewers must be an accountant or a chartered accountant, in accordance
with the law.
i) General rules of organization and functioning of the Audit Committee shall be approved by the
General Assembly. The auditing Commission can develop an internal regulation of operation.

Revenues of the Association

The Association's revenues come from:

a.Members ' Contributions);
b Interest and dividends) resulted from placing the amounts available under the conditions laid
down by law;
c) Dividends company set up by the Association:
d) income from direct economic activities;
e) Donations, sponsorships or related;
f) Resources from the State budget or local budgets;
g) other amounts or assets derived from any other legal sources, in the country or abroad and
designed to achieve the purpose of the Association.
h) Association may hold ownership of movable and immovable property.

Article 23
The Association can set up companies.
Dividends derived from association activities of these companies, if you reinvest in the same
company, are required to achieve the aim of the Association.

Article 24
The association can conduct economic activity, if these are accessory and are closely connected
with the purpose and object of the main activity of the Association.

Dissolution and liquidation

Article 25
Legal personality of the Association ceases in the following cases:
a) by order of court
(b) by decision of the General Assembly).

Article 26
The Association is dissolved by law if the realization of the purpose for which it was constituted,
if within three months of becoming aware of such a fact does not produce change;
(b) the impossibility of setting up General Assembly) or the establishment of the Governing
Board in accordance with the statutes of the Association, if this situation lasts longer than one
year from the date on which, according to the bylaws, the general meeting or, where appropriate,
the Governing Board was to be constituted;
c) reduction in the number of associates under the limit set by the law, if it has not been
complemented for 3 months.
Statement of dissolution is accomplished by the judgment of the Court in whose jurisdiction the
registered office of the Association, at the request of any interested person.

Article 27
the Association is dissolved by court order at the request of any interested person,
a)if the purpose or activity of the Association has become unlawful or contrary to public policy;

b) When attainment is pursued through illicit means or contrary to public policy;

c) When the Association pursues a purpose other than that for which it was established;
d) When the Association became insolvent;
e) in the case provided for in article 4. 14. G nr. 26/2000 with privure to associations and
Competent to decide on the dissolution of is the District Court in the district where the
Association has its seat.

Article 28
The Association can be dissolved by the decision of the General Assembly. Within 15 days from
the date of the hearing is made the General Assembly decision, the District Court in whose
territorial jurisdiction is established, to be entered in the register of associations and foundations.

Article 29 in the case of dissolution of the Association shall proceed in accordance with article
4. 60 of a g. No. 26/2000 on associations and foundations

Article 30
Settlement of

a) in all cases, the Governing Board's term of Office shall terminate the appointment of the
b) the liquidators may be natural persons or legal persons approved in accordance with the law.
Immediately after their entry into service and inventory liquidators will end a balance sheet
stating the exact situation of the assets and liabilities of the Association.
c) the liquidators are obliged to receive and retain any other documents and records of the
Association. They also will keep a register of all liquidation activities in order of date.
d) Liquidators to fulfil its mandate under the control of the auditor.
e) the liquidators are obliged to operate in accordance with the provisions of the di a. G.
29/30.01.2000 on associations and foundations.

Article 31
In the case of dissolution and liquidation, the remaining assets will be assigned to a charitable
organization that will be established at a general meeting convened for this purpose. These goods
cannot be transmitted by individuals.

Final provisions

Article 32
The Association has its own stamp and header logo. The shape, the dimensions shall be
determined by the Governing Board in accordance with the legal provisions and appropriate
methodology. The stamp shall be kept at the Head Office of the Association in the possession of
his predecessor President or Secretary.

Article 33
Correspondence and records, emanating from society, will have a header that contains the name
of the Association, headquarters, bank account number, and logo.

Article 34
According to the possibilities and needs of specific activities, the Association will be able to
have the operative staff employee or service provider with civil contracts, under the conditions
and limits to be set by the Governing Board and in compliance with the legislation in force.

Article 35
According to financial resources and needs, the Association will be able to acquire and use, in
accordance with the law, movable and immovable property necessary for attaining the purpose
and object of activity.

Article 36
In the report of the Association needs might hire charges of collaboration with third-party
companies or individuals, in the country or abroad or specialized institutions, for carrying out
specific operations or activities, for which it does not have the personnel or logistics.

Article 36
The provisions of this Statute shall be completed with the laws governing the establishment and
organization of asociaşiilor.

Article 38
The registration fee shall be filed together with the application for the membership of the
Association. Procedure, the amount and terms of the annual membership fees collection shall be
determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 39
In the case of dissolution of the Association, the general meeting shall decide by majority vote
the liquidation of assets.

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